boot camp power point post rank

Presented By: Carol Leaman, CEO Aiderss / postrank SOCIAL MEDIA BOOT CAMP

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Social Media MeasurementPost Rank Filters Your Blogs.


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Presented By: Carol Leaman, CEOAiderss / postrank


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“Measure Your Success”

Agenda1.Brief History of AideRSS/PostRank2.Changing Landscape & Emerging

Themes3.PostRank: Measuring Audience


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• Founded 2 years ago in Waterloo, Ont.• Launched first service in July 2007 to deal

with information overload using audience engagement as a measure of “value”

• 11 employees• > 50,000 users; almost 2B PostRanks

served• Venture funded

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Today you can use PostRank to.......

• Discover the best content on the web• Find and follow topic area experts and

influencers• Share your reading lists and your own

influence• Measure your reach/success as a publisher

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• Mass content creation; more than 150M blogs of widely varying quality and credibility

• Ubiquitous distribution of content killing traditional (dead-tree) media

• Proliferation of the social web (networks, applications)

• Advertisers & publishers unsure of how & where to best reach audience and measure results

Changing Landscape

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• Finding information is shifting from search engines to social applications – Twitter disrupting email; Adage getting more traffic from Facebook than Google; LinkedIn

• Individual publishers/authors are wielding influence once held by accredited journalists

• Social media universe is powerful but still not well understood

Emerging Trends

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SEO – search engine optimization• Structure & best practices (microformats, etc)• Good keywords• Good hosting Individual publishers/authors areSEM – search engine marketing• Paid placement (adwords)• Contextual advertising• Niche & targeted search

SM & Marketing

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SMM – social media marketing• Completely new playing field• New tools, new strategies & lots of confusion• Old tools perform poorly (anchor text, etc)Benefits:• Viral media gives you the ability to brand• Viral media helps rankings through links• Viral media means that you are growing

your fan base.

SM & Marketing

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• Conversations about measuring and making sense of social media have reached a crescendo

• Is it just another a channel? Should behaviour change? What’s the ROI?

• We believe dynamics are different, and understanding them and figuring out how to apply them are critical to success

Social Media Measurement

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1. Online Publications2. Bloggers3. Ad Agencies / PR Firms4. Advertisers/Corporations

Critical to Whose Success?

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The PostRank Process

Engagement Sources

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The 5 C’s of Engagement

Creating Critiquing Chatting Collecting Clicking

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PostRank Stats

• Tracking ~1 million unique, user-submitted feeds

• Indexing over 2 million stories a day• Calculating over 13,000 PR per minute• Using 200 servers at EC2 for data

collection and archiving

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So Why is Tracking Social Engagement Important?

Two amazing realities:

1. Over 80% of story engagement happens off of the publishers property!

2. The half-life of a story today is 50 minutes (56% in the first day)!

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Here’s How it Looks

Social Media, kthnx SEO (aka Google)

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Our Data Proves.....

“If you are not leveraging social media, then you are missing 50% of your traffic”

• SEO is still very important: driving traffic from the tail

• SMM is a new power tool: builds community, grows influence, but it’s also very fickle.

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Velocity is Key

# 1 metric in SMM: Velocity

• Number of votes, Diggs, etc. correlated with time since the story was posted

• In fact time matters for most social services/applications

• Lots of networks….how do you know where to spend your time as a publisher?

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PostRank Engagement Analytics

Providing:• Real-time data about audience

engagement as it’s happening• Historical engagement

trends/analytics• Benchmarking against others (i.e. for SMM)

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PostRank Engagement Analytics

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PostRank Engagement Analytics

1.Overall engagement trends for the site“How am I doing?”

2.Drill down to per-story engagement graphs + detailsHow did it do? Why?”

3.Individual metrics per story, and their distribution by day“Where did it get pickup? Can I do it again?“

4.Daily / Weekly / Monthly reports

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PostRank Demo &


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Carol Leaman

[email protected]