breakfree with valarcher

Break Free of Pain & Addiction In 8 Easy Steps by Val Archer - @valarcher (c) copyright 2011, Valerie K. Archer, all rights reserved Subscribe to my Newsletter at for the best Health Give-Aways on the web each week - videos, ebooks, mp3's, webinars, teleseminars :)

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  • Break Free of Pain & Addiction

    In 8 Easy Steps

    by Val Archer - @valarcher

    (c) copyright 2011, Valerie K. Archer, all rights reserved

    Subscribe to my Newsletter at for

    the best Health Give-Aways on the web each week - videos, ebooks,

    mp3's, webinars, teleseminars :)

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Wondering What To Eat? *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Are you ready to go slowly raw? Just for a month? Test the


    Husband & wife team Jinjee and Storm are on hand to help you

    every step of the way. They've raised FIVE raw vegan children!

    Each season, 4 times a year, they run 2 online programs:

    * 28-day Transition to Raw, and

    * 21-day All Raw Cleanse

    * Back-to-back for 7 weeks - join just one or

    * Get both at bargain Special...

    You pay only ONCE then you're free to repeat both Programs every

    Season every year, AT NO CHARGE for the REST OF YOUR LIFE :)

    Join here:


    Youll receive:

    * Recipes, Menu Plans, Shopping Lists - it's all spelled out...

    * Conference Calls - you get LIVE help

    * Private Online Community - to support you daily

    * Daily Email Guidance + Journal Exercises - so you feel better

    * a Program Pal - can't let your pal down :)

    * Workouts - dance to your heart's delight

    * Inspiring eBooks, Videos, mp3's - Anti-Aging with Raw Foods *

    Healing with Raw Foods * Raising Raw Children * Building Muscle

    on Raw Foods * AND MORE

    * Lifetime Membership - repeat any season, any year

    Register here Today:


    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


    I'm trusting you to do your homework. Study ONE CLASS A WEEK and

    do the homework for that week :)

    * Class 1--Breaking Free of Addiction. You WILL be free one day.

    These classes are your guiding light.

    * Class 2--Overcoming Pain. LIVING foods are the key to healing -

    growing in the moment you eat them.

  • * Class 3--Your Metabolic Type. Nature-Nurture - you know it's

    genes and environment that shape you into a unique person. Today

    let's look at genes.

    * Class 4--Protein - Your ENERGY Food. Time to calculate your

    Protein needs - Ball Park Needs, Scientific Needs, Sources,

    Recipes, etc.

    * Class 5--Fat - Your BRAIN Food. Time to calculate your Fat

    needs - Ball Park Needs, Scientific Needs, Sources, Recipes, etc.

    * Class 6--Carbohydrates - Your FILLER Food. First thing you

    notice when you start to go raw, you're starving hungry. Why?

    Because you don't eat enough calories! Ball Park Needs,

    Scientific Needs, Sources, Recipes, etc.

    * Class 7--Nurturing You. You learned about nature (genes) in

    Class 3. Today let's deal with nurture, your environment.

    * Class 8--Which Healing School? What do the gurus say you SHOULD

    do? And which do you resonate with? The top five schools in

    nutritional healing from raw to cooked, vegan to meat, they're

    all here!

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Class 1--Breaking Free of Addiction

    Hi -- here's class 1 of your 8-week health class on How to Eat

    for YOUR unique needs...

    We begin with my story... and your drug of choice, SFS...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    It's the fall of 1992. I'm 44 years old, peri-menopausal.

    I walk out of my Russian dentist's office on Ocean Avenue in

    Brooklyn, New York and grumble:

    "OK, Ann Wigmore, if your way cures cancer, let's see it cure

    a hole in my tooth."

    My dentist has just diagnosed a $1,200 root canal. I don't have

    $12. Health insurance? Never seen it in my life.

    In four years (from 1988) I lose five teeth to root canal or

    extraction. Now she's out for more blood.

    Not blaming her. Doctor mentions (once) "this wouldn't be

    happening if you'd change your diet." But she never tells me WHAT

    to eat!

    How many dentists and doctors know how to live on fresh raw

    fruits and vegetables? The way of the late Dr. Ann Wigmore.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Knowledge Sets You Free *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    How did I hit my early 40's with such huge mineral deficiencies

    that I'm losing a tooth every year?

    I drank. And I smoked. Pretty much daily, and often

    round-the-clock from 1966 (first year at college) to 1988 (landed

    in AA).

    Then I ate sugar for my daily meals -- Mrs Fields Cookies, Dunkin

    Donuts, and McDonald's strawberry milkshakes -- until that day at

    my dentist, 1992.

    Will I tell you addiction stories that will make your eyebrows

    crawl? Not now, I'm not ready to go naked.

    Picture this. You scrape down to the bottom of the barrel of

    addiction, then you dig a hole in the bottom, and crawl into a

    bottomless pit of Addiction. I call it "black-out."

    I want you to know I've been there. I know hell on earth. If

    you're insane (as I was) - you go into black-out over and over

    again and expect a different result - it's okay.

    You WILL be free one day. These classes are your guiding light.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Are You Sane? *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    If you're sane, and believe you're no addict, that's good news

    too. My class will teach you how to soar to new heights.

    Are you apparently sane like my ex-boss Neil in Manhattan? He

    enjoys a simple breakfast of granola. Lunch is turkey on rye with

    lettuce. Dinner is meat + veg with his family, or a meal out with

    friends. Do you call this addiction?

    I do. It's the SFS drug. Our parents are junkies. They get us

    hooked before we can walk. By 3 years old a little child is

    clamoring for her fix - candy! Candy!

    SFS is the most widespread drug in the capitalized world. It

    causes more sickness, pain and early needless deaths than

    alcohol, cigarettes, heroin and all drugs combined, more pain and

    death than all wars. It costs a fortune in medical bills!

    It causes irreversible losses in productivity - a sheer waste of

    human life. When you break free of SFS, you reach your fullest

    potential and joy. Your pain evaporates into the mists of times


  • Are you in pain? Is it self-inflicted?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * What is that drug, SFS? *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    99% of us are SO addicted to SFS that you believe you will

    actually *suffer* if you give it up!

    You look at someone like me who eats fruit and veg and you

    grimace: "Eugh! I'd be miserable if I ate like that!"

    In fact, you do suffer! SFS releases the feel-good chemical

    dopamine in your brain. So does cocaine. The withdrawal symptoms

    last from three months to as long as you want. I took 15 years to

    break free of SFS.

    * SUGAR is white sugar and white grains - that's bread, pasta,

    breakfast cereal, white rice, all the things you never see in


    * FAT is fish, animal, bird, dairy, and vegetable oils. It's ok

    to eat a little meat or fish if you feel a need for that protein.

    But fat for breakfast, fat for lunch, and fat for dinner? That's

    SFS drug. Your body's not made for so much fat.

    * FAT is also the white grains. They're hopelessly unbalanced -

    too much sugar (glucose molecules) with too few nutrients. When

    this glucose enters your fat cells, it gets turned into glycerol

    and fatty acids.

    * SALT includes sea salt. Many healing schools, such as the late

    Drs Herbert Shelton (natural hygiene) and Max Gerson, say it

    means ALL salt, including Himalayan crystal salt and Celtic sea


    Do you see nature fairies flitting from plant to plant sprinkling

    salt on their leaves and fruits?

    Why are you doing it, if it's not in nature? Salt is in all SFS

    food, the cans, the jars, the boxes.

    Nature lives in exquisite balance. Illness is imbalance. As you

    grow more unbalanced, you topple over and die. Your goal is


    So look at nature. Follow Her. Be willing to admit, "I'm a

    junkie, an SFS addict."

    Then decide to get clean and sober. As an alcoholic I set my

    sights on reaching one year without alcohol. I visualized all the

    drinks - brandy, rum, tequila, beer, wine, coffee creme liqueur -

  • I would line up in a row and drink on the 365th day.

    Hopefully you're not that dumb. You visualize FOOD that tastes so

    good, it's orgasmic - fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds,

    grains, beans :)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * What Is Addiction? *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Addiction is UNconscious action. Knowledge is Conscious action.

    Knowledge sets you free.

    What's the first step I took when I walked away from my dentist

    that fall day in 1992?

    What did I do when I got home?

    How come today, 20 years on, I can go four years without seeing a

    dentist or oral hygienist (please do NOT follow that bad example)



    How did I walk away from losing a tooth a year?

    Stay tuned for Class 2, coming in seven days :)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Your Homework *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ACTION: I want you to begin with one Green Smoothie a day

    * For a MINIMUM of THREE days in the next seven days.

    Pick up the Green Smoothie recipes here:


    Are you gung-ho on macrobiotics, or believe you must not eat


    Then leave out the Green Smoothie, and begin with Energy Soup,

    the recipes are here:


    Be sure to click through to page 2 for Energy Soup variations.

    If you don't know how to sprout, then omit the bean sprouts for

    now. You'll learn sprouting in class 4 on Protein.

  • Chief difference between Green Smoothie and Energy Soup is:

    * In Green Smoothie, you sweeten the taste of the greens with

    fruit, and get your calories from fruit;

    * In Energy Soup, you "savorize" the taste of the greens with

    fat (avocado, a fatty fruit). This fat gives you the calories you

    need for energy.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    READING: Understand how the Chlorophyll in leafy greens will

    clean and rebuild your cells quicker than any other chemical,



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Now You're On The Way *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Remember the TWO cardinal rules:

    (1) Did you blend that leafy green yesterday? Say spinach? Then

    blend a DIFFERENT green today, like lettuce.

    (2) Same with fruit. Don't eat what you ate yesterday. Eat NEW

    fruits today.

    Your gazillion metabolic pathways need a gazillion-lillion

    different nutrients, perhaps more than the stars in heaven?

    That's why VARIETY is critical.

    You're on your way to BALANCING your biochemistry. It's not the

    devil who shackles you and forces you into Addiction. Or holds

    you back from your full potential.

    I know it feels like that. I had no control. Some demonic force

    controlled me.

    That evil force is UNBALANCED BIOCHEMISTRY. It's biological, not


    Each week for the next eight weeks you'll take one step to

    balance your biochemistry.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * You Can NOT Fall Off The Wagon *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    You are creating new habits. Don't beat yourself up if you sink

    into black-out today. You can still create one new habit.

    You're on the wagon! Readers write me that they fell off the

  • wagon. Nonsense! You caught the wagon train :) You weren't left


    Blend your greens, even when you feel sick from eating junk.

    Force it down you. Green Smoothies and Energy Soup will balance


    In 1993, greasy foods were my favorite, like falafel from my

    local Hasidic take-away in Brooklyn. Deep-fried in fat, I stuffed

    as many as possible into my pita. One day after scoffing down a

    ton of Indian curry (swimming in oil) I forced my Energy Soup

    into me. I felt so sick, nearly vomited. But the Greens worked

    their magic.

    Today I have zero desire for grease or fries (or the bakery). My

    favorite food is fresh fruit in season. Yet in the early 1990's

    I could not eat fruit. It hurt my teeth, those juices seeping

    into all my cavities.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Be A Wimbledon Star

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    You are unique. Your genes, your lifestyle, your history. Your

    nature-nurture is unique. There is no one else on earth like you.

    This means no one on earth can tell you what to eat FOR YOU. You

    will balance yourself. You have the power.

    Like a Wimbledon star, you will learn all the basics in these

    classes. Try out each move, and discover YOUR moves where you win

    the game every time you play.

    BEGIN TODAY. Go shopping for leafy greens, fruit and avocado,

    organic if possible.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Questions *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Any questions or extra tips you'd like to add to today's class?

    I'll do my best to answer on my Facebook fan page here:


    Click the "Like" button and a window opens up for you to post.

    warm hugs -- (womon)Val - DM @valarcher

    P.S. "Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning

    brings" - Grateful Dead in "Eyes Of The World"

    (c) copyright 2011, Valerie K. Archer

  • = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Class 2--Overcoming Pain

    Hi -- here's class 2 of your 8-week health class on How to Eat

    for YOUR unique needs...

    Your first step, moving past pain...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    "OK, Ann Wigmore, if your way cures cancer, let's see it cure

    a hole in my tooth."

    My self-talk as I walk away from my dentist that fall day in

    Brooklyn, 1992.

    Unbearable toothache, a swelling in my gum as big as a marble,

    and not a penny for the dentist, where do I begin?

    I pick up Ann Wigmore's "The Sprouting Book."

    I knew of Dr Ann for 20 years. In 1972 London, my hippy days,

    when I'm tripping on LSD, I pick up a jar of soya bean sprouts

    growing in my bedroom. They are SO ALIVE with ENERGY, phew!

    Indeed, so vibrant with life that in that moment I can't eat

    those soya sprouts!

    * LIVING foods are the key to healing

    * Growing in the moment you eat them

    Flip to my New York dentist, 1992. Within 24 hours I have organic

    seeds, soil, and growing trays delivered to my front door on

    credit. Go New York!

    Today I use a GoGreen Automatic Sprouter for my fresh greens

    daily. Back then soil was the only option. See Sprouter info



    Pain is the great motivator. If you are in pain, you're the

    luckiest person on earth. That's when you begin to act


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * My First Green Smoothie *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Growing my own greens worked for that toothache. Slowly over a

    year it dissolved away (or calcified up). But I stayed addicted

    to sugar.

    I had a 3-day temp job on Broadway where I'd eat greens and whole

  • foods only from Tuesday to Thursday at my job, then do the Herald

    Square Crawl for my 4-day weekend.

    You begin in Macy's basement at their chocolate bar, and David's

    cookies. Then cross the road to Woolworths for giant slabs of


    Turn the corner for Mrs Field's white chocolate + macadamia nut

    cookies. Cross the road to A&S building for Au Bon Pain's gooeys.

    Then take the subway home to Brooklyn to gorge.

    Well that was the Herald Square Crawl back in 1992.

    A year later, in the fall of 1993, the baby greens and sprouts

    are piling up in my refrigerator. I'm binging on sugar for so

    many days, not touching those bitter greens.

    When you grow greens at home, there's a fresh tray every day.

    It's how the growing cycle works. When you don't eat it, they

    pile up quickly.

    Then I remember a recipe I saw in Ann Wigmore's booklet "Rebuild

    Your Health." The Energy Soup recipe - blend your greens. Today

    it's morphed into Green Smoothie.

    Well my refrigerator is so full of the stuff, I figure: "let's

    blend it!"

    Within a week, blending those greens every day, I see LIGHT at

    the end of my dark tunnel for the first time in my entire life!

    I'm standing in my bathroom. I KNOW it. An awakening fills me,

    like the rising of a new dawn. Sugar is no longer my Master. I've

    found the escape route.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * The Power of Blended Greens *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    There is one weakness in Sugar's armor. It can't stand up to

    Green Smoothies. Green Smoothie wins. Your addiction to SFS dies.

    Indeed, every addiction falls away, like leaves from a tree in

    autumn. One-by-one they gently drift to the ground and die. They

    meet their match in Energy Soup and Green Smoothie.

    How fast will they fall? You're in charge. As someone hell-bent

    on killing myself, I had no will-power. It took 15 years, to

    2007, for me to reach 95% raw.

    What happened to the two giant slabs of Cadbury's I ate at the

    start of every day? I don't know, they vaporized somewhere along

    the line...

  • I never gave up anything. I just added good things in. Some

    people are the opposite. It's easy for them to give up the bad.

    But then you must ADD IN the good.

    I discovered over the years to Reach for Raw FIRST when I'm

    hungry. Instead of eating yogurt, I eat an entire papaya.

    Fresh raw fruits and vegetables are the only food on earth that

    are perfectly balanced. They will balance your biochemistry.

    Everyone - even the meat gurus like Dr Joseph Mercola - agree

    that fresh organic fruit, vegetables and leafy greens need to be

    at the HEART of every meal you eat.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Raw, Fresh, and Alive *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Today my diet is 95-100% fresh raw foods in summer, 80-90% in

    winter. The rest is whole plant foods, like cooked butternut in


    It's such a freedom to eat whatever you like as much as you like,

    and what you like is nourishing and gives you energy and peace.

    It's raw, it's fresh, it's alive, and it's a plant that looks

    exactly as it does in nature.

    As for the junk, today I can happily eat a slice of chocolate

    cake at a party, or drink a glass of wine, and experience no

    binge reaction. The addictions are gone.

    Junk is for socializing. It's not for living. In truth, it should

    not even be in our social world. It's so sad that we celebrate

    life with dead food.

    As we spread the word of LIFE, we'll gradually see an end to our

    silly practice of eating death.

    You go first, then others will follow.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Craving Sweet after Eating Greens? *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    It's okay if you do what I did, wash down your Green Smoothie

    with a bag full of bakery goodies.

    I don't care what bad you're doing. JUST DO ONE THING RIGHT ONCE

    A DAY. The bad will fall away, trust me.

    But only if you do your homework...

    Read WHY you may crave apple pie afterwards, it's because leafy

  • greens are so high in protein:


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Your Homework *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ACTION: Continue with one Green Smoothie or Energy Soup a day

    for a MINIMUM of FIVE days in the next seven days.

    So you up it from 3 days a week to 5 days. Recipes are here:



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    READING: Begin to get a feel for what WHOLE foods are (cooked or

    raw) and how to eat them. Read:


    Especially scroll down past the chart to read about oils, the F

    in your SFS drug.

    Oils are 100% fat. Avoid them like the plague. They're high in

    calories with virtually zero nutrients.

    Yes - when you set out on this path to High Health - a

    cold-pressed virgin olive oil is delicious on salad. But it will


    Every raw fooder I know (including me) found that we needed a lot

    of fat at the start, then slowly it dropped away.

    At first I kept 2-3 nut butters in my refrigerator all year

    round, like tahini, almond butter and macadamia butter. Today I

    make one at a time in the winter. I never want nut butter in the


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Questions *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Next week's class is on your genes. How do YOU convert food into

    energy and heat?

    Any questions or extra tips you'd like to add to today's class?

    I'll do my best to answer on my Facebook fan page here:


  • Click the "Like" button and a window opens up for you to post.

    warm hugs -- (womon)Val - DM @valarcher

    P.S. "Just remember in the winter

    far beneath the bitter snows

    lies the seed that with the sun's love

    in the spring becomes the rose." - Bette Midler, The Rose

    (c) copyright 2011, Valerie K. Archer

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Class 3--Your Metabolic Type

    Hi -- here's class 3 of your 8-week health class on How to Eat

    for YOUR unique needs...

    Nature-Nurture - you know it's genes and environment, they shape

    you into a unique person. Today let's look at genes...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The first step is to discover what RATIO of fats, proteins, and

    carbohydrates gives YOU the best energy. It's all about ENERGY.

    Do you need a lot more protein than I do? Do I need more

    carbohydrate than you?

    We call this Metabolic Typing. How do YOU convert your food into

    energy and heat?

    * PROTEIN TYPE - if your genes are mostly inherited from the

    cold northern hemisphere, then it's likely you produce more heat

    when burning calories. You're a Protein type, a fast oxidizer.

    You need more protein and fat.

    When a Protein type tries to eat low fat raw vegan in the

    northern winter, they feel chilled all the time. Raw vegan is a

    high-carb diet, the opposite of what they need.

    * CARB TYPE - if your genes are mostly from the tropics or warm

    southern hemisphere, then you burn calories efficiently and

    release less heat as waste. You're a Carb type, a slow oxidizer.

    You thrive on a low fat raw vegan diet.

    * MIXED TYPE - you're in the middle!

    USA population is divided equally between the 3 types - one-third

    Protein, one-third Carb, and one-third Mixed.

    To understand the science behind metabolic typing, read this



  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * How to Discover Your Metabolic Type *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    First get a feel for the differences between Carb and Protein

    types, read this page:


    Then get a feel for which foods are protein, which are fat, and

    which are carbohydrate, see this page:


    Finally, print out this Analysis Sheet from Dr Joseph Mercola:


    Two hours after eating a meal, you check the questions on his

    Sheet. Each day you adjust your ratio of fat, carb, and protein,

    until the day when most of your check marks are in the left


    This way you'll know whether you need more protein + fat, or more


    Don't sweat it :) In time a healthy person naturally gravitates

    toward the right ratio. As you evolve into High Health, you'll

    reach for what your body needs.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * The Theory of Metabolic Typing *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Different metabolic types react differently to the same

    nutrients and the same foods. What's medicine for a Protein type

    can be poison for a Carb type.

    * If you eat wrong for your metabolic type, you create

    biochemical imbalance.

    * Illness can arise from virtually opposite biochemical


    For instance, a Protein type may thrive on meat, while a Carb

    type will suffer from excess cholesterol. A Carb type feels

    super-energized on fruit, while a Protein type will see their

    triglycerides soar (unhealthy insulin response).

    Metabolic typing is not remotely connected to blood type ("Eat

    Right 4 Your Type"). Blood has nothing to do with burning food

    for energy.

    Blood type is another example of how biochemically unique we are.

  • In fact there's tons of metabolic markers that measure your

    individuality. Surely even blue eyes need different nutrients

    from brown?

    Are you in love with someone who's in love with someone else?

    Have you ever been? Then you know how biochemically alone you


    It applies to food as much as to love.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Vegan or Flesh Protein? *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Problems arise when we lay trips on others. Many of us choose

    vegetarian or vegan for humane, spiritual, and ecological


    But diet is not a step-ladder to heaven. You're not on a higher

    step to bliss if you eat vegan, nor are you higher in the

    hierarchy if you eat meat.

    I've heard an ex-raw vegan argue that meat-eaters are top of the

    ladder. I've heard vegans argue that their path is best. I'm

    guilty of this on my own website.

    The truth is there's no step-ladder. All around us we see one web

    of life. A web so delicately spun that polar bears have chemicals

    from cosmetics used by humans in California.

    What we eat is a delicate strand in the web. If you feel you need

    flesh protein for your health, trust your body.

    Susan Schenck is the woman who overthrew my childish

    "I-know-it-all" thinking. In 2006 Susan wrote the raw vegan bible

    "The Live Food Factor: The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate

    Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet."

    Everyone I lend this book to is 100% convinced that raw vegan is

    the healthiest possible diet you could ever eat!

    Then, after six years as a raw vegan, Susan found herself

    irritable, with cravings, losing muscle mass, and losing her

    memory! The moment she brought animal protein and animal fats

    back into her diet, she felt great.

    So in 2011 Susan wrote her next book "Beyond Broccoli, Creating a

    Biologically Balanced Diet When a Vegetarian Diet Doesn't Work."

    In the description, you'll read: "not everyone can

    efficiently convert plant nutrients to critical nutrients needed

    by the body, such as omega-3s into DHA and EPA needed by the

    brain; beta-carotene into true vitamin A; vitamin D2 into D3, and

    vitamin K1 into K2. Not everyone has the metabolic type to go

  • vegetarian."

    I went vegetarian over the course of a year in 1971-2 as a hippie

    in London. Since July 1972 I've not eaten fish, animal, bird or

    eggs. But that does not mean it's right for you!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Discovering Your Metabolic Type If You're An Addict *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Listen to your body. That's the only rule. Problem is, how can

    you listen when you're an addict?

    When I set out on the rawfood path, there was no body for me to

    listen to! Sugar was my master. SFS controlled my body-mind.

    How can you know if you're a Protein type when you eat sugar

    round the clock? Or drink it? Despair... that's all you know.

    Naked despair, where there's no hope, not one flicker of hope.

    How long did it take before I could say No to Sugar? I guess

    about a year.

    I made Energy Soup and green juices, one or the other every day

    for a year. Slowly my biochemistry grew balanced enough so I

    could strongly declare: "No Sugar Today!" At first, just for one

    day, then later for three days, then ten.

    Today I hear my body. It's an instant feeling. I reach for what I

    need. And I no longer whip myself when I eat something I don't


    Cookies don't even look edible! At a tea party, everyone's eating

    cookies and cake. I just drink a cup of tea.

    I love my place in the web of life!

    Don't worry if you don't know what metabolic type you are! One

    day it all falls into place.

    Keep on following the steps I give in these classes. Balance

    comes when you take one step at a time.

    Like love, it comes in its own time, in unexpected ways.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Your Homework *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ACTION: Add green juice to your diet. Try to make a quart of

    green juice on at least two days a week, say mid-week and


    Recipes are here:

  • ==>

    Include wheatgrass juice at:


    No juicer? No problem. Use your blender for now. Grow wheatgrass

    in trays of soil or in the GoGreen Automatic Sprouter, then blend

    it with watery greens like cucumber, celery and lettuce. Squeeze

    the juice out, and throw the pulp onto your garden.

    The goal is green JUICE, not green blend (smoothie) or green


    Continue with a Green Smoothie or Energy Soup on the days you

    don't juice. It's fine to take a break a couple of days.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    READING: I've given you enough to read for this week!

    Begin with the Metabolic Typing links at:


    Click through to next page, to see what food to eat for your type



    and print out Dr Mercola's analysis sheet at:


    Then if you're hungry for more info, Search "nutritional types"

    at Dr Mercola's site (it's the same thing as metabolic types).

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Questions *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Next week's class is on Protein - how much do you need for your

    body weight? Where to get it? And how to easily digest it.

    Any questions or extra tips you'd like to add to today's class?

    I'll do my best to answer on my Facebook fan page here:


    Click the "Like" button and a window opens up for you to post.

    warm hugs -- (womon)Val - DM @valarcher

    P.S. "The ideas that have lighted my way have been kindness,

  • beauty and truth." - Albert Einstein

    (c) copyright 2011, Valerie K. Archer

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Class 4--Protein--Your Energy Food

    Hi -- here's class 4 of your 8-week health class on How to Eat

    for YOUR unique needs...

    Time to calculate your Protein needs...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Protein is your ENERGY FOOD. You need it to build body tissue,

    enzymes, hormones and antibodies.

    You know you're not getting enough protein if you feel tired and

    weak all the time. You've got no oomph! Also hair loss and poor

    wound healing are signs of protein deficiency.

    For my first 20 years as a vegetarian, when I drank and smoked

    heavily, my body was starved of protein. I was exhausted. I lit

    up in a big smile inside when I ate a soya hamburger, it felt so

    good. My body loved that protein, even though soya burgers don't

    remotely resemble anything in nature!

    Super high energy came pouring into my life when I began to grow

    sprouts and baby greens.

    If I add a full tray of fresh sunflower greens from my GoGreen

    Sprouter into my green smoothie at night, I can't sleep. It's too

    high in protein energy. Half a tray is my limit. Then I make up

    the bulk with a dead head of lettuce from the store.

    I eat more protein in the winter. That's when my grains and

    legumes come out of my freezer and into my sprout jars (at the

    start of my healing, I used to cook them).

    Come summer, I'm happy with lots of fruit, and tons of leafy

    greens in Green Smoothies.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Ball Park Needs *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Rule-of-thumb is, if you're eating enough CALORIES a day from a

    VARIETY of fresh plant foods, you're getting enough protein.

    If you're not eating enough calories, then you'll suffer nutrient

    deficiencies all round, not just protein deficiency :)

    You know you're not eating enough calories if you're losing

    weight you don't want to lose.

  • Registered dieticians Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina sum it up

    in "Becoming Raw - The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets." To

    get your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein, they say

    it's best to eat:

    "A mixed diet that includes raw vegetables, fruit, nuts, and

    seeds, with optional grains and legumes, in order to ensure an

    assortment of the indispensable amino acids."

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Scientific Needs *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    You are unique. Today you may need more protein, but try to get

    the RDA.

    For adults, the daily protein RDA is 0.8 grams per kilogram of

    body weight. For 54 kg, you need 43 grams of protein (54 x 0.8).

    In non-metric US, you calculate it like this:

    Body weight (in pounds) x 0.36 x 0.035 = recommended protein

    intake (in ounces)

    So if you're 120 lbs (54 kg) you need 1.5 ounces (43g) of

    protein, and at 165 lbs (75 kg) you need 2 ounces (57g).

    You can also calculate your protein needs as a percent of

    calories - 6% to 10% of your calories should be protein. As we

    age and eat fewer calories, that percent increases.

    4 calories = 1 gram of protein, so if you're a woman eating 2,000

    calories x 8% / 4 = 40 grams protein, similar to the 43g above

    for a 120 lb woman.

    You may've heard that human breast milk is only 6% protein per

    calories. So why get 10%? Because human milk is unique so we

    can't compare - it's highly digestible and has a good balance of

    all the essential amino acids.

    Dr Neal Barnard (the medical doctor who inspired TV Ellen to go

    vegan) writes in "The Power of Your Plate":

    "High-protein diets contribute to kidney disease and

    osteoporosis. ...there is no need to get out your food scale and

    nutrition tables. A normally varied diet of foods from plants

    will provide plenty of protein. If you include meat, poultry or

    fish on a regular basis, you are almost certainly getting too


    He also mentions in the same book:

    "Chicken and fish are not health foods. They are overly high

    in protein and chemical and bacterial contaminants."

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Protein from Plants *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Plants happily meet all my protein needs. I have strength,

    endurance and high energy. After an hour of swimming laps, I stop

    only because I'm bored.

    The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine ("PCRM")

    advises that a plant diet is the healthiest choice, at:


    Here's GRAMS of protein PER CUP of plant food:

    * Supplements: spirulina 68 grams, dried shiitake mushrooms 38

    * Legumes: lentils 54, mung beans 44

    * Seeds: flax 40, pumpkin 34, sunflower 33, sesame + chia 25

    * Nuts: black walnuts 30, almonds 29, pistachio 26

    * Grains: wheat 30, amarinth 28, oat groats 25, kamut 24

    * Avocado - only 5 grams!

    Roughly, it's 40 grams protein per cup of legumes, 30g for seeds,

    and 25-30g for nuts and grains. (5 grams = 0.18 ounces, so 40g =

    1.5oz, 25-30g = 1oz, roughly)

    It's easy to eat a cup of cooked grains or beans, while we don't

    normally eat more than half-cup of seeds or nuts, so protein *per

    serving* looks more like:

    Legumes 40g and grains 30g per cup, nuts and seeds 15g (1/2 oz)

    per half-cup.

    You see how easy it is to get protein from plants? Even if you

    weigh 250 lbs, you need only 3 ounces! A cup of beans, a cup of

    grains, and a half-cup of nuts or seeds will do it.

    Vegetables, fruits and leafy greens are under 5 grams a cup.

    However raw fruit + veg is a perfect RATIO of carbohydrates to

    fats to protein.

    If you take any 5 fruits + vegetables out of a barrel full,

    you're likely eating 80% of your calories as carbohydrate, 10% as

    fat and 10% as protein -- the ratio recommended by many

    nutritional researchers and clinicians.

    That's why I thrive on fresh fruits, vegetables and leafy greens

    in the summer, with about an ounce of nuts or seeds a day.

    The error rawfood newbies make, is that you don't eat enough

    BULK. Yes, it's the right ratio, but you need to eat a LOT of

    fruit + veg.

    The size of your salad must shock anyone who comes into the room

  • while you're eating. That big bowl full you used to make for the

    whole family? That's enough for one.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Protein from Leafy Greens *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    You don't get much protein when you chew on a few green leaves.

    But when you JUICE and BLEND leafy greens, that packs a power


    You need a pound (half a kilo) a day of leafy greens for an

    average 2,000-calorie diet.

    In "Becoming Raw" Davis & Melina write:

    "Make the calcium-rich, low-oxalate greens (such as broccoli,

    bok choy, dandelion greens, kale, mustard greens, napa cabbage,

    turnip greens, and watercress) the backbone of every day's


    "It is wise to include greens at least twice a day in your

    meals or snacks, using a total of about 1-1/3 pounds (600 grams)

    of greens on most days."

    [my note: and enjoy the lighter-tasting greens such as the

    wide variety of lettuces]

    I've enjoyed blended leafy greens - as Energy Soup or Green

    Smoothie - 4-5 days a week since the early 1990's. I don't eat

    flesh protein.

    Today my nails are so strong that they cut a hole through my

    socks! Which is a good sign that everything else in me is


    Wikipedia reports at:


    "Nail growth record can show the history of recent health and

    physiological imbalances, and has been used as a diagnostic tool

    since ancient times."

    I don't take any special nail nutrients such as horsetail and

    nettle tea. My nails simply grew stronger and stronger the more

    raw foods I ate, and by blending tons of greens.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Protein from Seeds + Nuts *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    If you're not blending or juicing leafy greens every day, then

    most nutritionists agree you need 2-4 ounces of nuts and seeds

  • daily for more protein (about 1/2 cup).

    Dr Doug Graham at disagrees, he says this is too

    much fat.

    As usual, follow your own body. As you cleanse and rebuild, you

    get a feel for what you need each day.

    More about nuts + seeds in next week's class on Fats.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Protein from Legumes (beans, peas + lentils) *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I needed to eat a LOT of beans when I first began my transition

    to whole foods.

    I cooked beans, sprouted them, and my filler food for hunger was

    soya hotdogs on Essene bread from my health store.

    Raw foods are like taking your car in for service. As your cell

    membranes get cleaner, and your entire metabolism operates more

    efficiently, the beans may drop away.

    Today I can't eat those soya hamburgers and hotdogs. They're like

    plastic in my stomach. But in the early 1990's they helped to

    keep me away from the bakery. If you're eating meat, then they're

    a good temporary substitute.

    Also included here are soya milk, tempeh and tofu. I loved to

    make tofu chocolate mousse, and buy the flavored tofus. Today

    it's too processed for me.

    RAW SPROUTED BEANS - mung and lentil are delicious raw. Sprout

    them in a jar for a few days. Instructions are here (this is for

    wheat, but you sprout beans the same way):


    STEAMED SPROUTED BEANS - starchier legumes like chick peas (also

    called garbanzo) and soya beans are tough to digest as raw

    sprouts. Steam the sprouts for 3 to 5 minutes, they're a delight!

    Their starch converts into sugars, same as steaming carrots a

    little. Frozen green lima beans you can steam too. They're not

    raw, they're blanched before freezing, but they're a quick filler


    COOKED LEGUMES - I found them such a hassle to cook, they'd

    always boil over! Paul Pitchford in "Healing With Whole Foods"

    advises that to cook beans quicker and digest them more easily:

    * Soak legumes overnight, or while at work - 4 cups water to 1

    cup legume - you release the gas-causing enzymes into the soak


  • * Cook in fresh water with kombu or kelp seaweed - 1 cup seaweed

    to 6 cups legumes. I loved this tip, I always added a big chunk

    of kombu when I cooked my beans.

    * After bringing legumes to a boil, scoop off and discard the


    * Cook legumes with fennel or cumin to help prevent gas.

    * Don't give legumes to children under 18 months. They don't

    have the gastric enzymes to digest them properly.

    The quick way to cook beans is to make a dahl. Simmer whole

    unsprouted mung beans, or green split peas, with a Tbsp of currie

    powder until they're soft.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Protein from Grains *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Grains are low in the essential amino acid lysine, but high in

    methionine. Beans are the opposite - high in lysine, low in


    So when you mix beans and grains, you get a good balance of

    protein. It's a nice warm meal in the early days of cutting out

    meat, with some steamed winter greens added.

    I'd add a sauce from the health store (with no SFS) such as Thai,

    Chinese, Mexican. Or sprinkle pizza herbs on top. You can see I'm

    not a cook!

    The pseudo-grains (look like grains but botanically are not) -

    amarinth, buckwheat and quinoa - have nearly double the lysine of

    other grains, and don't have any gluten.

    Sprouted buckwheat is delicious, here's a recipe for buckwheat



    With quinoa most of us (including me!) don't like it sprouted.

    Quinoa tastes good only when cooked. It's a quick protein fix --

    one cup quinoa to 3 cups water, simmer softly for 10-15 minutes.

    For a low-fat yogurt, try this oat yogurt recipe at:


    Oats are the perfect bone-builder with their high silica content.

    Great for women over 40!

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Digesting Your Protein *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Sprouting, soaking, and fermenting a plant food makes the protein

    more digestible. They destroy the enzyme inhibitors in plants.

    These inhibitors can inactivate the enzymes we use to digest

    protein. They're especially high in legumes.

    Some say cooking makes protein more digestible. But it also

    coagulates the protein. You can see it when you fry an egg. The

    protein chains unravel and cross-link with each other.

    Flesh protein is tough to digest. It's like braided hair. The

    amino acid chains (looking like strings of pearls) are wound

    round and round each other. Very hard for your enzymes to snip

    off each individual pearl.

    Here's help to cut out meat one day a week:


    It's not what you swallow. It's what gets digested and absorbed

    into your cells! When a food is ALIVE and full of energy - like

    bean sprouts - it's easy for your cells to absorb its energy. But

    how often do you dig your teeth into a living cow?

    Go for Green Smoothies :) and sprouted or soaked seeds as your

    protein back-up.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Consciousness is Compassion *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    It's easy to pick a fruit with love. How many of us can kill an

    animal with love? Can you slaughter your dog or cat for your

    evening meal today? When fresh vegetables, nuts, and fruits are

    all around you?

    Commercial fishing strips the ocean bare. It starves the whales

    and dolphins of their food, and suffocates them slowly to death

    in its nets. It's a wasteland. So desperate are the oceans for

    intensive care (and our compassion) they're listed as "The Next

    Dust Bowl."

    Rainforests with magical wildlife are razed to the ground to make

    room for cattle. Have you seen a wild animal being burnt alive?

    Innocent people suffer from hunger. What happened to the fruit

    fields where they worked? Turned over to highly-mechanized soya,

    to feed the cattle.

    Can you look after grass-fed elk and bison on the rooftops of New

    York? Or in the slums of Nairobi? That's what the meat gurus say

  • we must eat.

    People ARE growing fruit and vegetables on rooftops, and in

    slums. Google this: "animals + birds killed daily for food in


    We can change direction. The steering wheel is our spending


    Slowly we humans are realizing it's wrong to trap, enslave and

    torture to death the thinking feeling beings who share planet

    Earth with us. Just as in the 1800's we realized human slavery is


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Your Homework *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ACTION: Play with protein. Calculate your protein RDA for your


    * Body weight (in pounds) x 0.36 x 0.035 = recommended protein

    intake (in ounces)

    * Or, Body weight (in kg) x 0.8 = recommended protein intake (in


    Get a feel for whether you're eating enough protein, or too much

    - allow 40g (1.5oz) protein per cup of legumes, 30g (1oz) per cup

    of grains, and 15g (1/2oz) for a half-cup of nuts or seeds.

    You can enter what you eat at sites like and They'll show you what percent of calories you're

    eating as protein. You want to aim for 10% to 20%.

    Protein Recipes are here:


    Protein is your ENERGY food, especially LIVING protein such as

    alfalfa and clover sprouts (these are both legumes) and baby

    sunflower greens (sunflower seeds grown to leafy greens).

    It's quick + easy to grow sprouts and baby greens in the GoGreen

    Automatic Sprouter at:


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    READING: Understand your need for protein and the risk of getting

    too much protein.

    Read at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:

  • ==>

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Questions *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Next class you'll calculate your Fat needs. Fat is the most hotly

    debated issue in the food world, and raw foods are no exception!

    Any questions or extra tips you'd like to add to today's class?

    I'll do my best to answer on my Facebook fan page here:


    Click the "Like" button and a window opens up for you to post.

    warm hugs -- (womon)Val - DM @valarcher

    P.S. "Statistics show that of those who contract the habit of

    eating, very few survive." - George Bernard Shaw

    (c) copyright 2011, Valerie K. Archer

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Class 5--Fat--Your Brain Food

    Hi -- here's class 5 of your 8-week health class on How to Eat

    for YOUR unique needs...

    Time to calculate your Fat needs...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Fat is your BRAIN FOOD. Your nerves lap it up :)

    If you're on a short fuse, drink more seed milks! If you have dry

    skin or hair, or brittle nails, you need more fat.

    It's critical you read this page for in-depth info on Fat:


    In my experience, nerve stress demands the most fat. So when I

    worked in New York City, I drank a seed or nut milk every

    evening. Whereas now, working at home in a quiet suburb, I never

    drink seed milks.

    I'm lucky if I remember to eat 2 or 3 tablespoons of seeds a


    In the months when I give up cheese, I find myself eating a lot

    more seeds. Which is good of course...

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Ball Park Needs *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Try to eat AT LEAST an ounce (28g) of fatty seeds a day, that's:

    * One rounded Tbsp (tablespoon) of seeds like sesame or shelled

    sunflower, OR

    * A handful of nuts, say 15.

    Only low-fat raw vegans (Dr Doug Graham in "The 80/10/10 Diet")

    say to eat less, say a Tbsp every other day.

    Many nutritionists say you need MORE, 2-4 ounces of nuts or seeds

    a day.

    Most of us when first going raw eat too much fat! Nuts are a

    quick fix. Then slowly the need for fat falls away.

    Today I prefer to fill up on fresh fruits and, in the winter,

    lightly cooked veggies.

    When you eat high-calorie, low-nutrient foods like nuts and

    bread, your cells don't get the nutrients they need. Deficiency

    leads to disease.

    Vegetables are the opposite, high-nutrient, low-calorie. The

    nutrients in veggies are phenomenal, thousands of different

    chemicals in a single apple!

    Our cells are created to sparkle on fresh fruit + veg, not on

    nuts and bread.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Scientific Needs *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    In "Becoming Raw" dieticians Davis & Melina write:

    "Most major health organizations concur that fat intake for

    most people should range from 15 to 35 percent of calories. They

    also agree that saturated fats, trans-fatty acids (cooked fats)

    and cholesterol should be restricted."

    Where there's high activity, you need extra fat, say 20% or more

    of calories, e.g. pregnancy, lactation, working-out, work stress,

    or even just a fast metabolism (need a lot of calories to

    maintain your body weight).

    Rawfooder David Wolfe, author of "The Sunfood Diet Success

    System," mentioned in an interview that he needs 45% fat! David

    is a real go-getter.

  • However, it's clear that low-fat plant-centered diets cure

    diabetes and heart disease. So if you're sick, overweight or have

    a slow metabolism, then watch the fat. Go for 10% or less of


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Fat from Plants *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Every membrane of every cell in every fruit and vegetable has

    healthy polyunsaturated fat.

    That's why you can eat a little nuts, seeds or avocado every

    other day, rather than every day -- so long as you're eating tons

    of raw fruit and vegetables.

    Here's a sampling of the fat in plant foods, as a percent of

    calories in that food (from "Becoming Raw" by Davis & Melina):

    * Oils - 100% fat per calories

    * Nuts - macadamia 95%, pecans 94%, walnuts 90%, hazelnuts 87%,

    almonds 77%, cashews + pistachio 72%

    * Seeds - sunflower 79%, sesame 78%, pumpkin 76%, chia 72%, hemp

    56%, flax 41%

    * Legumes - peanuts 76%

    * Fruits - avocado 86%, olives 84%

    * Leafy greens - 12-14%

    * Sea vegetables - wakame 13%, kelp 12%

    This is NOT the fat content, e.g. avocado is 12% fat, but this

    fat provides 72% of the calories (energy) in an avocado. All very

    confusing I know.

    Just eat from a Tbsp to a half-cup of seeds or nuts a day, and

    you'll be okay :) Or an avocado.

    One crazy guy (crazy in my eyes) recommends 1/2 to one cup of

    good OIL daily! He's Dr Robert Young in "The pH Miracle for

    Weight Loss."

    I recommend you strive for the day when you NEVER eat oil :)

    Enjoy it only as a rare treat when you eat out.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Fat from Nuts + Seeds *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Let's calculate your fat needs in grams.

    In a 2,000 calorie diet, 10% fat is just under an ounce a day of


  • Here's how you calculate it (adjust for your calorie needs):

    2,000 x 10% = 200 calories from fat

    Fat has 9 calories per gram, so 200 / 9 = 22 grams of fat MINIMUM

    you need to eat daily, or just under an ounce (28g = 1oz).

    Here's GRAMS of fat PER OUNCE of nuts and seeds:

    * macadamia nuts - 22g fat per ounce

    * pecans - 20g

    * brazil nuts, pine nuts, walnuts - 19g

    * hazelnuts (filberts) - 17g

    * almonds, cashew, pistachio - 13g

    * pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds - 14g fat per ounce

    * sesame seeds - 13g

    * flax seeds - 12g

    * chia seeds - 9g

    * hemp seeds - not listed in USDA Nutrient Database :)

    1 ounce (28g) in weight = a handful of nuts (15) or a rounded

    Tbsp of seeds.

    You can see when you eat 2 Tbsp of seeds a day OR a handful of

    high-fat nuts OR 2 handfuls of low-fat nuts, you'll meet the

    minimum fat need (10% of calories).

    The experience of Protein types (fast oxidizers) is that they

    need more than 10%.

    I'm a Carb type, so I do well on little fat. Though it's hard to

    tell because I've never given up cheese for more than 6 months!

    Two slices of cheddar cheese (one ounce) has 9.4 grams of fat.

    Just 4 thin slices of cheese gives more fat than one Tbsp of

    seeds! And cheese is a no-no saturated fat. Seeds are healthy

    essential fat.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Best Fat to Eat *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Best sources of fat are avocado (a mono-unsaturated fat) and the

    edible seeds:

    * Chia, Hemp, Flax (linseed) - these give you Omega-3 (ALA),

    also in walnuts and leafy greens,

    * Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower - these give you Omega-6 (LA).

    ALA and LA are ESSENTIAL fatty acids, they must be in our diet

    because we can't make them. Your body uses ALA to make DHA + EPA

    for your brain.

  • Best way to eat seeds is to soak them first. Then blend them into

    milk, yogurt or cream. Or grind them and add to your Smoothie.

    Recipes are here:


    For a quick fix, I grind my seeds in a coffee grinder, and mash

    up with a banana. I use a Tbsp from each group, e.g. chia +

    sunflower one day, or flax + pumpkin another. It doesn't matter

    which ones you mix, the banana makes it taste okay.

    Nuts are not so hot. They're acidic. Go for the seeds first.

    I enjoy nuts as a crunchy filler food with my salad, or after my

    Smoothie. And there was a time when I ate almond cream every day!


    One nut, cashews, weaned me off my addiction to chocolate! I'd

    eat huge slabs of cashew-date crunch!

    Recipe is here:


    Funny I haven't made it in years... Goes to show how your needs

    change each year. With raw foods, you get a brand new body every

    year, like getting a new car for Christmas.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Fat for Energy + Pleasure *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Your body stores energy as fat! When you burn fat, it gives you 9

    calories a gram, whereas protein and carbs give only 4 each.

    That's why exercise is such a good fat-burner. Without regular

    daily exercise, your muscles go flabby and fat infiltrates in.

    You lose your strength + stamina, and are injured more easily.

    Fat is a pleasure chemical, along with salt and sugar. It

    releases the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine in your brain,

    very much like cocaine. You get addicted to the dopamine high!

    Fast food and factory food makers know this. That's why they lace

    their junk with sugar, fat, salt. Read "The Pleasure Trap" by

    Douglas Lisle & Alan Goldhamer.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Saturated Fats *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Your body can make all the saturated fat you need, so you don't

    need to eat it.

  • Only animal foods have saturated fat, and a few tropical plants

    like coconut, palm oil and chocolate.

    Please check the labels on your favorite foods. If it has palm

    oil, stop eating it. I finally quit corn chips (baked not fried)

    when I saw it's got palm oil.

    The vast palm oil plantations are killing off all orangutans and

    of course killing their habitat, the forests that are the lungs

    of our earth. See:


    I saw on TV the few saved orangutans rocking back and forth in

    small cages, going out of their minds. It's unforgettable, same

    as seeing photos of animal lab experiments.

    In fish 30% of the fat is saturated, in poultry it's 33%, in red

    meat 40% and in dairy 62%!

    Saturated fat is linked to osteoporosis (fragile bones) so if you

    eat cheese, you're headed for a hip fracture! See:


    where they write:

    "The data indicates that bone mineral density is negatively

    associated with saturated fat intake, and that men may be

    particularly vulnerable."

    The high protein in dairy also leaches calcium from your bones,

    so you're on a double-dip path to bone fractures. Read:


    I guess my bones are strong because I eat 95% raw so my body

    easily disposes of a few slices of cheese a week.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Your Homework *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ACTION: Begin to experiment with seed milks. The basic recipe is

    4 parts water to one part seeds, with a sweetener like dates or


    Essential fat recipes are here:


    You MUST invest $20 or so in a coffee grinder, to make seed + nut

    milk or yogurt, or to grind a tablespoon of seeds for your Green


  • A lot of the chocolate recipes have good fats. A party favorite

    is chocolate mousse made with healthy avocado at:


    You may want to try your hand at Rejuvelac. It's great for making

    delicious almond cream! I drank rejuvelac every day for the first

    five years, then I went off the taste of fermented things. Recipe

    is at:


    Occasionally it's fine to use nuts instead of seeds, such as

    almond milk or walnut. Or to add a few cashew nuts to your seed

    milk to make it creamier.

    The problem is most nuts are cooked, they're dehydrated at high

    temperature. Whereas most seeds contain the germ of life, you can

    sprout them.

    Eating LIFE is what it's all about! The more LIFE ENERGY you eat,

    the free-er and happier you grow.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    READING: Understand your brain's need for DHA and EPA. Read the

    wiki page at:


    If you find you're drinking seed milks daily but still:

    * your nerves can't cope with stress, or

    * your brain is suffering from memory loss,

    then it's likely you're not good at converting Omega-3's (ALA)

    into DHA. In this case, try a vegan DHA/EPA supplement. Dietician

    Brenda Davis lists the best ones at:


    Saturated fats (like dairy) interfere in the ALA-to-DHA

    conversion. So if you're naughty like me, and eat cheese for fat

    instead of a seed milk, then you're knocking yourself down with a

    double whammy! You not only get insufficient ALA, you also block

    the little you do eat from being converted into DHA.

    Can you give up dairy? Have you ever lived with a cow? She

    doesn't want us suckling on her! She only wants her calf...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Questions *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • Next week's class is on Carbohydrates - your filler food.

    Any questions or extra tips you'd like to add to today's class?

    I'll do my best to answer on my Facebook fan page here:


    Click the "Like" button and a window opens up for you to post.

    warm hugs -- (womon)Val - DM @valarcher

    P.S. "No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the

    brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good, but

    all you could do is run for public office." - George Bernard Shaw

    (c) copyright 2011, Valerie K. Archer

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Class 6--Carbohydrates--Your Filler Food

    Hi -- here's class 6 of your 8-week health class on How to Eat

    for YOUR unique needs...

    Time to calculate your Calorie needs...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    First thing you notice when you start going raw, you're starving


    Why? Because you're not eating enough calories! Your body is used

    to caloric-dense foods like white grains (bread, pasta, rice) and

    meat, sugar and oil - the SFS drug.

    * 1 cup alfalfa sprouts is 6 calories

    * 1 apple is 70 cal, and a banana 100

    * 1 Tbsp oil, or a cup of breakfast cereal, is 120 calories

    * Or do you love raisin nut bran? Then it's 200 cal

    * A single hamburger has 275 calories, with

    * Medium french fries 420 cal, equals

    * 700 calories for hamburger with fries

    You need to eat TEN apples, or 116 cups of alfalfa sprouts, to

    get the same calories you once ate in a small hamburger with


    For me, 5 apples blended in a Green Smoothie, and 5 cups of

    alfalfa sprouts is the max I can eat in one day (of those 2

    foods). That's 380 calories, nearly half that ol'


    Do you see the problem? The only day you'd eat 100 cups of

    alfalfa sprouts is to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

  • Here's where Carbohydrates come in. They're your FILLER food,

    your SUBSTITUTE food, and your CALORIE food.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Calorie Filler Food *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    For calories to help you feel full, you have four healthy


    * Fresh sweet fruits - also dried fruits, but dried are best

    eaten occasionally as a snack food, not as a filler food.

    * Starchy vegetables like butternut, gem squash, yams - either

    slow- and low-cooked, or blended/grated in a rawfood recipe like

    sweet potato pie. I prefer them cooked, even after years of 95%

    raw. I like to bring out the soft sweetness in a butternut by

    simmering it a little.

    * Whole grains like brown rice or millet - either slow- and

    low-cooked, or sprouted. Sprouted grain crackers are more

    caloric-dense because they have no water.

    * Pseudo-grains - quinoa, amarinth, wild rice, buckwheat - they

    look like grains but are not true grains. They're low in starch,

    which is good.

    We (rawfooders) experience that the fresh glucose in fruit gives

    us higher energy than the cooked glucose in starch.

    Cooked food vegans are the opposite. They enjoy grains as a good

    filler food. They don't feel full on fruit.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Ball Park Needs *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Rule-of-thumb is, eat a couple of pounds (1 kg) of raw fruit a

    day (300 calories/lb) and a couple of pounds of raw vegetables

    (100 cal/lb) equals 800 calories total.

    Then get your other 1,200+ calories from fruit or one of the

    filler foods:

    * Raw or cooked starchy vegetables

    * Raw or cooked grains

    Vegetables are richer in nutrients than grains, giving us far

    more alkaline minerals and phytochemicals, even when cooked. So

    they should be our first choice. But I found grains to be nice n

    warming in the snowy New York winter.

    Dr Doug Graham teaches that raw fruit is best, then cooked

    vegetables, then seeds or nuts, rather than grains.

  • In New York in the 1990's I ate a huge variety of cooked grains

    in the winter. But slowly they fell away. Each winter I found

    myself eating less grain and more cooked starchy veg.

    Today I eat fruit as my chief calorie source. But at the start my

    teeth were so painful, I couldn't eat it.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Scientific Needs *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Thank you to Dr Doug Graham for giving these calorie guidelines

    in "The 80/10/10 Diet," a must-read for everyone who loves fruit.

    First calculate the calories you need for your basal metabolic

    rate at rest (BMR) - that's the calories you must eat before you

    make a single move.

    Multiply your body weight (or ideal weight) in pounds by 10 (and

    for kg, multiply by 22) e.g.

    130 lb x 10 = 1,300 calories needed for your resting BMR, to run

    essential functions like your brain and organs.

    59 kg x 22 = 1,300 calories you need for BMR.

    Then to maintain your body weight, add these calories to your


    * If you sit at a desk and don't move much for most of the day,

    add 200 calories to your BMR.

    * If you exercise, add 300 to 600 calories per session depending

    on how strongly you work out.

    * If you're a homemaker with an active child, add 20% to your

    BMR, so if it's 1,300 calories you need, add 260 cal.

    * If you're in a physically demanding job, add 800 to 1,600


    * A healthy athletic person in a high level of physical activity

    needs to double their BMR. So if you're 130 lb and you move as

    humans once moved to get our food out in nature, then you need

    2,600 calories daily (1300 + 1300).

    If you burn 115 calories a day more than you eat, you will lose a

    pound a month.

    Better still, when you break free of the SFS drug, you will stay

    at your ideal weight for life!

    To eat 2,000 calories a day from low-fat raw foods, Doug gives

    this sample menu:

  • * Breakfast - one large honeydew melon - 461 calories

    * Lunch - 12-banana smoothie - 1,260 calories

    * Dinner - 4 peaches before (153 cal) then one large salad (175

    cal) = 328 calories

    * Total for Day = 2,049 calories

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Calories in Whole Foods *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Which foods will meet your carb needs the best?

    Here's a sampling of the carbohydrate in plant foods, as a

    percent of calories in that food (from "Becoming Raw" by Davis &


    * Sweet Fruits (apple etc) - 92.5%

    * Starchy Vegetables - 90%

    * Grains - 75%

    * Legumes - 70%

    * Vegetable Fruits (cucumber etc, any veg with seeds) - 58%

    * Nuts + Seeds - 12.5%

    Flesh foods (animal, bird, fish) have zero carbohydrates.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * How to Sprout Grains *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    You can sprout these grains - amaranth (I don't like the taste),

    brown rice (I found only the short-grain would sprout), raw

    buckwheat (not kasha), kamut, unhulled millet, quinoa, rye,

    spelt, teff and wheat.

    Teff is lovely sprouted into a grass, very soft to eat.

    Instructions on how to sprout are here:


    Buckwheat is high in lecithin (which has choline, needed for our

    chief neurotransmitter acetylcholine) and in rutin, a

    bioflavonoid that strengthens our capillaries.


    I ate this on the express bus from Brooklyn to Manhattan at 9 in

    the morning. It lasted me till 2 p.m. then I went for lunch.

    Before I learned to make it, I was addicted to buying SFS on my

    way to work - muffin and croissant.

    * Soak one-quarter cup of raw buckwheat for 20 minutes at about

    7 p.m., then drain and leave to sprout

  • * Next morning soak 2 tablespoons of quinoa for an hour, drain +

    leave to sprout, and rinse your buckwheat sprouts

    * That evening rinse both jars of sprouts

    * Next morning (after buckwheat has sprouted for 36 hours and

    quinoa for 24) blend the two with a little soaked dried fruit

    (raisins, currants or dates) and fresh fruit (small banana or

    apple) and

    * Enjoy on the way to work!

    * You can also add a Tbsp of ground ALA seed (flax, chia or

    hemp) for a nuttier taste, but usually I was in too much of a


    Culling buckwheat and quinoa before sprouting is very quick -

    just remove stones but don't bother about broken seeds. They're

    so soft and there's no time for them to go rotten.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * How to Cook Grains *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Remember, it's VARIETY. At one time I had 9 different grains in

    my cupboard.

    Alternate between amaranth, whole barley (not pearl), corn (on

    the cob, eat raw or steam briefly), kamut, hulled millet, oats,

    quinoa, brown rice, rye, spelt, wheat, wild rice.

    To cook grains, it's one cup of grain to 3 cups of water.

    * Measure out the grain and place in a dry bowl

    * Measure out the water and bring to the boil in a pot

    * Ideal pot is glass or stainless steel with a thick bottom and

    a glass lid

    * Add the grain, stir with a wooden spoon, and put the lid on

    * Turn the heat down to the very lowest possible

    * Leave it to simmer lightly and slowly until all the water's


    * Never stir grain while it's cooking, you'll make it go soggy

    That's for gas heat. If you're using electric, then I add the

    grain before the water comes to a boil, and turn it down so that

    it slowly begins to simmer.

    Through experience, you'll get to know the different times for

    different grains, e.g. one hour for whole barley (use more water

    here), half-hour for brown rice, 20 minutes for millet, depending

    on how crunchy or soft you like it. The more water, the softer it


    Add a chunk of seaweed to simmer with the grain. Kombu and whole

  • kelp are good. Seaweed gives more alkaline minerals to balance

    the acid grain, and adds a salty full flavor.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * How to Eat Grains *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    It takes about 2 weeks to learn to chew whole grains, and for

    your salivary glands to start working correctly, writes Paul

    Pitchford in "Healing with Whole Foods."

    I never experienced this. I was a bakery addict, but took to

    whole grains like a duck to water. Of course I continued to

    frequent Mrs Fields Cookies and Dunkin Donuts.

    The critical thing is to mix saliva in with the grain. That

    begins its digestion. Don't just gulp it down like you do ice


    Try chewing 30 times or more!

    Macrobiotic rule is, never refrigerate cooked grains. If you cook

    enough for 2 days, then leave it on your counter-top. If it

    ferments a little, that's fine, it's sweeter and more digestible.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Substitute Food *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Three forces drive us back to eat junk. When you stop the force

    at its source, your desire for junk goes away (over time).

    It's easy to satisfy Force 1 and Force 2 every single day! Force

    3 takes longer.

    * Force 1: Your body-mind needs more Calories - eat more COOKED

    carbohydrates like starchy veggies and grains. Don't try to go

    raw overnight, unless you're at death's door. So long as the food

    is WHOLE from nature (not from a factory) you will heal.

    * Force 2: Your body-mind needs more Nutrients - BLEND more RAW

    fruits, leafy greens and vegetables. Try the tasty low-fat

    recipes of French chef Frederic Patenaude in his book "Instant

    Raw Sensations" at:


    * Force 3: You're addicted to the tastes + textures of SFS.

    This is a biggie. You suffer withdrawal from SFS, just as the

    alcoholic or heroin addict does. I withdrew from SFS slowly over


    To go at a quicker pace, learn to SUBSTITUTE.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Replace SFS Factory Food with Whole Food *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Raw recipe books give you a wide variety of substitute recipes.

    Carrot cake crackers were my favorite, recipe is here:


    When I set out on raw, I'd take my lunch to work with me -

    sprouted beans (mung or lentil), sprouted greens (e.g. sunflower

    greens, buckwheat greens, broccoli, alfalfa), vegetable fruits

    (e.g. red or yellow pepper, zucchini, cucumber, summer squash),

    green leaves (e.g. lettuce, kale) and for dessert, my home-made

    raw crackers.

    I needed the crackers for my SFS taste-buds. At that time the veg

    + sprouts tasted lousy to me. Today you can buy raw crackers at

    the store. But Beware of SFS. If they have agave nectar, oil,

    salt - that's all SFS, it's not WHOLE food.

    Problem with crackers is they take time to make, and you need a

    dehydrator. I set aside one Saturday every month to dehydrate

    enough for the month.

    Over several years, as my taste buds grew to enjoy whole plant

    foods, I dropped the crackers, and turned to quicker substitutes.

    For a quick substitute:

    * Look at the food you're craving

    * Work out what's in it

    * Think of whole foods that also have it.

    Eat the whole food first until you're stuffed. Then ask yourself:

    "MUST I have this junk TODAY?"

    If the answer is a deafening Yes, go to the store and buy your

    SFS fix. NEVER keep the drug in your home. If No, put it off for

    one day.

    When you're FULL with calories, nutrients, and substitute whole

    foods, then it's easier to postpone injecting your fix until

    tomorrow, one day at a time.

    You don't have to give it up for all time, only for today, or for

    this moment while you make a Green Smoothie.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Substitute for Chips (crisps + french fries) *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I'd crave a packet of chips (UK crisps) on my way home from work

    in Manhattan. I forced myself to walk past the store.

    As soon as I got home, I ate a big bowl of cooked millet with

    avocado, dulse flakes, and nutritional yeast, all mashed up

    together. I kept a container of cooked millet on my counter-top,

    and cooked a new pot every 2-3 days.

    I felt full. And no desire to go all the way out again to buy

    chips. I know it's more effort, but the journey's worth it.

    What's in chips? Carbs (potato), oil and salt. My substitute

    gives me carbs (millet), oil (avocado) and salt (dulse) with

    nutritional yeast for a cheesier taste.

    Today I leave out the yeast. It's too processed for me. And I

    make this bowl only in the winter with quinoa (not millet). I no

    longer crave chips on a hot day in the summer. I recognize my

    body's need for salt and eat sea vegetables, mainly dulse.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Substitute for Ice Cream *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I was never able to find a quick substitute for ice cream. First

    I bought the soya ice creams.

    Then as I evolved away from factory foods, I made my own ice

    cream. You freeze fresh fruits and run them through a single-gear

    juicer, see recipes here:


    I grew tired of a dirty juicer when all I wanted was ice cream.

    So next, I blended fresh fruit with banana (sometimes shredded

    coconut too) and froze it in small containers. To eat, I'd slice

    it into a bowl and mash with a fork.

    For chocolate ice cream, I froze peeled bananas. Then mashed up a

    frozen banana with chocolate powder. Today I'd use raw cacao

    powder. Add organic maple syrup if you want big-time sweet.

    Finally my body evolved out of frozen foods! Today I far prefer

    fresh banana to frozen banana.

    I never think of ice cream. If I want one on a boiling hot day, I

    enjoy a small popsicle with no binge reaction, perhaps one a


    Where did my ice cream black-outs go, when I polished off a

  • half-gallon of vanilla choc chip in one day? Then bought another

    half-gallon the next day?

    I don't know. Somewhere along the line, it all vaporized. Each

    summer you buy fewer half-gallons because the desire goes.

    When you suppress a desire, or repress it, are you free? When the

    desire is no longer inside you, that's when you are truly free.

    Recognize the three forces that will set you free - calories,

    nutrients, and substitute whole foods.

    Ha! Bet you never heard that calories will set you free!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Your Homework *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ACTION: Try to invest in a single-gear or twin-gear juicer now.

    It's the best way to enjoy raw ice cream, desserts, candies, and

    fresh nutrient-rich juices.

    When you get the nutrients, you lose the cravings.

    See the variety of foods these juicers will make at:


    The more green juices you drink - that's wheatgrass with leafy

    greens - the quicker your SFS addiction will go.

    Green juices clean you out, and are rich in the nutrients your

    body is starving for. Recipes are here:


    Include wheatgrass juice at:


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    READING: It's critical you understand carbohydrates in depth, how

    to buy them - and the teachings of the different schools like

    macrobiotics, natural hygiene, raw fooders, and integrative

    medical doctors.

    Each school has radically different views! See which one you

    harmonize with, here:


  • Go through all seven pages, so you end up at:


    Our snuggle food, our comfort food is carbohydrate. It was the

    first cooked food to pass our lips. We love its sweetness.

    Our cultural icons are cereal for breakfast, bread for lunch, and

    potatoes or white rice for dinner.

    These are all the SFS drug. Set your sights on breaking free.

    Slowly switch to fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grains.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Questions *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Next week's class is on individualizing your diet for your

    environment and your internal world (thoughts and feelings).

    Any questions or extra tips you'd like to add to today's class?

    I'll do my best to answer on my Facebook fan page here:


    Click the "Like" button and a window opens up for you to post.

    warm hugs -- (womon)Val - DM @valarcher

    P.S. "It is important to eat some carbohydrates at breakfast,

    because the brain needs fuel right away, and carbohydrate is the

    best source." - Dr. Andrew Weil

    (c) copyright 2011, Valerie K. Archer

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Class 7--Nurturing You

    Hi -- here's class 7 of your 8-week health class on How to Eat

    for YOUR unique needs...

    You learned about nature (genes) in Class 3. Today let's deal

    with your nurturing (environment)...

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Depression and negative thinking create more acid in your system

    than any food or drink can.

    Luckily raw foods take you to a new high!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * How to Switch Your Thoughts + Feelings

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • A quick way is to ask a positive question. Don't make a positive

    statement such as: "I feel so good today!"

    Instead, ask yourself: "Why am I feeling so good in this moment?"

    Especially when you feel terrible!

    * "Why do I love this person?" Ask it when you're mad at


    * "Why am I grateful for this food?" Ask it when you're eating

    junk and your mind is whipping you.

    Statements we don't believe. But a positive question forces your

    mind to think about it, and find a positive answer!

    Once I was tying my shoelaces, I wasn't particularly feeling

    anything. I asked: "Why am I feeling so good in this moment?"

    Then found myself replying: "because there's no holes in my


    When I was a hippie, I walked the streets of London in the

    freezing snow with holes in my shoes.

    Out-of-the-blue 38 years later I feel the fun of being a hippie,

    painting each other's naked bodies and playing our guitars,

    flutes and drums.

    I never drank in that year of LSD and mescaline. Alcohol is so

    gross! Truly you see how gross it is when you're tripping :)

    Try positive questions. Where your thoughts go, your feelings

    will follow.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Work + Stress *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The more stimuli your nervous system must respond to, the more

    you need essential fatty acids (EFA's).

    The human brain is built on the soft flexibility of EFA's,

    especially the long-chain fats like DHA and EPA.

    When I worked in Manhattan, New York, I needed a seed milk every

    evening when I arrived home.

    On my way to work, crossing the road at 3rd Avenue + 50th, can

    you picture the multiple lanes of cars I had to weave between?

    Even at the traffic light, you keep a beady eye open for crazy

    couriers racing through on their bikes.

    Wow, how many stimuli is that? Hitting your nerves and brain all

    at once!

  • Today in my quiet suburb in a small town at the bottom of Africa,

    the only road I cross in the morning is my own street to walk my

    dog. Most days there's not a single car. We run together in a big

    field opposite.

    I never drink seed milks any more! They make me feel sick, it's

    too much fat for me all at once. Yet if I were still working in a

    law office in New York City I'm sure I'd need them again.

    Young children especially need seed milks for their growing

    brains and all the new connections their neurons are making at

    such a rapid pace.

    When you hear a low-fat raw vegan preach that you don't need more

    than 10% fat, remember this: fat is linked to what YOUR nerves

    need, not to what preachers say.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    * Depressed No More *

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Depression is an inability to respond to life's stimuli. It's too

    much for your brain. It's missing the chemical molecules it needs

    to build brain cells (neurons) and shoot out their

    electro-chemical messages.

    Can you build a house without tools?

    The true miracle in my life is the way raw and living foods

    lifted me up, out of black-out depression. Ever since I was 15

    and my dad was suddenly killed, I wanted to be dead. My teenage

    brain stupidly computed, "if life can be snuffed out so