breathitt county news. (jackson, ky) 1906-04-20 [p ] ·...

The Breathitt News I Published Every Friday CASH SUBSCRIPTIONS SI A YEAR J7 WISE HAG KniTou fl YmsrstttsrspLocal Jus C Patrick of Stnnton ivi II in town Monday IX n Hurst lias boon rcappoii cd Postmaster nt Jackson Miss Margaret Basket was on the sick list lust Saturday An epidemic of measles is 1HC vailing among children of town Dny Bros Co hove built n nice sidewalk by the idor their stOlp building Martin T Kclloy wus ut dun ton on legal business the early purt or tin week Jiidgo Tuulbee who has been quite sick for several days hns about recovered resip J of his fathers residence IH M McQuinn brought down a wagon loud of produw this wool from his farm nt McQuinn The Lenten season ended Sun tiny Special musical service were given nt some of tho churclie 111 Stidlium who moved herd from Hoosovelt nlmut two year ago moved back to his old home last week The weather of Easter Sundu was a disappointment to tinny of the young o town as it checked the display of spriiiK hon nets jor Bccklmm hits appointv 0 W Fleenor n commissioner to represent Breathitt county nt till Louisville Homo Coming cole bnition M Kuhn returned last wt el front n trip in the country wher he had been buying produce fur I w skins etc from merchants at va rlous points II Hltibijon who is surveying ft the route for tho Campion way from Natural Bridge to Campion wns at home from Sat- urday till Monday 11 Mrss G W Fleenor sent us t- l the first of tho weak a nico lot of iutttico which she had raised in her garden tho first homegrown lot tuce we hive soon this year H S May IL I oo Stewart Judge W W linker Irvniu Stacy anti Robert Hates all of Hindmnn 7SffiGd through hero tho first of the week cnroiite to Indian Terri tory on a prospecting tour Jailer James Little has graded tho public square and lifts sowed tho court house jail yards with grass and has cleaned up things generally which olds cr much to the appearance of the place 4 Itl Fulkcrson who resigned his position with the Cnnncl City Fair nt Canncl City a short time left last week to visit his brother Clarence who has uposi tioirwith the L A Railroad at Itichmond Jordan Mooro and wife who sold out hero and moved to Ux ington n short time ago were vis ¬ king friends hero tho first of the week Mr Moore is taking a course of telegraphy in one of tho college there The baseball season in tho big leagues is now on in full sway 11 e hope the Jackson boys will get toiJth3r nil It tie a good tear this year and help us keep up with the rules of our great national game Tho State Hoard of Supervisors hasvraised the lands mid personal property of Brcnthitt county 15 for taxation for the year nPfointn himself to try to have tho raise taken oil- Capt John Pickard has rented tho Imperial Hotel and took pos- session ¬ last Wednesday Capt Pickard has had considerable ex porionco in tho hotel business and and has lived in Jackson long enough to know what suits tho people in this section Tho News job deportment has just received tho largest and finest stock of stationery wo have over had or that has ever been seen in any job oflico in tho mountains If you want letter heads envelopes or anything in the printing line give us n call Win Oiborn charged with the murder of Deputy Sheriff Walker Wilson committed in Ovvsloy county Inst November was arrest ¬ ed in Monifco county last Monday and was taken to Boonevillo Tues day The Governor hail offered x 4a reward of 400 for his arrest te The Campton Courier after n of about three months has been reorhrnnlzednnd is now under tho management of A II Stamper Senator Ben A 0 Oliver and B L Bailey The Drat number ammo to us this week Wo wish tho gentlemen much suc ¬ 3CCSi in their new enterprise v German and American Coffees sold at C Haddcns Try our ICE CHI AM SODA JACKSON Duuo Co C Haddcn lies just received n I nice lino of Candies I ShouldrBlnd aLost ntthut hisdwlIIn Painted which adds vary much to its appearance I Many ofour attorneys bane gurdeiing up as it wore David Y Combs of Hazard ofhis H M IIagin9 has moved lib store to the Lock Minnix store tillhOllso Jonssoiui hishotelier stand in tho Crawford building on Main street J It Blake lilts gone to trio ell ies to buy goods for I is store nt this place mud also for tho ono ut Lost Creek daughterMttrguerilo Brndshlldllring Go to Clarence Hiuldcns for Olneys Celebrated Canned Goods Williams Pickles 11111 Preserves and Diamond Iflc Coffee Joseph Ilngins who hns been very pneumonia fever at hIs home nt SJiepherdsville Ky IS very much III1JOel Try a glass of our Create Soda drawn from one of die best fount ains in the State JACKSON Duuu Co Lexingtonfins der and all saloons must hereafter rcmnjn closed from 1tto4 oclock at night Sam Wilson proprietor of the Manhattan Hestllu nt returned last wtok from Cincinnati whore he bought a soda fountain for his ilaco of business eurthqunkcdrstror1c of the city of Sun Francisco CRtI POOpllIllst Miss JpnmiPtttv Myden has re- turned to her house nt Elkntawn ilids Hydon has been attending chool at this plnco and made ninny varm friends during her stay Miss Florence M Strong re- merged to her home at Athol Sat irday after a very pleasant week silent with friends and relatives at Dundee and Ilcattyville The Fiscal Court will receive this on May 10 for tho repairing of the jail The work will con- sist mostly of plumbing nndII rcneral cleaning up of the cells tc where the prisoners fire kept Tho coal strike is still unsettled Ithough many of tho operators are granting the requests of tho minors We hope an amicable settlement will soon be brought bout and that a repetition of the rouble n few years ago will be verted Squire LP Back was appoint cd by the Fiscal Court last week to put in such supports as might he necessary to keep tho Hunting Jrcok bridge from washing out The foundation for tho bridge was nit on sand which wo are told by ligh authority is not a good tiring to build upon rho Fiscal Court at its session lust week made settlement with ho Treasurer and trnnsncted var ¬ ious other business of importance to Iho county but as Ed Callahan ormcr Sheriff did not appear to ettlo his accounts with tho county for tho year 1105 tho Court ad ourned till May 10th for that ii 111 Peso C H Thompson and family who moved a short time ago to oinerset have returned which is mother illustration of our theory lint those who have once breathed eu pure mountain air and drank rom our limpid springs are never atisfied to live anywhere else Almost nil of them sooner or later como back Gov Folk of Missouri has do crmined to prosecute the lenders md mcmbors of tho mob which Inched tho three negroes at Springliold Mo last Saturday tight No good cxnlaiiation hits beon iven for the act it is rcnorally believed that tho men lynched were not the perpetrators if the crimes of which they were iccused loll SALE Sixtytwd and ono lalf acres of land being tho s w I of tho n o t of Tract No 5jot tho James toynolds Land Grant situated in the counties of Wolfe and Breath itt An offer wanted for this load l Edward Harris Co 032 Market St San Francisco Cal 2027 M r ITJIK FUTUKK OF JACUS Dr W G Itailoy Writes of n- lust itnthou i Bath Needed Mutt silUao Kv Apr HiOG HiiKATiiiTT COUNTY Nuws Jackson Ky My Dear EditorFivo year ago today I loft IlIc1< son nnd among tho many changes and now enterprises that have taken pine in Jackson since I left 1 know uC none that has done more good tv ward the upbuilding of Jaclred and Hreathilt county than TIm BUBATHITT loU TY NKWS Man of my old friends hive gone to their reward since that time who were friends indeed not only in Hreathitt county but in tho corm ties adjoining more especially my old homo county Owsley wher God in his infinite wisdom gaud mujight 0111 numerous correspondent keep me pretty well posted about tho people generally in that par of Eastern Kentucky of whom I- nn as proud today and hold in a high esteem as any people all earth It often amuses mo true I read in some of tho metropolitnn dailies of sumo tragedy or some miraculous escape of some capi- talist or prospector with their them lives in scale of your inoun lain counties by souse writer who knows no more of tho conditions in Eastern Kentucky than he doesI of the conditions that actually ist in the wilds of Africa On my last visit to Jackson I could have seen with half an eye the prosperity going on in the building lino and with your schools and churches I predict that in tho near future Jackson will bo the Athens of the mountains Now with the extension of the L K railroad if tho citizens uf Jackson would build a it would ho to your town and the surrounding country what the hospitals in Lexington lire to that city and tho adjoining counties Start the enterprise you will have as line physicians and sur ¬ eons as any hospital has and it will increase till population and bring othur onterprises and com lined with your schools churches urid railroads would teach ChriE ianity morality etc end put feuds and politics in tho back ¬ ground With kindest regards to you and my old friends I beg to re ¬ main sincerely yours W G DAIMSV M D THE DEATH ROLL J Joe Barnett son of Jane Unr ictt died at his homo on Miller Brunch lust Monday of fever Tallon Combs an old andro spooled citizen who lived for nnny years on Turkoy creek died lit tho homo of his son Syni tombs in Leo county last Monday Iris remains woe taken to the iimily burying ground near Bogor nllalmns Mrs Merino Roberts wife of > rv A J Roberts died at her ionic nt Catoosa 1 T of heart rouble on April 2nd and was c criedat Springtown I T on tho 4th She was the daughter of ohn Fugato > rots it who died cvoral years ago on Troublesome reek tier last request was that icr funeral should bo conducted ut her fathers grave on tho 2nd Saturday mind Sunday in Juno by lovs J II Judson John Henry tombs and B H Lnndrum This cqucst will be complied with and everybody is invited John H Millions while superin ending the cutting of timber for U Cramer Co an Indiana firm 11 Arkansas was killed by a limbI ailing on him Iris remains CIOI bought hero and buried Tuesday in the Little Grave Yard just bo low town by the Mesons and Odd chows of tho Jackson and loonovillo lodges lie formerly ivied in this county where ho wi s engaged in tho lumber business or several years and then went to wsloy county and from there to I Arkansas Among those from toonovillo and Otvsloy county whoI itendcd his burialwere tho lowhwI logg W A Durbin A A Jrandenburgh Frank Hrandon iiirgh Arch Hnindcnbiirgh John Jose Biclmrd Combs II C Trcad vay Isaac Wilder Harvey Bran lenburgli Jiimcs lieckncll Wayno shepherd and inch Wilson Stay of Mandate Granted Tho Supreme Court at Wash nglon Tuesday granted a stay oC mandato for thirty days in tho cnso of Caleb Powers while his tlorneys prepare petitions for a rehearing This is an advantage for Powers attorneys as it gives hem the time they desire to see if there is any chance to pass the bill Tho Supremo Court itI use Powers having asked that his Faso bo taken from tho court in Scott county nnd turn over to a federal court for trial Tho Lang Icy bill contains provisions giving ho Court power to trans for under conditions much its those which surround the Powers case If this bill passes Powers will probably bo tho first to benefit by it Stop with Hart Bros at Reed hotel when in Lexington 3w w iiiii = r U 11J c2 J 1mII 1 ff 11oulmy for the following reasons I Wt hs u a general lice JIIakin It con S- veaien r you to buy everything at one lri < businessy n 1f S our closPat attention and untiring efforts f 1a bhyour goods from reliable concerns 1l at tho right time and in tho boat paying l qnntititju Wo buy good on cash terms n wllloli insures us spot melt pries Wo m1 j attend to tliQ largest portion of tho busi 1 personally which insures proper atten 1i ilion and small expenses of running same Wo have no rent to pay and other expenses are kept down ton minimum The above reasons t i J bl1 iiQn close marginsh quick sales It is our constant mm to con ¬ duct our business on business principles give correct weights and measures and in- sure over ono a square dOll at all tithes I ARE YOIT WITH US J 7 j 1rQ1 l 4jUf d Wl c I I Jt1 = IIrA Irusr- 1trclIrn t NEW STOCK- s oP tjMILLINERY GOODS Dress Goods J 15iIIlj5J r And everything usually kept in a firstclass ntillin- erv store I have just addedbEThIJ1 t 1 department and have em- ployVed n trimmer from Louisville I invite you to call nt my store corner Main and Broadway IJiIsS Abbre Ba11e fir rrrmY v- iq Murder Charged Malcolm IL Holiday the young deputy collector of Hazard Perry county who was five times wound- ed by pistol shots in a handto uinu balllo with a notorious bnndJ of moonshinors nod his brother Folbcrt Hollidny who was with dm nt tho time of tho light withI the moonshiners when Phnro sloan and his brother were killed have been indicted in tho Perry county Circuit Court charged with murder By tho efforts of tho at- torneys ¬ of the two Hollidnys their i edornllCourt Covington and surrendered Since the killing tho two Holliday have been away from Perry county and have avoided arrest claiming they feared to go back lest thoy bo kill ¬ ed by members of tho organized band of moonshiners HEADACHES and EYESTRAINS Many who have for years suffered intensely from chronic sick headaches using drugs of all kinds without any benefit have found immediate mamont relief inI PROPERLY ADJUSTED EPSSES Because oycstrai was tho cause We reI Pvo the cause and our cure is lasting SAT ISFPQT10N jUA JW fEED SI Dt FLEENOR JEWELER AND OPTICIAN JACKSON KENTUCKY = = IJI1ltingo Licenses m Tho following marriage licenses have been issued luring tho pist wcok Leek Francis Baker of Bouts GStoenson Rachel Eer ole col both of Jackson James Blaine Turner and G Miss Susan Stamper both of Ca ¬ floeNon Church tie Cannel City At a meeting of tho Presbytery of West Lexington hold at Lex ¬ ington Tuesday steps were taken ni commission of tho Presbytery consisting of Her Wm Cunningh- am ¬ of Winchester Ben E W McCorklc of Nicholasville and Ben W W Powell with Elders J II Newland and C B DicksonI of Jackson was ¬ tend to this w- orkBAPGAINS IN Real Estate Wo have for sale a number of good farms nnd town lots among which nro the following- A good farm of about 400 acres on Frozen Creek within four miles of Jackson Good dwelling house good barn and outbuildings Good well Ut dwelling and also at barn Good orchard with more than 100 trees in bearing and son ¬ oral young trees set out last year 100 acres in cultivation balance woodland Title perfect n good place for anyone looking for a home Price 3000 A farm of about 400 acres with ¬ in Ui miles of Jackson Goo dwelling and burn Also a stor house about 50 acres in cultiva- tion balance woodland Title perfect A good homo and cheap at the price 1600 buys it Fpr further information call on addressHagins l Blanton JACKSON KY 3 t t F if < II1 1- 1 MIXED Ii tl 1 tl PAINTS1P I 11l w lineNl fI which we guarantee W w Q G i- 11l 3ETti 11 Will coyer more space last 1P longer and look better than CalltP and see color cards and get 1P1 tP 11lp1lces W ail gI c x MANY MEMORIALS pensing n I I SHELV JACKSON KY n 5252525252521fner JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK I Jackson Kentucky Paid up Capital Surplus 2710000 it W08oloit the Banking accounts Jm t Business Men- Merchants Farmers m illThronghout Kentuckyand offer our Customers t ar LIBERAtERMS Within legitimate l COLLECTIONS umfl mm 5252S25252S 411 sa S2S252S522525iiV FOIETSHONEFHCAIt I Lures Coldij Paouaonlm FOR SALEI Ono house and lot with about acres of ground within one mile of the court house Also nino twelfths interest in the John Robertson farm which is situated about 1A miles above Jackson Anyone wanting bar gain will well to call on D G ROBINSON Ifltf Jackson K- y5J1EFIFF 5jUE FOR TAXES By virtue of taxes the Sheriff of Breathitt county Ky for the year 1904 for taxes duo the State of Kentucky nnd Breathitt for 1004 as hereinafter appears Ior one of my deputies will o- nMonday April 23 1906 It being Court day be- n ¬ tween the hours of oclock m pad 3 i m on tho said day at tho front door of the court house in Breathitt county Ky to sale at public bide Bar cash in tracts and of land herein ¬ after set opposite the names of persons from whom taxes arc duo for said year and tho amount of taxes due penalties commissions and costs of sale of the following named persons viz Queen Chapman one town lot near Arlington Hotel precinct 1 There are many memorials erected to commemorate the deeds of those who have passed on but whatever their form may be no person of natural sentiments feels like disTv with suitable marker to designate the last resting place Dont waste time looking around = come hero first Ihave the mon umont you want R M and Business and of rn m Eastern the limits of business hI 525 do duo County of County Jackson for parcels tax 1904 300 commission 18c Sheriffs cost 150 advertising 100 total 568 II C Cornett one town lot near Hnrve Bueris precinct 1 balance on tax 1270 commission 190 Sheriffs cost 150 advertising 100 total 1716 Oscar Hall one town lot near Hiram Hays precinct 11904 tax 490 commission 29c Sheriffs costs 150 advertising 100 to ¬ tad 769 M A Harvey descriptive list filed 1000 acres near Leandcr Carpenters precinct 11 lU04 tax 3850 commission 231 Sheriffs costs 150 advertising 100 total 1331- Granyillo McIntosh Gl acres near Ben fires precinct 2 1904 tax 1150 commission G9c Sheriffs cost 150 advertising 100 total 14G9 James Brewer Jr 75 acres near linden Brewer precinct 4 1904 tax 300 commission 18c Sheriffs cost1 150 advertising 100 508 W J Brewer 100 acres near Adam Dunn precinct 41904 taxJ 306 commission 18c Sheriffs cost 150 advertising 100 total 574 Sam Brewer 20 acres near John Kimr precinct 4 1904 tax < 200 commission 12c sheriffs cost 150 advertising 100 total 162It Mary E Wilson 100 acres near Wm Hampton precinct 4 1904 tax 300 commission 18c sher ¬ iffs cost 150 advertising 100 total 568 Carlin Combs 15 acres near Jeff Smith precinct 4 19M tax 200 commission 120 Sheriffs 1001totn En CALt11rAY 8 Ic1f- 1Y N J roont II 1 r

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Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1906-04-20 [p ] · 2013. 6. 13. · old homo county Owsley wher God in his infinite wisdom gaud mujight

The Breathitt NewsI Published Every Friday


J7 WISE HAG KniTouflYmsrstttsrspLocal

Jus C Patrick of Stnnton ivi IIin town Monday

IX n Hurst lias boon rcappoiicd Postmaster nt Jackson

Miss Margaret Basket was onthe sick list lust Saturday

An epidemic of measles is 1HC

vailing among children of town

Dny Bros Co hove built n nicesidewalk by the idor their stOlpbuilding

Martin T Kclloy wus ut dunton on legal business the early purtor tin week

Jiidgo Tuulbee who has beenquite sick for several days hnsabout recoveredresipJ of his fathers residenceIH M McQuinn brought downa wagon loud of produw this woolfrom his farm nt McQuinn

The Lenten season ended Suntiny Special musical servicewere given nt some of tho churclie

111 Stidlium who moved herd

from Hoosovelt nlmut two yearago moved back to his old homelast week

The weather of Easter Sunduwas a disappointment to tinny ofthe young o town as itchecked the display of spriiiK honnets

jor Bccklmm hits appointv0 W Fleenor n commissioner torepresent Breathitt county nt tillLouisville Homo Coming colebnition

M Kuhn returned last wt el

front n trip in the country wherhe had been buying produce fur I

w skins etc from merchants at varlous points

II Hltibijon who is surveying

ft the route for tho Campionway from Natural Bridge toCampion wns at home from Sat-

urday till Monday11 Mrss G W Fleenor sent us

t-lthe first of tho weak a nico lot ofiutttico which she had raised in hergarden tho first homegrown lottuce we hive soon this year

H S May IL I oo StewartJudge W W linker Irvniu Stacyanti Robert Hates all of Hindmnn

7SffiGd through hero tho first ofthe week cnroiite to Indian Territory on a prospecting tour

Jailer James Little has gradedtho public square and lifts sowedtho court house jail yards withgrass and has cleaned up thingsgenerally which olds cr muchto the appearance of the place


Itl Fulkcrson who resignedhis position with the Cnnncl CityFair nt Canncl City a short time

left last week to visit hisbrother Clarence who has upositioirwith the L A Railroad atItichmond

Jordan Mooro and wife whosold out hero and moved to Uxington n short time ago were vis ¬

king friends hero tho first of theweek Mr Moore is taking acourse of telegraphy in one of thocollege there

The baseball season in tho bigleagues is now on in full sway11 e hope the Jackson boys willget toiJth3r nil It tie a good

tear this year and help us keepup with the rules of our greatnational game

Tho State Hoard of Supervisorshasvraised the lands mid personalproperty of Brcnthitt county 15

for taxation for the year

nPfointnhimself to try to have tho raisetaken oil-

Capt John Pickard has rentedtho Imperial Hotel and took pos-



last Wednesday CaptPickard has had considerable exporionco in tho hotel business andand has lived in Jackson longenough to know what suits thopeople in this section

Tho News job deportment hasjust received tho largest and fineststock of stationery wo have overhad or that has ever been seen inany job oflico in tho mountains Ifyou want letter heads envelopesor anything in the printing linegive us n call

Win Oiborn charged with themurder of Deputy Sheriff WalkerWilson committed in Ovvsloy

county Inst November was arrest ¬

ed in Monifco county last Mondayand was taken to Boonevillo Tuesday The Governor hail offered

x 4a reward of 400 for his arrestte

The Campton Courier after nof about three months

has been reorhrnnlzednnd is nowunder tho management of A IIStamper Senator Ben A0 Oliver and B L Bailey TheDrat number ammo to us this weekWo wish tho gentlemen much suc ¬

3CCSi in their new enterprise


German and American Coffeessold at C Haddcns


C Haddcn lies just received nI nice lino of CandiesI

ShouldrBlndaLostntthuthisdwlIInPainted which adds vary much toits appearance

I Many ofour attorneys banegurdeiingup as it wore

David Y Combs of HazardofhisH M IIagin9 has moved libstore to the Lock Minnix store


hishotelierstand in tho Crawford building onMain street

J It Blake lilts gone to trio ellies to buy goods for I is store ntthis place mud also for tho ono utLost Creek


Go to Clarence Hiuldcns forOlneys Celebrated Canned GoodsWilliams Pickles 11111 Preservesand Diamond Iflc Coffee

Joseph Ilngins who hns beenvery pneumonia fever athIs home nt SJiepherdsville KyIS very much III1JOel

Try a glass of our Create Sodadrawn from one of die best fountains in the State


Lexingtonfinsder and all saloons must hereafterrcmnjn closed from 1tto4 oclockat night

Sam Wilson proprietor of theManhattan Hestllu nt returnedlast wtok from Cincinnati whorehe bought a soda fountain for hisilaco of business

eurthqunkcdrstror1cof the city of Sun Francisco CRtIPOOpllIllst

Miss JpnmiPtttv Myden has re-

turned to her house nt Elkntawnilids Hydon has been attendingchool at this plnco and made ninnyvarm friends during her stay

Miss Florence M Strong re-merged to her home at Athol Satirday after a very pleasant weeksilent with friends and relatives at

Dundee and Ilcattyville

The Fiscal Court will receivethis on May 10 for tho repairingof the jail The work will con-sist mostly of plumbing nndIIrcneral cleaning up of the cellstc where the prisoners fire kept

Tho coal strike is still unsettledIthough many of tho operatorsare granting the requests of thominors We hope an amicablesettlement will soon be broughtbout and that a repetition of therouble n few years ago will beverted

Squire LP Back was appointcd by the Fiscal Court last weekto put in such supports as mighthe necessary to keep tho HuntingJrcok bridge from washing outThe foundation for tho bridge wasnit on sand which wo are told byligh authority is not a good tiringto build upon

rho Fiscal Court at its sessionlust week made settlement withho Treasurer and trnnsncted var ¬

ious other business of importanceto Iho county but as Ed Callahanormcr Sheriff did not appear toettlo his accounts with tho countyfor tho year 1105 tho Court adourned till May 10th for that ii 111


C H Thompson and familywho moved a short time ago tooinerset have returned which ismother illustration of our theorylint those who have once breathedeu pure mountain air and drankrom our limpid springs are never

atisfied to live anywhere elseAlmost nil of them sooner or latercomo back

Gov Folk of Missouri has docrmined to prosecute the lendersmd mcmbors of tho mob whichInched tho three negroes atSpringliold Mo last Saturdaytight No good cxnlaiiation hitsbeon iven for the act it isrcnorally believed that tho menlynched were not the perpetratorsif the crimes of which they wereiccused

loll SALESixtytwd and ono lalf acres of

land being tho s w I of tho n o

t of Tract No 5jot tho Jamestoynolds Land Grant situated inthe counties of Wolfe and Breathitt An offer wanted for this loadlEdward Harris Co 032 MarketSt San Francisco Cal 2027




Dr W G Itailoy Writes of n-

lust itnthou i Bath Needed

Mutt silUao Kv Apr HiOGHiiKATiiiTT COUNTY Nuws

Jackson KyMy Dear EditorFivo year

ago today I loft IlIc1< son nndamong tho many changes and nowenterprises that have taken pinein Jackson since I left 1 know uC

none that has done more good tvward the upbuilding of Jaclredand Hreathilt county than TImBUBATHITT loU TY NKWS Manof my old friends hive gone totheir reward since that time whowere friends indeed not only inHreathitt county but in tho cormties adjoining more especially myold homo county Owsley wherGod in his infinite wisdom gaudmujight

0111 numerous correspondentkeep me pretty well posted abouttho people generally in that parof Eastern Kentucky of whom I-

nn as proud today and hold in ahigh esteem as any people allearth It often amuses mo trueI read in some of tho metropolitnndailies of sumo tragedy or somemiraculous escape of some capi-

talist or prospector with theirthem lives in scale of your inounlain counties by souse writer whoknows no more of tho conditionsin Eastern Kentucky than he doesIof the conditions that actuallyist in the wilds of Africa

On my last visit to Jackson Icould have seen with half an eyethe prosperity going on in thebuilding lino and with your schoolsand churches I predict that in thonear future Jackson will bo theAthens of the mountains

Now with the extension of theL K railroad if tho citizensuf Jackson would build ait would ho to your town and thesurrounding country what thehospitals in Lexington lire to thatcity and tho adjoining countiesStart the enterprise you willhave as line physicians and sur ¬

eons as any hospital has and itwill increase till population andbring othur onterprises and comlined with your schools churchesurid railroads would teach ChriEianity morality etc end putfeuds and politics in tho back¬

groundWith kindest regards to you

and my old friends I beg to re ¬

main sincerely yoursW G DAIMSV M D


J Joe Barnett son of Jane Unrictt died at his homo on MillerBrunch lust Monday of fever

Tallon Combs an old androspooled citizen who lived fornnny years on Turkoy creek died

lit tho homo of his son Synitombs in Leo county last MondayIris remains woe taken to theiimily burying ground near Bogornllalmns

Mrs Merino Roberts wife of> rv A J Roberts died at herionic nt Catoosa 1 T of heart

rouble on April 2nd and was c

criedat Springtown I T ontho 4th She was the daughter ofohn Fugato > rots it who diedcvoral years ago on Troublesome

reek tier last request was thaticr funeral should bo conducted

ut her fathers grave on tho 2ndSaturday mind Sunday in Juno by

lovs J II Judson John Henrytombs and B H Lnndrum Thiscqucst will be complied with andeverybody is invited

John H Millions while superinending the cutting of timber forU Cramer Co an Indiana firm

11 Arkansas was killed by a limbIailing on him Iris remains CIOIbought hero and buried Tuesday

in the Little Grave Yard just bolow town by the Mesons and Oddchows of tho Jackson andloonovillo lodges lie formerlyivied in this county where ho wi sengaged in tho lumber businessor several years and then went towsloy county and from there to


Arkansas Among those fromtoonovillo and Otvsloy county whoIitendcd his burialwere tho

lowhwIlogg W A Durbin A AJrandenburgh Frank Hrandoniiirgh Arch Hnindcnbiirgh JohnJose Biclmrd Combs II C Trcadvay Isaac Wilder Harvey Branlenburgli Jiimcs lieckncll Waynoshepherd and inch Wilson

Stay of Mandate GrantedTho Supreme Court at Wash

nglon Tuesday granted a stayoC mandato for thirty days in thocnso of Caleb Powers while histlorneys prepare petitions for arehearing This is an advantagefor Powers attorneys as it giveshem the time they desire to seeif there is any chance to pass the

bill Tho Supremo CourtitIuse Powers having asked that hisFaso bo taken from tho court inScott county nnd turn over to a

federal court for trial Tho LangIcy bill contains provisions givingho Court power to trans

for under conditions much its thosewhich surround the Powers case

If this bill passes Powers willprobably bo tho first to benefit byit

Stop with Hart Bros at Reedhotel when in Lexington

3w w

iiiii =r

U11Jc2 J


ff 11oulmy for the following reasonsIWt hs u a general lice JIIakin It con S-

veaien r you to buy everything at one lri<businessyn 1f

S our closPat attention and untiring efforts f1a bhyour goods from reliable concerns 1l

at tho right time and in tho boat payingl qnntititju Wo buy good on cash termsn wllloli insures us spot melt pries Wo m1

j attend to tliQ largest portion of tho busi1 personally which insures proper atten 1iilion and small expenses of running same

Wo have no rent to pay and other expensesare kept down ton minimumThe above reasons

t iJ bl1 iiQn close marginsh

quick sales It is our constant mm to con ¬

duct our business on business principlesgive correct weights and measures and in-sure over ono a square dOll at all tithes IARE YOIT WITH US J


j 1rQ1 l 4jUfd Wl cI

IJt1 =

IIrA Irusr-1trclIrn t



GOODSDress Goods

J15iIIlj5Jr And everything usually

kept in a firstclass ntillin-erv store I have just


1 department and have em-ployVed n trimmer fromLouisville I invite youto call nt my store cornerMain and Broadway

IJiIsS Abbre Ba11e fir




Murder ChargedMalcolm IL Holiday the young

deputy collector of Hazard Perrycounty who was five times wound-ed by pistol shots in a handtouinu balllo with a notorious bnndJ

of moonshinors nod his brotherFolbcrt Hollidny who was withdm nt tho time of tho light withIthe moonshiners when Phnrosloan and his brother were killedhave been indicted in tho Perrycounty Circuit Court charged withmurder By tho efforts of tho at-


of the two Hollidnys their i

edornllCourtCovington and surrendered Sincethe killing tho two Holliday havebeen away from Perry county andhave avoided arrest claiming theyfeared to go back lest thoy bo kill ¬

ed by members of tho organizedband of moonshiners


Many who have for years

suffered intensely from

chronic sick headaches

using drugs of all kinds

without any benefit have

found immediate


Because oycstrai was tho

cause We reI Pvo the

cause and our cure islasting




= =IJI1ltingo Licenses m

Tho following marriage licenseshave been issued luring tho pistwcok

Leek Francis Baker of Bouts

GStoensonRachel Eer ole col both ofJackson James Blaine Turner and G

Miss Susan Stamper both of Ca ¬

floeNonChurch tie Cannel City

At a meeting of tho Presbyteryof West Lexington hold at Lex ¬

ington Tuesday steps were takennicommission of tho Presbyteryconsisting of Her Wm Cunningh-am


of Winchester Ben E WMcCorklc of Nicholasville andBen W W Powell with EldersJ II Newland and C B DicksonIof Jackson was ¬

tend to this w-


Real EstateWo have for sale a number of

good farms nnd town lots amongwhich nro the following-

A good farm of about 400 acreson Frozen Creek within fourmiles of Jackson Good dwellinghouse good barn and outbuildingsGood well Ut dwelling and also atbarn Good orchard with morethan 100 trees in bearing and son ¬

oral young trees set out last year100 acres in cultivation balancewoodland Title perfect n goodplace for anyone looking for ahome Price 3000

A farm of about 400 acres with ¬

in Ui miles of Jackson Goodwelling and burn Also a storhouse about 50 acres in cultiva-tion balance woodland Titleperfect A good homo and cheapat the price 1600 buys it

Fpr further information call on



3t tF if<II1 1-

1 MIXED Iitl 1



wlineNlfI which we guarantee Ww QG


11l3ETti 11

Will coyer more space last

1P longer and look better thanCalltPand see color cards and get1P1

tP 11lp1lcesW

ailgIc x


pensing n




5252525252521fnerJACKSON DEPOSIT BANK I

Jackson KentuckyPaid up Capital Surplus 2710000

it W08oloit the Banking accountsJmt Business Men-

MerchantsFarmers m

illThronghout Kentuckyand offer our Customerst


LIBERAtERMSWithin legitimate


5252S25252S 411 sa S2S252S522525iiVFOIETSHONEFHCAIt I

Lures Coldij Paouaonlm

FOR SALEIOno house and lot with about

acres of ground within onemile of the court house

Also nino twelfths interest inthe John Robertson farm whichis situated about 1A miles aboveJackson Anyone wanting bargain will well to call on

D G ROBINSONIfltf Jackson K-


By virtue of taxes the Sheriffof Breathitt county Ky for theyear 1904 for taxes duo the Stateof Kentucky nndBreathitt for 1004 as hereinafterappears Ior one of my deputieswill o-nMonday April 23 1906It being Court day be-

tween the hours of oclock mpad 3 i m on tho said day attho front door of the court housein Breathitt county Ky

to sale at publicbideBar cash intracts and of land herein ¬

after set opposite the names ofpersons from whom taxes arc duofor said year and tho amount oftaxes due penalties commissionsand costs of sale of the followingnamed persons viz

Queen Chapman one town lotnear Arlington Hotel precinct 1

There are many memorials erected

to commemorate the deeds of those

who have passed on but whatever

their form may be no person ofnatural sentiments feels like disTv

with suitable marker to

designate the last resting place

Dont waste time looking around

= come hero first Ihave the mon

umont you want



Business and of rn



the limits of business




County of




tax 1904 300 commission 18cSheriffs cost 150 advertising

100 total 568II C Cornett one town lot near

Hnrve Bueris precinct 1 balanceon tax 1270 commission 190Sheriffs cost 150 advertising

100 total 1716Oscar Hall one town lot near

Hiram Hays precinct 11904 tax490 commission 29c Sheriffs

costs 150 advertising 100 to ¬

tad 769M A Harvey descriptive list

filed 1000 acres near LeandcrCarpenters precinct 11 lU04 tax3850 commission 231 Sheriffs

costs 150 advertising 100total 1331-

Granyillo McIntosh Gl acresnear Ben fires precinct 2 1904tax 1150 commission G9cSheriffs cost 150 advertising

100 total 14G9James Brewer Jr 75 acres

near linden Brewer precinct 41904 tax 300 commission 18cSheriffs cost1 150 advertising

100 508W J Brewer 100 acres near

Adam Dunn precinct 41904 taxJ306 commission 18c Sheriffs

cost 150 advertising 100total 574

Sam Brewer 20 acres near JohnKimr precinct 4 1904 tax < 200commission 12c sheriffs cost

150 advertising 100 total162ItMary E Wilson 100 acres nearWm Hampton precinct 4 1904tax 300 commission 18c sher ¬

iffs cost 150 advertising 100total 568

Carlin Combs 15 acres nearJeff Smith precinct 4 19M tax200 commission 120 Sheriffs

1001totnEn CALt11rAY 8 Ic1f-1Y N J roont II

