break out of your rut

Blast Out of Your Rut Laura Parrino Byxbe Career Management Consultant Right Management Consultants

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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Thoughts on how to break out of your rut and achieve your job search goals


Blast Out of Your RutLaura Parrino ByxbeCareer Management

ConsultantRight Management



40% - Job is very or extremely stressful 25% - #1 stressor in life 60% - Pressured to work too much 56% - somewhat or completely

dissatisfied with job 85% - Overworked and unappreciated

Engagement Engaged Workers:

• Satisfied with their work (enjoyment)

• Committed to two years of employment

• Give their best everyday

Disengaged Workers:• 60% Disengaged

• 25% Engaged

• 15% Actively disengaged – the workplace “on board terrorist” seeking to undermine operations

Defining the malaise



How do you know you’re burned out? “Physical and mental exhaustion, as a

result of long-term stress.”

Causes of Burn-out

Incongruence of values, priorities and work

Living other people’s expectations Issues appear bigger than they are Lack of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation Failing to care for yourself

Causes of Burnout

Adding to your ‘to-do’ list without deleting Forgetting to express gratitude – existing

in fault and blame Overlooking the importance of humor Doing work that is no longer challenging Forgetting your passions


How do you know you are stuck? “To be at or come to a standstill; become

fixed, blocked, checked or obstructed” Resistance that is fear-based

What Keeps Us Stuck Not knowing what we want Stoicism Distraction (busy-ness) Fear Difficult job market Lack of portable skills A required tradeoff (family, health insurance)

What Keeps Us Stuck

No energy Lethargy, complacency Depression High Tolerance for Pain Dissaproval


How do you know you’re in a rut? “A fixed and usually boring routine.”

What keeps you in your rut? Safety Fear of/paralyzed by

change Failing to see options Choosing the path of

least resistance Pigeon-holing yourself Myths Limiting self beliefs

Overwhelmed by the enormity of the task

Gremlins Failure to understand

obstacles Routines –

surroundings, people, habits

Incentive isn’t big enough

Shocking New Study!

87%….would rather cut off a finger than lose their job!

48%….would willingly amputate a foot if it meant they would have lifelong employment!

What do I want…

Job… Career…. Calling…

Five Stages of following a calling

The Call The Search The Struggle The Breakthrough The Return

Following a Calling

Do you really have a choice? An internal and spiritual process… Be prepared for your life to turn upside

down Sacrifice Paradox

Do What You Love….

Getting Rich Your Own Way – Srully Blotnick research project – 1982

1500 people – Group A – 83% of sample- career chosen for making money now in order to do what they love later

Group B – 17% of sample - chose their career based on what they wanted to do now, and worry about the money later

Do What You Love…

In 20 years – 101 of the 1500 became millionaires… All but 1 came from Group B!

Suggestions for Rut-Blasting

Identify the problem – burnout, stuck, rut

Consult your death – write an obit Create a mission statement (“The

Path”) Laurie Beth Jones, – “mission builder”

Acknowledge resistance & reality

Suggestions for Rut-Blasting Make a spiritual connection Volunteer – Treasure Map Update your skill sets/take a class “Those who abandon their dreams will

discourage yours.” –You hear the word no at least144,000 times before you are 18

Find a coach, mentor or success team.

Suggestions for Rut blasting

Attitude of Gratitude/Gratitude Journal Practice extreme self care Eliminate tolerances Celebrate small action steps Change your scenery

Action Steps