brandon vallorani on new york's new adventure license

New York State Adventure License By Brandon Vallorani February 20, 2014 There is a new adventure hunting license series in New York State. New York governor, Andrew M. Cuomo introduced the new license series last Wednesday. The lifetime licenses, available for purchase by New York residents and visitors, cover fishing, hunting, and entrance to New York State Parks. The Adventure License Series is part of Cuomo’s larger campaign to bring outdoor tourism to the state. The campaign has also issued new car license plates with hearts indicating, I love NY Fishing, I love NY Hunting, and I love NY Parks. These will be made available only to residents who have a lifetime adventure license. For the current shortterm recreation license holders, the governor will be mailing notices of the new lifetime opportunities. This includes the ability to consolidate their benefits and recreation licenses onto their New York State Driver’s License. Commissioner of the Office of Park, Recreation and Historical Preservation, Rose Harvey said about the new licenses, that you make “one investment now and 35,000 acres, 2,000 miles of trails, beaches, nature centers, and other park opportunities

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New  York  State  Adventure  License  By  Brandon  Vallorani  February  20,  2014  

 There  is  a  new  adventure  hunting  license  series  in  New  York  State.  New  York  governor,  Andrew  M.  Cuomo  introduced  the  new  license  series  last  Wednesday.  The  lifetime  licenses,  available  for  purchase  by  New  York  residents  and  visitors,  cover  fishing,  hunting,  and  entrance  to  New  York  State  Parks.    The  Adventure  License  Series  is  part  of  Cuomo’s  larger  campaign  to  bring  outdoor  tourism  to  the  state.  The  campaign  has  also  issued  new  car  license  plates  with  hearts  indicating,  I  love  NY  Fishing,  I  love  NY  Hunting,  and  I  love  NY  Parks.  These  will  be  made  available  only  to  residents  who  have  a  lifetime  adventure  license.    For  the  current  short-­‐term  recreation  license  holders,  the  governor  will  be  mailing  notices  of  the  new  lifetime  opportunities.  This  includes  the  ability  to  consolidate  their  benefits  and  recreation  licenses  onto  their  New  York  State  Driver’s  License.    Commissioner  of  the  Office  of  Park,  Recreation  and  Historical  Preservation,  Rose  Harvey  said  about  the  new  licenses,  that  you  make  “one  investment  now  and  35,000  acres,  2,000  miles  of  trails,  beaches,  nature  centers,  and  other  park  opportunities  

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are  yours  to  experience  and  enjoy  forever.  Lifetime  Empire  Passport  members  will  have  the  option  to  escape  alone  or  bring  family  and  friends  along  for  the  experience.”    The  aforementioned  Lifetime  Empire  Passport  costs  $750  and  allows  members  access  to  all  parks.  There  is  also  the  Lifetime  Fishing  membership  for  $460  and  a  Hunting  membership  for  small  and  big  game  for  $535.  There  are  also  extra  incentives  for  enrolling  early,  like  a  free  cabin  for  a  week  or  a  $100  state  parks  gift  card.  You  can  purchase  the  licenses  at    Brandon  Vallorani  is  the  CEO  and  founder  of  Liberty  Alliance,  and  is  a  practiced  entrepreneur  with  a  background  in  marketing  and  management.  Brandon  graduated  from  West  Virginia  University  with  a  Bachelor’s  of  Fine  Arts  in  Graphic  Design.  Liberty  Alliance  is  a  network  of  websites  dedicated  to  advancing  Life,  Liberty,  and  the  Pursuit  of  Happiness.  The  partners  and  members  of  this  organization  utilize  the  influence  of  new  media  to  promote  traditional  values  and  generate  more  than  1,000,000  page  views  each  day.  Brandon  Vallorani  enjoys  spending  time  with  his  family,  hunting  big  game,  and  indulging  fine  cigars  and  wine  with  his  partners.