bpa paralegal pipeline december 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 BPA Paralegal Pipeline December 2010


    Brevard Paralegal Association

    Thanksgiving has comeand gone and I'mrecovering from myturkey-induced coma,gearing up for the rest ofthe holiday season. Ourthird annual HolidaySocial is at TuscanyGrill on December

    9th this year. Pleasemake sure to RSVPto our EntertainmentChairperson, NicoleDooley, no later thanDecember 2nd. For moreinformation and menudetails please see theflier later in this issue.Last year we had a goodcrowd and a great time,and I hope to see evenmore faces this year.

    Don't forget to bring yourspouse, significant other,friend or family memberwith you. We arecelebrating 20 years ofBPA -- if you have anypictures or memorabiliafrom the past twodecades, please bringthem with you to share

    with the rest of us. I have abunch of photos that werehanded down to me a fewyears ago that will be dustedoff for everyone to view.

    Most important during thisseason is not to forget thoseless fortunate thanourselves and pay forwardwhatever we can. BPA willcontinue with its tradition todonate to Toys for Tots.Please bring a new,unwrapped toy with you tothe Holiday Social for ourCommunity ServiceChairperson, Toni-MarieD'Alessandro to collect forthis worthy cause. Moredetails are found in Toni-Marie's column and the flierlater in this issue.

    In January we have a greatmeeting lined up. David Volkis our speaker on how tomake yourselfindispensible. Also, don'tforget to mark your calendarfor Saturday, February 5,2011 for the BCC TechnicalAdvisory Committee for the

    Paralegal Program's annualseminar: "Elder Law andNursing Home Liability". Atour January meeting, we willhold a free raffle for twoseminar fees (one for astudent member and one foran active member, worth$25 and $35 respectively).

    You must be present towin! Please see the flierin this issue for moredetails on this greatseminar.

    Whatever you celebrate,on behalf of the Board ofDirectors of BPA, wewish you and yourfamilies all the best!

    Looking forward to seeingyou on the 9th atTuscany Grill.



    December 2010

    Presidents MessageI N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

    The Paralegal Pipeline

    Presidents Message 1

    Holiday Social Information 2

    PAF News 2

    Florida Registered Paralegal 2

    BCC Paralegal Program 3

    Community Service 3

    2010 - 11 Board Listing 4

    Sponsors 5 - 7

    Attachments 8 -14



    December 1 st

  • 8/8/2019 BPA Paralegal Pipeline December 2010


    Florida Registered ParalegalThe grandfathering clause in the Florida Registered Paralegal Program will sunseton MARCH 1, 2011. After MARCH 1, 2011, you must meet the education/workexperience OR certification requirement eligibility. If you are using grandfathering as thebasis for registration, your completed application including attorney attestations MUST bedated on or before MARCH 1, 2011. AFTER MARCH 1, 2011, YOU WILL NO LONGERBE ABLE TO USE EXPERIENCE ALONE (THE GRANDFATHERING PROVISION) AS ABASIS FOR ELIGIBILITY FOR REGISTRATION.

    PAF, Inc. News www.pafinc.org

    Big Bend Chapter Holiday Party and Gift Exchange, 12/09/10, 12:00 p.m., Capital CityCountry Club, 1601 Golf Terrace Dr., Tallahassee

    Boca Raton Holiday Luncheon and Seminar, 12/09 /10, 12:00 p.m., Bogarts Bar and Grille,Cinemark 20, 3200 Airport Road, Boca Raton, Topic Criminal Law presented by Bruce E.Reinhart, Esquire

    Broward Holiday Party/Membership Drive/Toy Drive, 12/3/10, 6:00 p.m., Coral Ridge YachtClub 2800 Yacht Club Boulevard Fort Lauderdale

    Hillsborough Alpha House Rummage Sale, 12/04/10, 8:00 a.m., Volunteers are needed tohelp out with the Rummage Sale to benefit Alpha House. This great organization benefitspregnant women in crisis.

    Palm Beach Holiday Charity Event, 12/08/10, 5:30 p.m., Crown Plaza Hotel, 1601 BelvedereRoad, West Palm Beach

    Pinellas Holiday Charity Event, 12/04/10, 6:15 p.m., Antonio's Pasta Grill 2755 UlmertonRoad, Clearwater, Proceeds to benefit to CASA

    Southwest Florida Chapter Dinner meeting, 12/16/10, 5:30 p.m., Double Tree Guest Suites,12200 Tamiani Trail N, 2 nd Floor, Naples

    Suncoast Chapter Dinner Meeting, 12/13/10, 5:30 p.m., Mar inas Jack in the Bay Room,Sarasota

    Treasure Coast Holiday Party, 12/08/10, 6:15 p.m., Cobbs Landing, 200 N. Indian RiverDrive, Ft. Pierce

    The Parale al Pi elinePage 2

    BPA is Celebratingits 20 th

    Anniversary!! BPA is celebrating its20 th anniversary thisyear! We will behonoring those whoplayed an integral partin forming our localparalegal association atour Holiday Social inDecember.

    Pearl HarborDay

    December 7 th

  • 8/8/2019 BPA Paralegal Pipeline December 2010


    New Member

    Jacqui Jones

    The Paralegal Pipeline Page 3

    Brevard CommunityCollege

    Paralegal Program . Roma Molinaro, CP, FCP, FRP, MLA

    The Technical AdvisoryCommittee for the ParalegalProgram s annual seminar flyer isattached at the end of newsletter.

    In addition, applications for BPA s Professional Development andcash scholarships are attached atthe end of the newsletter.

    For additional information, pleasecontact Roma [email protected] .

    First Day of Winter

    December 21 st

    BPA is collecting toys for

    the U.S. Marine CorpsReserve Toys for TotsProgram.

    MISSION :The mission of the U.S.Marine Corps ReserveToys for Tots Program isto collect new, unwrappedtoys during October,November and Decembereach year, and distributethose toys as Christmas

    gifts to needy children inthe community in whichthe campaign isconducted.

    GOAL :The primary goal of Toysfor Tots is to deliver,through a shiny new toy atChristmas, a message ofhope to needy youngstersthat will motivate them togrow into responsible,productive, patrioticcitizens and communityleaders.

    OBJECTIVES :The objectives of Toys forTots are to help needychildren throughout theUnited States experiencethe joy of Christmas; toplay an active role in thedevelopment of one of ournation's most valuablenatural resources - ourchildren; to unite allmembers of localcommunities in a commoncause for three monthseach year during theannual toy collection anddistribution campaign; andto contribute to bettercommunities in the future.

    Community ServiceToni- Marie DAle ssandro, CP, FCP, FRP

    ACTIVITIES :The principal Toys forTots activities which takeplace each year are thecollection and distributionof toys in thecommunities in which aMarine Corps ReserveUnit is located and in

    communities without aReserve Unit that has aMarine Corps LeagueDetachment or group ofmen and women,generally veteranMarines, authorized byMarine Toys for TotsFoundation to conduct alocal Toys for Totscampaign. Local Toys forTots CampaignCoordinators conduct anarray of activitiesthroughout the year,which include golftournaments, foot races,bicycle races and otherpurely voluntary eventsdesigned to increaseinterest in Toys for Tots,and concurrentlygenerate toy andmonetary donations.


    Kerri Eaton



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    Page 4


    President Kim Nowakowski, RP, FRPkimberly.nowakowski@ health-first.org

    Vice PresidentTracy A. [email protected]

    Treasurer Patricia [email protected]

    Secretary Silvia [email protected]

    Director-at-Large Cathleen M. Cummings,[email protected]

    Immediate Past President Debra A. Clarke, CP, FCP,[email protected]

    Parliamentarian Toni- Marie DAlessandro,CP, FCP, [email protected]


    EntertainmentNicole Dooley, CP, [email protected]

    Budget Patricia [email protected]

    Bylaws and Standing Rules Maureen Mo Martens,CLA, [email protected]

    Community ServiceToni- Marie DAlessandro,CP, FCP, [email protected]

    Danielle T. Pirolo

    Education/Scholarship Roma Molinaro, CP, FCP,FRP, [email protected]

    Student LiaisonEveling B. [email protected]

    Job Bank Coordinator Kim M. Dexter, ACP, [email protected]

    Local Bar Liaison Debra A. Clarke, CP, FCP,FRPdebra.clarke7@yahoo.

    Meetings Sabine [email protected]

    Membership Tracy A. [email protected]

    Newsletter Editor Cathleen M. Cummings,FRP

    Jessica PauleyBill Hickman

    Nominations/ElectionsNicole Dooley, CP, FRP

    Publicity Cathleen M. Cummings,[email protected]

    Ways and Means Vacant


    Historian/Photographer Kim Nowakowski, RP, [email protected]

    PAF Website Danielle T. [email protected]

    BPA is onFacebook,

    LinkedIn, and Twitter!

    Search BrevardParalegal Associationand join! We list useful

    links, informationregarding upcoming

    meetings and events,and its an opportunityto network with fellow


    2010-11 BPA Board of Directors & Committee ChairsNewsletter Advertising

    Half Page $100/YearOr $55/6 months

    Business Card $50/YearOr $30/6 months

    Special rates availablefor one-time ads

    Submit business card or adartwork, preferably in .jpgor .bmp format to [email protected] or send itto:

    Kim Nowakowskic/o Health First, Inc.

    6540 US Hwy 1Rockledge FL 32955

    The Paralegal Pipeline advertising reaches peoplethroughout Florida. Thepublications revenuesupports scholarships andvarious community serviceprojects, which enablesyour costs associated to

    advertising here to be taxdeductible.

    Please make your checkpayable to BrevardParalegal Association.Thank you.

    Meeting PolicyReminder

    Pursuant to InternalRevenue Code Section501 (c)(6) if you RSVP fora dinner and do not attendthe meeting, you will besent an invoice for the costof the dinner.

    If you cancel yourreservation less than 10days prior to the event, youwill be sent an invoice forthe cost of the dinner.

    The Paralegal Pipeline

    mailto:kimberly.nowakowski@%20health-first.orgmailto:kimberly.nowakowski@%20health-first.orgmailto:kimberly.nowakowski@%20health-first.orgmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:kimberly.nowakowski@%20health-first.orgmailto:kimberly.nowakowski@%20health-first.org
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    Page 5 The Paralegal PipelineThe Paralegal PipelineThe Paralegal PipelineThe Paralegal PipelineThe Paralegal PipelineThe Paralegal Pipeline

    Page 6

    The Paralegal Pipeline

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    "Big Flowers from a Little Shop"

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    Call in your order today (321) 254-0551

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    Page 6 The Paralegal Pipeline

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    Brandon FritzPC Tech


    PC Repair, Virus

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    [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 BPA Paralegal Pipeline December 2010


    Brevard Paralegal Association

    ANNUALHOLIDAYSOCIALThursday, December 9 th 6:00 p.m.Tuscany Grill Please RSVP by December 2 nd to7640 North Wickham Road, #105 Nicole Dooley at Suntree, Florida 32940 [email protected] or

    call (321) 723-5646, Ext. 105Dinner Choices are :Salmon Acropolis. Fresh salmon sauted with artichoke hearts, red peppers, sun driedtomatoes and Calmata olives, in a lemon white wine butter, served over fettuccine.

    Chicken Marsala Portabella. Sauted with portabella mushrooms in a Marsala wine andlight cream sauce, served over angel hair pasta.

    Eggplant Rollatini. Eggplant sauted and stuffed with a blend of ricotta, mozzarella andRomano cheeses, then baked and topped with Mozzarella, served with spaghetti.

    All of the above choices include Caesar salad, bread and pesto dipping sauce, non-alcoholicbeverage, cannoli tiramisu combo for dessert for $28.00 per person.

    We will be accepting new, unwrapped toys tosupport Toys for Tots

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