borden church of england primary school - kent · borden church of england primary school school...

1 Borden Church of England Primary School School Lane, Borden, SITTINGBOURNE, Kent ME9 8JS “This is an outstanding school” – Ofsted 2008 ADMISSIONS POLICY for admissions in 2016 Reviewed Ratified Next review Autumn 2014 18 th November 2014 Autumn 2015/16 Chair of Governors Headteacher signed date signed date This policy was reviewed by the Admissions Committee on 21 st October 2014 and ratified by the Full Governing Body on 18 th November 2014 Borden CEP is a Church Aided School and as such the Governing Body is the admissions authority for the school. One of the Governors’ duties in this capacity is to set the criteria by which we consider admitting pupils to the school. The Governors recognise and agree that the school was created to provide education for the Church of England community and the wider village community within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Borden. We also recognise and agree that continuity of the provision of education within the family is also of importance. Our Admissions Policy and the criteria associated with it are designed to reflect those priorities, together with requirements that are statutory obligations prescribed by current government regulation. There is no guarantee of a place for any child; each application is assessed on its own merits in accordance with the criteria contained within this Admissions Policy. Please note : All applications should be completed on a ‘Common Application Form’. The preference is for this to be completed on-line at , however paper copies are available from the school office. Applications citing religious affiliation should be accompanied by a ‘Supplementary Information Form’ obtainable from the school office. The published admission number for Borden CEP School is 18.

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Borden Church of England Primary School

School Lane, Borden,


Kent ME9 8JS

“This is an outstanding school” – Ofsted 2008

ADMISSIONS POLICY for admissions in 2016

Reviewed Ratified Next review

Autumn 2014 18th

November 2014 Autumn 2015/16

Chair of Governors Headteacher

signed date signed date

This policy was reviewed by the Admissions Committee on 21st

October 2014 and

ratified by the Full Governing Body on 18th

November 2014

Borden CEP is a Church Aided School and as such the Governing Body is the admissions authority for

the school. One of the Governors’ duties in this capacity is to set the criteria by which we consider

admitting pupils to the school.

The Governors recognise and agree that the school was created to provide education for the Church of

England community and the wider village community within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Borden. We

also recognise and agree that continuity of the provision of education within the family is also of

importance. Our Admissions Policy and the criteria associated with it are designed to reflect those

priorities, together with requirements that are statutory obligations prescribed by current government


There is no guarantee of a place for any child; each application is assessed on its own merits in

accordance with the criteria contained within this Admissions Policy.

Please note:

All applications should be completed on a ‘Common Application Form’. The preference is for this to be

completed on-line at, however paper copies are available from the school office.

Applications citing religious affiliation should be accompanied by a ‘Supplementary Information Form’

obtainable from the school office.

The published admission number for Borden CEP School is 18.



The school will admit up to 18 pupils each year into Reception Class if sufficient applications are

received. All applications will be admitted if 18 or fewer apply.

If the school is over-subscribed, after the admission of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational

Needs where the school is named in the Statement, priority for admission will be given to those

children who meet the criteria set out below, in order:

These criteria apply to those joining the school in Year R (Reception) and will also be applied to requests for

admission in Years 1-6. Within each criteria, applications are ranked by distance from the school. Precedence

will be allocated according to the shortest distance from the school. The school uses measurements

calculated by the Local Authority so that distances are worked out consistently using address points provided

by Ordnance Survey and these are updated annually. The same address point on the school site is used for

everybody but further information on how distances are calculated is available in the Admissions booklets

provided by the Local Authority. Random allocation will be used as a ‘tie-break’ to decide who has the

highest priority for admission if the distance between two children’s homes and the school is the same. This

process will be independently verified.

For admissions on or after 1st September, 2016

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children

Defined as children under the age of 18 years for whom a local authority provides accommodation by

agreement with the parents/carers (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) or who is the subject of a care order

under Part IV of the Act. This applies equally to children who after being looked after by the local authority

became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order (as defined by Section 46 of the

Adoption and Children Act 2002 or Section 8 or 14A of the children Act 1989).

2. Children of parents who are regular worshippers at Borden, Ss Peter & Paul and who are resident in the

ecclesiastical parish of Borden as defined on the attached map of the parish (Appendix A).

The governors define ‘resident’ to mean children whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) live or are about to live

(having entered into a legally binding contract) within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Borden. Note, that evidence

of the child’s residence at the address of their parent(s)/legal guardian(s) is required by the school in

accordance with Local Authority guidelines.

The governors define regular worship to mean attendance at church at least twice a month for at least 12

months, by at least one parent and the child, before the KCC application is submitted. For families who have

been resident in the parish for less than 12 months a supplementary form from their previous parish will be

required. It is expected that this level of attendance will be maintained if a place is offered. Attendance at church

is defined to mean to be involved in an act of teaching or worship.

3. Siblings of pupils who currently attend Borden CEP school and who are resident in the ecclesiastical parish of

Borden as defined on the attached map of the parish.

The governors define the term ‘sibling’ to include a natural brother or sister, a step-brother or step-sister, a

foster brother or foster sister and those who live as brother or sister in the same home. This is in accordance with

the Schools admission Code 2012.

4. Other children who are resident in the ecclesiastical parish of Borden as defined on the attached map of the

parish (Appendix A).


5. Children of parents who are regular worshippers at Borden, Ss Peter & Paul (as defined within Criterion 2) but

who live outside the ecclesiastical parish boundaries .

6. Siblings of pupils who currently attend Borden CEP School but who live outside the ecclesiastical parish


7. Children of parents who have worshipped regularly in a church (as defined within Criterion 2) that is a

member of Churches Together in the UK and Northern Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance but who live

outside the ecclesiastical parish boundaries.

Members of Churches Together in England

Antiochan Orthodox Church

Baptist Union of Great Britain

Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches

Church of England

Church of God of Prophecy

Church of Scotland (in England)

Congregational Federation

Coptic Orthodox Church

Council of African and Caribbean Churches UK

Council of Oriental Orthodox Churches

Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches

Icthus Christian Fellowship

Independent Methodist Church

International Ministerial council of Great Britain

Lutheran Council of Great Britain

Methodist Church

Moravian Church

New Testament Assembly

New Testament Church of God

Oecumenical Patriarchate

Religious Society of Friends

Roman Catholic Church Russian

Orthodox Church

Salvation Army

Seventh day Adventist Church

Transatlantic Pacific Alliance of Churches

United Reformed Church

Wesleyan holiness Church

8. Other children

Children who are not eligible under any other criteria (1-7) and so are ranked according to distance from the school



If a place has been obtained on a fraudulent basis, the offer will be withdrawn. The governors will ask for

documentary evidence confirming the child’s primary residence.

Admission Process

Children will be admitted in National Curriculum Year R in the September following their fourth birthday.

However, parents can request that the date their child is admitted to school is deferred until later in the

academic year or until the term in which the child reaches compulsory school age and/or parents can request

that their child takes up the place part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age.

When applications for school places using the paper version of the Kent County Council Admission Form are

returned to the school, parents will be provided with a receipt as proof of delivery.


In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, parents may appeal against a decision by the

Governors to refuse an application for a place. Details of the appeal procedure are included in the Kent Admission

to Primary School booklet and/or information concerning the appeals procedure will also be available from the

school office on request. Further advice may be obtained from the School Secretary or KCC Education Department.

Late Applications

Late applications will be processed in accordance with the scheme published in the Local Authority admission



Supplementary Information Form for Admission to

Borden Church of England (Aided) Primary School Please complete this form and return to school as soon as possible but not later than Wednesday 13


January 2016.

Child's name in full ________________________________________________

Date of Birth ___/__/____

Parents' / Guardians name(s) in full together with address and telephone number.


Address:_________________________________________ Postcode ___________

Contact Number/s:_______________________________

In the event that the school has too many applicants for the available places, we need the following

information to process your application.

Under which category are you applying for a place at the school?

NB See Oversubscription Criteria Listed

Category 1 Name of Local Authority with parental responsibility

Category 2, 5 or 7

Which Church do your family attend?__________________________________________

Commitment to Church/ Sunday school attendance by child(ren) and/or parents:

Who attends?______________________________________________________________

How often? Fortnightly ….. Less than fortnightly …..

Please tick as appropriate

Affiliation with the church has been since ________________________(approximate date)

Please ask your Minister of Religion to complete the final section overleaf.

Category 3: Name & age of sibling who will be in school at time of entry.
