bootstrapping april 3 2007 william cohen. prehistory karl friedrich hieronymus, freiherr von...

Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen

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Page 1: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German


April 3 2007

William Cohen

Page 2: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

PrehistoryKarl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German baron who in his youth was sent to serve as page to Anthony Ulrich II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and later joined the Russian military. He served until 1750, in particular taking part in two campaigns against the Turks. Returning home, Münchhausen supposedly told a number of outrageous tall tales about his adventures. The Baron was born in Bodenwerder and died there as well.

According to the stories, as retold by others, the Baron's astounding feats included riding cannonballs, travelling to the Moon, and escaping from a swamp by pulling himself up by his own hair. … In later versions he was using his own boot straps to pull himself out of the sea. [Wikipedia]

Page 3: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Prehistory“Bob Wilson is desperately trying to finish his doctoral thesis and has locked himself in his room in a marathon attempt to do so. His typewriter jams, and as he unjams it he hears someone say "Don't bother, it's hogwash anyway." The thesis, in fact, deals with time travel. The interloper is a man who seems strangely familiar, and might be recognizable without the two-day growth of beard and the black eye. …”

“In computing, bootstrapping refers to a process where a simple system activates another more complicated system that serves the same purpose. It is a solution to the Chicken-and-egg problem of starting a certain system without the system already functioning. The term is most often applied to the process of starting up a computer, in which a mechanism is needed to execute the software program that is responsible for executing software programs …” [Wikipedia]

Page 4: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Some more recent history - 1

Idea: write some specific patterns that indicate A is a kind of B:

1. … such NP as NP (“at such schools as CMU, students rarely need extensions”)

2. NP, NP, or other NP (“William, Carlos or other machine learning professors”)

3. NP including NP (“struggling teams including the Pirates”)

4. NP, especially NP (prestigious conferences, especially NIPS)

[Coling 1992]

Results: 8.6M words of Grolier’s encyclopedia 7067 pattern instances 152 relations

Many were not in WordNet.

Page 5: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Some history – 2aIdea: exploit “pattern/relation duality”:

1. Start with some seed instances of (author,title) pairs (“Isaac Asimov”, “The Robots of Dawn”)

2. Look for occurrences of these pairs on the web.

3. Generate patterns that match the seeds.

- URLprefix, prefix, middle, suffix

4. Extract new (author, title) pairs that match the patterns.

5. Go to 2.

[some workshop, 1998]

Unlike Hearst, Brin learned the patterns; and learned very high-precision, easy-to-match patterns.

Result: 24M web pages + 5 books 199 occurrences 3 patterns 4047 occurrences + 5M pages 3947 occurrences 105 patterns … 15,257 books *with some manual tweaks

Page 6: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Some history – 2b

Idea: exploit “pattern/relation duality”:

1. Start with some seed instances of (author,title) pairs (“Isaac Asimov”, “The Robots of Dawn”)

2. Look for occurrences of these pairs on the web.

3. Generate patterns that match the seeds.

- URLprefix, prefix, middle, suffix

4. Extract new (author, title) pairs that match the patterns.

5. Go to 2.Result: 24M web pages + 5 books 199 occurrences 3 patterns 4047 occurrences + 5M pages 3947 occurrences 105 patterns … 15,257 books *with some manual tweaks

Instances PatternsOccurrences

Page 7: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Some history – 3

[COLT 98]

Page 8: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Some history – 3bInstances PatternsOccurrences Instances/Occurrences Patterns

How to filter out “bad” instances, occurrences, patterns?

Page 9: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German




Hearst ‘92

Scalability, surface patterns, use of web crawlers…

Learning, semi-supervised learning, dual feature spaces…

Deeper linguistic features, free text…

Page 10: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German




Hearst ‘92

Collins & Singer ‘99

Scalability, surface patterns, use of web crawlers…

Learning, semi-supervised learning, dual feature spaces…

Deeper linguistic features, free text…

Boosting-based co-train method using content & context features; context based on Collins’ parser; learn to classify three types of NE

Page 11: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German




Hearst ‘92

Scalability, surface patterns, use of web crawlers…

Learning, semi-supervised learning, dual feature spaces…

Deeper linguistic features, free text…

Collins & Singer ‘99

Riloff & Jones ‘99 Hearst-like patterns, Brin-like bootstrapping (+ “meta-level” bootstrapping) on MUC data

Page 12: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German




Hearst ‘92

Scalability, surface patterns, use of web crawlers…

Learning, semi-supervised learning, dual feature spaces…

Deeper linguistic features, free text…

Collins & Singer ‘99

Riloff & Jones ‘99

Cucerzan & Yarowsky ‘99

EM like co-train method with context & content both defined

by character-level tries

Page 13: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German




Hearst ‘92

Scalability, surface patterns, use of web crawlers…

Learning, semi-supervised learning, dual feature spaces…

Deeper linguistic features, free text…

Collins & Singer ‘99

Riloff & Jones ‘99

Cucerzan & Yarowsky ‘99

Etzioni et al 2005

Rosenfeld and Feldman


Stevenson & Greenwood


De-emphasize duality, focus on distance between patterns.

Page 14: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Stevenson & GreenwoodInstances/Occurrences Patterns


Pattern-pattern-from is semantic similarity (Wordnet)

Flow from pattern-pattern depends

on empirical similarity (i.e. overlapping

occurrences in corpus)

Page 15: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German




Hearst ‘92

Scalability, surface patterns, use of web crawlers…

Learning, semi-supervised learning, dual feature spaces…

Deeper linguistic features, free text…

Collins & Singer ‘99

Riloff & Jones ‘99

Cucerzan & Yarowsky ‘99

Etzioni et al 2005

Rosenfeld and Feldman


Stevenson & Greenwood


Clever idea for learning relation patterns & strong

experimental results

Page 16: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Rosenfeld & Feldman

• Instances Occurrences as before.

• Vary “positive” occurrences to get near-miss “negative” occurrences, using asymmetry, disjointness, etc.

• Learn patterns in a (moderately) expressive but easy-to-match language (NPs from OpenNLP).

Page 17: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Know It All

Page 18: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German


Set of predicates to consider + two names for each

~= [H92]

Page 19: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German


Page 20: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Bootstrapping - 1

1. Submit the queries & apply the rules initial seeds.

2. Evaluate each seed with each discriminator U: e.g., compute PMI stats like: |hits(“city Boston”)| / |hits(“Boston”)|

3. Take the top seeds from each class and call them POSITIVE and use disjointness, etc to find NEGATIVE seeds.

4. Train a NaiveBayes classifier using thresholded U’s as features.

Page 21: Bootstrapping April 3 2007 William Cohen. Prehistory Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797) was a German

Bootstrapping - 2