bread and milk and other stories eileen gibbons kump

BYU Studies Quarterly BYU Studies Quarterly Volume 21 Issue 3 Article 12 7-1-1981 Bread and Milk and Other Stories Eileen Gibbons Kump Eileen Gibbons Kump Karen Lynn Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Lynn, Karen (1981) "Bread and Milk and Other Stories Eileen Gibbons Kump," BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 21 : Iss. 3 , Article 12. Available at: This Book Review is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in BYU Studies Quarterly by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected].

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Page 1: Bread and Milk and Other Stories Eileen Gibbons Kump

BYU Studies Quarterly BYU Studies Quarterly

Volume 21 Issue 3 Article 12


Bread and Milk and Other Stories Eileen Gibbons Kump Eileen Gibbons Kump

Karen Lynn

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Lynn, Karen (1981) "Bread and Milk and Other Stories Eileen Gibbons Kump," BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 21 : Iss. 3 , Article 12. Available at:

This Book Review is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in BYU Studies Quarterly by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected].

Page 2: Bread and Milk and Other Stories Eileen Gibbons Kump

book reviews

KUMP EILEEN GIBBONS bread and mickmilkARMahm and other storiesprovo utah brigham young university press 1979 91 ppap 6956956.95

reviewed by karen lynn professor of english and directordirector of the honors programbrigham young university

trivia is trivia and must remain so in a world of sorrow p 80amy gordons father in law assures her yet a principal message ofbreadandmilkbread andmilkandMilk a collection of eight short stories is that much of thejoy of life is bound up with these very trivia

amy gordon the mormon pioneer woman whose life the storiestrace lived in a time when happiness lay in contentment not excite-ment the commonplace happenings in the stories daily choressmall moments of forgiveness a may festival are the secureprecious givens of existence that enable amy and her family to acceptlife even in its tragic moments with equanimity and thankfulness Astory might focus on nothing more earthshakingearthshaking than the teenageamy s secret wish to be chosen may queen or her reluctance severalyears later as the young wife of israel gordon to announce her firstpregnancy when major events do occur they appear as they do inlife against the backdrop of the everyday the death of amy s littlesister coincides with a magicians visit to the town and amy s owndeath is set alongside her preoccupation with sorting and recordingher memories

the historical amy gordon was the grandmother of eileenkump the author states in the prologue that the stories must becalled fiction I1 suppose because so much of them is made upthat doesnt mean the stories arent true they are they could havehappened as well as what happened p x and many of the detailscertainly carry a quirky whimsical real life conviction israelssincere but self conscious love letter to his future wife the mysteriousand pathetic love song about waiting in the rain that no one butamy knows the may day celebration that never questions the ap-propriateness of or asks the reason for the tradition that requires thequeen and her attendants to reenact every year the story of



Lynn: <em>Bread and Milk and Other Stories</em> Eileen Gibbons Kump

Published by BYU ScholarsArchive, 1981

Page 3: Bread and Milk and Other Stories Eileen Gibbons Kump

jephthahsJephthahs daughter and her companions bewailing their virginityupon the mountains either eileen kump was fortunate in beingable to elicit such details from her remarkable grandmother or else itis eileen kumps imagination that is remarkable

the author chooses not to rely heavily on plot most of herstories show a character at a moment of reconciliation or decision andthe interest lies in that characters interior monologue thewillows 1 the first story is one of the strongest eight year oldamy must enter the world of adult deception and ambivalencereconciling her belief that lying and hating are sins with the need toprotect her polygamous family her mother is hiding with otherpolygamous wives in a willow grove from the federal officers thegentiles who have become such monsters in her mind china

doll is the admirably understated story of the death of amy s littlesister it is principally amy s mothers story several of the storiesfocus only partially on amy in jephthahsJephthahs daughter the adoles-cent amy doubts she will ever satisfy the exacting standards of thebishops may day committeecommittee since breadmaking was a weakness in-born p 30 and the committee seeks domestic skills as well as beau-ty regarding courtship views amy through the eyes of herfuture husband bread and milk 2 details the self consciousness ofamy as israels newly pregnant wife it is her assignment to lead thesinging in church how can I1 stand up there with my arms raisedmy middle big she asks her mother 1 I will have to stand up thereand be weighed like a sack of grist p 3959

four and twenty blackbirds3Blackbirds3 is the poignant account of amyand israel at cross purposes over the disciplining and rearing of theirson laun israel doubts his adequacy as a father at the same time thathe doubts the strength of his young son he was not this boy hadhis own ma wept over him because he was so pale had hecried raise up laun come on now laun raise up theboy did it his eyes on israel all the while they were not the eyes of afriend p 69 in saysogayso or sense 4 amy s husband and fatherinlawin law build her a new house she had spent years dreaming of howeach detail of the house would be As her reasonable suggestions aredisregarded one by one she halfway suspects that in a pre earth lifeall priesthood holders were given the choice between saysogayso and sense

first printed in dialogue 8 summer 1973 63 712firsttirstbirst printed in out odtheoftheof rhethe best books vol 2 salt lake city deseret book co 1966 ppap 297 300first printed in western humanities review 27 winter 1973 71 77 also appeared in ensign 4 june

1974 28 31arsifirstirsi printed in BYUbyustudiesstudies 14 winter 1974 263 69



BYU Studies Quarterly, Vol. 21, Iss. 3 [1981], Art. 12

Page 4: Bread and Milk and Other Stories Eileen Gibbons Kump

and chose the former god willing is the story of the death of thewidowed amy and in retrospect the death and funeral of israeltwenty years earlier

although she chooses a mormon setting for her stories eileenkump is too sophisticated a writer to rely on oversimple pseudo-spiritual solutions to her characters dilemmas the readers maysometimes feel however that the implications of each tension are notreally followed through we are convinced ofamy s anxieties over thedisclosure of her pregnancy but rather suddenly she decides not toworry about it any more and when her careful and exact vision ofotherhernew house is shattered she reconciles herself to her fate in a way thatseems almost facile since eileen kumps imagination taste andcraftsmanship are so evident in this reviewers opinion no finershort fiction has ever been written by a mormon author it is tempt-ing to wish for a sustained treatment of a really complex set of prob-lems perhaps in novel form most of the stories in bread and milktake up a single already existing conflict and then allow it to melt in-to resolution under the warmth of good will faith and the passing oftime how wonderful it would be to see what eileen kump could doif she decided to present the growth of an interwoven set of difficultconflicts and then see them through to aworking out all the prereq-uisites for accomplishing such a task seem to be there in abundance



Lynn: <em>Bread and Milk and Other Stories</em> Eileen Gibbons Kump

Published by BYU ScholarsArchive, 1981