bost to tho that ancecapd worlds fair - ·...

L L i Hartford Republican FRIDAY MAY 13 DUEJI IDENTIFIED As That of Wentz the Youn- Philadelphia Millionaire I Three of His Front Teeth GoneFamily Hurrying to the Scene Big Stone Gap Va May 9The body which was discovered near Kelly View today was fully Identified as that of Edward L Wentz the young Philadelphian who so mysteriously disappeared on October 14 last The dead man was found lying on his back about a mile from where his riderless steed was caught His head was resting on a log and h had on his spurs leggings and belt while at his side lay his hat a revol ver with three shots missing and his eyeglasses Three of his Iront teeth were gone and the flesh was badly decayed But his clothes were practically intact making the Identi ¬ fication easy The place where the body was found is onethird of a mile north of the Kelly Cave branch rail ¬ road two hundred yards north of the road leading to Blackwoodand seven ¬ tyfive yards east of a bridle path in an open country The members of his family have been notified and will arrive on a special train from Philadelphia while Mr J F Bullitt general counsel and E J Prescott auditor of the Vir ¬ ginia Coal and Iron company have already arrived at the place where the body was found and have stretched a rope around and stationed a strong guard to prevent the removal of the remains before Mr Daniel Wentz the brother of the dead man arrives As soon as he reaches the scene an In ¬ quest will be held to determine the manner of his death It is believed the man who discov ¬ ered the body will receive a reward of 5000 Little so far has been learn ¬ ed as to the cause of his death All agree that he was shot but whether suicide or murder Is the question Memorial to McKinley New York May 9A dinner giv- en by Cornelius H Bliss tonight took the form of a memorial of the late Pres McKinley All of the speeches referred to the martyred President Among the guests were Supreme Court Justice Day Secretary Cortel you Postmaster General Payne Sen ¬ ator Fairbanks and former Secretary of War Root e w Ate Supposed Poison Food to Prove His Innocence Belleville Ill May llA test for poison in food was made in Judge Canadias court which resulted in the acquittal of John F Fletcher who l was arrested and charged with having prepared the edibles to cause the householdl The Justices test cousisted in hav ¬ ing Fletcher eat a dish of beans and drink a cup of coflee submitted as evi- dence The test was suggested byI Fletchers attorney who said he wasI willing that his client should his Innocence in this mannerj Fletcher ate the beans and swallow ¬ ed the coffee but showed no signs of Illness and was dischargede Rev John Reid Jr of Great Falls Mont recommended Elys Cream Balm to me I can emphasize his statement lilt is a positive cure for catarrh if used as dlrectedRev Francis W Poole Pastor Central Pres Church Helena Mont After using Elys Cream Balm six weeks I believe myself cured of ca ¬ tarrh Joseph Stewart Grand Ave Buffalo N Y The Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing Sold by druggists at 50 cts or mailed by Ely Brothers 56 Warren St Yew York WORKING NONUNION MEN t Armed Men Guarding Property of Wheatcroft Coal and Coke Company Madisonville Ky May IIThec- oal mines of the Wheatcroft Mining company at Wheatcroft where the labor trouble is raging have been put in operation again after having been suspended more than a month i The nonunion miners who were shipped in there last week have gone to work end the union Miners who M have been displaced by the company adopting nonunion labor are Idle and very much wrought up about the matterThe union men have notified those who have taken their places to aban don the work at once They have threatened to fight for their rights cansg e r caused some little alarm and in order to protect the property and men iron ance deputy United States e been sent there to do guard duty The situation is rapidly growing worse WINS FARAWAY BRIDE California Boy Meets His W1- 1Through Corres ¬ pondence Madisonvllle Ky May 9A pret ¬ ty romance preceded the marriage at Kye yesterday morning of J N Orgdon Redlands Cal and Miss Susie Boyd In answer to an advertisement the couple began to correspond about a year ago when portraits were ex ¬ changed The young lady engaged in the matter for mere pastime but a real betrothal by mall followed About a week ago a young man ar ¬ rived at Oak Grove and took lodging at the Boyd Inn giving his name as Don Carloss Greene He claimed to be prospecting in mineral lands around the place He kept up his incognito for a few days during which he was a close observer of his bride lo be When he was satisfied that all his expectations as to her conduct and character were realized he announc ¬ ed himself to her as her future hus bandThey are now on their way to the home of the groom in California Mr Orgdon is reputed to be very wealthy Notable Days MAY 8- 1794Tbe postoffice department was established by act of cpngress The PostmasterGeneral who is at its head is a member of the Presidents cabinet by virtue of a custom that originated in the time of Andrew Jackson His salary is Sooo per annum He is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Sen ¬ ate The department has charge o the transmission of mail matter the preparation of stamps and postal cards the issue of money orders and postal notes the establishment and discontinuance of post offices and the appointment of postmasters whose salary is 1000 or under j MAY 9 1502 Columbufl with the authori ¬ i ty of Ferdinand and Isabella sailed from Cadiz upon his fourth voyage which also proved his last one with 450 men in four caravels of from 50 to 100 tons burden each He designed to attempt the discovery of the strait which he supposed to exist at the southwest of Cuba It had not yet been learned that Cuba was an island II1775The gress to raise 20000 troops and organize a navy A petition to the king was or- dered ¬ to be prepared The formaI tion ot a federal union was initiatedI MAY II 1776 Jane Porterauthor of ThadI deus of Warsaw andliThe Scottish Chiefs born at Durham Eng SheI was the first of female nov ¬ elistsI 1792Capt Robert Gray discovered the Columbia River on the Pacific coast of the United States and entert ed it in the Columbia Redlviva a BosI ton vessel MAY 12 1780 Charleston S C was sur- rendered by General Lincoln with 5 too men after a siege of forty days to a combined British land and naval force under Generals Clinton and Cornwallis The city was given up to plunder valuables were seized and slaves sent to the West Indies to btI sold Lincoln later had the satisfac ion of Cornwallis sword at the surrender of Yorktown MAY 13 1846The United States declared war against Mexico The message of resident Polk declared thatwar ex- Isted by the act of Mexico The act consisted of armed attacks upon Unit- ed States troops posted in observation upon soil in dispute MAY 14 1804Lewis and Clark left St Louis on their great Western explor QJT expedition The anniversary of a this event is to be celebrated at Port land Ore in 1905 by a Lewis and Iltrke exposition SUNKEN TREASURE SHIP Flagship of Spanish Fleet Scut- tled in 1702 Discovere- dat Last Vigo Spain May 12Operations are actively under way here in prep- aration for the raising of the Spanish treasure galleons which were sunk in capd Dutch fleets The completion of the preliminary survey a couple of weeks ago resulted in the location of several of the vessels and the identification of the Santa Cruz the flagship of the fleet which the finder Senor Jose entiretye use o great power Senor Pino believes he will succeed in extracting the contents of the gal leons employing a hydroscope lift ing aparatus and a submarine of his own invention Treasure ships have been sunk twice by the Spaniards In Vigo bay once in 1589 when Drake captured the city and again in October of t7o2 i when Sir George Rook with a com biped English and Dutch fleet cap turefl it as an incident of the War of the Spanish Succession which began early that year and lasted till 1713 The Spanish were not able to fulfill their object completely however for many men of war and galleons were taken with much valuable plate and other treasures I ACCEPTANCE URGED Executive Board of the National Union Recommend That Min ¬ ers Accept Operators Proposition John Mitchell who has done so ranch to bring about peaceful relations between the miners and operators and the other high officers of the ra ¬ tional union recently issued the fo- llowing ¬ circular To the officers and members and District No 23 U M W of AGen tlemen At a meeting of the Nation al Executive Beard of United Mine Workers of America held in Indian ¬ apolis Ind April 30 1904 the fol ¬ weref Whereas The executive officers of District No 23 U M W of AI have recommended to the miners of Dis ¬ trict No 23 what course they should pursue in the present controversy between themselves and their em- ¬ ployers relatives to the proposed- mining scale and Whereas The proposed reduction of 4 ij per cent on mining prices yardage dead work and day labor is less than has been accepted by the mine workers of every other dis ¬ trict whose contracts expired March 31 1904 and- Whereas We Ibelieve it would bs impossible to secure better prices or condition by submitting the questions issue to a board of arbitrators and Whereas As it is our judgment that a strike if inaugurated could not under the present conditions of the coal trade be defended or be prosecuted to successful issue and if lost would result in the disintegra- tion ¬ of the organization and the dis- solution ¬ of the joint movement of op- erators ¬ and miners in District No 23 andWhereas We believe the best in ¬ terest of the mine workers of Western Kentucky will be conserved by yield- ing ¬ to the inevitable and accepting conditions of last years agree- ment ¬ with a 44 per cent reduction Therefore be it Resolved That we the members- of the National Executive Board rec- ommend to the officers and members of District No 23 issue to arbitration and rather than inaugurate they ac- cept the first proposition of the op- erators which is the renewal of the agreement that expired March 31 ees a reduction of 4 per cent On behalf of the National Executive Board JOHN MITCHELL President L L LEWIS Vice President W B WILSON SecTrees Bob Taylor Settles Knoxvllle Tenn May loExG- overnor Bob Taylor today paid into court 5500 executed titles to hit property in Memphis to his wife who was recently granted a divorce from him He is to pay her about 12000 limonyt OnMleYtCughCurnFr J BAR DOCKET May Term 1904 Ohio Circtli- Court FIRST DAY pOI Comth vs J W boatner SECOND DAY 3540 Comth vs James Burns 3761 Comth vs Rudy Jahn 3762 Comth vs Rudy Jahn 3856 Comth vs Lee Tillord 3865 Comth vs Willie Walker 3866 Comth vs Sip Rhoads 3876 Comth vs Juston Jackson 3881 Comth vs Same 3889 Comth vs James Shultz 3960 Comth vs W E Russell- 4000 Comth vs Claud Slanter 4008 Comth vs Dock Porter 4009 Comth vs Same 4058 Comth vs Ollie Barnes 4071 Comth vs Same 4078 Comth vs Will Engler THIRD DAY 4083 Comth vs Lee Vutry 4086 Comth vs Emmet Tyro c 4118 Comth vs Jack Kelly c 4122 Comth vs Vermond Cooper c 4126 Comth vs Luke Taylor 14145 Comth vs Leslie Hines 4 159 Comth vs Elmer Hall 4163 Comth vs Ed Shultz 14169 Comth vs J R Johnson i4io Comth Vs T Schroader 4 15 Comth vs P E Told 4176 Comth vs Alex Nicholson 4177 Comth vs Owen Cash 4180 Comth vs Cassa Wilcox 4181 Comth vsMortTate 4182 Comth vsjohn Abner FOURTH DAY 4183 Comth vs Cassa Wilcox 4188 Comth vs Robert Render 4190 Comth vs Robert Render 4191 Comth vs Mary Nabors 4192 Comth vs Bridge Duncan 493 Comth vs Frank Tichenor 4194 Comth vs Wash Stringfield 4021 Comth vs Forest Chinn 4196 Comth vs Henry Blackburn 4201 Comth vs Orbry House 4202 Comth vs Same- i 4204 Comth vs Buzz Hammons 4205 Comth vs Same 4206 Comth vs John Render 4207 Comth vs James Raley 4208 Comth vs Jonce Guss VlVTll DAY 4149 Comth vs Ben Rogers 4209 Comth vs S B Jentry 4210 Comth vsjohn Render 4211 Comth vs Albert Long 4212 Comth vs Will Taylor 4213 Comth vs Hermon Kahn 4215 Comth vs Payton Sullenger 4220 Comth vs Daisy Yeager SIXTH DAY 4221 Comth vs Sam Basham 4222 Comth vs James Phipps 4223 Comth vs I C R R Co 4224 Comth vs Hugh Baugh 4226 Comth vs Deanfield Coal Co 4227 Comth vs Deanfield Coal Co 4228 Comth vs Jack Smith 4229 Comth vs Mrs Bruno Frey 4230 Comth vs Bruno Frey SIvVrNTH DAY 4197 Comth vs William Sampson- E G BARRASS Clerk Worlds Fair Rates Commencing April 25th 1904 round trip tickets will be sold to St Louis account Worlds Fair at follow ¬ ing rates and limits Season Excurs ¬ ion tickets sold dally April 25th to November 15th limited to December 15th for returning 1280 For sale dally April 25th to November 30th limit 60 days but not later than De ¬ cember 15th 1904 1070 For sale dally April 25th to November 30th limit 10 days 1000 Special Excur ¬ sion May loth rate not named yet S B VAN METER Agt Sheriffs Salei By virtue of directed to me which issued from the Clerks office of Ohio Circuit court In favor of Mrs Lou Maddox and others and fee bill in favor of S A Anderson which was levied on the following property subject to said ex ecutlon all against Estill Tichenor Emma Tichenor Brown Charles Brown and Eva Tichenor I or one of my Deputies will on Monday the 16th day of May 1904 between the hours of i oclock PM and 4oclockC P M at the Court House Hartford Ohio county Ky expose to Public Sale to the highest bidder the following property or no much thereof as may be necessary to satis- fy Pontiffs debt interest and cost the undivided interest of Es ill Tichenor Emma Tichenor Brown Charles Brown and Eva Tichenor- In the following described tract of land I ying and being in the county of Ohio State of Kentucky and bounded and Greett at a stony oak and elm tree in Philips anti Lewis line thence north 300 poles to aston e beech and walnut thence IJas 5311 poles to a stone thence South 300 poles to a stone in the line of Philips und Lewis survey thence West with tald line 53j poles to the b uitming con ¬ taming one hundred acre > and ran e being land owned by Aron Tlri roi prior to his death said inletcsi oi Eltill Tichenor Emma Tichenor Brown Charles Brown Eva Tichenor who recently intermarried with R C James is levied on and to be sold sub ¬ ject to homestead interest of Mrs Lou Maddox Pearl and Algla Tiche ¬ nor levied upon as the property of Es ¬ till Tichenor Emmn Tichenor Brown Charles Brown and Eva Tichenor JamesTERMSSale will be made on a credit of 3 months bond with approve ed security required hearing inter est at the rate of 6 per cent per an- num ¬ from day of tale and having the force and effect of a sale bond Witness my hand this 25th day o April 1904 CAL P KnowN Sherifl O C by CHESTER KHOWN D S Can You Figure 200G- iven Away TO rtvroMKis OK Carson Co HARTFORD KY How many votes will be cast for Congress in Ohio county at the November election this year For the one who can guess the number or nearest to the correct number of Congressional votes cast we have the following cash gilts First nearest Guess 5000 Second 2500 Third 1000 Fourthd r 00 Next 55 < nesses each 200 11000 Total 20000 For each dollars worth of goods bought of Carson Co a ticket will be given which will entitle the holder to one guess in this Congressional contest The conI test will be decided the decision ol the election com ¬ missioners who will meet at Frankfort to canvass the vote No ticket will be given out after 4 oclock on election day Be- gin ¬ now The more tickets theI better your chances CARSON Co I- ncBOSW u WORLDS FAIR ROUTE NATURAL GATEWAY TO ST LOUIS- A DTI IK Louisana Purchase Exposition ENTIRE NEWRailroa1 WAY OF THE FAST FLYERS Parlor Dining and Sleep ¬ ng Cars elegant Coaches with High Back Seats- Complete Illustrated Fold- er ¬ of the Worlds Fair fur ¬ nished free on application Send lOc Silver for copy of the Worlds Fair March For rates time ot trains Sleeping Car Jtwier Tiitlonx life cull on any Ticket Agent or nil 8 O P Mc AIlTY Genl IOBH Agent Ohio or R M DROWN I > VA- LoulaTllliKy THE REPUBLICAN is prepared to do your Job Printing inI a firstclass manner Try us r Woflds Faifjhort line SOUTHERN RRILWBY 1 43 MILES THE SHORTEST Fastest and Bost to tho WORLDS FAIR Look at Schedules Lonvo Louisville 85 11 a m dully Arrive dt Louis 11311 piii dnily Solid through train from Louisville with Observation Parlor and Dining pLeave Arrive St Louis 7J2 a m daily Solid through trains from Louisville with sixteen section Pullman Sleep ¬ ersAll trains make close connection in Union Station in St Louis with Wubash Suburban service direct to the Worlds Pair Grounds Low Excursion Rates Will be announced soon P E CARR Passenger anti Ticket Agent Louisville Ivy A J CKONK Depot Ticket Agent Louisville Ky Pasr ¬ senger KyG Assistant General Passenger Agent St Louis Mo BIG FOUR ITim IHiST LINK TO I Indianapolis I Peoria IChicago I Inutl lichiganI BuffaloI New York + IBoston r i IInformation Cityticket I I I No 2511 lth Ave or write to > I S J GATKS a I Genl Agt Pawenger Dept ILouisilIe Ky I 1 e c Envelopes at Repub- lican ¬ office 1 for 500 DAILY TOURIST SLEEPERS TO CALIFORNIA Iron Mountain Route operates Pull ¬ man Tourist sleepers St Louis to California leaving 830 n m tinny via Little Rock Texarkana Dallas Fort Worth and Kl Paso The Ideal Route to California Fast schedule dallyI man Tourist sleepers via Missouri Pacific Ry leave St Louis every Thursday 9 a m from Kansas City 4 Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays 630 p m going via Pueblo D R G System through Glenwood Springs Salt Lake City to Ogden etc Home seeker and Colonist rates to various points in the West and Southwest every first and third Tues ¬ days each month For map folders descriptive literature rates etc con ¬ sult nearest Ticket Agent or address- R T G MATTHEWS T P A Room 301 Norton Bldg- Louisville Ky Real EstateBargaiiis c Farms For Sale Cheap 100 acres adjoining Hartford2500 120 acres near Rockport lor 1200 70 near Palo for 650 40 acres of coal land 3 miles from Hartford 900 115 acres fine bottom land six miles from Hartford for 2200 40 acres 3 miles from Sulphur Springs lor 325 145 acres 2M miles from Hartford 3000 One house and lot In Hartford one half acre lot 1500 A house and two acres of ground adjoining Hartford f37S I will sell your property for you or I will find a farm for you Titles ab- stracted S A AndersonI Dealer in Real Estate Y HARTFoRD KYi

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Hartford Republican



As That of Wentz the Youn-

Philadelphia Millionaire

I Three of His Front Teeth

GoneFamily Hurrying

to the Scene

Big Stone Gap Va May 9Thebody which was discovered near Kelly

View today was fully Identified as

that of Edward L Wentz the youngPhiladelphian who so mysteriouslydisappeared on October 14 last

The dead man was found lying on

his back about a mile from where

his riderless steed was caughtHis head was resting on a log and h

had on his spurs leggings and beltwhile at his side lay his hat a revolver with three shots missing and hiseyeglasses Three of his Irontteeth were gone and the flesh was

badly decayed But his clothes were

practically intact making the Identi ¬

fication easy The place where thebody was found is onethird of a milenorth of the Kelly Cave branch rail ¬

road two hundred yards north of theroad leading to Blackwoodand seven ¬

tyfive yards east of a bridle path inan open country

The members of his family havebeen notified and will arrive on aspecial train from Philadelphia whileMr J F Bullitt general counseland E J Prescott auditor of the Vir ¬

ginia Coal and Iron company havealready arrived at the place where thebody was found and have stretched a

rope around and stationed a strongguard to prevent the removal of theremains before Mr Daniel Wentz thebrother of the dead man arrives Assoon as he reaches the scene an In ¬

quest will be held to determine themanner of his death

It is believed the man who discov ¬

ered the body will receive a reward of

5000 Little so far has been learn ¬

ed as to the cause of his death Allagree that he was shot but whethersuicide or murder Is the question

Memorial to McKinleyNew York May 9A dinner giv-

en by Cornelius H Bliss tonight tookthe form of a memorial of the latePres McKinley All of the speechesreferred to the martyred PresidentAmong the guests were SupremeCourt Justice Day Secretary Cortelyou Postmaster General Payne Sen ¬

ator Fairbanks and former Secretaryof War Root e w

Ate Supposed Poison Food to ProveHis Innocence

Belleville Ill May llA test for

poison in food was made in JudgeCanadias court which resulted in theacquittal of John F Fletcher who

l was arrested and charged with havingprepared the edibles to cause the

householdlThe Justices test cousisted in hav ¬

ing Fletcher eat a dish of beans anddrink a cup of coflee submitted as evi-

dence The test was suggested byIFletchers attorney who said he wasIwilling that his client shouldhis Innocence in this mannerj

Fletcher ate the beans and swallow ¬

ed the coffee but showed no signs ofIllness and was dischargede

Rev John Reid Jr of Great FallsMont recommended Elys CreamBalm to me I can emphasize hisstatement lilt is a positive cure forcatarrh if used as dlrectedRevFrancis W Poole Pastor Central PresChurch Helena Mont

After using Elys Cream Balm sixweeks I believe myself cured of ca ¬

tarrh Joseph Stewart Grand AveBuffalo N Y

The Balm does not irritate or causesneezing Sold by druggists at 50cts or mailed by Ely Brothers 56Warren St Yew York


Armed Men Guarding Property

of Wheatcroft Coal and

Coke Company

Madisonville Ky May IIThec-oal mines of the Wheatcroft Miningcompany at Wheatcroft where thelabor trouble is raging have been

put in operation again after havingbeen suspended more than a month i

The nonunion miners who wereshipped in there last week have goneto work end the union Miners who


have been displaced by the companyadopting nonunion labor are Idle

and very much wrought up about the

matterTheunion men have notified those

who have taken their places to abandon the work at once They havethreatened to fight for their rightscansge


caused some little alarm and in orderto protect the property and men ironancedeputy United States e

been sent there to do guard dutyThe situation is rapidly growingworse


California Boy Meets His W1-

1Through Corres ¬


Madisonvllle Ky May 9A pret ¬

ty romance preceded the marriage atKyeyesterday morning of J N OrgdonRedlands Cal and Miss Susie Boyd

In answer to an advertisement thecouple began to correspond about a

year ago when portraits were ex ¬

changed The young lady engagedin the matter for mere pastime but a

real betrothal by mall followed

About a week ago a young man ar ¬

rived at Oak Grove and took lodgingat the Boyd Inn giving his name as

Don Carloss Greene He claimed to be

prospecting in mineral lands aroundthe place He kept up his incognitofor a few days during which he was

a close observer of his bride lo be

When he was satisfied that all hisexpectations as to her conduct andcharacter were realized he announc ¬

ed himself to her as her future hus

bandTheyare now on their way to the

home of the groom in CaliforniaMr Orgdon is reputed to be verywealthy

Notable DaysMAY 8-

1794Tbe postoffice departmentwas established by act of cpngressThe PostmasterGeneral who is at itshead is a member of the Presidentscabinet by virtue of a custom thatoriginated in the time of AndrewJackson His salary is Sooo perannum He is appointed by thePresident and confirmed by the Sen ¬

ate The department has charge o

the transmission of mail matter thepreparation of stamps and postalcards the issue of money orders andpostal notes the establishment anddiscontinuance of postoffices and theappointment of postmasters whose

salary is 1000 or under j

MAY 91502 Columbufl with the authori ¬ i

ty of Ferdinand and Isabella sailedfrom Cadiz upon his fourth voyagewhich also proved his last one with450 men in four caravels of from 50 to100 tons burden each He designedto attempt the discovery of the straitwhich he supposed to exist at thesouthwest of Cuba It had not yetbeen learned that Cuba was anisland

II1775Thegressto raise 20000 troops and organize anavy A petition to the king was or-



to be prepared The formaItion ot a federal union was initiatedI

MAY II1776 Jane Porterauthor of ThadI

deus of Warsaw andliThe ScottishChiefs born at Durham Eng SheIwas the first of female nov ¬elistsI1792Capt Robert Gray discoveredthe Columbia River on the Pacificcoast of the United States and enterted it in the Columbia Redlviva a BosIton vessel

MAY 12

1780 Charleston S C was sur-

rendered by General Lincoln with 5too men after a siege of forty days

to a combined British land and navalforce under Generals Clinton andCornwallis The city was given upto plunder valuables were seized andslaves sent to the West Indies to btIsold Lincoln later had the satisfacion of Cornwallis sword at

the surrender of YorktownMAY 13

1846The United States declaredwar against Mexico The message ofresident Polk declared thatwar ex-Isted by the act of Mexico The actconsisted of armed attacks upon Unit-ed States troops posted in observationupon soil in dispute

MAY 14

1804Lewis and Clark left StLouis on their great Western explor

QJT expedition The anniversary of athis event is to be celebrated at Portland Ore in 1905 by a Lewis andIltrke exposition


Flagship of Spanish Fleet Scut-

tled in 1702 Discovere-

dat Last

Vigo Spain May 12Operationsare actively under way here in prep-

aration for the raising of the Spanishtreasure galleons which were sunk incapdDutch fleets The completion of thepreliminary survey a couple of weeksago resulted in the location of severalof the vessels and the identification ofthe Santa Cruz the flagship of thefleet which the finder Senor Joseentiretyeuse o

great powerSenor Pino believes he will succeed

in extracting the contents of the galleons employing a hydroscope lifting aparatus and a submarine of hisown invention

Treasure ships have been sunktwice by the Spaniards In Vigo bayonce in 1589 when Drake capturedthe city and again in October of t7o2 i

when Sir George Rook with a combiped English and Dutch fleet capturefl it as an incident of the War ofthe Spanish Succession which beganearly that year and lasted till 1713The Spanish were not able to fulfilltheir object completely however formany men of war and galleons weretaken with much valuable plate andother treasures



Executive Board of the National

Union Recommend That Min ¬

ers Accept Operators


John Mitchell who has done so

ranch to bring about peaceful relationsbetween the miners and operatorsand the other high officers of the ra¬

tional union recently issued the fo-



circularTo the officers and members and

District No 23 U M W of AGentlemen At a meeting of the National Executive Beard of United MineWorkers of America held in Indian ¬

apolis Ind April 30 1904 the fol ¬werefWhereas The executive officers ofDistrict No 23 U M W of AI haverecommended to the miners of Dis ¬

trict No 23 what course they shouldpursue in the present controversybetween themselves and their em- ¬

ployers relatives to the proposed-

mining scale andWhereas The proposed reduction

of 4 ij per cent on mining pricesyardage dead work and day labor

is less than has been accepted bythe mine workers of every other dis ¬

trict whose contracts expired March

31 1904 and-

Whereas We Ibelieve it would bsimpossible to secure better prices orcondition by submitting the questions

issue to a board of arbitrators andWhereas As it is our judgment

that a strike if inaugurated couldnot under the present conditions ofthe coal trade be defended or beprosecuted to successful issue and if

lost would result in the disintegra-tion


of the organization and the dis-


of the joint movement of op-


and miners in District No 23

andWhereas We believe the best in ¬

terest of the mine workers of WesternKentucky will be conserved by yield-


to the inevitable and acceptingconditions of last years agree-


with a 44 per cent reductionTherefore be it

Resolved That we the members-of the National Executive Board rec-

ommend to the officers and members ofDistrict No 23 issue to arbitrationand rather than inaugurate they ac-

cept the first proposition of the op-

erators which is the renewal of theagreement that expired March 31ees a reduction of 4 per cent On

behalf of the National ExecutiveBoard

JOHN MITCHELL PresidentL L LEWIS Vice PresidentW B WILSON SecTrees

Bob Taylor SettlesKnoxvllle Tenn May loExG-

overnor Bob Taylor today paid intocourt 5500 executed titles to hitproperty in Memphis to his wife whowas recently granted a divorce fromhim He is to pay her about 12000limonytOnMleYtCughCurnFr



May Term 1904 Ohio Circtli-



pOI Comth vs J W boatnerSECOND DAY

3540 Comth vs James Burns3761 Comth vs Rudy Jahn3762 Comth vs Rudy Jahn3856 Comth vs Lee Tillord3865 Comth vs Willie Walker3866 Comth vs Sip Rhoads3876 Comth vs Juston Jackson3881 Comth vs Same3889 Comth vs James Shultz3960 Comth vs W E Russell-4000 Comth vs Claud Slanter4008 Comth vs Dock Porter4009 Comth vs Same4058 Comth vs Ollie Barnes4071 Comth vs Same4078 Comth vs Will Engler


4083 Comth vs Lee Vutry4086 Comth vs Emmet Tyro c4118 Comth vs Jack Kelly c

4122 Comth vs Vermond Cooper c

4126 Comth vs Luke Taylor14145 Comth vs Leslie Hines4 159 Comth vs Elmer Hall4163 Comth vs Ed Shultz

14169 Comth vs J R Johnsoni4io Comth Vs T Schroader4 15 Comth vs P E Told4176 Comth vs Alex Nicholson4177 Comth vs Owen Cash4180 Comth vs Cassa Wilcox4181 Comth vsMortTate4182 Comth vsjohn Abner


4183 Comth vs Cassa Wilcox4188 Comth vs Robert Render4190 Comth vs Robert Render4191 Comth vs Mary Nabors4192 Comth vs Bridge Duncan

493 Comth vs Frank Tichenor4194 Comth vs Wash Stringfield4021 Comth vs Forest Chinn4196 Comth vs Henry Blackburn4201 Comth vs Orbry House4202 Comth vs Same-

i 4204 Comth vs Buzz Hammons4205 Comth vs Same4206 Comth vs John Render4207 Comth vs James Raley4208 Comth vs Jonce Guss


4149 Comth vs Ben Rogers4209 Comth vs S B Jentry4210 Comth vsjohn Render4211 Comth vs Albert Long4212 Comth vs Will Taylor4213 Comth vs Hermon Kahn4215 Comth vs Payton Sullenger4220 Comth vs Daisy Yeager


4221 Comth vs Sam Basham4222 Comth vs James Phipps4223 Comth vs I C R R Co

4224 Comth vs Hugh Baugh4226 Comth vs Deanfield Coal Co

4227 Comth vs Deanfield Coal Co

4228 Comth vs Jack Smith4229 Comth vs Mrs Bruno Frey4230 Comth vs Bruno Frey


4197 Comth vs William Sampson-E G BARRASS Clerk

Worlds Fair RatesCommencing April 25th 1904

round trip tickets will be sold to StLouis account Worlds Fair at follow ¬

ing rates and limits Season Excurs ¬

ion tickets sold dally April 25th toNovember 15th limited to December15th for returning 1280 For saledally April 25th to November 30thlimit 60 days but not later than De ¬

cember 15th 1904 1070 For saledally April 25th to November 30thlimit 10 days 1000 Special Excur¬

sion May loth rate not named yetS B VAN METER Agt

Sheriffs SaleiBy virtue of

directed to me which issued fromthe Clerks office of Ohio Circuit courtIn favor of Mrs Lou Maddox andothers and fee bill in favor of S A

Anderson which was levied on thefollowing property subject to said executlon all against Estill TichenorEmma Tichenor Brown CharlesBrown and Eva Tichenor I or oneof my Deputies will on Monday the16th day of May 1904 between thehours of i oclock PM and 4oclockCP M at the Court HouseHartford Ohio county Ky expose

to Public Sale to the highest bidderthe following property or no muchthereof as may be necessary to satis-fy Pontiffs debt interest and cost

the undivided interest of Esill Tichenor Emma Tichenor BrownCharles Brown and Eva Tichenor-

In the following described tract of land


ying and being in the county of OhioState of Kentucky and bounded andGreettat a stonyoak and elm tree in Philips anti Lewisline thence north 300 poles to aston e

beech and walnut thence IJas 5311poles to a stone thence South 300poles to a stone in the line of Philips undLewis survey thence West with tald

line 53j poles to the b uitming con ¬

taming one hundred acre > and ran e

being land owned by Aron Tlri roiprior to his death said inletcsi oi

Eltill Tichenor Emma TichenorBrown Charles Brown Eva Tichenorwho recently intermarried with R CJames is levied on and to be sold sub ¬

ject to homestead interest of MrsLou Maddox Pearl and Algla Tiche ¬

nor levied upon as the property of Es ¬

till Tichenor Emmn Tichenor BrownCharles Brown and Eva Tichenor

JamesTERMSSalewill be made on a

credit of 3 months bond with approveed security required hearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per an-


from day of tale and having theforce and effect of a sale bondWitness my hand this 25th day o

April 1904CAL P KnowN Sherifl O C


Can You Figure

200G-iven Away

TO rtvroMKis OK


How many votes will be castfor Congress in Ohio county atthe November election this yearFor the one who can guess thenumber or nearest to the correctnumber of Congressional votescast we have the following cashgilts

First nearest Guess 5000Second 2500Third 1000Fourthd r 00Next 55 < nesses each

200 11000

Total 20000For each dollars worth of goods

bought of Carson Co a ticketwill be given which will entitlethe holder to one guess in thisCongressional contest The

conItest will be decidedthe decision ol the election com ¬

missioners who will meet atFrankfort to canvass the voteNo ticket will be given out after4 oclock on election day Be-


now The more tickets theIbetter your chances






Louisana Purchase Exposition



Parlor Dining and Sleep ¬

ng Cars elegant Coaches withHigh Back Seats-

Complete Illustrated Fold-


of the Worlds Fair fur¬

nished free on application

Send lOc Silver for copyof the Worlds Fair March

For rates time ot trains Sleeping Car JtwierTiitlonx life cull on any Ticket Agent or nil

8 O P Mc AIlTY Genl IOBH AgentOhio or R M DROWN I> VA-


THE REPUBLICANis prepared to doyour Job Printing inIa firstclass mannerTry us


Woflds Faifjhort line


Fastest and Bost to tho

WORLDS FAIRLook at SchedulesLonvo Louisville 85 11 a m dullyArrive dt Louis 11311 piii dnilySolid through train from Louisvillewith Observation Parlor and DiningpLeaveArrive St Louis 7J2 a m dailySolid through trains from Louisvillewith sixteen section Pullman Sleep ¬

ersAll trains make close connectionin Union Station in St Louis withWubash Suburban service direct tothe Worlds Pair Grounds

Low Excursion RatesWill be announced soon

P E CARR Passenger anti TicketAgent Louisville Ivy

A J CKONK Depot Ticket AgentLouisville KyPasr ¬


KyG Assistant GeneralPassenger Agent St Louis Mo


I Indianapolis IPeoria

IChicago I

Inutl lichiganIBuffaloINew York

+IBoston r

i IInformationCityticket I

I INo 2511 lth Ave or write to >IS J GATKSa IGenl Agt Pawenger Dept

ILouisilIe Ky I1 e c

Envelopes at Repub-


office 1 for 500


TO CALIFORNIAIron Mountain Route operates Pull ¬

man Tourist sleepers St Louis toCalifornia leaving 830 n m tinnyvia Little Rock Texarkana DallasFort Worth and Kl Paso The IdealRoute to California Fast scheduledallyIman Tourist sleepers via MissouriPacific Ry leave St Louis everyThursday 9 a m from Kansas City 4

Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays630 p m going via Pueblo DR G System through GlenwoodSprings Salt Lake City to Ogdenetc Home seeker and Colonist ratesto various points in the West andSouthwest every first and third Tues ¬

days each month For map foldersdescriptive literature rates etc con ¬

sult nearest Ticket Agent or address-R T G MATTHEWS T P A

Room 301 Norton Bldg-Louisville Ky

Real EstateBargaiiis c

Farms For Sale Cheap

100 acres adjoining Hartford2500120 acres near Rockport lor 120070 near Palo for 65040 acres of coal land 3 miles from

Hartford 900115 acres fine bottom land six

miles from Hartford for 220040 acres 3 miles from Sulphur

Springs lor 325145 acres 2M miles from Hartford

3000One house and lot In Hartford one

half acre lot 1500A house and two acres of ground

adjoining Hartford f37S

I will sell your property for you orI will find a farm for you Titles ab-


S A AndersonIDealer in Real Estate