brentwood benson mercy tree · (ladies) hope went dark that violent day. the whole earth quaked at...

& ? b b b b 4 3 4 3 . . ˙ ˙ Œ Œ j œ B b Ballad (q = 68) P ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œ . . ˙ ˙ ˙ . . ˙ ˙ œ œ . . ˙ ˙ B b œ . . ˙ ˙ œ œ œ ˙ B b sus B b œ . . ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ E b 2 E b & ? b b b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ b œ ˙ œ b Cm9 E b m G b . . . œ œ œ j œ œ . ˙ B b F œ . ˙ œ œ . ˙ F7 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ B b 2 P œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ Chord Chart © Copyright 2012 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Songs / Michael Neale Music (BMI) / Integrity Worship Music / TWONORDS Music (ASCAP) (Administered at All rights reserved. Used by permission. Mercy Tree Words and Music by MICHAEL NEALE and KRISSY NORDHOFF Arranged by Russell Mauldin BRENTWOOD BENSON READY TO SING – ONE DAY VERSE 1 Gm F B b Gm F B b On a hill called Calvary, there stands an endless mercy tree. Gm E b /G Gm Cm/E b F B b B b sus B b Ev’ry broken, weary soul, find your rest and be made whole. Gm E b B b Dm E b Stripes of blood that stain its frame shed to wash away our shame, B b B b sus B b Cm/E b F B b B b sus B b from the scars, pure love released, salvation by the mercy tree. VERSE 2 Gm E b B b Gm F B b In the sky, between two thieves hung the blameless Prince of Peace, Gm E b /G Gm Cm/E b F B b B b sus B b bruised and battered, scarred and scorned, Sacred Head pierced by our thorns. Key: B b major

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Page 1: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,



b b




Œ Œ ‰ jœ

BbBallad (q = 68)


œ œ..˙̇

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œ ..˙̇ œ œ

œ ˙

Bbsus Bb

œ ..˙̇ œ œ

œ œ ˙

Eb2 Eb




b bœœœ œ œ œœœb œ˙ œb

Cm9 EbmGb

...œœœjœ œ


œ .˙ œ œ


œœœ œ œœœ œ œœœ

˙ œ œ


Pœœœ œ œœœ


Chord Chart

© Copyright 2012 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Songs / Michael Neale Music (BMI) / Integrity Worship Music / TWONORDS Music (ASCAP) (Administered at All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Mercy Tree Words and Music byMICHAEL NEALE

and KRISSY NORDHOFFArranged by Russell Mauldin



VERSE 1 Gm F Bb Gm F BbOn a hill called Calvary, there stands an endless mercy tree. Gm Eb/G Gm Cm/Eb F Bb Bbsus BbEv’ry broken, weary soul, find your rest and be made whole.

Gm Eb Bb Dm EbStripes of blood that stain its frame shed to wash away our shame, Bb Bbsus Bb Cm/Eb F Bb Bbsus Bbfrom the scars, pure love released, salvation by the mercy tree.

VERSE 2 Gm Eb Bb Gm F BbIn the sky, between two thieves hung the blameless Prince of Peace, Gm Eb/G Gm Cm/Eb F Bb Bbsus Bbbruised and battered, scarred and scorned, Sacred Head pierced by our thorns.

Key: Bb major

Page 2: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Mercy Tree - page 2 of 3Chord Chart

Gm Eb Bb Dm Eb“It is finished” was His cry! The perfect Lamb was crucified. Bb Bbsus Bb Fsus Bb Bbsus BbThe sacrifice, our vic-to - ry; our Savior chose the mercy tree.

Bb Bbsus Bb

VERSE 3 Gm Eb/G Gm Eb/G Gm(Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm(Men) Three days silent in the ground, (All) this body born for heaven’s crown.

Ebmaj7 Bb2/D Bb/D(key change to C major)

G/B /

VERSE 4F/G C Csus C Em FOn that bright and glorious day, Heaven opened up the grave. C Csus C G C C / (stop)

He’s alive and risen indeed! O praise Him for the mercy tree!

CHORUS G Am F C/E F/C CDeath has died; love has won. Hal-le-lu - jah! Hal-le-lu - jah! G Am F G Am F Jesus Christ has overcome; He has risen from the dead. ___ C/E G G (stop)

He’s risen from the dead!

Page 3: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Mercy Tree - page 3 of 3Chord Chart

VERSE 5 C F/C C Am F COne day soon we’ll see His face, and ev’ry tear He’ll wipe away. C Csus/D C/E F Gsus C C / / (stop)

No more pain or suf-fer - ing; O praise Him for the mercy tree! ___

CHORUS G Am F C/E F/C CDeath has died; love has won. Hal-le-lu - jah! Hal-le-lu - jah! G Am F G C F Jesus Christ has overcome; He has risen from the dead. ___

C/E G/B Am FHe’s risen from the dead! He’s alive! ____ C/E Gsus G C C C (stop)

He’s risen from the dead! From the dead! _______ (molto rit.)

Page 4: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,



b b




Œ Œ ‰ jœ


Ballad (q = 68)



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œ ..˙̇ œ œ

œ ˙

Bbsus Bb(Gsus) (G)

œ ..˙̇ œ œ

œ œ ˙

Eb2 Eb(C2) (C)




b bœœœ œ œ œœœb œ˙ œb

Cm9 EbmGb

(Am9) (Cm/Eb)

...œœœjœ œ



œ .˙ œ œ



œœœ œ œœœ œ œœœ

˙ œ œ




œœœ œ œœœ


Chord Chart(alternate key)

© Copyright 2012 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Songs / Michael Neale Music (BMI) / Integrity Worship Music / TWONORDS Music (ASCAP) (Administered at All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Mercy Tree Words and Music byMICHAEL NEALE

and KRISSY NORDHOFFArranged by Russell Mauldin



VERSE 1 Em D G Em D GOn a hill called Calvary, there stands an endless mercy tree. Em C/E Em Am/C D G Gsus GEv’ry broken, weary soul, find your rest and be made whole.

Em C G Bm CStripes of blood that stain its frame shed to wash away our shame, G Gsus G Am/C D G Gsus Gfrom the scars, pure love released, salvation by the mercy tree.

VERSE 2 Em C G Em D GIn the sky, between two thieves hung the blameless Prince of Peace, Em C/E Em Am/C D G Gsus Gbruised and battered, scarred and scorned, Sacred Head pierced by our thorns.

Key: G major, Capo III (original key: Bb major)

Page 5: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Mercy Tree - page 2 of 3Chord Chart(alternate key)

Em C G Bm C“It is finished” was His cry! The perfect Lamb was crucified. G Gsus G Dsus G Gsus GThe sacrifice, our vic-to - ry; our Savior chose the mercy tree.

G Gsus G

VERSE 3 Em C/E Em C/E Em(Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Em Bm/D Cmaj7 Dsus Em(Men) Three days silent in the ground, (All) this body born for heaven’s crown.

Cmaj7 G2/B G/B

(key change to A major)

E/G# /

VERSE 4D/E A Asus A C#m DOn that bright and glorious day, Heaven opened up the grave. A Asus A E A A / (stop)

He’s alive and risen indeed! O praise Him for the mercy tree!

CHORUS E F#m D A/C# D/A ADeath has died; love has won. Hal-le-lu - jah! Hal-le-lu - jah! E F#m D E F#m D Jesus Christ has overcome; He has risen from the dead. ___ A/C# E E (stop)

He’s risen from the dead!

Page 6: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Mercy Tree - page 3 of 3Chord Chart(alternate key)

VERSE 5 A D/A A F#m D AOne day soon we’ll see His face, and ev’ry tear He’ll wipe away. A Asus/B A/C# D Esus A A / / (stop)

No more pain or suf-fer - ing; O praise Him for the mercy tree! ___

CHORUS E F#m D A/C# D/A ADeath has died; love has won. Hal-le-lu - jah! Hal-le-lu - jah! E F#m D E A D Jesus Christ has overcome; He has risen from the dead. ___

A/C# E/G# F#m DHe’s risen from the dead! He’s alive! ____ A/C# Esus E A A A (stop)

He’s risen from the dead! From the dead! _______ (molto rit.)

Page 7: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,






œ jœ œœjœœ




In celebration! (q. = 66)

Fœœœ œœœ œœœ ...œœœ..œœ

‰ œ œ


œœœjœ œœœ œœœ œœœ




G...œœœ œ œ œ


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5 œœ Jœœ œœœ Jœ



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..œœ œœ. œœ œ


GC œœœ œ œ œ œœœœb œ œ

..œœ ..œœb

Am7 Bb2œœœ J

œœœ ...œœœ‰ œœ œœ œœ Jœ




9 œœœ Jœœœœœœœœ Jœœœœ

œ Jœ œ Jœ


EFA œœœœ

jœœœœjœœœœ œœœ

œ jœ œœjœœ

Dm7 C CG G

œœœ œ œ œ œœœ œ œ



œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ Jœœœ̆ ‰ ‰

œœ œœ œœ œœ œœjœœfl‰ ‰

Gsus G

Chord Chart

© Copyright 2012 Getty Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Alletrop Music (BMI) (admin. by Music Services). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen IndeedWords and Music by


Arranged by Russell Mauldin

with Alleluia! Alleluia!

JOHN: (Music starts) Today we celebrate both Calvary’s Lamb sacrificed for our sins and the risen Savior who defeated death. We give thanks for the great mercy that sent Him to a rugged tree in our place and the great power that raised Him from the dead.



VERSE 1 (Choir) C C2 C F/C C C G/CHow can it be the One who died has borne our sin through sac-ri-fice, F/C G/C F/C C Dm7 C/E Gsus C C/E F C/G G Cto conquer ev’ry sting of death? Sing, sing “Hal-le-lu - jah!” _______

Key: C major

Page 8: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed - page 2 of 4Chord Chart

VERSE 2 C C2 C F C/E C/G G(Ladies) For joy awakes as dawning light when Christ’s disciples lift their eyes. F2 Cmaj7/E Gsus Am (Men) Alive He stands, their Friend and King: Dm7 C/E F G C C (5 hits)

(All) Christ, Christ, He is ris - en. __

CHORUSG C/G G F F/C CChrist is risen! He is risen indeed! Oh, sing “Hal-le-lu - jah!”G Am F Join the chorus, sing with the redeemed: Dm7 C/E F G C C G/C F/C F/C G/C“Christ is risen! He is ris-en indeed! ______

VERSE 3 C C2 C F C/E C/G GWhere doubt and darkness once had been, they saw Him and their hearts believed. F2 Cmaj7/E Gsus Am But blessed are those who have not seen, Dm7 C/E F G C C/E F C/G G Cyet sing “Hal-le-lu - jah!” ________

VERSE 4 C F/A G/B C F C/E C/G G(Ladies) Once bound by fear, now bold in faith, they preached the truth and pow’r of grace, F2 Cmaj7/E Gsus Am (Men) and pouring out their lives, they gained Dm7 C/E F G C C (5 hits)

(All) life, life ev-er-last - ing! __

CHORUSG C/G G F F/C CChrist is risen! He is risen indeed! Oh, sing “Hal-le-lu - jah!”G Am F Join the chorus, sing with the redeemed: Dm7 C/E F G C C G/C F/C G/C“Christ is risen! He is ris-en indeed! _______

Page 9: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed - page 3 of 4Chord Chart

VERSE 5 C C2 C F/C C C G/CThe pow’r that raised Him from the grave now works in us to pow’rf’lly save, F2 Cmaj7/E Gsus Am Dm11 C/E F G C C /He frees our hearts to live His grace. Go, tell of His good - ness! _____

(key change to G major)


ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! (Christopher Wordsworth, Ludwig van Beethoven)G D Em G/D DAlleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heav’n and voices raise. G G/F C/E Cm/Eb G/D Am/D GSing to God a hymn of gladness, sing to God a hymn of praise. D G/D D G/D D B7/D# Em A/C# DHe who on the cross as Savior for the world’s sal-va - tion bled, G G/F C/E Cm/Eb G/D Am/D D GJesus Christ, the King of Glory, now is risen from the dead.

(key change to C major)

Fmaj7/G G/F C C G/B Am7

CHORUSG C/G G F F/C CChrist is risen! He is risen indeed! Oh, sing “Hal-le-lu - jah!”G Am F Join the chorus, sing with the redeemed: Dm7 C/E F G C G/B Am7“Christ is risen! He is ris-en indeed!

G C/G G F F/C C G/B Am7Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Oh, sing “Hal-le-lu - jah!”G Am F Join the chorus, sing with the redeemed: Dm7 C/E F G C C/E F Gsus“Christ is risen! He is ris-en indeed! ______

Page 10: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,



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Jœœœœ>‰ ‰ Œ .

jœœ>‰ ‰ Œ .

Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed - page 4 of 4Chord Chart

ENDING C/E F2 (Ladies) He’s alive! He’s alive! (Men) He’s alive! ________ He’s alive! ________ C/G Fmaj7(All) Heaven’s gates are opened wide. C/E F2 (Ladies) He’s alive! He’s alive! (Men) He’s alive! ________ He’s alive! ________ C/G Fmaj7/A(All) Now in heaven glorified.

C/E F2 (Ladies) He’s alive! He’s alive! (Men) He’s alive! ________ He’s alive! ________ C/G Fmaj7(All) Heaven’s gates are opened wide. C/E F2 (Ladies) He’s alive! He’s alive! (Men) He’s alive! ________ He’s alive! ________ C/G Fmaj7/A F2 (5 hits)

(All) Now in heaven glorified. _____

Dm7 C/E F G C Christ is risen! He is ris-en indeed!Dm7 C/E F G Am Christ is risen! He is ris-en indeed!Dm7 C/E Gsus G Christ is risen! He is ris-en in -

deed! ____________________________________________________

Page 11: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,




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Broadly, with expectancy (q = 70)

...œœœ Jœ œœœ œ

œ œ ˙̇

Em BmD

˙̇̇ œœœ œ œ œ œ

œ .˙


...œœœ Jœ œœœ œ

œ œ ˙̇

Em BmD ˙̇̇̇

˙̇˙˙œ .˙


Chord Chart

© Copyright 2014 Christian Taylor Music, a division of Daywind Music (BMI) / Winding Way, a division of Daywind Music (ASCAP) (Administered by ClearBox Rights) / Farren Love and War Publishing (SESAC) /

Wordspring Music LLC (SESAC) (Administered at W. B. M. Music Corp). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Say AmenWords and Music by


Arranged by Russell Mauldin

PETER: In the days after the Lord’s resurrection, we couldn’t get enough of hearing the stories His followers shared. John and I would tell how we had raced to the tomb and found it empty. And then Thomas would tell about falling at the Master’s feet and declaring, “My Lord and my God.” (Music starts) With each testimony that was given, our murmurs would grow into great shouts of joy because we had all experienced His goodness and love.



VERSE 1 (Solo)G G2 G C/G GWe’re all on a jour - ney, and we’re called _ to walk by faith. G/B Cmaj7There’ll always be the mountains and val - leys in our way. Em Bm/D C G/BBut right here in this mo - ment, may our strength be renewed, Am7 Dsus Das we recall what God has done and how we’ve seen Him move.

CHORUS Cmaj7(Solo) If there’s anybody here who’s found Him faithful, (Choir) anybody here, ______________ Am7 G C/G G(Solo) anybody here who knows He’s able, __________ say, “A-men!” (Choir) anybody here, _____________ say, “Amen!” ___ Cmaj7(Solo) If there’s anybody here who’s seen His power, (Choir) If there’s anybody here, ___________ Am7 G C/G G(Solo) anybody here brought through the fire, __________ say, “A-men!” (Choir) anybody here, _______________ say, “Amen!” ___

Key: G major

Page 12: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Say Amen - page 2 of 3Chord Chart

Am7 G/B(Solo) Anybody here found joy in the midst of sorrow, (Choir) Anybody here found joy in the midst of sorrow, Cmaj7 G/B(Solo) peace in the storm, hope for tomorrow, (Choir) peace in the storm? Am7 G/B Cmaj7(Solo) and you’ve seen it time and time again? Just say,(Choir) Ah ____________________________________ Em Bm/D Cmaj7 Em Bm/D Cmaj7(Solo) “A-men!” ____________(Choir) “A-men!” ____________ “A-men!” ____________

VERSE 2 (Solo)G G2 G C GSometimes through the dark - ness, it gets hard to see. G/B Cmaj7But be bold and courageous and fol - low where He leads. Em Bm/D C G/BGreater is the One who’s in us than he who’s in the world. Am7 Dsus DSo, child of God, remember the bat - tle is the Lord’s.

CHORUS Cmaj7(Solo) If there’s anybody here who’s found Him faithful, (Choir) anybody here, ______________ Am7 G C/G G(Solo) anybody here who knows He’s able, __________ say, “A-men!” (Choir) anybody here, _____________ say, “Amen!” ___ Cmaj7(Solo) If there’s anybody here who’s seen His power, (Choir) If there’s anybody here, ____________ Am7 G C/G G(Solo) anybody here brought through the fire, __________ say, “A-men!” (Choir) anybody here, _______________ say, “Amen!” ___ Am7 G/B(Solo) Anybody here found joy in the midst of sorrow, (Choir) Anybody here found joy in the midst of sorrow, Cmaj7 G/B(Solo) peace in the storm, hope for tomorrow, (Choir) peace in the storm?

Page 13: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Say Amen - page 3 of 3Chord Chart

Am7 G/B Cmaj7(Solo) and you’ve seen it time and time again? Just say,(Choir) Ah ____________________________________ Em Bm/D Cmaj7 G/B(Solo) “A-men!” ___ Just stand _ and testify ___(Choir) “A-men!” ____________ Am7 G/C Dsus D Db2/Eb(Solo) of the greatness of God in our lives. __(Choir) Greatness of God in our lives. __

(key change to Ab major)

CHORUS Dbmaj7 (stop) Fm7(Solo) If there’s anybody here who’s found Him faithful, (Choir) anybody here, ______________ Bbm9 (stop) Bbm7 Ab Db/Ab Ab(Solo) anybody here who knows He’s able, ____________ say, “A-men!” (Choir) anybody here, _____________ say, “Amen!” ___ Dbmaj7(Solo) If there’s anybody here who’s seen His power, (Choir) If there’s anybody here, ____________ Bbm7 Ab Db/Ab Ab(Solo) anybody here brought through the fire, __________ say, “A-men!” (Choir) anybody here, _______________ say, “Amen!” ___ Bbm9 Ab/C(Solo) Anybody here found joy in the midst of sorrow, (Choir) Anybody here found joy in the midst of sorrow, Dbmaj7 Ab/C(Solo) peace in the storm, hope for tomorrow, (Choir) peace in the storm? Bbm7 Ab/C Dbmaj7(Solo) and you’ve seen it time and time again? Just say,(Choir) Ah ____________________________________ Fm Cm/Eb Dbmaj7 (Solo) “A-men!” ____________ Just say,(Choir) “A-men!” ________________ Fm Cm/Eb Dbmaj7 Ebsus Ab Ab / / (stop)

(Solo) “A-men!” ____________ Just say, “A-men!” ________(Choir) “A-men!” ________________ “A-men!” ________ (rit.)

Page 14: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,





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Dm C

Light Ballad feel (q = 86)

Fœœ œ œœ œœœ œœœ.œ jœ .œ

CE Fsus F

œœœ ..œœ œ œœ œ œœ.œ Jœ .œ jœ

Dm C

...œœœ œ œœœ œœœ ˙̇̇

.œ jœ ˙

Bb F

Chord Chart

© Copyright 2017 Capitol CMG Amplifier (SESAC) / Only in You Publishing (SESAC) (admin. by / Alletrop Music (BMI) / McTyeire Music (BMI) (admin. by Music Services). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

The AnswerWords and Music by


Arranged by Russell Mauldin

with The Solid Rock

MARTHA: If anyone had good reason to believe Jesus was mightier than death itself, it was my sister and brother and I. Lazarus had been buried four days when Jesus arrived. My grief was overwhelming and my disappointment in the Master for not coming sooner was deep. But I will always remember the words He said just before He called my brother from the grave: “I am the resurrection and the life.” (Music starts) I can tell you for certain, Jesus is our resurrection. He is our hope. He is our answer to every problem.



VERSE 1 (Choir)Dm C C/E Fsus F So many questions, the world is reach-ing.Dm C Bb F So many hurting, so many lost.Dm C C/E Fsus F With all this striving who can we lean on?Dm C Bb F Creation’s crying out from the dark.

CHORUSF Bb F I know the answer to ev-’ry question,Bb F Dm C the one solution to ev-’ry fear.F Bb F I know my help and where it comes from:Bb F/A C/G F Dm C Bb FJe - sus, He is the an - swer.

Key: F major

Page 15: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

The Answer - page 2 of 3Chord Chart

VERSE 2Dm C C/E Fsus F He sees our sadness; He feels our sor - row.Dm C Bb F And in our weakness, He is strong.Dm C C/E Fsus F He holds the weight of all of our fail - ings.Dm C Bb F Great is our sin but greater the cross.

CHORUSF Bb F I know the answer to ev-’ry question,Bb F Dm C the one solution to ev-’ry fear.F Bb F I know my help and where it comes from:Bb F/A C/G F Je - sus, He is the an - swer.

BRIDGE Bb2 C(Ladies) For ev’ry heart that’s breaking, (Men) for ev’ry soul that’s shaking, Dm7 Bb2/D F/A(All) for ev’ry sickness there’s healing in Your hands. Bb2 C(Ladies) Let ev’ry heart awaken (Men) to see it’s You who saves us. Dm7 C/E C/E(All) You are my hope and the Rock on which I stand. _______

THE SOLID ROCK (Edward Mote, William B. Bradbury) F C/G F/A Bb Gm7On Christ, the sol - id Rock, I stand. Am7 Dm7 F/C C C/BbAll other ground is sinking sand. F/A Bb Gm9 Csus C FAll oth-er ground is sink - ing sand.

Page 16: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

The Answer - page 3 of 3Chord Chart

CHORUSF Bb F You are the answer to ev-’ry question,Bb F Dm C the one solution to ev-’ry fear.F Bb F You are my help and where it comes from:Bb F/A C/G F Je - sus, He is the an - swer.

Bb F/A C/G F Je - sus, He is the an - swer. Bb FYou are the an - swer! Bb FLord, You’re the an - swer!

Bb F/A C/G F (hold 5 beats) Je - sus, You are the an - swer. (rit.)

Page 17: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,


bbb b

b b b b



1 .‰̇ œ œ œ œ œ œœ..˙̇ œœ

Fm F42


Somberly (q = 78)

w‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œww

Gm7(b5)F .‰̇ œ œ œ œ œ œœ

..˙̇ œœ

Dbmaj7 Gm7(b5)Db

œ̇ œ œ œ ‰̇ œ œ œ˙̇ ˙



&?bbb b

b b b b

5 wwww


˙̇̇ œ œ

.œ Jœ ˙

Ab Ab2Joyfully! (q = 128)


.œ Jœ ˙


œœœ œ .œ Jœ

.œ Jœ ˙

EbAb œ œ .˙ww

.œ Jœœ œ


&?bb b b

b b b b


˙̇̇ œ œ

œ œ œ œ

Ab Ab2


œ œ œ œ


œœœ œ .œ Jœ

œ œ œ œ


œ œ .˙wwœ œ œ œ œ œ


Chord Chart

© Copyright 2018 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Songs (BMI) / Songs from Bobb Avenue (BMI) (admin. by / Christian Taylor Music, a division of Daywind Music (BMI) /

Fairly Hopeful Music (BMI) (admin. by ClearBox Rights). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Up from the GraveWords and Music by


Arranged by Russell Mauldin

with Christ Arose

MARY MAGDALENE: (Music starts) I loved Jesus the way only one who has been rescued from torment and death could love. At the cross, I grieved for Him because He was my Lord and Master, and because He was completely guiltless. In the garden that morning, my sorrow overflowed when we discovered His body gone. But in one moment, agony turned to victory and heartbreak to joy.



VERSE 1 (Choir)Ab2 Ab42 Ab2Low in the grave He lay– Jesus, my Savior!Db Ab/C Bb7 EbWaiting the coming day– Jesus, my Lord!Eb FmJust when it seemed like all hope was lost,Db Ebout of the grief and pain of the cross–

Key: Ab major

Page 18: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Up from the Grave - page 2 of 3Chord Chart

CHORUSAb Db Ab Eb Up from the grave He a-rose; He triumphed over His foes.Ab DbLove was victorious, Jesus all glorious.Ab/Eb Eb FmUp from the grave He a-rose!Dbmaj7 Eb Ab / / Ab2 Absus / / / Eb/Ab / / / Db/Ab / / /Up from the grave He a-rose!

VERSE 2Ab2 Ab42 Ab2Death could not keep its prey– Jesus my Savior!Db Ab/C Bb7 EbHe tore the bars away– Jesus my Lord!Eb FmOh, hallelujah, morning has come.Db EbHell is defeated! Heaven has won!

CHORUSAb Db Ab Eb Up from the grave He a-rose; He triumphed over His foes.Ab DbLove was victorious, Jesus all glorious.Ab/Eb Eb FmUp from the grave He a-rose!Dbmaj7 Eb Ab / / Ab/Gb Fsus FUp from the grave He a-rose! (key change to Bb major)

CHRIST AROSE (Robert Lowry)Bb (stop) Bbunis. Bb Bb/D Eb Bb Up from the grave He arose, ____ with a might - y triumph o’er His foes. F7 Gm Eb Bb(Men) He a-rose a Victor from the dark do - main, Eb C7/E F Eb/G F/A F/Eb(Ladies) and He lives for-ev-er with His saints to reign. ______ Bb Eb Ebm6/Gb Bb/F F Bb Bb(All) He a-rose! He a-rose! Hal-le-lu - jah, Christ a-rose! ___

Page 19: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Up from the Grave - page 3 of 3Chord Chart

CHORUSBb (stop) Eb (stop) Bb (stop) F Up from the grave He a-rose; He triumphed over His foes.Bb EbLove was victorious, Jesus all glorious.Bb/F F BbUp from the grave He a-rose!

Bb Eb Bb F Up from the grave He a-rose; He triumphed over His foes.Bb EbLove was victorious, Jesus all glorious.Bb/F F GmUp from the grave He a-rose!

Ebmaj7 F BbUp from the grave He a-rose!

Bb F Gm Up from the grave He a-rose!

Ebmaj7 F Ab2 EbUp from the grave He a-rose! _____ Bb Bb Ab2 EbHe a - rose! _______ Christ a - rose! _____

Bb Bb / / (stop)

He a-rose! ________(rit.)

Page 20: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,


bbb b

b b b b



1 .‰̇ œ œ œ œ œ œœ..˙̇ œœ

Fm F42


Somberly (q = 78)

(Em) (E42)

w‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œww



.‰̇ œ œ œ œ œ œœ

..˙̇ œœ

Dbmaj7 Bbm6Db

(Cmaj7) (Am6/C)

œ̇ œ œ œ ‰̇ œ œ œ˙̇ ˙




&?bbb b

b b b b

5 wwww


˙̇̇ œ œ

.œ Jœ ˙

Ab Ab2

Joyfully! (q = 128)


(G) (G2)


.œ Jœ ˙


œœœ œ .œ Jœ

.œ Jœ ˙



œ œ .˙ww

.œ Jœœ œ



&?bbb b

b b b b


˙̇̇ œ œ

œ œ œ œ

Ab Ab2


(G) (G2)


œ œ œ œ


œœœ œ .œ Jœ

œ œ œ œ



œ œ .˙wwœ œ œ œ œ œ



Chord Chart(alternate key)

© Copyright 2018 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Songs (BMI) / Songs from Bobb Avenue (BMI) (admin. by / Christian Taylor Music, a division of Daywind Music (BMI) /

Fairly Hopeful Music (BMI) (admin. by ClearBox Rights). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Up from the GraveWords and Music by


Arranged by Russell Mauldin

with Christ Arose

MARY MAGDALENE: (Music starts) I loved Jesus the way only one who has been rescued from torment and death could love. At the cross, I grieved for Him because He was my Lord and Master, and because He was completely guiltless. In the garden that morning, my sorrow overflowed when we discovered His body gone. But in one moment, agony turned to victory and heartbreak to joy.



VERSE 1 (Choir)G2 G42 G2Low in the grave He lay– Jesus, my Savior!C G/B A7 DWaiting the coming day– Jesus, my Lord!D EmJust when it seemed like all hope was lost,C Dout of the grief and pain of the cross–

Key: G major, Capo I (original key: Ab major)

Page 21: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Up from the Grave - page 2 of 3Chord Chart(alternate key)

CHORUSG C G D Up from the grave He a-rose; He triumphed over His foes.G CLove was victorious, Jesus all glorious.G/D D EmUp from the grave He a-rose!Cmaj7 D G / / G2 Gsus / / / D/G / / / C/G / / /Up from the grave He a-rose!

VERSE 2G2 G42 G2Death could not keep its prey– Jesus my Savior!C G/B A7 DHe tore the bars away– Jesus my Lord!D EmOh, hallelujah, morning has come.C DHell is defeated! Heaven has won!

CHORUSG C G D Up from the grave He a-rose; He triumphed over His foes.G CLove was victorious, Jesus all glorious.G/D D EmUp from the grave He a-rose!Cmaj7 D G / / G/F Esus EUp from the grave He a-rose! (key change to A major)

CHRIST AROSE (Robert Lowry)A (stop) Aunis. A A/C# D A Up from the grave He arose, ____ with a might - y triumph o’er His foes. E7 F#m D A(Men) He a-rose a Victor from the dark do - main, D B7/D# E D/F# E/G# E/D(Ladies) and He lives for-ev-er with His saints to reign. ______ A D Dm6/F A/E E A A(All) He a-rose! He a-rose! Hal-le-lu - jah, Christ a-rose! ___

Page 22: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Up from the Grave - page 3 of 3Chord Chart(alternate key)

CHORUSA (stop) D (stop) A (stop) E Up from the grave He a-rose; He triumphed over His foes.A DLove was victorious, Jesus all glorious.A/E E AUp from the grave He a-rose!

A D A E Up from the grave He a-rose; He triumphed over His foes.A DLove was victorious, Jesus all glorious.A/E E F#mUp from the grave He a-rose!

Dmaj7 E AUp from the grave He a-rose!

A E F#m Up from the grave He a-rose!

Dmaj7 E G2 DUp from the grave He a-rose! _____ A A G2 DHe a - rose! _______ Christ a - rose! _____

A A / / (stop)

He a-rose! ________(rit.)

Page 23: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,


bbb b b

b b b b b



œ œ


Reverently (q = 85)

P..œœ J

œœ œœ

œ œ ˙

DbAb œœ œœ œœ

œ œ˙

Ab7...œœœ jœ œ œ

œ œ ˙




Chord Chart

Arr. © Copyright 2018 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing (ASCAP) (admin. by All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Invitation MedleyWords and Music by

HELEN H. LEMMELArranged by Russell Mauldin

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus / I Surrender All

PAUL: Jesus said what we must do to be His disciples. His message came down to two words: “Follow me.” We follow by obeying Him, by seeking His will, by doing it, and by praying for His Kingdom to come. Here are the words He gave me for those who want this life: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. (Music starts) This is your opportunity to follow Him today.



TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS (Helen H. Lemmel)VERSE 1 Db Dbdim Db D°7 Ebm9 Ab9(Ladies) O soul, are you weary and trou - bled? Ebm7 Gbmaj7/Ab Ab7 Db2 Db Db2 DbNo light in the dark - ness you see? _________ Db C7 Cb7(b5) Ab2/Bb Bb7 Db/Eb Eb7(Men) There’s light for a look at the Sav - ior Db/Eb Bbm9 Eb7 Gb2/Ab Ab7(All) and life more abundant and free! ______

CHORUSDb Ab A°7 Bbm2 Bbm Db7sus/Ab Turn your eyes up - on Je - sus. Db7 Gb Gb Bbm/G Absus Ab7Look full in His won-der - ful face, _____ Abm7 Db7 Gb2 Gb Ebm7and the things of earth will grow strange - ly dim Db/Ab Ab9 Dbsus Db Db/Ab Ab7in the light of His glory and grace. ___

Key: Db major

Page 24: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Invitation Medley - page 2 of 3Chord Chart

(key change to D major)

Amaj7 G/A

VERSE 2 D Ddim D D#°7 Em9 A9(Ladies) His Word shall not fail you, He prom - ised. Em7 Gmaj7/A A7 D2 D D2 DBelieve Him, and all will be well. ______ D C#7 C7(b5) A2/B B7 D/E E7(Men) Then go to a world that is dy - ing, D/E Bm9 E7 G2/A A7(All) His perfect sal-va-tion to tell! ____

CHORUSD A A#°7 Bm2 Bm D7sus/A Turn your eyes up - on Je - sus. D7 G G Bm/G# Asus A7Look full in His won-der - ful face, ____ Am7 D7 G2 G Em7and the things of earth will grow strange - ly dim D/A A9 Dsus D in the light of His glory and grace. ___

Am7 D7 G2 G Em7and the things of earth will grow strange - ly dim D/A A9 A#°7 Bm2 Bm Bm/A Bm/G# in the light of His glory and grace. _______________

D/A A9 F#m/A A7 D D D D (diamond) in the light of His glo - ry and grace. __________

(change to 4/4 time)

Page 25: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

Invitation Medley - page 3 of 3Chord Chart

Warmly (q = 80)

I SURRENDER ALL (Judson Van DeVenter, Winfield S. Weeden)VERSED G/D D A D/A A G Em7 A DAll to Je - sus I sur-ren-der, all to Him I freely give. D G/D D A D/A A G Em7 A7 DI will ev - er love and trust Him. In His presence daily live.

CHORUSD G/D D Em A G/A F#m/A Em/A DI sur - ren - der all, I sur - ren - der all.D Em7 D/F# A/G G D/A G/A F#m/A Em/A DAll to Thee, my blessed Sav - ior, I sur - ren - der all.

D Em7 D/F# A/G G D/A G/A F#m/A Em/A G2All to Thee, my blessed Sav - ior, I sur - ren - der all.

Em7 D2 D2 (hold)

I sur-ren-der all. ____ (rit.)

Page 26: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,



1 Œ œ œ œ œ œ˙̇ ˙

œ œ œ ˙̇

C Dm7(4)

In worship (q = 78)

P˙ œ œwwww

C2E Œ œ œ œ œ œ˙ ˙

˙̇ ˙̇

Dm7 CE

œœœœ œ œ œ œ œ.œ Jœ ˙

Gsus G



˙̇̇ .œ̇̇ jœ

œ œœ˙


˙̇̇ œœœ œœœ˙ œ œ

Am Dm7 CF

œœœ œ œ ˙

œ œ .˙


œœ œ œ ˙

œ œ .˙


Chord Chart

© Copyright 2017 Thankyou Music (PRS) (admin. worldwide at excluding the UK which is administered by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family.) ([email protected]) / Songs (ASCAP) / Sixsteps Music (ASCAP) / Said and Done Music (ASCAP) (admin. by / 47 Waterway (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

One Day (When We All Get to Heaven)Words and Music by


Arranged by Russell Mauldin

with Alleluia! Alleluia!

JOHN: In the years following His ascension, I, John, lived long enough to watch as His apostles were martyred one by one for their faith in Jesus. Some were stoned. Some beheaded. Some crucified. I endured banishment and imprisonment and torture. (Music starts) Yet, I rejoiced to be counted worthy to be persecuted for His sake because I believed His promise. One day we would see Him. One day He would welcome us into His presence. One day, heaven would be real.



Key: F major

VERSE 1 (Solo - opt. Ladies)C Dm7(4) C/EOne day You’ll make ev’rything new, __ Je - sus.Dm7 C/F GsusOne day You will bind _ ev’ry wound. ____ F G Am Dm7 C/E Gsus GThe former things shall all pass away. __ No more tears. __

C Dm7(4) Am G/A Am(Solo - opt. Choir) One day You’ll make sense of it all, __ Je - sus.Dm7 C/F Gsus GOne day ev’ry ques - tion resolved, ____F G Am Dm7 C/E Gsus Gev’ry anxious thought left behind, __ no more fear. ______

Page 27: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,

One Day (When We All Get to Heaven) - page 2 of 3Chord Chart

WHEN WE ALL GET TO HEAVEN (Eliza E. Hewitt, Emily D. Wilson)CHORUS (Choir) C C G/B Am D7 GWhen we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! F/G C C9/E F Dm7 C/G G7sus C F2/A C/G F2When we all __ see Je - sus, we’ll sing and shout the victory. _____

VERSE 2 C Dm7(4) C/EOne day we will see __ face to face, ___ Je - sus. Dm7 C/F Gsus GIs there a greater vi - sion of grace? __ F G Am Dm7 C/E Gsus GAnd in a moment we shall be changed __ on that day. ___

C Dm7(4) Am G/A AmOne day we’ll be free, free indeed, __ Je - sus.Dm7 C/F Gsus GOne day all this strug - gle will cease. ____ F G Am Dm7 C/E Gsus GAnd we will see Your glory revealed ___ on that day. ______

CHORUS C C G/B Am D7 GWhen we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! F/G C C9/E F Dm7 C/G G7sus C F2/A C/G F2When we all __ see Je - sus, we’ll sing and shout the victory. _____

VERSE 3C Dm7(4) C/EOne day we will see __ face to face, ___ Je - sus. Dm7 C/F Gsus GIs there a greater vi - sion of grace? ____ F G Am And in a moment we shall be changed, F G Am yes, in a moment we shall be changed,F G Am Dm7 C/E Gsus G in a moment we shall be changed, __ on that day. _____ (accel.)

Page 28: BRENTWOOD BENSON Mercy Tree · (Ladies) Hope went dark that violent day. The whole earth quaked at Love’s display. Gm Dm/F Ebmaj7 Fsus Gm (Men) Three days silent in the ground,



110 œœœœ œœœœ œ- œ- œ- œœ- œ-

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œœœœ ˙̇̇ œœœœ> œœœœ> œœœœ> œœœœ>

..˙̇ œœ>œœ>œœ>œœ>

Jœœœœ>‰ Œ Ó

jœœ>‰ Œ Ó

One Day (When We All Get to Heaven) - page 3 of 3Chord Chart

Slightly faster (q = 84)

CHORUS C C G/B Am D7 GWhen we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! F/G C C9/E F Dm7 C/G G7sus Bb2/C Bb2/CWhen we all __ see Je - sus, we’ll sing and shout the victory. _____ (accel.)

(key change to F major)

F/C F/C Gm/C Gm/C Csus Csus/G CAlleluia! ______ Alleluia! _______ Al-le-lu - ia! _________

Brighter (q = 104)

ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! (Christopher Wordsworth, Ludwig van Beethoven)F F/C A7/C# Dm F/C CNow the iron bars are bro - ken. Christ from death to life is born, F Fsus/Eb F/Eb Bb/D Bbm/Db F/C Gm/C Fglorious life, and life immortal, on this res-ur - rec - tion morn.

C F/C C F/C C A7/C# Dm G/B Csus CChrist has triumphed, and we conquer by His mighty en - ter - prise. F Fsus/Eb F/Eb Bb/D Bbm/Db F/C Gm/C C F FWe with Him to life eternal by His res-ur - rec - tion rise. ___

F/C F/C Gm/C Gm/C Alleluia! ______ Alleluia! _______ Csus Csus/G C Bb/F / / C Bb/F We will see Him when we all get to heaven. _________ Al - le - (rit.) lu - ia! ____________________________________________