bowlin gerald geneva 1966 mexico

MEXICAN BIBLE SEMINARY year OF SERVICE FOR AN INDIGENOUS MEXICAN CHURCH Western Mexico Christian Mission MAIL: APARTADO POSTAL No. 350 OFFICE: CALLE TLAXCALA 109 PTE. HERMOSILLO, SONORA. MEXICO. GERALD D. BOWLIN, FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR ALEJANDRO JULIAN. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR -MRS. GENEVA S. BOWLIN. DISPENSARY-CLINIC MRS. ESTHER M. JULIAN. BIBLE SCHOOLS * * * 1966 * * * ICT YEAR is a time for "abrazos" for all your friends, acqi:i=»intaiices and almost everyone you meet on the street after the Nev; Year, To each one, you wish "Happy New Year", Ibr your close friends, you go to see them any time from midnite thru the next day. One might as well go—as there is so much noise you can't sleep anyway. We have become very Mexican in the 11 years we have lived here and follow the "good" customs of our friends^ This New Year's we stayed home, our Veva had been sick for several days, a fever, not feeling good, we su^ected measles, but could find no confirming spots,..finally she began to break out. Then Dr. Ernesto Galindo got worried about Becky, her with all her allerar problems, then perhaps measle rash on top of that. ..Oh No! So Gamma Globulin was pre scribed, and our darling had an allergic reaction to that! Not only that, but after eight days of taking Benadryl, had a rer.ction to that and passed out completely, Kathy was baby sitting and as of then, has refused to sit \nth Becky againj Fortunately, Gerry and I were at Br, Ernesto's and a neighbor brought Becky to us, where she and I spent the next week in the hospital. Sure am glad I keep our ho^ital and Doctor bills paid in advance, (by helping him in surgery) othervdse we would have terrible esgiensen.•not only for ourselves, but for all the others that Dr. Ernesto treats.,. just because they have no money and I ask him to do it, Gerry remarked: Of all five of our children, Becky has been the only problem child, but such a worthwhile problem,., such an interesting and entertaining one! V^e had to postpone our annual "Mexico Day" at Maryvale (Phoenix) until Jan, Becky and Teva took turns entertaining Bible School and Junior Church? their tunes were on the "Crying Scale"! Then the following Tuesday the Women's groi^ had a program for us with late Christmas presents for us and the little girls, Becky got a laugh out of everyone, she hadn't said a viord ( she is our little wooden Indian most of the time with strangers), until she opened a package—held up the contents and said in a loud voice: "look, daddy^ I dot another pair of britches!" We decided to go from Phoenix to National City,(near San Diego) Calif, to see about Gerry's mother, found her c^uite ill, asked her to come home with us, she refused. When we were getting ready to leave she said; "Well, DeDe? v;hat are YOU going to do vdth me?" tly answer was: "Take you home v;ith me, what did you think I was going to do with you?" She came, withstood the trip well, even tho we had car trouble out on the desert and had to call Don Dillard to come get us. He got A1 Fields, who had a pick-i5> aad they came from Phoenix to near the California border to pull us into Phoenix, My "Trusty Kombi'' is still just as trusty as over—trusted to give trouble that is! Eombi repaired, and we came on home in time for Gerry to interpret for Murray Postles, minister of the Hillcrest Christian Church, San Fernando, Calif, , who made a trip into Mexico with Mr and Mrs Cade, members of the Hillcrest Church. They arrived about an hour before the combined service was to begin. Hurray began asking questions alout hov.' to preach thru an interpreter.. .1 told him: "Look,

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    Western Mexico Christian MissionMAIL: APARTADO POSTAL No. 350 OFFICE: CALLE TLAXCALA 109 PTE.



    * * * 1966 * * *ICT YEAR is a time for "abrazos" for all your friends, acqi:i=intaiices and almost everyoneyou meet on the street after the Nev; Year, To each one, you wish "Happy New Year", Ibryour close friends, you go to see them any time from midnite thru the next day. One mightas well goas there is so much noise you can't sleep anyway. We have become very Mexicanin the 11 years we have lived here and follow the "good" customs of our friends^

    This New Year's we stayed home, our Veva had been sick for several days, a fever, notfeeling good, we su^ected measles, but could find no confirming spots,.. finally she beganto break out. Then Dr. Ernesto Galindo got worried about Becky, her with all her allerarproblems, then perhaps measle rash on top of that. ..Oh No! So Gamma Globulin was prescribed, and our darling had an allergic reaction to that! Not only that, but after eightdays of taking Benadryl, had a rer.ction to that and passed out completely, Kathy was babysitting and as of then, has refused to sit \nth Becky againj Fortunately, Gerry and I wereat Br, Ernesto's and a neighbor brought Becky to us, where she and I spent the next weekin the hospital. Sure am glad I keep our ho^ital and Doctor bills paid in advance, (byhelping him in surgery) othervdse we would have terrible esgiensen.not only for ourselves,but for all the others that Dr. Ernesto treats.,. just because they have no money and Iask him to do it,

    Gerry remarked: Of all five of our children, Becky has been the only problem child, butsuch a worthwhile problem,., such an interesting and entertaining one!

    V^e had to postpone our annual "Mexico Day" at Maryvale (Phoenix) until Jan, Beckyand Teva took turns entertaining Bible School and Junior Church? their tunes were on the"Crying Scale"! Then the following Tuesday the Women's groi^ had a program for us withlate Christmas presents for us and the little girls, Becky got a laugh out of everyone,she hadn't said a viord ( she is our little wooden Indian most of the time with strangers),until she opened a packageheld up the contents and said in a loud voice: "look, daddy^I dot another pair of britches!"

    We decided to go from Phoenix to National City,(near San Diego) Calif, to see about Gerry'smother, found her c^uite ill, asked her to come home with us, she refused. When we weregetting ready to leave she said; "Well, DeDe? v;hat are YOU going to do vdth me?" tly answerwas: "Take you home v;ith me, what did you think I was going to do with you?" She came,withstood the trip well, even tho we had car trouble out on the desert and had to call DonDillard to come get us. He got A1 Fields, who had a pick-i5> aad they came from Phoenix tonear the California border to pull us into Phoenix, My "Trusty Kombi'' is still just astrusty as overtrusted to give trouble that is! Eombi repaired, and we came on home intime for Gerry to interpret for Murray Postles, minister of the Hillcrest Christian Church,San Fernando, Calif, , who made a trip into Mexico with Mr and Mrs Cade, members of theHillcrest Church. They arrived about an hour before the combined service was to begin.Hurray began asking questions alout hov.' to preach thru an interpreter.. .1 told him: "Look,

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    Murray, I am going -co -cell you how to preach your sermon touignt, i^ne front benches will bef-ai of children 3 to S.years old. You make your sermon so the littliest of the childrenwill understand you an.d everyone' in the building will think: you are the. most wonderful prea -Cher they have ever heard. " He said later that I made him inrite a new sermon, but my adviceserved him well everywhere he had a chance to preach while he was in Mexico, Most of ouradults have not had the background for sermons like people are accustomed to in the States.

    Our ''International Hotel" was a honeymoon stop-over for a pair of newly-weds from Canada, ontheir way to Mexico City. They slept in their camper in the back yard, and on Sunday evening he brought greetings to the Church groiip at Colonia Olivarez, thru Gerry as interpreter,of course. The group was thrilled to know he was from so far away, yet serving the sameLord as th^,

    MAHCH 3 was a big day for Veva, she started Kindergarden, the same one that Bob and Kathyattended some 10 years earlier and even some of the very same teachersi VTe had tears, ofcourse, but she came home happy. It was so satisfying to hear her say: "But Becky, you don'tImow" when she tried to show Becky something she had learned at Kinder (as it is called inil0Xico)Even tho she is a little younger, Becky has always been the leader.

    Mom Bowlin gave us a scare, she woke up having trouble expressing herself. I rushed for Br,Ernesto, and after examining her, he dia^iosed her problem as hardening of the arteries. He

    .prescribed a vasco-disilator via hypo, day and night. Mom B. was calling me "a sure-shot-tail gunner" long before the shots were gone, but she inproved almost immediately and feltbetter than before.

    Mr and I'drs Lloyd Clark came from far-away Rockford, 111,; they are members of the churchwhere John Tigaer, son of Dr. C. B. Tigaer, director of W.M.C.M., ministers.

    March 25th was Teva's Uth birthday. We had a party conplete with pinata, birthday cake, andtake-home clowns made out of ice cream cones, Vfe try to keep our childrens parties withinthe a,ge groiqpbut it is almost in^ocsible to do it here in Mexico, where every type ofgathcx'-jng is a "fiesta" for the old as well as the young.

    Our tack yard took on the a^ect of a classroom when Oscar decided to overhaul the old 1952high^wheeled Plymouth,. He enlisted the help of all his friends, his mechanics teacher atSecondary school and even an electrical engineering teacher from another school, Oscar givesKathy some competition on being "boss". He manages to have plenty he?.pers on every projectlie starts, and somehow remains the bossi One thing for sure, all v^ho helped know what aPlymouth looks like on the inside.they had all its insides out and vra.shed every piece ingasoline before they put them back jn.,.we knew where to find all the neighborhood boysfor several weeksl You should see the way they take care of that carj It was worth it,

    APRIL brought Easter and all its events, customs and church going in Mexico. Each day hasits special meaning during the we^ before Easter Sunday, and we take advantage of it byhaving week-long services too. This year Augustine and Lala Ortega of Colegio Biblico cameto hold services. Poor Lala got sick on the way over and ^ent most of the week in bed \atha threat infection, but enjoyed the days she was out of bedl

    I had promised to take Kathy and her friend/shadow, Ofelia Loya to the border the firsttime they had a vacation from school. Part of Ofelia's 15th birthday present (Dec.25) was apromise to help her get her passport. Coveted papers in hand and a hurried trip to Tucsonto ceo Bob and to show Ofelia '=the other side". Bob had Friday and Monday off from schoolso came home ^ us, (Returned to Tucson with the Ortegas as they went home to Texas.) Eachyear v;e hold a Sunrise Service on a rocky hill overlooking Lake Rodriguez, it is a newcustom in Mexico, one that is gradually taking hold. It will take time- but the peopleenjoy it.

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    Ray and Carol Strong and Betty "brought another "honey-moon" couple to see us, Ray's uncleHubert and his new wife Esther, (Esther was Ray's school teacher back when...) We enjoyedthem very much, our friends who met them still ask me about the "recien Casadosi " and whenwill they come back?

    MAY 5 is a big day in Mexico, one of her independence days. Everyone from Sonora who can,goes to the border, Gerry had planned to start to Rational City \" his Mother that daybut realized what day it was, and delayed his starting date one d^ to miss the traffic,HogaleSjAriaona/Mexico go all out to celebrate, with parade, bullfight, etc^ You join theparade, or stop and they didn't want to become a part of a parade vdthout the benefit of adecorated car and a chance to win a p'rizel

    liay 13th was our Bob's 18th birthday, so I sent him a cake all decorated vdth the themeclosest to his heart at the moment. He had just bought his own car, had saved his moneyfrom cutting grass and trimming hedges and bought his o\m 1957 Eord Fairlinel So a cakedecorated with cars] He spent weeks r^airing it, but did a good job of it, he too Icnowswhat the insides of a car is like and r^airs his own. He looks like an animated greaseCan when he is working on one, tho manages to clean it off in time to ^ see his girl friendl

    Gerry got home from Calif, in time to go to Bob's graduation. He graduated from Rincon Hiwith a four year average of 1,6, the 68th from the top of his class of 59^ students. Notbad for one who has bounced from schooling in English, to Spanish, then back to EnglishlGraduation theme was: " ' hen I was a child, I ^ake as a child, I understood as a child, Ithought as a child; but now when I became a man, I put away childish things." (l Cor. I3:ll)

    We were si;5)rised one Sunday afternoon to hear familiar voices, Pop and Mom Hatcher hadfinally found us. (Friends since P.C.G. days when Gerry did student preaching at EscondidoCalif. ) They had finally found someone who knew Kathy and brought them to our house. They,like everyone else, came v;ith the idea that everyone living in a city of 120,000 should belisted in the telephone book] V/e will be listed. the next onel

    I made a statement early in the year: "This summer I am staying home and keeping ray workunder control," That is just what I DIHT'T doi Kathy and Oscar were allowed to enroll aweek late in a reading class in i^ish. (They were not out of school in Mexico until a weeklate,) They finished exams on Sat. and entered school on Mon. in Tucson. Katny had onlybeen gone a fev; days v^hen Ofelia's dad passed av/ay, Kathy had "visited him in the hospi"balbut no one realized he was so near the end. Ofelia is number 6 of 10 children. It wasquite a shock to lose her best friend to schooling on the"Gther side" and her dad both withr-in a week. Even tho Kathy is not here, Ofelia spends much of her spare time with us.

    Aphone call from Tucson; Helpi a "chief Cook" was needed for Senior Week of Southern Ariz,Christian Service Camp, Would I qd vp and take charge of the kitchen? I had already beenasked to teach a class and be Missionary ^eaker. Beclcy and Veva decided to stay home withPaddy while Ofelia and I went to camp. Kathy finished her reading class in time to go tocaji^. Ofelia realized that her school "book English was helpful. She was chosen friendliest camper. She v/anted to go to school in Tucson v/ith Kathy, but that proved inpossible,A friend in Tucson learned of her desire to study nursing, gave me a check to be used forher expenses here in Hermosillo. She came home and enrolled in the Ifiiiversity of Sonora'0School of Nursing, We are proud of her, she is studying hard and is going to make a goodnurse.

    AUGUST... Bob and Kathy both came home with Ofelia and me. Bob to get papers ready to enrollfor one year in Ozark Bible College, Kathy for a"last vacation" before Senior year at RinconHighl While everyone was home we decided to take a trip to the beach, .60 miles from us isKino Bay. We borro-i^ed a key to. a cabana, took our lunch and went s\^imming. No one gD tsunburned, but I did get stuhg by a sea animal, (it hurt all ni^tl Next day not a signi)

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    Back on the road again, to take Kathy and Boh to "school", Oscar stayed to take an examhe needed to make vcp. Boh did the finishing touches on his car repairs and he and a friendDavid Brockus, started Bast to Joplin, Mo. They visited vdth friends in Deming, N. H. andwith my elderly aunt and my sister in Sayre, Okla. (Bree over-night stops, so very in5)or-tant to Missionaries' college kidsi) The Gene Staffords,(5756 E, Rosewood, Tucson) askedto lave Kathy stay vdth them to he a con^anion to their l6 year old Carol.,,so Kathy settledin vdth them. They have two other children, Joel 12 and Julie 4, (another Becky, even tocoloring]) Oscar stayed with the Johnston Elliotts, (807 So. Jerrie) the same place v/hereBoh lived.

    The girls and I decided to do something "just for fun" for a fev; days, so went to Phoenix.,had a reason too, a girl from Mexico was visiting friends of ours, and needed medicinethat Was available only in Mexico, So to Phoenix in time to attend one week of T.B. S. atI^aryvale. Veva attended classes very h^pily, Kathy helped \-dth the recreation, hand vrorkand told stories ahout life and work in Mexico. Becky k^t the tune she started in Jan.when I was out of sight. (She howled), Becky is everything I have always disliked in achild, ..a mama's hahy, one that won't, answer when spoken to hy someone a little strange,foiled, stuhhom, etc..hut at the same-time, she is the most, darling little thing youever saw. Poor Veva is just a plain, sweet little girl, loveahle to everyone,.yet Beckygets all the attention. "Asi es la vidal"

    SEPTEMBER 1, home again, it rained off and on all the way home, they told us they had areal, rain vfhile we were gone, wind too, as one can have on the desert. We got home intime to make Gerry's birthday cake on the 5l5h, no party this year, neither of us felt verygood. Two days later we called Dr. Ernesto to see me..he insisted I stay in bed, that Ihad a simple case of pneumonia] Sure glad I had him come to the house, he would have putme in the hospital had I gone to e him. I ^ent 8 days in bed, didn't feel very had, hutdidn't feel like getting vsp either.

    School problems were not over, Juan and Martin Mendiola were to he enrolled in school, Juanin 3rd grade and Martin in 1st. Becky and Veva in Kinder and we had Martha Chairez with ustoo, to put into Kinder ^vith the little girls. Our tv/o complained because Martha was notin the same room with thempoor teacher having Becky and Veva in the same room is hadenough, had she had the three of themthere would have been a munity sure] Becky wentto Kinder each morning, hut came home vdth Boni (who took them). Binally I woke ip, Beckywas having a "hall" at home all hy herself, she likes being alone, and was making the mostof it. I told her one Briday: "look, Becky, I am fed up v/ith you being home while all theothers are in Kinder, .Monday, you are going to Kinder, and YOU are going to stay, cry ifyou want to, scream if you want to do that, fall on the ground and kick if you wait to,no one will care a hit ...hut you are going to stay at Kinder on Monday." By Monday I hadher well brain-washed, she went to Kinder and stayed, and hy the middle of the v/eek wastelling the teachers how to run the place] That's our Becky, anoth^ Kathy100^.

    Western Mexico Christian Convention has etlways been held the first week of OCTOBER, thisyear I only attended one nightthe rest of the time spent helping at the hospital wherewe operated on Vicki'a brother. A work of charity not only on the part of Dr. Ernesto, hutof t^vo other Doctors who gave of their time and ability to repair a rare conginital defectin this young man, so he could work and help svpport his family. Dr. Ernesto said: "Onething ahout the cases we have out here, they are not the common run-of-the-mill type; wealways find interesting cases," This is the second one that I have taken to him that havebeen of the un-heaird-of type, liana and her puss filled tumors was the first one.

    Earlier Vicki brought me Josfe, (horn March l^^-) sick. She had her two hoys in a daynursery where they had been more or less (mostly less) taken care of. Josfe had the beginnings of pneumonia. Dr. Ernesto said keep him warm and dry, so we dusted off the crib, theplay pen and the junp seat and kept Josh here. Vicki came after she got off wrk withMarcos (age 2, Nov. 22) and slept here to take care of the little boys at night. Vie not

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    only have what my sister oaUs our "fallif crop of children, hut are helping raise our ^d-children'i too. Vicki has heen at our house from overnight to months at a time since shewas g years old..who could he more like gi'andchildren? By taking these extra needy children in, we show Christianity in action, and have made .juite an impression on ^he neighbor oohy our acts of Charity. Of course it is mighty hard on our food budget, hut then what wouldYOU do, if you were in our place?

    October 27th was Kathy's all important l6th hirthday.. that is, important in the ,she had celebrated her most in^jortant one in Mexico the year before-lucky gal. ^e m^.have a pretty cake (Mexican style), so mama HAI to go do it, so she So Cuca,Ernesto's nurse) Becky, Veva and I went to Tucson to be on hand for the birthd^.kinds of help, we made a tiered heart shape cake, a doll standing under ^and "S'./eet 16" hanging from a cha..n orffthe dolls head. It was beautiful, and good "^ste.Oh yes', tall candles. iG of them were placed ai'ound the base of the cake. The ^tertainingfeature of the party was a "pinata." Plus some games that were "favorites when I was I6,HOTEMBER I and 2 is day of the lead in Mexico. Blowers are takenfor d^arted children and the 2iid for all others. The days take on ^ fillfriends gather around the graves to v-isit, exchange gossip and in general have a good time.Jill gatherings, even funerals, take on the aspect of fiestas in this country.Becky had her hth birthday on the 6th, she had picked out a Homan Castleconplete vdth soldiers on horseback.. the Homrn Soldiers looked mighty likeInSans, but our little gal was happy. Kathy got to come home for Bec^ sJohnston Elliots came down to see his sister who lives here J;" iSstto come with them Hei' overnight stay seemed to cure mos. of her homesickness, or at lefslecreaLd iV The birthday p^ata was asuccsss..-but Becky got si^nes 0e^medher when he came to give her her birthday ahraso.. (ho delivered .^irth-allerrtes all her life)., and told mo he had some sample medicine lor her. Jif tei the blrtn-S; us Lrfinished, i werit to get the medicine-arrived just in time to help Mr. Stork.


    nrf^t of UlECUIBER and time to slart v/ork on Christmas pr^arations.

    r.4v.s.rafr..t?rtrs^helped me was "back to borrow some cookie cutte-Ssne was goinfe

    Dec 6was a day we had long looked fon-ard to-promises finally became^a reality and^earl^ythat morning "Telefonos do Meioco' installed en- ;the operators all spealc English(sorry, no direci; dialing

    r.?ir,-si7.sS! SpS Erl- r essLKrjiSkr:-IS,iss isir"rLrrfSheone

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    On the trip, home, Caca decided we should have a dinner at the Hospital dining room on thenight of the 23rd. Thanks to an electric roaster given me a number of years ago, Mr.Turkeyroasted himself and it was a good thing I had done most of the other pr^arations ahead oftime as v/e spent until 8:30 P.M. in emergency at the Hospital. Dinner was to have been at8] I left before all the "mess" was cleaned up, came home, got the dinner, Kathy and Gerry,and rushed back and at 10 P.ii. v/e sat dov/n to our dinner. After dinner Dr. Ernesto askedGerry to tell us why we celebrate Christmas, how we should celebrate Christmas, and whatChristmas should mean to us. You should have heard him, I was real proud of his ^eech onthe spur of the moment. Comments later were very gratifyingl (There ^fere 21 at the dinner).

    Christmas Eve there was a dinner at the Villa de Seris Church, I baby sat with the littleones ?nd let the younger v/omen enjoy the dinner. Christmas morning v/e enjoyed opening ourpresents with all our family home once more, plus the extra ones that malce up our household,gathered around the Christmas tree, V/'e wished Ofelia "Happy l6th Birthday" and everyonetook off to see their special friends and to v/ish them a Ilerry Christmas, Bob had to leaveto be back in Joplin to work on New Years Day, Oscar and Katl^ left on an early A.H. busNev/ Years Day, and we v/ho v/ere left here visited our friends to give them a Nevr Years"abrazo" (hug) and wish them"Happy Nev/ Year."

    BECICT and VEVA are in Kindergarden this year, and love it. They are learning songs andregional dances.. get the songs mixed up with the Bible School Choruses, and tell aboutteaching those at Kinder the songs th^ sing in Bible Schooll OFBLIA took over teachingKathy's Bible School class each Sunday... studying nursing, but still runs in and out of ourhouse almost as much as she did when Kathy was here, doesn't sleep here anymore, KATHY isstudying hard to make as ^od grades in English as she did in Danish.. .hopes to enter theU of A School of Nursing next year. BOEBY enrolled in Ozark Bible College for one semester.Goes to school from 7 A.M. till 2 P,H, then works from k P.M. till midnight..don' t knov/ v/henhe studies, but guess he does, OSCAR v;on't be able to finish High School in one year, butis learning English. He would like to immigrate then go into the U.S. Armed Services afterhe finishes High School, to learn a trade. VICKI and her boys sleep here, she works as amaid for $U.OO a week to help buy food for her boys, BONI and LOLA and their boys live ina small room in the back yard. Boni is the 'fetch and carry' man for the Seminary as v/ellas for the Bov/lins, and preaches in the Village of La Mesa each v/eek end. They are thecoiq)le we found living under the bridge 9 years ago. GERRY still bosses the mission, teaches,preaches, writes, translates, acts as guide, teaches liiglish, and does the weekly shoppingv/ith the help of the two little girls. They are sure he could never do it without theml HeQuired a nev; job this fall..parent representative at the Kinder. His health is iirprovingand his jobs are increasing. Me (GEITSVA) well, I try to keep home running on a more or lesseven keel, drop everything and run when the Doctor calls me to help, and vriLll "con el favorde Dios" (v/ith the favor of God) take on another job in the next fev/ months. "The TinkerMemorial Fund" made a dov/n payment on an x-ray machine for Dr. Ernesto with about enoughon hand to pay for import duty and transportation. Three notes of $3^0.00 each are yet tobe paid. I am to remember v/hat 1 learned before Bob was bom, learn more and take conpletecharge of all X-ray at "Haternidad del Prepetuo So corro"!

    V/e celebrated "wedd^^^^i^iversary this past July 20, (my birthday v/as just 10 daysbefore that, so gST^cT'at^;ea^on this year) nearly 11 of those 20 years have been spent inthis same house, .we hone to build our oV'/n home before our next anniversary. Help us see ourdream come true by remembering us v/ith your prayers and offerings. V/e need $1,700 to finishpaying off the lot, so v/e can borrovr the money from the bank to build, (80'xl20'cost .52,800)The ov/ner of this rented house is still making problems for us, insists he is going to -iTreckit and put apartments v/here it nov/ stands. So one vra.y or another v/e have to get out of here.It is less expensive to build our ovni, We ask that you remember us in your prayers, that wemay have the health and strength to continue working for our Lord here in the land of ourchoice, and that v/e may see many souls v/on to Him thru your and our efforts. Come to see us

    ^andlet us shov/ you v/hat v/e are doing, ...better yet COIfE HELP US DO IT'.Yours in Him, 9^

    SltEVA (for all the Bowlins)



    Western Mexico Christian MissionMAIL: APARTADO POSTAL No. 350 OFFICE: CALLE TLAXCALA 109 PTE.



    Dear Friends of Mexicot

    May, 1966^6^


    Easter is now some weeks in the past, but we here in WesternMexico are still savoring the fine services we had during the"Semana Santa" (Holy V/eek), as it is know in Mexico- As anexample, I had over 100 present both Friday and Sunday niteaat the "Colonia Olivares"(Westslde) mission where I preach,here in the city of Hermosillo. Usual evening attendance is30-401

    Enclosed is a picture of some of the Christians who attendedthe Easter Sunrise Service- Boni Mendiola, the man we foundliving with his family under an abandoned highway bridge 10years ago, and now minister of our "La Ttesa" village congregation, Is leading the singing- Geneva and our two littlegirls, Becky and Veva, are seated on the rocks in the foreground- After the service the Bowlins served everyone hotcoffee and sweet rolls-

    In contrast to our preaching of Christ, the Risen Lord and'Savior, during the Easter holidays, I quote from "The Hews,"Mexico City's English language newspaper of April 9, 1966,concerning one Roman Catholic "festivity":

    "For the third consecutive year a youthful mystic yesterdaysubmitted himself to at least in part of the torture whichOur Lord Jesus Christ underwent during the crucifixion-Jaime Castellanos, 23, had two nails measuring 10 centimeters in length(5 inches) and 8 millimeters In diameterhammered through his hands. 'I asked Father Roberto Cuetoof Poza Rica(Veracruz) for permission to carry out my promise,and he agreed,' Castellanos explained- The nails were blessedby Father Cueto in Poga Rica."

    Thank you for your continued help in preaching the LivingChrist in Old Mexico.

    Yours in His Service,

    Gerald D- Bowlin, Director.


  • MEXICAN BIBLE SEMINARY7th year of service for an indigenous MEXICAN CHURCH

    Western Mexico Christian MissionMAIL: APARTADO POSTAL No. 350 OFFICE: CALLE TLAXCALA 109 PTE.



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    Dear 'Pellow-Christlans :

    Yes, It is already that time of year 1966 Is almost over and we dowish for you and yours a Very Wonderful Christmas Season at the sideof your loved ones, and a Joyous e^Veflj, Service.

    The 18th of this month marked tift' 11th annfversary"5?^our arrivalhere ia^Hac^osillo, Mexico, aftin Nogales,

    the Mexico--U.S. Bord er mi" OT^^1i!^lvtng-Lihkchurches ^ked for a summary of what had been, accomplished in those17 yeara/on this Mission Field. After I prepared the summary andsent ijf^'to my Living-Link church, I thought perhaps all the rest ofyQ^,^^^o so generously support the Bowlin Family and the work ofAstern Mexico Christian Mission would appreciate such a report too.

    I hope it will not only inforn, but stimulate interest and prayersfor the needs of the Christian churches and the Bowlin family herein Old Mexico. Thus a copy is enclosed for your perusal.

    As December is a time of such frenzied activities in the U.S., andmost of you are overwhelmed by the volume of Christmas cards, wewill not mail to you in December, but rather our next mailing willbe another of Geneva's famous "Year End" letters about the BowlinFamily Activities, to be mailed in January, 1967.

    Again our Best Wishes and prayers for the Holiday Season.


    Your Missionaries in Western Mexico,


    By Gerald D. Bowlin

  • Western Mexico Cliristian MissionMAIL: APARTADO POSTAL No. 350 OFFICE: CALLS TLAXCALA 109 PTE.


    WOV . T966DEC 1960



    Over 600 baptized since 1950,2.- Approximately 300 church members, Nov. 1966.

    (NOTE: Several members have died; many have moved away toother regions in Mexico or immigrated to the U.S.; a fewhave backslidden into the world; but none, to my knowledge,have returned to the Catholic churcht).


    1. G. D. Bowlin presently preaches in Spanish for an Hermosillocongregation, Colonia Olivares.

    2. When he must be gone over Sunday visiting and supervising themission work in the State of Sonora and Sinaloa, his adoptedMexican son, Oscar, fills the pulpit for him.

    3. G. D. Bowlin evangelizes among the growing middle class whichincludes or has included such luminaries as; The State Super-intendent of Pre-Schaol(Kindergarden) Instruction; and theDirector of the State Health Dept.

    4. G. D. Bowlin evangelizes among his neighbors and friends,and among those with whom he does business.

    5. G. D. Bowlin interprets for visiting American evangelists(included are two County -Vi^ide meetings with nationally known'U.S.evangelist, Jack E. Boal of San Jose, Calif.).


    1. Nogales building mission.2. Benjamin Hill lot mission. '3. Ranchito(Hermosillo) building self-supporting.4. San Senito(Hermosillo) chapel mission.5. Colonia Olivares (Hermosillo) lot, building under construction

    local expenses except minister.6. Villa de Seris(Hermosillo) building local expenses except

    minister's salary.7. La Mesa del Seri(village, 20 miles, Hermosillo) building

    mission.8. Giudad Obregdn member supplies meeting room mission.9. Eacobarapo lot self supporting.

    10. Los Mochis , State of Sinaloa meet in member's home mission.11. Various villages, where one or more believers live, visited

    for evangelism, tract and Gospel distribution*



    1. One adobe(mud brick) building, seating capacity 125.2. One adobe(mud brick) building, seating capacity 140.3. One brick building, seating capacity 100.4. One reinforced concrete building (basement unit),

    seating capacity 120.5. One brick cbapel, seating capacity 50-60.6. One brick cbapel under construction, seating capacity 60-707. Three adobe(mud brick) Sunday school rooms for No. 3.8. Three-room minister*s home for No. 2.9. Minister's room and kitchen for No. 5.

    10. Two more lots purchased for church buildings.


    1. Bounder- of Wes^terri-^Mexico. ChrIsjtIan Jlis,s 1 on, and f irstChristian missionary in Western Mexlco(NOTE: G. D. BOWLINis the first, and to date, C>^ig4^4AasdrBlaaQnary inMexico to get out the "j^gupist** status and beeome ap^ermahbht res id ent, of

    2. Sl^^^TT^'e'^'o^erril^Mission work. (This entails trips to churchesand mission stations throughout the state of Sonora and theneighboring state of Sinaloa 485 miles. North to South).

    3. Trained nine(9) adult missionaries, who have successfully"opened three(3) new fields in three(3) different states in OldMexico; plus one in the U.S. among Mexican-^^Amerloans (Thisafter 8 years in Mexico, and due to health problems).

    4. Operate Mission bookstore.5. Obtain and/or print tracts and have supply on hand for

    distribution.6. Operate Bible depot.7. Keep Mission records.

    .8. Answer inquiries concerning Mission activities.9. Prepare special reports of activities (such as this one).

    10. Prepare yearly financial report to maintain Federal Tax-Exempt and Ariz. State Non-profit status of Mission Corporation.

    11. Print 1,000 letters semi-nionthly for contributors and friendsof Mission.

    12. Write/edit quarterly publication, "The Western Mexico Christian".13. Plan program for annual "Western Mexico Christian Convention"

    (First week in October of each year).


    1. Mexican Bible Seminary founded 1950 in Nogales, Ariz., G. D. Bowlin.

    2. Seminary incorporated as an Arizona Non-Profit Corp., 1950.3. G.D. Bowlin obtained Federal Tax-Exemption for Seminary, 1950.4. G.D. Bowlin has served as President, Dean, and of course

    teacher in Seminary.5. Seminary has trained approximately 150 students.6. Graduates of Mexican Bible Seminary have pioneered in six(6)

    new fields in Mexico: Three(3) in Western Mexico and three(3)in North-Central Mexico.

    7. G. D. Bowlin built brick classroom, boy's dormitory andhouseparent's home for Seminary.

    8. Seminary did not open doors, Sept. 1966, due to; 1., lack ofyoung men interested in the ministry, and 2, sufficientscholarships at $30. dollars per month. (NOTE: this se.ems


    to be an area-wide problem, as the Free Methodist Bible Institute of Hermosillo, whose usual enrollment is three times ours,did not open either this Septemberl)/








    Over 1,000 Bibles sold(or given at baptism).Over 7,500 New Testaments placed in the hands of interestedMexicans who had already received tracts and Gospels.Some 25,000 Gospels(Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) given away1,000 "Life of Christ Visualized III" sold or given away.Tracts in the tens of thousands each year(G.D. Bowlin mailstracts to believers as far south as the Central Americanborder that they may distribute them and evangelize).New Testaments placed in each room of our Doc tor*s privatehospital.Seventy-five(75) copies of three color, bi-monthly magazine,

    JlEl-Verbo"("The Word").,--distributed to a select group of -friends who have shown an active interest in learning moreabput Christianity.


    Translated and printed, "The Bible For Youth" byTransleted and printed, "Personal Evangelism" byTranslated and printed, "Acts Workbook" by Mo Garvey.Authored book on N. T. Archeology.Authored book on Book of Acts.Edited translation of book "How To Prepare an ExpositorySermon" by Knott.Translated and revised the chartin the Scriptures."Authored numerous tracts such asCommand," "iivhat is the Church of Christ?",of the Doctrines of the Church"; etc., etcOF COURSE.Print Sunday School literature for state churches each yearPrint Vacation Bible School literature for 400-500 pupilseach year.Designed and printed Ordlnation.Ceftificate. .

    Membership Certificate for newly






    Designed and printedorganized churches.Wrote and printed organizational material for churchesBiblical prerequisites for deacons and elders, with modernSpanish explanations of archaic terms; membership applicationcardst financial pledge cards; etc.,etc.Write/edit and print,^"El Aguila",(The Eagle) with articlesof interest to Mexican Christian workers, pastors and evangelistsNow being written by G.D. Bowlin Spanish Minister*s Manual.



    "The Church Revealed

    "Instrumental Music, a"A Brief Summary





    Officer, Benito Juarez federal Kindergarden Parent TeachersAssociation(This is the NUMBPR ONE kindergarden of Mexicol)Member, Hermosillo Gun Club.Co-founder, Hermosillo Ministerial Alliance."Patrdia", that is, councelor, for the suburb ofin the Capital City of Hermosillo, where he haseleven(11) years.Confidant of various government officers.

    San Benito,lived these



    1. Approx. 100 tons of used clothing distributed to needyMexicans, 1950-1966, by Mrs. Geneva S. Bowlin.

    2. Several hundred hand-made quilts distributed to needy Mexicanfamilies.

    3. Gospels are placed in each box of used clothing distributedby G. S. Bowlin.


    1 Mrs. Geneva S. Bowlin caused Bowlin home to be named as *aState Health Dept. Center for polio and three-in-one vaccines.

    2. Mrs. G. S. Bowlin obtained the services of a fine Mexican doctor &private hospital for church members and friends of the Gospel.A. Free office calls for needy.

    _B. Free S^gery when needed (several operations already).C. Free hospital care when needed.D. Free maternity care.

    3. Mrs. G. S. Bowlin has obtained the following equipment forthe small, private hospital mentioned above?A. Child's pulmotor(Iron lung)B. Steam sterilizerC. G. E. X-Ray Unit (Yet to be delivered from Idaho).D. Miscelaneous surgical instruments.E. " " supplies each year.F. Sample medicines each year for use with all needy patients.

    4. Mrs. G. S. Bowlin scrubs for surgery for all major operations tohelp our Doctor keep his fees low as most of his patients areworking class people with incomes of only Two to four dollarsper day.

    5. In October, 1966, Mrs. Geneva S. Bowlin spent two weeks inMexico City at the "Planned Parenthood" Latin American Head^quarters as their guest, attending a Seminar with specialemphasis on the new, plastic I.U.D.


    1. Mrs. Geneva S. Bowlin designs Sunday Bible School literaturefor the Christian Churches in the state of Sonora(Now 3 yearsin advance).

    2. Mrs. G. S. Bowlin also designs literature for Daily VacationBible Schools in the State of Sonora(400-500 pupils).

    3. MTs. G. S. Bowlin paints duplicate backgrounds for flannelgraphto accompany S.S. (Hermosillo churches) and D.V.B.S.(Sonora)lessons.


    1. In the fall of each year Mrs. G.S. Bowlin arranges for U.S.,churches and Bible schools to supply funds to purchase candy,

    fruit and a small gift for Mexican Christian Bible school pupils(gifts, candy & fruit), and their parents and friends(candy only).

  • 19 6 6


    (Prepared at the request of various churc aes and groups)


    GERALD Sept. 5, 1921

    BOB May 13, 1947


    11-heavy weight

    11-heavy weight

    OSCAR Hov. 26, 1945 I large-stretch

    GENEVA July 10, 1922

    KATHY Oct. 27, 1949

    BECKY NOV. 6, 1961VEVA I-'larch 25, 1961


    10 1/2

    10 l/2





    14 1/2-33Dress-taparedsmall short

    14 1/2-30Dress-taparedsmall-sport



    14 (Kathy isLong-Waistedmaterial bestfor her)



    36-29 36 boxer shorts42-44 under shirt

    29-33 32 shorts (Jockey)Med. T-shirt.

    29-32 30 short(Jockey)Med T-shirt







    6 11 shoe6 13 1/2 shoe

    The little girls, i^eckyiand Veva, need long cordoroy pants for Klndergarden. We seldomuse wool here as winters are mild, and besides, Becky is Miss Allergy: we are afraid ofit...also It is hard enough to get a nylon or cotton sweater on her even in our coldestweather t

    Send Gifts for Gerald(Gerry), Geneva,Oscar, Becky and Veva:

    c/o Fran Tinker,A^^ent, Western ?!exlco Christian MissionP. 0. BOX 146fe, Nogales, Arizona, 85621,

    U. S. A.

    Send Gifts for Bob and Kathy to:Robert BowlinKathy Bowlin5674 E EastlandTucson, Arizona, 85711,

    U. S. A.