brain slides

The Nervous System The Nervous System The Brain and Behavior The Brain and Behavior

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Post on 13-Jan-2015



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Basic neuroscience information from a general psychology course that I teach.


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The Nervous SystemThe Nervous System

The Brain and BehaviorThe Brain and Behavior

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What didPhrenologist


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PhrenologyDeveloped byFranz Gall (1758)

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EEG- ElectroencephalographBrain waves are measured by electrodes attached to the scalpan amplified recording of the electrical activity of the brain

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MRI ScanMRI Scan

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PET ScanPositron Emission Tomography

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PET Scan


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Lobes of the Brain

SpeakingMuscle movementsMaking plansJudgments

Registers spatial locationAttentionMotor control

HearingLanguage processingMemory

Visual: color, shape, motion

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Regions of the Cortex

Cortex = “bark”

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Left Hemisphere

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Interior ofThe Brain

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Reptilian Brain


Brain Stem

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Limbic SystemHungerThirstEmotionsSex

Old Mammalian Brain

MasterGland of theEndocrine system

Relay station

Involved in Memory Formation

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CerebrumNew Mammalian Brain

Higher Processes, Thinking, Reasoning

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Gage was a railroad construction foremanAn 1848 explosion forced a steel tamping rod through his headOthers said he was “…no longer Gage…”Lost his job, worked as a sideshow exhibit

The Case of Phineas Gage

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Neuronsthe basic building block of the nervous system

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Types of NeuronsTypes of Neurons

Sensory or Afferent Neurons Sensory or Afferent Neurons Carries incoming information from the Carries incoming information from the

sense receptors to the central nervous sense receptors to the central nervous systemsystem

Motor or Efferent NeuronsMotor or Efferent NeuronsCarries outgoing information from the Carries outgoing information from the

CNS to muscles and glandsCNS to muscles and glands Interneurons Interneurons

Connecting neuronsConnecting neurons

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•Neurons in a newborn’s brain are widely spaced, but form

connections quickly.

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Impoverished vs Enriched


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Parts of a Neuron

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Neural Transmission

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DopamineDopamine: motor, emotions, : motor, emotions, intellectual functionsintellectual functions

SerotoninSerotonin: sleep, moods: sleep, moodsNorephinephrineNorephinephrine: memory, optimism, : memory, optimism,

enthusiasmenthusiasmEndorphinsEndorphins: opiate-lke regulators, : opiate-lke regulators,

pain-killing effectpain-killing effect

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Resting PotentialResting Potential more negative electrical chargemore negative electrical charge -70 mill volts-70 mill volts

Action PotentialAction Potential Sodium (+) and potassium (-) ion balance Sodium (+) and potassium (-) ion balance

reaches about - 50 mill voltsreaches about - 50 mill voltsReuptake or Enzyme actionReuptake or Enzyme action

Ending of neurotransmissionEnding of neurotransmissionSSRI’s, like Prozac interfere with reuptakeSSRI’s, like Prozac interfere with reuptake

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NeurotransmittersNeurotransmittersReleased when action potential occursReleased when action potential occursExcitatory and Inhibitory functionsExcitatory and Inhibitory functions

- - InhibitoryInhibitory: Lowers the charge in the receiving : Lowers the charge in the receiving neuron, inhibiting neurotransmissionneuron, inhibiting neurotransmission- - ExcitatoryExcitatory: Raises the charge in the receiving : Raises the charge in the receiving neuron to the threshold so it will fireneuron to the threshold so it will fire

Lock & Key HypothesisLock & Key HypothesisNeurotransmitters and their receptor sites have Neurotransmitters and their receptor sites have

accommodating chemical shapesaccommodating chemical shapes

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LEFTControls theRight SideOf the Body

RIGHTControls theLeft Side ofThe Body

-Non verbalVerbalAbilities

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Corpus Callosum

Connects the two hemispheres

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A Visual-Spatial Task

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GenderDifferencesIn theLeft HemisphereIn the IncidenceOf Aphasias

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Visual Pathways

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Endocrine System