brain 9n7h

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  • 8/13/2019 Brain 9n7h


    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc.

    Human Brain
  • 8/13/2019 Brain 9n7h


  • 8/13/2019 Brain 9n7h


    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 2

    The human brain is an amazing thing. It is full grown in size and

    weight by the time you are 6 years old. The brain will continue to

    grow on the inside for the rest of your life if you give it constantattention.

    Each new piece of information or new experience will create a new space just for it like the

    drawers in the warehouse. There will be no new weight added, just

    growth of the tiny cells that store information. If the cells are not

    asked every now and then to show the information they die.

    Your brain weighs about 3 pounds right now. It was only about 1

    pound when you were born. The brain is protected by the bones ofyour skull. The bones were soft when you were born and slowly grew

    with the brain. Now your skull is solid firm bone tissue. Just don't try

    to see how hard it really is.

    Human Brain

    Read each sentence below. Fill in the missing words.

    1. The brain is grown in size and weight by the time you are

    ________________________ years old.

    2. Your brain weighs about ______________________________ pounds.

    3. The brain is protected by the bones of your ________________________________.

    4. Your brain was only about ________________________ pounds when youwere born.

    5. The bones were __________________________________ when you were born and

    slowly grew with the brain.
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 3

    There are three layers of bag-like tissue that exist between the

    inside of your skull and your brain. These are called the menginges

    membranes. The tough outer one is called the dura. It is designed to

    keep the skull from rubbing against the softer areas underneath.

    Under the dura is the membrane tissue called the arachnoid. The arachnoid holds

    in the fluid that surrounds your brain and also flows inside your spinal column.

    The final layer of membrane is stuffed full of blood vessels. It is called the pia. The blood

    carries oxygen to all parts of the brain. The pia fits all along the folds and ridges of the brain.

    Do not worry if you get a cut or bump on your head and it bleeds.

    Remember that the skin that covers your skull and gives you such an

    interesting face is also full of blood vessels. Those vessels are not the

    same ones that are feeding your brain the oxygen it needs.

    Your brain has billions of cells in it. These cells work like a

    computer to control everything your body does. They control the

    things you decide to do like throwing a ball or watching a movie. They

    also control the things you probably don't think about such as breathing

    and dreaming.

    1. membrane ______________________________________________________________


    2. oxygen _________________________________________________________________


    3. vessels __________________________________________________________________


    Human Brain

    Read each word below. Write a definition for each.
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 4

    The brain is also the place where all your memories and skills are stored. It

    is the place that helps you write your name or maybe play the piano. When

    the brain finds the information for you it sends a message to the correct part of

    your body that needs to use it.

    The main mass of the brain is made up of gray matter and white matter.

    The gray matter is mostly made of a high number of nerve cells called neurons

    and the pathways they build to send messages. The messages are sent by tiny

    electrical pulses.

    All the nerve cells or neurons have fibers reaching off of them to connect them to other

    neurons. The longest fiber for each neuron is called an axon. Many axons are covered with alayer of fatty protein material that helps messages move faster. This material gives them a

    white color. The areas where most of the axons are covered by this material is called the white


    The white covering is made by cells called glia. Glia means glue in Greek. The glia help

    hold all the cells and pathways together. They also work hard to surround and then get rid of

    any invading bacteria or infections.

    Human Brain

    Draw a picture of what you think the brain looks like.
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 5

    The brain looks almost like a football shaped head of cauliflower

    when seen from the side. The stalk is called the brainstem. It leads

    to the spinal column. The brainstem carries the fluid and messages

    that move between the brain and the spine.

    Right above the brainstem is a small oval shaped part of your

    brain called the cerebellum. It may be small but it is powerful. The

    cerebellum is in charge of the way your body moves. It helps you

    keep your balance and posture. It is responsible for the movement

    and getting your muscles to work together correctly.

    The biggest part of the brain is made up of the cerebrum. The cerebrum is divided into 4

    main parts. The names are the same for the left side of the brain as the right side. The two

    sides are called your hemispheres. For some reason, the left hemisphere controls the right side

    of your body and the right hemisphere controls the left side.

    Human Brain
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    The frontal lobe (section) of the cerebrum is the part of your brain that helps you with

    thinking. It is where the jobs of figuring things out and making decisions occurs. It also is the

    storage area for your emotions. The frontal lobe helps you decide when you want to be happy

    or sad, silly or serious.

    The frontal lobe is the largest section of the cerebrum. It starts above your

    eyes and goes all the way back to where most of you have a cowlick in your

    hair. The right and left hemispheres of the frontal lobe make up about one

    third of the entire brain size.

    The temporal lobe extends from each ear more than half the way around the

    back of your head. This is the area of your brain that stores the informationabout what you hear and smell. Your memory is also located in this area.

    Many people remember things and people by the way they smell. Maybe this shared lobe is the

    reason why.

    The parietal lobe is centered in the back of your head. If you place your open hand just

    under your cow lick you will cover most of it. This lobe is the storage area for your sense of

    touch. It is also where your language skills come from. These skills are your ability to speak

    and the way you speak.

    The occipital lobe takes care of your vision and reading ability. It is found in that knobby

    area just above your neck.

    Human Brain
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 7

    There are also some important glands located in your brain. These glands are small organs

    that produce liquids to be used by parts of your body to do their jobs. We

    will just briefly look at three of these glands.

    The thalamus gland is the center that controls pain and your senses. It

    helps you remain alert.

    The hypothalamus controls your body temperature and cycles. It lets you

    know when you are sleepy or wide awake. It is your internal clock. The hypothalamus also

    controls your moods. The feelings of hunger and thirst are also controlled by the secretions

    from this gland.

    The third major gland in the brain is the pituitary gland. It releases hormones into your

    blood stream when your internal clock tells it to. Hormones are what cause growth or maturing

    in your body.

    There are many other areas and parts of your brain. Each one has a job to do. Doctors have

    found that some things are stored or controlled by more than one area of the brain. This might

    be to protect you from total loss of a skill or

    function in case of illness or injury but they

    are not sure.

    Human Brain

    Help the boy find his way to the brain.

    A doctor that studies the nervous

    system is called a neurologist. The

    brain and spinal column are parts of

    the nervous system.

    Some doctors study the brain and

    others study the way your brain makesyou act or feel. There are many

    different scientists that want to know

    what is going on in there.
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 8

    Brain surgeons are called neurosurgeons. They have been able to find out

    what some parts of your brain store and control. They have found this out

    when they operated on people's brains because the people are usually awake.

    The patient can talk to the surgeon and answer questions.

    It is not as horrible as it sounds. The brain has no pain centers. When you

    hurt a part of your body like stub your toe or scrape your knee the nerves of the

    toe or knee feel the pain. A pain message goes to the brain. The brain then sends a message

    telling you what to do (jump back, holler, grab your knee) or whatever. The brain never felt the

    pain because it can't.

    A different and less yucky way to find out what parts of the brain do is by using special

    machines. The machines have long names so we will just use their initials.

    The MRI and the PET machines can take pictures of the brain while a person is doing

    something. The pictures will show which part is being used because of the electrical activity in

    the area. Remember messages in the brain are sent by tiny electric pulses. The doctors just

    follow the blinking lights.

    Many things can go wrong in a brain. Sometimes a child can be born with something

    different happening with their brain because of genetics. Genetics means the difference waspassed to a child in the life pattern of DNA given by their mother or father.

    Human Brain

    Read each sentence below. Circle true or false.

    1. Brain surgeons are called neurosurgeons.

    true false

    2. The brain has pain centers.

    true false3. Messages in the brain are sent by tiny electrical pulses.

    true false
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 9

    Babies also might have brain problems because something happened to

    them before they were born or at the time they were born. Sometimes the

    mother may have gotten some chemicals in her body that went to the baby.

    Many times we do not know all the chemicals that we eat or drink orbreathe.

    Some diseases of the brain can also be caused by chemical invasion as we grow up.

    Sometimes it can happen to adults. Using alcohol, illegal drugs, or smoking have all been

    proven to hurt the brain as well as other parts of the body.

    Some people get damage to their brain from accidents. Wearing a seat

    belt in the car and a helmet on the bicycle or

    scooter will help keep your brain safer.

    Just like the rest of your amazing body the brain makes you who

    you are. It is very unlikely that you will have something go wrong

    with your brain. Even if you do, doctors are

    finding new ways every day to fix or work around many of the problems.

    Human Brain

    Why is you brain important? ____________________________________________________




    Write something you have learned about the brain. __________________________________




    Answer each question below. Write your answers on the lines below.
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    Print the correct spelling word on the lind.

    Human Brain
  • 8/13/2019 Brain 9n7h


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    Word Unscramble

    Unscramble each word. Print the word on the line.























    Human Brain
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 12

    Word Find

    Find and circle these words.

    They run down, across, and diagonally.

    human cerebrum spinal nerves wrinkles brain

    functions sacs oxygen cerebellum stem cushions

    Human Brain
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc. 13

    Criss Cross

    Can you fit these words into the criss cross?

    Use a pencil so you can erase if you need to.

    head nervous skull spinal

    brain system center cord

    Human Brain
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    Copyright@ 2012 Comp Ed, Inc.

    Page 10 - brain, spinal, nerves, cushions, intelligent

    Page 11 - human, wrinkles, brain, spinal, nerves, cushions

    Page 12 -

    Page 13 -


    Human Brain
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