breaking boundaries learning is everything, everything is learning · 2018-05-04 · crew 4 explore...

Issue: 13 Breaking Boundaries Learning is Everything, Everything is Learning Date: Friday 4th May 2018 Dear Parents/ Carers, Here we are in the merry, merry month of May already! We are working closely with our Y6 students in the final 2 weeks before their need of Key Stage 2 Tests arrive. When we publish the next Greenside Newsletter they will all be over! They have been so positive and worked so hard during their class, revision and booster sessions - making us all very proud. As the ‘big week’ approaches we are reinforcing how we simply want them to do their best; their personal best is what they are all striving for and such an achievement will make us all proud of them - Go Greenside Y6 students! With Polling Day over we are still hearing great stories today about the Theatre Walks and Treasure Hunts that some of our Film Crews enjoyed yesterday. They followed in the footsteps of Shakespeare, Helen Mirren, Anne-Marie Duff and Mark Rylance; they explored Musical Theatre, tragedies, comedies and plays with a message about life! Our Y6 students spent a ‘final’ day of revision fun and they hosted a study day for the Y6 Lena Gardens Y6 students too - there was a little healthy competition and some fab sharing too. Thank you for your encouragement to your daughters and sons to produce a piece of ‘nature’ inspired Art for our competition - today is the closing date for entries and we will looking at the work by our GGL students and getting back to you with details of our finalists very soon. These beautiful pieces of art will be the 1st part of our Artsmark new application. A reminder that Monday 7th May is a Bank Holiday and a closure day at Greenside. May I also remind all parents/ carers that we have our TEF CPD Day on Friday 25th May. Our Y6 students will be on their Residential trip that day and Greenside will be closed to all other students that day. We have a really interesting day planned for our staff to develop the best practice of Primary practice. Best wishes Karen 1. Message from the Head of School Dear Greenside Community, It has been such a lovely few weeks listening to students all over Greenside reciting Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 (we learnt this after Ms Bastick-Styles introduced it in our Board Meeting with lots of different versions to inspire us all!) and even more so - creating their own versions! This is one of the greatest love sonnets in the world so I thought I would have a go at writing my own version too, with a little help from Y6! Shall I compare Greenside to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Key stage tests do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's term hath all too short a date: Sometimes so hot the love of learning, And often is the gold star awarded; And every summer fair our fundraising is undimmed, Not by chance, Greenside students always helping; But thy eternal Greenside shall not fade

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Page 1: Breaking Boundaries Learning is Everything, Everything is Learning · 2018-05-04 · Crew 4 Explore Central London! The sun was shining and Crew 4 immersed themselves as tourists

Issue: 13

Breaking Boundaries Learning is Everything, Everything is Learning

Date: Friday 4th May 2018

Dear Parents/ Carers, Here we are in the merry, merry month of May already! We are working closely with our Y6 students in the final 2 weeks before their need of Key Stage 2 Tests arrive. When we publish the next Greenside Newsletter they will all be over! They have been so positive and worked so hard during their class, revision and booster sessions - making us all very proud. As the ‘big week’ approaches we are reinforcing how we simply want them to do their best; their personal best is what they are all striving for and such an achievement will make us all proud of them - Go Greenside Y6 students! With Polling Day over we are still hearing great stories today about the Theatre Walks and Treasure Hunts that some of our Film Crews enjoyed yesterday. They followed in the footsteps of Shakespeare, Helen Mirren, Anne-Marie Duff and Mark Rylance; they explored Musical Theatre, tragedies, comedies and plays with a message about life! Our Y6 students spent a ‘final’ day of revision fun and they hosted a study day for the Y6 Lena Gardens Y6 students too - there was a little healthy competition and some fab sharing too. Thank you for your encouragement to your daughters and sons to produce a piece of ‘nature’ inspired Art for our competition - today is the closing date for entries and we will looking at the work by our GGL students and getting back to you with details of our finalists very soon. These beautiful pieces of art will be the 1st part of our Artsmark new application. A reminder that Monday 7th May is a Bank Holiday and a closure day at Greenside. May I also remind all parents/ carers that we have our TEF CPD Day on Friday 25th May. Our Y6 students will be on their Residential trip that day and Greenside will be closed to all other students that day. We have a really interesting day planned for our staff to develop the best practice of Primary practice. Best wishes Karen

1. Message from the Head of School Dear Greenside Community, It has been such a lovely few weeks listening to students all over Greenside reciting Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 (we learnt this after Ms Bastick-Styles introduced it in our Board Meeting with lots of different versions to inspire us all!) and even more so - creating their own versions! This is one of the greatest love sonnets in the world so I thought I would have a go at writing my own version too, with a little help from Y6!

Shall I compare Greenside to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Key stage tests do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's term hath all too short a date: Sometimes so hot the love of learning, And often is the gold star awarded; And every summer fair our fundraising is undimmed, Not by chance, Greenside students always helping; But thy eternal Greenside shall not fade

Page 2: Breaking Boundaries Learning is Everything, Everything is Learning · 2018-05-04 · Crew 4 Explore Central London! The sun was shining and Crew 4 immersed themselves as tourists

Nor lose possession of the iPads thou ow'st; Nor shall kindness wander'st in his shade, When in Greenside for time thou grow'st; So long as students can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives Greenside, and this gives World Ready Skills to thee.

Not sure what Shakespeare would think, but we had fun! Robin Yeats - Head of School

2. Theatre Crew Days - Summer Term ‘18

Our Wizard of Oz extravaganza has begun….we are following the green brick road to a performance that we will proudly

invite all our families to at the end of term. Meanwhile our Theatre Crews wish to introduce their learning to you all:

Theatre Crew 1

Crew 1 have jumped straight into the Green Stage theme by exploring some of the most famous shows in the world of

theatre. They have looked at famous musicals and their top songs (Lion King was a big hit!), as well as famous lines from

Shakespeare: 'All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.' and famous theatre posters and imagery

such as Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. We had great fun getting ourselves performance ready by looking at

how to use body language to make your performance more believable and got our warmed our voices up with some tongue

twisters! Just ask Crew 1 for some of the amazing twisters they practised - we were so impressed! We also started to

explore our scene from the film and get together our ideas for what we could do to put our own special stamp on it. But that's

all a secret, for now…

Crew 1 had a great time on our “London Theatre Walk”! We spotted lots of the Musicals, Ballets and Drama productions we

had learnt about in crew the week before. We learnt facts about The Coliseum Theatre and why the Puritans closed it down

and even that in the Palace Theatre two seats are always free because they believe the ghosts need to sit there!

Theatre Crew 2

Crew 2 began our theatrical experience by immersing ourselves in the world of Shakespeare. We put on a ‘from scratch’

production of Macbeth in a day and had fun learning lots of immersive drama games. We then began to explore our section

of The Wizard of Oz by creating mood boards and sharing ideas for how our company can stage our section of the

performance. We have lots of ideas - we have been thinking big, thinking bold and thinking creative! Watch this space …

Theatre Crew 3

This term, Crew 3 will enter a form of theatre that began thousands of years ago: puppetry. We will explore the different

types of puppet from simple finger puppets to water puppets. Students will have fun learning how to make the puppets and,

most importantly, how to engage the audience as they take on the role of puppeteers. Their creative skills will be put to the

test as they attempt to turn the opening scene of The Wizard of Oz into a puppet show using as many types of puppets as

possible. We will continue to develop our World Ready Skills while also having the most incredible summer term in a Wizard

of Oz puppet world!

Crew 3 explored everything in the V&A Museum of Childhood as part of their summer term crew learning. They watched a

live puppet show made their own shadow puppets and were inspired by puppets from hundreds of years ago - they had an

amazing day of learning and fun!

Page 3: Breaking Boundaries Learning is Everything, Everything is Learning · 2018-05-04 · Crew 4 Explore Central London! The sun was shining and Crew 4 immersed themselves as tourists

Theatre Crew 4

Crew 4 Explore Central London!

The sun was shining and Crew 4 immersed themselves as tourists in their own city.

We travelled to Piccadilly Circus and walked together to explore London's West End. We saw lots of theatres, including the

long running show, Mouse Trap.

We then had lunch at Covent Garden and watched some fantastic street performers. We really liked the Beat Boxer

performance we saw too. It amazed us just how many theatres there are in London and how great street performances are


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Theatre Crew 5

We don’t want to give too much away but let’s just say that you are in for a show stopping performance and that’s just from

Ms Williams and Ms Malin!

Crew 5 had an amazing tour around London’s Theatre District on Thursday. We took in the sights of the Adelphi, Lyceum

and Prince of Wales theatres, along with many others. We interviewed a stage door manager who told us all about how the

sets are delivered to the stage and took in loads of street performances. Ms Williams and Ms Malin found it delightful to

watch the students’ enthusiasm as they experienced many different kinds of theatre.

3. Ofsted Letter We hope you all received a copy of our Ofsted Letter and my Letter to Families. Please do not hesitate to contact us at Greenside if you have any questions or comments.

4. Sharing Recent Events a) Y6 Tests - The final 2 weeks The dates for the Tests are Monday 14th May - GPS, Tuesday 15th May - Reading, Wednesday 16th May - Maths and Thursday 17th May - Maths. Please remember students cannot take the tests on alternative days and so attendance each morning is imperative. Please support your daughter/ son with time to revise, practice times tables, Mathletics and to do lots of reading. We will be providing a fruit and croissants breakfast each morning to give that extra burst of energy. Do contact George Webber if students need any final extra learning tasks. b) Reception Trip - Holland Park On Friday the 20th of April, Reception went out on a minibeast hunt. It was a beautiful day to take the bus to Holland Park and visit the Ecology Centre and explore the wooded areas of the park. We met Jenny (the park ranger) at the Ecology Centre who taught us all about different minibeasts and their habitats. Then Jenny led us into the woods and showed us how to safely search for and 'capture' the minibeasts with our petri dishes and paintbrushes. We examined them closely and discussed what we were able to find before releasing them back into the forest again. We found some millipedes, snails, slugs, ants, worms, bees, and woodlouse! Finally, we would like to thank Gemma and Lorraine for accompanying us on this trip. Thank you for spending a beautiful sunny day with us in the park! Ms Morra. c) Y1 - Edwardian Day ‘This is the best day ever!’ These words could be heard from Taylor, after he took off the ‘dunce’s cap’ for not standing up when asked a question! Y1 celebrated the Edwardian Era by having an Edwardian school day in the morning and a banquet in the afternoon. Strict teachers could be heard enforcing students to recite spellings, write addition sentences on chalk boards and scolding them when it wasn’t done correctly. However, all was happy and cheerful in the afternoon as students were taught how to dance The Waltz and had a banquet with Edwardian cakes and ice cream.

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5. Parent/ Carer Events & Updates a) Parents Evening Meetings Thank you to all parents/ carers who came in to Greenside to meet with our Teachers for the Parents Evening meetings last week - if you were unable to do so last week please ensure you contact your daughter/ son’s Class Teacher this week to book an appointment. Part of our Home/ School partnership expectation is that all parents/ carers attend these meetings. We hope they were useful and informative. b) Attendance A reminder from Ms. Webber: “Calling all Greenside students. Thursday 17th May is our next 100% attendance day. This day falls within our Key Stage two test week so we are confident that all of our students will be in that day. Please help us to reach our goal of that elusive 100% figure! Come on Greenside!!” c) Costumes and Scenery As we work on our Wizard of Oz performance may I ask that if there are any parents/ carers or family members who can make costumes, sew or feel they may have a little time to help with making scenery on a Thursday before the end of July please email me. We would love to invite you in to join our sessions - it will be great fun! d) Jam Jars and Lids Please can we make a request that all families save their empty jam jars (with lids) and bring them into the lovely Michelle Williams in Key Stage 1 - this would be a great help to our future learning at Greenside! With thanks in advance.

6. Sharing our Learning Our STAR Day texts are inspired by films and texts that have wonderful stories but have also appeared on the stage in one guise or another. Our English and Maths (STEM) learning and application will be woven through the weekly hooks and our Experiential Learning Model to support and challenge our students every day! Please remember to check out the Learning Experiences outlined on the half term plan for each class on our website. a) Nursery - The Bee Movie & Minibeasts With Spring finally arrived and the minibeasts in abundance, Nursery have spent a little time in the Learning Garden, digging, weeding, watering- and even weaving! We’re learning to tend to, nurture, and take care of our environment because we understand how important it is, not just to take care of our entire planet, but also our little patch we call home too. On Polling Day, Nursery took the morning to walk down to Ravenscourt Park in the sunshine with a mission in mind. First, to release some of the hundreds of tadpoles that have spawned in the pond at school, and secondly, to go to the garden centre to purchase some bee friendly plants for the Learning Garden. With both of those aims achieved, we thought it was only right to treat ourselves with a snack in the park, and a little run around too!

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b) Reception - The Bee Movie! Mariella was doubling with ladybird spots. "I can make doubles! 10+10 !" Maxi wrote about the millipede that he spotted in Holland Park. He drew a picture and wrote: "The millipede has lots of arms." c) Y1 - ‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’. This week in Y1 it was all about kites. After mind mapping words that represented kites, we created shape poems about these magical flying objects. We took our knowledge of kites and used it to create fractions.

Ines: 'We used similes in our poem. A simile uses the word 'like' or 'as'.' Lois: 'A kite can be cut into 1/4's and into 1/2's.'

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d) Y2 - Inspired by Shrek This week students have been following our theme of fairy tales. We looked closely at the characters in Shrek and used adjectives to describe them in the first person. We then used this information to make “Who am I?” cards for people to guess. This was accompanied by a beautiful pencil sketch. We also put ourselves in the shoes of Lord Farquaad and discussed what we would do if we ruled for the day. This was inspired by royal art using mixed media – photography and pastels! e) Y3 - The Real Peter Pan! In Y3 this week we have been focusing on writing character descriptions using paragraphs. We organised our ideas into paragraphs using a mind map. We were also helping the lost boys to figure out how the magnet in their compass works by conducting some scientific investigations. Hugo learnt a lot about magnets and magnetic materials!

f) Y4 - Simply the Greatest Place on Earth! This week the Y4 circus has been travelling around the world by looking at the top five circus’ : Moscow, Chinese, Canada’s Cirque du Soleil, Barnum and Bailey from USA and Manu Cirque! Then we travelled to France to look at Henri Matisse and interpreted a circus scene in his ‘style’ - the next adventure awaits us!

g) Y5 - War Horse

In Y5 we imagined we were part of the RAF which was established at the end of WW1. Our job was to convince the generals that parachutes could improve safety. We investigated how surface area can change the speed at which a parachute falls, the importance of symmetry in their designs and how to create a fair test.

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h) Y6 - Don’t Cry for Y6!

Zak Edwards tells us: “We have used a song from the movie Evita to inspire our writing. We listened to the song to help us

write a letter from Eva to her husband Juan Peron who was in prison at the time. The letter was about Eva trying to get her

husband out of prison and to let him know that he should be president of Argentina. The film has really inspired us so much

and we are taking our writing straight to that greater depth!”

Our Y6 students have also been busy preparing for the upcoming end of Key Stage tests. Nearly there! Come on Y6!

7. Student Stars at Greenside Congratulations to all our wonderful students who have received a mention below this week for something extra special at Greenside over the last 2 weeks. Our Greenside Screen Stars are Alliah (Y2) and Haysam (Y5) our special ‘well-done’ goes to these two superstars - check out their pictures and big smiles on the Foyer screen. Cozmo for her excellent handwriting efforts (Nursery) Theodore for being such an avid gardener (Nursery)

Daania for her self-confidence and class participation (Reception) Rafe for explaining the difference between a fly and a flying ant (Reception) Albert for taking the time to make an amazing robot that he shared with the class (Y1) Sophia for working so hard at her skip counting in 5's. (Y1)

Ali for showing wonderful classroom behaviour and being very helpful around the school. Ali is also showing his enthusiasm

for learning in all subjects. (Y2)

Alliah for showing great progress and bravery in her Maths and conquering some tricky concepts (Y2)

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Hiwanja for her efforts at all times during the learning this week (Y3)

Maddy for being a kind and good friend to students in the class (Y3)

Ayobami for a smashing attitude to learning and some fantastic circus interpretations of Henri Matisse and using flashbacks in

his character descriptions (Y4)

Zubir for working so well on making sure he contributes his own learning in group tasks (Y4)

Iris for being a more focused learner who is growing in confidence (Y5) Laith for being determined to improve in all areas of the curriculum (Y5) Hyat for her contribution to SMSC (Y6)

Burhan for his test ready focus (Y6)

Alfie and Haysam in Y5 and Sean in Y4 were amazingly helpful and enthusiastic during Crew 5's trip into central London. All the boys were making a real effort to look after the younger students and to behave as sensible role models. They also all really enjoyed each new experience we had that day.

8. April Birthdays A big happy birthday to all of our April babies! Sofia made a fabulous chocolate cake for them all to share. Here they are!

9. A Message from the Greenside SENCo Changes to Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Hammersmith and Fulham.

Some parents/ carers may be aware that the Hammersmith and Fulham Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) department are no longer part of the triborough with Chelsea and Westminster. At this point there may be short term delays in processing annual reviews for students with existing EHCs and any requests we have made at Greenside for funding for students currently in the process. Hammersmith SEN Team are currently recruiting and allocating new caseworkers. We have been fortunate to be given Niamh Moore, our current speech and language therapist for a term and a half and she will continue at Greenside to the end this school year for consistency. Tom Lloyd has worked with Hammersmith and Fulham for many years and will continue as our school Educational Psychologist. It is hoped the changes will give us further consistency and possibly a higher level of access to SEN support. For students who need need a lower level of learning support (who do not meet the threshold for additional funding) teachers work closely with me monitoring their progress in their daily learning and through regular assessments. Additional support is delivered in small group interventions and programs. If are concerned that your daughter/ son may have any learning difficulties , please feel free to come and see me. Denise Hughes (SENCo)

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10. School to Market In our last edition we heard from Michelle Williams telling us about the Eco/ Green Food Student Leadership latest adventure; this week they had a great opportunity to put their theory into practice. “Six of our food group students represented Greenside this week when they travelled to Lady Margaret’s Secondary School to participate in a Chutney making Masterclass. Ms. Williams reports that the students were enthusiastic throughout their cookery experience with Chef Ruth and are now experts in making delicious homemade Chutney sauces. They are now super excited about the next step in the project which is a marketing lesson provided by Whole Foods in Fulham which will be followed by a fruit and vegetable picking day at a farm when we will hand pick ingredients to create our very own sauces to go on sale. We are keen to get cooking and creating lots of sauces to accompany school meals once our growing area is in bloom which is currently being worked on by our Y3 students and the amazing parent volunteers!”

11. Follow the Green Brick Road This week we proudly present our corridor boards - they tell the story of the Wizard of Oz - our challenge to everyone is cto put them into chronological order to tell the story.

12. Interesting Greenside Learning News

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a) Learning Times Tables

Mr Mahara explains: “From EYFS onwards, times tables are taught using songs, chanting and manipulatives – like Unifix cubes.

Students then progress on to using visuals and written methods of multiplication. The aim is to build fluency in recalling times

table facts as well as a deeper understanding of the relationship between numbers. We encourage them to find links and

patterns wherever possible.

At Greenside, we present times tables in many engaging ways.

- Songs & chanting

- Games such as Fizz Buzz

- Speed times tables: the race is on to see who can recall their times tables the fastest.

- Times Table Rock Stars: can you become a Rock Legend as you learn your tables?

Rather than becoming anxious when faced with times tables problems, these activities are helping our students become more

perseverant, confident and enthusiastic towards this crucial skill. Please practice with your daughter/ son at home as often as

you can!”

c) Student Teachers at Greenside Emma Doi-President: “My name is Emma Doi-President. I am studying for my PGCE at UCL, Institute of Education. I am on the Early Years Pathway and as part of my teacher training I’m delighted to be working with the Reception Class at Greenside. Getting to know the students and the school has been great fun with many more enjoyable experiences to come over the summer months. I am looking forward to being at Greenside for the summer term and becoming part of the community.” Rosanna Owen “I am Rosanna Owen and I am really excited to be joining Greenside this term. I am a PGCE student from UCL who will be working with Y2, and I have loved getting to know all the students these past weeks. I am really looking forward to joining in with the school production of Wizard of Oz! Thank you for having me.” Laura Wakefield “I am a student from UCL and I am teaching in Y5 this term. A few fun facts about me… 1) I have a dog and 2 cats, 2) My favourite book is Matilda and 3) I once played a blind musician in the school production. I am looking forward to a fabulous term at Greenside!

13. SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) sessions at Greenside

We love our SMSC sessions at Greenside. Last week we celebrate Shakespeare’s Birthday by learning Sonnet 18 and many

students wrote their own poetry. This week Claire Davies told us her story of her visit to the Anzac commemorations last week

and in our class sessions students have been exploring the S, M, S and C of lots of different World News stories from the week

including the Korean summit.

Reception - This week during SMSC we were discussing world news and current events. We felt inspired by the local elections

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and decided to host our own mock election in Reception. The students took turns visiting the polling booth and voting for their

favourite minibeast. The results were inconclusive. It was a tie between the butterfly and the ladybird!

In Y1 we talked a lot about conflict and how to resolve our problems, much like North and South Korea. Malika made it clear that

even though people do not like each other, it doesn't mean they should be treated rudely. Well done Y1 for understanding such a

difficult concept!

This week in Y2 we focused on North and South Korea and took the ideas of Peace, Friendship and Reconciliation. We shared

our own experiences of these strands and then linked them to North and South Korea. Students thought it would be a good idea

to represent North and South Korea on the map as one instead of two and decorate the map with joyful colours, words and


Y6 have explored World News this week. We were particularly taken by the situation in Korea. Hayet has expressed this

momentous event in the form of this colourful symbol of peace.

14. Dates for your Diary



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Summer Term 1 - 2018

Week 4

Monday 7th May All Day May Day Bank Holiday - Greenside is closed all day

Tuesday 8th May 8.55am Greenside open to all students

Tuesday 8th May All Day Y1 Mary Poppins trip to the South Bank

Wednesday 9th May 3.30pm Tea & Cakes

Week 5

Monday 14th May All Week Data Capture 5 for Y1, Y3, Y4 & Y5 students

Monday 14th May All Day Y6 Key Stage 2 Tests - GPS

Tuesday 15th May All Day Y6 Key Stage 2 Tests - Reading

Tuesday 15th May All Day 100% Attendance Day

Wednesday 16th May All Day Y6 Key Stage 2 Tests - Maths (Arithmetic & Reasoning)

Wednesday 16th May 3.30pm Tea & Cakes

Thursday 17th May All Day Y6 Key Stage 2 Tests - Maths (Reasoning)

Thursday 17th May All Day 100% Attendance Day at Greenside!

Friday 18th May All Day Newsletter Published

Week 6

Monday 21st May All Week Y2 Key Stage 1 Tests

Wednesday 23rd May 9.45am Student Leaders - Green Team to visit to Fulham

Wednesday 23rd May PM EYFS - Ugly Bug Ball - Parents/ carers invited to join us

Wednesday 23rd May 3.30pm Tea & Cakes

Wednesday 23rd May All Day Y6 Residential to Oxford - Day 1

Thursday 24th May All Day Y6 Residential to Oxford - Day 2

Thursday 24th May 3.30pm Half Term Holiday begins for students

Friday 25th May All Day Y6 Residential to Oxford - Day 3

Friday 25th May All Day CPD Day at Greenside - closed to students, open to staff!

Summer Term 2 - 2018

Week 1

Monday 4th June 8.55am Summer Term 2 begins for students!

Best wishes to all our families Karen

Karen Bastick-Styles – Executive Head

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