boren school preparing an existing wall to receive structural improvements

Download Boren School Preparing an existing wall to receive structural improvements

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Boren School Preparing an existing wall to receive structural improvements Slide 2 Boren School Plywood applied to existing wall for structural improvement Slide 3 Boren School Beginning to frame kitchen area of the Child Care space Slide 4 Boren School Kitchen area of the Child Care space framed and sheet-rocked Slide 5 Boren School Cabinets ready for installation in kitchen area of the Child Care space Slide 6 Boren School New ADA ramp under construction at north building entry Slide 7 Boren School Landing and walkway poured at new ADA ramp at north building entry Slide 8 Boren School New ADA ramp near completion at north building entry Slide 9 Boren School Ceiling lowered in hallway to conceal structural improvements Slide 10 Boren School Near completion of lowered ceiling in hallway