border security force · created date: 6/27/2016 5:54:31 pm

physical standards, etc. and satis8/ thcmselves that thcy arc eligible for thc posts, bcfore applying. BSF rescrves the right to canccl the candidature of any candidatc at any stage of thc selection process, if hc is found not qualirying any of thc prescribcd Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs Directorate General Border Security Force (Pers Directorate: Rectt Section) //i ADVERTISEMENT /// IMPORTAN'I' INS'I'RTICI'IONS'TO CANI)IDA'I'ES BSF will hold an All India Examination for rccruitment to thc various posts of Para eligibility criteria. The detailed advertisement is available on the website of the BSF Candidates secking reservation benefits for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen must cnsurc that they arc entitled to such reservation as per cligibility prescribcd in the noricc. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the format prescribcd by Governmcnt of Ind!!.!!!uppglt of their claillat thc timc of aDDlication. l CenEal Government Civilian Employces/Servants claiming age relaxation should bc in possession ofa ccrtificate in the prcscribed format from their omce, in rcspect ofthe length of contiluous scrvice which should be for not less than ihree years in the immediate pcriod pre.eding the closing date for rcceipt of application. lhey should continuc to have thc status of Central Covernment Civilian Scrvants/Employccs from the day of applicarion till thc belonging to Scheduled Castc, Schcduled Tribc & Ex-Serviccmcn elisible lor rcservarion. Clori!8-Date: Application duly filled up in the givcn format may be sent within 30 days from the date ofpublication ofthe advertisementin the EmDlovment News. Mobiles and othcr Electronic Gadgets arc banned within thc premises of thc Examination Centers. The selected candidate arc liablc to be postcd an)'whcre in the Country as per thc t.elqr!9!iryol!9lgl!q The recruitment will bc donc on All India Basis. Selectcd candidatc will be govcrned by BSf'Act and Rules. time ofappoinmrent on the basis ofth€ir performance in this examination to be €ligible for such age relaxation. l fge: Rupees Fifty only (Rs.50/-) Fee is exempted for all women candidates and candidates On appointmcnt thcy shall be cntitled for pension bcnefits as Rcstructured Defined Contributory Pension Schemc" applicable for the the Central Covernmcnt services w.e.f 01rt Jan'2004. Application form (Annexure 'A') and Admit Card must his/her own handwriting. Corrcction, if any, should be candidate. per the "New be filled by thc candidate in legiblc and attested by thc Applications, which are not on prescribcd format or not accompanied by the rcquircd enclosures or incomplete or defective shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such reiection shall be entertained under anv circumstances. l Thc envelopc containing the applicatioD must be supcrscripted in bold letrcrs as Page I of 18 , BSF for thc vear-2016.

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physical standards, etc. and satis8/ thcmselves that thcy arc eligible for thc posts,bcfore applying. BSF rescrves the right to canccl the candidature of any candidatc atany stage of thc selection process, if hc is found not qualirying any of thc prescribcd

Government of IndiaMinistry of Home Affairs

Directorate General Border Security Force(Pers Directorate: Rectt Section)



BSF will hold an All India Examination for rccruitment to thc various posts of Para

eligibility criteria. The detailed advertisement is available on the website of the BSF

Candidates secking reservation benefits for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen must cnsurcthat they arc entitled to such reservation as per cligibility prescribcd in the noricc.They should also be in possession of the certificates in the format prescribcd byGovernmcnt of Ind!!.!!!uppglt of their claillat thc timc of aDDlication. lCenEal Government Civilian Employces/Servants claiming age relaxation should bc inpossession ofa ccrtificate in the prcscribed format from their omce, in rcspect ofthe length ofcontiluous scrvice which should be for not less than ihree years in the immediate pcriodpre.eding the closing date for rcceipt of application. lhey should continuc to have thcstatus of Central Covernment Civilian Scrvants/Employccs from the day of applicarion till thc

belonging to Scheduled Castc, Schcduled Tribc & Ex-Serviccmcn elisible lor rcservarion.Clori!8-Date: Application duly filled up in the givcn format may be sent within 30 days fromthe date ofpublication ofthe advertisementin the EmDlovment News.Mobiles and othcr Electronic Gadgets arc banned within thc premises of thcExamination Centers.The selected candidate arc liablc to be postcd an)'whcre in the Country as per thct.elqr!9!iryol!9lgl!qThe recruitment will bc donc on All India Basis.Selectcd candidatc will be govcrned by BSf'Act and Rules.

time ofappoinmrent on the basis ofth€ir performance in this examination to be €ligible for suchage relaxation. lfge: Rupees Fifty only (Rs.50/-) Fee is exempted for all women candidates and candidates

On appointmcnt thcy shall be cntitled for pension bcnefits asRcstructured Defined Contributory Pension Schemc" applicable for thethe Central Covernmcnt services w.e.f 01rt Jan'2004.Application form (Annexure 'A') and Admit Card musthis/her own handwriting. Corrcction, if any, should becandidate.

per the "New

be filled by thc candidate inlegiblc and attested by thc

Applications, which are not on prescribcd format or not accompanied by the rcquircdenclosures or incomplete or defective shall be summarily rejected. No representation orcorrespondence regarding such reiection shall be entertained under anv circumstances. l

Thc envelopc containing the applicatioD must be supcrscripted in bold letrcrs as

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BSF for thc vear-2016.

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Candidate scrving in covernment/Scmi Covcrnment/Public Sector undertakingsshould apply through proper channel. No objection certificate from their employer willbe required to be submitted at thc time ofpcrsonal interview.Candidates arc not rcquired to submit any original ccrtificates in support to theirclaims. They should cnsure they fulfill all the eligibiliry conditions for admission to rhctests and interview. If on verification at a later stage it is found that they do nottulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature will be cancelled by theSelection Board,Candidates are informed that writtcn examination is only a preliminary test forscreening and short listin& No result of any of the tcsts will be supplied to thccandidates and no co ndcncc will bc cntcrtained by thc Board in thisAll eligible candidates who apply in response to this advcrtisement beforc the closingdate will be assigned Registration/Roll Numbers. They will be communicated throughAdmit Cards for appearing in the First Phase of the selection process i.e. WrittenExamination. l

The recruitmcnt board shall not be liable for any claim a sing out of any injury ctc.suffered during the tests. The decision of the recruitmcnt board shall be final in allmatters connected with this recruitment.



The decision of thc sclection board with regard to the matters connectcd with thisrecruitment will be final in all resDects.The appointmcnt will bc subject to the conditions that the candidates are mcdically aswell as physically fit. The selectcd candidates will have to undcrgo Basic Training atany of the Training Institutions of BSF. The services of those candidates who fail tocomplete the training successfully are liable to bc terminated.An employec serving in the samc rank and pay grade will not bc entitled to apply forsaid post.

\ot u-t: Finol sctulit)' of eligibility c leti N'ith regards to age, educalionalqualiliculion, caste, ?hlsicol sldnda l will be undertaken at the ,ime of rtnulselection/rhedical exominalion. Therefore, canalidaturc will be uccepleal onl!provisiohalb, lillrtnd selection. At lhe time oflinol selecliot, h'hen scrutiq, isunde.lo*en a d if an), claim mode in application is not lound substanliatedlhen lhe aqndidoluru will be uncelled und the decitktn of BSF in this regard

Success in the selection ptocess conIe6 no ght to appointment unless thecandidates comes wilhin llte cul trlJ merit list preporcd os agoinst theadeenised vscancies and lhe depaihenl is satislied after such enquiq, as nrq,be considered ecessary lhat lhe candidale is suirable in all respecls lorolrpoinlment lo lhe setvice/posl.


Applications arc invited tiom malc & femalc Indian citizens for appointment offollowing posts(Croup'B' &'C'Combatised) lor Para Medical Staffin the Border Securily Force, Ministry ofHome Affairs, Covemment oflndia. The post is temporary bul likely to bccome permanent.

I'age 2 ol 18

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Edu.atlon Qualtncadon

F Fsl(staffNurscl(Group-BPost)

01 01 \il 01 03 il..litJ =l$l

ol a' ol

[s. Ll(i) I 0+2 or l:quiElcnl(ii) I)cerccDiploma in Gcffial Nusins Prosramc(ii) a GcBd Nu6c and Midwifc wirt Cc.Eal or

Statc NuBine Courcil.qslrlut

E{ricnce in rh. field ot Tub.rc'rlcB, HospilalAdminisrrario., Sisrc. Tutor, Public hcalth, Pcdiatrics. Psychiarry.


05 Nil 04 06 15,,I


(n) I)c8r€e n Diplona in Phmmy from oy rccognrzcdlnstilulionoflhc Ccnral or S$le covcrment for which ln€ penodof frarhne i. lwo yc.6 followed by e inr.mship ol $trch rhcpractical minmS shall nol b. lcss lhd fiv. hundred ho6 spreadovcr a pcriod olnot lcss tha three months.

Provid.d lhar .ol les lhd rM hundrcd dd fift, housee dcvoled ro actual drspetringoaprcscriptions('ri) l,o$csiis the qualifielions udcr Seclion 3l & 32 ol thePhmacy Acr, 1948 dd rcgirtsed u&r Setion l3 ot rhe said


Nil 01 Nil Nil 01 1q. Jnl48*tgE

(a) Pass in Marriculation or equlvalent from a rccogniz.d

(b) (i) t{o years work experlence lh respectiv€ trade; o.(ii) one yea. ce.tificate .ourse lrcm a recogniTedlndustrial Tmin ing Ihstitute o. Vocanonal lnstitutcwirh rl lcrsl one yerrexpcnen.e rn the trade:or(iii)twoyeaB/Diplomafrom .ecognized lndustrialTrainihglnstitlteinth€t.adeorsimilar tEde.

lqgf (i) yaconcies ore subjecl lo change (may increuse or decrease)(iD Last datc : 30 days from the drte of publication of.dvertiscmetrt in Employmcnt

News for all crndidrres-(iii) Anf amendment will onl! be publishe.l on BSF Web$ire. Candidales in lheir ow

inleresl are requesled lo regularl! log on to N, lot updotes.(iv) The cfucial date fot delermining lhe age limit shall be ,he closing dote lot rcceipt of

opplicatiort(v) 1096 vocancies are resenedfor Er-tervicemen lo the ahove posl.

(a) Rel{xation rre 13 under:-

S/No Catcgory Age Rclaxation permissiblc beyondthc UDDcr ase limit

(i) Sch€dulcd Casre/ Scheduled lribe 05 Ycars(ii) Othcr llackward Classcs 0J Ycars(iii) For Group'B' Post

Ex Scrviccmen ([Jnreserved)05 Years

(iv) lix Scrvicemen (OBC) 08 Ycars(v) Ex Servicemcn (SC/ST) l0 Years(vi) For (;roup'C' Il,sl

lrx Scrviccnrcn { [, nrcscrvcd/( jcn )

03 Yem afler dcducliofl of thc militaryseryicc rendercd from the &tul age as on the

(vii) Ex Servicemen (ORC) 06 Ycc (3 yca^ + 3 ycars) aftct deduction ofthe milirary servicc frcm ftc .ctualase as on the closins dale.

l'age 3 ol 18

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(viii) Ex Servicemen (SC/S]') 0E YeaIs (3 yeals + 5 yearc) aft6 d€duction oflh. mililary *B;e Mdercd fim the aclualare as of, the closinc dal€.

(i\) C€nral Govemmcnt Civilian llmployces(UnrcseNed/Gencral) who havc rcnder€d not l€sslhan 03 )'ears rcgule and continuou $nice as onClosingdale.

05 Years

(x) ( entrat Co\ernmenL Citihan Fmplo)cc: roBC,who havc rendcred no( less than 0l years rcBularand continuous scn ic€ as on Closins date.

08 (5+3)Ycars

(xi) Cmrral Cov.mmml Citilian llmplolccs {SC/STrwho have rendcrcd not less than 03 years regularand continuous scrvicc ason Closinsda!e.

l0 (5+5) Ycars

(xii) Candidates who had ordinarily b€€n domicil€din lhe Slale ofJammu & Kashmir from 0l -01-1980 to 3 l-l 2-1989 (Uffeserved/Ceneral)

05 Ycars

(riii) Candidates who had ordinarily been domicil€din the Statc ofJammu & Kashmir 0l-01-1980ro 3l -12-1989 (OBC)

08 (5+3) Years

(xiv) Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciledin the State ofJammu & Kashmir 0l'01-1980to I l -12-1989 (SC/ST)

l0 (5+5) Years

(xv) Depanmental Candidates (Unreserved) whohave rendered not less than i years of rcgularand continuous service as on closing date.

05 Years

(\vi) Depanmenral Candidares (OBC) who haverendered not less than 3 years of regular andcontinuous service as on closins date.

08 (5r 3) Ycars

(xvii) Departmental Candidales (SC/ST) who haverendcred not less than 3 ycars of regular andcontinuous servicc as on closins date.

I0 (5+5) Years


Nelel! l





The upper age linit is relaxable for Central Goternment Cieilion Emplq)ees ospef exlanl Govefnment ordef,

The Crucial dale for age-limil is reckorcd with reference to lhe clositg dale lorrece ipt of appl ica I ion.Candidares should note that the Date of Birth as recorfud in theMalriculalioty'Secohdary Exafiihation Cefiilicate u ah equivalehl ce licateavailable on the closing date of subnission of application will be accepted fordelermining the age eligibility and ,a subseqrcnt reques, for ils chonge will beconrifured or granted.

Ex-Semicemen who have already sec red employnent ih cieil side underCentral Goeem enl in Group 'C' post on regular basis after aeailing of thebenefits of reservation given to er-servicenen of their re-employnent ore NOTeligible hr fee concession or lor claiming benefits of resenation nder Ex-Servicetfieh category. Hofleve\ llpy ate eligible for age lelaration.

The period ol "Call up Semice ' ofan Et-Servicemeh in the Amed Forces shallalso be treated as senice rendered in lhe Armed Forces for purpose of age

For any servicemen ofthe three Armed Forces oflhe Union to be lrealed as l:x-S.nicemanfor the purpose ofsecuring the benefis ofresenation, he must hareaheady acquircd, a! the rclevant time of submitting his application lor thePost/Sewice, the stalus of Ex-Servicefian ahd/or is in a posilion lo establirh hisacquircd entitlemenr by documehtsry evidence from the compelent au,hority lhdt

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he vould conplete spe.irtcd kmt ofengagentenl fron lhe Armed Forces Yithinthe st\tuhted period ofone year.fron rhe Closing Data.


Candidotes wlfi wish to he considered against vacancies rcserved/ot see* age-relsxslion musl submil requisile certirtcatu from the competent authority, in lheprescrihed Jotmol when such cerlirtcotu ure sought bj lhe concerned selection hosr.lal lhe time of Documenlatiorr. Olheruise,lhe cloimlor SC,5T/OBC/Ex-Semicemenslalus toill nol he enlerlained and lheh candidalure/applicutions will be considercdunder Gerrerul (UR) colegot!. The lomals (t the ce irtcutus arc Annexe.LCerlilicales obtained in on! olher lomil will not he sccepled. Candidales claimingOBC slal&s ma! nole lhal ceililicate on c.eomy lalet sralus should haee heenobtuified wilhin lhree yeat before the closing date of upplication f.oms in theprcscribed fitrmat onl!, Cerlilicales issue.l ul, to the lasl tier of examinotion i-e. METNtill also be occepled b! the Selection Bootd.

NOTEI Candidates are v)amed that they Nill be Nn anehtly deb*red from theexamination conducted b! the BSF in case hey fraudulently claim SC/STK)BC/,r-S.Srarrs.


(!) For the post ofSI (StalTNurse) and ASI (Phermrcist)

Hcisht Chcsl



165 Cms150 Cms

167.5 Cms157 Cms

Unexpended76 CmsNot Applicable


78 CmsNot Applicable

Uxnaoded8l Cms


83 Cms

(b) For fh€ post ofCT (Masalchil


NS!9:1- The minimum heighr of candidatcs falling in thc categories of Garhwalis,Kumaonis, Gorkhas. Dogras, Mamthas and candidates belonging to the stales of Sikkim,Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh. Manipur. Tripura. Mizoram, Mcghalaya, Assam, IlimachalPradesh, State ofJammu and Kashmir will be 165 Cms lor male and 155 Cms for Females.The minimum height for all candidates bclonging to Schcduled Tribes will be 162.5 Cms formales and 150 Cms lor femalc.

Note.2:- The minimum chest for male candidates falling in thc categories ofGarhwalis.Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras. Marathas and candidates bclonging to the states of Sikkim.Nagaland. Arunachal Pradcsh. Manipur. Tripura. Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, HimachalPradesh, State ofJammu and Kashmir will be 78 Cms. (minimum 5 Cms expansion). 'lheminimum chest for all malc candidatcs belonging to Scheduled'Iribes will be 76 Cms(minimum 5 Cms cxpansion).

I'agc 5 ol 18

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Should be mcdically fit in all rcspects. Vision Minimum ncar vision should beN6 & N9 and distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of both eyes. Visualcorrcction ofany kind is not iltcd (i.e. without wearing glasses).

Must pass CP III by ISIHAR colour vision tcst. Must not have knock-knees.flat feet or squint in cyes. Must not have any defect or dcformity which likelyto intcrlcrc with the clTicient pcrformance ofthc duties.Weight (rrrre .g'ndingr,' hcighr and rgc.

(b) }II]DICAI- SI-AND,\III) F()It (]1' (}I,\SALCIII)

vision - Minimum near vision should bc N6 & N9 and distant vision should bc616 and 619 of both eyes. Visual correction of any kind is not p$mitted fordistant vision and should be ablc to read with for ncar vision onlv.Musl pass CP My ISIHAR colour vision tcst. Must not have knock-knees.flat feet or squint in eyes. Must not have any defcct or delormity which likclyIo intcrlcrc wilh thc cmcienl ance ol lhc dulies

I)IS(}I "\I,IFI('

T-I I()\


Thc sclcction proccdure \rill bc as undcr:-


(a) Written Eramination'l'hcre will bc one composite papcr cach for thc above mentioned posts according tosyllabus mcntioncd against cach. I'lxamination will be conductcd on OMR AnswcrShecls cach qucslion carrying onc mark (OBJI,CTIVE TYPE MULTIPLIICHOICE). Duration ofqucslion papcr lbr all posts will be trvo hours.

Ns!g! rr" minimum quatifyins motks of Wtiuen Exam f.'? Gene?al & OBCCalegory is 45"k and l.t SC/ST Calegory is 40o1. I{owever, aumber of condi.lules to


(i) No(a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having

sDouse livinq. Or(b) Who having a spouse living. has entcrcd into or contracted a mariage

with another person.

Shall bc eligible for appointmcnt to thc lrorce, provided that the CentralCovemment may. if satisfied that such marriage is pcrmissible undcr thepersonal law applicablc lo such pcrson and thc other pany to the marriagc andthere arc other grounds for so to do, exempt any person from the opcration ofthis rulc.

( i) Conviction an! Courl ofLalv.( ii) Dismissal from Covernment Scrvicc-( v) Termination from BSI- durinq nrobation.

l'agc 6 of 18

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be called for second phose o.unrihation (i,e, PST, PET, documenlolion, Trulle Testand ME?) moy be rcslricled to the len (10) lirrres the number ofeacancies odvertisel.Svllabusi

(i) Svllrbus for rhe pos( ofSI (Sta1INurse)

. Pan-l Ceneral Knowlcdge and numerical aptitude

. Partll Human Anatomy & Physiolo$/

. Partlll Professional/ Medical & SurgicalNursingr' Heahh & lllnessr' Nursins Care ofpcBonsr' Pregnancy & Labourr' Midwifery


(ii) Svllabus for lhc post ol ASl (l'harmacisls- Oualificd)

- 25 Marks- 25 Marks- 50 Marks

-100 \trrll

. Pan-ll

. Pan-l

. Panll

. Pa(-lll

General Knowlcdge and numcrical aptitude

PharmaceuticsPharmaceurical ChemistryPharmacognosis

Human AnalomyPhysiologyPathology

Basic NursingH€alth EducationTotal

- 25 Marks- 25 Marks

. PaN-III - 25 Marks

- 25 Marks

-100 Msrks

(iii) syllabus for rhc oos( ofCT (Masalchil

General Knowledge, Ceneral Awarenesslncluding Environmental sanitationGeneml Intelligence & reasoningEl€mentary MathematicsEnglish/Hindi Language Test


- 25 Marks

- 25 Marks- 25 Marks- 25 Marks- 100 Mrrks


Candidates declared qualified in the first phasc of Examination (writtenexaminationl will bc permitted to appear before the sclection board for second phase ofthe Examination on duc date, which will bc communicated to them through BSF Website.They will be put through subsequcnt stagcs. Candidatcs have to qualiB/ all thc stages ofSecond phase examination. If any candidate fails to qualiry in any of the events of thcexamination, he will not bc allowcd to participate in further stages of the examinationprocess,

(a) PhysicalMeasureme[tCandidates will require to undergo Physical Standard Test before Board of OlTicers.

Candidates shall be screened and only those who satisfy the minimum physical standards asper ParaJII above shall bc allowed to appear for the PET.

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(c) Documentation/ Age : The date of birth as recorded in the matriculation certilicate will only bc

considered for determining the age of the candidate as on the last datc ofrecciplofapplications.

/ Caste Certificatc : Thc caste ccnificates produced by candidates should bcthose issued by competcnt authority in suppo( of their claim of bclonging toSC/ST and OBC. Board of Officer will ensure that OBC certificeteproduced by the candidate may not be older than 03 yerrs. The board iscompctent to take final dccision in accepting / rcjecting a candidate if he doesnot produce satisfactory / convincing documents.

r' Fiducrtional{ication : 'lhe original certificates issued by the recognizedUniversitics/Boards will be checked bv the board.

(d) Prof€ssior.lKpowledpe/TradcTest:

The candidates who qualify the Documentation will be put through the respectiveProfessional Knowledge/Trade Test. The Trade Test will be qualifying in nature and it will notcarry any marks.

(e) Medicaleremip{tior

Candidates who qualified'frade Test will be put through detailed medical exarninarionso as to assess their fitness for appointmcnt in BSF as per laid down standards. The m€dicalexamination will be held immediately after completion of Trade Test at the resp€ctive centres.

NOTE -I: Ex-servicemen applying lor lhe posts are hol required to un&rgo PET.However, all the Ex-Servicemen ore rcq ired to pass the v'ritten test and fulfillthe physical slandards prcscibed for Direct Entry candidates to the aboveposts, as the case moy be. They should also pass the medical standardsprescribed Jor Direct Entry Candidates.

NOTE-II: Candidates declared disqualified in Physical Stahdardt, i.e. height and chest,molt prefer an apryal innediately at the venue of the PST itsefi if they sodesire, to lhe Board of Offcer/Presiding Oficer prcsent on the PS|/PETground. The decision of the Board of Wcer/Presiding Oficer will be final andtb furllvr appeal or representation in this /egard will be entertained.

NOTE-III: Candidates are not pehhitted lo use Mobile Phone, Calculator or any otherelectronic/electricol device for a/f],eering any paper (Test BooHets). Candidatesmust nol thercfore, bring Mobile Plnne, Colculator ot any other electrohicelectfical de ce inside the Examiholion premises. Possdsion of tlpse items,whether in use ot not, $jill he contidered as "we of unJair means" in theF-aaminalion and appropriate action will be taken by tle departmena agoinslsuch candidates, at per extant policy of the depa menL

I'hvsical llfficicn$ 'fcst (['or all posls):

S.No. Uvcnls Nlalc I'cmaleI Run 1.6 Kms in 07 Minules 800 Mtrs in 05 Minutes

I-ong Jump I I Feet(03 chances 10 be qiven)

08 Feet(03 chances to bc siven)

3 High Jump 3.5 Fect(03 chances to be siven)

2.5 Feet(03 chances to be sivcn

I'agc 8 ol l8

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.\'oTE-fi : Medicll Eraminatiop lhose who qualily in the Writtcn Examinalion.Physical Measurement, Physical Efficicncy Tcsi, Documentation & 'l'rade'fcslrvill go through Mcdical llxamination to assess their fitness. If lound Unfit inthc Medical Examination, thcy may prefer for an appeal for Review McdicalIlxamination within the prescribed time limit of l5 davs. 1'he provision forappeal for Rcvicu Medical Examination is only againsl an crror of iudpmentof the Medical Examination lloard. On acceptance of thc appeal RcviewMedical Examination will bc conducted and thc decision of Revicw MedicalBoard will bc final and no appcal/reprcsentation against thc decision of theRevie\r Medical Board uill bc cnlenained


Male candidatcs applying for Rccruitmcnt to the above posts should enclosc alongwiththeir applications a Postal order or bank draft for Rs.50/- as €xamination fee to be drawn infavour of the DDO of rcspecaive Enmination Cetrtrcs payable at rcspective bmnch, asmentioned at para No. VIII below. SC/ST, Female and Ex Serviceman Candidatcs ar€etempled from paying exrmiration fca.

NOTE-I: Fec once paid will not be refundcd under any circumstances.

Nq[!:IIr Fee paid by modes othcr than IPOED, as stated above, will not be acccptedand the applications of such candidates will be rejected forthright and thepayment made shall stand forlcited.



(a) Application duly filled up in thc given format may bc sent to any one ofthe followingaddresses nearest to the candidate within 30 days from the date of publication ofadvenis€ment in thc employment news:-

Neme ofCentre


Name of RecruitingAgcncies/Applicationrcceiving ccntrcs withAddress

IPO/BD to be prcpared infavour of/payable at bank

Srinagar (J&K) 0t I Frontier I IQ BSF Srinagar,Sanatnagar, IndustrialEstates. SrinaRar(J&K)

"lC BSF Srinagar" SBIBarzulla, Srinagar, Codc No.t 527

Jammu 012 Fronticr IIQ BSf' Jammu,Paloura Camp, Jammu(J&K)-18 | 124

"l(; BSI' Jammu' SIll JammuCode No. 0657 or PNB Janmu

Jalandhar 0ti F'rontier IIQ BSF Punjab.Jalandhar Cantt (l,unjab) Pin-144006

"lG BSF Punjab l-'tl SBI BSFCampus Jalandhar, Codc No.6596

Gandhi Nagar 0l,l Fron(ier IIQ BSF Cujarar.PO- CRPF Group CentreChiloda Road. Gandhinagar,Guiarat-182042

"lG BSF Gujaraf' SBI GCCRPF Gandhinagar, Codc No.6825

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Frontier HQ BSF Rajasthan.PO- BSIj Campus MandorcRoad, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)-342026ironthr IIQ IlsF MrthBengal, Po-Kadamtala.Siliguri. Distl-l)arjeeling(WB), Pin-73401I

''lG BSF Rajasthan", SBI SBIMahamandir Codc No. 12847

"lG BSF North Bengal" SBINBU Campus Siliguri, CodcNo. 2096

Kolkat.r 017 Frontier HQ IISF SouthBengal, 2-8, l-ord SinhaRoad, Kolka(a (WB)-700071

"lG BSF South Bengal" SBIChowrinShee Kolkata, CodeNo. 1054

Silchar. lmphal 0l,t Fronticr I IQ BSI] M&C. PO-Arunachal. I)islt-Cachar(Assam)-788025

"lG BSF M&C Frontier". SBIArunachal, Code No. 5541

Shillong 019 Frontier llQ BSF AM, PO-Umpling, Distt-Easr Khasi Hills.Shillong (Meshalaya)-?93006

"lG BSF Shillong", SBILaitumkhrah, Codc No. 2081


020 F'rontier HQ BSI- Tripura.PO-Salbagan, Agartala('l'riDura)-7990 I 2

"lG BSf' Tripura". SBISalbagan, Code No. 4570

I IazaribaSh 021 TC&S. IISF, Mcru Camp.Hazaribagh. Jharkhand-825311

"IG TC&S BSF Hazaribagh",SBI Meru Camp, Code No.2522

Indorc 022 CSWT IISF Indorc. BijasanRoad, Indore (MP)

-lG CSWT BSlj Indorc. SIllBSF Campus Indore. Codc No.45 r8

I)elhi 023 Commandant 25 Bn BSli,Chhawla Camp, PO-ChhawlaNajafgarh. Ncw Delhi-71(Under lG IIQ IHQ)

"Commandant 25 Bn IISF 'SBI Naiafgarh, A.D.B.. CodeNo. l,ll9

Ftr HQBangalore

02,1 Frontier IIQ BSF Bangalorc.PO : Yelahanka, Ilangalorc.Kamataka-560064

''IG IISIrBangak)rc" SBI AIrSYelahanka. Codc No 2l87


025 BSF Acadcmy Tekanpur, PO-Tekanpur. Cwalior (MP)-475005

'ADG & Dircctor BSI'Academy Tckanpur" SBITekanpur, Code No. 8284

(b) 'l wo recent passpo( size pho(oSraphs should be afljxed on the application form. Onecach photograph to bc afiixed .,n the application lorm and admit card. Two sclf,addrcssed cnvclopes of size of 25 xl2 Cms with postal stamp worth Rs. 27l- cachshould also be attachcd with thc application form.'l-he envelope containing applicationmust be super-scribed in bold lctters as "4tBL!q!fIgN_[lB_fUERECRUITMENT OF PARA MEDICAL STAFF-2016.

NOTtr-I : The candidates applying fbr thc cxamination should ensure that thcy Iulfill allthc cligibility criteria lbr admissbn to the Sclection ltst. Their admission at allthe stages ofexamination will bc purcly provisional, subject to thcir satislyingthe prescrib€d cligibility conditions. If, on verification, at any iime before orafter the Selection Test, it is found that thcy do not fulfill any of the cligihilityconditions. thcir candideaure for the €xaminstior will bc cancelled bv thcDcpariment.

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NOTi]-II: Relaxation of rcspectivc calegory will only bc given to those cases whercvacancies are availablc in (hc rcspcctive ca(e8ory for the applied trade/post. lfvacancies of the rcspectivc category arc not available in the trade/post andcandidate is not taking relaxation of his cateSory. he will be treatcd as CcncralCategory Candidare. W}ere vacancics of SC/ST/OBC category is no( availableand candidate does not lulfill thc criteria of Ccneral category candidatc.candidature will be rcjected at any stage.


il Matriculation or equivalent certificate as proofofage.ii) Proof ofeducation.iii) Caste certificate in case ofSC/ST candidatcs. (Annexurc'B')iu) Candidates sceking reservation as OBC is required to submit a certificate in

prescribed proforma mentioned in DOP&T OM No.36033/28/94-Estt (Res.) dated02/07/97 (copy enclosed as Annexure'C'l regarding his/her 'OBC' status and'non-creamy layer status'issucd by an authority mentioned in DOP&T OfficcMcmorandum No.36Ol2/22/93-Estt (SCT) dated 08-09-1993. In order to ensurethat candidates not eligible to get rcservation, do not scek rescwation, adeclaration, in addition to certificate by the competent authority, may be obtaincdfrom the candidates seeking rescrvation as OBC as per proforma enclosed asAnnexure'C-1',

v) Copy of certificate in support of claim for Adivasi/Mizos/Nagas (copy enclosed asAnnexure'D').

vD NOC in casc of candidates serving in Central/State Govt/Public SectorUndertaking.

vii) Two latest idcntical passport size photographs (one on application form and otheron admit card).

viii) Two self addressed cnvelops with Rs. 27/- postage stamps duly affixed on bothenvelops.Application and Admit card duly signed by the candidatc.Self attested copies of Educational Qualification, Technicalexperience certificates of respective trade as proof ofcxpericnce arc to be attachcd with the application form.



Qualification and tradcEducation and Trade

IPO/Bank Draft for Rs.50/- as examination fee (SC/ST, Fcandidates are exempted),

le & Ex Serviceman

coMt)T (RucT'l')

Pa_qe ll oflll

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(This form should be fillcd in by lhe candidalc in his own handwriting neatly and legibly in blo.k letters. Itshould be complel€d in all respects and should be ,rccompanicd by s€lf-ccrtified copics of testimonicls. Acopy of r€cent passpon sirc pholograph should also bc pasted on the application al thc space provided for thcpurpose. Incomplete application will not b€ entc(ained and will be summarily rejecled).

Registrrtior No._Co be f bd by ofiice)


l. Full Name in Capital letters(Sumame, ifany first)

2. Father/Husband name

3 Date ofBirth (According to Christianera as recorded in the Matriculation orequivalcnt certifi cate)

4. Permanent Addrcss with Mobile No.

5. Correspondence address with Mobile No

And E-Mail Address (ifavailable)

6. Nationality

7. ReliSion(Hindu/Muslim/Sikh/Christianctc)

8. Catcgory(Gencral/OBC/SC/ST)9. Sex (Male/Fcmalc)

10. MarilalStatus

I l. Visiblc ldentification Marks

12. Educationalqualification

ll. Professionalqualitication

ROl.t. \o(ro he li ed b! ollice)

Pastc hererecent

Passport sizeselfattcstcdphotograph

In words

In figurcs

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Namc of rccognizcd lloard/Universih of Eraminations

Namc ofSchool

14. Details of examinations passed including ptofessional courses starting lromMatriculatior/School leaving certificat€ onwards:

Particulars of present employmentifany, with post and personal number/department etc.

List ofenclosures



I hereby declarc that a,, uu,"."no^*li*tion are true, complete and correct tothe best of my knowledge and bclief I understand that in the event of any information being foundsuppressed/false or incorrcct or ineligibility bcing dctected beforc or afler the examination, mycandidature/appointrnent is liablc to be cancelled.

Station:Date :



Sigtrsture of thc .pplic.trt

Thc candidate shall produce the original c€nificates ar the time of intcrview. Non-production ofc€nificates shall be a disqualification.Candidare in s€rvice must submit their application through proper chrnncl with the c€rtificale dulysigDcd by thcir employer statinS their willingness to rclcase thcm from servic. in lhe BSF in case

thcy are selection.

I'agc lJ ol lS

prsscd.I'ercentagcof merksoblained


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Dircctorate General llorder Security Force







Signaturc of thc candidatc

(Pcrsonnel Directoratc : Recruitmcnt Section)

Admit card for thc various posts of Para Medical Staff in ltSF - 2016

Regis(ration N Paste herereccntpassport si?.e

sc lf attestedphotograph

Name of cardidate

Fath€r,ftusband's nsme

Dstc of bi(h

Postal Address


Pemonal mark of identificalion

'7. Applied for lhe post of

(To beJi ed br the oflice)



Ccntre of exarnination

Date ofcxamination

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District/Division of the


Son/Daughter off)istrict/Division

family ordinarily reside(s) in



Ihis ccrtily thatShri Resident of village

Statc bclong to the communitywhich is recognized Schedulcd Caste/Tribe under Constitution (Schedulcd Castes) under 1950 theconstitution (Schedule Tribes) order 1950/ thc Constitution of Scheduled castes ( Pan C shles ) order1951.

Shri and / or histhe


Dcsigna!ion_(with sealofomce)

llglE: Thc under mentioned authorities have becn empowered to issue Caste Ccrtificates ofverification:

l. District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Depufy Commissioner/AdditionalDeputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/l Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-DivisionalMagistrate/Taluka Magistraley'Executive Magistmte/ Extra-Assistant Commissioner not below the rankofl Class Stipendiary MaSistrate;

2. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistratc.

3. Revcnue Officer not below the rank ofTehsildar; and

4. Sub-Divisional Officer ofthe area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.

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(G.L Dcpt, of PeL& T4!, O,M. No, .160.1.t/2/201-l-Erft (Res,),.tate.l )0/05/2011)

This is to cenify that Shri/Smt./Kumari Sor/Daughtcr of

ol Villagc/to\\n in Distric, Division

in thc Slalc/ [Inion'lcrrikrry belongs lo lhe

community which is recognized as a Backward Class, undcr the Govcrnmcnt of

India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's Resolution No. _ dated _+.Shri/ Srnti Kumari and /or his/hcr lamily residc(s) in thc

DistricyDivision of the Stalc/Union lcrritory. 'lhis is also 10 certily that hc/she

does not belong to the p€rsons/sections (Creamy layer) mentioned in Column 3 ofthe Schedule to the

Covemment oflndi4 Department of Personnel and 'I'rain ing, O.M. No. 3 6012/22l93-Estt (SCT), dated


Dislrict Magistrate/Dcputy Commissioner, etc.

Draed :SEAL

!b!9! The authoritios competent to issue castc certificates are indicated below:-

i) District Magistrate/Additional Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additional DeputyCommissioner/Deputy Collector/l Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistraten'alukaMagistrstc/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of I ClassStipendiary Magistrate).

ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chicf Prcsidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistratc.iii) Revenue Oflicer not below the rank ofTehsildar; andiv) Sub-Divisional Olficcr ofthe area whcre thc candidate and/or his family rrsides.

' The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details of Rcsolulion ofCovemment oflndia. in which the caste ofthe candidate is mentioned as OBC*+ As amended from timc to time

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Son / Daughter ofShri


districr hcreby declare that I bclonS to

thc community which is recognizcd as a backward class by the Covernment of

India for the purpose of reservation in services as per orders contained in DOP&T OM No.

3601222l93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08.9.93. It is also declared that I do not belong to personvsections

( Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the above rcfened Office Memorandum

dated 08.9.93.

Signature ofthe epplicert (OBC Crrdidate)



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Certified that Son/Daughter of Shri

is permancnt resident of village

'lthsil/Taluka I)istrict Stale.

2. It is further certilied thrt rrResidents of entirc arca mentioned above arc conside.ed as (Caftwalies, Kumaounies,

Dogra.s, Marathas, Siktimies) for relaxation in height and chest measur€ment for rccruitment in the

Para Military forces of th€ Unioo of lndia.

'He/She belongs to Himachal Pradesh/Leh & Laddakh,/Kashmir ValleyNorth Eastem States

and is considered for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the Para Military

forces of Union of India.

*He/She belongs to Tribals/Adivasis Community and is considcrcd for

rclaxation in hciSht and chcs! measurcment for rccruitmcnt in the Para military lorccs ofthe tlnion of


Sigtr{turcDistrict Magistrate/

Sub Divisional Magistrste/Tehsildar

I Dclctc whichcvcr is not applicable.

Dated :

Place :


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