breathing n chemosensory function

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  • 8/11/2019 Breathing n Chemosensory Function


    J Physiol 591.6 (2013) pp 15071521 1507

    T h e J o u r n a l o f P h y s i o l o g y

    The essential role of peripheral respiratory chemoreceptorinputs in maintaining breathing revealed when CO 2stimulation of central chemoreceptors is diminished

    Marie-No elle Fiamma1, 2, Edward T. OConnor 1, Arijit Roy 1, Ines Zuna 1 and Richard J. A. Wilson 1

    1Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2 Universit e Pierre e t Marie Curie-Paris 06, ER 10 UPMC, Paris, F-75013 France

    Key points

    Central sleep apnoea is a condition characterized by oscillations between apnoea and hyper-pnoea during sleep, which can have many serous health implications.

    Each ventilatory overshoot following an apnoea attenuates peripheral chemoreceptor inputwhich, in turn, has the potential to cause a further apnoea.

    In a decerebrate, vagotomized, in situ rat preparation, we show that central apnoeas canbe overcome both physiologically (with high peripheral CO 2) and pharmacologically (withperipheral pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide).

    We also show that the central apnoeic threshold, i.e. the CO 2 level at which the animal stopsbreathing, can be lowered by increasing peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation.

    These data suggest thatstimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors maypreventcentral apnoeas,re-afrming theperipheral chemoreceptors as possible therapeutic targets for somesleepapneaphenotypes.

    Abstract Central sleep apnoea is a condition characterized by oscillations between apnoea and

    hyperpnoea during sleep. Studies in sleeping dogs suggest that withdrawal of peripheral chemo-receptor(carotidbody) activationfollowingtransientventilatory overshoots plays anessentialrolein causing apnoea, raising the possibility that sustaining carotid body activity during ventilatory overshoots may prevent apnoea. To test whether sustained peripheral chemoreceptor activationis sufcient to drive breathing, even in the absence of central chemoreceptor stimulation andvagal feedback, we used a vagotomized, decerebrate dual-perfused in situ rat preparation inwhich the central and peripheral chemoreceptors are independently and articially perfused withgas-equilibrated medium. At varying levels of carotid body stimulation (CB P O2 /P CO2 : 40/60,100/40, 200/15, 500/15 Torr), we decreased the brainstem perfusate P CO2 in 5 Torr steps whilerecording phrenic nerve activity to determine the central apnoeic thresholds. The central apnoeicthresholds decreased with increased carotid body stimulation. When the carotid bodies werestrongly stimulated (CB 40/60), the apnoeic threshold was 3.6 1.4 Torr P CO2 (mean SEM,

    n = 7). Stimulating carotid body afferent activity with either hypercapnia (60 Torr P CO2 ) orthe neuropeptide pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide restored phrenic activity duringcentral apnoea. We conclude that peripheral stimulation shifts the central apnoeic threshold tovery hypocapnic levels that would likely increase the CO 2 reserve and have a protective effect on

    M.-N.F. and E.T.O.C. are joint rst authors.

    C 2013 The Authors. The Journal of Physiology

    C 2013 The Physiological Society DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2012.247304

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    breathing. These data demonstrate that peripheral respiratory chemoreceptors are sufcient tostave off central apnoeas when the brainstem is perfused with low to no CO 2.(Resubmitted 24 October 2012; accepted after revision 24 January 2013; rst published online 28 January 2013)Corresponding author R. J. A. Wilson: Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Hotchkiss Brain Institute,Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 4N1.Email: [email protected]

    Abbreviations CSN, carotid sinus nerve; DPP, dual-perfused preparation; OSA, obstructive sleep apnoea; PACAP,pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide; REM, rapid eye movement; RTN, retrotrapezoid nucleus.


    Inputs from central (brainstem) and peripheral (carotidbodies) respiratory chemoreceptors are integrated withinthe respiratory control system to protect blood gasesagainst potentially deleterious uctuations (ORegan& Majcherczyk, 1982). Respiratory chemoreceptors areimportant during wakefulness and essential during sleep

    (Spengler et al. 2001; Dempsey et al. 2004), determiningtheefcacy of phasic vagal feedback from stretch receptorsin the lung, regulating upper and lower airway calibre,and modulating the respiratory rhythm generator and/orrespiratory motor neurons to sustain breathing (Kinkeadet al. 1994; Spyer & Gourine, 2009; Nattie, 2011).Consequently, abnormalities in brainstem and/or carotidbody chemoreex function might be a primary cause of breathing instability during sleep and a possible target forpharmacotherapeutics for some sleep apnoea phenotypes(Kiwull-Schone et al. 2008). Here, we use a rodent modelto test whether tonic carotid body stimulation is capableof sustaining breathing when the brainstem CO 2 chemo-reex is silenced.

    Many brainstem areas appear to be endowed withendogenous respiratory CO 2 chemosensitivity (ability to detect local changes in P CO2 and initiate ventilatory responses), including the nucleus tractus solitarius, raphe,retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), thelocus coeruleusand thecerebellar fastigial nucleus (Martino et al. 2007; Guyenet,2008; Corcoran et al. 2009; Gargaglioni et al. 2010; Nattie,2011). However, as the central chemoreex respondsslowly to changes in P aCO2 relative to the uctuations thatoccur in sleep apnoea, the role of central chemoreceptorsin periodic breathing has been questioned (Smith et al.

    2003). In contrast to thecentral chemoreex, the responseof the carotid body-mediated chemoreex to changes inblood gases occurs within 35 s, an order of magnitudefaster than that of the brainstem chemoreex (Carrollet al. 1991).

    Since their discovery, the carotid bodies have beenconsidered as the primary oxygen sensors, respondingvigorously to precipitous falls in P aO2 that normally accompany asphyxia. In sleep-disordered breathing, sucha response may be critical after an apnoea or hypo-pnea to trigger arousal, open the airways and/or

    kick-start breathing motor patterns. However, carotidbodies also play an important role in sustaining eupnoeicventilationunder normoxicconditions (Forster etal. 2008;Mouradian et al. 2012) and are reported to respondvigorously to changes in P CO2 (Cunningham, 1987). Thus,elevated CO2 causes increased [Ca2+ ] i in isolated glomuscells and carotid sinus nerve (CSN) activity in a range of preparations, from the isolated perfused carotid body pre-parations to in vivo preparations (Iturriaga, 1993; Lintonet al. 1995; Cummings & Wilson, 2005). But perhapsmost telling, with few exceptions (Lugliani et al. 1971;da Silva et al. 2011), carotid body denervation in awakehumans, lambs, goats, ponies, piglets and rats causesa pronounced hypoventilation, with an accompanyingincrease in P aCO2 of 515 Torr (Wade et al. 1970;Bisgard et al. 1976; Olson et al. 1988; Praud et al. 1992;Cote et al. 1996;Pan etal. 1998;Lowry etal. 1999;Timmerset al. 2003; Mouradian et al. 2012). Despite the increase inP aCO2 being of sufcient magnitude to cause cerebrospinaluid acidosis, the central chemoreceptors are unable to

    compensate.Theseobservations raise thepossibility that, in additionto the carotid bodies classic role in terminating apnoeasby triggering vigorous sympathetic and respiratory responses, output from the carotid bodies may alsobe necessary for preventing apnoeas during eupnoea.Daristotle et al. (1990) addressed this issue directly in goats by selectively making the carotid body hypo-capnic using an extracorporeal circuit (carotid bodiesisolated from systemic circulation). In awake animals,reducing the carotid body P CO2 by 10.9 Torr decreasedventilation by 24% and increased P aCO2 by 5.6 Torr. In 4of 14 animals the hypoventilation was accompanied by ventilatory instability, including apnoea (Daristotle et al.1990). Smith and Dempsey used a similar approach andcarotid body denervation to investigate the importance of thecarotid body in sustainingbreathingduring non-rapideye movement (REM)sleep in conscious dogs. In line withDaristotles observations, they found that arterial hypo-capnia caused by a transient ventilatory overshoot wasmuch more likely to cause apnoea if the hypocapnia wassensed by the carotid body (Nakayama et al. 2003; Smithet al. 2003).

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    1510 M.-N. Fiamma and others J Physiol 591.6

    gradually increasedto60 mmHg. Both vagi weresectionedat thecervical level, followed by cannulation of thecarotidarteries.

    A separate peristaltic pump (Gilson Minipuls 3) wasused to perfuse both common carotid arteries (peripheralperfusion). Following cannulation, the ow through eachcommon carotid artery was ramped up to 15 ml min 1.

    Up to this stage in the dissection, central and peri-pheralperfusions were from thesametonometer (300 ml).Next, carotid and brainstem compartments were suppliedwith perfusate from separate tonometers with differentgas compositions (carotid body: 100 Torr P O2 , 35 TorrP CO2 in N2; brainstem: 35 Torr P CO2 in O2). Perfusateexiting the preparation was collected in the base of therecording chamber and returned to the tonometers forre-equilibration and recirculation. The central perfusionpressure was ramped to 90 mmHg.


    The left phrenic nerve was located and dissected free of surroundings tissues, leavinga smallportion ofdiaphragmattachedatthedistalend.Thenervewasplacedinacustomholder that prevented the nerve from drying out andfacilitated long-termextracellular recordings. Thephrenicneurogram was amplied (A-M Systems Differential ACAmplier Model 1700), ltered (low cut-off, 300 Hz;high cut-off, 5 kHz), rectied and integrated (Amplitude

    Demodulator; Saga Tech), computer archived (AxonInstruments Digidata 1322A and Axoscope 9.0) at asampling rate of 50 Hz, and analysed off-line.

    Experimental protocols

    Protocol 1. A graphic description of the protocol canbe found in Fig. 1B : 3540 min following dissectionand pressure equilibration, the baseline condition wasestablished: brainstem perfusate 35 Torr P CO2 in O2 andcarotid bodies perfusate, 40 Torr P CO2 and 100 Torr P O2in N2. Then, the carotid bodies were stimulated with60 Torr P CO2 and 40 Torr P O2 in N2 for 5 min withoutany change in the perfusate to the brainstem (stimulatedconditions). Next, with the carotid bodies stimulated,brainstem perfusate P CO2 was decreasedby 5 Torr (balancewith O 2) every5 min tond the central apnoeic threshold,dened as the brainstem perfusate P CO2 at or below which

    phrenic bursts were abolished (Dempsey & Skatrud, 1986;Boden etal. 1998). Insomecases, phrenicburstscontinuedfor 5 min even when brainstem perfusate P CO2 was 0 Torr.Once the apnoeic threshold was obtained, or brainstemperfusate P CO2 was 0 Torr butphrenic bursts persisted, theP CO2 of the brainstem perfusate was returned to base-line conditions for 5 min (35 Torr P CO2 in O2), whilemaintaining stimulation to the carotid bodies. Finally, thebaseline conditions used at the start of the protocol werere-imposed: brainstem perfusate 35 Torr P CO2 in O2 and

    Figure 1. Schematic of the DPP and Protocol 1 A, the key feature of the DPP used for this study is independent articial perfusion of the carotid bodies (vialigation, cannulation and perfusion of the common carotid arteries) and brainstem (via cannulation and retrogradeperfusion of the descending aorta). The DPP is vagotomized and decerebrated (non-anaesthetized). We use phrenicactivity to measure neuronal ventilation. B, illustration of protocol. P CO2 and/or P O2 in the central (brainstem; BS)and peripheral (carotid body; CB) perfusate for the CB 40/60 group. The P CO2 in the brainstem perfusate wasbalanced with O 2 . The P CO2 and P O2 in carotid body perfusate were balanced with N 2 .

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    carotid bodies perfusate, 40 Torr P CO2 and 100 Torr P O2 inN2. This protocol was repeated in separate preparationswhere the carotid body perfusate was maintained at100 Torr P O2 with 40 Torr P CO2 , as well as both 200 and500 Torr P O2 with 15 Torr P CO2 (n = 6/group; see Figs 3and 4).

    Onlypreparations in whichphrenicdischargesreturnedwhen brainstem perfusate P CO2 was increased (followingdetermination of the apnoeic threshold) were included inthe analysis. Every phrenic burst over the protocol periodwas analysed.

    Protocol 2. Following dissection, baseline conditionswere established as in Protocol 1. Next, the gasequilibrating the tonometer supplying the brainstem wasmade severely hypocapnic (10 Torr P CO2 , in O2) withoutchangingthegas equilibrating thecarotid bodies(100 TorrP O2 , 40 Torr P CO2 in N2). After apnoea had developed,a 1 min bolus of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activatingpeptide (PACAP)-38 (nal concentration: 100 n M) wasadded to the peripheral perfusate before it reached thepreparation. Six preparations were used for this protocol,three with CSN intact and the remainder with CSNdenervated.

    Protocol 3. Baseline conditions were established as inProtocol 1, and the gas equilibrating the tonometersupplying the brainstem was made severely hypo-capnic (10 Torr P CO2 , in O2) without changing the gasequilibrating the carotid bodies (100 Torr P O2 , 40 TorrP CO2 in N2). After apnoea had developed, the gasequilibrating the carotid bodies was made hypercapnic(60 Torr P CO2 ). Both brainstem andcarotid body perfusatewere returned to baseline gas values 5 min after breathinghad resumed.

    Phrenic neurogram analysis

    The following respiratory variables were quantied fromthe integrated phrenic neurogram using custom-written

    software (RJAW): period (T TOT), respiratory rate ( f R ,60 times the inverse of the period), time to peak ( T p),inspiratory duration ( T I), expiratory duration ( T E),neural tidal volume ( nV T, the peak phrenic amplitude),neural minute ventilation ( n V E , the product of f R andnV T) and eupnoeic index (EI, T p divided by T I). Aschematic of this quantication has been previously published (Day & Wilson, 2005). Respiratory variableswere averaged in 60 s bins. nV T and n V E were normalizedto the last minute of the initial baseline section (baseline1: minutes 45) for graphical representation.

    Statistical analysis

    For statistical tests of each respiratory variable, the lasttime bin (between minutes 4 and 5) of each experimentalcondition was analysed. The data were not normally distributed owing to the occurrence of apnoea, so weused non-parametric statistics. We used the Friedmans

    two-way ANOVA by ranks test to determine the meritof the null hypothesis that respiratory variables werethe same between conditions. To determine at whatcondition apnoea was statistically present, we used aseries of one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank tests to testthe null hypothesis that respiratory rate during eachcondition had a value of zero. Grouped data are given asmean SEM.


    Central apnoeic threshold at varying levels of carotidbody activity

    Examples showing the effects of lowering brainstemperfusate P CO2 on phrenic nerve activity when thecarotid bodies are stimulated with perfusate containingP O2 /P CO2 of 40/60, 100/40 and 500/15 Torr are illustratedin Fig. 2. As can be seen, rate and neural tidal volumedecrease with brainstem perfusate P CO2 but, in the caseof the hypoxic-hypercapnic carotid body, apnoea is notapparent until the brainstem perfusate is severely hypo-capnic (nominally 0 Torr P CO2 ; see Wilson et al. 2001).A similar degree of resistance to central apnoea wasapparent across all preparations in which the carotidbodies were stimulated withhypoxic-hypercapnia(Fig. 3).Thus, in two of nine preparations, rhythmic phrenicbursts continued even when brainstem perfusate P CO2was zero. In theremaining seven preparations, progressivereduction in brainstem perfusate P CO2 eventually causedcessation of phrenic activity, but the P CO2 reached whencessation occurred (approximating the central apnoeicthreshold) was 3.57 1.43 Torr. In three of these sevenpreparations, phrenic activity only stopped when brain-stem perfusate P CO2 was nominally 0 Torr. The highestcentral apnoeic threshold in the seven preparations wasbetween 10 and 15 Torr P CO2 . To statistically evaluate

    the level of brainstem perfusate P CO2 required to obtainapnoea across all nine preparations, we used a series of one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank tests (null hypothesis:breaths per minute equals zero). Accordingly, froma statistical perspective, when the carotid body wasstimulated by 40 Torr P O2 and 60 Torr P CO2 , a brainstemperfusate P CO2 of 10 Torr or more was sufcient to pre-vent apnoea. When output from the carotid body wasattenuated by increasing carotid body P O2 and decreasingP CO2 , themeancentralapnoeic thresholds increased.Thus,with CB P O2 /P CO2 of 100/40, 200/15 and 500/15, apnoeic

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    thresholds were 7.0 0.5, 11.7 0.4 and 16.7 0.9 TorrP CO2 , respectively. Froma statisticalperspective, thebrain-stem perfusate P O2 required to prevent apnoea for each of these levels of carotid body stimulation was 15, 20 and30 Torr, respectively (n = 6/group).

    Effect on rate versus

    neuronal tidal volumeAlthough changing brainstem perfusate P CO2 affected allrespiratory variables (Friedmans two-way ANOVA by rank, P < 0.001 for all variables), respiratory variableswere not equally affected. With the carotid bodies

    stimulated with hypoxic-hypercapnia, both nV T and n V E were approximately proportional to brainstem perfusateP CO2 , with both timing and volume variables affected(Fig. 3).Whereas the latter wasinuenced progressively by a decrease in brainstem perfusate P CO2 , timing variableswere relatively intransient comparedwith nV T until severelevels of hypocapnia were reached. At these severe levels,both T I and T E were affected. Specically, as brainstemperfusate P CO2 decreased, T I rst increased above baselinelevels (from 0.75 0.03 s to1.07 0.07 s at15 Torrbrain-stem perfusate P CO2) before falling to zero (Fig. 4). Thistrend was apparent in seven of the nine preparations with

    Figure 2. Stimulating the carotid body staves off apnoeasRectied integrated phrenic neurograms of representative preparations subjected to Protocol 1. With removal ofcarotid body stimulation, the apnoeic threshold is raised in a linear fashion.

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    the carotid bodies stimulated with hypoxic-hypercapnia,as well as in all preparations with carotid body P O2 /P CO2levels of 100/40 and 200/15 Torr, but was absent in the500/15 Torr group.

    To determine the effects of brainstem hypocapnia onburst shape,whichin turn may indicateoxygenation statusof brainstem tissue, we quantied a eupnoeic index (EI;see Materials and methods for derivation). An EI of 0

    Figure 3. Respiratory rate, nV T and n V E at different levels of brainstem P CO2Bins represent average values of respiratory variables over 60 s (between minutes 4 and 5, i.e. the last 60 s bin) ofeachexperimental condition. The numbers above ratedatarepresent the number of animals in which phrenic burstspersisted at each condition. nV T: amplitude of phrenic in arbitrary units (a.u.); n V E : nV T multiplied by breathsper minute in arbitrary units (a.u.). Error bars represent SEM. Friedman test with Dunns multiple comparisonstest, P 0.05; P 0.01; P 0.001; P 0.0001. Wilcoxon signed rank test (hypothetical mean of 0),#P > 0.05, thus not signicantly different to 0 (apnoea). BL, baseline; BS-585/30, brainstem perfusate gas pressureof 585 Torr P O2 and 30 Torr P CO2 .

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    indicates a rapid-onset decrementing burst, whereas anEI of 1 indicates a ramping burst with a sudden offset.We consider bursts with EI below 0.5 to be gasp-like,and those above 0.5 to be eupnoeic. Changing brain-stem perfusate P CO2 had a signicant effect on the EI(Friedmans two-way ANOVA by rank: P < 0.01; Fig. 4).

    On average, with the carotid bodies stimulated, burstsremained eupnoeic even with brainstem perfusate P CO2as low as 5 Torr (EI was 0.59 0.06; with only one pre-paration having an EI below 0.5). Nonetheless, between 15and 0 Torr, EI diminished such that at 0 Torr the EI of thetwo preparations that continued to generate bursts was

    Figure 4. T I, T E and EI at different levels of brainstem P CO2Bins represent average values of respiratory variables over 60 s (between minutes 4 and 5, i.e. the last 60 s bin) ofeach experimental condition. T I: duration of phrenic burst; T E: interburst interval; T p : time from onset of phrenicburst to burst peak; EI: eupnoeic index ( T p / T I) where, at the extremes, a value of 0 represents a rapid-onsetdecrementing burst and a value of 1 is an augmenting burst with rapid offset. Error bars represent SEM. Friedmantest with Dunns multiple comparisons test, P 0.05; P 0.01.

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    0.42 0.05. All other groups followed a broadly similarpattern,withEI diminishing athigher brainstem perfusateP CO2 , in linewith therelative apnoeic threshold/decreasingcarotid body stimulation, i.e. the lower the level of carotid body activity, the higher the level of centralCO2 at which EI diminished, whilst exhibiting a similarpattern.

    Pharmacological stimulation of the carotid bodyduring central apnoea

    To determine whether pharmacological stimulation of thecarotid body is sufcient to overcome central apnoea,we perfused the common carotid artery with the stresspeptide PACAP (Fig. 5). We used six preparations forthese experiments, three with the CSN intact and threewith it denervated. In all preparations, with the carotidbody perfusate having a P O2 and P CO2 of 100 and 40 Torr,lowering the brainstem perfusate P CO2 to 10 Torr caused along-duration apnoea. In CSN intact preparations, addinga 1 minbolus of PACAP to theperipheralperfusate, givinga nal concentration of 100 n M, promptly terminated theapnoea by causing a pronounced and long-lived increasein phrenic nerve activity. In preparations with the CSNdenervated prior to PACAP application, application of PACAP had no immediate effect: apnoea persisted duringthe 3rd min of PACAP exposure. Thus, the stimulatory effects of PACAP over the rst 3 min were largely dependent on an intact CSN ( + CSN/CSN: P < 0.001).These data suggest that pharmacological stimulation of the carotid body is a viable method of overcoming central

    apnoeas.Interestingly, while PACAP failed to restore phrenicactivity within the rst 3 min in all denervated pre-parations tested, a transient recovery from apnoea(lasting 34 min) occurred in all denervated preparationssometime thereafter (46 min; Fig. 5 B ). This suggests thata second component of the respiratory controller is alsostimulated by PACAP. The considerable delay in responseto PACAP with CSN denervated suggests this secondcomponent may be located within central respiratory orautonomicnuclei (Farnham etal. 2008;Pena,2010; Inglottet al. 2011).

    Hypercapnic stimulation of the carotid body duringcentral apnoea

    To determine whether hypercapnic stimulation of the carotid body is sufcient to overcome centralapnoea, we perfused the common carotid artery withnormoxic-hypercapnic solution. In all preparations, withthe carotid body perfusate having a P O2 and P CO2 of 100and 40 Torr, lowering the brainstem perfusate P CO2 tobetween 5 and 10 Torr caused a long-duration apnoea.

    Upon stimulation of the carotid body with perfusatecontaining P O2 and P CO2 of 100 and 60 Torr, phrenicactivity promptly resumed in all preparations (Fig. 6).


    Our data demonstrate that providing the peripheralchemoreceptors are stimulated, respiratory rhythmgeneration is highly resilient to brainstem perfusion withlow P CO2 even in the absence of descending input fromthe cerebrum, vagal feedback and anaesthetics. When thecarotid bodiesarestimulated, themain effect of brainstemP CO2 on phrenic activity is a reduction in burst amplitude.Only at extreme levels of brainstem perfusate hypocapnia(less than 10 Torr P CO2) is frequency and shape affected: asP CO2 approaches zero, frequency slows and bursts trans-ition from incrementing to gasp-like. These data suggestthat: (a) the peripheral chemoreceptors are sufcient to

    drive breathing through an excitatory pathway onto therespiratory rhythm generator that does notrequire centralchemosensitivity; and (b) stimulating the carotid body may provide a therapeutic avenue to stave off apnoeacausedbycentralhypocapnia.Inaddition,wedemonstratethat specic carotid body hypercapnia is sufcient toovercome central apnoea, complicating interpretation of several recent studies suggesting thatrodent carotid bodiesdo not contribute to CO 2 chemosensitivity (Mouradianet al. 2012).

    Our data are corroborated by data from ananaesthetized cat model in which the brainstem wasperfused independentlyof systemiccirculation, albeit withintact vagal input from the lungs and the cerebrum pre-sent (Berkenbosch et al. 1984). Those data also suggest theresilience of the respiratory rhythm generator to severecentral hypocapnia when peripheral chemoreceptors arestimulated. In the cat preparation, extreme hypocapniamay have caused changes in cerebral circulation resultingin compromised independence of brainstem and systemicperfusate; the authors considered it likely that brain-stem chemoreceptors had been exposed to the hyper-capnic and hypoxic systemic perfusate used to stimulatethe peripheral chemoreceptors. In addition, articialperfusion in the cat model was limited to the brainstem

    and did not include recently discovered hypothalamicneurons that exhibit an exquisite CO 2 sensitivity on parwith that of RTN neurons (Williams et al. 2007). Thein situ DPP escapes both these confounders as the circleof Willis is sectioned, preventing cross-contaminationbetween peripheral and central perfusate. Given the grossdifferences between the cat preparation and the DPP(cat versus rat, normothermia versus mild hypothermia,baroreex and heart intact versus articial pump andpressure feedback system, blood versus articial perfusate,vagus intact versus vagotomized, and anaesthetized versus

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    demise of respiratory bursts at low P CO2 may be asmuch a consequence of indirect effects of low CO 2 oncerebrovascular resistance resulting in hypoxia, as directly causedby loss ofCO2 stimulation of brainstemrespiratory chemoreceptors.

    A main advantage of the DPP is that it reducesthe respiratory chemoreex control system to its mostfundamental components, chiey brainstem and carotidbody, and therefore one might expect insights very different from data derived solely from conscious animalsthat are inuenced by higher command centres thatcoordinate diverse behaviours. As we have reviewed pre-viously, CO2 chemosensitivity is shifted in thehypocapnicdirection in all decerebrate preparations, including thedog,catand rat(Day & Wilson,2005, 2007).Currently, thefactor(s) that causes this shift is unknown, but we assumeit relates to descending wakefulness drive and possibly involves orexin neurons that project to the brainstemfrom the hypothalamus (Williams et al. 2007; Gestreau

    et al. 2008; Lazarenko et al. 2011; Nattie, 2011). Loss of such an input with decerebration may make thebrainstemcircuit abnormally sensitive to peripheral chemoreceptorinput, explaining the current results. However, the factthat denervation of the carotid body causes pronouncedhypoventilation in conscious animals (see Introduction)suggests that the brainstem respiratory control is alwaysheavily dependent oncarotid body inputeveninconsciousanimals when the carotid bodies and chemosensitivity in general are considered to serve a lesser role. In thisrespect, we note that at altitude, where the carotid body isstimulated byhypoxia (andCO 2 is blown off), ventilationcontinues despite often intense hypocapnia. While otherfactors may be at play in this example, including hypo-thalamic, descending and adrenal-dependent inuences,themostparsimoniousexplanationis that, in some casesatleast, the peripheral chemoreex helps sustain ventilationduring times of diminished central chemoreex (Dufn,2010).

    Effect of low brainstem P CO2 on respiratory burstfrequency and amplitude

    With carotid body stimulation, timing variables reecting

    the output of the respiratory rhythm generation (i.e. T I,T E, f R ) were constant over a large range of brainstemperfusate P CO2 : only when P CO2 approached the apnoeicthreshold were such variables affected. In contrast, nV Tand n V E decreased linearly with hypocapnia. Thus, inthe vagotomized in situ preparation, when the carotidbodies arestimulated, thecarotid bodies are the dominantinuenceon therespiratory rhythm generator, andtheroleof brainstem P CO2 is largely restricted to the modulationof downstream mechanisms thatdetermine the amplitudeof motor neuron output. If central chemosensitivity is

    largely mediated by one population of neurons, such astheRTNas some havespeculated (Guyenet,2008; Guyenetet al. 2010), then the central chemoreceptors would notappear to contribute substantially to respiratory rhythmgeneration. On theother hand, if central chemosensitivity is shared by multiple sites (for example, the RTN, raphe,nucleus tractus solitarius and/or locus coeruleus; Nattie& Li, 2009), then it is possible that endowing the brain-stem with excitation from the carotid body saturates theactivity of populations that modulate rhythm generation(e.g.RTN), but has only mild effects on the dynamic rangeof thepopulationsthatcontrolburstpattern (amplitude).

    Stimulating the carotid body as a therapeuticstrategy for central sleep apnoea?

    Duringnon-REM sleep, animals andhumansarecritically dependent upon chemoreceptor feedback to protect

    blood gases (Spengler et al. 2001; Dubreuil et al.2008). Control theory and experimental data suggestthat increases in peripheral and central chemoreex gain may be primary factors in causing some formsof sleep-disordered breathing, destabilizing breathingby contributing to ventilatory overshoots in responseto blood gas perturbations (Longobardo et al. 1982;Cherniack, 1984; Khoo, 2000; Kiwull-Schone et al. 2008).

    Smith and Dempsey have proposed that ventilatory sensitivity to P CO2 below eupnoeic levels may be akey determinant of ventilatory instability during sleep(Dempsey et al. 2004). According to the Smith andDempsey doctrine, the high gain chemoreexes associatedwith sleep apnoea lead to oscillations in P aCO2 . P aCO2perturbations below eupnoeic levels diminish carotidbody activity, decreasing n V E , and if P aCO2 is reduced farenough, apnoea results (i.e.Dempsey etal. 2004; Dempsey,2005). In support of their doctrine, Smith and Dempsey used an extracorporally perfused carotid body consciousdog model to demonstrate that the withdrawal of capnicstimuli from the carotid body during hyperpnoea likely plays a critical role in causing apnoeas, leading to furtherrespiratory oscillations (Nakayama et al. 2003; Smith et al.2003). If the sensitivity of the carotid bodies is too high,such that thewithdrawalof capnicstimuli shuts offcarotid

    body excitation too readily causing apnoea, we suggestmild tonic, pharmaceuticalstimulationof thecarotidbody may be all that is required to stave off apnoeas and thereby improve ventilatory stability. To illustrate this, we showedthat a bolus of the stress neuropeptide PACAP, whenapplied through the common carotid artery, is capable of overcoming central apnoeas in the DPP. Consistent withprevious studies demonstrating that arterially perfusedPACAP strongly excites the carotid body (Ishizuka et al.1992;Runcie et al. 1995),we demonstrate that theeffectof PACAP on overcoming central apnoeas was dependent on

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    J Physiol 591.6 Stimulating carotid bodies staves off central apnoeas 1519

    intact carotid body afferents; that some activity persistedafter transectingtheCSNsuggests thatPACAPexcites peri-pheral targets outside the carotid sinus, the location of which is currently under investigation.

    Normally, tonic stimulation of thecarotid bodies resultsin hyperventilation; the respiratory system blows off CO 2leading to arterial hypocapnia (Kumar, 2009). If carotidbody stimulation has no effect on the central apnoeicthreshold, then one would expect that apnoeas would bemore likely, not less. However, our results suggest carotidbody stimulation reduces the central apnoeic thresholdsubstantially, making apnoeas less likely. Specically, in thecurrent study using the DPP, with the peripheral chemo-receptors stimulated with hypoxic-hypercapnia, two of nine preparations had no central apnoeic threshold and,in the remainder, the central apnoeic threshold was3.6 1.4 Torr P CO2 . We also showed that this could beraised, in a linear fashion, up to 16.7 0.9 Torr P CO2 by attenuating carotid body output (by increasing P O2 and

    decreasing P CO2 ), conrming previous work from our lab(Day&Wilson,2005).Thus,stimulatingthecarotidbodiescaused a potentially protective hypocapnic shift in theapnoeic threshold of 13 Torr P CO2 .

    In humans with central sleep apnoea, drugs thatstimulate respiration tend to stabilize breathing, butthis is not the case in patients with obstructivesleep apnoea (OSA). While the carbonic anhydraseinhibitor acetazolamide has a substantial effect onthe apnoea/hypopnoea index, most likely throughacidication of the blood by action at the kidney (Whiteet al. 1982; Javaheri, 2006) or reductions in the sensitivity of the ventilatory control system (Edwards et al. 2012),drugs that target neuronal components of respirationcontrol have only mild effects on breathing stability in patients with OSA (Saboisky et al. 2009; Kohler& Stradling, 2011). For example, while theophyllinestabilizes breathing in central sleep apnoea, in twoof threerandomized control studies, theophylline is reported tocause only a mild reduction in the apnoea/hypopnoeaindex in OSA(reviewed inVeasey etal. 2006).Similarly, theeffects of naloxone, doxapram and almatrine, all of whichare reported to stimulate the carotid body to some degree,have underwhelming effects on the apnoeahypopneaindex in OSA (Krieger et al. 1982; Guilleminault &

    Hayes, 1983; Atkinson et al. 1985; Suratt et al. 1986;Hackett et al. 1987; Olievier et al. 1987; Yost, 2006). Theseextensiveobservations underlinethefact thatcarotid body stimulants are not suitable for the treatment of all types of sleep apnoea, especially when collapse of the airway may be exacerbated by increased inspiratory effort. Therefore,to be effective, pharmaceuticals that target the carotidbody willneed to be tailored to specic disease phenotypes(White, 2005).

    In conclusion, the current data from the decerebrate,vagotomized in situ rat preparation suggest that the peri-

    pheral respiratory chemoreceptors are demigod chemo-receptors capable of sustaining the frequency of therespiratory rhythm generator in the absence of vagal feed-back or substantive central respiratory chemoreceptoractivity. With the respiratory rhythm sustained by inputfrom theperipheral chemoreceptors, the role of thecentralchemoreceptor is one of determining tidal volume. Giventhe SmithDempsey doctrine that predicts removal of capnic stimuli from the carotid body is the primary causeof apnoea, and assuming the demonstration herein thatcarotid body stimulation is capable of shifting the apnoeicthreshold to very low levels of P CO2 is reective of the roleof the carotid body in intact sleeping humans, we surmisethat pharmacological treatments that selectively stimulatethe carotid bodies may be an effective treatment for someforms of sleep apnoea.


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