brain networks: foundations and futures in bipolar disorder

Brain networks: Foundations and futures in bipolar disorder LENA PALANIYAPPAN 1 & DAVID ANDREW COUSINS 2 1 Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, and 2 Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre, Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Abstract Background: Bipolar affective disorder is a common psychiatric illness with an often episodic nature, the neurobiological basis of which remains elusive. Symptom clusters in bipolar disorder can be conceptualized in terms of disordered brain networks, and doing so may aid our understanding of the varied presentations, differing illness courses and treatment responses. Aims: To review the rationale behind proposed disordered brain network function in bipolar disorder and the evidence of network dysfunction from imaging studies together with an overview of more novel techniques pertinent to this field. Methods: Medline databases were searched using the terms bipolar disorder, imaging, connectivity and brain networks. Relevant articles were reviewed and bibliographic cross-referencing was used to focus on key areas of interest, supplemented by additional Medline searches as required. Results: Structural and functional imaging studies support the concept of brain network dysfunction in bipolar disorder. Novel techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging and resting state network analysis can assess such dysfunction more directly, but there are few studies specific to bipolar disorder. Conclusions: Brain network dysfunction is a useful framework for considering the varied presentations of bipolar disorder. Advanced imaging techniques are increasingly available, with the potential to provide insights into this important area. Keywords: Mood disorders, brain imaging, networks Introduction Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric disorder in which abnormalities of mood are found in association with changes in biological rhythms, cognitive functions and behaviours. As with most psychiatric disorders, the diagnosis is syndromal and based on clinical observation and history. There is an implicit assumption in biological psychiatry that disorders of the mind have a physical basis in brain dysfunction, and consequently brain structure and function in bipolar disorder has been contrasted with other psychiatric illnesses and normality. Numerous lines of research support the reduction of clinical syndromes to neurobiological dysfunction. Brain imaging research is arguably the most accessible to the clinical psychiatrist, both conceptually and in terms of interpretation. The findings of Correspondence: Lena Palaniyappan, BA, MBBS, MRCPsych, University Department of Psychiatry, Leazes Wing, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, UK. Tel: þ44 (0)191 282 5660. Fax: þ44(0)191 222 6162. E-mail: [email protected] Journal of Mental Health, April 2010; 19(2): 157–167 ISSN 0963-8237 print/ISSN 1360-0567 online Ó Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/09638230903469129 J Ment Health Downloaded from by Mcgill University on 11/04/14 For personal use only.

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Page 1: Brain networks: Foundations and futures in bipolar disorder

Brain networks: Foundations and futures in bipolardisorder


1Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, and2Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre, Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle University,

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

AbstractBackground: Bipolar affective disorder is a common psychiatric illness with an often episodic nature,the neurobiological basis of which remains elusive. Symptom clusters in bipolar disorder can beconceptualized in terms of disordered brain networks, and doing so may aid our understanding of thevaried presentations, differing illness courses and treatment responses.Aims: To review the rationale behind proposed disordered brain network function in bipolar disorderand the evidence of network dysfunction from imaging studies together with an overview of more noveltechniques pertinent to this field.Methods: Medline databases were searched using the terms bipolar disorder, imaging, connectivityand brain networks. Relevant articles were reviewed and bibliographic cross-referencing was used tofocus on key areas of interest, supplemented by additional Medline searches as required.Results: Structural and functional imaging studies support the concept of brain network dysfunctionin bipolar disorder. Novel techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging and resting state networkanalysis can assess such dysfunction more directly, but there are few studies specific to bipolardisorder.Conclusions: Brain network dysfunction is a useful framework for considering the varied presentationsof bipolar disorder. Advanced imaging techniques are increasingly available, with the potential toprovide insights into this important area.

Keywords: Mood disorders, brain imaging, networks


Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric disorder in which abnormalities of mood are found

in association with changes in biological rhythms, cognitive functions and behaviours. As

with most psychiatric disorders, the diagnosis is syndromal and based on clinical observation

and history. There is an implicit assumption in biological psychiatry that disorders of the

mind have a physical basis in brain dysfunction, and consequently brain structure and

function in bipolar disorder has been contrasted with other psychiatric illnesses and

normality. Numerous lines of research support the reduction of clinical syndromes to

neurobiological dysfunction. Brain imaging research is arguably the most accessible to the

clinical psychiatrist, both conceptually and in terms of interpretation. The findings of

Correspondence: Lena Palaniyappan, BA, MBBS, MRCPsych, University Department of Psychiatry, Leazes Wing, Royal Victoria

Infirmary, Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, UK. Tel: þ44 (0)191 282 5660. Fax: þ44(0)191 222 6162.

E-mail: [email protected]

Journal of Mental Health,

April 2010; 19(2): 157–167

ISSN 0963-8237 print/ISSN 1360-0567 online � Informa UK Ltd.

DOI: 10.3109/09638230903469129


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imaging studies can now be integrated into wider illness models, synthesizing observed

changes in brain structure and function with neurochemical and psychopharmacological

theories. However, as the imaging field has advanced, more complex scanning techniques

have been applied which themselves need consideration before the data can be integrated

into our conceptual frameworks. This paper will approach the imaging field of bipolar

disorder from its foundations in structural work, progressing to functional studies and later

to more advanced techniques. The findings will be considered within our concepts of the

illness and conclude with an examination of novel techniques and possible future


Clinical features

Bipolar disorder is classically described as a mood disorder in which mania and/or

hypomania alternates with episodes of depression, interspersed with periods of return to

normal function. Mania is characterized by elated, expansive or irritable mood accompanied

by increased drive, engaging in pleasurable high risk activities, motor hyperactivity and

alterations in cognitive function, speech, appetite, libido and sleep patterns. It can be

associated with psychosis. Conversely, depression manifests as persistently low mood, loss of

enjoyment from pleasurable activities and reduced energy levels, together with disturbed

sleep, appetite, libido, and hopelessness and suicidal ideation. In practice there are a great

range of presentations of bipolar disorder, both in terms of episode characteristics and illness

course. Episodic presentation with return to normal functioning can occur, but many

patients experience chronic ill health with prolonged periods of mood disturbance and/or

persistent subsyndromal symptomatology. Episodes themselves can be diverse, including

mixed states and psychotic presentations in addition to classical descriptions of mania and


It is increasingly recognized that cognitive dysfunction is a feature of bipolar disorder

during both syndromal mood disturbance and remission, with a pronounced effect on

psychosocial functioning. Dysfunction has been reported in a number of cognitive domains

in patients with bipolar disorder and working memory has been investigated in some detail

(Ferrier & Thompson, 2002). Working memory is a hypothetical construct that ‘‘refers to a

brain system that provides temporary storage and manipulation of the information necessary

for such complex cognitive tasks as language comprehension, learning and reasoning’’

(Baddely, 1986). The neural substrates of working memory are well understood and have a

bearing on models of psychiatric illnesses. Manic subjects perform poorly on tests assessing

executive function (Albus et al., 1996; Clark et al., 2001; Martinez-Aran et al., 2004;

McGrath et al., 1997; Morice, 1990; Murphy et al., 1999; Seidman et al., 2002; Sweeney

et al., 2000), verbal and spatial working memory (Clark et al., 2001; Murphy et al., 1999;

Sweeney et al., 2000), and sustained attention. When the latter is investigated, manic

patients are found to have faster reaction times but make more errors, resulting in impaired

overall performance (Clark et al., 2001; Sax et al., 1999). Depressed patients also perform

poorly on such tasks, though not necessarily similarly, and there are differences when

unipolar and bipolar subjects are compared (Wolfe et al., 1987). Bipolar disorder patients

are impaired on other tests of executive function such as verbal fluency (Calev et al., 1989),

and in assessments of verbal memory (Martinez-Aran et al., 2004; Wolfe et al., 1987).

Impairments may persist despite clinical resolution of the episode, and although some of

these deficits may be accounted for by residual symptomatology, abnormalities persist when

these are controlled for (Ferrier et al., 1999). Euthymic bipolar patients perform poorly

compared to controls on tasks of executive function (Thompson et al., 2005; Zubieta et al.,

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2001), verbal memory and learning (Cavanagh et al., 2002; van Gorp et al., 1998) and non-

verbal memory in some, but not all studies (Clark et al., 2001; Ferrier et al., 1999; van Gorp

et al., 1998). Deficits in attention are apparent in some tests such as trail making (El-Badri

et al., 2001), but inconsistently so when specifically examined in continuous performance

tasks (Addington & Addington, 1997; Clark et al., 2002; Dixon et al., 2005).

It would seem reasonable to localize many of these symptoms to prefrontal cortical

regions, yet the diversity and complexity of the presentations of bipolar disorder makes it

implausible to identify dysfunctional regions in isolation and conceptually challenging to

construct valid neurobiological illness models. The apparently opposing mood states of

mania and depression, together with their cognitive, emotional and vegetative symptom

clusters seem to involve numerous and seemingly disparate brain regions. Indeed, imaging

studies have implicated a myriad of brain structures and highlighted many regions as

potential sites of derangement using functional techniques (Strakowski et al., 2005). It is

increasingly common to discuss the origins of symptoms in bipolar disorder as having a basis

in dysfunction in interconnected neural systems or networks (Adler et al., 2006). Brain

networks are invoked to explain complex functions such as emotions and cognitions,

behaviours and drives. Reciprocal loops connecting cortical areas, typically via subcortical

relays, have an established anatomical basis and appear to be valid substrates of higher brain

functions on empirical testing (Cummings, 1993). Network dysfunction is a useful way of

conceptualizing bipolar disorder, providing an interim step on the reduction of clinical

features to brain function. Disordered networks arguably reduce the plurality in

explanations of disordered brain structure in bipolar disorder, and may inform our

understanding of basic science data and treatment effects, additionally offering a framework

for future investigations.

The components of key networks will be considered, highlighting important findings from

the structural imaging field, followed by evidence of functional derangement. The models

will briefly be overlaid onto neurochemical and treatment theories before discussing the

steps necessary to consolidate these models.

Structural volumetric changes in bipolar disorder

Volumetric imaging studies in bipolar disorder have recently been subjected to meta-

analysis (Kempton et al., 2008; McDonald et al., 2004) and, although increased ventricle

volume and reduced corpus callosum area were shown to be significant, a consistent pattern

of abnormality in other brain structures is not clear. This may in part be due to study

heterogeneity as medication effects, variable mood states and the clinical course of the

subjects investigated are difficult to control for. Further, advanced image analysis tools such

as voxel based morphometry (VBM) do not lend themselves to inclusion in a meta-analysis,

preventing a comprehensive synthesis of that body of data (Kempton et al., 2008). Caveats

aside, there is a consensus that the hippocampus is of normal volume in bipolar disorder, in

contrast to the volume loss in unipolar depression. There are mixed reports of increased and

decreased amygdala volumes, which may be sensitive to the age (Doty et al., 2008) or

developmental status of the subjects investigated. Additionally, differences in amygdala

volume across age groups may be a consequence of the stress of the illness process, as the

amygdala and hippocampus may be particularly susceptible to the effects of repeated

elevations of cortisol (Rainnie et al., 2004). Amygdala glial cell loss is more clearly

established in unipolar disorder than bipolar disorder (Bowley et al., 2002; Doty et al.,

2008), possibly because of the proposed neuroprotective effect of drugs such as lithium and

valproate that are commonly used in the latter. The prefrontal cortex has been shown to be

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smaller in bipolar disorder compared to controls, though not consistently so. The

contradictions may be due to comparisons of global regions, and analysis of specific regions

may be more informative (Strakowski et al., 2000). The subgenual and anterior cingulate

have been shown to be prone to cortical thinning in bipolar disorder and decreased grey

matter in the left anterior cingulate has been observed (Drevets et al., 1998). However, the

cingulate as a whole may be of normal volume (Formto et al., 2008), and there are reports of

increased grey matter (Adler et al., 2005). Subcortical structures have also received

attention, forming as they do an important part of the proposed network systems. The

volume of the caudate in bipolar disorder in unclear as both normal (Aylward et al., 1994;

Brambilla et al., 2001; Strakowski et al., 1993, 2002; Swayze et al., 1992) and increased

volumes have been observed (Aylward et al., 1994; Noga et al., 2001; Sax et al., 1999), with

a further suggestion that volume reduction is a feature of older and late onset groups (Beyer

et al., 2004). The putamen volume may be state dependent, being largely normal in

euthymia and increased during mania (Aylward et al., 1994; Brambilla et al., 2001; Swayze

et al., 1992).

Functional imaging studies in bipolar disorder

The functional imaging studies of bipolar patients have been reviewed and caveats such as

differences in imaging modality, task design, rest conditions and medication effects have

been discussed (Strakowski et al., 2005). Many authors conclude that candidate areas in

brain networks show evidence of dysfunction during illness, though the exact nature of the

changes will require further investigation (Adler et al., 2006). There are mixed reports of

prefrontal cortex dysfunction in bipolar depression and mania. Increased signal in the

frontal lobes of depressed subjects has been reported and conversely a reduction in mania

(Blumberg et al., 2003). Presumably, this reduction in activity translates as a reduction in

frontal inhibition of behaviour in mania (Foland et al., 2008) and the reverse in depression.

Although subject to some inconsistencies, results from functional studies generally suggest

increased limbic activation in the depressed phase (Adler et al., 2006). Subcortical

structures are also functionally implicated, with an increased blood flow to the basal ganglia

seen in mania (O’Connell et al., 1995). This may be related to motor presentations in

addition to cognitive dysfunction.

Demonstrating causality

The validity of network models of bipolar disorder can be considered from a number of

angles. The models hold face validity, since the networks proposed are thought to govern the

normal emotional and cognitive processes that are then disturbed in the illness (Cummings,

1993; Phillips, 2006). There are structural changes demonstrable by imaging and

pathological investigation in the brain areas thought to give rise to complex emotions and

cognitions (Haldane & Frangou, 2004). As discussed, functional changes are apparent in the

areas structurally implicated, with opposing abnormalities in different poles of the illness.

Further, neuronal transmission in the proposed networks is conducted through brain

chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, GABA and glutamate. The monoamine

neurotransmitter systems have long been implicated in the genesis of bipolar symptomatol-

ogy, and are common sites of action of mood stabilizers such as lithium, valproate,

carbemazepine and the atypical antipsychotics (Cousins & Young, 2007). Dysfunction in

excitatory neurotransmitter systems may underlie cell loss and disturbed synaptic plasticity

in key components of brain networks, such as the amygdala and hippocampus (Doty et al.,

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2008; Rainnie et al., 2004). The structure and function of the oligodendrocytes that govern

network myelination, and so neuronal conduction, are disrupted by the loss of NRG1 in

animal models (Fields, 2008; Roy et al., 1989). Dopaminergic networks are disrupted in

such models, and it is notable that NRG1 is a replicated susceptibility gene for bipolar

disorder (Georgieva et al., 2008) with a potential impact on white matter integrity

(McIntosh et al., 2008).

However, despite such strands of supporting evidence, the argument that network

dysfunction drives the presentation of bipolar disorder is largely one of inference. It seems

intuitive that structural and functional changes in candidate regions should be linked, but

the accumulated evidence thus far is not direct. A number of recent advances in imaging

technology have occurred that allow the integrity of networks to be visualized more directly,

and the nature of the pathology to be gauged.

White matter structural changes denoting a pathological process

Brain networks can be considered as cortical and subcortical regions interconnected by

specific white matter tracts. The integrity of white matter is crucial to network function, and

is itself amenable to investigation in patients with bipolar disorder. Hyperintense areas in the

white matter are sometimes seen in patient groups, being particularly well visualized on T2-

weighted images. Such hyperintensities could be due to neuronal damage related to defects

in blood flow as cerebrovascular risk factors (smoking, age, hypertension and diabetes)

correlate positively with the presence of such lesions. One of the most consistent findings in

the imaging field of bipolar disorder is that patients generally have more hyperintensities in

subcortical regions and the deep white matter than controls (2.5 times more likely)

(Kempton et al., 2008). Some predominance in frontal and parietal regions has been noted,

suggesting a disruption in fronto-limbic or fronto-parietal networks in bipolar disorder. Of

note is that white matter hyperintensities are a nonspecific finding observed in a variety of

conditions including major depressive disorder, vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Preliminary findings suggest that the predominance of these hyperintensities in bipolar

patients compared to schizophrenia or controls may appear as early as adolescence (Pillai

et al., 2002) though in a group of first episode psychosis patients, no such difference was

noted between affective vs. non affective group (Zanetti et al., 2008).

Arnone et al. (2008) present an argument outlining the importance of the corpus callosum

in bipolar disorder, highlighting its role in inter-hemispheric communication and the

integration of cognitive and emotional processes. Building on the findings of previous

reviews (Kempton et al., 2008), their extended meta-analysis showed a reduction in the area

of the corpus callosum in bipolar subjects compared to controls. The validity of this

observation is strengthened by the lack of heterogeneity and publication bias in the studies

reviewed. A strong case can therefore be made for investigating the structure and integrity of

white matter tracts in bipolar disorder, and a number of MRI techniques now exist to enable


Diffusion tensor imaging to study structural connectivity

Diffusion tensor imaging is a relatively new technique that allows a more direct investigation

of structural white matter integrity. DTI is based on the principle that diffusion of water

molecules in white matter tracts has a directional bias, being greatest along the direction of

the tracts. Damage to the white matter disrupts this directionality, as water can move more

freely out of neurons at sites of pathology (Le Bihan, 2007). Two terms are used to describe

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this phenomenon; fractional anisotropy (FA) is a measure of preferential diffusion of water

along axons, and mean diffusivity describes overall water displacement. Using this diffusion

tensor imaging techniques, it is possible to detect subtle white matter changes before

alterations in volume and structure become apparent on standard T1- and T2-weighted

images. Several DTI studies have been conducted in bipolar disorder and altered white

matter integrity has been reported. The major findings include reduced FA in prefrontal

white matter (Adler et al., 2004), higher mean diffusivity in orbitofrontal areas (Beyer et al.,

2005), reduced FA in temporal white matter and increased mean diffusivity in prefrontal

areas (Bruno et al., 2008), increased FA in genu of corpus callosum (Yurgelun-Todd et al.,

2007) and decreased FA in anterior cingulum (Wang et al., 2008).

Tractography is a more sophisticated analysis technique using the data obtained from

DTI, wherein the actual white matter tracts can be plotted out in three dimensions using

probabilistic methods. Charting such fibre tracts could reveal any loss of integrity relative to

each other as well as the site of such defects along a specified tract. Studies investigating

white matter tracts using tractography in bipolar disorder have revealed disturbances in

cingulate-amygdala-hippocampal connections (Houenou et al., 2007), uncinate fasciculus

and anterior thalamic radiation (McIntosh et al., in press).

Analysing functional connectivity

There are different techniques available for studying connectivity using functional magnetic

resonance imaging (fMRI) data (Rogers et al., 2007), in which the image contrast arises

from changes in the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal. Correlation between

BOLD signal of one region of interest (called ‘‘seed’’) and various other brain areas

(represented as voxels in MRI image) can be used to create functional connectivity maps.

Another method, structural equation modelling, tests prior hypotheses of interconnections

between designated regions of interest using time-series data obtained from fMRI.

Functional connectivity can be investigated using resting state fMRI, though this is a

controversial technique and consensus has not been reached regarding its utility and

interpretation. In a resting fMRI investigation, the subjects are usually asked to lie on the

scanner without performing any mental or physical activity, typically instructed to ‘‘let their

mind go blank’’. It is debatable whether reliable resting states could be achieved inside the

scanner, or indeed if ‘‘resting’’ is the most appropriate term to use for this sort of state. The

evolution of the concept of resting state scanning roughly follows the observation of what

seemed to be background noise in the BOLD signal detected during the rest periods of task

related fMRI. Such ‘‘noise’’ appeared to fluctuate over time and persisted when scanner

variables were controlled for. The most obvious interpretation of such signal patterns was

that they were related to changes in blood flow, with rhythmical patterns arising from cardiac

and respiratory cycles. However, when these are monitored and filtered from the data, low

frequency fluctuations in the signal are still detected and appear to show a degree of

synchronization between distinct brain areas. Brain regions that are synchronized in terms of

these BOLD signal fluctuations are proposed to have functional connectivity. Default

coherent networks have been proposed in the somatosensory, visual, and language

processing regions (Fox & Raichle 2007). Independent component analysis is a technique

whereby resting fMRI data can be separated according to source of the signals, irrespective

of prior knowledge (i.e., not according to expected BOLD signal variation from

hypothesized connections). This allows one to overlay observed baseline connectivity data

onto brain structure to see if functional patterns match anatomical pathways. Compared to

controls, patients with bipolar disorder showed decreased ventral anterior cingulate

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connectivity to the amygdalae, thalami and striatum; all key components of mood regulating

circuits (Anand et al., 2008). In a later subset of patients, this connectivity appeared to be

increased from initial readings following 8 weeks treatment with lithium. Bipolar patients

have also been found to have dysregulation of the resting state signal in the medial prefrontal

cortex and hypothalamus (Greenhouse et al., 2006). The prefrontal cortical changes support

the network systems discussed, but interestingly the hypothalamic changes may relate to the

core disturbances of circadian rhythms and drives seen in affective disorders.

Functional connectivity analysis techniques are not restricted to studies of the ‘‘resting

state’’ and are increasingly being applied to data sets acquired during task-related fMRI.

Rich et al. (2008) examined data from a study of childhood bipolar disorder in which

subjects were performing a task of face emotion identification. fMRI time series analysis was

used to study frequencies pertinent to connectivity and the left amygdala was chosen a priori

as a seed region, with connectivity to regions such as the temporal association cortex being

of particular interest. Compared to controls, bipolar subjects were found to have reduced

connectivity between the left amygdala and small regions bordering the posterior cingulate/

precuneus and fusiform gyrus/parahippocampal gyrus on the right side of the brain. This

study arguably provides a functional correlate to the structural studies of amygdala volume

in which developmental abnormalities of maturation have been proposed, and raises the

concern that dysfunction in neural circuitry may be present from the outset of the condition,

or even precede its presentation.

Consolidating findings related to networks

Reductions in activation in a particular brain region observed during an fMRI task may be

due to actual defects at a cortical level in that area, or due to disturbances in the networks for

which that brain region served as a nodal point. Differentiating these possibilities is

problematic, but studies investigating functional and structural connectivity simultaneously

using DTI & fMRI may be the most appropriate route to follow. Altered structure-function

relationship has been shown in one such study of schizophrenia (Schlosser et al., 2007), but

not yet in bipolar disorder.

Connectivity refers to spatial and/or temporal correspondence among brain regions.

Studying temporal or spatial connectivity is important but does not give a complete picture,

providing little information about ‘‘effective connectivity’’ – the influence of one region on

the other. One way of studying this is to consider the brain as a system of multiple inputs and

outputs in which unobserved coupling exists between various regions. When the dynamics

of such a system is perturbed using a psychological task, the metrics of influence of one

region over another can be measured from the response. This approach, called dynamic

causal modelling or DCM (Friston et al., 2003) has been used to analyse fMRI data from

patients with schizophrenia. The results indicated an impaired interregional coupling

between superior temporal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. The effect of self versus

external speech on this connectivity was reversed in those with auditory hallucinations

compared to those without and to controls (Mechelli et al., 2007). In major depressive

disorder DCM has been used to demonstrate impairments in coupling between dorsal and

rostral anterior cingulate cortex (Schlosser et al., in press). Such models have yet to be

applied to data from patients with bipolar disorder.

It is important to consider potential confounding variables before firm conclusions can be

reached about network abnormalities in bipolar disorder. Medications are likely to have an

effect on assessments of brain networks, and presumably on the functional activity of the

networks themselves. Lithium has already been investigated in this regard (Anand et al.,

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2008). Medication effects can be estimated by studying medication-naive patients or

patients who undergo a washout period before the observations. The latter may be ethically

unadvisable while both designs are practically very difficult to conduct. A review of

medication effects on neuroimaging findings in bipolar disorder found variable results with

respect to the influence of medications on functional imaging (Phillips et al., 2008). The

influence of aging on anatomical integrity and functional connectivity of different networks

is yet to be investigated in detail, but could be a potential confounder. Longitudinal studies

on normal healthy subjects to investigate the effect of brain maturation and aging on

neuroimaging parameters are required as a first step. A related variable must also be the

duration of illness and number of episodes experienced, since recurrent stress can have a

deleterious effect on key brain regions within the networks (Bremner, 1999).


Bipolar disorder comprises the seemingly contrasting states of depression and mania,

together with a predisposition to fluctuate between such states. This clinical presentation

lends itself to an aetiological model based on neural circuitry wherein defined structural and

functional abnormalities generate different clinical states that fluctuate and progress on a

longitudinal timeframe. This review has considered some of the evidence for disordered

brain network function in bipolar disorder, with a focus on brain imaging techniques. There

is mounting evidence that the structural and functional integrity of key brain networks is

disrupted in patients with bipolar disorder, and that this may underlie the various

symptomatic components of the condition.

Network models may advance our understanding of bipolar disorder in a number of ways,

ranging from new insights in structural studies to more valid interpretations of complex

functional work. For example, specific examination of white matter tract integrity is coming

to the fore, and techniques such as DTI could aid our interpretation of well documented but

poorly understood abnormalities such as deep white matter hyperintensities. Future work

exploring the temporal patterns of network transmission may unveil areas that are primarily

affected in bipolar disorder, and guide future therapeutic interventions. Potential areas for

further research include exploring the contribution of cortical (top-down) and sub-cortical

(bottom-up) defects and the role of primary dysfunction in fibre tracts themselves.

Such enquiries may help delineating sub-groups with better response to therapeutic

interventions and establish likely neuroprotective effects of some drugs in re-establishing

network function.

The limitations of this traditional and selective review need to be recognized, and future

work utilizing the techniques of meta-analysis may produce new insights. Nevertheless, on

the basis of our brief overview it seems plausible that studying network dysfunction in

bipolar disorder holds the promise of advancing our understanding of this important

condition, with the potential to highlight factors that influence treatment response and

possibly produce suitable biomarkers of this illness.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflict of interest. The authors alone are

responsible for the content and writing of the paper.


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