bow brickhill parish council bow brickhill village news · spring bank holiday week wednesday 29th...

15 Bow Brickhill Village News : Published by Ann Sidgwick & Associates : 27th April 2013 Bow Brickhill Parish Council Parish Clerk: Debbie Mayer 07904 339391 Email: [email protected] Councillors: Chair: Beverley Thompson 372192 Deputy Chair: Phil Thomas 378614 RFO: Ann Sidgwick 368685 Cllr: John Mears 642441 Cllr: Norman Stephenson 368577 Pavilion Bookings: Debbie Mayer 631007 Email: [email protected] Pavilion Caretaker: Eddie Chesse 370486 Pavilion Cleaner: Gerald Crosby 07749 458694 Contacts: A.S.T.R.A.: Alan Preen 647003 A.S. Lunch Club: Kay & Stuart Leeming 372032 Book Club: Beverley Thompson 372192 Bow Brickhill Club: Chris Loak 373768 Bow Brickhill Pre-School 07887 918834 B.B.F.C.: Odette Holland 370904 Or Roy Toombs 375151 Brownies: Sally Pepper 375365 Buckaneers: Derek Giles 374494 Church Wardens: Stuart Leeming 372032 Or John Wales 373907 Line Dancing: Jan Cade 07721 420176 Women's Institute: Stephanie Warren 671394 Website, E-Group & History Society: [email protected] Youth Club: Beverley Thompson 372192 Danesborough Ward Borough Councillor for Bow Brickhill: David Hopkins [email protected] Thames Valley Police Non Emergency: (101) [email protected] Anglian Water 08457 145145 Environmental Services 01908 252570 e-mail: [email protected] Bow Brickhill Village News May 2013 Issue 13/2013/381 Joint Editors: Gill Cannell & Sally Robinson The Village News is hand delivered to over 300 homes in Bow Brickhill View along Station Road, Bow Brickhill Cover photo courtesy of Sue Malleson

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Page 1: Bow Brickhill Parish Council Bow Brickhill Village News · Spring Bank Holiday Week Wednesday 29th May becomes Thursday 30th May Normal collections resume on Monday, 3rd June Grass

15 Bow Brickhill Village News : Published by Ann Sidgwick & Associates : 27th April 2013

Bow Brickhill Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Debbie Mayer 07904 339391 Email: [email protected] Councillors: Chair: Beverley Thompson 372192 Deputy Chair: Phil Thomas 378614 RFO: Ann Sidgwick 368685 Cllr: John Mears 642441 Cllr: Norman Stephenson 368577

Pavilion Bookings: Debbie Mayer 631007 Email: [email protected] Pavilion Caretaker: Eddie Chesse 370486 Pavilion Cleaner: Gerald Crosby 07749 458694


A.S.T.R.A.: Alan Preen 647003 A.S. Lunch Club: Kay & Stuart Leeming 372032 Book Club: Beverley Thompson 372192 Bow Brickhill Club: Chris Loak 373768 Bow Brickhill Pre-School 07887 918834 B.B.F.C.: Odette Holland 370904 Or Roy Toombs 375151 Brownies: Sally Pepper 375365 Buckaneers: Derek Giles 374494 Church Wardens: Stuart Leeming 372032 Or John Wales 373907 Line Dancing: Jan Cade 07721 420176 Women's Institute: Stephanie Warren 671394 Website, E-Group & History Society: [email protected] Youth Club: Beverley Thompson 372192

Danesborough Ward Borough Councillor for Bow Brickhill: David Hopkins [email protected]

Thames Valley Police Non Emergency: (101) [email protected]

Anglian Water 08457 145145

Environmental Services 01908 252570

e-mail: [email protected]

Bow Brickhill Village News

May 2013

Issue 13/2013/381

Joint Editors: Gill Cannell & Sally Robinson

The Village News is hand delivered to over 300 homes in Bow Brickhill

View along Station Road, Bow Brickhill

Cover photo courtesy of Sue Malleson

Page 2: Bow Brickhill Parish Council Bow Brickhill Village News · Spring Bank Holiday Week Wednesday 29th May becomes Thursday 30th May Normal collections resume on Monday, 3rd June Grass



Contents 1

Annual Village Meeting : 9th May : The Pavilion 2

Grass Cutting Resumes 2

May Bank Holidays : Refuse Collections 2

All Saints Lunch Club 3

Church Hall “Drop Ins” 3

Church Annual Meeting 3

Neighbourhood Watch 4

New Charity Service from the Papworth Trust 4

WI Quiz Night 4

Roving Supper 5

ASTRA “500 Club” 5

Bow Brickhill History Society 6

The Great Crested Newt 6

Dates for your Diary - May 7

The Wheatsheaf News 8

1st Tuesday Working Lunch 9

Bus Service 9

Preserve Bow Brickhill 9

Church News 10

BB PreSchool Spring Funday 10

Bow Brickhill Club 11

BB History Society—The Churchyard Project 11

BB Group : Children 0—5 Years 12

Church Flowers & Cleaning Rota 13

Deadline for Next Edition : 21st May 2013 13

Michael Parker 13

Services in the Benefice 14

Contact Details for the Rector 14

Contact Details for the local Policeman 14

BBPC & Contacts 15


Bow Brickhill : All SaintsBow Brickhill : All Saints


5th 9.30a.m. Start of Rogation

Walk at Church

9th 10.30a.m. Ascension Day

Holy Communion at 53a Station Road

12th 11.00a.m. Family Service

19th 6.00p.m. Evensong

26th 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Little Brickhill : St Mary Magdalene


12th 11.00a.m. Morning Worship

19th 11.15a.m. Family Service

26th 9.30a.m Holy Communion

Stoke Hammond : St Luke


15th 11.00a.m. Family Service

12th 9.30a.m. Holy Communion

19th 8.30a.m. Holy Communion

26th 9.30a.m. Morning Worship


Great Brickhill : St Mary the Virgin


5th 11.00a.m. Holy Communion

12th 9.30a.m. Morning Worship

6.00p.m. Evensong

19th 9.30a.m. Holy Communion

26th 11.00 a.m. Family Service

Contact details for the Rector:

Tel: (01525) 261062

Address: The Rectory, 10 Pound Hill, Great Brickhill MK17 9AS

We now have a new email address for All Saints Church, Bow Brickhill which is

[email protected]

Emails to this address will go direct to the Rector and to the Church Wardens

Contact details for the local policeman:

PC 1285 Jason Rowe : Neighbourhood Supervisor

12 High Street, Woburn Sands Tel: Mobile 07800 703 657

Page 3: Bow Brickhill Parish Council Bow Brickhill Village News · Spring Bank Holiday Week Wednesday 29th May becomes Thursday 30th May Normal collections resume on Monday, 3rd June Grass



May Flowers Cleaning

5th R Parker P Hewitson

12th ——“—–- ——“—–-

19th S Willis S Robinson/S Pepper

24th ——“—–- ——“—–-


21st May 2013 21st May 2013

Contributions for the June issue should be sent to:

Sally email: [email protected]

Gill email: [email protected]

.Sponsors:We are most grateful to the Parker family for We are most grateful to the Parker family for

sponsoring this issue in memory of Mike sponsoring this issue in memory of Mike

If you are able to help with a contribution towards the cost of the Newsletter please send it to: Andrea Spurdle, the PCC treasurer at 42A Station Road, Bow Brickhill Cheques should be made payable to: Bow Brickhill Parish Church

Michael ParkerMichael Parker

Shirley and family would like to thank everyone for their kindness and

support at this sad time.

Also thank you for the cards and messages and for the donations for both

the Church and Willen Hospice. These totalled £400 which was divided

equally between the two charities.

Mike (Mick) had a lot of happy times here in Bow Brickhill, enjoying being

the pub landlord at the Wheatsheaf and supporting the church with the

harvest auctions and the Bazaars over the years.

He was happy to come back to Bow Brickhill, this was his home!

We would like to thank the Reverend John Waller for the service at All

Saints and also to John Close's relatives for allowing us to use John's music

'The Dark Hill'; it was perfect for the occasion.

Come along to hear:

What the Parish Council has been doing

What the Police have to say

What local groups and societies have been up to over the last year



May Day Bank Holiday Week Refuse collections

Wednesday 8th May becomes Thursday 9th May

Normal collections resume on Monday,13th May

Spring Bank Holiday Week

Wednesday 29th May becomes Thursday 30th May

Normal collections resume on Monday, 3rd June

Grass Cutting Resumes

The unseasonably cold weather has hampered the grass cut-ting around Milton Keynes and resulted in the decision last week to postpone the grass cutting until conditions improve.

The prolonged cold snap has prevented normal grass growth and has made the ground water-logged which is unsuitable for heavy mowing machinery.

The team has been following the weather forecasts closely and as tempera-tures appear to be improving the cutting schedule has started again.

Wild flowers and spring bulbs will be avoided.

For regular local updates on when and where the mowing team are, follow us on Twitter @mkcouncil

Page 4: Bow Brickhill Parish Council Bow Brickhill Village News · Spring Bank Holiday Week Wednesday 29th May becomes Thursday 30th May Normal collections resume on Monday, 3rd June Grass


The next meeting of the lunch club will be on

Sunday 26th May

and will take place in the church hall at 12.30pm

All are welcome, particularly anyone who is on their own, and transport is


To book in or for more information please contact:

Kay or Stuart on 372032


Do you enjoy meeting up with others for a chat over a cup of tea

or coffee?

If so, drop in to the church hall on Wednesday afternoon May 8th anytime

between 2.30pm and 4.30pm



12 residents attended the church meeting in March to hear the annual

report of church activities and the progress of ASTRA during the year.

John Wales and Stuart Leeming were re-elected as churchwardens.

Re-elected to the Parochial Church Council were :

Cynthia Wilkins (Secretary)

Andrea Spurdle (Treasurer)

Kay Leeming (Synod representative)

Brenda Goodger, Victoria Burton, Anna Cookson and

Trish Wilby

Sue Malleson was also elected at the meeting & welcomed on to the PCC.

Patrick says to Mick "I found this pen, is it yours?"

Mick replies "Don't know, give it here"

he then tries it and says "Yes it is"

Patrick asks "How do you know?"

Mick replies, "That's my handwriting"


Bow Brickhill group

For children 0 – 5 years

Every Thursday from 1.45 – 3.00

At the Church hall, Church road, Bow Brickhill

£1.50 per family (no booking needed)

Includes hot drinks and snacks

Call Debi on 07584248469 for details

Older siblings welcome during the holidays

Summer term dates

25th April – Usborne books will be joining us

2nd May – Toddler time will be joining us

9th May – Tatty Bumpkin will be joining us

16th May – come along to our usual session

23rd May – Toddler time will be joining us

30th May – come along to our normal session

6th June – Toddler time will be joining us

13th June – come along to our usual session

20th June – come along to our usual session

27th June – Toddler time will be joining us

4th July – come along to our usual session

11th July – come along to our usual session

18th July – Toddler time will be joining us

25th July – come along to our usual session

Page 5: Bow Brickhill Parish Council Bow Brickhill Village News · Spring Bank Holiday Week Wednesday 29th May becomes Thursday 30th May Normal collections resume on Monday, 3rd June Grass


ASTRA All Saints Tower Restoration Appeal

The ASTRA 500 Club will continue after the ASTRA team itself ceases in the summer. Any remaining monies will be ring fenced for further essential building works.

There are plenty of numbers available at £12 per number per year. Contact Nick Wagstaff (01908 372192) for further details.

Please be reminded that the monthly ASTRA lottery draw takes place at: The Wheatsheaf 8.00 p.m. on the last Thursday of the month.

This Month’s winners were drawn and the lucky winners are:

No.168 1st Prize £44.50 Duncan Summerfield No. 7 2nd Prize £31.15 Sue Malleson No.74 3rd Prize £13.35 Stuart Leeming

Roving Supper

Yes! It’s time to put the annual Bow Brickhill roving supper

in your diary! This year the date is Saturday 15th June. Cou-

ples and singles are both welcome. Each couple/person will

provide one course for 6-8 people in their home and enjoy

several other courses in other people’s homes.

Veterans of previous years need no reminding what fun it is. For those new

to Bow Brickhill it’s a fantastic way to meet friendly people throughout the

village. Word of mouth has proven the best way to advertise the roving

supper, so if you have any new neighbours who you think might enjoy it,

please encourage them to join in! Cost is £5 per head with funds going to

All Saints’ church.

Please call Mike Hallett on 01908 648373 or email at mica-

[email protected] to book your place or learn more. Please advise if

you have any special dietary requirements or need help with transport. Last

date for booking is Friday 31st May. Instructions will be sent by Tuesday 4th

June, giving you ample time to prepare your culinary masterpiece!

We are also looking for volunteers to host the aperitifs and the after-dinner

party, so if you feel up to catering for around 30 people please get in touch.



“Beat the Bounds” – Sunday May 5th

This year Rogation Sunday falls on May 5th

On that Sunday it was traditional for parishioners to walk

around the parish boundary and was known as “beating the bounds”.

Although Bow Brickhill parish boundary now crosses fields, the Woburn

Golf Club and follows the railway line, it is possible to walk over 50% of this

today. The full route is around 8 miles and will probably take over 3 hours

at a good pace.

All Saints Church is organising a “beating the bounds” for all ages on May

5tth, starting at 9.30am at the church with coffee and croissants and ending

at the church hall for a light lunch of soup, bread and cheese from 12.00 to


There are 3 possible routes to choose from to cater for all abilities and


The full route of 8 miles

An intermediate route of 4.5 miles

A short route of around 2 miles

Come and join us and enjoy a walk through the beautiful Brickhill woods.

So we are calling all intrepid Mums, Dads and children to join us for this


For catering purposes it would help if you could register with us before-


To book in please call Stuart Leeming on 372032

Spring Funday for everyone on

Sunday 19th May 1— 3 pm

£1.50 per family

held by Bow Brickhill Preschool at Bow Brickhill Pavilion, Rushmere Close

Page 6: Bow Brickhill Parish Council Bow Brickhill Village News · Spring Bank Holiday Week Wednesday 29th May becomes Thursday 30th May Normal collections resume on Monday, 3rd June Grass



Our March meeting was held in the Pavilion on Tuesday 5th, when we

spent a most interesting afternoon entertained by our Rector, the Rever-

end John Waller, who gave an illustrated talk on his visit to the Holy Land.

The description of such places as Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, with many

other places that we had never seen in reality, together with photographs

and explanation, made this an afternoon that we shall never forget.

On Tuesday April 2nd we were once again entertained by a speaker; on this

occasion Beverley Thompson, who gave a talk on her holiday in New Zea-

land. The talk was not only accompanied by photographs but also with

maps explaining various places of interest from north to south. Once again

the club spent a very interesting afternoon learning about this beautiful

island, and the introduction of various forms of wildlife.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday May 7th at 2.00pm in the Pavilion,

when we shall be discussing arrangements for our summer outing.

Bow Brickhill History Society - The Churchyard Project

A History Society team comprising Sue and Peter Willis. Chris French and Gill Cannell has now completed the task of documenting both the churchyards at All Saints.

They have taken photographs of all headstones and me-morials, transcribed the inscriptions - where this is possible - and produced maps of the entire area, to enable people

easily to locate their relatives' graves.

The project is contained in an Excel database with associated Word files and jpg photos. It can easily be searched and the information will of course be updated from time to time.

It's been an enormous project, which has taken a great deal of time and dedication - so thank you very much Sue, Peter and Gill. I know that many family historians will be forever grateful because gravestones do eventually wear away, and so it is with many in our churchyard.

Copies of the project are now available. Because of its enormity, the data comes on an 8GB memory stick at a price of £9.

If you wish to purchase a copy, please telephone me, Sue Malleson on 01908 372376 or email [email protected].


Neighbourhood Watch

We operate a Neighbourhood Watch system in Bow Brickhill by using the village egroup and word of mouth. This has proved very successful. Anyone who has internet access and joins the egroup may post a message there, which will arrive in the email inbox of every other member.

If you aren’t on the egroup and would like to be, please email [email protected] alternatively conduct an internet search for “bow brickhill yahoo groups” and apply to join from there.

Charity launches new service for older and disabled people in Milton Keynes

A new service for older and disabled people has been launched this week in Milton Keynes by charity Papworth Trust.

The service will provide handy people to help with jobs in the home including home adaptations and repairs.

Jobs carried out by the team include fitting hand rails and stair lifts to pre-vent falls and repairs to improve safety such as rewiring and guttering.

The team can also offer free practical advice and support on topics including finances, improving security and keeping homes warm. To find out more, please contact the Papworth Trust Home Solutions Help-desk on 0300 333 6544, email [email protected] or visit

Registered charity number 211234

Bow Brickhill WI

Quiz Night Quiz Night Quiz Night Quiz Night

at the Pavilion, Rushmere Close Saturday 13th July at 7.30pm.

Tickets: £6 adults, £3 children Ploughman’s supper provided (Please bring your own drink)

Teams to consist of no more than 8 people. Please contact Sally Robinson Tel 374852 or Stephanie 671394 for tickets

Page 7: Bow Brickhill Parish Council Bow Brickhill Village News · Spring Bank Holiday Week Wednesday 29th May becomes Thursday 30th May Normal collections resume on Monday, 3rd June Grass


“1st Tuesday Working Lunch” at The Wheatsheaf

The May meeting will be on Tuesday 7th May

12.30 p.m. — 2.00 p.m.

For more information or to receive an emailed reminder con-tact:[email protected]

Bus Service

The issue of the future of the number 17 service was raised at PC

last Thursday evening. I have investigated.

Service changes will be from Monday 3rd June. It is proposed that the service

through Bow Brickhill continues, operating every two hours as an extension of ser-

vice 18 journeys. This means that a direct service to the Hospital and Central Milton

Keynes will be provided.

Hope that reassures in these challenging times. David Hopkins

PBB was formed in 2000 to protect Bow Brickhil from unwanted and inappropriate develop-ment. Since that time the group has commented on all strategic planning matters affecting the area and has been very successful in maintaining the

rural nature of the village. PBB doesn’t usually comment on individual planning applications unless they are perceived to have some serious detrimental effect or create a precedent which would alter the village in unwelcome ways. But it does given opinions on the various attempts by developers to surround and subsume us in urban development. More information can be found at

At our recent Annual General Meeting, I was elected as chairman for the coming year; a role which has been occupied for the past thirteen years by Peter Lousada. Peter has given an enormous amount of time to our cause over that period. He has read, digested and come to understand the meaning of countless lengthy documents, full of ‘planning speak’. He has commented on these for PBB and ensured that Bow Brickhill has had a voice in all strategic planning matters. Peter most generously hosted our meetings and kept the committee adequately refreshed! The village owes Peter much thanks for its continued exis-tence as a rural community. Don’t worry, he’s not going away and he assures us that he will be on hand to advise and counsel PBB in the coming years.

Sue Malleson, Chairman, PBB


Bow Brickhill History Society

Bow Brickhill History Society

Do you have a picture of Bow Brickhill?

The History Society collects any images of Bow Brickhill past and that includes paintings. So if you have a picture of the village we'd be very interested in knowing about it and, if possible, to have a photo-graph of it for our digital archive.

Contact Sue 01908 372376 or Mary 01908 647003.


What a brilliant theory from Sue M. about this pos-sible descendant of the fabled dragon of yesteryear and why Drakewell Road might be so called. Drake apparently being "middle English" for dragon and "well" obviously a source of water.

It seems most appropriate that the first sighting should occur just as St. George's Day looms. Not sure he would be allowed to kill them nowadays !!

This newt is one of the most heavily protected species in Britain. If one is found in a pond on a site earmarked for development, it is a major stumbling block and a delight for any protesters. It may stop the development outright and would certainly delay it for a year while the newt population is counted, captured and translocated to another site. Some firms are licensed by the government as specialist newt hunters. They offer to dig new ponds so the amphibians can be moved out of harm's way, and newt-proof fencing is erected to prevent their return.

Even so the homing instinct can be a major problem because this species of newt, like toads, will return to their traditional breeding grounds if possible. How successful these translocation programmes are in saving newt popula-tions is the subject of government sponsored research. It is not yet known whether protection for these newts will be affected by the government's new planning rules but the European Union has penalties in store for those who abuse warty newts. It is an offence to kill, injure, capture or even disturb these newts in any way.

If you catch sight of any in the village please let us know via our website

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Wednesday 1st Brownies Church Hall 6.00—7.15 p.m.

Thursday 2nd Youth Club Pavilion 7.00 p.m.

Tuesday 7th Working Lunch Wheatsheaf 12.30 p.m.

Bow Brickhill Club Pavilion 2.00 p.m

Wednesday 8th Drop-In Afternoon Church Hall 2.30—4.30 p.m.

Brownies Church Hall 6.00—7.15 p.m.

Thursday 9th Parish Council Meeting Pavilion 7.30 p.m.

Followed by A.G.M. Pavilion 8.00 p.m.

Monday 13th Line Dance Pavilion 7.00 p.m.

Tuesday 14th John the Barber Greenways Lay-by 2.00 - 6.00 p.m.

Wednesday 15th Brownies Church Hall 6.00—7.15 p.m.

Buckaneers Model Club Pavilion 7.30 p.m.

Thursday 16th Youth Club Pavilion 7.00 p.m.

Monday 20th Line Dance Pavilion 7.00 p.m.

Wednesday 22nd Brownies Church Hall 6.00—7.15 p.m.

Thursday 23rd W.I. Pavilion 7.30 p.m.

Topic to be confirmed

Sunday 26th All Saints Lunch Club Church Hall 12.00 for 12.30 p.m. .

Tuesday 28th John the Barber Greenways Lay-by 2.00 - 6.00 p.m.

Thursday 30th ASTRA 500 Club Draw Wheatsheaf 8.00 p.m.


Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got to know each other so well, they decided to get married.

One broom was, of course, the bride broom, the other the groom broom.

The bride broom looked very beautiful in her white dress and the groom broom was handsome and suave in his tuxedo. The wedding was lovely.

After the wedding, at the wedding dinner, the bride-broom leaned over and said to the groom-broom, 'I think I am going to have a little broom!'

'IMPOSSIBLE !' said the groom broom.

Are you ready for this? Brace yourself; this is going to Hurt !!!!!!


Sounds to me like she's been sweeping around!


Forthcoming Events:Forthcoming Events:

Working Lunch

Tuesday 7th May 12.00—2.00 p.m.

The 1st Tuesday of every month.

The opportunity to mix with like

minded people

Wine Tasting

Wednesday 29th May 7.30 p.m. start : booking essential

ASTRA “500 Club” Draw Thursday 30th May Come and find out who the lucky

winners are !! It could be you !!

21 Station Road Bow Brickhill MK17 9JU

01908 374795


Fish & Chips

May 7th and 21st


May 14th and 28th

Phone your order through or pop down

and have a cheeky drink while your food

is cooked for you



Wines of LanguedocWines of Languedoc

5 Tastings plus a light supper5 Tastings plus a light supper

£12.50 per person£12.50 per person

These evenings are very popular so These evenings are very popular so

early booking is essential early booking is essential


Delicious Sunday roast dinner

Choice of Roasts

with homemade Yorkshire Pudding,

Roast Potatoes

and a selection of Fresh Vegetables

Just £9.95

Booking Advisable

Why cook when you can

have it all done for you




We will be OPEN OPEN 12 — 4 p.m.

Food served 12 — 3 p.m.