breathe free: the plan to stop smoking session four

Breathe Free: The Plan to Stop Smoking Session Four

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Breathe Free:The Plan to

Stop Smoking

Session Four

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Countering Withdrawal Rationalizations

You will find rationalizations that many smokers use to keep on smoking in your Personal Plan Booklet on pages 32 and 33

The Plan To Stop Smoking

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Countering Withdrawal


Rationalizations1. It’s too hard to quit.

2. Going without is agony.

3. Smoking helps my concentration.

The Plan To Stop Smoking

Reality1. Yes, it is hard, but

withdrawal pains last less than a week.

2. If you use the ten weapons to kill an urge, it will be much easier.

3. Smoking deprives your brain of oxygen.PPB Session Four 33

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Group Dynamics and Sharing

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Self-Image is what you believe about yourself based on:

What others tell you Your own personal life experiences

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$The value you

assign to someone’s opinion helps to

determine whether it affects your sense

of worth

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Self-respect is your confidence and appreciation of your own worth

Being accepted by others is a contributing factor in self worth,

Self-respect is determined by the value you place on yourself. Self respect = self worth.

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Think of your childhoodDid you hear depreciating

remarks directed toward yourself.

“You will never amount to anything.”

“You’re just like your mother/father.”

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Or did you hear positive comments

“You remind me of your mother/father. You have drive and commitment.”

“I appreciate your ability to get things done. You are organized.”

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You will find a worksheet called “Healthy Self-Image”

on page 34 of your Personal Plan Booklet

The Plan To Stop Smoking

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The Plan To Stop SmokingHealthy Self-Image

Leads to Positive Actions and Self-Respect

I AM… Think of five positive beliefs you hold about yourself

Think of specific strengths that can help you stop smoking. Start each sentence with “I am…”

Example: I am self-reliant12345

PPB Session Four 34

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“I am’s” are descriptive and analytical, not egotistical.

“I am a detailed person.”

See PPB p. 34

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I Will… Think of five way you will use these

strengths to counter your tobacco addiction.Example: I will counter my urge to smoke byrepeating I choose to be tobacco free.I will assert my strong determination to say no12345

Healthy Self-ImageThe Plan To Stop Smoking

PPB Session Four 34

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Relate “I will” to your smoking addiction.


“I will counter every urge to smoke with a positive benefit of cessation.”

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Signs of a person with healthy respect

Good eye contact Head held high, walks erect Positive statements when

referring to self Forgives self Feels able to handle situations Accepts responsibility for self-care Practices positive health habits

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Signs of low self-respect

Poor eye contact Holds head and shoulders down Puts self down Expresses guilt, shame Feels that he/she cannot handle

situations Lacks responsibility for self-care Practices negative health habits

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Self-respect is related to smoking in several ways

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Most started smoking because of poor self-image

When they do stop smoking, relapse causes a loss of self-respect

They feel guilty and it lowers self-respect Feelings of failure cause them to give up High self-respect helps one remain a non-


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To Improve Self-Respect

Develop a positive belief about your worth You have the ability to develop

high self-respect Believe it’s possible

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To Improve Self-Respect Five techniques to improve self-respect

Choose to have self-respect Can another give you self-respect - NO Can he/she take it away - NO

Understand your emotions and feelings Recognize that emotions come from thoughts Identify distorted thoughts that produce

negative emotions Remember that you can change your thoughts

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To Improve Self-Respect Be willing to forgive yourself and others Surround yourself with people who accept and

support you Find a non-smoking partner who will support

your decision to become a non-smoker Assess your current relationship with others

Every day do some activity you enjoy Reading, aerobics, shopping, taking a

bubble bath, walking, listening to music, or gardening

Fatigue is often depression in disguise

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Remodel Your Self-Image

Think about who you would like to be Create a positive mental blueprint Unleash the boundaries of the mind Mentally paint a new picture of your self The new person you would like to be.

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Seize the moment to make changes

Erase your past images of yourself Daily strive to accomplish your

new goals Seek to grow and live up to your

full potential

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Spiritual Aspect to Self-Worth

Find people who will accept you as a new non-smoker.

Give yourself permission to be human

Realize that you’re part of the fallible human race

Realize you were created in the image of God - perfect. Genesis 1:26

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It is hard to be depressed when you are happy.

Cessation often brings on depression. There is a better way to relieve depression.

Zyban could help. See your doctor if depression continues.

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Happiness is not about More money Elite birth Youthful age Right gender

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Happiness Is... People who like themselves People who are in control People who are optimistic People who like people People who smile often People who have worthPsy. Sci. 1995 IAW

This is a description of a new non-smoker

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What were the strongest triggers you had to deal with?

What specific strategies helped you in your struggle to stop smoking?

What did you like best about the program?

How do you feel now compared to how you felt before you stopped smoking?

?????? Questions ????????

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Cigarette smoke causes chronic irritation and

inflammation of the airways

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Smokers are more prone to respiratory infections and have longer duration of cough during

acute respiratory illness

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Ninety percent of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is due to smoking COPD includes chronic bronchitis

and emphysema COPD causes severely limited

activity and premature disability due to loss of lung function

Smoking and the Lung

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The lungs deal with 10,000 liters of air daily

Equipped with sophisticated mechanisms to remove harmful materials

Air entering the nose is adjusted to body temperature, filtered and humidified

The nose removes dust and particles. This cleansing mechanism is inactivated when you inhale tobacco smoke

Hair-like cilia covering the lining of the trachea and major bronchi perform this critical work

The cilia sweeps in upward directional waves transporting debris towards the throat where it gets swallowed or spit out

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The lungs exchange fresh oxygen for the carbon dioxide waste within the thin walled air-sacs called alveoli.

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Lungs may be damaged for years before symptoms show

“Small airway disease” Pulmonary functions tests measure present lung

function and capacity by use of a spirometer The volume of air expired in one second (FEV) is

usually 85% of total lung capacity FEV decreases with age Your future decline rate can improve to about the

same as someone who never smoked FEV decline was highest in cigar and cheroot smokers Chronic bronchitis

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If the alveoli are permanently damaged you cannot regain lost lung capacity but when you stop smoking your future decline rate

will improve to about the same as someone who never smoked

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FEV1 (Liters)


SmokerEx-smoker (quit at age 45)

Age 25




Age 65




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Cigarette smoking has effects that lead to

emphysema Smoke attracts macrophage and

neutrophil cells to lungs Smoke partially inactivates alpha-1-

protease inhibitor, an enzyme normally able to counteract the effect of elatase

Smoke suppresses components of pulmonary elastin syntheses, preventing the development of new elastic tissue

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Smoke damages alveolar tissues consists of tarry particles suspended in a

mixture of gases alpha-1-protease inhibitor can be

inactivated experimentally by free radicals from smoke

more than 1017 free radicals per puff in gas phase smoke

low tar cigarettes contain higher concentration of oxidants that cause emphysematous damage

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Benefits of smoking cessation Prevention of COPD Small airway disease may completely

reverse Age-related decrease in FEV will revert

to that of non-smoker Risk of death from COPD slowly

decreases over 15 to 20 years May need to reduce medication

containing theophylline

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Video Presentation

Video Presentation

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Video Discussion

Who was responsible for the deaths of the cowboys?

Was exercise and fresh air able to offset the damages of continued use of tobacco?

How do you feel about the tobacco executives?

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The A-B-C”s of Smoking

Instead of Death in the West Video you may want to use a new Video The A-B-C”s of Smoking

This video vividly demonstrates the more than 26 diseases and problems caused by tobacco.

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Smoker’s Lungs

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Choose a special partner to encourage you

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Choose someone with the following characteristics

Supportive Encouraging Sympathetic Concerned

A good listener Not critical or judgmental

Accessible Friendly

Available by telephone Non-smoker (preferably also an ex-smoker)

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If you have arthritis or osteoporosis or any spinal or neck problem you may not be able to participate in these Relaxation Exercises unless you have a `clearance from your Physican.

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Will help you be able to deal

more effectively with stress tension anxiety

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Deep Breathing Exercise)

Place your hand over your diaphragm Inhale deeply through your nose Hold your breath for a moment Relax Exhale very slowly through your mouth See p. 35 of PPB

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Basic relaxation PPB 36,37

Take a deep breath and exhale air Select a muscle group and tense it

for 5 seconds Release and relax Take a deep breath, exhale, and

repeat by tensing another group of muscles

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Head relaxation steps

Wrinkle your forehead Squint your eyes tightly

Open your mouth wide Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth

Clench your jaws tightly

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Neck relaxation steps Push your head back into a

pillow Bring your head forward to

touch your check Roll your head to your right

shoulder Roll your head to your left


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Shoulder relaxation steps

Shrug your shoulders up as if to touch your ears

Shrug your right shoulder up as if to touch your ear

Shrug your left shoulder up as if to touch your ear

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Arms and hands relaxation steps

Hold your arms and make a fist with each hand

Doing one side at a time, push your hands down against the surface where you are practicing

Doing one side at a time, make a fist, bend your arm at the elbows, then tighten up your arm while holding the fist

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Chest and lungs relaxation steps

Take a deep breath Tighten your chest muscles

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Simply arch your back to relax it

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Stomach relaxation steps

Tighten your stomach area Push out your chest muscles Pull your stomach area in

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To relax hips, legs, and feet

Tighten your hips Push the heels of your feet against

the surface where you are practicing

Tighten your leg muscles below the knee

Curl your toes under as if to touch the bottom of your feet

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Reward yourself at specific intervals to help re-enforce your decision

to be smoke-free

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Page 38 of your Personal Plan Booklet will help you plan ways to

reward yourself

Always reward yourself at specific intervals This helps re-enforce your decision to

be smoke-free We have rewards planned for YOU!

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HOME ACTIVITY Now it’s time to begin keeping an accurate

record of your smoking cessation. Page 26 of your Personal Plan

Booklet has your Smoke-Free Calendar. Those of you who have already stopped fill in the correct days.

On page 34 list your personal strengths and how they will help you continue to be

smoke- free.

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Plan rewards for your victories during the next 12 months.

(See page 38 of your Personal Plan Booklet)

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Countering Withdrawal Rationalization on pages 32 and 33 of your Personal Plan Booklet

The Plan To Stop Smoking

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Smoking is in the past and its time to live for the future

“Acceptance of our past, acceptance of the conditions presently in our lives that we cannot change, brings relief. It brings the peacefulness we so often, so frantically, seek.

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“We can put the past behind us. Each day is a new beginning. And each day of abstinence offers us the chance to look ahead with hope. A power greater than ourselves helped us to find this program. That power is ever with us… Our Higher power is as close as our breath…”

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“We don’t always understand the ways of Almighty God - the crosses sent us, the sacrifices demanded… but we accept with faith and resignation the Holy Will with no looking back, and we are at peace.”

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See You Tomorrow
