bossy bosses - · play music as kids enjoy snacks and friendship; then play an opening...

BOSSY BOSSES When Is It My Turn? The Point: Serving Leads to Leadership The Passages: Joshua 1:1-9; John 13:1-17 GET STARTED Lesson 13. When Is It My Turn? SUPPLIES Bibles, Grapple DVD, DVD player, music CD, CD player, copy of the Grapple Team Guide for each person, paper, pens or pencils, yarn, scissors, one wet wipe or wet washcloth per person BIBLE BASIS FOR TEACHERS The Passage: Joshua 1:1-9 As we begin this passage, Moses had died and Joshua had taken over the leadership of the Israelites, as had been arranged in advance (see Deuteronomy 31:1-8). Joshua 1:5 tells us that God was going to be with Joshua in the same way he had been with Moses, so we can assume that God’s communication with both men was in some way similar. This message from God must have been reassuring to Joshua and the Israelites—Joshua was the right person for the job and God would use him to lead the Israelites just as God had used Moses. In this passage God gave Joshua a command of encouragement (“Be strong and courageous”), a condition for success (“obey all the instructions Moses gave you”), and a promise of his presence (“the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”). God had a plan for Israel, and Joshua was the instrument through which he was going to accomplish that plan. How does this relate to the Grapple Question? From the day the Israelites left Egypt to the day they camped on the banks of the Jordan, Joshua quietly and patiently served Moses and the people of Israel. It’s difficult sometimes for teenagers to put up with one authority figure after another telling them what to do. Some may often wonder when their turn will come when they get to boss someone else around. By learning about Joshua and his investment of service, students can see that true leadership comes by serving, not being served. GRAPPLE SCHEDULE 5 MINUTES HANG TIME 10 MINUTES GRAPPLE CHAT 10-15 MINUTES GRAPPLE TIME 20-25 MINUTES TEAM TIME 10 MINUTES TEAM REPORTS 5 MINUTES PRAYER & CHALLENGE

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Page 1: BOSSY BOSSES - · Play music as kids enjoy snacks and friendship; then play an opening countdown from the Grapple DVD to wrap up Grapple Hang Time. Grapple chat: 10 minuteS

BOSSY BOSSESWhen Is It My Turn?The Point: Serving Leads to LeadershipThe Passages: Joshua 1:1-9; John 13:1-17

Get StartedLesson 13. When Is It My Turn?

SupplieSBibles, Grapple DVD, DVD player, music CD, CD player, copy of the Grapple Team Guide for each person, paper, pens or pencils, yarn, scissors, one wet wipe or wet washcloth per person

BiBle BaSiS for teacherSThe Passage: Joshua 1:1-9As we begin this passage, Moses had died and Joshua had taken over the leadership of the Israelites, as had been arranged in advance (see Deuteronomy 31:1-8). Joshua 1:5 tells us that God was going to be with Joshua in the same way he had been with Moses, so we can assume that God’s communication with both men was in some way similar. This message from God must have been reassuring to Joshua and the Israelites—Joshua was the right person for the job and God would use him to lead the Israelites just as God had used Moses.

In this passage God gave Joshua a command of encouragement (“Be strong and courageous”), a condition for success (“obey all the instructions Moses gave you”), and a promise of his presence (“the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”). God had a plan for Israel, and Joshua was the instrument through which he was going to accomplish that plan.

How does this relate to the Grapple Question? From the day the Israelites left Egypt to the day they camped on the banks of the Jordan, Joshua quietly and patiently served Moses and the people of Israel. It’s difficult sometimes for teenagers to put up with one authority figure after another telling them what to do. Some may often wonder when their turn will come when they get to boss someone else around. By learning about Joshua and his investment of service, students can see that true leadership comes by serving, not being served.

Grapple Schedule 5 minutes hang time10 minutes grapple chat10-15 minutes grapple time20-25 minutes team time10 minutes team reports5 minutes prayer & challenge

Page 2: BOSSY BOSSES - · Play music as kids enjoy snacks and friendship; then play an opening countdown from the Grapple DVD to wrap up Grapple Hang Time. Grapple chat: 10 minuteS

How does this connect to Jesus? Jesus was the ultimate servant. Though he was God himself, he took the position of a slave—and then that of a criminal—to serve us. Jesus did this to provide the only possible way we can have a relationship with God that brings us eternal life! So when Jesus began to wash his followers’ feet, he was showing his disciples—and his followers for centuries to come—that being dedicated to serving God means serving other people (see John 13:1-17). Jesus said, “So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last” (Matthew 20:16).

Grapple hanG time: 5 minuteSPlay music as kids enjoy snacks and friendship; then play an opening countdown from the Grapple DVD to wrap up Grapple Hang Time.

Grapple chat: 10 minuteSHave students form pairs; if you have an uneven number of kids, it’s OK to have one trio in the mix. Ask each group to chat about two of the four topics below that relate to today’s grapple topic. (Answers in parentheses are samples.)

in pairS Chat 1: Name someone in the Bible who was first a follower and then became a leader. (Peter; Samuel)

Chat 2: Talk about a time you were a leader. What was it like, and what did you learn from the experience?

Chat 3: Find a verse in the Bible that talks about leadership. (Luke 22:26; Psalm 5:8)

Chat 4: Who is the most popular teen role model right now, and why is this person so popular?

Grapple time: 10-15 minuteSGet Ready: Cue the Grapple DVD to the “Follow the Leader” clip. Loosely stretch a piece of yarn across the length of your meeting area. Then use scissors to cut that long piece into smaller pieces (at least three pieces per Grapple Team). Tangle each piece of yarn, but avoid creating tight knots that kids can’t undo. Drop each piece of tangled yarn in a separate pile, but all in one part of the meeting area.

Lead the entire class in the following:

Can our class create a string long enough to go all the way from one end of the room to the other? It will all depend on what these individual pieces look like when they’re untangled. Send the person in your Grapple Team who is wearing the most blue to the piles to quickly choose three pieces. Then work as a team to untangle and stretch out your pieces of yarn.

Page 3: BOSSY BOSSES - · Play music as kids enjoy snacks and friendship; then play an opening countdown from the Grapple DVD to wrap up Grapple Hang Time. Grapple chat: 10 minuteS

Allow time for teams to untangle their yarn. Encourage students to work together to stretch the yarn pieces all the way across the room.

tell allHow did people demonstrate leadership during this activity? What’s the difference between a leader and a follower?

in pairSYou had a plan for your yarn, but it had to be changed before you could use it for that purpose. How is God changing you to prepare you to be a leader?

Let’s watch a video to see more about this.

Show the “Follow the Leader” clip on the Grapple DVD.

For the yarn to be used for your purpose, it had to be changed. People have to grow and change before they can become leaders. Sometimes it feels like there are lots of people bossing you around, so will there ever be a time you get to be in charge? When will it be your turn to lead? Let’s grapple with that!

Grapple team time: 20-25 minuteSBreak into Grapple Teams. Encourage Grapple Team leaders to check in with kids about their week. Grapple Team leaders will facilitate discussion, using the Grapple Team Guide on pages 130-131. Afterward, students will report what they learned.

Grapple team reportS: 10 minuteSAt the end of Grapple Team Time, match Grapple Teams that chose Option 1 with Grapple Teams that chose Option 2 from page 131. Have teams present their reports.

(If you have an uneven number of teams, simply form one group of three teams for the presentations. If you have only two Grapple Teams, simply do the presentations one team at a time.)

Grapple prayer and challenGe: 5 minuteSRead the Grapple Prayer options. Have the class choose one prayer option that everyone will do. Allow students time to pray about what they discovered. Then close in prayer.

Option 1: Word Prayers Take a quiet moment to consider what you know about God. Then prayerfully call out one or two words that describe who God is, such as Comforter, Protector, Provider, or Shepherd.

Page 4: BOSSY BOSSES - · Play music as kids enjoy snacks and friendship; then play an opening countdown from the Grapple DVD to wrap up Grapple Hang Time. Grapple chat: 10 minuteS

Option 2: Psalms That PrayGet comfortable, preferably sitting apart from each other. Look through the book of Psalms and find a psalm that connects with a situation you’re facing right now. Read the psalm quietly as a prayer to God.

Grapple challenGeThere are so many people whom you are told to respect as authority figures. Parents, teachers, relatives, coaches, pastors, and so many others are constantly giving you directions. When will it be your turn to be a leader like that?

God has special roles for all of us, including being both followers and leaders. This week, become a leader in some area of your life. Maybe it’s by setting a good example for a younger sibling or taking a stand against something wrong that your friends are doing. God can give you the patience to follow directions and the courage to lead others.

Weekly Grapple connectionGrapple Question: When Is It My Turn?Kids Learn: Serving Leads to LeadershipDig Into the Bible: Joshua 1:1-9

There are so many people your teenager has to respect as authority figures—when will it be your child’s turn to be a leader? God has special roles for all of us, including roles as both followers and leaders. There are probably leadership opportunities in your child’s life already. Maybe it’s setting a good example for a younger sibling or taking a stand against something friends are doing wrong. Send your child an email or text message with encouragement about the leadership skills you see in him or her. God can give your teenager the patience to follow directions and the courage to lead others.

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Grapple team Guide leSSon 13In your Grapple Team, use this guide to grapple with today’s question.

Joshua grew up following other people’s directions. He was used to being a servant and a follower. But then it was his time to lead, as God approached him about being a leader to the Israelites.

Read Joshua 1:1-9

Illustrate three different emotions Joshua may have felt during this time.

team Guide

Page 5: BOSSY BOSSES - · Play music as kids enjoy snacks and friendship; then play an opening countdown from the Grapple DVD to wrap up Grapple Hang Time. Grapple chat: 10 minuteS

God gave Joshua some specific encouragement about being a leader. List all the tips and instructions God gave to Joshua about being an authority figure to others. How can you use those tips to be a better leader this week?



Read John 13:1-17

in pairSPeople in Jesus’ day wore sandals and traveled on dirty and dusty roads. By the end of the day, people’s feet would be pretty filthy, so washing someone’s feet was a grungy but meaningful way to serve that person. How do you think the disciples felt about having God’s Son wash their feet? How would you feel if one of your “bosses” served you like that? What is the difference between serving and leading? How did Jesus show that leaders can (and should!) also be servants?

Jesus challenged the status quo by becoming a servant to his followers. What are some ways that you can serve others? Sit in a circle with your Grapple Team. Using a wet wipe or a wet washcloth, wash your hands as you mention a way you can be a servant leader this week. And if you’re really brave, take turns washing the hands of the person sitting on your right!

Grapple team reportSWith your team, choose one of the options below to report what you discovered.

Get Ready: For Option 1, make sure students have paper and pens or pencils.

Option 1: Preach It; Practice ItCreate a short instruction manual titled “Practice What You Preach.” Come up with at least 10 ways everyone can put today’s lesson into practice this next week.

Option 2: Top 5Create a Top 5 list of the most important, challenging, or meaningful things you learned today. Be prepared to explain why each item on the list is so important, challenging, or meaningful.