bowlby's theory

Attachment Definition: An emotional bond between 2 people 2 way process that endures over time Serves the function of protecting the child

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Definition: •An emotional bond between 2 people •2 way process that endures over time

•Serves the function of protecting the child


Define the term attachment

Identify key words associated with Bowlby’s Theory of attachment

Provide basic evaluation for Bowlby’s theory of attachment

Write an exam style answer for the Learning Theory of attachment

Explanations of Attachment

You need to know 2 explanations of attachment

Learning Theory

Attachment is learned

Bowlby’s Theory

Attachment is innate

Bowlby’s Theory

Babies have an ‘attachment gene’

An infant displays social releasers (such as

crying, smiling) which increase their chances

of receiving care - Ensuring the infant

stays close to caregiver for food and protection

Infants form attachments because it’s adaptive Adaptive

= good for survival


Bowlby’s Theory ContD…

Parents also have an ‘attachment gene’

Which drives the parents to provide care

-this is also adaptive (increases chances of genes continuing to

the next generation)

Parents are driven to provide care for the infant while

they’re young and defenceless – the critical


Bowlby suggested that infants make one main attachment – called



Bowlby’s Theory – beyond infancy

The first relationship provides the

infant with an attachment


Internal working model

The attachment behaviours in the internal

working model continue to

follow the same template in the


Continuity hypothesis


Bowlby’s Theory – key terms

There’re loads – make sure they’re in your Glossary

and that you KNOW them!


Attachment gene

Social releasers

Critical period


Internal working model

Continuity hypothesis


Bowlby’s Theory – A02

Can you remember anything from Learning Theory A02 that you can

apply to Bowlby’s theory?


Lorenz found that newly hatched geese (after seeing Lorenz shortly

after hatching) following him everywhere and he became their ‘imprinted


Hazen & Shaver Conducted the ‘love quiz’

which assessed adult romantic relationships and childhood relationships and

found a strong positive correlation between the 2

attachment types

Howes et al Found that parent-child relationships

were not necessarily the same as child-peer relationships

Schaffer and Emerson (1964) noted that

specific attachments starts around 8 months but by 18 months only 13% of his sample had only one attachment,

some had five or more.

Bowlby’sTheory – Evaluation Positive

Lorenz (1952) Lorenz found that newly

hatched goose (after seeing Lorenz shortly

after hatching) following him everywhere and he became their ‘imprinted


Why is that Positive



Bowlby’sTheory – Evaluation Positive

Hazen & Shaver

Conducted the ‘love quiz’ which assessed adult romantic relationships and childhood relationships and found a strong correlation between the 2 attachment types

Why is that Positive



Bowlby’s Theory – Evaluation Negative

Howes et al (1994)

Found that parent-child relationships were not

necessarily the same as child-peer relationships Why is that

negative criticism?!


Bowlby’s Theory – Evaluation Negative

Against monotropy Schaffer and Emerson

(1964) noted that specific attachments

starts around 8 months but by 18 months only 13% of his sample had only one attachment,

some had five or more.

Why is that Negative



Key words In pairs write at least 15 key words

that link to the Evolutionary Theory of Attachment

Glossary • Evolutionary Theory – Attachment is innate

• Social Releasers

• Attachment Gene

• Critical Period

• Internal Working Model

• Continuity Hypothesis

• Monotropy

• Hazen & Shaver

• Howes et al

• Post-hoc

Exam style questions

Have a go at the following questions

1. What is meant by the term attachment? (2 marks)

2. Explain how the behavioural explanation of

attachment differs from the evolutionary explanation of attachment. (4 marks)

3. Explain two limitations of the evolutionary

perspective explanation of attachment. (2 marks + 2 marks)