booking engine data for both hotel website and mobile website

Booking Engine data for both hotel website and mobile website Booked and Consumed Revenue statistics Statistics reporting for both website and mobile website Specials, Campaigns and Packages tracking Fully integrated reporting Sample Month End Summary

Upload: jasper

Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Fully integrated reporting Sample Month End Summary. Booked and Consumed Revenue statistics. Booking Engine data for both hotel website and mobile website. Statistics reporting for both website and mobile website. Specials, Campaigns and Packages tracking. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Booking Engine data for both hotel website and mobile website

Booking Engine data for both hotel website and mobile website

Booked and Consumed Revenue statistics

Statistics reporting for both website and mobile website

Specials, Campaigns and Packages tracking

Fully integrated reportingSample Month End Summary

Page 2: Booking Engine data for both hotel website and mobile website

Detailed Booking Statistics Reporting

Page 3: Booking Engine data for both hotel website and mobile website
Page 4: Booking Engine data for both hotel website and mobile website