
The Boston forgery reported jesters sy mornlnc was a family affair, and baa bean arrange.!. TJ nltad State Minister Marsh Use ar- - ..... afBKltakcH . fcmHl M AMUSEMENTS. uraii TH EATEl. Spalding a Pope.. P. tthon Last Night bit two of MRS D. P. BOWIES and MB. J. C. McCOLLOM. IBifi THURSDAY i.VE51HO, NOV. 3BO. Will bs pieeented Lt AH, THE 1'j:.-a- Friday -s- -i rewell benefit cf Mrs. D. P. Bo- wer. Two peifjrmenoea FA Z II AND JEALOUS WIFE. Batord.j-lir-- nd Mttnee-.J- Y KOB8ABT. AfcN JUttCtMENTS. FLY.NS ennounces bimaelf a candi JOE lor Wharimsster at the ensulcK man-d- eleclon. ansgry . mra. nolr C Hot-LI- S annonnoe himself HE.nki (or har.ina.u r al lh nnsu-lat- t asssrtstnaj lection. J.noary . ri ui,.,- - w....r announce hlmell a can J. uiUete lor Wli imvuiral the etxulu. xonnul ai e b r . hou vr i-- fcy O to I i aru r lev a. n tDi ply r 1 ro 1 Lb (t t tAu e I D Y.I. ITlTAT.O about rotd Lnnotej .aw-- , Jtuersoi. .l.ecl. on J.naar. 4 , A first ik charge cf the of a largt folly qualified sn apply. sea lardlng-bcus- e e iiund.ed men on ml. rx. lie has all the win tag u.s-ary help 1 can also aup-- coutracttra out men. Waiui Intel' UTJ.L.E -- Painters, send S1Q or Ircular toelgn er' Iaeli-tuts- , ti u.'- - Cincinnati. Ohio AV.P L Clue: clsu book-- . tnu.e need cfflt Pain i toe Lotion Pre c ..J MMaii"iniru,nir . n a.x aaasa ru td..piy Out u ;uKand will bu JlilxbJ-- ' flat-- r .t la.psylugbailaese. m dra-ru-- i . .1 r uh go. d Drreemeker, and t t I UHt't13i HJWJLIU A- 1 -- ine. 1 im1 t o . Bet st rjet. tSa b rr fr 12 mo-'tb- s ii 10 . In .rat, by b n jm ino Adt r a 1 P.O. L. BOA fauu imuCM. Jt and laikjiens lit- - CBUar id c lion picktrK moaly oa banc kb Mtl a muUJt auD ail fcLudu oi do eti hein teeia.i K audiatt4MAf , IU- - Dbkrt: on i a..l or a idraaM KM1 linA 1 i JI . ""e JtItltau r It eel Ho V Abo K I b re cinTiNn lor io C baai atlll: a arUcle oi ai ca red ; wilb tn oo iar $uj can be made Is ou oay No. 4. ropiar iitmI Houm L Bend tatupe joi ci:cttur M H Apply lgence doners Ott-- r reula house iCK.m. c i wj , "n " PemtAMi botel five lz business. ki'i hanli uruiture. Feathers ano O btibMLuia teooos all t ouht at H. T. a.ilxnv Twenty o. 1 tailor to go to 1 Limt, Hoc, ai. Appiy to BOWta a OuLhil"c Front street. aesu Oh l 1 e5 M) acrea if lnd, on K rr LAN ift e tu as f aic. oe Will ki.ll at po b 1 j ess. on cor nr ma . Ckiurl streets, at 18 m TtjLW4JY. Nurnw Ml. BlNOlT. irh cah; Bale u ' tW S UlOtlir. U2J K. L- - TOPP cave. 1 b.e mo AiS with or Au- - nou of kind ave Sam. ...rd Mln 1!E1 Term in nix am. Kiecutor. fcCAl-- K At Bo. Hi Mulioii PLATrBM " ER1K4. The nttck o' grooertea. Will Gao. so leaae tbe atjie and dwelling on ouli-ex- l turner third and aoe'lon aueeia rmtii Apply on piemiaan R M a Address keeper u N.Etir amoral raUrot f tli.DENC't Dtslrsbla residence, SM Jef roi. atreet. Jippl) on premi iwi- - l"! i f AM Wntauli-- V pslrol flue largt mc.e , with good wagon and hane-a- . Ill be in o ..'HfcAf'; enn be eeenat m! l Yai ,bao: tree nolir utoi ezrnange for nj proi' J en . , lsi Uire acre o land, five ml bun the cltj.t u Ibe Bonlevard; good we.l adapted to trult growing gardtn or gal y a bargain if applltd sc Wltntn uiit. t m- n o- - w I 411 street. A No in the center o SALOON j ; goon locsluy. lnformattun ' N M , " No. upward Bow. cl tM.HU LU At a Henrj w-- tmtiroved pi ce, inaaw c id o... h i h.r"uiiu,cjnLaii Iiaaj abvUiKS acres i ic. if lu tjiocstMi Wiio a hoc wittuuu oi iroiit ev , w Ml aKed lor a i( dai rj man. or oatctitri. ApplT to nola J, .1 J s." i l fcjO acres of lan't, 6 LaMi X Apbia: ood laud amiable tor laiiuii k t k .1 '.a;iitt parpoM'a; will be old li iota to an. l purcbaavra apvijto M. J. i lv - WuiieaHtAaon noia Charleabop K R. uai gain one or the moat RJktiiilviatJi--- At and deil(alnl naldeuoa in fcLtsiby ouuu y ai naia I n th auoUi aide oi oJiai Mitel txiended inowi aa tiie Col Mill a piaoe, reeenuy owned and oc.apled by IN. i o;ou r i ftj. tor teiiLe, etc, apply aiiae baiiuei btutk. p Dues a frran Jo at mules arrived la I M niaUi ; t. loo-- J ut or iuolt and horses on d at aV in lira, at Y .lKas JAMfc Hiatiie, No. SQ Hanoi street. Qc7 OTP on Vra nai street, on time 4 ajiBCulouaL book-keepe- r, rslME' laJHtas, ftAUL l.nmeolata.y nun No. seven HOOMI ki cnen etc; lot 11A) by 0. Ap-pi- v at Mo:- Jtv 16 building, 'T ' ' " u.oTn .ttg.'" Fifty W el maai.v mni nr Tit lasuoyed a iai building. as road Nr- - avening la thai Nasi JtO linr store OOal.--- . ba for uvea o I. a ULUHUK tUXON. in Main Appb street: Insurance company offloe Pisuters' lusaranos Madt- - aurta-- " . o Kne a mil MP n ma at 107 Beale strast, salt- - . t amlly. not - i r i.. rt-j- i around: b tli u 'lva-.i.i- oae year; good fenc-a- nd !. u u iju t e p:s e; b mil nom atm Dhis ike MiM.i.lppi Klver K. K : wli anul l- ton i wl n. all tbe corn and SshSbs ixpleuient outheplsoe. For terut and an other lnio:mllou. apply B HKSi r K- - Bnig ;d Madl n g.('K l.tASi - ul bine i ob Pr.aion r Piac-- . atau s i al.eet extended, for ten ye s Apply to It iUi. Trea-va- oo n U. 0 PBar-fON- . li'lB L.E tuE TO OAttilENKeUft About b- - P . e. o fl E.rdea land, wl.h a comber of flu Peeb Tree already beailng, on Cen tral toe hoi yiora awnwa, aoou IUnnl.arrtmity.ur ruuara A :rjc ii roa A VsaaTASLa UAulll. Toag oJ, responsible gsrdensr lt will be lasnadsls v., Apply to n'7 v Attn C'OMN, lie K.ont at-- s ton AOt Ai eat o wltn leur room V and al cti.o luIe.i titorgl street 7fl Tsrti. w of ti nemando street rs.i- road i.. W.O Kame or W. W.Ood- - win 8Ju) con at set. nnls TClKtNo. ;lk! root aireet. Apply O A. BICE i -- EL SO!t, in . mu Main street. r a Tan minutes from IV street ears. Nln rooms, m,m stol well. tabl stdeti, orchard. Uuee seres, well enc ased and lu go .u order App'y to Minor M-- rl wether. 1. at bid S t- - r. Ten looms; would accjm REtl- ate two mali families. If desired large lot fcUsebeu; Alabama street, fronting Bio x rtiB. n ij ao.iar per niontn not. Willi apptoved lndoraer. ojt, l. c J BNHON. 12 JHeron street R B itlage cistern, street. js.iii- - N tntiurbai. residence, on Ken nvniir: alable. cariiae n-- . use and 6 enMOeu app.j io aiuui seu M Cnlot. street. oelf BOARDERS O Hi-P- or a sentiemsn and wile, at i b rales Addr M. Hamilton, App-iome- a aw OAfcDiNU By Mrs. Huns r. Hill, M Delob street. A No 1 COtion sti ROOMS RJ BUARO. not OA BIi A good front room and board at c lre- -l FOR LEASE. th b acres land. Of ' I Baas svrnna. Apply at ps wntkllvr trsL FlUko. M ABE- - r seven yeare old Ar-A- T ont ion teen bant a bun, a wen rlgr-- A ' ""he i r fMD att bar by crov la. pr f r j nr.i I g chc ree. apply XJT ; viai land, Catne irses-- . un t ER O'X. CwOoa rnx drssass the hair beauUiuily. FrTTiso.sia Kecood street a bottie of to v i remedy IfkSjuits and ciiildtea. r f r business e Tiiia amount will buy mt a syrup, the great .... ulsSatusrs UiUdeai to jAPAwams Lactiut-ie- i Boxes and traya. at MLLJOi a ftiinjci, i ia asftigt Aaatuk- AaaUUCA! Drtv.-- Wells M hIE s CO.B FUCK WHEAT antyhs- - veifjaLU. journea mi aay aitar It la aald that as effort will be made by the defendant' counsel to hare the cases i Uriaham Yocng, Mayor Walla, Stoat Bawl others postponed tilt the laaroh (arm. Apply at 17b nd o.o of W it p- -j at LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. A main stay a Life lnsnranoe policy. Vary scarce yet Candidates for office. Running regularly our pacicet lines. Much In demand furs and overcoats. Olving aatlatao Uon ine street railroad. Cotton bales the cry is still they come. A useful body tbe board of school vis- itors. Tbe coming George Francis Train. A paying investment Memphis Insurance lock. Wanted marine ways and regular ship yard. Tbe general council meets y at 2 o'clock. Cosy- - and comfortable the New Memphis theater. Qury -- Wouldn't a y pay Memphis? Ought to be cleaned at once the streets and alleys. Just the tiling tor workingmen building sssocla lions. The foundation of all our future great nesa cotton. A good tiling the calico dress ball to- night. A letter from "Classic Shades" is declined for want of space. Wood Is eel lng the levee at $6 at) to 7 per cor 0, uelivered. What haa become it? the Memphis and iron Mountain railroad. There was ice In Little Rock yesterday Ice in Memphis this morning. gffffss beefsteak is twenty cents a pound uow, while beer is only five cents a glass. Rob- bery ! The Galveston News given Memphis the credit ',fc"(t uie lead ol all other twuihern cities. The county has entered regu- larly tbe business of -- raaing in" the funds Jor isa. Tbe chain-gan- g is a very respectable force pieaeuU lue Citauuu ou Aauuw auwi yeoutrday. Train spoke Bowling Green, Kentucky on Monday night, and was, as usual, nomina- ted tor tbe presidency. Merchant are afraid to touch mess pork, flic market U overstocked, and pacaersbave lo pUO.iab biaUbUCn. Huiat attempted to beat the art exp sittou out of picture, by meau lorged lWk- - fiM taieray evening, iney wcrotBuiui tyome young men are a little partial to .... uiaiatiii; ulneis use UsUX-eye- ,umrm , but tue moneyed girls have the luiai aexsKSKSKssi 'aoulre Miller concluded the evidence in lie liM in business yeaUirUay, and sent tbe julpilt to Jail in aefauli of ft.e tbouaaud Imts' bail. ihe very last if Colfax is objected to on acvouuL of his occasional suilie, now can uram be who "iuUi" as long ae UC Caall aslaUU T e The news-slan- have less than four teen uitkienL tuuiaiiatc- - lor la"., wb.le tbe u ioieB re supi lieu by ine 4uacas wiin ui iMt ten tous ul uitiu. Ueiinuuent aaminlstratora. executors and guaidbsaaa will couie in for a share of iega.1 ex- - Clt nvnomy 11 U1CJ UUU avtaAL. u vua aaava ttaixa wUh Uie county clerk. A card of the Chicago Young Men 'a Christ- ian union, received yesieruay, lieesojouru-in- g cbrUtlans that city to all tbe nottpiialiUcsi of thai useful body. The laat U Wendell .Phillips voted for Liuuoln after denouncing him as a "slave uouiid," I it any reason ne should not vote lor tiraUii alter caiang nim a drmikaru " The great wants of Memphis cotton mills, waler-wuik- elevator, a graued levee, union depot, the iwansas City and the Jefieraon ral.-io- d and joj.uw bales of coilou. Let n work fur all these. Yesterday was a good cotton day In Mem- phis. Over four thousand baies of the staple a ere sold. This is a much as to say three hun- dred and fifty thouaanu dollars changed hand hers in this city. A communication from Judge Underwood, of Arkansas tho Is el tbe reaoudy hotel.:, in relation lo some local outnpi.cauuns in his county, should be lead to laborers who thtna going lo our sister olals uj work. The Galveston News closes article upon the Memphis and Shrevcport railroad with this: "We have hesitation la fully Indors- ing the Appkal as regards the Importance to .MemphiBof this roan, with ail its river and laiiroad connections Tbe secretary 8 late has official Informa- tion of the population of ail the ouuu-oe- s the Slate except Hancock. There gffsUaM w hile and ou,aeu biaca voters, aud It is estimated that tbeie are hut lew moie than ibousand voters In liaucoca,of which s are white. This would make a total ol not less than t,713 voters in Uie Both branches of tbe legislature have rati- fied, as we anticipated, tbe contract made between the Ooveruor and Meesrs. Looney a O'Connor, who uow have charge of the peni- tentiary and its seven hundred convicts. Tbln anuounceiueul will be gladly received by tue i evli road builders of the tttate, and uy the rusnv irieuds Colonel Looney in this oily. The cltixeni Memphis who want a bar gain, can find a full supply of "Coal Creek (.Oft. at the Memphis and Charleston depot. Mi. John B. Oalloway will give all nec(isar information, We have tested this coal the AffEAL office. grates. In stoves and undei our boiler, and can recommend it as equal to tue best Pittsburg. A Charlestou editor who recent1 y visited New York, thinking upon the muitltudaol merchauts who, lu that Babel, for a living, asked htm eif the question : "Uow do these attain success among a myriad of com- petitors actiieve notoriety, and eventually leap into tbe possession of the brown-ston- e mansions up town, aud of the rural palaces of the suburbs?" The answer Is in two words; "by advertising!" A paragraph in Tuesday 'a Appeal, in re- gard to ihe escape of three convicts from Mr. uweus, la calculated to do that gentleman lo- - Justloe. lie was not talking at ihe time to irisii gentleman, nor was tneie any one neai him. rie went to the cut near White's under protest fearing lhat lt was not a safe place to carry the con v lets to. They watched an op- portunity aud off, notwithstanding Mr. oweis promptly nreu at tueni, tie ieets ma he is hot to blame. RAILROAD NEWS. A meet Ins-o- the commissioners of the Mem phis and Knoxville air-lin- e railroad will be ueid at urano j unction un i be zatn insiaui. Coahoma county, Mississippi, has voted jbii'.iM subscription to tbe Mobile and North western railroad, terminating near Friar 'i Point, Tbe vote was almost unanimous The people Memphis are a unit for tbe niirevepori raiiroaa. it is me most popuia: euierbriie ever set foot In this section ol oounlry, and when completed will prove the most remunerative. The Huntington paper aay. "The Nashville and N't th western railroad is In better ruu nibs order than ever before. It is now. lu tbousan truth, a flmi-cla- s road, aud can boast of as . . ..t mall .. sUl maCUlnelV rvinvar.lanrw. fi.ntfnrta Ufl I the gentiemaniy conductors, any in tbe The Tf Mall saya lt Isqull souin. so much lor ine present mauagemtim n: hjf ftf story I, thought ihe U lawllsl and or cf on to B. ' trU In on e a to walk ba eil at f sw to in on ' oo oa ai TXis f--r , - a in on of of on at boys of no iv lu of an no ' of of art oiate. of of In In strive an made of on ville railroad ooinpany wia lake oontrol of ih Masbvllle snd Oecatur railroad early In tbe spring or at least several months prior to the time .July 1 agreed upon lu the contract. Freights have greatly increased during the past two or three weeks, and extra trains have been brought into requlalUon. A freight train on the Memphis ami Ohio railroad was wrecked near Milan day before yesterday, occasioning a delay of the trains on that road The day before yesterday's 6 p.m. train sua yesteruay s iu train uau not reached McKenslew ben tbe North west ern train for Nashville left. The extent of the damage ,one has not been ascertained. We are reliably Informed that work on tbe Memphis and Ualsbxh narrow-gaug- e railroad will begin next we. a, and be pushed forward as vigorously as men and money can impel lt. The Oumract calls for the completion nf the road by April of Itfi. Tbe prospects of the ancient capital of Hhelby are brightening. 1 is destlnsd to be our favorite suburb aud the great resort of uur people In summertime. Mr. DubUnger, a citlten of Moscow, assures ns that the people lu his neigh born ood are all anxious ana desirous of railroad con use lion with Memphis, and will willingly subscribe to tne ocnsiructioti u: tiie Memphis and Knox villa e railroad usrrow-aaua- In i tew days they will have an opportunity cf doing so. ine auoscripiioB oi fneiny county depends altogether upon what they do. A company has been organized to build a railroad from Knoxvtlle. Kentucky, to Jack son, Tennessee. Winn Oavie, of the former place, is president. Iu completion gives the Mississippi Central the Shortest route east. and becomes the most Important through line aoutn. lomncoit, oi tne i'etnayivania cen- tral, backs li wltn as much money aa Is need ed alter the counties along the line have done wnai tneycan. Tbe Kentuckv New Era nf tbe 17th publishes the resolutions of a meeting held at Cadiz on Monday, the uth nstant. in the interest of the LoulavUie,slemphlsand New Orleans rsuroad. Uon. T. C Dabney was chosen chairman, and H. darneii, Uon Lytlleton Cooke, president of the road, was present, and made a speech threeiinrcars or an hour long, in which he gave a very cheering account of the prospects for the construction of the road. The West T unease Democrat en?gests aa follows: M while nor Jaoksen frleuda are wo i kins to build a raiirod from Jacksn to ibe Teantssae river, by voting a tax In county, woo'd lt att be weil tor tbe filencs of tbe enterprlav to jvn ns n onr efiori to build a road from Jkoa to this piaoeT Bobml a ax tor $Jtd 000 and give us ha r for onr enterprise. Thai will lnirsai the peopie in all parts o tne ncty; al woraing loaetner ii is boon a to carry, w nen the east ed west have got tea their road, 'hey wtll not help the Drtn and south. Ik latter know tbta and will not help tbe for mar. oetus help Henderson do a gnat dea for herself while wa are at it, A road from inks to Faduah opens all of Handaraon sasgiij to all tne world." MEDapCEgf OIE LVOLLAB PES TAID yiTTi taxnas QIVUIVI IBlaH POPLIMB, The best In tbe market, GREAT BARGAINS IN H VlIIBT, BLACK I1LKI, ADD ESPECIALLY IN LBEfrJS GOODS. H&RZ j(i ft BRO. A C A Lie. If Mr. J. If nuann srlP allow his Bias an be placed before tbe people of Memphis for wharfinaabar in our coming will receive :n hearty welcome and snpport of his tuany friends and admirers. MANY CITIZK.Ni. WAWTsU) at Lha aVmlhasrii PalaA. twaJws practical dry troods salesman. hni tKrws wkn are thoroughly tamUlar with the city and country trade needed. Apply between lbs nours or aight and tan a ah k a.m M AC ii ACK KIT. bupartatwLdaBL 8a Li of the Anderson bouse and lota to dat Oasalbns ieavas at ten o'clock from tha offl- -i of Royaler, Tiaxsv ant ft co the aueUoaaara. NXOlIl, gists. is kept by all first M Apply to them for a circular. HOTICE Tat hUaPPEKS. Omen MBXm OoatPAsTy.. November 11th, 1871. f Mr. C. H. Halght la this day aoaolBt agent of thjft aompany at Memphis T. A. LBWJH, sHtprtssisst, Bddlns vs V enable; 100, Fargo son A Clay vs Edglmrton; 1188, Goebies vs Adsr-so- adm'r; 1337. Grldsr vs Stone: 1S88, Iaen vs Koeei 1388, Isen vs Grwsrjwaid; 1380, Iaen vaKobloas; 1381, lien vs Kline; 93. THE FARRINGTONS. Tbe History of a Vsgraat Family Wfeft Meal ftfttf Murder for a LI via. The Toils SIowy Vl lad fug; Mound Them The Express vi Their Track. One day in the early part of laat spring gentleman who was on board a White river packet at our wharf, Laving taken passage to Angusta, Arkansas, sent for Captain A they. of the police force, to whom he pointed out person who was a deck passenger, saying said passenger waaa murderer. Csptaln Athey ar rested him, and lodged him In the station house. Bis name was Fanington, and he had a horse In his possession which was claimed few days afterward by some gentleman from Tipton county. But the cause of his arrest was not this horse. The gentleman who had him arretted accused him of commit tin r three murders one at Augusta and two in a town of uorweru Missouri, rarnngion was sent to Jail, and kept there until some gentlemen trum Missouri came down and Interviewed htm. He was not tbe man that hd done tbe inuraer in their house, but lt was his brother He was then brought before a Justice, charged with hoe-sieailn- i, aud sent buck t jail In default of S.uou bail. While going up Main street he got a way from the cousiable a u ran an tnrougn Chelsea, but bad to "ban up nnaiiy in ironi or a large Jenoe. nd was again captured and shyed in Jail After thl sssMesM he remained in Jail for some week until he manatf-- d to icet out on strsw bail through the medium of some of the lawyers that ran manaire Mich thliijn. Durtns taib slay In j ill, Captain Athey had information of ii a uozen muruers anu as many robberies that had been perpetrated by himself aud his brother, but being unable to obtain any wlt-n-s- he could do nothing. The Farringtons Hgan turn up as the principals in tbe recent roooery oi tue express car at inion city. Since tbe occurrence a few weeka since, i Union city, of the express-ca-r robberv. M Worlev and his detectives have bee Indus tiiously working np tbecase, and have finally iucewded In discover Rtl who were the thieves. The Cnlon City Courier ssys their names are Henry Clark, ttdward Hussell and William Barton, and there is no doubt but thai they are the parties who committed tbe express tobDeiy at Moscow, iney were traced to i,us ter's landing, on the Mississlslppi river, abon fifteen ml Jet. below Hickman, where they havi been making headquarters for some time Their otien-ibI- e occupation was keenins aru eery at a point whee, peihaps, they woud noisell enough in a month to pay their board a dy. Hearing they were suspected, they took to the canebrake. Escaping from their hiding-bol- e. Clark went to Missouri, where he was arrested aud escaped Clark and Hasell are brothers, going unde assumed names, meir reai uaiue oeiag rarnngion Their mother has recently started to move M i'exa and lt is understood that the three thieves are to meet her at some point along ine route oi ner travel, and accompany ue: There Is no doubt but that the thieves wl soon be captured, and Jusiice ad ministered to them. One thousand dollars reward is offered for them, dead or ah e. The Farrl Bghaaj are from Dickson county, and Barton from Texas out more recently a brKliemau ou the Nash viae and Northwestern railroad. The arrest of the men at Somervllle Is another case oi mistaken identity. With these tacts before them, our sharp detectives ought to be able to make a bold btnke for that one thousand dollars. PERSONAL. Little Charley Decker is In Nashville, Ms. C. L. Loop, cshler of the western de-- partnitnt f the rvmthern Kxuress comnanv has stain tdaced the appeal under oblitta tions or a file of New York papers In advance oi ine mails. Miss Kmxa Wilkinson, formerly a sweet sidh'Tid i slvary Church choir, sana si a con cert tn Bio klyn. New York, a lew evenings since, and the Times of lhat city says, " was honored with deserved recall. A good thing which occurred recently at Greenville, leunesaee, hss lound Its way Into tbe Boston Post, i he attention of a country - man visiting a ay junai b s town was at t.acted by tne alttterina slun or the Andes in aurauce company. He looked at it long and itlleuuv, auu meu uroae oui in a joyiui claniallon : " u ell. I knowed old Auuy wouiu be at some thin' af re long; I tell yer. they can't keep him down ; no, they can't," and walked on. We calx attention to tbe card of Bramlu Carter A Co., commission merchants. New Yotk; bramln, Bummers A Co., and Bummers a Bramln, New Oileau-- , houses of near tweuty years standing, anu an u to many oi our most prominent mercuants anu lead lng business men, aud connected with Bra uiin. Carter A Co We commend this house to our frleuda and the country, and assure them ol prompt responses to all htialnnas qulrles and propositions. Mayor Johnson returned yesterday from Nashville. His mission was successfully ac complished. The ninety loousand dollars claim growing out or in existence of the M tropolitan police force, a State Institution, was adjusted, ana me war ciaim oi tweni-nv- e thousand dollars aga nst Memphis was so ar- ranged that the city is relieved. Buch was the favorable Impression, as we are advised, made by the mayor t at he ws repeatedly told by tiio-- m autuoriiv . iiihi hu tniua at an rea -- unahle asked fr by Memonls would be cou- - ceded. Mrmphls Is doing much, and pn.poaes to do more or ibe aggiuhdizeiiieui oi iennes- - and theielore. it is said, lt bees me tbe prtAiuoe of the State g'lveinmeui to promo', by alt possible aaaaasL tbe purposes and dims oi those co ut rolling the fortunes of Memphis. HoN. R. T. W. Dt'KE. who defeated the Kadi cal Federal Judire Alexander Hives for con gress, in the Flub district of V'irglula, u at the reabouy noiei. ue is a member oi tue con aressiiiual committee. ai'Doiuted to devise I plan lo protect the low lands against overflows, and would gladly have an interview with .aniain jonn owaen. l. uaxer. auperiu- - endent ol tbe Western Cnlon Telearaph com pany in ArK.ansa; captain J.J tianschbuii of Louisville; Oener-- 1 W. M Brown, uf Oeor sla: J. H. Maddox. of New York : Paul Jones of Bolivar, and Judge Underwood, are also at ins reaooay, w tin iotouei rauixner.oi uis- - asasysst, wno urges ine cousiruciion oi tne rtipiev , Mississippi, narrow-gaug- e railway. LAW REPORT. Plrat Clreatt tsart-Hedsk- eU. Jndge. To day's calendar contains the following cases: I'M, ;.v.. ..-- t, i.sji, l$7, 1.13U, im. ISM, litrl, H, lama, 1348, 1 ol, 13bu. lil'il, laoT. 1J71, 1J7D, i37h, 133U. 1M1. and 1. Trlggally vs c ty ot Memphis; l.xsi, Ooodhue vs Page el ai : lM, Ooodhue vs Page et al : 1.M), Laird vs Dixon ; ISbT, Uen vs Lev ;ioVii, Isen vs Rose; lib?, Isen vs Oreenwald; 1380, Isen vs Hchloss; 1391, lxei vs Kline; 13VI, MIssIhsI' pt uver railroad company vs ismimous ; ijwo, fitaie vs Kuox A Haines ; 1397, Mempnta Ger- man saving lusurance company vsApp; 13W, Hanks, P. ft Co vs Meuiman, admr ; lioi, Rob-bin- s et al vs Barbour et al. ftecaad Circuit Court -- Judge Bay. y the following oases will be called for trial: Noa. Thornton vs. Johnson et al.; 3, lent vs He ley: WO, Ol nu si Hon Mouthatl, Hitzfield Moore; 67, Mitchell vs Perkins ; 61. Jones vs Choat A Co.; 699, Mitler vs. r ightmaster; 700, Curls vs Peel; 0i, Wray vs Campbell ft Co.- 70U Wray vs Campbell A Campbell 7u3, Caldwell vs dltchell, Hoffman ft Co; ?ui, Thomas va Arlington; 70s, McCor-mic- k vs Hunn A Co.; 707, Kelly va Brooks ft Hltxfield; 700, Karr va Karr A Lesen berry; 710, tieridau vs towns; .u, uiacx hi ay miller vs Fie.d; 716, horreet vs 11,1am; 717, Her on vs Ashe; 7is, Mrs. Hlckey, admr. vs HvatL Odell A Wolf; 71V, Neane vs Mobile and Ohio t at road company; 721, G race vs Htgan A Co.; 79 Mehlluger A son vs Voorheeset al; 72, Newtou vs Pump : 730. Cash va De Loach, admr: 731, Bealty va Goodwin; 72, Helnrich vs Jack- - sou s bu diucsii'.i, j ,c ri u. va Verger; 736, Kloe, ttilx ft Co. va Ebbert; 7jA, McElroy vsMalone, executrix, etc.; 7Sr, Roach ft Co. vs awenan mil A MLranxe; 738. carr vs Caldwell: . bales vs Augier; .4. Ilmsn Bros, vs Jones. 743, Parker vs McCoy; 744, Malone vs bwamp; 746, Davls,Jr., va Barton. (ban The case of Saint vs Tavlor was resumed and argued by counsel, but not unlshed st the hour of dJournment, It will be concluded this luoiblna. after which tne remaining unflulshed cases of the calendar will be taken op. Is motion day. No call was made vesterdav of the rtsnilar caaes which had been set. Tbeaptcial case of divorce, which was set tor last Monday and continued because of absence of counsel, will be called at half-pas- t nine this morning. Wit- nesses who summuued in the caae must be present at the above hour. Should the special case not be ready to be proceeded with, yesterday's cale dar of caaes will be called. Altorfieyaand parties interested should govern themselves accordingly. Tbe call of yester- day's calendar of cavsee, if taken up, will be peremptory. Wanted at the Southern Palacsv asssassi practical dry' g'tods salesmen. Only those who are thoroughly familiar with the citv and country trade ne dud Apply between the noura 01 eignt and ten o clock a.m. G. B. HACKETT, Superintendent. Hale of the Anderson house and lots t. Omnibus leaves ai ten o'clock from the office of Royster, Treaevaol A Co., the auctioneers. ATlUKt MI.ML MEAT. Atm ore 'a Mince Meat. Atmore'a Mince Meat. Atmore's Ml no Meat. Atmore's Mince Meat. Very choice and fine. OLIVER, FINNIE ft CO. N it'RML is the great antidote for neu ralgia. Tbe cheapest and beet Drains and Clean ins house in tbe city la at 'i6 Secoud atreet (Haul ft Hanson's old stand ANSON wat gra JOS LOCXE. 210 Main street, hss the lira-ea- t assortmsnt of Magasiues, Pictorials and dai lies ic tne city. H ft Sw Paris Fans and Jewelry, at ELLIOTT ft KiiJU&LX. sti. Main street-- , near Adams. Fbanx te Ltjca has returned to Memphis, and Is uow ready to fl; I all engagsme.. t given him wit Lb Lt'Ca a stkinw' for bails, parties, etc Orders may be left si Elliott ft ruoaeiy a. siv stain street, or ax reier an- - gtonetie a, soaineasL corner ox jenersou and seoona streasi. Chinese Porcelain Ware, at ELLIOTT A RIDOavLY, XLV Main street, near Adams. Examine the grate in this office. Tis a praaf iviag ol fusi. Ena. Advertisement of Dr. Butt's Dbmsnaarv. headed Book lor the M UU ou Marriage Guide In another ouiumn. it snouiu by ftVYaarfsirv TaKe vour fall c'othlna to Lhs Bteam Dyeing and Cleaning House THunt ft Manson a oiu siana j, jw oswuu .i wu nAPnuii a vVALA.Bat Vtxwh a WrtUnE Desks. Work and Jewelry Boxes, at ELLIOTT A KIDGBLY, ZUf Main street, near Adams. New root made. Un roots painted, and all kinds of roofs repaired by s. c JUXNE.B, 117 ropiax street- - Jeat, CoatyoaT' Ajrp EcoMojtT.-Th- ls yoo I by having your antes set with AwSxum a xsaprvTemtBi. oau at I and at night at 7X o'clock. Rsv. y. 0. McLba will preach In the Chelsea Cumberland Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Looney streets, this evsav log, st 7 o'clock. Lin Ti.'B km.b ntch In th ST1rl her-.- FATAL ACCIDENTS. Md Lady Crafth4 ley Death by a at the Ohle Pegsas Child Blown Out af tha World Crittenden County, Arkansas. Accidents seem to take the place of crimes In the social vortex of Memphis. Something la always occurrlt'E to hock the nerve? ofthn deiicatelyrcanlzed or to disturb the peace of me timiu. we nearu 01 two disastrous acci dents yesterday. An old lady named Mrs Bill was the victim of a horrid misfortune which overtook her a little after noon yeater day near the Ohio depot, by which she was killed. She lived lu Scotland, aud was appa-reuii- y coming cltvw-rd- Walking along the track of the Memphis and Ohio road a little beyond tbe Third street cross! uk, sue was Knocked down by an engine and so mutilated that she never spoke axaln. About thirty feet beyond the spot where ahe was allied commeuoea the trestle work, or bridge, over the bayou. She had crossed that coming city wares ; acu, according to toe represen of employs ot ihe road who saw the event, she moved from between the two tracks, where she had been walking on to tbe track over which the engine was movlDg. She was evidently under the impression that the train was on tbe other one. Ihe switchman, seeing the mistake, made a violent gesture with his hat, and the e gtneer reversed the engine. He was so close to the lady lhat he could not seenier, besides nis eye ws nxed on ihe switch-tend- for blgnlas. Tbe train ran upon the lady and crushed her. taking an arm entirely off and breaking the skull. It Is said that her legs were broken also. The ebtrtne was stopped too late. In a few mo ments afterward Mr. Ryan, a clerk at the depot, was sent to remove the body with a force of men. He found her lying between the rails In the mutilated conditl. n described, aud still living. She opened and closed her eyea several times, and held a pocket-boo- k In her hand. She was dressed in black, and had black kid gloves on. She v atonce removed to the felgbt house and woid sent down town to her two sons, who are part- ners in the grocery house 01 F txgerald A Co., on Front row, betw een Court and Madi- son streets. She was subseouenily removed to the residence of one of her sons on Front street, opposite the Jail. The engineer Is from blame; by the voice of those whoaaw the accident. It was not the tegular switch engineer but a ireignt train engineer that was detailed to do that sort of wot a yes terday. There were n ve or six cars attached to the train, and lt was moving at the rate of four mil a an hour at uie lime, some peopie say that bo:h tracks were occupied at the time by trains going in different directions, and that in trying to escape uue sue ieii uuuer ine other. Sue was going from her son's house on lirluklev avenue to the house ot her other son opposite th Jail, on Fron street, at-lh- lime. The other hit i accident occurred in Crltienden county, Arkansas, In the house ot Mr. v uson rtosenoery, wno uvea near uarioii. He was pouring some powder, w hich be had purchased tn Memphis, Into a horn, when a spark from the ci ackling logs on the hearth flew into the powder, producing sn explosion, which his child, standing beside him, aud himself were so severely Injured lhat their lives are considered in imminent danger. Some of the fragments of tbe horu struck a kerosene lamp on the mantle, upset lt, aud so spread the fire that destruction threatened the house for a few miuutes. The presence of mind of Mrs. Koaeiibey, however, saved any further disaster, as she at once put out the fire by a timely application of a bucket of water. COLORED PROGRESS. The colored people are progressing in all directions. It afiords considerable food for philosophical study to observe how quickly snd closely they follow the more devious ways of ihe Caucasisn intellect. Here la a specimen. it was handed to ur nenevoieni reporter while he was searching for peculiar forma of human in iaen at the siation-nous- e yeaieruay: "Memphls, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1871. To the Benevo ent Tbe bearer of thts is In Limited SlicumsiaLces and h'ma d his wife Is Both Honest and Working Darkeys and they have A child Dead and la not able to have lt Burred and any som you may lavor him with will be apprloa'ed by him. - w . a ,11 ai aYienaen nros. Our benevolent reporter referred the be reave 1 father to Squire Spellman for au order on the county undertaker. HELENA IHE ElVKEIEaT POINT OB THE MIVKK. The Helena Clarion reereU that the little town la gaining an unnvlarle reput-ttio- ahroaj.. o wonder, when we find all this going rn in that sp r ng village On day before y sale day evening, near dark the f rryboat Rover landed quite a lumoer 01 em'grun's in mis cry. no sooner hsd fie touched this shore than they were attacked b lrapadent tcjandreis acdscimps with thief card monle and oth er thieving tricks of their rascally pro ts alo". Snndsv morning witnessed six hand-to- - hand enconr.t- rs on Market square. a row occurred on wain street nignt before lait between a party of .olored nymphs and a white vagaeonaa, in wrncn an were rataa Tne 11 flux of thieves, swindlers and black legs nectsntate an Increase of our poPce lo'ce We call tne attention of cn- - new cnuucll to tola imports' t fact. Helena con- tains a floating pot , ma y of wbouy. or d' tiuguiahed aervioes, should be in the ttate penitentiary. Lick BUca bum, tbe colored man who wa shot at Cotg ove's saloon on Saturday night, died at three o'clock on SaLday. AT THE FIFTY-CEBI- T STORE, m street. new goods arrived ; a great variety of China Bobemian glva vases. China oupa and sac-cer- a ard bias mags, albums, lace collsra and handkerchiefs, lad las' underwear, kid gloves, and a great many other articles. Call and examine the gcoda. Pumps, 31 Second street. IjnNDoN lresslnc Caaes and Toilet Article. at BLUOTT A KIDGKlY, 219 Main street.uear Aaaass PI VE MIBCTEV BOTICE. Is all that Is necessary when you use OLIVER, FINNIE A CO-- Self Rising Buckwheat. MESSRA. FrHHTENHEIM A Hns. of flB Jel ferann street, are in dally receir of venison fresh from Arkansas. Dressed! reys. Just from the tar my ard, and cbicke: i SrEBERDKBiED i t Diarlus ttarnflt-r- l trse4 if tn t f t n t the hands of General Sale, wu tQk him over to Justice Miller and had a prfimluary In- vestigation of his case. The Justice le. iiiin out on a bond of o e thcisand dollars. Ber- nard is the person who had the dlAlculty with young Holmes Sunday night weea1 He shows two or ruts, which he says be received In the tight before he shot Holmes. He went over to Arkansas and remained there until the storm blew over. He hss been In the city a few days. Holmes ts getting along well. He was out yesterday. The case will be up before Tdqulre Miller again Those REU who are desirous of purchrVnf 1ABLE and GENUINE set OfTf g would advise you to c 11 on Leldy ft lO.aan rar. you vrtilfl (tin their assortment of Oent nHi the and business Huts, and Ladles' Furs.. very int and oet that are worn and pro uuceo. r. amine tueir goods and judge lor I furstii J. R. West, with Menken Brothers. Cal and see him li yon want good and cheap gooua. Main three BUCKWHEAT CASKS. SELF-RISIN- BUCK WHEAT al warn makes aoou caaes. Any coos can use ass l. faro- cera sell st manufacturer's prices. LOCAL NEWS. -- Go to Leddln a Coliega. Attend Robertson's Business Collage. Thos. Cubblns, bricklayer, 2S4 Main street. Armstrona's Photoaraphlc Gallery. No 21! Main street. Three faultless gem pictures for nuy cents. Wanted at the Southern Palace twelve practical dry soods salesmen. Only those who are thoroughly familiar with tbe city and country trade needed. Apply between the G. B. HACKETT, Superintendent. LADU 'TIER ABD BCARFS, BB ALL THE NEW STYLES AND SHADES. A splendid assortment can be found at T, W. JOHNSTON ft CO. Ti, Opposite Pea body Hotel. The Anderson property, conslstinfi- of a rest. denee and several e lots of Nnd timnr passed In fertility, will be sold to-d- at as advertised, to tne niahest bidder, at eleven o'c'ock. Conveyances leave the office of A Co., auctioneers, at ten o'clock. A. &ESSL & SON. Unprecedented Bargain in Dry Good, at price lower than those of any home in the city. We shall positively clear the retail stock of our establishment by Janu- ary 1, 1872, and offer our goods regardless of value, to effect our purpose. Every article in the house sold at figures so cheap that it uHU chal- lenge your surprise You will save twenfy-flv- e dollars on every one hundred you purchase by buying of us. Positive closing out sale at A. Seessel or Son's, 269 Main street, opposite Court Square. Lt you suffer from neuraigl supply "Neurtl." Coal and coke tar for sale at the Gas com- pany's offise, Jii Second street, Frva THoraAND cations natlTs wins st nns dollar par gallon, from one re' Ion to a cask Content, Vlrginis seedi ng and California at V a IT CO J a x?o s n SHIMIA.1 a. No, fl and 7 Howard Row. Ajt BaraBi.ianu RxaurDT. "Brown' Bron- chial Troche." nr. known .s un .t.K. lUhsd remedy for couch, oolda, bronchitis, Bosracneae, and othw trouklea of the throat and lunga. t Balb of th Anderson house and lot to-d- Omnibus leaves st ten o'clock from th nfflea of Royater, Traaavant A Cos tha auctioneer. raaaraiL' taamadlatalv rallnu u. aaaaisaiU rte arJla DEAiEBS IE 9OXX TXX CT JtC.a3L JCI WALL PAPER, THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-THUESD- AY, NOVEMBER 1871. THIS MEANS BUSINESS- - Aa Is valuable Work far Meaaphas. We give below the form of anbaorlpUon to th capital stock of the Vemohlsand Jack-ao- n narrow-gaug- e road, whoae ecmm'aalon-er- a op n boob a nex' Monday at the effloe of WUl'am R. Moore. E q : "We the nndeiaigned, blng desirous of aiding In the build tng of the r arrow-gang- s railroad from Mere phis to Jackson, Tennesv Hee, uereoy snoscrius uie amounts opposite onr respective names, in shares of twentv. five dollars each, 10 tbe capital stock 01 the sompany. five per cent to be paid In easrj, and the remainder when called for bv the president and directors of the company. Id eatla not exceeding fifteen per cent every three months ; provided, that the money here anbse lbed except the five per cent, a hail be ued tn building and eqatping the road in oaeioy county, lenn THE BALL. OF THE SEASON. Its Manogers auad Belt gbta. All the pretty girls of Memphis are expected to attend the grand calico -- dress bail of the a sod, given this evening by the United Hebrew Relief aasoclalioD. The manager Is Adolph Loeb. Reception committee-N- . D. Menken. L. Kleeer, Sol Hess, B. Lowenstetn, G. H. juuan, jay Levy rTioor committee a. C, Mitchell, Assar Sartorioua, Charles Herxok, Sol. Morris, Jac. Harp m an n, M. Llaaauer M Freiberg. Stiiper committee Henry Seeasel sr., Julius Behr. M R. Lowenstine. Henrv Klein, Morris Hahn, E. Ackerman. The officers of the association are: L Happek.Prew-iden- t : I.Sartortous, Vice President ; M Frel- - terg,scHreUiry; Laxar Levy, Treasurer. Direct- - . u. as euaen, j . rueser, u. lvremer, 001. Halle, E. Ackermann, Adolph Loeb. TO LABORER. Information having reached me that an in- discreet deputy of Sheriff Gordon, of Phillips county, Arkansas, had, on Saturday and Sun day last, collected excessive taxes, not due, of poor laboring people In the Walnut Berdand the lower end of Council Bend, and Issuing verbal writs of garnishment, which caused a stampede ot colored laborers on several plan nations In those localities, where their services a- e ao much needed at present. Now. I. as Judas of the county court of Phil Hps county, feel lt my duty to state unequivo- cally that all such unlawful acts are rot recog- nised by either the county authorities or by Mr. Gordon, If he is not misunder- stood. Whatever taxes, poll or other, that pe rso ns w ere aNwesaed for istu or pt a vious yeare should be paid, but no one Is now liable for poll-ta- Arkansas, whose names do not appear on the list pia- ed in the hands or tne sheriff by me county court; and 1 will abate further In con- clusion with this matter, that whatever moneya ave been erroneously collected will be refunded, and that any citlaen r 'Tennessee or other States that may come to Krkanaas to labor will not be taxed for tbe privilege, a. now seems lo be the linpreas'on among many unlettered colored people and further that they will be protected oy our laws. ti. K UNDERWOOD, Judge County Court Phillips county, Ark. DRESSED POULTRY! DRESSED POULTRY Davidson A Co., 244 second street, have 600 lbs. Da esse d Poultry for sale. Dealer will find lt to their advantage to give them a call. PROFESSOR CHt8I.ES MATER, Organist of St. Bridget's church, graduate of the Lei pale conservatories of music, and late of New York city, would respectfuUy an nounceto the citizens of Memphis that he U prepared to receive pupils on the piano and In vocal music. Classes In harmony and thorough bast will be formed. Application to be made at the music stores of the city. Terms MO per quarter, ot 115 per month; payable monthly. GOLLADAY'3 FlPrT-THIR- MONTHLY DRAW ING will take place at Paducah, November 27, 15.1. Among tae prises are stuuu in green- backs; building lot in Rowling Green, IttOU; horse, buKR-- and harness, StWu: piano, toon; gold watch and chain, 1250: An oil painting, 1260; th 0 in gold and 481 other prises, consist ing 01 velvet cioaas, sue drense, overcoats. olaukets, coverlets, sewing machines, cooking stoves, so ld sPverware, gold and sliver walchea. standard books, musical Instruments, etc. Tickets si, or six for $S. For ssle at Oolla day 4 Smith's. Bowline Green Kv.: W. Scott Glore's, Louisville, Ky.; S. L. Powell's, Padu- cah, Ky. Orders by mail or express should be aaoresseu to j. 1. uoiiauay, bowling tireen, Kentucky. Statements of drawing and articles drawn will be forwarded promptly. M esses. DoaroHo A Bule let's public sale of 'Melrose V Usee" homes, advertised In our columns for several days past, reunited in the saie 01 si Ait ne. v r.. io s to actual purcnas era, and most of them to men who design to Improve them as early as practicable. Those wno were not lonunaie enough to ne present can now purchase any of the remaining lots n ierma oy caning upon lessrs ioiono a mux ley, madison street, with he utmost assurance of rain and squabs deal- ing. Just such as they will practice either al private or public sales. Thee gentlemen de serve the thanks and patronage of the public in their efforts to overcome the suspicion lurking in the minds of many that a public sale cannot be held in Memphis without ' There were no by bidders" on this occasion: sixty-seve- n lots were offered, and Just sixty-seve- n were sold, each to the highest b.dder and actual purchasers. Wanted To purchase walnut lumbar tor m auu fact uring i rposea. t. r r'j a , itju second street. A. as. FBtlKLABD dt CO. Retail dealers In the city and country mer chants should make It a point to attend tbe revuiar irroe-eaie- a made oy tnis firm at their auction-room- Noa. 186 and IV. Main street. Messrs Frankland A Co. have arrangements with manufacturers and Im- porters North and East, by which they are en- abled to off- - r large Blocks of choice aeasonable goods at ales that cannot be competed with in this market. Their night sales, establlsheu for the benefit of those in retail trade wno cannot find It convenient to be present during the day, will be continued throughout the season, and we call ihe attention of those In terested to the facilities for tha renewal of slocks thus offered. SPECIAL MM V IT A T IOB TO THE LADIES OF THJS CITY AND ST RAN GBR VISITING MBMPHIaV You are respectfully Invited to come to oar house and examine the beautiful presents which we are giving away to each customer. TEH IHOtlABB MBFFRBB9T ARTICLES country. Will be distributed presents added every day to the list of hand. Mai is ma t 'eat enterprise known In the HERB (K h BRO. reat. The lot on Union street, one elsvsu fast front, aztandlna back Attired and to aBsUns BaBlM Gayoso street, brouaht four thousand at the sale yesterday by Royaler, Treaev snWAft Co., ano Uon ears. rr 1IIKU IlOa Annonnea trie arrival of another 1'0N'1N'M1!1I CTbIICBLLSKT BXD HLSTa. Which are offered at Tte a pair. SUPERIOR TO ANT QLOVB OFPBRHD IN THIS MA&XBT AT KM, also aauaiTka K0V1LTIH nr VELVET CLOAKS. EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF FINB FURS. XERKBH BstOrSJ. Kast Ijtdia Cnrlosltles. at ELXJOTT A RHV. Mam street, near Aoama. Tns splendid rich land, and residence known the Anderson property, on the Bis; l.ks pjanaro.u, at tn noau ot soounu street, are to be sold to-s- at eleven o'clock by Horstar, Trazvaut A Co.. aactlonesr. who will bv. conveyance ready for bidden at tli.1rr.fSAA af t.n Arn.n.k B. LOWsUrSTsUaT a X I a 1 t WUl continue sell thetr AQNIFI0KNT STOCK BTAFLB AND FANCY EBT GOODS, At (isatly reduced prlees. THEIR 8T0 .K NSW AN1TFRSH, bat marked such nture othsr house Memphis oan compete with, ttuder any olrcu instance, matter what their pretext may be. We ad vis all those who hav anv inrehaas mak., net tall aalf- - lng B LOWENSTKIN BROS. I of I I a a to M ' IB at a ao In ao to to la at and ascur some of thc safest be. gain they are oflertng. Tbe promts, of B. Loweniteln A Bros, may Iw relied on. Their sr. nu hum bag. Thsy al ways do ss thsy say. Their ml. 1 to 1st o other house undersell them u iir aay ti.smataaea. PrtxrAKX for cold waather and hav. your (rate eat with Lemon' Improvcaaeat. Lsavs ordsraalsM Beeond street. Basils Tap try work, Sechrs, ELLIOTT A RUXJTtLY, Mailt strat RIVER NEWS. Leavlac To-da- fTlar's Point O. W.Chxsk Ht. FntDci rlver...ljT. FaaNcts 6 p.m Enan 7111 Ada Ukilslak . ubkat k- pl blili Ht. Louis. Usui Arrivals. 6 4 Cemrnotiwea'tli ....New Orl.ans City of Vlcksburg Vlclubura Pat cifburoo. .... .. .... ..... Arsanass rl r Colorado ..... at. lala Ada Hell tn an. gv.nsvin. H, C Y eager . Lady Lee Depart rea. Colorado .ity of Vlcksburg Commonwealth Fanny Brandets xl. c. ze a - Boats 1st Port, p.m p.m New ur.eana Red river Vicksonig Lou SL ;b e SL Louis Pat. Clebune. Ada Heilman. Belle Memphis. Rivera, Weather and Bisalmeaa. 3! The river is about ata lonary, but reported rising above. Telegrams below will give the stage of water at the rrincipal ports. Business was active at the wharf, ibe weather yester- day was clear and cooL try telegraph. C ino. November 22. Arrived Marble City, Memphis, 1 p.m.; Lucy Bertram, New Orleans, a pan. K ver rose o inches. Very' light snow this morning. Weather now c.ear and cold. Thermometer 28. VicasBUEU. November 2;. Passed down H. M. Shreve, 7 s.m.; olencoe, 8 a m. Weather cooi and ciear. rtiver iisiag slowly. NfcW U1U.KAM. November 'i Arrtreii Mary Miller, St. Louis; H. s. Turner and City of Alton, St, Louis. Pittsbceg, November 22. Slight fall of snow The Mobon-tahel- a. haa 6 leet Inches in the channel, and aialionary. The Alleghany is falling above. No airivals or depart urea. L itt ha KoCE, November 22. River has linen 5 feet, and is still rising fast, with il feet out to the month- Arrived : Little Rock, from above. Departed: Utah, for above- - ST Louis, November 22. Departed: Mollle Moore, New Orleau-- Fontenelle, Red river; Alice, Memphis. River rising. Weather Clear and cold; mercury several degrees brlow the breezing point. About au inch of snow fell last night. MihWACKlE, November 22. A special dis patch from Lacrosse says tue Mississippi river la oiled with Moating Ice, and there is a pros- pect of a gorge, owing lo the low stage of the water. Cincinnati, November 2 J. River U feet In the channel, having risen 21 luchss in the past 24 hours, and is about stationary now. Light now this inoiutLg; o oudy, a lib a cold a Baa fiom the north : Mtuneola, Memphis; iexas and Charie Booiu.u, New urieaus Coai boats are sill arriving, aud the cupper yeaieidaty suua one barge and tue ueo. Robeiu four at bnag bar. The former lost oue at the uier ot the Newport, and Linctunau bridge The Thompson Dean made a satis- - lactoiy trial trip Kvansvills.Nov trtuoer22 Snow this morn- ing; now cloudy aud cold. Mercury & . K.ver unchanged. aw a. The Common wealth, five days dugcame In from isew Orleans with a barge In tow aud discharged B barrels of oranges and Is crates wf earthenware, she had U0 tons of freight lor SI. Louis. The City of Vlcksburg arrived from below early yesterday mun.iug and dlharged (0 tsalesof cotton and 1143 sacks of seed, and de- parted for BtBuls after adding ou7 bales of The Lady Lee departed at noon yesterday for Red river, drawing . feet. Tue James Howard is still aground at Reeves' bar. she ha i to send up for a monster coai barge to lighten ner on. The Pal Cleburne came in from the Arkansas with SUM bales bales of cotton, aud reabipped 2V bales al the mouth for New Orleans. The Colorado arrived from SL Louis, three days out, sdded 3u tons freight and departed for Vlcksburg drawing seven leet. The Ada Heilman came in from Evansvillo with a good trip. She returns this evening for above. Th H. C. Y eager came In from New Orleans, five days ont, and discharged thirty-si- x sacks of salt, tweniy-fiv- e barrels of rosin, ant. six bales of cot to u, and departed for St. Louis with six hundred ions of freight. There are four hundred bales of cotton on the levee await! g shipment to New Orleans. Tha Pat Cleburne leaves for tne Arkansas river. The Belle Memphis lays over until noon y me ranny riranueis ieii iot tne umo witu a light trip. Bismarck left St, Louis last Tuesday for Th flrw ui leans. The Great Republic, Belfast and Julia are due from auove. Ihe solicitor of the treasury has decided that any passenger steamboat carrying petroleum coutr-r- y to law is subject to seisure, out tbe oil itself is nut. Also, that w ht-- can led accord- ing to law, "il petroleum must be marked at wnat degree Fahrenheit il wdl ignite ; aud the transport an- - n of coal oil on passenger steamers la entirely forbidden. The City of Uulncy, P. H. Strader, Henry Ames and Mary E. Foe were due from below last night. The low boat Ike Hammon Is at Hopefleld, and discharged four locomotives for the Mem- phis and LallleKock railroad. From Louisville freights to New Orleans were taken at the following rates : Bacon, sue; pork, fl per barrel; Hour, o c; potatoes, spples -- nd onions, 75 ceuts; whisky, s2; hay, $12 per too; horses a d mul-s,a- and t o. The Vicksburg Herald of the zist Inst. says: " The steamer .wattle, a small t, struck a snag at Strikers landing. near Owensboro. and sunkfggn water tnree teet over her main deck. auBJw being wrecked. She was valued si taMU, and Is re pored iuauredfor SUvO." The Louisville of the klst says : "Tbe repairs of the Richmond and the new outfit ibis season cost about twenty five thou- sand dollars The iron propeber Just built at l ittsburg will low s.xty thousand bushels of coal to Memphis The licensed p lots of Nashville hve organised themselves Inioan association for mutual protection Ca- ta n Hughes has been elected president, and C P. Yarurough, se- - retary The new steamer City of Helena was brought over from Jamas Howard, ft Co. a ship-yar- d yesterday evening, and moored at the city wharf. She'wil leave for St. Louis Thursday the Richmond's M Head-Ligh- will aaalu he revived, lt ta not stated who is to be tbe editor." aWata Leaving To-da-y. Fob New Orleans The floe and elegant Eaaseng i learner Great Repu 11c. CapUln W. leaves at ft n.m. for New Orleans and all way landings. Phil zoung is her chief purser. Foe m axa Point i he Mvelv o W. Cheek- leaves at 6 p.m. for Pilars Point ai d all the coast landings. Captain Mark cheek is bar commander. Fon St. Fkancis River The fine and ele gant steamer St. Francis, Captain K. T. Bow- man, leaves ay at 5 p.m. for Helena, Ma- rians and all polnu on tne St. Francis. Sam C Paine and Ed Crowley are her clerks. 'a ot. no uis ine line steamer aviie I antaln Crane, leaves v at 12 m. for Cairo and St. Louis. Billy Blanker is clerk. roB h.v ans ille The fine and fleet va-se- ger steamer Ada Heilman. Captain J ti. Ha" leaves at 4 p m. for Cairo, EvansM and all the coast landings, Mr. Oliver B sgJJ f a um uuici piUSaM. - FOB CAIRO AND and St. Iter U.S. Mail Use For Oaoeola, Belmont and cairo, conn. at neimont with the Iron ln R. B., at Cairo with llllxsd Central Railroad, and iDO at no the Ohio Rivai. BlUm- - MKMFHI Crane, master iju elegant steamer win leave aa aoov THIS DAT. Ta Inst., at I. m. Ticket to- all DOlnt. via M emnhla anrl Ht Loot packet. North. Eat and West: bdoIv to Uenerai Ksilroad and steamboat office. lOM B. DDMN. cor. Court and slain sta Fre gut received at toe Ht.L' uta Whar beat. ri.t.x. ialvski, uen'i np u fK" W. H. DILL, A genu 35ar hajoAj STLAM BOATS. STpuOUIH. Memphis MdK';-Hlckma- EVANSVILLE. Ihe elegant steamer aua neiman Juo B. Hb 1. master Will leave ThUs DAT. Id Inst, at 4. a.m. For ralght or passage apply on board or to HICU'D W. LiUrlTBU K K Agent, no'S asW Front street FOB NEW 0BLEAN8. St. Louis and New Orleans Packet Co, For Vtckaonrg. matches and New Orleans. Btesmer OKEAT RGFTJBLJC. W H. Thorwelgan, master. Fhilo Young, elk. Will leave a above swSSBSBI Tula Day, ved Inst., at 9 p.m. J. T. w APHIWGTON, Agent, no58 NolM'fllW" street. FOR AiUtANHAH K1VEK TaWi PIHE BLUFF ARD UITUMIIL Memphis ami Arkansas Blver Paeatei Company U. at Si ail Line. The new and elegant side wheel passenger atsam'r Fat Olebum Haas PrMebaid master This elegant and awlit steamer will leave as aoove FaviDAT. n n mat., at s p.m. For freight or passage apply to W. H. KhJiNs.DAT. Agent, Offloe on Compa. y'a wharfboat, ng Foot of Oonrt str t. FOB ABKANBA9 B1VKB. SMpkh uai Arkansas River Packet Cta- - uy U. S. Salt List. ELEGANT PA8SKN8EB BOATS OF TBE line leave Memphis for all point on Arkansas river OX OATS AND FRIDAYS, a a pB. For rre.aht. paasaae or other lnjormatlon. apply to w. a. ajar. kasuai, Agant, Offloe on Company's Whar boat, Foot ol "nnrt street. FOR NEW ORLEANS. Regular Memphis and New s IB VB&DJ.Y PA CXJE1. For New Orleans and the Seeds. 18711878, Th Elegant Passenger and Freight st smer or LLt. Ltt .n . nints mutar JR Haiti... .... Will leave Meinph'a ear New Orleans aa fnl.nn- - 1 H 7 1i Thnrad.y .November loth, at i pja tnorwnt .rvr-ui- AIQ, St . pm Thursday ' eoember lath, ai - p m Thursday D-- Tiber SSth, attp m Thuraday . January 11th, at ft pus Thursday Jannarv 26 th, at 6 p.m Thursday February 8th, si 5 pm BnonT nnrDirr xjn .1 s n . lursoay March 7th. at 5 .Marsh llat,'at6pja w. si at stta li a CO.. Agent. No. AUCTION SALES. PE EM P TORY SALE, THIS X A TET , or TBS ANDERSON RESIDNCE And (ha Rich AdJ ace at Laada, Two miles north of Court Square, exUndicg to the Parry at WoL Rivar, OB BIO CBEEM FLASK BO AD Wat In it pub.lcaileL.toj to ihe peretvp. y pah le sale wn ci we nave aaao lLBlrucled by tut owner to ma e oi tha resi- dence and laoda fcnovn aa the ADttr aa place, embrsctngeomfortaole improvement and about teuiy-nv- e ar aof land o unsur- passed r rttiiiy, otaa .LU; attoatsxi on a high p. -- lean Tha gro.ndahave been auto oivUb d lalo four lota of nerly equal atn . No lanva aionna thi city offer a aies ! dacemen.a or p ofltaDio and convenient cul-tai- and aV advantage or i c- .Illy, upon one of onr gr aaggg count y thcrougntau-ea- , ren- ders rt extremely vaiuarde as a point for re- -: i ui.e or trads. Tne sals will he held on tne premises, THIS DAT, AT II OtXOChu Bidders will find co: v yan e to the sale fr m onr ofTce. lavlng at 10 .'deck. Tarms one ttbrd caah;ba'anos in six and twelve months. Sale posit ire; no postpone- ment. BOT8TEV, TKtZfcti.M dt CO.. n2a Auctlot.era. Poplar and Dunlap Street Residence Lots, AT AUCTION, On Tuesday, Novdmber 29thp the pren-:- . we will sell for Mr. UPON some of the mca' deanaole va- cant ivaijen-- e Iota whlcn we have yet offered al ubllc pal, hgahgj that very beau tlfnl grouno s 'he normeasi e rn r of Fop- ai d Ounisp stre-- part ot mil vain- "is opcy long mown as tne resp'enceo tr m. V Tailor. entor. and havli avan- - tea a, of loc Hon derived Tom do e pou el- - ly io tbe street cats, being in tne midst of a rapldidiy improving nlgaborhood. wr leh poes-ss- es ail tne atrsc tens o schools, cburchei, health and p c '.Lie population that render this, as before h ersu, one of ibe most attr eJve aatea that t bftnor c mid be brongi t ce ore tbUtommualiy. Teimsvtrv libera! See 1)1 gran, a at onr ffiee and on pesters, t ul b- - prepared lor the sale Among tha beo en of this prop- erty, we w u.J menuon particularly, NO CUY TAX TO PAY. Royster, fe Co,, Anetloneers. Oy ak.aUercfct.. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANT; SJ. FKOST ST., ABOVE ADA Mk. WUl sell this manilsw, at 10 o'clrk, la lota to salt buyers, a fall llae of DBT HMBS, (LOTHI56, HOTIOHS, BOOTS AMD BHOK-I- , Haas, saiaassrare, CWUerr, Ete. - t'oantry merchants, snd the trade . wtll Ond lt to their Interest to atltuiu our sales. oJ TSBS8 CAH. Ta. Cri AUCTIONEERS. COMSISSION MERCHANTS ND NANi FACTURERS' AGEfTS. Corsier et Neeoad aud Adams Mtc. WK will oommenoe onr regolar tall trp Auction, ou T. Uert 1871, snd continue them three times s war. during the season, our 'jauer i t oonslgu ors, embractrs every tine ot K . Btaa homeatlc UBV UOOi. CuOTHlNO, H Alt BOOTH, BHUKH, MTIOVB, KaNiY N! v AKIfcrv GO Drt, Etc, will keep ua oou slantly supplied wtta every dnerlptlon Herchantttse suttable for our market, the ..Bering to city and country ara.t 'ipportnnlty to replenish a ocks at prices far brow regular ratea Onr regular sals days xlU be TcautAiB aan Ibusbui ta A (. tsOQ-- - Rmin .octloueer FKIAJR'H POINT AND BENDS. Wir'i Pad, rieitn wa Stca BSSM Statu Sail Pasfcrt. James Lee.. PML Ain; ueaves Memphis Mondays anc Fridays, at 4 connecting st Helena with the steamer 6m., for starlanna and all point on Auaullle rive. lv FOR ST. FBANCIB BIVER. Heleuis, SlarlAnua aud at. Franci. Kltrr rscsri ST. BAUCIS T. R. owrain maat-- i WUl leave vraphla TcbeDays aod Thc ClOCB P.m. snr rptjlgHt psMuut'' anclv op v.mrjpPa RAiLROAO PACKO 00 if AMY bits Rlvsr United Stat.-faTa- ll Lias Will ran tn ad Little R Biafl every: na Jackb steamer DAYS. II 3 The eiaaTrjeS- - EL est ; or 7 o O OyalSaSBV l5-.aL- Ili V, lion wttn tha Uamnhl. illroari, leaving Dev iis j WesaStcaatsxy and Frl- - a.m lor Ues Are, aukhb a jLvery a afsoar anu n-- daw for 3 . oolnta between s Hint? d Month ot Whlta river. A so. every Tbara daj at 10 o'clock am, and every ftsutday s t o clack p.m., lor Ltitlle Ked river. M JUUN B. DAVlr-- , President. r. Crraav. Vyrftary and asH S. MAIL COACH Lir.cS. PASSENQRt by oar lines om rort Smith a w v. Ksvettville to Neoeho on th. P.dlcral road, LIS miles; three Umea a we. k from Port Smith. 70 m lea to Fort Oloeon; thenoe ds'ly wum mil . so B ggy anu R li west InO mile, via Fori Arbor. le to Fori etitl: oreontinulng sooth daily irm Boggy 55 miles r -- nerman ana go ng -- eel warn, Dy line oi 0. H. Forts 87U miles to El Paso; or soi.thwaro rrnm tsherman dally Into Central J etas, or east to Jefferson, Marshall, etc.; or frost SHJUgTEt-Ost- by railroad, via Marshall to Longvlew and westward Into Central Texas: uthward from Longvlew, via Hnn'svlile to Nuvaeota, '.m miles, on Texas central Rahroad. Passen- gers entering Texas by eALVaWTOa OR ISBli.MILA meet onr Ine. at the head of uie various rail- roads to all parts of Teias, snd ran In belter concert than ever before, and In style generally, SAWYER A Fit all.IX, noS it her tuna. Texas- - JOHN LILLY, ntroaTBst Ajrn caAiaa IA Wines and Liquors, Na. 351 Mala Street, MoOOMBS KELLER 4v BYRNES, HARDWARE JOBBERS 100 and 102 N. MAIN ST., ST. IflUIS wigsnuRi. w. B. B. O HAMPTON. Memphis Box Factory PLANING MILL, -- DSA l.EKS I- S- FL00RIN6, CEILIftG, SIDING AD BUILDERS' BATERUL IN GENERAL BuecL?J attent'on csld ts inmK. to order Wa'er tank, son o.u n msde All else and kind of on hsn-- l nd made aa want City msller' la the morning ras.h oa tr. r tun Hn.-r.a- s I III . . . . . U. A , w a- . or ur FACTCRi ON FRONT STREET a'lfO WBARTHBUAS WO'tKS. kswtoh roan, a. t. roxTxa. w. r. TATtoa. a. w. annix Ford, Porter & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ns 35 Ueton Strast, MEMPHIS, t : i IlllllHigjl ar w own a aheJ, and store for ourselves. Liberal advance made on censigument of ottv.n o workln boxes TAX NOTICE. FFICE OF C'TY TAX COLLE'TOR, Atsmptis, noveaaoer to, upl avPaoPSaiT sola the ether day for Crrr Tax s and bought la by the city, can redeem the same on or before the 1.' el Ses wkar, 1871, without a barn of 60 per cant, for re- demption. FELIX W. RORERISOS, AM CWf Tax ttxUeelar, Great Clearing Sale DRESr GOODS ! 0 Menken Brothers Have pat tae knife into DRESS GOODS, and will OFFER EXTRAORDINARY BAR3AINS IN THEIR Large and Elegant Stock of Dress Goods ! Also, annonnoe new arrival! In all tbe fashionable ahadea In Poplins, Empress Clo hs, Velours, Merinos, Feps ard Ptaitfs. Another Case of t.lae Alpacas at Ue. A large Uasa ol Brocade Alpacas a 18c BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, A Fresh irrival of 6R0S GRAINS at $1 35. See oar elegant quality QROS QRIAN at $2 25 and t2 .50, which are warranted. Colored and Evening Silks, A NEW LOT JTJ8T OPENED, AT LOWER PRICES. HEAD DEPOT FOFl PREMIUM 60LDEN GATE BLANKETS! The finest, best make, and cheapest poods In mark.. 6C0 pieces more of the celebrated MARIE STUART AMD RAVEN-SLAC- K ALPACAS, Which we snail continue at the old reduced prices. VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS AT REDUCED PRICE The grand success we have met with in selling FURS AT NEW YORK PRICES! Induces us to open the season with a large, fresh and elegant assortment of Ladies' and Children's Furs, At prices mach lower than any other house in the city. Our stock oonsL-t- ? o Real Seal Skin Sacquss. Real Russian and Hudson Bay SsLnes. Libenan Ermine, M rk Sables WHICH GOODS WE GUARANTEE GENUINE. Also a line of FRENCH SABLE MUFF AND CAFE, at $2 20. AND CHILDREN1? SES OF MUFF AN D CAPE AT $1 75. WE ASK YOU TO EXAMINE THEM. Menken Bros., cor. Court and Mam streets. Extraordinary Sale DRY GOODS Visitors to ttLO Oitv SHOULD NOT FAIL TO EXAMINE THE CLOSING - OUT SALE ENTIRE RETAIL DEPARTMENT I A. Seessel & Son. ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD Januarv 1, 1872, A3 WE ENTERJTHE Wholesale Dry Goods Exclusively! Every Piece of Goods in the House Marked in Plain Figures AT COST! A. SEESSEL & SON, 259 MAIN STREET, COURT SIC?TT sTamoa 3E3.aJ.l, COMMISSIONEa OF DEEDS For ail Lbs Statas and Terrisortea; Ju cioa af tbe reave St AUnh;7saU. isr Domastle and Forelan Ct lections so- - Uetted. opacial attention jjlven lo las pros-ec-o ion of eiatrna beiois me miiad Am-rl-e- anJ brl Jo'a; Commission, lor aaa iv dOaaa to Krttlsn and American saoitats oa'iDt me uta wsr. no 14 X. ma.1tsbt, jr JXO M. 11W1TT. MA6EVNEY, HEWITT 4 CO. Commission Merchants ass COTTON FACTORS, Wholasale Feed & Western Produce, SSI IaU STmisTT, MEMPHIS, . TENNESSEE. shaaar with Mil ailaaliiii to: Mem oh la Bank. OeSoso fiank; Ford, Portsr A Co.; Uaik, aty Oa, aga CXF1 OF OCR OWEN LILLY, BstANTJFACTTjaaR 0 Carriages, Buggies, FABIiVDSiTOWAliOVS, No. qo xJnioxx saa. MEMPHIS, TENN. Pirtlcglar Artaatlss PsM to rtopgsvwaS DR. a W. MALO.ilt JOBLN F. Tri OM Al MALONE, THOMAS a CO, CWatiaasnia to Cunningham, Wleku A 'IslaaaX, Cotton factors COMMISSION MERCHANTS He, 15 lSIO!...rBFT, LEE BLOCK, MSMPOI3. TExfaT. asTJjssnjal attaxttlon to fining orders.

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Post on 22-May-2018




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Page 1: Boston forgery reported jesters sy mornlnc was a family affair, and baa bean arrange.!. TJ

The Boston forgery reported jesters symornlnc was a family affair, and baa beanarrange.!.

TJ nltad State Minister Marsh Use ar- -..... afBKltakcH . fcmHl



uraii T H EATEl.Spalding a Pope..P. tthon

Last Night bit two ofMRS D. P. BOWIES

andMB. J. C. McCOLLOM.


Will bs pieeented

Lt AH, THE 1'j:.-a-

Friday -s- -i rewell benefit cf Mrs. D. P. Bo-wer. Two peifjrmenoea

FA Z II AND JEALOUS WIFE.Batord.j-lir-- nd Mttnee-.J- Y KOB8ABT.


FLY.NS ennounces bimaelf a candiJOE lor Wharimsster at the ensulcKman-d- eleclon. ansgry . mra. nolr

C Hot-LI- S annonnoe himselfHE.nki (or har.ina.u r al lh nnsu-lat- t

asssrtstnaj lection. J.noary .

ri ui,.,- - w....r announce hlmell a canJ. uiUete lor Wli imvuiral the etxulu.

xonnul ai e

br .



O to I i arur lev a.

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aboutrotd ,Jtuersoi. .l.ecl.

on J.naar. 4 ,

A firstik charge cf the

of a largtfolly qualified sn


lardlng-bcus- e

e iiund.ed men on ml.rx. lie has all the win tag

u.s-ary help 1 can also aup--

coutracttra outmen. Waiui


UTJ.L.E -- Painters, sendS1Q or Ircular toelgn er' Iaeli-tuts- ,

ti u.'-- Cincinnati. Ohio


clsubook-- .




i toe Lotion Prec ..J MMaii"iniru,nir

. n a.x aaasa rutd..piy

Out u ;uKand will buJlilxbJ-- '

flat-- r .t la.psylugbailaese. mdra-ru-- i . .1 r uh

go. d Drreemeker, andt t I UHt't13i HJWJLIU A-

1 -- ine. 1 im1 t o . Bet st rjet. tSa

b rr f r 12 mo-'tb- s ii10 . In .rat, by

b n jm ino Adt r a1 P.O.

L. BOA fauu imuCM.Jt and laikjiens lit- -

CBUar id c lion picktrK moaly oa banckb Mtl a muUJt auD ail fcLudu oi do etihein teeia.i K audiatt4MAf , IU- -

Dbkrt: on i a..l or a idraaM KM1linA 1 i JI . ""e JtItltau r It eel Ho

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No. 4. ropiar iitmI Houm L

Bend tatupe joi ci:cttur M




Ott-- r reula houseiCK.m. c i wj, "n " PemtAMi botel

five lzbusiness.

ki'i hanli uruiture. Feathers anoO btibMLuia teooos all t ouht at

H. T.

a.ilxnv Twenty o. 1 tailor to go to1 Limt, Hoc, ai. Appiy to BOWta aOuLhil"c Front street. aesu


l 1 e5 M) acrea if lnd, on K rrLAN ift e tu as f aic. oe

Will ki.ll at po b 1 j ess. on cornr ma . Ckiurl streets, at 18 mTtjLW4JY. Nurnw Ml.


irh cah; bnlat.esBale u 'tW S UlOtlir.

U2J K. L- - TOPP






with orAu- -


of kind


...rdMln1!E1 Term

in nix am.


fcCAl-- K At Bo. Hi MulioiiPLATrBM "ER1K4. The nttck o' grooertea. leaae tbe atjie and dwelling on

ouli-ex-l turner third and aoe'lon aueeiarmtii Apply on piemiaan










tli.DENC't Dtslrsbla residence, SM Jefroi. atreet. Jippl) on premi iwi- -

l"! i f AM Wntauli-- V pslrol flue largtmc.e , with good wagon and hane-a- .

Ill be in o ..'HfcAf'; enn be eeenat m!l Yai ,bao: tree nolir

utoi ezrnange for nj proi'J en . , lsi Uire acre o land, five mlbun the cltj.t u Ibe Bonlevard; good

we.l adapted to trult growinggardtn or gal y a bargain if applltd sc

Wltntn uiit. t m-


o- -



411 street.

A No in the center oSALOON j ; goon locsluy. lnformattun ' NM , " No. upward Bow. cl

tM.HU LU At a Henrjw-- tmtiroved pi ce, inaaw c

id o... h i h.r"uiiu,cjnLaii Iiaaj abvUiKSacres i ic. if lu tjiocstMi Wiio a hoc wittuuuoi iroiit ev , w Ml aKed lor a i( dairj man. or oatctitri. ApplT to

nola J, .1 J s." i

l fcjO acres of lan't, 6LaMi X Apbia: ood laud amiabletor laiiuii k t k .1 '.a;iitt parpoM'a; will beold li iota to an. l purcbaavra apvijto

M. J. i lv - WuiieaHtAaonnoia Charleabop K R.

uai gain one or the moatRJktiiilviatJi---


and deil(alnl naldeuoa infcLtsiby ouuu y ai naia I n th auoUi aide oi

oJiai Mitel txiended inowi aa tiie ColMill a piaoe, reeenuy owned and oc.apledby IN. i o;ou r i ftj. tor teiiLe, etc, applyaiiae baiiuei btutk. p

Dues a frran Jo at mules arrived la I

M niaUi ; t. loo-- J ut or iuolt and horses ond at aV in lira, at Y .lKas JAMfc

Hiatiie, No. SQ Hanoi street. Qc7

OTP on Vra nai street, on time4 ajiBCulouaL

book-keepe- r,





nunNo. seven

HOOMI ki cnen etc; lot 11A) by 0. Ap-pi- v

at Mo:- Jtv16 building,

'T ' ' " u.oTn .ttg.'" FiftyW el maai.v mni nr Tit

lasuoyed a iai building. as roadNr- - avening

la thai Nasi

JtOlinr storeOOal.--- .

b a for









Insurance companyoffloe Pisuters' lusaranos Madt- -

aurta-- "

. o Kne a milMP

n ma at 107 Beale strast, salt--. t amlly. not

- i r i.. rt-j- i around: btli u 'lva-.i.i- oae year; good fenc-a- nd

!. u u iju t e p:s e; b mil nom atmDhis ike MiM.i.lppi Klver K. K : wlianul l- ton i wl n. all tbe corn andSshSbs ixpleuient outheplsoe. For terutand an other lnio:mllou. apply

B HKSi r K- -Bnig ;d Madl n

g.('K l.tASi - ul bine i ob Pr.aionr Piac-- . atau s i al.eet extended, for tenye s Apply to It iUi. Trea-va- oo

n U. 0 PBar-fON- .

li'lB L.E tuE TO OAttilENKeUft About

b- -

P . e. o fl E.rdea land, wl.h a comberof flu Peeb Tree already beailng, on Central toe hoi yiora awnwa, aoouIUnnl.arrtmity.ur ruuara

A :rjc ii roa A VsaaTASLaUAulll.

Toag oJ, responsible gsrdensr lt will belasnadsls v., Apply to

n'7 v Attn C'OMN, lie K.ont at-- s

ton AOt A i eat o wltn leur roomV and al cti.o luIe.i titorgl street7fl Tsrti. w of ti nemando street rs.i-road i.. W.O Kame or W. W.Ood- -win 8Ju) con at set. nnls

TClKtNo. ;lk! root aireet. ApplyO A. BICE i -- EL SO!t,

in . mu Main street.

r a Tan minutes fromIV street ears. Nln rooms,m,m stol well. tablstdeti, orchard. Uuee seres, well enc asedand lu go .u order App'y to Minor M-- rl

wether. 1. at bid St- - r. Ten looms; would accjmREtl- ate two mali families. If desired

large lot fcUsebeu; Alabama street, frontingBio x rtiB. n ij ao.iar per niontnnot. Willi apptoved lndoraer.

ojt, l. c J BNHON. 12 JHeron street






js.iii- - N tntiurbai. residence, on Kennvniir: alable. cariiae n-- . use and 6

enMOeu app.j io aiuui seuM Cnlot. street. oelf


O Hi-P- or a sentiemsn and wile, at i

b rales Addr M. Hamilton,App-iome- a aw

OAfcDiNU By Mrs. Huns r. Hill, M

Delob street.

A No 1 COtion sti



OA BIi A good front room and board atc lre- -l

FOR LEASE. th b acres land. Of'I Baas svrnna. Applyat ps wntkllvr trsL


M ABE- - r seven yeare oldAr-A-T

ont ion teen bant a bun, a wenrlgr-- A ' ""he i r fMD att bar by crovla. pr f r j nr.i I g chc ree. applyXJT ; viai land, Catne irses-- .

un t ER O'X.

CwOoa rnx drssass the hair beauUiuily.

FrTTiso.sia Kecood street

a bottie of to v i remedyIfkSjuits and ciiildtea.






Tiiia amount will buymt a syrup, the great

.... ulsSatusrs UiUdeai to

jAPAwams Lactiut-ie- i Boxes and traya. atMLLJOi a ftiinjci, i ia asftigtAaatuk-

AaaUUCA! Drtv.-- Wells

M hIE s CO.B


antyhs- - veifjaLU.

journea mi aay aitarIt la aald that as effort will be made by

the defendant' counsel to hare the casesi Uriaham Yocng, Mayor Walla, Stoat

Bawl others postponed tilt the laaroh (arm.

Apply at

17b nd o.o


itp- -j



A main stay a Life lnsnranoe policy.Vary scarce yet Candidates for office.

Running regularly our pacicet lines.Much In demand furs and overcoats.Olving aatlatao Uon ine street railroad.Cotton bales the cry is still they come.A useful body tbe board of school vis-

itors.Tbe coming George Francis

Train.A paying investment Memphis Insurance

lock.Wanted marine ways and regular ship

yard.Tbe general council meets y at 2

o'clock.Cosy- - and comfortable the New Memphis

theater.Qury -- Wouldn't a y pay

Memphis?Ought to be cleaned at once the streets

and alleys.Just the tiling tor workingmen building

sssocla lions.The foundation of all our future great

nesa cotton.A good tiling the calico dress ball to-

night.A letter from "Classic Shades" is declined

for want of space.Wood Is eel lng the levee at $6 at) to 7

per cor0, uelivered.What haa become it? the Memphis

and iron Mountain railroad.There was ice In Little Rock yesterday

Ice in Memphis this morning.gffffss beefsteak is twenty cents a pound

uow, while beer is only five cents a glass. Rob-bery !

The Galveston News given Memphis thecredit ',fc"(t uie lead ol all other twuiherncities.

The county has entered regu-larly tbe business of -- raaing in" the fundsJor isa.

Tbe chain-gan- g is a very respectable forcepieaeuU lue Citauuu ou Aauuw auwi

yeoutrday.Train spoke Bowling Green, Kentucky

on Monday night, and was, as usual, nomina-ted tor tbe presidency.

Merchant are afraid to touch mess pork,flic market U overstocked, and pacaersbave

lo pUO.iab biaUbUCn.Huiat attempted to beat the art exp

sittou out of picture, by meau lorged lWk- -

fiM taieray evening, iney wcrotBuiuityome young men are a little partial to

.... uiaiatiii; ulneis use UsUX-eye-

,umrm , but tue moneyed girls have the luiaiaexsKSKSKssi

'aoulre Miller concluded the evidence inlie liM in business yeaUirUay, and sent tbe

julpilt to Jail in aefauli of ft.e tbouaaudImts' bail.

ihe very last if Colfax is objected to onacvouuL of his occasional suilie, now canuram be who "iuUi" as long aeUC Caall aslaUU T e

The news-slan- have less than fourteen uitkienL tuuiaiiatc- - lor la"., wb.le tbe

u ioieB re supi lieu by ine 4uacas wiin uiiMt ten tous ul uitiu.

Ueiinuuent aaminlstratora. executors andguaidbsaaa will couie in for a share of iega.1 ex- -

Clt nvnomy 11 U1CJ UUU avtaAL. u vua aaavattaixa wUh Uie county clerk.

A card of the Chicago Young Men 'a Christ-ian union, received yesieruay, lieesojouru-in- g

cbrUtlans that city to all tbenottpiialiUcsi of thai useful body.

The laat U Wendell .Phillips voted forLiuuoln after denouncing him as a "slaveuouiid," I it any reason ne should not vote lortiraUii alter caiang nim a drmikaru "

The great wants of Memphis cotton mills,waler-wuik- elevator, a graued levee, uniondepot, the iwansas City and the Jefieraon ral.-io- d

and joj.uw bales of coilou. Let n workfur all these.

Yesterday was a good cotton day In Mem-phis. Over four thousand baies of the staplea ere sold. This is a much as to say three hun-dred and fifty thouaanu dollars changed handhers in this city.

A communication from Judge Underwood,of Arkansas tho Is el tbe reaoudy hotel.:, inrelation lo some local outnpi.cauuns in hiscounty, should be lead to laborers who thtna

going lo our sister olals uj work.The Galveston News closes article upon

the Memphis and Shrevcport railroad withthis: "We have hesitation la fully Indors-ing the Appkal as regards the Importance to.MemphiBof this roan, with ail its river andlaiiroad connections

Tbe secretary 8late has official Informa-tion of the population of ail the ouuu-oe- s

the Slate except Hancock. TheregffsUaM w hile and ou,aeu biaca voters, aud It isestimated that tbeie are hut lew moie thanibousand voters In liaucoca,of which s

are white. This would make a total olnot less than t,713 voters in Uie

Both branches of tbe legislature have rati-fied, as we anticipated, tbe contract madebetween the Ooveruor and Meesrs. Looney aO'Connor, who uow have charge of the peni-tentiary and its seven hundred convicts. Tblnanuounceiueul will be gladly received by tuei evli road builders of the tttate, and uy the rusnvirieuds Colonel Looney in this oily.

The cltixeni Memphis who want a bargain, can find a full supply of "Coal Creek(.Oft. at the Memphis and Charleston depot.Mi. John B. Oalloway will give all nec(isarinformation, We have tested this coal theAffEAL office. grates. In stoves and undeiour boiler, and can recommend it as equal totue best Pittsburg.

A Charlestou editor who recent1 y visitedNew York, thinking upon the muitltudaolmerchauts who, lu that Babel, for aliving, asked htm eif the question : "Uow dothese attain success among a myriad of com-petitors actiieve notoriety, and eventuallyleap into tbe possession of the brown-ston- e

mansions up town, aud of the rural palaces ofthe suburbs?" The answer Is in two words;"by advertising!"

A paragraph in Tuesday 'a Appeal, in re-gard to ihe escape of three convicts from Mr.uweus, la calculated to do that gentleman lo- -

Justloe. lie was not talking at ihe time toirisii gentleman, nor was tneie any one neaihim. rie went to the cut near White's underprotest fearing lhat lt was not a safe place tocarry the con v lets to. They watched an op-portunity aud off, notwithstanding Mr.oweis promptly nreu at tueni, tie ieets mahe is hot to blame.


A meet Ins-o- the commissioners of the Memphis and Knoxville air-lin- e railroad will beueid at urano j unction un i be zatn insiaui.

Coahoma county, Mississippi, has votedjbii'.iM subscription to tbe Mobile and Northwestern railroad, terminating near Friar 'i

Point, Tbe vote was almost unanimousThe people Memphis are a unit for tbe

niirevepori raiiroaa. it is me most popuia:euierbriie ever set foot In this section oloounlry, and when completed will prove themost remunerative.

The Huntington paper aay. "The Nashvilleand N't th western railroad is In better ruunibs order than ever before. It is now. lu

tbousan truth, a flmi-cla- s road, aud can boast of as. . ..t mall .. sUl maCUlnelV rvinvar.lanrw. fi.ntfnrta Ufl I

the gentiemaniy conductors, any in tbeThe Tf Mall saya lt Isqull souin. so much lor ine present mauagemtimn: hjfftf story I, thought ihe U lawllsl and




toB.' trU



a to



atf sw



on'oo oaai



















of art









ville railroad ooinpany wia lake oontrol ofih Masbvllle snd Oecatur railroad early Intbe spring or at least several months prior tothe time .July 1 agreed upon lu the contract.Freights have greatly increased during thepast two or three weeks, and extra trains havebeen brought into requlalUon.

A freight train on the Memphis ami Ohiorailroad was wrecked near Milan day beforeyesterday, occasioning a delay of the trainson that road The day before yesterday's 6p.m. train sua yesteruay s iu train uaunot reached McKenslew ben tbe North western train for Nashville left. The extent of thedamage ,one has not been ascertained.

We are reliably Informed that work on tbeMemphis and Ualsbxh narrow-gaug- e railroadwill begin next we. a, and be pushed forwardas vigorously as men and money can impel lt.The Oumract calls for the completion nf theroad by April of Itfi. Tbe prospects of theancient capital of Hhelby are brightening. 1

is destlnsd to be our favorite suburb aud thegreat resort of uur people In summertime.

Mr. DubUnger, a citlten of Moscow, assuresns that the people lu his neigh born ood are allanxious ana desirous of railroad con use lionwith Memphis, and will willingly subscribe totne ocnsiructioti u: tiie Memphis and Knoxvilla e railroad usrrow-aaua- In i

tew days they will have an opportunity cfdoing so. ine auoscripiioB oi fneiny countydepends altogether upon what they do.

A company has been organized to build arailroad from Knoxvtlle. Kentucky, to Jackson, Tennessee. Winn Oavie, of the formerplace, is president. Iu completion gives theMississippi Central the Shortest route east.and becomes the most Important through lineaoutn. lomncoit, oi tne i'etnayivania cen-tral, backs li wltn as much money aa Is needed alter the counties along the line have donewnai tneycan.

Tbe Kentuckv New Era nf tbe 17th publishesthe resolutions of a meeting held at Cadiz onMonday, the uth nstant. in the interest of theLoulavUie,slemphlsand New Orleans rsuroad.Uon. T. C Dabney was chosen chairman, and

H. darneii, Uon Lytlleton Cooke,president of the road, was present, and madea speech threeiinrcars or an hour long, inwhich he gave a very cheering account of theprospects for the construction of the road.

The West T unease Democrat en?gests aafollows: M while nor Jaoksen frleuda arewo i kins to build a raiirod from Jacksn toibe Teantssae river, by voting a tax In

county, woo'd lt att be weil tor tbefilencs of tbe enterprlav to jvn ns n onrefiori to build a road from Jkoa to thispiaoeT Bobml a ax tor $Jtd 000 and give usha r for onr enterprise. Thai will lnirsaithe peopie in all parts o tne ncty; alworaing loaetner ii is boon a to carry, w nenthe east ed west have got tea their road,'hey wtll not help the Drtn and south. Iklatter know tbta and will not help tbe formar. oetus help Henderson do a gnat deafor herself while wa are at it, A road frominks to Faduah opens all of Handaraonsasgiij to all tne world."



The best In tbe market,



H&RZ j(i ft BRO.

A C A Lie.

If Mr. J. If nuann srlP allow his Bias anbe placed before tbe people of Memphis forwharfinaabar in our coming willreceive :n hearty welcome and snpport of histuany friends and admirers.

MANY CITIZK.Ni.WAWTsU) at Lha aVmlhasrii PalaA. twaJws

practical dry troods salesman. hni tKrws wknare thoroughly tamUlar with the city andcountry trade needed. Apply between lbsnours or aight and tan a ah k a.m


AC ii ACK KIT. bupartatwLdaBL

8aLi of the Anderson bouse and lota to datOasalbns ieavas at ten o'clock from tha offl- -iof Royaler, Tiaxsv ant ft co the aueUoaaara.NXOlIl, kept by all first MApply to them for a circular.


Omen MBXm OoatPAsTy..November 11th, 1871. f

Mr. C. H. Halght la this day aoaolBtagent of thjft aompany at Memphis

T. A. LBWJH, sHtprtssisst,

Bddlns vs V enable; 100, Fargo son AClay vs Edglmrton; 1188, Goebies vs Adsr-so-

adm'r; 1337. Grldsr vs Stone: 1S88,Iaen vs Koeei 1388, Isen vs Grwsrjwaid;1380, Iaen vaKobloas; 1381, lien vs Kline;


Tbe History of a Vsgraat Family WfeftMeal ftfttf Murder for a LI via.

The Toils SIowy Vl lad fug; Mound ThemThe Express vi

Their Track.

One day in the early part of laat springgentleman who was on board a White riverpacket at our wharf, Laving taken passage toAngusta, Arkansas, sent for Captain A they.of the police force, to whom he pointed outperson who was a deck passenger, saying saidpassenger waaa murderer. Csptaln Athey arrested him, and lodged him In the stationhouse. Bis name was Fanington, and he hada horse In his possession which was claimedfew days afterward by some gentleman fromTipton county. But the cause of his arrest wasnot this horse. The gentleman who had himarretted accused him of commit tin r threemurders one at Augusta and two in a town ofuorweru Missouri, rarnngion was sent toJail, and kept there until some gentlementrum Missouri came down and Interviewedhtm. He was not tbe man that hd done tbeinuraer in their house, but lt was his brotherHe was then brought before a Justice,charged with hoe-sieailn- i, aud sent buck tjail In default of S.uou bail. While going upMain street he got a way from the cousiablea u ran an tnrougn Chelsea, but bad to "banup nnaiiy in ironi or a large Jenoe. nd wasagain captured and shyed in Jail After thlsssMesM he remained in Jail for some weekuntil he manatf--d to icet out on strsw bailthrough the medium of some of the lawyersthat ran manaire Mich thliijn. Durtns taibslay In j ill, Captain Athey had information of

ii a uozen muruers anu as many robberiesthat had been perpetrated by himself aud hisbrother, but being unable to obtain any wlt-n-s-

he could do nothing. The FarringtonsHgan turn up as the principals in tbe recentroooery oi tue express car at inion city.

Since tbe occurrence a few weeka since, iUnion city, of the express-ca-r robberv. MWorlev and his detectives have bee Industiiously working np tbecase, and have finallyiucewded In discover Rtl who were the thieves.The Cnlon City Courier ssys their names areHenry Clark, ttdward Hussell and WilliamBarton, and there is no doubt but thai theyare the parties who committed tbe expresstobDeiy at Moscow, iney were traced to i,uster's landing, on the Mississlslppi river, abonfifteen ml Jet. below Hickman, where they havibeen making headquarters for some timeTheir otien-ibI- e occupation was keenins arueery at a point whee, peihaps, they woudnoisell enough in a month to pay their boarda dy. Hearing they were suspected,they took to the canebrake. Escaping fromtheir hiding-bol- e. Clark went to Missouri,where he was arrested aud escaped Clarkand Hasell are brothers, going unde assumednames, meir reai uaiue oeiag rarnngionTheir mother has recently started to move M

i'exa and lt is understood that the threethieves are to meet her at some point alongine route oi ner travel, and accompany ue:There Is no doubt but that the thieves wlsoon be captured, and Jusiice ad ministered tothem. One thousand dollars reward is offeredfor them, dead or ah e. The Farrl Bghaaj arefrom Dickson county, and Barton from Texasout more recently a brKliemau ou the Nashviae and Northwestern railroad. The arrestof the men at Somervllle Is another case oimistaken identity.

With these tacts before them, our sharpdetectives ought to be able to make a boldbtnke for that one thousand dollars.


Little Charley Decker is In Nashville,Ms. C. L. Loop, cshler of the western de--

partnitnt f the rvmthern Kxuress comnanvhas stain tdaced the appeal under oblittations or a file of New York papers In advanceoi ine mails.

Miss Kmxa Wilkinson, formerly a sweetsidh'Tid i slvary Church choir, sana si a concert tn Bio klyn. New York, a lew eveningssince, and the Times of lhat city says, " washonored with deserved recall.

A good thing which occurred recently atGreenville, leunesaee, hss lound Its way Intotbe Boston Post, i he attention of a country -man visiting a ay junai b s town was att.acted by tne alttterina slun or the Andes inaurauce company. He looked at it long anditlleuuv, auu meu uroae oui in a joyiuiclaniallon : " u ell. I knowed old Auuy wouiube at some thin' af re long; I tell yer. theycan't keep him down ; no, they can't," andwalked on.

We calx attention to tbe card of BramluCarter A Co., commission merchants. NewYotk; bramln, Bummers A Co., and Bummersa Bramln, New Oileau-- , houses of near tweutyyears standing, anu an u to manyoi our most prominent mercuants anu leadlng business men, aud connected with Brauiin. Carter A Co We commend this houseto our frleuda and the country, and assurethem ol prompt responses to all htialnnasqulrles and propositions.

Mayor Johnson returned yesterday fromNashville. His mission was successfully accomplished. The ninety loousand dollarsclaim growing out or in existence of the Mtropolitan police force, a State Institution, wasadjusted, ana me war ciaim oi tweni-nv- e

thousand dollars aga nst Memphis was so ar-ranged that the city is relieved. Buch was thefavorable Impression, as we are advised, madeby the mayor t at he ws repeatedly told bytiio-- m autuoriiv . iiihi hu tniua at an rea--unahle asked f r by Memonls would be cou- -ceded. Mrmphls Is doing much, and pn.poaesto do more or ibe aggiuhdizeiiieui oi iennes- -

and theielore. it is said, lt bees me tbeprtAiuoe of the State g'lveinmeui to promo',by alt possible aaaaasL tbe purposes and dimsoi those co ut rolling the fortunes of Memphis.

HoN. R. T. W. Dt'KE. who defeated the Kadical Federal Judire Alexander Hives for congress, in the Flub district of V'irglula, u at thereabouy noiei. ue is a member oi tue conaressiiiual committee. ai'Doiuted to devise I

plan lo protect the low lands against overflows,and would gladly have an interview with.aniain jonn owaen. l. uaxer. auperiu- -endent ol tbe Western Cnlon Telearaph com

pany in ArK.ansa; captain J.J tianschbuiiof Louisville; Oener-- 1 W. M Brown, uf Oeorsla: J. H. Maddox. of New York : Paul Jonesof Bolivar, and Judge Underwood, are also atins reaooay, w tin iotouei rauixner.oi uis- -asasysst, wno urges ine cousiruciion oi tnertipiev , Mississippi, narrow-gaug- e railway.


Plrat Clreatt tsart-Hedsk- eU. Jndge.To day's calendar contains the following

cases: I'M, ;.v.. ..-- t, i.sji,l$7, 1.13U, im. ISM, litrl, H, lama, 1348, 1 ol, 13bu.lil'il, laoT. 1J71, 1J7D, i37h, 133U. 1M1. and 1.Trlggally vs c ty ot Memphis; l.xsi, Ooodhuevs Page el ai : lM, Ooodhue vs Page et al : 1.M),Laird vs Dixon ; ISbT, Uen vs Lev ;ioVii, Isen vsRose; lib?, Isen vs Oreenwald; 1380, Isen vsHchloss; 1391, lxei vs Kline; 13VI, MIssIhsI' ptuver railroad company vs ismimous ; ijwo,fitaie vs Kuox A Haines ; 1397, Mempnta Ger-man saving lusurance company vsApp; 13W,Hanks, P. ft Co vs Meuiman, admr ; lioi, Rob-bin- s

et al vs Barbour et al.

ftecaad Circuit Court --Judge Bay.y the following oases will be called for

trial: Noa. Thornton vs. Johnson et al.;3, lent vs He ley: WO, Ol nu si HonMouthatl, Hitzfield Moore; 67, Mitchell vsPerkins ; 61. Jones vs Choat A Co.; 699, Mitlervs. r ightmaster; 700, Curls vs Peel; 0i, Wrayvs Campbell ft Co.- 70U Wray vs Campbell ACampbell 7u3, Caldwell vs dltchell, Hoffmanft Co; ?ui, Thomas va Arlington; 70s, McCor-mic- k

vs Hunn A Co.; 707, Kelly va Brooks ftHltxfield; 700, Karr va Karr A Lesen berry; 710,

tieridau vs towns; .u, uiacx hi ay millervs Fie.d; 716, horreet vs 11,1am; 717, Her onvs Ashe; 7is, Mrs. Hlckey, admr. vs HvatLOdell A Wolf; 71V, Neane vs Mobile and Ohiot at road company; 721, G race vs Htgan A Co.;79 Mehlluger A son vs Voorheeset al; 72,Newtou vs Pump : 730. Cash va De Loach, admr:731, Bealty va Goodwin; 72, Helnrich vs Jack- -

sou s bu diucsii'.i, j ,c ri u. vaVerger; 736, Kloe, ttilx ft Co. va Ebbert; 7jA,McElroy vsMalone, executrix, etc.; 7Sr, Roachft Co. vs awenan mil A MLranxe; 738. carr vsCaldwell: . bales vs Augier; .4. Ilmsn Bros,vs Jones. 743, Parker vs McCoy; 744, Malone vsbwamp; 746, Davls,Jr., va Barton.

(banThe case of Saint vs Tavlor was resumed

and argued by counsel, but notunlshed st the hour of dJournment, It willbe concluded this luoiblna. after which tneremaining unflulshed cases of the calendarwill be taken op. Is motion day.

No call was made vesterdav of the rtsnilarcaaes which had been set. Tbeaptcial case ofdivorce, which was set tor last Monday andcontinued because of absence of counsel, willbe called at half-pas- t nine this morning. Wit-nesses who summuued in the caae mustbe present at the above hour. Should thespecial case not be ready to be proceeded with,yesterday's cale dar of caaes will be called.Altorfieyaand parties interested should governthemselves accordingly. Tbe call of yester-day's calendar of cavsee, if taken up, will beperemptory.

Wanted at the Southern Palacsv asssassipractical dry' g'tods salesmen. Only those whoare thoroughly familiar with the citv andcountry trade ne dud Apply between thenoura 01 eignt and ten o clock a.m.

G. B. HACKETT, Superintendent.

Hale of the Anderson house and lots t.

Omnibus leaves ai ten o'clock from the officeof Royster, Treaevaol A Co., the auctioneers.


Atm ore 'a Mince Meat.Atmore'a Mince Meat.Atmore's Ml no Meat.Atmore's Mince Meat.

Very choice and fine.OLIVER, FINNIE ft CO.

N it'RML is the great antidote for neuralgia.

Tbe cheapest and beet Drains and Clean inshouse in tbe city la at 'i6 Secoud atreet (Haulft Hanson's old stand

ANSON wat graJOS LOCXE. 210 Main street, hss the lira-ea- t

assortmsnt of Magasiues, Pictorials and dailies ic tne city.

H ft


Paris Fans and Jewelry, at ELLIOTT ftKiiJU&LX. sti. Main street-- , near Adams.

Fbanx te Ltjca has returned to Memphis,and Is uow ready to fl; I all engagsme.. t givenhim wit Lb Lt'Ca a stkinw' forbails, parties, etc Orders may be left si Elliottft ruoaeiy a. siv stain street, or ax reier an- -

gtonetie a, soaineasL corner ox jenersou andseoona streasi.

Chinese Porcelain Ware, at ELLIOTT ARIDOavLY, XLV Main street, near Adams.

Examine the grate in this office. Tis a praafiviag ol fusi. Ena.

Advertisement of Dr. Butt's Dbmsnaarv.headed Book lor the M UU ou Marriage Guide

In another ouiumn. it snouiu by

ftVYaarfsirv TaKe vour fall c'othlna to LhsBteam Dyeing and Cleaning House THunt ftManson a oiu siana j, jw oswuu .i wu

nAPnuii a vVALA.Bat

Vtxwh a WrtUnE Desks. Work and JewelryBoxes, at ELLIOTT A KIDGBLY, ZUf Mainstreet, near Adams.

New root made. Un roots painted, and allkinds of roofs repaired by

s. c JUXNE.B, 117 ropiax street- -

Jeat, CoatyoaT' Ajrp EcoMojtT.-Th- ls yooI by having your antes set with

AwSxum a xsaprvTemtBi. oau at I

and at night at 7X o'clock.Rsv. y. 0. McLba will preach In the

Chelsea Cumberland Presbyterian Church,corner Fourth and Looney streets, this evsavlog, st 7 o'clock.

Lin Ti.'B km.b ntch In th ST1rl her-.-


Md Lady Crafth4 ley Death by aat the Ohle Pegsas

Child Blown Out af tha WorldCrittenden County, Arkansas.

Accidents seem to take the place of crimesIn the social vortex of Memphis. Somethingla always occurrlt'E to hock the nerve? ofthndeiicatelyrcanlzed or to disturb the peace ofme timiu. we nearu 01 two disastrous accidents yesterday. An old lady named MrsBill was the victim of a horrid misfortunewhich overtook her a little after noon yeaterday near the Ohio depot, by which she waskilled. She lived lu Scotland, aud was appa-reuii- y

coming cltvw-rd- Walking along thetrack of the Memphis and Ohio road a littlebeyond tbe Third street cross! uk, sue wasKnocked down by an engine and somutilated that she never spoke axaln. Aboutthirty feet beyond the spot where ahe wasallied commeuoea the trestle work, or bridge,over the bayou. She had crossed that comingcity wares ; acu, according to toe represen

of employs ot ihe road who saw theevent, she moved from between the twotracks, where she had been walking on to tbetrack over which the engine was movlDg. Shewas evidently under the impression that thetrain was on tbe other one. Ihe switchman,seeing the mistake, made a violent gesturewith his hat, and the e gtneer reversed theengine. He was so close to the lady lhat hecould not seenier, besides nis eye ws nxed onihe switch-tend- for blgnlas. Tbe train ranupon the lady and crushed her. taking anarm entirely off and breaking the skull. ItIs said that her legs were broken also. Theebtrtne was stopped too late. In a few moments afterward Mr. Ryan, a clerk at thedepot, was sent to remove the bodywith a force of men. He found her lyingbetween the rails In the mutilated conditl. ndescribed, aud still living. She opened andclosed her eyea several times, and held apocket-boo- k In her hand. She was dressed inblack, and had black kid gloves on. She vatonce removed to the felgbt house and woidsent down town to her two sons, who are part-ners in the grocery house 01 F txgerald ACo., on Front row, betw een Court and Madi-son streets. She was subseouenily removedto the residence of one of her sons on Frontstreet, opposite the Jail. The engineer Is

from blame; by the voice of thosewhoaaw the accident. It was not the tegularswitch engineer but a ireignt train engineerthat was detailed to do that sort of wot a yesterday. There were n ve or six cars attached tothe train, and lt was moving at the rate of fourmil a an hour at uie lime, some peopie saythat bo:h tracks were occupied at the time bytrains going in different directions, and thatin trying to escape uue sue ieii uuuer ineother. Sue was going from her son's house onlirluklev avenue to the house ot her other sonopposite th Jail, on Fron street, at-lh- lime.

The other hit i accident occurred inCrltienden county, Arkansas, In the house otMr. v uson rtosenoery, wno uvea near uarioii.He was pouring some powder, w hich be hadpurchased tn Memphis, Into a horn, when aspark from the ci ackling logs on the hearthflew into the powder, producing sn explosion,

which his child, standing beside him, audhimself were so severely Injured lhat theirlives are considered in imminent danger.Some of the fragments of tbe horu struck akerosene lamp on the mantle, upset lt, aud sospread the fire that destruction threatened thehouse for a few miuutes. The presence ofmind of Mrs. Koaeiibey, however, saved anyfurther disaster, as she at once put out the fireby a timely application of a bucket of water.


The colored people are progressing in alldirections. It afiords considerable food forphilosophical study to observe how quicklysnd closely they follow the more devious waysof ihe Caucasisn intellect. Here la a was handed to ur nenevoieni reporterwhile he was searching for peculiar forma ofhuman in iaen at the siation-nous- e yeaieruay:

"Memphls, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1871.

To the Benevo ent Tbe bearer of thts is InLimited SlicumsiaLces and h'ma d his wifeIs Both Honest and Working Darkeys andthey have A child Dead and la not able tohave lt Burred and any som you may lavorhim with will be apprloa'ed by him.- w . a ,11 ai aYienaen nros.

Our benevolent reporter referred the bereave 1 father to Squire Spellman for au orderon the county undertaker.


The Helena Clarion reereU that the littletown la gaining an unnvlarle reput-ttio-

ahroaj.. o wonder, when we find all thisgoing rn in that sp r ng village

On day before y sale day evening, neardark the f rryboat Rover landed quite alumoer 01 em'grun's in mis cry. no sooner

hsd fie touched this shore thanthey were attacked b lrapadent tcjandreisacdscimps with thief card monle and other thieving tricks of their rascally pro tsalo".

Snndsv morning witnessed six hand-to- -hand enconr.t- rs on Market square.

a row occurred on wain street nignt beforelait between a party of .olored nymphs and

a white vagaeonaa, in wrncn an wererataa

Tne 11 flux of thieves, swindlers and blacklegs nectsntate an Increase of our poPcelo'ce We call tne attention of cn- - newcnuucll to tola imports' t fact. Helena con-tains a floating pot , ma y of wbouy.or d' tiuguiahed aervioes, should be in the

ttate penitentiary.Lick BUca bum, tbe colored man who wa

shot at Cotg ove's saloon on Saturday night,died at three o'clock on SaLday.


m goods arrived ; a great variety of ChinaBobemian glva vases. China oupa and sac-cer- a

ard bias mags, albums, lace collsraand handkerchiefs, lad las' underwear, kidgloves, and a great many other articles. Calland examine the gcoda.

Pumps, 31 Second street.

IjnNDoN lresslnc Caaes and Toilet BLUOTT A KIDGKlY, 219 Main street.uearAaaass


Is all that Is necessary when you use


Self Rising Buckwheat.

MESSRA. FrHHTENHEIM A Hns. of flB Jelferann street, are in dally receir of venisonfresh from Arkansas. Dressed! reys. Justfrom the tar my ard, and cbicke:

iSrEBERDKBiED itDiarlus ttarnflt-r- l trse4 if tn t f t n t

the hands of General Sale, wu tQk him overto Justice Miller and had a prfimluary In-vestigation of his case. The Justice le. iiiinout on a bond of o e thcisand dollars. Ber-nard is the person who had the dlAlculty withyoung Holmes Sunday night weea1 He showstwo or ruts, which he says be received Inthe tight before he shot Holmes. He wentover to Arkansas and remained there until thestorm blew over. He hss been In the city afew days. Holmes ts getting along well. Hewas out yesterday. The case will be up beforeTdqulre Miller again


who are desirous of purchrVnf J.ie1ABLE and GENUINE set OfTf gwould advise you to c 11 on Leldy ft lO.aan vrtilfl (tin their assortment of Oent nHi theand business Huts, and Ladles' Furs..very int and oet that are worn and prouuceo. r. amine tueir goods and judge lorI furstii

J. R. West, with Menken Brothers. Caland see him li yon want good and cheapgooua.




aoou caaes. Any coos can use ass l. faro-cera sell st manufacturer's prices.


--Go to Leddln a Coliega.Attend Robertson's Business Collage.Thos. Cubblns, bricklayer, 2S4 Main street.Armstrona's Photoaraphlc Gallery. No 21!

Main street. Three faultless gem pictures fornuy cents.

Wanted at the Southern Palace twelvepractical dry soods salesmen. Only those whoare thoroughly familiar with tbe city andcountry trade needed. Apply between the

G. B. HACKETT, Superintendent.



ALL THE NEW STYLES AND SHADES.A splendid assortment can be found at


Opposite Pea body Hotel.

The Anderson property, conslstinfi- of a rest.denee and several e lots of Nnd timnrpassed In fertility, will be sold to-d- at asadvertised, to tne niahest bidder, at eleveno'c'ock. Conveyances leave the office of

A Co., auctioneers, at ten o'clock.


Unprecedented Bargain in DryGood, at price lower than thoseof any home in the city.

We shall positively clear the retailstock of our establishment by Janu-ary 1, 1872, and offer our goodsregardless of value, to effect ourpurpose.

Every article in the house sold atfigures so cheap that it uHU chal-lenge your surprise

You will save twenfy-flv- e dollarson every one hundred you purchaseby buying of us.

Positive closing out sale at A.Seessel or Son's, 269 Main street,opposite Court Square.

Lt you suffer from neuraigl supply "Neurtl."

Coal and coke tar for sale at the Gas com-pany's offise, Jii Second street,

Frva THoraAND cations natlTs wins st nnsdollar par gallon, from one re' Ion to a caskContent, Vlrginis seedi ng and California atV a IT CO J a x?os n SHIMIA.1 a.No, fl and 7 Howard Row.

Ajt BaraBi.ianu RxaurDT. "Brown' Bron-chial Troche." nr. known .s un .t.K.lUhsd remedy for couch, oolda, bronchitis,Bosracneae, and othw trouklea of the throatand lunga.

t Balb of th Anderson house and lot to-d-

Omnibus leaves st ten o'clock from th nffleaof Royater, Traaavant A Cos tha auctioneer.

raaaraiL' taamadlatalv rallnu u.aaaaisaiU rte arJla



Aa Is valuable Work far Meaaphas.

We give below the form of anbaorlpUon toth capital stock of the Vemohlsand Jack-ao- n

narrow-gaug- e road, whoae ecmm'aalon-er- aop n boob a nex' Monday at the effloe of

WUl'am R. Moore. E q :"We the nndeiaigned, blng desirous of

aiding In the build tng of the r arrow-gang- s

railroad from Mere phis to Jackson, TennesvHee, uereoy snoscrius uie amounts oppositeonr respective names, in shares of twentv.five dollars each, 10 tbe capital stock 01 thesompany. five per cent to be paid In easrj,and the remainder when called for bv thepresident and directors of the company. Ideatla not exceeding fifteen per cent everythree months ; provided, that the money hereanbse lbed except the five per cent, a hail beued tn building and eqatping the road inoaeioy county, lenn


Its Manogers auad Belt gbta.

All the pretty girls of Memphis are expectedto attend the grand calico --dress bail of the a

sod, given this evening by the United HebrewRelief aasoclalioD. The manager Is AdolphLoeb. Reception committee-N- . D. Menken.L. Kleeer, Sol Hess, B. Lowenstetn, G. H.juuan, jay Levy rTioor committee a. C,Mitchell, Assar Sartorioua, Charles Herxok,Sol. Morris, Jac. Harp man n, M. Llaaauer MFreiberg. Stiiper committee Henry Seeaselsr., Julius Behr. M R. Lowenstine. HenrvKlein, Morris Hahn, E. Ackerman. Theofficers of the association are: L Happek.Prew-iden- t

: I.Sartortous, Vice President ; M Frel- -terg,scHreUiry; Laxar Levy, Treasurer. Direct- -

. u. as euaen, j . rueser, u. lvremer, 001.Halle, E. Ackermann, Adolph Loeb.


Information having reached me that an in-

discreet deputy of Sheriff Gordon, of Phillipscounty, Arkansas, had, on Saturday and Sunday last, collected excessive taxes, not due, ofpoor laboring people In the Walnut Berdandthe lower end of Council Bend, and Issuingverbal writs of garnishment, which caused astampede ot colored laborers on several plannations In those localities, where their servicesa- e ao much needed at present.

Now. I. as Judas of the county court of PhilHps county, feel lt my duty to state unequivo-cally that all such unlawful acts are rot recog-nised by either the county authorities or byMr. Gordon, If he is not misunder-stood. Whatever taxes, poll or other, thatpe rso ns w ere aNwesaed for istu or pt avious yeare should be paid, but noone Is now liable for poll-ta-

Arkansas, whose names do not appear on thelist pia- ed in the hands or tne sheriff by mecounty court; and 1 will abate further In con-clusion with this matter, that whatevermoneya ave been erroneously collected willbe refunded, and that any citlaen r 'Tennesseeor other States that may come to Krkanaas tolabor will not be taxed for tbe privilege, seems lo be the linpreas'on among manyunlettered colored people and further thatthey will be protected oy our laws.

ti. K UNDERWOOD,Judge County Court Phillips county, Ark.

DRESSED POULTRY! DRESSED POULTRYDavidson A Co., 244 second street, have 600lbs. Da esse d Poultry for sale. Dealerwill find lt to their advantage to give them acall.

PROFESSOR CHt8I.ES MATER,Organist of St. Bridget's church, graduate ofthe Lei pale conservatories of music, and lateof New York city, would respectfuUy announceto the citizens of Memphis that he Uprepared to receive pupils on the piano andIn vocal music. Classes In harmony andthorough bast will be formed. Application tobe made at the music stores of the city.

Terms MO per quarter, ot 115 per month;payable monthly.

GOLLADAY'3 FlPrT-THIR- MONTHLY DRAWING will take place at Paducah, November 27,15.1. Among tae prises are stuuu in green-backs; building lot in Rowling Green, IttOU;

horse, buKR-- and harness, StWu: piano, toon;gold watch and chain, 1250: An oil painting,1260; th 0 in gold and 481 other prises, consisting 01 velvet cioaas, sue drense, overcoats.olaukets, coverlets, sewing machines, cookingstoves, so ld sPverware, gold and sliverwalchea. standard books, musical Instruments,etc. Tickets si, or six for $S. For ssle at Oolladay 4 Smith's. Bowline Green Kv.: W. ScottGlore's, Louisville, Ky.; S. L. Powell's, Padu-cah, Ky. Orders by mail or express should beaaoresseu to j. 1. uoiiauay, bowling tireen,Kentucky.

Statements of drawing and articles drawnwill be forwarded promptly.

M esses. DoaroHo A Bule let's public sale of'Melrose V Usee" homes, advertised In our

columns for several days past, reunited in thesaie 01 si Ait ne. v r.. io s to actual purcnasera, and most of them to men who design toImprove them as early as practicable. Thosewno were not lonunaie enough to ne presentcan now purchase any of the remaining lots

n ierma oy caning upon lessrsioiono a mux ley, madison street, with heutmost assurance of rain and squabs deal-ing. Just such as they will practice either alprivate or public sales. Thee gentlemen deserve the thanks and patronage of the publicin their efforts to overcome the suspicionlurking in the minds of many that a publicsale cannot be held in Memphis without '

There were no by bidders" on thisoccasion: sixty-seve- n lots were offered, andJust sixty-seve- n were sold, each to the highestb.dder and actual purchasers.

Wanted To purchase walnut lumbar torm auu fact uring i rposea.

t. r r'j a , itju second street.

A. as. FBtlKLABD dt CO.

Retail dealers In the city and country merchants should make It a point to attend tberevuiar irroe-eaie- a made oy tnisfirm at their auction-room- Noa. 186 and IV.Main street. Messrs Frankland A Co. havearrangements with manufacturers and Im-porters North and East, by which they are en-abled to off- - r large Blocks of choice aeasonablegoods at ales that cannot be competed within this market. Their night sales, establlsheufor the benefit of those in retail trade wnocannot find It convenient to be present duringthe day, will be continued throughout theseason, and we call ihe attention of those Interested to the facilities for tha renewal ofslocks thus offered.





You are respectfully Invited to come to oarhouse and examine the beautiful presentswhich we are giving away to each customer.



Will be distributed

presents added every day to the list ofhand.

Mai is ma t 'eat enterprise known In the

HERB (K h BRO. reat.The lot on Union street, one

elsvsu fast front, aztandlna backAttired andto aBsUns

BaBlMGayoso street, brouaht four thousandat the sale yesterday by Royaler, Treaev snWAftCo., ano Uon ears. rr

1IIKU IlOaAnnonnea trie arrival of another



Which are offered at Tte a pair.



also aauaiTka





Kast Ijtdia Cnrlosltles. at ELXJOTT A Mam street, near Aoama.

Tns splendid rich land, and residenceknown the Anderson property, on the Bis;l.ks pjanaro.u, at tn noau ot soounu street,are to be sold to-s- at eleven o'clock byHorstar, Trazvaut A Co.. aactlonesr. whowill bv. conveyance ready for bidden attli.1rr.fSAA af t.n Arn.n.k


a X I a 1


WUl continue sell thetrAQNIFI0KNT STOCK


At (isatly reduced prlees.THEIR 8T0 .K NSW AN1TFRSH,

bat marked such nture othsrhouse Memphis oan compete with,ttuder any olrcu instance, matterwhat their pretext may be.

We ad vis all those who hav anvinrehaas mak., net tall aalf--









at a aoIn


to to laat

and ascur some of thc safest be. gainthey are oflertng.

Tbe promts, of B. Loweniteln ABros, may Iw relied on. Their

sr. nu hum bag. Thsyal ways do ss thsy say. Their ml. 1 to1st o other house undersell them uiir aay ti.smataaea.

PrtxrAKX for cold waather and hav. your(rate eat with Lemon' Improvcaaeat. LsavsordsraalsM Beeond street.

Basils Tap try work, Sechrs,ELLIOTT A RUXJTtLY, Mailt strat


Leavlac To-da-

fTlar's Point O. W.ChxskHt. FntDci rlver...ljT. FaaNcts 6 p.mEnan 7111 Ada Ukilslak. ubkat k- pl bliliHt. Louis. Usui




Cemrnotiwea'tli ....New Orl.ansCity of Vlcksburg VlcluburaPat cifburoo. .... .. .... ..... Arsanass rl rColorado ..... at. lalaAda Hell tn an. gv.nsvin.H, C Y eager .

Lady LeeDepart rea.

Colorado.ity of Vlcksburg

CommonwealthFanny Brandetsxl. c. ze



Boats 1st Port,



New ur.eana

Red riverVicksonig

LouSL ;b

eSL Louis

Pat. Clebune. Ada Heilman. Belle Memphis.

Rivera, Weather and Bisalmeaa.


The river is about ata lonary, but reportedrising above. Telegrams below will give thestage of water at the rrincipal ports. Businesswas active at the wharf, ibe weather yester-day was clear and cooL

try telegraph.C ino. November 22. Arrived Marble City,

Memphis, 1 p.m.; Lucy Bertram, New Orleans,a pan. K ver rose o inches. Very' light snowthis morning. Weather now c.ear and cold.Thermometer 28.

VicasBUEU. November 2;. Passed downH. M. Shreve, 7 s.m.; olencoe, 8 a m. Weathercooi and ciear. rtiver iisiag slowly.

NfcW U1U.KAM. November 'i ArrtreiiMary Miller, St. Louis; H. s. Turner and Cityof Alton, St, Louis.

Pittsbceg, November 22. Slight fall ofsnow The Mobon-tahel- a. haa 6 leetInches in the channel, and aialionary. TheAlleghany is falling above. No airivals ordepart urea.

L itt ha KoCE, November 22. River has linen5 feet, and is still rising fast, with il feet out tothe month- Arrived : Little Rock, from above.Departed: Utah, for above- -

ST Louis, November 22. Departed: MollleMoore, New Orleau-- Fontenelle, Red river;Alice, Memphis. River rising. Weather Clearand cold; mercury several degrees brlow thebreezing point. About au inch of snow felllast night.

MihWACKlE, November 22. A special dispatch from Lacrosse says tue Mississippi riverla oiled with Moating Ice, and there is a pros-pect of a gorge, owing lo the low stage of thewater.

Cincinnati, November 2 J. River U feet Inthe channel, having risen 21 luchss in the past24 hours, and is about stationary now. Lightnow this inoiutLg; o oudy, a lib a cold a Baa

fiom the north : Mtuneola,Memphis; iexas and Charie Booiu.u, Newurieaus Coai boats are sill arriving, aud thecupper yeaieidaty suua one barge and tue ueo.Robeiu four at bnag bar. The former lost oueat the uier ot the Newport, and Linctunaubridge The Thompson Dean made a satis- -

lactoiy trial tripKvansvills.Nov trtuoer22 Snow this morn-

ing; now cloudy aud cold. Mercury & . K.verunchanged.



The Common wealth, five days dugcame Infrom isew Orleans with a barge In tow auddischarged B barrels of oranges and Is crateswf earthenware, she had U0 tons of freightlor SI. Louis.

The City of Vlcksburg arrived from belowearly yesterday mun.iug and dlharged (0tsalesof cotton and 1143 sacks of seed, and de-parted for BtBuls after adding ou7 bales of

The Lady Lee departed at noon yesterday forRed river, drawing . feet.

Tue James Howard is still aground at Reeves'bar. she ha i to send up for a monstercoai barge to lighten ner on.

The Pal Cleburne came in from the Arkansaswith SUM bales bales of cotton, aud reabipped 2V

bales al the mouth for New Orleans.The Colorado arrived from SL Louis, three

days out, sdded 3u tons freight and departedfor Vlcksburg drawing seven leet.

The Ada Heilman came in from Evansvillowith a good trip. She returns this evening forabove.

Th H. C. Y eager came In from New Orleans,five days ont, and discharged thirty-si- x sacksof salt, tweniy-fiv- e barrels of rosin, ant. sixbales of cot tou, and departed for St. Louiswith six hundred ions of freight.

There are four hundred bales of cotton onthe levee await! g shipment to New Orleans.

Tha Pat Cleburne leaves for tneArkansas river.

The Belle Memphis lays over until noony

me ranny riranueis ieii iot tne umo witu alight trip.

Bismarck left St, Louis last Tuesday forThflrw ui leans.

The Great Republic, Belfast and Julia aredue from auove.

Ihe solicitor of the treasury has decided thatany passenger steamboat carrying petroleumcoutr-r- y to law is subject to seisure, out tbe oilitself is nut. Also, that w ht-- can led accord-ing to law, "il petroleum must be marked atwnat degree Fahrenheit il wdl ignite ; aud thetransport an- - n of coal oil on passengersteamers la entirely forbidden.

The City of Uulncy, P. H. Strader, HenryAmes and Mary E. Foe were due from belowlast night.

The low boat Ike Hammon Is at Hopefleld,and discharged four locomotives for the Mem-phis and LallleKock railroad.

From Louisville freights to New Orleanswere taken at the following rates : Bacon, sue;pork, fl per barrel; Hour, o c; potatoes, spples-- nd onions, 75 ceuts; whisky, s2; hay, $12 pertoo; horses a d mul-s,a- and t o.

The Vicksburg Herald of the zist Inst. says:" The steamer .wattle, a small t, strucka snag at Strikers landing. near Owensboro.and sunkfggn water tnree teet over her maindeck. auBJw being wrecked. She was valuedsi taMU, and Is repored iuauredfor SUvO."

The Louisville of the klst says :

"Tbe repairs of the Richmond and the newoutfit ibis season cost about twenty five thou-sand dollars The iron propeber Just builtat l ittsburg will low s.xty thousand bushelsof coal to Memphis The licensed p lots ofNashville hve organised themselves Inioanassociation for mutual protection Ca- ta nHughes has been elected president, and C P.Yarurough, se- - retary The new steamerCity of Helena was brought over from JamasHoward, ft Co. a ship-yar- d yesterday evening,and moored at the city wharf. She'wil leavefor St. Louis Thursday the Richmond'sM Head-Ligh- will aaalu he revived, lt ta notstated who is to be tbe editor."

aWata Leaving To-da-y.

Fob New Orleans The floe and elegantEaaseng i learner Great Repu 11c. CapUln W.

leaves at ft n.m. forNew Orleans and all way landings. Philzoung is her chief purser.

Foe m axa Point i he Mvelv o W. Cheek-leaves at 6 p.m. for Pilars Point ai d allthe coast landings. Captain Mark cheek isbar commander.

Fon St. Fkancis River The fine and elegant steamer St. Francis, Captain K. T. Bow-man, leaves ay at 5 p.m. for Helena, Ma-rians and all polnu on tne St. Francis. SamC Paine and Ed Crowley are her clerks.

'a ot. no uis ine line steamer aviieI antaln Crane, leaves v at 12 m. for

Cairo and St. Louis. Billy Blanker is clerk.roB h.v ans ille The fine and fleet va-se-

ger steamer Ada Heilman. Captain J ti. Ha"leaves at 4 p m. for Cairo, EvansMand all the coast landings, Mr. Oliver B sgJJ fa um uuici piUSaM.


and St. Iter U.S. Mail UseFor Oaoeola, Belmont and

cairo, conn. at neimont with theIron ln R. B., at Cairo withllllxsd Central Railroad, and

iDO at no the Ohio Rivai.BlUm- - MKMFHI Crane, masteriju elegant steamer win leaveaa aoov

THIS DAT. Ta Inst., at I. m.Ticket to- all DOlnt. via M emnhla anrl Ht

Loot packet. North. Eat and West: bdoIvto Uenerai Ksilroad and steamboat office.

lOM B. DDMN. cor. Court and slain staFre gut received at toe Ht.L' uta Whar beat.

ri.t.x. ialvski, uen'i np ufK" W. H. DILL, A genu







Ihe elegant steameraua neiman

Juo B. Hb 1. masterWill leave ThUs DAT. Id Inst, at 4. a.m.For ralght or passage apply on board or to

HICU'D W. LiUrlTBU K K Agent,no'S asW Front street


St. Louis and New Orleans Packet Co,For Vtckaonrg. matches and New Orleans.

Btesmer OKEAT RGFTJBLJC.W H. Thorwelgan, master. Fhilo Young, elk.

Will leave a above swSSBSBITula Day, ved Inst., at 9 p.m.

J. T. w APHIWGTON, Agent,no58 NolM'fllW" street.


TaWi PIHE BLUFF ARD UITUMIILMemphis ami Arkansas Blver Paeatei

Company U. at Siail Line.The new and elegant side wheel passenger

atsam'r Fat OlebumHaas PrMebaid masterThis elegant and awlit steamer

will leave as aooveFaviDAT. n n mat., at s p.m.For freight or passage apply to

W. H. KhJiNs.DAT. Agent,Offloe on Compa. y'a wharfboat,ng Foot of Oonrt str t.


SMpkh uai Arkansas River Packet Cta- -

uy U. S. Salt List.

ELEGANT PA8SKN8EB BOATS OFTBE line leave Memphis for all pointon Arkansas river

OXOATS AND FRIDAYS, a a pB.For rre.aht. paasaae or other lnjormatlon.

apply tow. a. ajar. kasuai, Agant,

Offloe on Company's Whar boat,Foot ol "nnrt street.


Regular Memphis and New s


For New Orleans and the Seeds.

18711878,Th Elegant Passenger and Freight st smer

or LLt. Ltt.n . nints mutar J R Haiti... ....

Will leave Meinph'a ear New Orleans aafnl.nn- -

1 H 7 1 iThnrad.y .November loth, at i pjatnorwnt .rvr-ui- AIQ, St . p mThursday ' eoember lath, ai - p mThursday D-- Tiber SSth, attp m

Thuraday . January 11th, at ft pusThursday Jannarv 26 th, at 6 p.mThursday February 8th, si 5 p m

BnonT nnrDirr xjn .1 s n .

lursoay March 7th. at 5.Marsh llat,'at6pjaw. si atstta li a CO.. Agent.





ANDERSON RESIDNCEAnd (ha Rich AdJ ace at Laada,

Two miles north of Court Square, exUndicgto the Parry at WoL Rivar,


Wat In it pub.lcaileL.toj to ihe peretvp.y pah le sale wn ci we nave aaao

lLBlrucled by tut owner to ma e oi tha resi-dence and laoda fcnovn aa the ADttr aaplace, embrsctngeomfortaole improvementand about teuiy-nv- e a r aof land o unsur-passed r rttiiiy, otaa .LU; attoatsxi on ahigh p. -- lean Tha gro.ndahave been autooivUb d lalo four lota of nerly equal atn .

No lanva aionna thi city offer a aies !dacemen.a or p ofltaDio and convenient cul-tai-

and aV advantage or i c- .Illy, upon oneof onr gr aaggg count y thcrougntau-ea- , ren-ders rt extremely vaiuarde as a point for re- -:

i ui.e or trads. Tne sals will he held ontne premises,

THIS DAT, AT II OtXOChuBidders will find co: v yan e to the sale

fr m onr ofTce. lavlng at 10 .'deck.Tarms one ttbrd caah;ba'anos in six and

twelve months. Sale posit ire; no postpone-ment.

BOT8TEV, TKtZfcti.M dt CO..n2a Auctlot.era.

Poplar and Dunlap Street

Residence Lots,

AT AUCTION,On Tuesday, Novdmber 29thp

the pren-:- . we will sell for Mr.UPON some of the mca' deanaole va-cant ivaijen-- e Iota whlcn we have yetoffered al ubllc pal, hgahgj that very beautlfnl grouno s 'he normeasi e rn r of Fop-

ai d Ounisp stre-- part ot mil vain- "isopcy long mown as tne resp'enceo trm. V Tailor. entor. and havli avan- -tea a, of loc Hon derived Tom do e pou el- -

ly io tbe street cats, being in tne midst of arapldidiy improving nlgaborhood. wr lehpoes-ss- es ail tne atrsc tens o schools,cburchei, health and p c '.Lie populationthat render this, as before h ersu, one ofibe most attr eJve aatea that t bftnorc mid be brongi t ce ore tbUtommualiy.

Teimsvtrv libera! See 1)1 gran, a at onrffiee and on pesters, t ul b- - prepared lor

the sale Among tha beo en of this prop-erty, we w u.J menuon particularly,


Royster, fe Co,, Anetloneers.

Oy ak.aUercfct..AUCTIONEERS



WUl sell this manilsw, at 10 o'clrk,la lota to salt buyers, a fall llae of



Haas, saiaassrare, CWUerr, Ete.- t'oantry merchants, snd the trade

. wtll Ond lt to their Interest to atltuiuour sales.

oJ TSBS8 CAH.Ta. Cri


FACTURERS' AGEfTS.Corsier et Neeoad aud Adams Mtc.

WK will oommenoe onr regolar tall Auction, ou T. Uert

1871, snd continue them three times s war.during the season, our 'jauer i t oonslguors, embractrs every tine ot K . Btaahomeatlc UBV UOOi. CuOTHlNO, H AltBOOTH, BHUKH, MTIOVB, KaNiY N!v AKIfcrv GO Drt, Etc, will keep ua oouslantly supplied wtta every dnerlptlonHerchantttse suttable for our market, the..Bering to city and country ara.t'ipportnnlty to replenish a ocks at prices farbrow regular ratea Onr regular sals daysxlU be TcautAiB aan Ibusbui ta

A (. tsOQ-- - Rmin .octloueer


Wir'i Pad, rieitn wa Stca BSSMStatu Sail Pasfcrt.

James Lee..

PML Ain;ueaves Memphis Mondays anc Fridays, at 4

connecting st Helena with the steamer6m., for starlanna and all point onAuaullle rive. lv

FOR ST. FBANCIB BIVER.Heleuis, SlarlAnua aud at. Franci. Kltrr

rscsriST. BAUCIS

T. R. owrain maat-- i

WUl leave vraphla TcbeDays aod ThcClOCB P.m.snr rptjlgHt psMuut'' anclv op v.mrjpPa


bits Rlvsr United Stat.-faTa- ll Lias

Will ran tnad Little R

Biafl every:

na Jackb



The eiaaTrjeS--

EL est


or 7




l5-.aL- Ili V,lion wttn tha Uamnhl.

illroari, leaving Dev iisj WesaStcaatsxy and Frl- -a.m lor Ues Are, aukhb ajLvery a afsoar anu n--

daw for 3 . oolnta between s Hint? dMonth ot Whlta river. A so. every Tbaradaj at 10 o'clock am, and every ftsutday s

t o clack p.m., lor Ltitlle Ked river.M JUUN B. DAVlr-- , President.

r. Crraav. Vyrftary and asH

S. MAIL COACH Lir.cS.PASSENQRt by oar lines om rort Smith

a w v. Ksvettvilleto Neoeho on th. P.dlcral road,LIS miles; three Umea a we. k from PortSmith. 70 m lea to Fort Oloeon; thenoe ds'lywum mil . so B ggy anu R liwest InO mile, via Fori Arbor. le to Fori etitl:oreontinulng sooth daily irm Boggy 55 milesr -- nerman ana go ng -- eel warn, Dy line oi0. H. Forts 87U miles to El Paso; or soi.thwarorrnm tsherman dally Into Central J etas, oreast to Jefferson, Marshall, etc.; or frost


by railroad, via Marshall to Longvlew andwestward Into Central Texas: uthwardfrom Longvlew, via Hnn'svlile to Nuvaeota,'.m miles, on Texas central Rahroad. Passen-gers entering Texas by

eALVaWTOa OR ISBli.MILAmeet onr Ine. at the head of uie various rail-roads to all parts of Teias, snd ran In belterconcert than ever before, and In stylegenerally, SAWYER A Fit all.IX,

noS it her tuna. Texas- -

JOHN LILLY,ntroaTBst Ajrn caAiaa IA

Wines and Liquors,Na. 351 Mala Street,



ST. IflUIS wigsnuRi.w. B. B. O HAMPTON.

Memphis Box Factory



BUILDERS' BATERUL IN GENERALBuecL?J attent'on csld ts inmK.

to order Wa'er tank, son o.u n pres.esmsde All else and kind of on hsn-- lnd made aa want City msller' lathe morning ras.h oa tr. r tun Hn.-r.a- s

I III .. . . . U.






kswtoh roan, a. t. roxTxa. w. r. TATtoa.a. w. annix

Ford, Porter & Co.,




Ns 35 Ueton Strast,MEMPHIS, t : i IlllllHigjl

ar w own a aheJ, and store for ourselves.Liberal advance made on censigument of






FFICE OF C'TY TAX COLLE'TOR,Atsmptis, noveaaoer to, upl

avPaoPSaiT sola the ether day for CrrrTax s and bought la by the city, can redeemthe same on or before the 1.' el Ses wkar,1871, without a barn of 60 per cant, for re-demption. FELIX W. RORERISOS,

AM CWf Tax ttxUeelar,

Great Clearing SaleDRESr GOODS !


Menken BrothersHave pat tae knife into DRESS GOODS, and will


Large and Elegant Stock of Dress Goods !

Also, annonnoe new arrival! In all tbe fashionable ahadea In

Poplins, Empress Clo hs, Velours, Merinos, Feps ard Ptaitfs.

Another Case of t.lae Alpacas at Ue. A large Uasa ol Brocade Alpacas a 18c


See oar elegant quality QROS QRIAN at $2 25 and t2 .50, which are warranted.

Colored and Evening Silks,A NEW LOT JTJ8T OPENED, AT LOWER PRICES.


PREMIUM 60LDEN GATE BLANKETS!The finest, best make, and cheapest poods In mark..

6C0 pieces more of the celebrated

MARIE STUART AMD RAVEN-SLAC- K ALPACAS,Which we snail continue at the old reduced prices.

VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS AT REDUCED PRICEThe grand success we have met with in selling

FURS AT NEW YORK PRICES!Induces us to open the season with a large, fresh and elegant assortment of

Ladies' and Children's Furs,At prices mach lower than any other house in the city. Our stock oonsL-t- ? o

Real Seal Skin Sacquss.Real Russian and Hudson Bay SsLnes.


Also a line of



Menken Bros., cor. Court and Mam streets.

Extraordinary Sale





A. Seessel & Son.


Januarv 1, 1872,A3 WE ENTERJTHE

Wholesale Dry Goods Exclusively!

Every Piece of Goods in the House Marked in Plain Figures




For ail Lbs Statas and Terrisortea;

Ju cioa af tbe reave St AUnh;7saU.isr Domastle and Forelan Ct lections so- -

Uetted. opacial attention jjlven lo las pros-ec-o

ion of eiatrna beiois me miiad Am-rl-e-

anJ brl Jo'a; Commission, lor aaaiv dOaaa to Krttlsn and American saoitats

oa'iDt me uta wsr. no 14

X. ma.1tsbt, jr JXO M. 11W1TT.


Commission Merchantsass

COTTON FACTORS,Wholasale Feed & Western Produce,


MEMPHIS, . TENNESSEE.shaaar with Mil ailaaliiii to: Mem oh la Bank.

OeSoso fiank; Ford, Portsr A Co.; Uaik, atyOa, aga




Carriages, Buggies,FABIiVDSiTOWAliOVS,

No. qo xJnioxx saa.MEMPHIS, TENN.

Pirtlcglar Artaatlss PsM to rtopgsvwaS


CWatiaasnia to Cunningham, Wleku A 'IslaaaX,



asTJjssnjal attaxttlon to fining orders.