breaking down doran and the neo-con conception

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  • 8/9/2019 Breaking Down Doran and the Neo-Con Conception


    Michael S Doran is called by many the

    foremost expert on Muslim extremists and is

    highly regarded among the elite of our society for

    his work with The Council on Foreign Relations.He has also served as head of Near East and North

    African Affairs in the National Security Council

    (NSC) having been appointed to in August of 2005.

    He has served as an assistant Secretary of Defense

    during the second George W. Bush administration.

    Beginning with an article written by Mr. Doran in

    January/February 2002 issue of Foreign Affairs (the flagship publication for The

    Council on Foreign Affairs) Somebody else's civil war Doran writes that Osama bin

    Laden sought -- and has received -- an international military crackdown, one he wants

    to exploit for his particular brand of revolutionBin Laden produced a piece of high

    political theater. This would seem that Doran believes that the attacks on September

    11th were somehow a radicle Muslim extremists elaborate attempt at manipulate the

    U.S. into a war in which one of the consequences would be the forwarding of his

    agenda. However, Doran ignores key issues in the assumption.

    Osama bin Laden has in fact never taken responsibility for the September 11 th

    attacks. The only evidence to support the theory that he was responsible came from a

    grainy video tape in which Bin Laden remarks that he is pleased about the incident,

    but never takes responsibility. Even on the FBIs most wanted list, Osama Bin Laden

    is not charged with the September 11th Attacks. They have stated openly that they Donot have enough evidence to charge him said Robert S. Mueller, Director of The FBI.

    Even with the jury still out on if Bin Laden committed the attacks Doran still

    presumes to make the assumption that The script was obvious:. The script is

    anything but obvious. There are other facts that seem to allude Doran. According to

    a BBC article "During the anti-Soviet jihad, Bin Laden and his fighters received

    American and Saudi funding. In fact the name Al-Qaeda was actually originated in

    the CIA. It was the list ofassets or operatives that were recruited by the CIA to fight

    the attempted Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 80s. Most of which were

    associated with the Mujahedeen.This literally translated means Freedom fighter.

    In his article Doran The Expert in Muslim political discourse overlooks one more key

    factor. Although this is not substantiated, one is left with little else in the way of

    conclusions when looked at in the light of day. If in fact Bin laden did have the

    intension of using the September 11th attacks to rile the American sabre, which would

    then cause a rift in the Arab world that he could exploit, or even further a faith based

    cause, then it would seem that it has not been as successful as Doran has labeled it.
  • 8/9/2019 Breaking Down Doran and the Neo-Con Conception


    For if Bin Laden is supposed to have gotten what he wanted, I find it hard to believe

    that living in a cave in the Mountains with the U.S. army crawling all over the place

    constitutes a victory. In fact the claim is, that Bin Laden is no longer relevant. At least

    according to those in our government whose job it is to know these things.

    It is the possition of many people with the neoconservative political views, as Michael

    Doran has expressed and demonstrated he is, that America has the right to enact

    policy that is beneficial in the preservation ofthe American Empire. They are in fact

    what can be said to be interventionists. This school of thought is centered on the idea

    that we not only have the right to preserve our empire by any means necessary, but

    we have the duty to restrict any other country, society, or culture from attaining an

    empire of their own.

    Lets look at the word Empire. According to Websters we see these definitions when

    referring to political empires.

    1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an aggregate of peoples and territories, often

    of great extent, under the rule of a single person, oligarchy, or sovereign state

    2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any monarchy that for reasons of history,

    prestige, etc., has an emperor rather than a king as head of state

    3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the period during which a particular empire


    4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) supreme power; sovereignty Related adjimperial

    5. (Business / Commerce)a large industrial organization with many ramifications, esp

    a multinational corporation

    Empire building or Nation Building is the practice of causing circumstances in

    political ideologies that allow the manipulation of power to work in the advantage of

    the practicing party. This can be for financial gain, political influence or strategic

    implementation troops and supplies for future endeavors. This is at the heart of neo

    political view.

    These are the principles and values that are currently in play in our nations capital.

    The belief that we are the police force of the world, and that just because we are

    stringent in our beliefs, that it somehow gives the right to enforce it upon other

    nations. If seen from the perspective of a lesser power it would have to look as though

    we are an occupation of force. I have no dought that were there to be tanks and planes

    and soldiers in our streets and over 1 million of our citizens dead that no matter what

    was blasted over an announcement speaker or handed out in pamphlets, we would
  • 8/9/2019 Breaking Down Doran and the Neo-Con Conception


    feel like we were being occupied and fought till the death to oust the invaders. Yet we

    view this behavior by our own government and military with passing concern. We

    seem more interested in TIVOing the latest episode of Jersey Shore and or standing in

    line at the Best Buy for 7 hours just to be the first in line to get the new Ipad.

    Michael Doran in his article Someone Elses Civil War demonstrates the lack of

    intelligent persons willing to look at the facts and honestly assess the situation

    regardless of the fear they may feel at the realization of our country and government

    actually colluding in the destruction of what the founding fathers set forth on this

    great land of ours. I see it in the faces of those who ardently stick to the propaganda

    put forth concerning the events of 9/11. I see it on the faces of media talking heads

    that parrot the 9/11 commissions findings in the face of overwhelming evidence to the

    contrary. I also see the citizens in the streets protesting peacefully while police officials

    and army personnel physically abuse them and use torture weapons to gain

    compliance from people who simply wish to bring this nation back from the brink of

    socialism. And I see the best and brightest of our young with missing limbs, or

    missing souls, when returning from the war that has no purpose. Terrorism cannot be

    fought and won over with the lives of our precious youth. And that is why it was

    devised. It is only going to end when those who started it feel like they have made

    enough money off the blood of our children.

    By: Joseph R. Spencer Writer/Editor