book of mormon 101

Book of Mormon 101 Book of Mormon 101 Summary "Any virtue carried to an extreme can become a viceLife moves all too fast. When you feel weak, discouraged, depressed, or afraid, open the Book of Mormon and read. Do not let too much time pass before reading a verse, a thought, or a chapter."--Boyd K. Packer. 1. Introduction 1. This was taken from the very last plate and translated by Joseph Smith. 2. Purposes of the Book of Mormon: “To show unto the remnant of the House of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever—And also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations.” 1. Family—“salvation is an individual matter; exaltation is a family matter.” 2. Covenants 3. Jesus is the Christ—convincing the Jews and Gentiles 3. Why is this order significant? 1. Family teaches us the importance for covenants and prepares us to receive them. From covenants you receive the Holy Ghost, who testifies that Jesus is the Christ. You gain a witness of Jesus Christ AFTER covenants (3 Nephi 5:24-26). 2. Key things to know before reading: 1. Difference between Jew and Gentile 1. In the Book of Mormon, a Jew is anyone who either lives in Israel or is a literal descendant from Israel; Gentile is everyone else. It is not the same in the Bible. 2. Who is the God of the Book of Mormon? 1. Christ. 99% of the time when it says "God" in any scripture, it is Christ. Before the fall "God" in the scriptures was Heavenly Father, but since the fall is has been Christ almost in all instances. 3. 1 Nephi 1 1. Pattern of Prophets 1. Lehi's experience shows a pattern that follows many prophets: A prophet receives a book, reads it and gains a witness of its truthfulness, prophecies about it to share the knowledge with others, and people try to kill him.

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Page 1: Book of Mormon 101

Book of Mormon 101Book of Mormon 101 Summary

"Any virtue carried to an extreme can become a vice…Life moves all too fast. When you feel

weak, discouraged, depressed, or afraid, open the Book of Mormon and read. Do not let too

much time pass before reading a verse, a thought, or a chapter."--Boyd K. Packer.

1. Introduction

1. This was taken from the very last plate and translated by Joseph Smith.

2. Purposes of the Book of Mormon: “To show unto the remnant of the House of

Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may

know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever—And also to

the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God,

manifesting himself unto all nations.”

1. Family—“salvation is an individual matter; exaltation is a family matter.”

2. Covenants

3. Jesus is the Christ—convincing the Jews and Gentiles

3. Why is this order significant?

1. Family teaches us the importance for covenants and prepares us to

receive them. From covenants you receive the Holy Ghost, who testifies

that Jesus is the Christ. You gain a witness of Jesus Christ AFTER

covenants (3 Nephi 5:24-26).

2. Key things to know before reading:

1. Difference between Jew and Gentile

1. In the Book of Mormon, a Jew is anyone who either lives in Israel or is a

literal descendant from Israel; Gentile is everyone else. It is not the same

in the Bible.

2. Who is the God of the Book of Mormon?

1. Christ. 99% of the time when it says "God" in any scripture, it is Christ.

Before the fall "God" in the scriptures was Heavenly Father, but since the

fall is has been Christ almost in all instances.

3. 1 Nephi 1

1. Pattern of Prophets

1. Lehi's experience shows a pattern that follows many prophets: A prophet

receives a book, reads it and gains a witness of its truthfulness,

prophecies about it to share the knowledge with others, and people try

to kill him.

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1. This chapter and pattern is especially pointing to Joseph Smith.

The only difference is that they actually killed Joseph Smith.

2. Jeffrey R. Holland said 1 Nephi 1 is "the story of Nephi" and it's no

coincidence that it's in the first chapter of the Book of Mormon.

4. 1 Nephi 2

1. Family

1. The Book of Mormon is a family book. It is the first objective in the

introduction. The Bible rarely speaks of family at all, but it is everywhere in

the BOM; it is always a father passing off the mantle to his son. In fact, it

is the first thing ever mentioned in the BOM: "I Nephi, having been born

of goodly parents…"

2. In 1 Nephi 2:4, all Lehi brought into the wilderness was his family and a

few provisions to keep them alive.

1. Family is the most important thing in this life. The very

organization of the church would cease to exist without the


5. 1 Nephi 3

1. Sacrifice your worldly materials, for they amount to nothing in comparison to

things of eternity.

2. In verses 24-26, Laban tried to kill Nephi and his brothers. This is significant,

because according to Jewish law, if a man tries to steal your possessions, kill you,

or kill your family you have the right to take their life.

1. When Nephi is prompted by the spirit in 1 Nephi 4:10-18 to kill Laban, he

isn't breaking any laws. Also note that the 12th article of faith states, "We

believe in…obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law." The Holy Ghost

wouldn't encourage him to do something illegal.

6. 1 Nephi 4 and 5

1. What helped them through the wilderness?

1. Family

2. Faith 1 Nephi 6:4

1. In 1 Nephi 4:3, Nephi marvels that his brothers can his brothers

doubt the truth even after seeing angels. Only the witness of the

Holy Ghost can lead to testimony and conversion, not angels.

3. Obedience-- James 2:20 "faith without works is dead."

4. Holy Spirit--nothing more important than following this. Verses 10-18

1. Nephi was led by the Spirit, not knowing before-hand the things

which he should do. That’s why he was successful in retrieving the

plates and his brothers weren't. Nephi would have never thought

on his own to kill Laban.

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1. Process for receiving revelation:

1. 10-prompting

2. 12-pray

3. 16-read

4. 18-faith to be guided by the Holy Ghost

5. Fear not

2. Fear--Fear and faith cannot exist in the same place

1. Contrast Laman and Lemuel's fear with Nephi's faith when facing Laban

1. Laman and Lemuel in 1 Nephi 3:31 said, "How is it possible that

the Lord will deliver Laban into our hands? Behold, he is a mighty

man, and he can command fifty, yea, even he can slay fifty; then

why not us?"

2. Nephi in 1 Nephi 4:1 says, "Let us be faithful in keeping the

commandments of the Lord; for behold, he is mighier than all the

earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea or even

his tens of thousands?"

2. In this chapter, Zoram was guided by fear, and was therefore hesitant to

follow Nephi. Fear hinders you from being able to be taught and guided by

the spirit.

3. 1 Nephi 4:33 and 37: As we follow the teachings of the prophets and keep

our oaths and covenants we have no need to fear.

4. 1 Nephi 5:1-8

1. Sariah worried for her sons. They had to go back to Jerusalem in

multiple attempts to get the plates, and were therefore gone for

a long time.

1. Never worry when you or a loved one is on the Lord's


2. Verse 4: Sariah complained that Lehi was a visionary man

and sent her sons on a foolish errand; Lehi, however

understood the blessings of being visionary, because he

knows the importance of this errand and that they will be


3. Verse 8: After Sariah overcame her fear, she gained a

witness of Heavenly Father's guidance in the errand.

3. Plates

1. Nephi's purpose of keeping plates

1. Two types

1. These plates--Small plates. Nephi started them 30 years

after they left Jerusalem (570 BC), and they contained a

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record of the ministry.

2. Those plates-- Large plates. Started 10 years after leaving

Jerusalem (590 BC). Record of Kings, secular history, and

genealogy. 1 Nephi 5:11-16

7. 1 Nephi 6

1. v.4--Purpose of his writing is to bring men unto the "God of Abraham, God of

Jacob, and God of Isaac"--Christ.

2. v.5--He only writes what he feels guided by the Holy Ghost to write. Everything

on these plates is important.

8. 1 Nephi 7

1. Importance of marriage

1. Vs 1-- "that they might raise up seed unto the Lord" was a

commandment given to Adam and Eve before the Fall, which means it is

an eternal commandment. Also shows that the fall needed to happen and

we knew it would happen.

2. Nephi and his brothers to return AGAIN to Jerusalem: once for the plates

(scriptures)and this time for wives. This is was a very long trip and shows

the importance of marriage.

3. About verses 1-5, Bruce R. McConkie says, "Celestial marriage is the

crowning ordinance of the Gospel…There is nothing more important as

the creation and perfection of the family…From the moment of birth up

to the moment we enter the temple, everything in life is to prepare us

for the holy matrimony in the temple."

2. Significance of Ishmael's family:

1. Erasmus Snow said Ishmael is from the tribe of Ephraim; Lehi is from

Manassah. When Ishmael's daughters married Lehi's sons it welded

together Manassah and Ephraim, which created the prophesied stick of


9. 1 Nephi 8

1. Boyd K. Packer says Chapter 8 is the central message of the Book of Mormon.

(--Boyd K. Packer "The Things of My Soul" Ensign May 1986)

2. The vision of the tree of life

- Man in the white robe: Christ

- Tree of Life: The love of God; 1 Nephi 11:7 Christ is the tree

- Fruit of the Tree of Life: the Atoning sacrifice of Christ; eternal life

- The Iron Rod: The word of God 1 Nephi 11:25

- Mists of Darkness: Temptations of the Devil

- The Great and Spacious Building: the Pride of the World (or the war-zone) note that it

has no foundation 1 Nephi 11:36

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- The other fountain: something…but it's not filthy

-River of Filthy Waters- depths of hell

-Fountain of Pure Water- eternal life 1 Nephi 11:25

-The Field - The world 1 Nephi 8:20

1. See David A. Bednar's October 2011 talk titled "Lehi's Dream: Holding Fast to the Rod"

for more details.

1. Four types of people in the dream:

1. Group #1-- 1 Nephi 8: 19-23 Started in the path. Pressed forward without holding

onto the rod. They were lost because they did not hold to the rod. In fact, the

rod is not even mentioned in their context.

2. Group #2-- 1 Nephi 8: 24-28 The scriptures use the word clinging to the rod, but

are not continually holding on like the members of group #3. They reached the

tree of life and partook of the fruit (in other words, participated in the

Atonement). Later this group gets worried of what people are saying about them

and fall away. They caught hold of the rod, but consistently holding on. As a result

of this, they fell away when the real trials came.

3. Group #3-- 1 Nephi 8: 30 Continually holding to the iron rod. This group is the

group that receives eternal life. They are the people who are always reading the

word of god. Note that these people are able to resist the mists of darkness

because of their steadfastness in holding to the rod.

4. Group #4-- 1 Nephi 8: 31-33 This is the group of people who reject the rod and

reject the tree. This means they are rejecting Christ and the word of Christ.

(Laman and Lemuel in Lehi's dream)

2. Lehi's dream as pattern for coming unto Christ

1. Cleave consistently unto the scriptures like those who clung to the iron rod. It's

the only way to Christ

2. The prophets, who are already at the tree, are there to guide us along

3. Boyd K. Packer BYU Devotional January 16 2007: "You are never safe. It is after

you partake of the fruit [baptism] that your trials come. We are living inside the

great and spacious building…Pray. Always Pray. An unseen power will hold our

hand as you hold to the iron rod."

4. Pattern

1. v.30--Fallen at the tree

2. v.8--Cry for mercy

3. v.5--Find Christ

4. v.12--exceedingly great Joy

1. This pattern of being fallen, crying for mercy, finding Christ and

realizing the need for Christ, and having great joy is everywhere in

the BOM

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1. Mosiah 4:2-3--King Benjamin

2. Alma 36:16-21--Alma the Younger

3. Adam and Eve experienced the same thing.

5. We must partake of the fruit before we can feel of the love of God.

1. 1 Nephi 9

1. Purpose of Keeping separate plates

1. I Nephi 9:3-6--A wise purpose that he knew not.

1. Many pages got lost by Martin Harris, which may have been Lehi's

record. Also, these plates complete the knowledge that Heavenly

Father knew would be lost.

2. When God asks you to do something don't ask why. You may

never know completely why. Instead, ask "What?" "What would

you have me do?"

2. 1 Nephi 10

1. Nephi started "these plates" 30 years after leaving Jerusalem. In this chapter he

begins to make his own account. Previously he was catching up from what

happened in the past.

2. Jews vs. Gentiles

1. According to BOM's definition of a Gentile, we are included.

2. v.11--The Jews saw Christ face-to-face and denied Him.

3. Gentiles are to gain their witness of Christ through the witness of the

Holy Ghost, not from seeing Him in this life. The Gentiles (especially

Joseph Smith and missionaries) will bring back truth and eventually turn

the hearts of the Jews.

3. 1 Nephi 11--Christ and His ministry in the Old World

"Lehi had a vision of the tree of life. His son, Nephi, prayed to know its meaning In answer he

was given a remarkable vision of Christ." --Boyd K. Packer "The Things of My Soul" Ensign May


*Chapters 11 and 12 are comparing Christ to the tree (1 Nephi 11:7)

1. In scripture, "the spirit" is either the spirit of Christ before he received his body, or it's

the Holy Ghost. If it’s the Holy Ghost this is the only reported time someone saw him.

2. Condescension

1. Con=with, so descend with man; To step under the rank you hold

2. Two types of condescension in this chapter

1. Heavenly Father came to a mortal and begot a living son

1. Bruce R. McConkie "Condescension is Heavenly Father having a

mortal son."

2. Christ, Jehovah, came down in the flesh as a baby

1. God of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ, yet he came to earth be

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like us so we can one day become like him.

2. Christ and Heavenly Father had power to end Christ's suffering but

they knew it was necessary

3. Importance of Christ's condescension-- being half immortal and half mortal

1. Mary as Mother: Christ could die, feel pain, suffer, and sin

2. Elohim as Father: Christ could be resurrected, endure pain, and overcome


1. Because he could sin and didn't made it so he could overcome it

for us.

2. The ability to die + immortality = resurrection

3. 1 Nephi 19:9--Christ had power to destroy us, but He allowed us to

scourge Him. That is condescension.

1. Jacob 4:7--It is because of His condescension that we can do all


4. Jeffrey R. Holland stated, "He knew what would happen in Gethsemane

intellectually and physically, but he had no idea emotionally and spiritually."

4. v.18--Other churches don't have the knowledge of HOW Christ was born. The

Bible says "Mary was carried away in the Spirit." This verse tells us Christ was born

"after the manner of the flesh," or in the same way we are.

5. D&C 93--By the time Christ was baptized at age 30, he had received the fullness

of the Father and a full knowledge of who He was. He had an insight at age 12,

with the story of teaching at the temple. He may have received a witness

sooner, but this is what we have recorded in scripture.

3. The prophet mentioned in vs.27 is John the Baptist, who would help prepare the way for

Christ. He came before Christ in this life. Also, he died before Christ, which allowed him

to be resurrected when Christ was. Since was resurrected, he has a body and played a

crucial role in bringing forth the Gospel in this dispensation by being able to do the

"laying on of hands" to give Joseph Smith priesthood keys.

4. In v.11 we learn our spirits look like our bodies

5. v.30--if we could open our spiritual eyes we would see "angels descending upon the

children of men."

6. In 1 Nephi 11:16-17, the Spirit asks Nephi if he understands the meaning of the

condescension of God. He admitted that he didn't, but he mentioned what he did know:

1. Never be afraid to tell someone you don't know how to answer their question. In

fact do. Just bear witness of what you DO know.

2. The fact that Nephi was humble enough to acknowledge what he didn't know is

why the Spirit was able to teach him so much about the subject!

1. For the Spirit to effectively teach you, you must acknowledge what you

don't know and be humble enough to admit it.

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1. 1 Nephi 12--Christ and His ministry in the New World, Americas

1. Notice how many times it mentions "the twelve" apostles. I counted five just in

verses 6-10. Follow the twelve!

2. Difference between Apostles of the Old World and apostles in the new world

1. The apostles in the Old World had the power of God and priesthood keys.

The church still needed leadership in America, so the 12 disciples were


2. Why Nephites were destroyed--1 Nephi 12:19

1. Pride and Temptation. Pride comes first because it is the worst of

the two. We can control pride more than we can temptation. Also,

we will all be tempted, but it is pride that makes it so we can't

overcome those temptations. If you are humble, temptations will

not hinder your progression.

1. "Pride is the gateway sin to all others. Humility isn't

thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less."

Dieter F. Uchdorf

2. "You must lay aside any feeling of pride that is so common

in the world today. By this I mean the attitude that rejects

the authority of God to rule in our lives."--D. Todd


2. 1 Nephi 13--Apostasy and Restoration

1. Things that Nephi saw that have become history:

1. 12:2-8 events leading up the appearance of Christ unto the Lamanites

2. 13: 12--Christopher Columbus

3. 13:14--immigrants coming to America from many nations

4. 13:17--"mother Gentiles" (England) coming to war against America

5. 13:20-26--Book of Mormon going forth and revealing many precious

truths that have been lost in translation of the Bible.

6. 13:39-40--Coming forth of the BOM in all languages

7. 13:41--BOM and Bible combined in ONE--the quad!

8. 14:19-24--John will see and write about many of the same things that

Nephi saw.

2. Great and Abominable Church

1. In this chapter it is an actual church; chapter 14 it is an idea.

1. In 1 Nephi 13, the "great and abominable church" is the 1st and

2nd century church that existed right after Christ was crucified.

2. 1st and 2nd Century Church

1. v.4-6: abominable above all others

2. v.15-29

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1. "these things" is referring to the books of the Bible.

2. Many "plain and precious" truths were intentionally taken

out "that they might pervert the right ways of the Lord."


1. Shortly after Christ died, they lost many covenants

and ordinances, such as baptism, which are

essential to enter the kingdom.

2. The removal of many key doctrines was intentional,

but later many things were lost in translation.

3. "an exceedingly great many do stumble"

1. Many people stumble because of the lost truths.

1. Enoch is just one example. The Bible has 97

words on him; we have 5240. The bible says

(Genesis 5) "and Enoch walked with God;

and he was not: for God took him." Our

version of Enoch's story is powerful, but the

Bible's story leads to confusion.

2. Why was this taken out? Because it talks of

Christ and the covenants. Because of the

1st and 2nd Century church, Christ's name

and his covenants cannot be found

ANYWHERE in the Old Testament. His

doctrines, prophecies, and teachings are

there minus the covenants and His name.

3. In 1 Nephi 13:40, it mentions "last records" which will "establish the first" and

restore the "plain and precious truths."

1. The "last records" are the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, the

Joseph Smith Translation, and the Pearl of Great Price.

2. "the first" is the Bible. The Book of Mormon and Bible work together.

3. 1 Nephi 14--Last Days

1. Great and Abominable Church

1. Definition (2 Nephi 10:16)--"He that fighteth against Zion, both Jew and

Gentile…for they are they who are the whore of all the earth; for they

who are not for me are against me." In this chapter it is anyone who is

against Christ. There will be many outside the Church who are for God and

many inside the church who will be part of this "great and abominable


1. " Perhaps the Lord needs such men on the outside of His Church

to help it along,' said the late Elder Orson F. Whitney of the

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Quorum of the Twelve. `They are among its auxiliaries, and can do

more good for the cause where the Lord has placed them, than

anywhere else. . . . Hence, some are drawn into the fold and

receive a testimony of the truth; while others remain unconverted

. . . the beauties and glories of the gospel being veiled temporarily

from their view, for a wise purpose. The Lord will open their eyes

in His own due time. God is using more than one people for the

accomplishment of His great and marvelous work. The Latter-day

Saints cannot do it all."--Orson F. Whitney (Conference Report,

April 1928)

2. Some people do more good outside the church than they cold if

they had been in it. Think of Abraham Lincoln. If he had been LDS

he would not have been elected. Now he has had his work done

and has surely accepted it. The stories are similar with the

founding fathers and probably the popes.

2. 1 Nephi 14:10 There is no "gray zone." You are either for the church or

against it.

2. 1 Nephi 14:12-14 "I beheld the church of the Lamb of God and its numbers were


1. Right now we are less than .5% of the world population, but eventually

we will have members everywhere

1. Note that the church will get bigger and be on every nation, but it

will always be fairly small. The world will fight against the church.

4. 1 Nephi 15--Gathering of Israel

1. Pattern for Receiving Personal Revelation (same as 1 Nephi 10:1-5)

1. v.11: Desire --> Believe --> Ponder --> Ask

2. v. 8: "Have ye inquired of the Lord?" Have you prayed about it as much as

you have talked about it?

2. v.13-16

1. Joseph Smith and the Gentiles will gather Israel into the "true vine"/"true

fold"/"true olive-tree." All of these mean the "true church."

5. 1 Nephi 16-18: How to Get Through the Wilderness

1. Murmuring

1. Throughout these chapters, Laman and Lemuel murmur nonstop. Nephi

remains obedient, even when Lehi murmurs. Nephi murmurs in 1 Nephi

2:16, but quickly prays to have his heart softened.

2. Liahona

1. How it works

1. Faith-feeling

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1. "through the power of the Holy Ghost you can feel your

way through life."--Boyd K. Packer

2. Diligence-heed promptings, follow feelings

3. Great Things--witness gained from following feelings

2. You get to the promised land by following feelings of the Holy Ghost. It is

AFTER doing this that you gain a witness of the Lord. (1 Nephi 17:13-14)

3. "You Will Meet a Wall" by David O. McKay Treasures of Life

1. “I hope that someday you will … meet a wall that seems

insurmountable, impregnable; but if duty lies beyond that wall, do

not stand back and say, ‘I cannot do it.’ You may aspire to do it,

but that is not sufficient. Do what James … says: Ask God for

power, but add to that faith, an acknowledgment of your own

ability to do what you are able to do.

“You can walk from where you stand, up to the wall. When you get there, and you have gone as

far as you can, you will find in answer to your prayer that there is a hidden ladder by which you

can scale it, or there is a door which you could not see from where you were first standing.

God’s hand is shown”

1. Nephi's Bow

1. Nephi didn't ask WHY his bow broke. He instead got to work to fix the problem.

He focused on WIN:

1. WIN--What's Important Now?

1. When a problem comes up, don't murmur. Just fix it. If you keep

just focusing on what's going wrong you won't know how to fix it

next time it comes up.

2. Don't just say "I'll be happy when…" Learn how to be happy where

you are or you will always be hoping for a better future that will

never come. Make your current situation better.

1. D&C 51:16-18--If you can't make yourself happy no, you

won't be happy later. Don't always say "I'll be happy

when…" Instead, pretend you will always be where you are

and find ways to make the current situation better.

2. Don't ignore your trials. That won't make you grow or

make the next trial any easier. Lean how to be happy where

you are. Focus on "what's important now?"

2. Chapter 17 shows us two ways of enduring trials:

1. Laman Lemuel murmured and distanced themselves from God.

2. Nephi looked for blessings and God's hand in his life. He worked to

make the situation better and drew close to God. When you are

enduring trials, look for your blessings.

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3. Alma 62:39-42--Trials are like boiling water. They will either harden us like it

does with eggs, or soften us like it does with carrots.

2. Building the Ship

1. Nephi didn't receive all the guidance at once. He had to go to the mountain often

and be taught gradually, line upon line. (1 Nephi 17:1-4)

1. Just as Nephi talked with God in planning the ship, we must plan

everything we do this way.

1. Through prayer, create your day spiritually before you live it. "Plan

your day on your knees."

1. Sincere and consistent prayer is what enables Him to show

us great things.

2. Go to holy places often (i.e. the temple) to receive guidance.

2. Having Faith

1. Ether 12:6 states "ye receive no witness until AFTER the trial of your


1. Throughout these chapters, Laman and Lemuel witness many


1. It is only through the witness of the Holy Ghost that you

can gain a witness of the Savior.

2. 1 Nephi 17:13-17

1. The Lord instructed them, "After ye have arrived in the

promised land, ye shall know that I, the Lord, am God."

1. Nephi had to follow solely on faith, and after

arriving there he would gain his witness.

3. Enjoy the Moment

1. "The trick is to thank God for letting you have the ride."--Gordon B. Hinckley BYU

Devotional, September 25, 1973

1. 1 Nephi 17:2--Nephi says the women were strong in the wilderness and

blessed with health enough to give suck to their children.

2. 1 Nephi 17:20-21--Laman and Lemuel say it would have been better if the

women would have died because they endured too much.

2. As with Nephi and the bow, Laman and Lemuel look at what's wrong with the

picture and what they wish it would be; Nephi is thankful and happy in the current


1. 1 Nephi 19

1. Sacred Text (1 Nephi 19:6)

1. Nephi only writes what is absolutely necessary

1. Jacob 1:1-4; Jacob 7:27

2. Condescension of Christ

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1. v.9: Prophecy of Christ's death

1. Christ had power to end his suffering, but he endured for us.

2. Two meanings of "suffer here"

1. Pain

2. Allow

2. v.13-16--Scattering and Gathering of Israel

1. Why Israel was scattered?

1. The Jews turned their hearts away from Him first

2. They are the covenant people, good people, and God

wanted to disperse them around the earth; they just don't

have the truth.

2. How will they be gathered?

1. When they turn their hearts back to Christ, but they will

have to accept Him as the savior. This will happen with

missionary work.

2. Gathering will happen a bit, but not physically in this life. It

will mostly literally happen in the Millenium when they will

"pray in the name of the Savior."

3. Why Nephi quoted Isaiah

1. He saw Christ like Nephi, and could therefore bear a similar witness of Him

2. Since Isaiah lived 700 BC, 100 years before Nephi, he was their recent

prophet whose writing was on the brass plates.

3. Isaiah often spoke messianically, and is the main prophet Christ ever


4. He was a prophet, seer, and revelator.

1. Prophet: warn, the watchman on the tower

2. Seer: anointed; The veil is removed, sin removed, sees things we

can't see and reveals them.

1. Moses 6:35--what a seer is

5. Also quoted Isaiah so we could have a direct translation of what he said. If

you compare Nephi's quotes of Isaiah to the book of Isaiah, you can tell

that a TON of information was lost in the translation of the Bible. The

Book of Mormon was only translated once, and it was directly from the


1. Every single verse here is different than the version in the Bible.

1. v.10: tons of prophets we know nothing about.

2. 1 Nephi 20--Speaking to the Jews ("Them")

Boyd K. Packer warned about the barrier of hard language when we hit Isaiah:

"Then, just as you settle in to move comfortably along, you will meet a barrier. The style of the

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language changes to Old Testament prophecy style. For, interspersed in the narrative, are

chapters reciting the prophecies of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah. They loom as a barrier,

like a roadblock or a checkpoint beyond which the casual reader, one with idle curiosity,

generally will not go.

You, too, may be tempted to stop there, but do not do it! Do not stop reading! Move forward

through those difficult-to-understand chapters of Old Testament prophecy, even if you

understand very little of it. Move on, if all you do is skim and merely glean an impression here

and there. Move on, if all you do is look at the words.

Soon you will emerge from those difficult chapters to the easier New Testament style which is

characteristic of the rest of the Book of Mormon.

Because you are forewarned about that barrier, you will be able to surmount it and finish reading

the book."

(Boyd K. Packer "The Things of My Soul" Ensign May 1986)

1. The Jews are the covenant people, but disobedient. Still, the Lord will not cast them off.

1. Why are the Jews the Lord's covenant people if they were the ones who killed


1. They are the covenant people for what they did in the Pre-mortal

existence, just as the next life is determined by what we do here. Most

of our blessings in this life come from who we were in the pre-mortal


2. Just as we will not be punished for Adam's sin, the current Jews won't be

punished for their ancestors'.

2. Flee from babylon and flee from chaldeans (v.20). Get away from the world and don’t

even get close to it! Packer’s story of the wagon going near the cliff. Hug the wall,

don’t get near the edge! (Boyd K. Packer "the Word of Wisdom: the Principles and the

Promises May 1996)

1. 1 Nephi 21--Talking to us

1. v.1-6--We are all foreordained for certain things; As gentiles, we were

foreordained to gather Israel.

1. Anything we do for God is not in vain.

2. If you feel early on that you will do something, it is most likely something

you were foreordained to do.

2. v.22-23:

1. "to lick up the dust off their feet" means to be destroyed

2. "bring thy sons in their arms and thy daughters shall be carried upon their

shoulders" is about the Gentiles carrying Israel back into the fold.

3. v.14-16--"Thy walls are continually before me"

1. We are literally engraved upon the palms of Christ's hands with the scars

from the cross. Just as a woman cannot forget her child, Christ cannot

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forget us.

1. "Wall" has two meanings

1. We are continually before Christ like a wall

2. Walls are trials; He is always aware of our trials and

constantly thinking of us.

2. How to overcome the Devil's design of despair (Ezra Taft Benson, "Do

not Despair" Ensign Oct 1986)

1. Repentance

2. Prayer

3. Service

4. Work

5. Health

6. Reading

7. Blessing

8. Fasting

9. Friends

10. Music

11. Endurance

12. Goals

1. Whenever you are going through a tough time, Ezra Taft

Benson suggests using one of these twelve ways to

overcome Satan's ploys to tear you down.

2. 1 Nephi 22--Nephi explaining the previous chapters of Isaiah

1. v.7--the "mighty nation" is the United States of America in 1776

2. v.8--the "marvelous work among the Gentiles" is the restoration of the Gospel in


3. v.9--Gathering of Israel through seed of Abraham (the Church)

4. v.13-23--Destruction of the wicked

5. v.24-31--Millennium

1. These things all go in order.

2. The foundation of the US in 1776, namely freedom of religion, had to

come before the Gospel could be restored on earth.

6. We are foreordained to gather Israel "today and always."

1. "Today and Always" by David A. Bednar

3. 2 Nephi 1--Patriarchal Blessing of America

1. v.5-7--the USA is a choice nation, and no one here has ever come by chance.

Everyone on this nation was guided here for a wise purpose.

2. v.8--Our nation is strategically placed for the Gospel. We are located between

two massive oceans for protection.

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3. v.7--This nation is reserved for the righteous. When it becomes wicked we are in


1. "It is my conviction that when the Savior comes the stars and stripes will

be floating on the breeze." (Ezra Taft Benson, "The Constitution--A

Glorious Standard," BYU Devotional, 16 September 1986)

4. Chains:

1. The chains are any vice (trial, addiction, pride, etc.) that keeps us from

progressing. They limit our agency.

1. Can only be broken through repentance (2 Nephi 2:6-7; 2 Nephi


2. Boyd K. Packer ("Armor of God" Conference address, April 1969) suggests

that we must use the shield of faith to overcome our chains, and that it

"takes parents to make the Armor of Faith"

4. 2 Nephi 2--The Fall

1. Justification

1. Justification (v.5) is to be declared guiltless

1. "Just as a man doesn't really desire food until he is hungry, so

does he not desire the Salvation of Christ until he realized why he

needs a Savior." (Ezra Taft Benson "I Know in Whom I Have


2. Jacob was a righteous child, but Lehi tells him it is because of the

"righteousness of thy Redeemer" (v.3) that he will be redeemed.

1. Because we are fallen, we naturally desire the things of the flesh.

3. Salvation is being saved from both temporal AND spiritual death. We will

all be resurrected (overcoming physical death) but salvation is both.

Won't achieve Salvation until we realize our need for a Savior.

2. The FALL

1. Before and after the fall there were just as many positive and negative

points (ex: death, children, joy, misery, sin, and good) 2 Nephi 2:22-28,

but after the fall with the Atonement all the negatives can become


1. In 2 Nephi 2:21 we learn the fall was a commandment given in the

pre-mortal existence. Without it, none of us would have been able

to come and have our probation here on earth.

2. The reason the fall is ok is because there is a plan; in v.4, "the

way" is the plan of salvation.

2. The Book of Mormon will never talk about the fall without talking about

the Atonement too. Because of the Atonement, the Fall can be

overcome. The Bible is missing this knowledge; the word "plan" is never

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mentioned in it.

1. Our responsibility:

1. Have a broken heart and a contrite spirit

1. Acknowledge that you sin and rely upon the Savior

2. Be humble enough to change

3. Become something different--Celestial.

2. Difference between resurrection, salvation, and exaltation

1. Resurrection: conquering physical death; we all receive this.

2. Salvation: conquering physical AND spiritual death;

determined individually.

3. Exaltation: a family matter

3. Moroni 8:25-26--Without a broken heart and contrite spirit, we

will only be able to have resurrection. Continually recognize your

sin and use the Atonement for salvation.

4. v.10: Because we are fallen and make mistakes, there had to be a

punishment. That is where Christ comes in; He satisfies both the

law of justice and mercy.

3. v.29--Ever since the pre-mortal existence, Christ enables us to use agency, but

Satan takes it away.

4. The Fall is ok because of the Atonement

1. "We have all seen a toddler learn to walk. He takes a small step and

totters. He falls. Do we scold such an attempt? Of course not. What

father would punish a toddler for stumbling? We encourage, we applaud,

and we praise because with every small step, the child is becoming more

like his parents.

Now, brethren, compared to the perfection of God, we mortals are scarcely more than

awkward, faltering toddlers. But our loving Heavenly Father wants us to become more like Him,

and, dear brethren, that should be our eternal goal too. God understands that we get there not

in an instant but by taking one step at a time.

I do not believe in a God who would set up rules and commandments only to wait for us to fail

so He could punish us. I believe in a Heavenly Father who is loving and caring and who rejoices in

our every effort to stand tall and walk toward Him. Even when we stumble, He urges us not to

be discouraged—never to give up or flee our allotted field of service—but to take courage, find

our faith, and keep trying" (Dieter F. Uchdorf, General Conference address April 2013 "Four


1. For a follow-up, see his talk from October 2013 on feelings of guilt toward repentance

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(i.e. using the guilt to work you toward repentance like Christ would have you do or

towards misery as Satan hopes) "You Can Do It Now!"

1. "Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the

number of times we rise up, dust ourselves off and move forward.”

“That does not mean that we should be comfortable with our weaknesses, mistakes or sins.

No,” he said. “And there is an important difference between the sorrow for sin that leads to

repentance and the sorrow that leads to despair.”

1. 2 Nephi 3--Joseph Smith

1. Joseph in Egypt prophesied of Joseph Smith

1. He would be named after him and Joseph Smith Sr.

2. The "choice seer" mentioned many times in this chapter is Joseph Smith

2. Joseph Smith would be given power to bring forth the Lord's word

1. Brought forth more words than all previous prophets combined.

1. Moses-156,739

2. Paul-50,210

3. Jeremiah-39,694

4. Ezekial-39,400

5. Isaiah-14,000

6. Joseph Smith-505,098

1. This includes all the scripture he helped bring about (Book

of Mormon, Joseph Smith Translation, Pearl of Great Price,

and most of D&C) but not the lectures and other quotes.

With those it is even more!

2. The United States were being prepared and created so the Gospel could

be restored here.

2. 2 Nephi 4--The Song of Nephi (When in discouragement, read thoroughly)

Problem - (4:17-19) Weakness of the flesh.

Solution - (4:20-25) Pray and Remember blessings.

Problem - (4:26-27) Why is flesh still so weak. Nephi is discouraged he cannot overcome the


Solution - (4:28-30) Repent, Replace the bad things and Rejoice.

Problem - (4:31-33) Will you help me Lord?

Solution - (4:34-35) Trust Christ.

1. 2 Nephi 5

1. In this chapter Nephi's family is split, but in v.27 it says they "lived after the

manner of happiness." Why were they so happy?

1. 10-Keep commandments

2. 11-Lord was with them

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3. 12-scriptures

4. 16-temple

5. 17-industrious

6. 26-Priesthood leaders

7. They physically separated themselves from the wicked.

2. Warnings

1. In verses 5-6, Nephi is warned that they must leave. The Spirit will

ALWAYS warn you before something happens that would affect your


1. "We cannot set off on a wrong course without overruling a

warning first." Boyd K. Packer

2. This feeling is not to be confused with fear. Sometimes when you

are going the right direction in life it will be scary, but don't turn

around just because of that.

3. Mark vs. Curse

1. Mark was the change in skin color

1. The skin color was given so the unrighteous would be unenticing

for marriage to the covenant people. If they would repent they

would still have the mark, but would become enticing. T

2. Curse was that they were cut off from the Lord's presence

1. The real curse is being cut off from the Lord's, not being


2. They no longer had access to the word of the Lord; they became

heard-hearted and cut off from His presence.

3. In alma 23:16-18, the Anti-Nephi-Lehites repented and "the curse of God

followed them no more." They were no longer cursed to be removed

from His presence, but they still had the mark.

1. This shows us that we can repent and be forgiven by God so we

can live with Him again, but in this life we may still have to deal

with the consequences of our mistake.

2. 2 Nephi 6

1. v.6 "they shall bring thy sons in their arms and thy daughters shall be carried upon

their shoulders." This is talking about the gathering of Israel

1. What was the object of gathering the . . . people of God in any age of the

world? . . . The main object was to build unto the Lord a house whereby

He could reveal unto His people the ordinances of His house and the

glories of His kingdom, and teach the people the way of salvation; for

there are certain ordinances and principles that, when they are taught and

practiced, must be done in a place or house built for that purpose.

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(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith (1976), 307–8; paragraph

divisions altered.)

The question is frequently asked "Can we not be saved without going through with all those

ordinances, etc.?" I would answer, No, not the fullness of salvation. Jesus said, "There are many

mansions in my Father's house, and I will go and prepare a place for you." [see John 14:1–2]

House here named should have been translated kingdom; and any person who is exalted to the

highest mansion has to abide a celestial law, and the whole law too.

(History of the Church, 6:184.)

1. We are gathering Israel so they can have temple work and so we can build more


1. 2 Nephi 7

1. v.1--Divorcement

1. We are the bride.

1. He didn't leave us; we leave Him.

2. We have all been unfaithful and "played the harlot."

2. How to overcome the divorcement

1. 2 Nephi 8:24--Marriage: he will take us back

2. v.2--Reedeem

1. Redeem means "to buy from bondage."

1. In ancient Egypt when a child was taken, the process for getting

them back was called "redeeming."

1. Kidnapper analogy

1. Kidnapper separates child from parents and

remands ransom. If ransom is paid, the child goes

back to their parents. Similarly, we can't return

without Christ's sacrifice.

1. Christ's Crucifixion verses 4-7

1. These verses prophecy all that would happen, but that he would not falter.

1. "plucked off the hair"--They plucked out the hairs of Christ's beard.

2. v.8-9: Stand together and be humble or we will be compelled to be humble

1. Stand together in the covenant

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1. 2 Nephi 8--Abrahamic Covenant

1. Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenants

1. Posterity--because you can only have that if you are exalted

2. Priesthood and endless blessings of the priesthood (such as creation)

3. Property: Celestial Earth

2. v.1--In this verse, the "rock" is Abraham and Sarah

1. We are literal descendants from him. The patriarchal blessing declares

your lineage.

3. v.24-25--How to return home

1. Explanation of all these symbolisms found in D&C 113:7-10

1. "put on strength"-Priesthood

2. "Put on beautiful garments"-Marriage

1. Even though we aren't completely faithful, He will take us


3. "bands of the neck" =Scattered Israel

1. Authority-laying on of hands

2. Power-a given right that comes from righteousness

1. 2 Nephi 9

1. The Plan is everywhere in the Book of Mormon, but it is never found in the New

or Old Testaments; it was removed by the 1st and 2nd century church.

1. The BOM was needed to restore the knowledge

2. What to look for in this chapter

1. Wo's--Bring you away from Christ

2. O's--Bring you closer to Christ

3. Chapter Outline

1. v.1-3: Introduction

2. v.10: Awful Monster-Death of Body and Spirit

3. v.4-22-Resurrection

4. v.23-49-Spiritual Death

4. Why so many verses on the resurrection?

1. These verses contain an essential doctrine that isn't found anywhere else

in scripture:

1. v.9: "And our spirits must have become like unto him, and we

become devils, angels to a devil, to be shut out form the

presence of our God."

2. If we didn't get our bodies back, or if there were no resurrection,

we would become like Satan and not be able to return home to

our Heavenly Father.

1. (1 Corinthians 15:39-40) We all receive resurrection, but

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what type of body we receive is conditional.

5. Why is Satan called "Son of the morning"?

1. This may have to do with when he was born in the pre-mortal existence.

We know he was one of our older brothers and was high in power. This is

also largely why he was so successful in leading so many astray.

6. v.25-26: Some people will not be held accountable; if they are mentally

handicapped, don't know the law, or some other justification (also extreme

depression and other case) the won't be punished according to the laws of


1. Jeffrey R. Holland gave a great talk on this in October 2013 conference,

titled "Like a Broken Vessel."

2. "The mentally-handicapped are celestial; we are not. Treat them well and

they may open the gate for you on judgment day."--Brother Stanley


7. v.27-29: "To be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsel of God."

1. D&C 93:36--"The glory of God is intelligence…"

1. Seek education as far as you can and it will do great things for you

in this life and the next. It will often bring you to wealth. This is

fine as long as you keep God as your treasure; don't get your

treasures become your God.

2. God will often lead you to wealth if you truly desire to use it to

bless others. Money is great if you can remain humble

1. "The two groups who have the greatest difficulty following

the prophet are the PROUD who are learned and the

PROUD who are rich." (Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign June 1981

"Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet)

2. To be rich and/or educated are both wonderful things as

long as you can be humble.

8. v.31-38: We will all meet Christ in our resurrected bodies. The Book of Mormon

tells us we will "dwell" with Him or "stand" with Him. (2 Nephi 2:8-10)

1. Dwell=to stay

2. Stand=to be judged

1. How to "dwell" with God is found in 2 Nephi 9:23

1. Repent, be baptized, have faith

2. "Repentance requires a seriousness of purpose and a

willingness to persevere, even through pain. Attempts to

create a list of specific steps of repentance may be helpful

to some, but it may also lead to a mechanical,

check-off-the-boxes approach with no real feeling or

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change. True repentance is not superficial. The Lord gives

two overarching requirements: “By this ye may know if a

man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them

and forsake them” (D&C 58:43). (D. Todd Christofferson,

General Conference October 2011, "The Divine Gift of

Repentance) Beautiful talk!

2. v.44-45: Listen to the prophet. The duty of the prophet is to call

the people to repentance, so if they don't repent it is their own

fault and the prophet is hot held accountable.

9. v.39: SMILE!

1. "To be Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal"

2. To be carnally-minded is death.

2. 2 Nephi 10

1. Chapter outline (almost always this order in the Book of Mormon)

1. v.1-2: Lamanites

2. v.3-9: Jews

3. v.10-22: Gentile

4. v.23-25: Conclusion

2. v.3-5: It was the Jewish leaders that were bad and crucified the Savior. That

doesn't mean all the Jews are bad.

1. Priestcraft is referring to the leadership

1. Priestcraft is when you take credit or glory for something that

belongs to God.

3. v.20-21: the "isles of the sea" means anywhere that is not Israel; "Gentile


4. v.23-24: "Cheer up your hearts"

1. It is only through His grace that we are saved after we have done all we

can do. Your self-will alone could NEVER be enough!

1. Grace=enabling power. Every time you see "grace" in the

scriptures, you can insert that.

1. (David A. Bednar, BYU Devotional Address October 2001,

"The Atonement and the Journey of Mortality")

2. Steps of receiving His enabling power

1. Reconcile yourself before God

2. Remember Him

3. Know it is only through His grace you are saved

3. 2 Nephi 11-12

1. v.2-4: The mouth of three witness

1. In this chapter it states the testimonies of Nephi, Isaiah, and Jacob, who

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have all seen Christ.

2. How to tap into the enabling power

1. v.5: Get the enabling power from covenants

1. Promise to do things for Him and He will enable you.

1. This doesn't only apply to the large covenants. You need to

make personal covenants with the Lord too!

3. v.6-7: Christ is the God of the Old Testament almost ALWAYS.

4. v.8: Isaiah can be difficult to understand, but it is for us.

1. 3 Keys for understanding Isaiah

1. 2 Nephi 25:1--Understand manner of prophesying among the

Jews. Isaiah is often doing a dual prophecy.

1. Ex: 2 Nephi 23 chapter heading--The destruction of Babylon

is a type for the 2nd coming. Often his older-day examples

are a dual prophecy of what will happen in our day.

1. Similar in chapter 20

2. 2 Nephi 21:1-5

1. Jesse--D&C 113:1-6 for explanation

1. Stem (tree stump) cut off is the Apostasy

2. Rod-Descendent with much power

3. Root-Has keys in last days to gather

1. Both the rod and the root are

representing Joseph Smith

2. To be exalted you must accept

Christ as presented through Joseph


2. 2 Nephi 25:4

1. Understand Isaiah by using those who are filled with the

spirit of prophecy, just as step one referred to scriptures

about it to explain the symbolism.

3. 2 Nephi 25:7

1. We are living in the day of Isaiah's fulfillment. As we get

closer to the 2nd coming we will understand them

1. 2 Nephi 12:23:

1. In November 2000, Gordon B. Hinckley said

these verses are referring to the Salt Lake

temple and the conference center

1. Temple: "mountain of the Lord" and

"house of the Lord."

2. Conference Center: "out of Zion shall

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go forth the law."

1. Prophets teach from the

conference center

4. 2 Nephi 25--Jews

1. v.12-16 Problem: Jews are waiting for another Messiah

2. v.17-18 Solution: Book of Mormon will teach them the Gospel.

1. D&C 19:26-27--Book of Mormon is the only thing that will convert the


3. v.9-10 Bondage

4. v.11-Return

5. v.12-Ministry of Christ

6. v.13-Crucifixion of Christ

5. 2 Nephi 26

1. v.3-Samuel the Lamanite testifying of Christ's birth

2. v.5-6: Destruction of the wicked

3. Ministry of Christ

4. Lamanites' Problem (v.10):

1. Sell themselves for naught

2. Pride and foolishness

3. Yield unto devil

4. Choose darkness over light

5. Solution for Lamanites (2 Nephi 25: 24-26)

1. Use Book of Mormon to come unto Christ

1. Look at how many times Christ is mentioned in these verses!

6. Gentiles' Problem

1. v.12: Need to be convinced Jesus is the Christ

2. v.20: Pride

1. Also mentions stumbling block caused by the 1st and 2nd Century

church, which has eventually led to the various churches formed

by different interpretations of the Gospel.

3. v.29: Priestcraft--"Priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves

up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the


4. v.22: Secret Combinations

5. v.27: All manner of wickedness

7. Gentiles' Solution: Book of Mormon! (See 2 Nephi 27)

8. For EVERYONE (the Lamanites, the Jews, and the Gentiles) the Book of Mormon

is the solution.

1. In the January Ensign 1996, "Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon,"

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James E. Faust spoke of missionary work in Brazil and the important role

of the Book of Mormon

1. "As a young missionary I personally learned the importance of the

prophetic mission of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon in

missionary work. Elder Wm. Grant Bangerter, Elder Lynn A.

Sorensen, and I, along with other dedicated young men, were

pioneer missionaries in Brazil half a century ago. One year we

converted only three people. In 1994 in this same country 43,247

souls were converted. There are now more than one hundred

stakes of Zion in Brazil. There are seven stakes in the city where

Elder Bangerter and I, laboring as companions, found the first

members of the Church.

What is the difference between then and now? Why was it so hard in the beginning and so

fruitful now? In large measure it was because the only scripture we had was the Bible. The only

expression concerning the Book of Mormon came from our own testimonies spoken in a

strange tongue. Unlike Samuel Smith, we did not have the Book of Mormon in hand to leave

with any who might be interested. Only after the Book of Mormon was published in Portuguese

did the great harvest of converts come. The Lord has made clear that this generation shall

remain under condemnation “until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book

of Mormon” (D&C 84:57)

1. Missionary work is nothing without the Book of Mormon. One cannot be truly

converted without a testimony of it and Joseph Smith.

1. 2 Nephi 27

1. This chapter says "book" (referring to the Book of Mormon) 21 times.

2. v.12-14: Rule of Witnesses

1. The Law of witnesses states that there must be at least two, preferably

three, witnesses for something to be counted as valid.

2. v.12 is what taught Joseph Smith that he had to show the plates to

Martin Harris, David Whitmer, and Oliver Cowdrey.

3. Here are a few examples in the Church of the law of witnesses:

1. Baptism

2. Bible, Book of Mormon, and Pearl of Great Price

3. Temple ordinances

4. Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father, and Christ

5. Bishopric

6. Missionaries

7. Tithing

3. v.6-8: The Book of Mormon was being hid until religion would become a priority


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1. Also prophesies of Professor Anthon (Joseph Smith History 1:61-65).

2. 2 Nephi 28

1. Doctrines of the Devil

1. v.5-6: Deny the Holy Ghost, modern revelation, and scripture; the work is

done, no more miracles, no more revelation.

2. v.7-9, 25: All is well; "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." We

are saved no matter what.

3. v.27: Need no more knowledge

1. Even after you go through the temple, you are never done

learning in this life. You constantly have things you need to be

working on and perfecting.

4. v.20: Angry because of the word of God

1. "Tap-root of Mormonism" is the Book of Mormon. Critics often

warn about missionaries and say, "Don't trust your minds, feeling,

or prayer when reading the Book of Mormon; that is how the get

you." It's true! Reading the book and praying to know its

truthfulness is exactly how to gain a testimony of it!

5. v.9-12: Pride and false doctrines ("vain and foolish doctrines")

1. This is referring to the "false prophets," which may not all be

intentional. People who think they know the truth and are wrong

can be more dangerous than people who are blatantly wrong.

6. v.13: priestcraft

1. Example: the Catholic church spends millions of dollars on its

churches and priests while many of its members are struggling.

2. Satan's Temptation Tactics v.20-22

1. "Rage in the hearts of men and stir them up to anger"--Cause people to

become angry against God, the prophets, and/or the Book of Mormon.

2. "Others he will pacify and lull them away into carnal security"--Slowly

tempt and make them become weak. This moves so slowly and through

small sins that they may not even notice what's happening until they've

gone off the deep end.

3. "Others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell."--He lies and

makes people forget the eternal perspective and makes them become


3. How to overcome these tactics (v.30-32)

1. Constantly seek ways to improve yourself to avoid sinning.

2. Trust in Christ and take his out-stretched arm as an invitation to repent

when we do fall.

3. 2 Nephi 29

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1. v.2: "A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible."

Wrong. The Bible needs the Book of Mormon to restore the lost truths.

2. v.7

1. All nations have had prophets and scriptures

2. John 10:16

3. Book of Mormon=America's Bible

4. 2 Nephi 30

1. v.2: Repentant people are covenant people

1. We are born into the covenant, or Gospel, in this life for things we did in

the pre-mortal existence. Our blessings after will be determined by what

we do in this life.

5. 2 Nephi 31-32: Faith, Baptism, and Repentance

1. The path to the Celestial Kingdom has two gates:

1. First Gate: You enter this one by faith, repentance, and baptism enter you

in through the gate and on to the narrow path. (2 Nephi 31:10-15)

2. Second Gate: Christ stands at this gate. Enter by enduring to the end. (2

Nephi 9:41; 2 Nephi 31:20)

1. It's not enough to give up after baptism. You have to "press

forward with a perfect steadfastness in Christ…feasting upon the

words of Christ, and endure to the end."

2. Functions of the Spirit

1. Director and Protector (2 Nephi 32:5): "Show all things what ye should


2. Teach us to Pray (2 Nephi 32:8): Spirit teaches us to pray; evil spirits teach

us not to. Whenever you don't feel like praying, pray until you do.

1. In personal prayer, don't just thank Him and ask Him for things.

Also ask questions frequently.

3. Tongue of Angels (2 Nephi 31:13): This is the power to say and be led by

the Holy Ghost while teaching; ability to speak with power to the hearts

of others.

1. He will help you know what to say. You know when he is taking

over, because it will be more powerful than your original thoughts.

He is the master teacher.

2. The Gift of Tongues also falls under here (2 Nephi 32:2-3)

1. "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore,

they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you,

feast upon the words of Christ."

1. To speak with the tongue of the angels, know your

scriptures very well!

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1. Speak to the Hearts of Men (2 Nephi 33:1): Teach by the light of Christ. Goes to the

hearts of men so they can hear your words as they need to personally hear them.

2. Sanctifier (2 Nephi 31:13): "Baptism by Fire"

1. Repentance through the Atonement gives you forgiveness and the ability to be

worthy of having the Holy Ghost. When you are worthy of its companionship,

the Holy Ghost does the cleansing.

1. Moroni 6:4--"And after they had been received unto baptism, and were

wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost…"

2. As we constantly have the Holy Ghost as our companion and allow it to

work on us, we will become purified.

3. Testifier (2 Nephi 31:19): "…ye have received the Holy Ghost, which witnesses of the

Father and the Son."

1. Boyd K. Packer says, "A testimony is found in the bearing of it."

1. 2 Nephi 33

1. v.13-15: Bible and Book of Mormon must go together

1. We will be judged off what's in these.

2. v.4: More jobs of the Holy Ghost

1. Persuade men to do good

2. Make known unto us our fathers

3. Persuadeth men to believe in God

4. Persuadeth men to endure to the end

3. Nephi's last words (2 Nephi 33:15): "I must obey"

2. Jacob 2

1. Pride (Jacob 2:12-21)

1. v.13: We are so wealthy in this nation and we take it for granted, tending

to think it makes us better than others.

2. v.16: Don't let the "pride of your heart destroy your souls;" we aren't

better than anyone else

3. How to overcome pride:

1. v.17: Think of everyone around you as yourself; share wealth as

though it were for yourself.

2. v.18: Seek God before riches

3. v.19: If you obtain riches, seek to do good with it.

4. v.20: If you are wealthy, God gave it to you for a reason. Use it to

help others or he could take it away from you.

5. v.21: "the one being is as precious in his sight as the other. And all

flesh is of the dust; and for the selfsame end hath he created

them, that they should keep his commandments and glorify him

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1. Do you really believe others souls are just as precious as

your own?

1. Challenge: pray to receive this witness and treat

others as you would yourself.

2. "Doctrine of inclusion" M. Russell Ballard, October 2001

1. "I have never taught—nor have I ever heard

taught—a doctrine of exclusion. I have never heard

the members of this Church urged to be anything

but loving, kind, tolerant, and benevolent to our

friends and neighbors of other faiths.

The Lord expects a great deal from us. Parents, please teach your children and practice

yourselves the principle of inclusion of others and not exclusion because of religious, political,

or cultural differences.

1. Chastity (Jacob 2:22-35)

1. v.23-24: In the past the Lord has commanded prophets to have multiple wives,

but here they are commanded not to. Why did Jacob use the specific example of

David and Solomon?

1. D&C 132:38-39--These verses state, "…and in nothing did they sin save in

those things which they received not of me. David's wives and concubines

were given unto him of me… and in none of these things did he sin

against me save in the case of Uriah and his wife…for I gave unto him


1. They were only allowed to have the wives which were given to

them by God. Thus, David was justified in having multiple wives,

but he sinned with Bathsheba because he pursued her out of pure

lust. Immorality is a bigger sin than polygamy.

2. Concubines:

3. Elder Bruce R. McConkie defined the term concubines, explaining:

“Anciently they were considered to be secondary wives, that is, wives

who did not have the same standing in the caste system then prevailing

as did those wives who were not called concubines. There were no

concubines connected with the practice of plural marriage in this

dispensation, because the caste system which caused some wives to be

so designated did not exist” (Mormon Doctrine,154–5)

1. Why were they allowed to have concubines?

1. Sometimes they Lord allows us to follow a lower law in

order to prepare us for a greater one. (ex: law of

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consecration and tithing; law of Moses and Doctrines of


2. If we are now commanded to only have one spouse, why did they do plural

marriages in the past?

1. To raise up a righteous seed unto the Lord; this isn't necessary anymore.

2. Bruce R McConkie, "Mormon Doctrine" page 578

1. “Plural marriage is not essential to salvation or exaltation. Nephi

and his people were denied the power to have more than one wife

and yet they could gain every blessing in eternity that the Lord

ever offered to any people. In our day, the Lord summarized by

revelation the whole doctrine of exaltation and predicated it upon

the marriage of one man to one woman. (D. & C. 132:1–28.)

Thereafter he added the principles relative to plurality of wives

with the express stipulation that any such marriages would be

valid only if authorized by the President of the Church. (D. & C.

132:7, 29–66.)

2. In the next life, you don't have to be sealed to anyone you don't

want to, even if you were sealed on earth. You have just as much

agency there as you do here. Whether or not you can be saved is

up to Christ and Heavenly Father.

3. Why can men be sealed to more than one wife, but not women to multiple


1. Brother Johnson's opinion: "There will probably be more women worthy

of exaltation than there will be men. Women just tend to be more


2. Just remember that we will be happy in the celestial kingdom no matter


2. The issue that's bigger than polygamy is chastity; adultery will destroy individuals and

families. It breaks the hearts of wives and causes children to lose trust in their parents.

1. Jacob 3: How to avoid the sin of adultery:

1. v.1-2: Firmness of mind

1. "Control your thoughts" Boyd K. Packer October 1973 General

Conference: "As you learn to control your thoughts, you can overcome

habits, even degrading personal habits. You can gain courage, conquer

fear, and have a happy life."

2. He suggests we do this by memorizing a hymn and humming it during

moments of temptation, weakness, discouragement, trial, or anytime

you struggle: "As the music begins and as the words form in your

thoughts, the unworthy ones will slip shamefully away. It will change the

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whole mood on the stage of your mind. Because it is uplifting and clean,

the baser thoughts will disappear. For while virtue, by choice, will not

associate with filth, evil cannot tolerate the presence of light."

2. Jacob 5--Olive Tree Allegory

1. Two things to ask throughout the parable to help you understand it

1. What does the Master see?

2. What does the Master do about it?

2. Symbolisms

1. Tree--Israel

2. Master of the vineyard--Christ

3. Servant--Prophet at the time

4. You have to treat this chapter like you do the temple. You have to look

for symbolism to appreciate it, but you will get lost if you try to look for

what every single little detail means. Look for the large meaning behind

the symbolism.

3. v.1-15: Old Testament--Scattering of Israel

1. v.3: Master sees the tree decaying

2. v.4: He nourishes it, prunes it, and digs about it

3. v.6: the "main top" begins to perish. This is referring to the leadership of

the Jews, which was the true church back then.

4. v.8: Grafts them into the vineyard so they can grow--Scattering of Israel

5. v.14: "the Lord of the vineyard went his way, and hid the natural branches

of the tame olive-tree in the nethermost parts of the vineyard, some in

one and some in another, according to his will and pleasure."

1. Joseph Fielding Smith said this is the Japanese, Korean, and other

people of the orient. They were once part of the fold, but once

they got scattered they became different people.

6. v.15: A long time passes; there is no scripture or doctrine at this time.

4. v. 16-29: New Testament and Book of Mormon

1. New Testament

1. v.17: Natural branches not doing well, so the Master put in "wild


1. Wild branches-Gentiles

2. Natural branches-Jews

1. Apostle Paul was the one who would bring the

Gospel to the Jews; the Gentiles are to always

teach them.

2. Book of Mormon

1. v.25: Part good seed and part bad is referring to the Nephites and

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the Lamanites.

2. v.26-27: Master says he wants to burn the trees, but this time the

servant says to "nourish, prune it, and dig about it" like the Master

did in verse

1. Christ didn't really want to destroy the people. He was kind

of teasing the prophet to have him do what the Master

really wanted to do: save them. Notice the servant says

the same thing the master said the first time: "nourish,

prune it, and dig it." Sometimes the Lord shows us the

contrasting view to help us see the way we better way to

do things. He helps us as much as he can without telling us

what to do or taking away our agency; He guides us the

way to magnify our agency.

1. The Master is merciful; He does as much as he can

to get us to repent without taking away our


5. v. 30-60: Dark Ages and Apostasy--No good fruit

1. v.30: the Master sees all sorts of fruits

2. v.31: He tastes the fruit

3. v.32: Many fruits, but none are good. This is the apostasy: many churches,

but none are good.

4. v.48: Why not good?

1. Because of the "loftiness of the branches;" they were too proud

and had come away from the true roots where the Gospel


1. Pride is the big problem illustrated throughout the Book of


5. v.40-41: The bad tree overtaking the good tree is the Lamanites taking

over the Nephites.

1. When this happened, the Lord wept saying, "What more could I

have done for my vineyard?" It was then gone in all corners of the

earth, and He wept. Look at all he did to save it!

1. When a person reaches the point of destruction He also

weeps. Christ has done everything He can to help us, but

we have to work and do our part to receive Him.

2. v.32: "It grieveth" Him to lose anyone.

6. What does He do about it? Verses 57-53:

1. He gathers the branches into the "natural" mother tree one last

time: the gathering of Israel.

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6. v. 61-77: Last Days--Many servants go out and bring many people to the


1. v.70: who will gather Israel?

1. Servant: Joseph Smith

2. "Other servants and they were few": Missionaries and all others

laboring in the field

1. We have more missionaries than ever before in the history

of the world, but we are still few.

2. Gathering of Israel

1. v.71: This is the last time He will gather them

1. Those doing the work to gather will feel Joy with Christ

1. D&C 18:10--"How great shall be your joy if you shall

bring even one soul unto Him."

2. We may be few, but we will have a major impact on

the world

2. v.72: In the mission field we really have two companions: Christ

and our literal mission companion. Christ is always laboring with


3. v.74-77: The good will be preserved, but the bad will be burned.

1. When He does destroy them, it will be because they are so

wicked He needs to teach them in the Spirit world. He

doesn't want to destroy anyone, and does everything He

can not to. When he does have to destroy someone, He


2. It took 77 verses, covering the whole history of the earth,

before the Master would destroy/burn them. The earth will

get to the point where it is so filthy that is His only option.

1. Most people will be safe at the second coming. He

is very merciful.

2. His whole purpose throughout the allegory (and

earth) is to save the trees (or the people)

1. Moses 1:38 "For behold, this is my work

and my glory: to bring to pass the

immortality and eternal life of man."

2. He does everything he can to keep us off

paths to sadness and provides a prophet as

His mouthpiece to ward, help, and guide us.

7. This Chapter alone proves the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It

prophesied the history of the world from Israel (Jacob, with his name changed) in

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1500 BC to the end of the world. There is no way Joseph Smith could have made

this up.

3. Jacob 6-What to learn from the Olive Tree Allegory

1. v.4: Covenants

1. Christ is merciful and will always "nourish, prune, and dig" about you as

you repent to help you progress.

2. If we have a covenant relationship with Christ, he will give us tender


2. V5-6: Our responsibility is to use the full benefit of the Atonement

1. Repent today. If you plan on doing it tomorrow you will likely never do it.

2. Why let yourself die spiritually when Christ has already paid the price so

you could be forgiven?

4. Jacob 7

1. v.1-5: Characteristics of the antichrist Sherem

1. Teach against doctrines of Christ

2. Labored to mislead others

3. Powerful speaker and worked to the flattery of men

2. v.8: How to overcome antichrists

1. You NEED to have the spirit. This is the only way to confound those who

fight against Christ.

1. No one can argue with the Spirit

3. v.7: Law of Moses

1. The Law of Moses was a baby step Christ gave Moses on Mount Sinai to

help the people prepare for the higher Law of Christ.

1. Jews still have the Law of Moses. They will even tell you it is just

to lead them to Christ and His law, but they just don't believe He

has come yet.

1. The Jews (Law of Moses) have 365 positive laws: one for

every day of the year as a constant remember of him. They

have 248 negative laws. These are explained in the books

of Deuteronomy and Leviticus.

2. When Christ came he gave two laws: "Thou shalt love thy

God with all thine heart. And the second is like unto it:

thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self."

1. We are still to remember Him, but we do it in

different ways.

3. They believed Christ would come as a conquering king and

were disappointed by Christ's humble state. His conquering

will come at the second coming, and they Jews will believe

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Him in His fullness. This will lead to the finishing of the

gathering of Israel, when they see Him as He is.

4. v.23: Peace was restored in the kingdom when they began to search the

scriptures again.

1. If you don't know your scripture you are opening yourself to be misled.

2. When you know the scriptures well, the Spirit is your teacher and you will

never be led astray.

1. "When we want to speak to God we pray. When we want Him to

speak to us we read the scriptures: for His words are spoken

through His prophets. He will then teach us as we listen to the

promptings of the Holy Spirit. If you have not heard His voice

speaking to you lately, return with new eyes and new ears to the

scriptures. They are our spiritual lifeline." Robert D. Hales, General

Conference Oct. 2006 "Holy Scriptures: The Power of God Unto

Our Salvation"

5. v.22: Pray. The combination of praying and reading the scriptures is the best way

to get the Spirit in your life.

5. Enos

1. Three doctrines we understand for remission of sins (in order of importance):

1. Pray for ourselves--Remission of sins

2. Prayed for Nephi-brethren

3. Prayed for Lamanites-enemies

2. How to receive a remission for your sins:

1. 1:2-6

1. "My soul hungered" --you have to hunger for forgiveness or you

won't receive it.

2. Mighty prayer--Enos cried unto Him the whole day

3. "wrestle which I had before God before I received a remission of

my sins."

4. Ponder; "sunk deep to my heart"

5. Two-way communication with God; "there came a voice unto me

saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be


6. God does not lie

1. When you feel the Spirit, you will know you are forgiven.

This feels better than having the Bishop tell you're

forgiven. But the bishop is the Lord's mouthpiece to often

tell you whether or not you are forgiven.

7. Kneel, a sign of humility

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8. Faith that you can be forgiven

2. None of this could happen without the Atonement

3. You cannot have the capacity to fully love someone if you haven't had a

remission of sin. You simply don't have the ability.

1. This is why you must fully repent before you mission.

2. You can't have the Spirit if you aren't repentant.

3. How to know when you are forgiven (verses 6-9)

1. Guilt is swept away

2. You will have a desire for the welfare of others and pray for them.

4. What to do after forgiveness

1. "Go to, thy faith hath made thee whole." Go. Leave it behind in the past.

Forgive yourself and dedicate your life to saving others from the same

trap you fell into.

6. Jarom

1. v:1-2 The small plates are running out of room.

1. His fathers have already revealed the "plan" of Salvation (what's left out

of the Bible). He bears his witness of the plan and exhorts us to follow it.

2. v.11: "Teaching the Law of Moses and the intent for which it was given;

persuading them to look forward unto the Messiah, and believe in him to come

as though he already was.

1. This was during 399 BC, but they taught of the law of Christ as though He

has already come. The Law of Moses didn't give a remission of sin.

However, they knew that Christ would come and that His Atonement

would be for everyone who would ever live, before and after the

Atonement. Thus, they taught the significance of repentance because

they knew they could receive forgiveness from the sacrifice the Savior

would make.

2. Law of Moses

1. They knew they had to make some sort of sacrifice to receive a

remission of sins, so they would sacrifice lambs as a symbol of

Christ who would make the ultimate sacrifice. The Law of Moses

was not enough alone, but everything in it was pointing to the

higher law that would come with Christ.

2. Now the Jews have "Yom Kippur," the day of the Atonement, day

of tears. They have a scapegoat upon whom they place all their

sins. Then they let it run off into the wilderness to die with their


1. The Jewish church used to be the true church until 339 BC,

when they reached apostasy.

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3. We use the sacrament as our means of sacrificing our sins and

receiving continual repentance and cleansing.

7. Omni

1. Mostly about traveling--Nephites go a lot of places to get away from the


Jerusalem-->Land of 1st Inheritance-->Land of Nephi-->Zarahemla

1. 1:12--1st Mosiah, king, was warned to leave

1. Mosiah's son in King Benjamin, whose son is Mosiah II

2. v.14: We usually call the people of Zerahemla Mulekites, because when they first came

out of Jerusalem their king was Mulek. Then at this point in the scriptures it was King


3. v.17: Why did they deny the Creator and have confounded language?

1. They didn't have records or scripture with them. At this point they rejoice (v.14)

because they get brass plates.

1. The same thing happens to us when we don't read and ponder the

scriptures; we lose our testimony of their teachings.

2. "Finding Ourselves in Lehi's Dream" Boyd K. Packer August 2010

1. "If you hold to the rod, you can feel your way forward with the

gift of the Holy Ghost, conferred upon you at the time you were

confirmed a member of the Church. The Holy Ghost will comfort

you. You will be able to feel the influence of angels, as Nephi did,

and feel your way through life."

2. Doctrines--Unchanging truths

3. Policies--Change according to the times

4. In this chapter, the Mulekites and Nephites come together

1. Groups in this chapter

1. Nephites-King Mosiah

2. Mulekites-King Zarahemla

3. Jaredites (mentioned)

5. Omni 1:19-22

1. Coriantumr: last survivor of the Jaredites

1. Richard G Scott, Ensign November 2013 "The joyful news for anyone who

desires to be rid of the consequences of past poor choices is that the

Lord sees weakness differently than He does rebellion. Whereas the Lord

warns that unrepentant rebellion will bring punishment, when the Lord

speaks of weakness it is always with mercy."

1. Words of Mormon

1. Martin Harris lost 116 translated pages from the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith

asked the Lord three times if Martin Harris could show his wife the record before

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the Lord gave him permission to. When they got lost, the Lord warned Joseph

Smith not to retranslate the record because Martin Harris's wife had made

changes to the document and was going to use that to say what Joseph Smith

had translated was incorrect if he did it again. However, the Lord knew this would

happen, so he had Mormon write an abridged account of the book of Lehi

(Words of Mormon 1:6-7) so we could have a summary of what would be on the

lost pages.

1. Mormon didn't know why he was told to make an abridgement of the

book of Lehi, other than it was "for a wise purpose." These plates were

found at the very end of the plates. Mormon listened, thankfully, and we

have a small account of what was lost in the Words of Mormon.

2. Shows importance of following promptings.

3. Words of Mormon are the bridge between the small and large plates

2. The "small plates" mentioned in Nephi's record were now full. They only cover the

history from 1 Nephi through Omni.

1. The rest of the Book of Mormon is an abridgement of the large plates

(plates of Lehi). Up to this point, the large plates had only contained a

secular account while the small plates had the sacred history of the

people of Nephi. After the book of Omni, the large plates contained both

secular AND sacred history.

1. We don't have the secular history for Nephi's time, only sacred

found in the Book of Mormon.

2. Mosiah 1-6: King Benjamin's address

1. In one of Thomas S. Monson's first talks as President of the Church, "To Learn,

to Do, to Be," (October 2008), he states, "May we learn what we should learn,

may we do what we should do, and may we be what we should be."

1. This is just like King Benjamin's talk.

2. Learn--Mosiah 1:5-8

1. Know the scriptures are true!

3. Do--Mosiah 2:16-18

1. Serve

1. Henry B. Eyring, April, 2013 General Conference, "Come Unto Me"

1. "There is another way you and I have felt Him grow closer

to us. As we give devoted service to Him, He draws closer

to those we love in our families. Every time I have been

called in the Lord’s service to move or to leave my family, I

have come to see that the Lord was blessing my wife and

my children. He prepared loving servants of His and

opportunities to draw my family closer to Him.

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You have felt that same blessing in your lives. Many of you have loved ones who are wandering

off the path to eternal life. You wonder what more you can do to bring them back. You can

depend on the Lord to draw closer to them as you serve Him in faith."

1. The Lord blesses us and our families when we serve

1. Become--Mosiah 3-6

1. 3:19--How to "Become" what Christ wants you to become.

2. Part 1--Put off the natural man. We must learn how to do this:

1. Yield to the enticing of the Holy Spirit

2. The natural man is sinful, carnal, and of the flesh. Become the opposite.

3. Part 2--Become a Saint through the Atonement

1. Become as a little child

2. Becoming a saint means you are "sanctified."

1. This means you have the Holy Ghost, because that's one of its

roles; he is a sanctifier.

2. The Spirit is KEY to us putting off the natural man

1. "A Line of Demarkation" from "The Life of George Albert


1. George Albert Smith’s grandfather George A. Smith

served for many years in the Quorum of the Twelve

Apostles and in the First Presidency as a counselor

to Brigham Young. George Albert Smith often

repeated the counsel his grandfather used to give

to his family: “There is a line of demarcation well

defined between the Lord’s territory and the devil’s

territory. If you will stay on the Lord’s side of the

line you will be under his influence and will have no

desire to do wrong; but if you cross to the devil’s

side of that line one inch you are in the tempter’s

power and if he is successful, you will not be able

to think or even reason properly because you will

have lost the Spirit of the Lord.”

George Albert Smith said that he used this counsel throughout his life to guide his choices:

“When I have been tempted sometimes to do a certain thing, I have asked myself, ‘Which side

of the line am I on?’ If I am determined to be on the safe side, the Lord’s side, I would do the

right thing every time. So when temptation comes think prayerfully about your problem and the

influence of the Lord will aid you to decide wisely. There is safety for us only on the Lord’s side

of the line.”1

1. Mosiah 4:5-8 How to become a saint through the Atonement of Christ

1. Without Christ we are nothing. Read this chapter when you need that humbling

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2. Covenant:

1. Christ

1. Goodness

2. Power

3. Long-suffering

4. Patient

5. Wisdom

6. Atonement (All above are also describing things of the


2. Me

1. Trust

2. Diligent

3. Keep commandments

4. Continue in faith until the end of my life

3. Enabling Power (Grace): Christ doesn't make up the difference: He is the


1. How to become like Jesus Christ

1. Of the above steps (under "me"), we are working on "continuing"

or enduring to the end.

2. If you do this, you WILL receive salvation.

3. It is by enduring to the end that you receive the enabling power.

1. Mosiah 7-10: A preview of what comes in chapters 9-24

1. Land of Zarahemla's kings: Mosiah I--> King Benjamin--> Mosiah II

2. Land of Nephi's kings: Zeniph--> King Noah--> Limhi

1. Zeniph left the land of Zarahemla because he was hungry for land and

power. His son was wicked king Noah, whose son was the righteous king


2. At this point in the Book of Mormon, Ammon and his group of men were

sent out to see what happened to those who left generations earlier, and

have just found king Limhi and his people in bondage.

1. For the following chapters, we hear about what history happened

in the Land of Nephi from the time Zeniph left.

1. Although Limhi is a righteous king, Mosiah's people are

better off because Mosiah is the prophet and has the

scriptures and priesthood authority.

3. Mosiah 8:16-18--Purpose of a prophet and seer

1. Prophet-Warns us and bears a special witness of Christ

1. We can all be a prophet in a way, but the Apostles have a special

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witness of Christ.

2. Revelator-Reveals

1. Everyone has this to a certain degree. We can all receive revelation

for ourselves; our parents receive revelation for us; the bishop

receives revelation for the ward; the Prophet receives revelation

for the Church.

3. Seer-sees the past, present, and the future

1. In the Book of Mormon, whoever was prophet had the urim and

thummim and the power to translate with them. Now we have

knowledge of every language and they aren't necessary. The

Prophet is still the seer and can see all things in the past, present,

and the future as the Lord sees fit.

4. Lamanite Complaints that led them to hate the Nephites

1. 2 Nephi 5:3, 5, and 12

1. 3-Nephi took ruling out of Laman and Lemuels' hands

2. 5-Nephites were the ones who left and departed from us

3. 12-Nephites robbed them of records

4. 13-they were wronged in the land of their first inheritance

1. All these complaints continued for 500 years.

2. Mosiah 10:12-17-Same complaints 400 years later

1. These false traditions exist among us today and hurt the doctrine.

They are found in every home and hurt the growth of the truth.

1. Examples

1. No caffiene: The presidency has never come out

and said not to drink caffeine, and it is not in the

Word of Wisdom. You can still get a temple

recommend if you drink it. Don't teach something

it it's not doctrine.

2. "No other success can compensate for failure in the

home" by Richard L. Evans, Geveral Conference 1964:

1. "Sometimes some parents mistakenly feel that

they can relax a little as to conduct and conformity

or take perhaps a so called liberal view of basic and

fundamental things—thinking that a little laxness or

indulgence won't matter—or they may fail to teach

or to attend Church, or may voice critical views.

Some parents sometimes seem to feel that they

can ease up a little on the fundamentals without

affecting their family or their family's future. But if a

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parent goes a little off course, the children are likely

to exceed the parent's example."

1. Anything parents do wrong (swearing,

drinking, racism, judging, money, pride, etc)

will be magnified in the next generation; If

parents swear, their kids will likely swear


3. Look out for false traditions in your own family so they can

end with you.

2. Mosiah 11--Abinadi repeatedly tells wicked King Noah that he will go in bondage

1. v.23: He will go in bondage unless he repents

2. v.27: King Noah states, "Who is Abinadi, that I should be judged of him," but

here's the real reason he had to be burned was when he stated, "who is the Lord,

that shall bring upon my people such great affliction?" He denied Christ.

3. Mosiah 13--Perfect description of Law of Moses

1. v.27-30: the Law of Moses was just a stepping stool to prepare people for the

Atonement of Christ. The Law of Moses wouldn't save them.

1. They had 365 rules so they could always remember the Lord. It was very


1. We need to remember Him every day too, but we do this through

scripture study, talking to him (prayer), and sacrificing ourselves to

him (repentance), and keeping a journal.

2. Personal Journals

1. "Spencer W. Kimball Speaks Out on Personal Journals" by Spencer

W. Kimball, Ensign Dec. 1980

2. "We hope you will begin as of this date. If you have not already

commenced this important duty in your lives, get a good

notebook, a good book that will last through time and into

eternity for the angels to look upon. Begin today and write in it

your goings and your comings, your deeper thoughts, your

achievements, and your failures, your associations and your

triumphs, your impressions and your testimonies. We hope you

will do this, our brothers and sisters, for this is what the Lord has

commanded, and those who keep a personal journal are more

likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives."

1. Your private journal should record the way you face up to

challenges that beset you. Do not suppose life changes so

much that your experiences will not be interesting to your

posterity. Experiences of work, relations with people, and

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an awareness of the rightness and wrongness of actions

will always be relevant. Your journal, like most others, will

tell of problems as old as the world and how you dealt with


Your journal should contain your true self rather than a picture of you when you are “made up”

for a public performance. There is a temptation to paint one’s virtues in rich color and

whitewash the vices, but there is also the opposite pitfall of accentuating the negative.

Personally I have little respect for anyone who delves into the ugly phases of the life he is

portraying, whether it be his own or another’s. The truth should be told, but we should not

emphasize the negative. Even a long life full of inspiring experiences can be brought to the dust

by one ugly story. Why dwell on that one ugly truth about someone whose life has been largely


Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may

be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those

recorded in any other life.

What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story

of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all

seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved? Some of what you write may be

humdrum dates and places, but there will also be rich passages that will be quoted by your


1. Mosiah 15

1. "being the Father and the Son"

1. v.1-4: God coming down to redeem His people--Christ ("Jehovah" in the

pre-existence" When He condescended to receive flesh he was no longer

Jehovah, but Jesus Christ.)

1. He can be called "Father" because his father is Elohim. He can be

called "Son" because his mother is Mary of the flesh.

1. Thus, he can be called the Father and the Son

2. "They are one God" (v.4) is referring to Jehovah and Jesus Christ, not Heavenly

Father and Christ.

3. Christ can also be called "Father" because of the following:

1. Creation: He created everything under the Father's direction

2. Father of Salvation: He provides us with eternal life in the Father's

presence. He is our spiritual father.

3. Divine Investiture of Authority: The Father has given Christ authority to

act in the Father's name.

1. Investiture of Authority is the authority to speak as though you

are someone else

2. Joseph Fielding Smith Doctrines of Salvation "Divine Investiture of

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Authority" 1:27-28

1. JEHOVAH GIVES ALL REVELATION. All revelation since the

fall has come through Jesus Christ, who is the Jehovah of

the Old Testament. In all of the scriptures, where God is

mentioned and where he has appeared, it was Jehovah

who talked with Abraham, with Noah, Enoch, Moses and all

the prophets. He is the God of Israel, the Holy One of

Israel; the one who led that nation out of Egyptian

bondage, and who gave and fulfilled the Law of Moses.

The Father has never dealt with man directly and personally

since the fall, and he has never appeared except to

introduce and bear record of the Son. Thus the Inspired

Version [JST] records that 'no man hath seen God [the

Father] at any time, except he [God the Father] hath borne

record of the Son.” [JST, Jn 1:19.] …1. Heavenly Father only speaks when He is bearing

witness of the Son: "This is my beloved Son, hear

Him". Even then, it is often Christ saying that. It

was Heavenly Father who stated this to Joseph


1. The fact that the 14-year-old Joseph Smith

wrote this right (the Father only introduced

Christ, and have Christ teach) shows that his

account is correct. The Father always only

introduces Christ. This world is his


2. The brother of Jared saw Christ before He had

received His body

3. Everything is done through the Son. He makes us

worthy to be in the presence of the Father.

2. CHRIST MAY SPEAK AS THE FATHER. In giving revelations

our Savior speaks at times for himself; at other times for

the Father, and in the Father's name, as though he were

the Father, and yet it is Jesus Christ, our Redeemer who

gives the message. So, we see, in Doctrine and

Covenants 29:1, that he introduces himself as 'Jesus Christ,

your Redeemer,' but in the closing part of the revelation

he speaks for the Father, and in the Father's name as

though he were the Father, and yet it is still Jesus who is

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speaking, for the Father has put his name on him for that


3. FIRST VISION AND REVELATION. We have a wonderful

illustration of how revelation comes through Christ

presented to us in the Vision given to the Prophet Joseph

Smith. The Father and the Son appeared unto him, but it

was not the Father who answered his question! The

Father introduced Joseph to His Son, and it was the Son

who answered the important question and gave the


2. Mosiah 17

1. "Strengthening Faith and Testimony " Robert D. Hales Oct. 2013 General


In recent decades the Church has largely been spared the terrible misunderstandings and

persecutions experienced by the early Saints. It will not always be so. The world is moving away

from the Lord faster and farther than ever before. The adversary has been loosed upon the

earth. We watch, hear, read, study, and share the words of prophets to be forewarned and

protected. For example, “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” was given long before we

experienced the challenges now facing the family. “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the

Apostles” was prepared in advance of when we will need it most."

1. We must have faith before the trial comes. Also, read the General conference addresses,

because the prophets know what we need to know before upcoming trials.

1. Abinadi is a type for Christ

1. "Type or Shadow"--Thing, place, or person that foreshadows something greater

than itself

1. 17:9 Abinadi allowed himself to fall into their hands

2. 17:10 will not recall words he has spoken, warns they’re shedding

innocent blood

3. 17:11 Noah was about to release him, but he listened to others

4. 17:13 Abinadi bound and scourged/beaten

5. The way Abinadi is a type for the way Christ would be killed.

1. v.7-12: This is the same as Pilot

1. They were saying Christ spoke against him. He almost

released Christ, but he listened to the voice of the people

when they wanted to kill Christ even though he knew it

was a joke.

2. "Abinadi’s life foreshadowed Jesus’ ministry and sacrifice in

a number of ways. Both Abinadi and Jesus were bound and

judged by rulers and priests, both were imprisoned for

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three days, both were innocent of any crimes, both were

protected until their mission was complete, and both

suffered humiliating deaths" Book of Mormon reference


1. Mosiah 18

1. Alma was a wicked priest with Noah, but after hearing Abinadi's words he

repented and led many people to the waters of Mormon

2. Baptismal Covenant v.8-10

1. Willing to bear one another's burdens

2. Mourn with those that mourn

3. Comfort those that stand in need of comfort

4. Stand as a witness of Christ

1. At all times

2. In all things

3. In all places even unto death

3. Keeping these covenants, He promises you will have His spirit to be with you

1. Brother Johnson told a story of when he was a teenager. He home taught

a man named Brother Rice monthly. One time this man went into the

hospital. Brother Johnson didn't know this, but kept feeling prompted to

visit him, but didn't. Two weeks later he saw Brother Rice walking down

the street and asked how he was doing. Brother Rice wouldn't look at

him. He said, "I was in the hospital for two weeks and you never visited

me." He was deeply sorrowed, but now Brother Johnson visits the

hospital regularly and makes sure whenever anyone he knows is there

that he visits them.

2. There are people struggling and they need our help. With our baptismal

covenant, it is our responsibility to make sure they are helped. We are to

be Christ's representatives on earth.

2. Mosiah 21-24 Enduring Trials

1. People of Limhi (Mosiah 21-22)

1. They eventually humbled themselves and cried unto the Lord for help, but

He was slow to hear their cries and to free them from bondage because

they weren't faithful.

1. He knew they would go back immediately if helped right away.

They needed to have a complete conversion and change of hearth

first. He often waits to answer our prayers until we have learned

what we need to learn.

2. They were compelled to be humble by their trials

3. Prayed after they were already in trouble

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4. Their trials were lightened, but still very heavy

5. In chapter 22, they had to come up with their plan to escape bondage

1. Made the guards drunk

2. Alma and His People (Mosiah 24)

1. v.13: "Lift your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant

which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and

deliver them out of bondage."

1. The Lord will never forget the covenants He has made with us.

Although we may forget what day we were baptized, He never will.

2. They prayed before they were in trouble, during, and after to thank the


3. They chose to be humble

1. As a result, "I will ease the burdens which are put upon your

shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even

while you are in bondage…the Lord did strengthen them that

they could bear up their burdens with ease" (v.14-15)

2. If you are always faithful in the Gospel and humble you will still go

through hard things, but they will seem light and you will have


1. Matt 11:28-29 "Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you."

4. The Lord provided means for them to escape bondage

1. Christ made the guards fall asleep

5. They also had revelation and the voice of the Lord to give them hope.

3. For us faithfully living the covenant, our trials are much lighter. Help those who

don't have that blessing.

1. Strong character doesn't come from going through your trials; it is meant

to prepare you for them.

2. "Learn to pray yourself through each day and you can free yourself from

bondage." --Gene R. Cook

4. Mosiah 7:33--In the Book of Mormon, when there is a problem it always gives a

solution for how to overcome it.

1. How to get out of Bondage

1. Turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart

2. Trust in Him

3. Serve Him with all diligence of mind (control your thoughts)

2. Promise

1. He WILL deliver you from bondage, but according to His own will

and pleasure

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2. He sets the blessing clock. The promised blessing will come, but

you must be patient in His timing. He will keep the covenant, but

He will do it in the way that provides you with the most growth

and development.

1. With Limhi's people, many died from lack of patience. They

kept trying to fight, but many died. It wasn't time for them

to be freed.

3. Express Gratitude

"A relative asked Elder Spencer W. Kimball for a blessing to combat a crippling disease. For some

time Elder Kimball prepared himself spiritually; then, fasting, he was prompted to bless her to be

healed. Some weeks later she returned, angry and complaining that she was “fed up” with

waiting for the Lord to give the promised relief.

He responded: “Now I understand why you have not been blessed. You must be patient, do

your part, and express gratitude for the smallest improvement noted.”

She repented, followed scrupulously his counsel, and eventually was made well.

Help from the Lord generally comes in increments. He can immediately cure serious illnesses or

disabilities or even allow the dead to be raised. But the general pattern is that improvement

comes in sequential steps. That plan gives us an opportunity to discover what the Lord expects

us to learn. It requires our patience to recognize His timetable. It provides growth from our

efforts and trust in Him and the opportunity to express gratitude for the help given."--Richard G.

Scott "Obtaining Help from the Lord" October 1991

1. Unless you are meant to endure for a larger reason, this is true.

1. Paul prayed thirty times to have the "thorn removed from his side" but the

answer was "no" so he could be humbled.

2. Every one of us will experience a serious health problem at some point. Remember this.

1. Mosiah 25-27

1. Chapter 25: Church=Stake (Boyd K. Packer stated this about this chapter) there is

only one time in this chapter (v.22) when it means the whole church.

1. Isaiah compared them to stakes holding down a tent (the Church).

2. D&C 115:4-6 Purpose of stake and the first time the full name of our

church is used.

3. There may have been other churches in the land at this time, but we don't

know about them in the record of the Book of Mormon. It's similar to

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our journals. if you were to read our personal journals you would think us

and our family are the only people there, because that's who we talk

about. The prophets are recording the history of their people, but it is

likely there were many people and religions we don't know about. In fact,

studies have discovered people in South America who we don't know

about in the Book of Mormon.

2. Problems in stakes

1. Mosiah 26:1-4 Rising Generation

1. Has the cream of the crop, but also many of the worst.

2. The parable of the ten virgins is about the second coming. Only

about half of the members of the Church will be actively preparing

for Him. About half will be inactive at the time.

2. Mosiah 27:1-3 Persecutions

1. Those outside the faith are persecuting those in, and members of

the faith are persecuting those not in the faith.

1. This includes not going on dates with or playing with


2. See "Doctrine of Inclusion" M. Russell Ballard, October


3. Mosiah 27:9-10 Apostasy

1. Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah…more on them later.

4. Mosiah 26:11-13 Transgressions

1. At this point, Mosiah was over the government and Alma was

over the Church. Thus, Alma was responsible for taking

authoritative action with transgressions.

2. Three reasons for excommunication

1. Save a soul

2. Protect the innocent

1. May not be guilty

2. Wives and children abuse

3. Protect the name of the Church

1. With excommunication they must be baptized

again to come back.

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2. Story of a Lady excommunicated: Brother Johnson

was on a disciplinary council when they had to

excommunicate a lady. She immediately felt the

Spirit leave and wanted desperately to get it back.

She immediately started asking Brother Johnson if

she could join the church again. He told her it would

take time. However, she repented, had a change of

heart, and began changing her life and constantly

begging for membership again. After writing the

first presidency of the Church, she was allowed to

be baptized again four months after being

excommunicated. This woman remained faithful for

the rest of her life, and taught the situation to her

daughter. Fifteen years later, the woman ran into

Brother Johnson, and when the daughter realized

who he was she hugged him. Excommunication can

lead to improved lives.

3. Probation-temporary; no sacrament for a few months

4. Disfellowship-turn in records (more permanent); no sacrament or

speaking in church. Still a member through baptism, but restricted.

Typically in this state for six months to a year. If they repent they

can come back.

1. This process will either harden or soften the person,

according to how repentant they are.

1. Sometimes a person needs to hit rock bottom

before they will change

2. Work with and love those who are going through

this, and they WILL come back eventually. This is

different than excommunication. Brother Johnson's

son went through this, but now he is completely


3. Are you "Born Again"?

1. "Have You Been Saved?" Dallin H. Oaks

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I have suggested that the short answer to the question of whether a faithful member of The

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been saved or born again must be a fervent

“yes.” Our covenant relationship with our Savior puts us in that “saved” or “born again”

condition meant by those who ask this question.

1. When someone asks you this, they mean from death, making you eligible to enter one

of the three kingdoms of glory. We all gain this by resurrection thanks to Christ's

Atonement. To receive exaltation is up to us.

1. Joseph Smith stated that to be "Born again" you must have two things

1. Ordinances, which requires priesthood authority

2. Holy Ghost through the ordinances and laying on of hands

2. Mosiah 27:23-26 We must do this process daily to become "born again".

1. Begins with baptism and ends with rebirth (change of heart)

2. You must have the mighty change of heart by the Holy Ghost and let it work on

you until you become like Christ.

1. The process of being "born again" is finished when you become just like

Christ and a joint heir with Him.

1. Born Again

1. "More compliance with the formality of the ordinance of

baptism does not mean that a person has been born again.

No one can be born again without baptism, but the

immersion in water and the laying on of hands to confer

the Holy Ghost do not of themselves guarantee that a

person has been or will be born again. The new birth

takes place only for those who actually enjoy the gift

or companionship of the Holy Ghost, only for those

who are fully converted, who have given themselves

without restraint to the Lord." Elder Bruce R McConkie,

Mormon Doctrine 2nd edition p.101

1. Being "born again" begins with baptism, but is

accomplished by the constant workings of the Holy

Ghost. It is the product of a life fully devoted to

surrendering your will to the will of the Father. You

finish when you become joint heirs with Jesus


2. You are going to make mistakes, but you are not

going to give up. Keep trying.

3. Ezra Taft Benson "A Mighty Change of Heart"

The sixth and final point I wish to make about the process of repentance is that we must be

careful, as we seek to become more and more godlike, that we do not become discouraged

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and lose hope. Becoming Christlike is a lifetime pursuit and very often involves growth

and change that is slow, almost imperceptible. The scriptures record remarkable accounts

of men whose lives changed dramatically, in an instant, as it were: Alma the Younger, Paul on

the road to Damascus, Enos praying far into the night, King Lamoni. Such astonishing examples

of the power to change even those steeped in sin give confidence that the Atonement can

reach even those deepest in despair.

But we must be cautious as we discuss these remarkable examples. Though they are real and

powerful, they are the exception more than the rule. For every Paul, for every Enos, and for

every King Lamoni, there are hundreds and thousands of people who find the process of

repentance much more subtle, much more imperceptible. Day by day they move closer to

the Lord, little realizing they are building a godlike life. They live quiet lives of goodness, service,

and commitment. They are like the Lamanites, who the Lord said “were baptized with fire and

with the Holy Ghost, and they knew it not.” (3 Ne. 9:20;

1. Most people can't think of a specific moment that gave them a testimony, but rather

they develop it through a series of day-to-day experiences.

1. This is why we must keep a journal. You will then see moments where your

testimony grew and where you changed, redirecting your future.

2. Most of our moments will be imperceptible, unlike Alma the younger. For us, it

is a lifetime process.

1. Mosiah 29

1. Reign of the Judges begins. Mosiah decided not to have kings after he read the

Jaredite record. This chapter is about government, and highly resembles ours.

1. v.13- kings would be good if they could all be like King Benjamin, but that

is rare. A wicked king can lead a nation astray.

2. v.16-18-Kings are usually wicked and can only be removed from their title

with much bloodshed.

3. v.25-27-Best government is ruled by the voice of the people, because the

people usually won't choose the wrong. They set up this government so

they could eliminate the risk of having a tyrant in office again, like King

Noah, and if it happened they could be removed.

1. Since we have this, it shows the importance of going out to vote.

4. v.28-29- Checks and Balances (Executive, Judicial, Legislative)

2. Two events that threatened this new government

1. Priestcraft: Nehor spreads priestcrafts throughout the land and teaches

people to love themselves. He taught to lift himself up in the eyes of the

people (glory and honor). Priestcraft is condemned by Alma. Though

Nehor is executed, priestcraft continued to spread throughout Zarahemla.

Definition of Priestcraft: Preaching for the sake of glory and honor, repentance is not taught.

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1. Amlici tries to become king of the Nephites but is rejected. His followers make him

their king anyways, and they go into war with the Nephites.

The Amlicites are defeated and join forces with the Lamanites.

1. Alma 1-4

1. Alma is wearing two hats: Chief Judge and Chief Priest

1. Gives up his judgment seat to better serve in his priesthood calling

2. Alma 1

1. Priesthood vs. Priestcraft

1. Priesthood (v.20-30):

1. v.20: humble; not motivated by money

2. v.26: everyone equal in their eyes; they aren't out for glory

1. No one is better than another person, the teacher being

included. The preacher is no better than the hearer.

2. If their good works are acknowledged they defer it to

compliment the Father.

3. v.27: Give money to poor and needy instead of getting money.

1. No costly apparel

4. v.30: Liberal to aiding all, both in and outside of the Church.

2. Priestcraft (enemy to priesthood) and Nehor

1. v.3: Motivated by popularity and money, not out of love for the

people but for power.

1. Our first motivation should be what the Lord thinks and

His will, not people's thoughts

2. v.5: Money; they got paid for their work

3. v.6: wore costly apparel

4. v.16: Taught false doctrine for money and honor

5. V19: persecuted the Church

2. Be careful in your callings that you are not going for honor. This can happen if you

are not careful.

1. L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve: “As I travel throughout the

Church I marvel at all the positive things that are occurring. Yet I never

feel that we, as a people, are living up to our real potential. My sense is

that we do not always work together, that we are still too much

interested in aspirations for personal honors and success, and show too

little interest in the common goal of building the kingdom of God”

(“United in Building the Kingdom of God,” Ensign, May 1987

3. Alma 5-7

1. Alma is teaching two sermons

1. Good city: Gideon

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2. Bad city: Ammonihah

4. Alma 5

1. This chapter has 40 questions to help you evaluate your spiritual standings. If you

prayerfully and honestly study this chapter you will see many areas where you fall

short and can improve. If you find yourself guilty of any, repent Here are a few


1. v.14 Have you been spiritually born of God?

1. Refer to "born again" information from Mosiah 27

2. v. 26: Do you still feel the Holy Ghost daily in your life daily?

1. Joseph Smith says to be born again you must have two things:

baptism and Holy Ghost.

3. v.19-Pure heart

4. v.21-cleansed from sin

5. v.26-Sung the song of redeeming love?

1. This means give praise for the Atonemement

6. v.27-washed clean

7. v.28-Humble. "Stripped of pride" You cannot think of yourself as being

better than others.

1. Uchdorf: "Being humble is not thinking less of yourself, but

thinking of yourself less." ("Pride and the Priesthood" General

Conference, October 2011)

2. "Humility is thinking of yourself in any way that Heavenly Father

wouldn't"--Brother Card

8. v.29-Stripped of envy. Find joy in the success of others.

9. v.30-Don’t mock or make fun of others. Never talk about others behind

their back.

2. Born Again

5. Alma 7:3--The reason they are having so many troubles is that they are not humble!

1. Being sufficiently humble makes all the difference in your life.

2. D. Todd Christofferson "Those who are proud are those who reject the authority

of God to rule in your life."

1. The Atonement isn't just for sin. For those who repent, the Spirit can

more easily teach them other things besides always repentance.

3. Powers of the Atonement-NOT just for sin

1. 11-Jesus took upon our pains and sicknesses

2. 11-Temptations

3. 12-Death and infirmities

1. Infirmities: mental illness,

1. He knows all about it and how to help. We just forget to

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help. We fall short of getting the help we should get

because we don't ask.

2. All of us will experience a serious healthy trial at some

point. Turn to the Lord for help overcoming it.

4. 13-sins and transgressions

1. Transgression: honest mistake

2. Sin: more knowledge behind it, often intentional

5. Talk with the Father about everything you struggle with. "supplicating for

His grace"--plead!

1. Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Oct. 2006, "He Heals the Heavy Laden"

2. Many carry heavy burdens. Some have lost a loved one to death

or care for one who is disabled. Some have been wounded by

divorce. Others yearn for an eternal marriage. Some are caught in

the grip of addictive substances or practices like alcohol, tobacco,

drugs, or pornography. Others have crippling physical or mental

impairments. Some are challenged by same-gender attraction.

Some have terrible feelings of depression or inadequacy. In one

way or another, many are heavy laden.

The Book of Mormon tells how the multitude brought forward “all them that were afflicted in

any manner” (v.9). This must have included persons with every kind of physical or emotional or

mental affliction, and the scripture testifies that Jesus “did heal them every one” (v.9).

The Savior teaches that we will have tribulation in the world, but we should “be of good cheer”

because He has “overcome the world” (John16:33). His Atonement reaches and is powerful

enough not only to pay the price for sin but also to heal every mortal affliction. The

Book of Mormon teaches that “He shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and

temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon

him the pains and the sicknesses of his people” (Alma 7:11; see also 2 Nephi 9:21).

1. He can help us with everything, including temptation, because he has endured it all and

knows exactly how to help us. We just have to ask. There is nothing said more in

scripture than "ask and ye shall receive". We often fall short of receiving the help we

need simply because we don't ask.

1. Alma 8-16: Missionary Labors

2. Alma 8

1. Administering of Angels

2. v.14-16: The same angel who called him to repentance told him to go preach in


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1. "The Aaronic Priesthood and the Sacrament"--Dallin H. Oaks, Conference

October 1998

1. The ministering of angels can also be unseen. Angelic messages

can be delivered by a voice or merely by thoughts or feelings

communicated to the mind. President John Taylor described “the

action of the angels, or messengers of God, upon our minds, so

that the heart can conceive … revelations from the eternal world”

(Gospel Kingdom, sel. G. Homer Durham [1987], 31).

Nephi described three manifestations of the ministering of angels when he reminded his

rebellious brothers that (1) they had “seen an angel,” (2) they had “heard his voice from time to

time,” and (3) also that an angel had “spoken unto [them] in a still small voice” though they

were “past feeling” and “could not feel his words” (1 Ne. 17:45). The scriptures contain many

other statements that angels are sent to teach the gospel and bring men to Christ. Most

angelic communications are felt or heard rather than seen.

How does the Aaronic Priesthood hold the key to the ministering of angels? The answer is the

same as for the Spirit of the Lord.

In general, the blessings of spiritual companionship and communication are only available to

those who are clean. As explained earlier, through the Aaronic Priesthood ordinances of baptism

and the sacrament, we are cleansed of our sins and promised that if we keep our covenants we

will always have His Spirit to be with us. I believe that promise not only refers to the Holy Ghost

but also to the ministering of angels, for “angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost;

wherefore, they speak the words of Christ” (2 Ne. 32:3). So it is that those who hold the

Aaronic Priesthood open the door for all Church members who worthily partake of the

sacrament to enjoy the companionship of the Spirit of the Lord and the ministering of angels.

1. Angels speak by the power of the Holy Spirit

1. When you feel the promptings of the Holy Spirit, it could very easily be a

ministering angel.

1. "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost" 2 Nephi 32:3

2. You will often feel their presence or hear their voice.

2. We all have the gift of ministering angels to some degree

3. When someone is set apart in the Aaronic priesthood they receive the gift of the

administering of angels.

1. Worthily partaking of the sacrament increases our ability to discern what our

ministering angels are teaching us.

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1. Angels always come with a purpose, never just because we want to see one.

1. Wilford Woodruff stated, "One of the Apostles said to me years ago, ‘Brother

Woodruff, I have prayed for a long time for the Lord to send me the

administration of an angel. I have had a great desire for this, but I have never had

my prayers answered.’ I said to him that if he were to pray a thousand years to

the God of Israel for that gift, it would not be granted, unless the Lord had a

motive in sending an angel to him. I told him that the Lord never did nor never

will send an angel to anybody merely to gratify the desire of the individual to see

an angel. If the Lord sends an angel to anyone, He sends him to perform a work

that cannot be performed only by the administration of an angel. …“Now, I have always said, and I want to say it to you, that the Holy Ghost is what every Saint of

God needs. It is far more important that a man should have that gift than he should have the

ministration of an angel” (Deseret Weekly, Nov. 7, 1896, 641).

1. Why someone will see an angel (Moroni 7: 29-32)

1. To call men to repentance

1. Alma, Paul, etc.

2. To do the work of the covenants of the Father

1. Moroni, Elijah, Gabriel, Peter, James, John, etc.

3. To declare the words of Christ to teach the "chosen vessels" (prophets, seers,

and revelators)

1. Alma and Amulek, etc.

1. This also occurs in situations like Amulek, where they need to

learn the Gospel quickly. Because of his angelic visitation, Amulek

was prepared quickly and powerfully to teach with Alma. (Alma


2. Why the rest of us don't see angels

1. "And by so doing, the Lord God prepareth the way that the 'residue of men' may

have faith in Christ, that the Holy Ghost may have place in their hearts"

1. The rest of us have to place our trust in the revelation of the prophets

and place faith in Christ

1. We must follow the promptings of the Spirit, which is more

powerful than angels, and the power by which angels speak. Your

promptings often are one of your administering angels

communicating with you.

1. Alma 11

1. Nephite coinage--Why this is included

1. v.11-13

1. Senum=1

2. Amor=2 (two senum)

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3. Ezrom=3 (two Amor)

4. Onti=7 (all combined)

2. There is a Book of Mormon site in Guatamala that uses this money

system still, with blocks according to those sizes.

3. Zeezrom offers Amulek six onties to deny Christ, which was nearly a

year's income

2. v.25-35

1. Christ cannot save you IN your sins, but he will save you FROM your sins

if you repent

1. Helaman 5:10-11

2. D.Todd Christofferson Nov 2011, "Repentance requires a seriousness of

purpose and a willingness to persevere, even through pain. Attempts to

create a list of specific steps of repentance may be helpful to some, but

it may also lead to a mechanical, check-off-the-boxes approach with no

real feeling or change. True repentance is not superficial. The Lord gives

two overarching requirements: “By this ye may know if a man repenteth

of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them” (D&C 58:43).

2. Alma 13-Foreordination and Priesthood

1. "Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants lf the world was

ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of Heaven before the world

was." Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith pg.365

1. This involves every single priesthood and many sisters for other things.

2. Alma 13:3 Where were we foreordained?

1. In the "first place" or "foundation of the world", the pre-existence. We

were foreordained to do things because of our faith in the premortal


1. We still had as much agency there as we do here, and there was

still temptation enough that 1/3 of the host of heaven was cast


1. 1/3 was cast out for sin

2. Another portion not very faithful, but chose to come to


3. Another portion was exceedingly faithful. These are the

noble and great ones, and all men who have priesthood


3. Who foreordained you? Alma 13:1

1. On earth, men are ordained by their fathers usually. In the pre-mortal

existence it was God himself (probably Heavenly Father, but could also

have been Christ) ordained us.

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1. We were foreordained by the laying on of hands just as we are

ordained with the laying on of hands here. However, we were just

foreordained then. We didn't receive the priesthood or our other

callings then.

4. Why some have priesthood? Alma 13:6

1. To teach. This is why men are commanded to serve missions and it is

optional for girls. This doesn't make men better teachers than women,

but it gives them the responsibility to teach the Gospel.

5. What qualifies one for Melchizedek priesthood? Alma 13:10

1. Faith

2. Repentance

3. Righteousness

3. Alma 14

1. Alma and Amulek are a "type or shadow" of Christ's suffering, death, and


1. v.7-19: They were "buffeted" (beat) then asked questions three times, to

which they responded with silence.

2. v.20: "if ye have such great power why do ye not deliver yourselves?"

3. v.21: spit upon

4. v.22: mocked

5. v.26: "broke the cords with which they were bound" like the Savior's


6. v.27: "the earth shook mightily"

7. v.28: not hurt

4. Alma 17-29

1. Missionary Work--How Ammon converted the Lamanites

1. Jacob 7:24, Enos 1:14, Mosiah 28:2, Alma 26:23

2. The Book of Mormon is the best book on earth for missionary work,

more so than Preach My Gospel

1. Filled with doctrine on how to be an effective missionary

3. Principles on Missionary Work

1. "Warm them before you warn them," Spencer W. Kimball

1. Be their friend before you teach them. If they don't join

the church, still be their friend.

2. Charity first. Ammon won their hearts by serving the

people and fighting for them.

2. Suffer anything to save one soul Alma 26:30

1. Alma 28:8 Your mission will be the hardest thing you ever

do, but you will have "incomprehensible joy".

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3. Give all credit to God

1. Alma 26:11-12 "I do not boast of myself, but I will boast of

my God, for in his strength I can do all things". Be humble

enough to realize it is not you doing the work, but

Heavenly Father.

2. Alma 29:9 "I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that

which the Lord hath commanded me…that perhaps I may

be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul

to repentance; and this is my joy."

4. Alma 17:11-Be patient in your suffering and a good example, and

God will make you a great instrument in his hands

1. Be a good example inside and outside of the mission.

Through your actions you are either helping others come

to Christ or taking them away.

5. Alma 18:3-Be a friend

1. Ammon was a friend to the king, which won the hearts of

the people

6. Alma 18:10-Be a faithful servant

1. Keep the commandments. Serve others and let them

serve you.

4. Alma 17:9 Through his missionary efforts, Ammon corrects the False

Traditions of Lamanites passed on since the time of Nephi. For

generations the Lamanites blamed their circumstances on things that

they claimed the Nephites had done to wrong them, but Ammon fixed


1. False traditions found in 2 Nephi 5: 3, 5, 12 and Mosiah 10:12-17

1. The Nephites Robbed our Records (Scripture)

1. Alma 18:36-39 Teaches them the whole plan of

salvation found in the scriptures. Scriptures are the

most important thing to teach in the mission.

2. Departed from us

1. Alma 17:21-23 Ammon is willing to never leave, but

to stay and serve his mission forever. He is only

concerned about serving the people.

1. While serving your mission, act as though

you will be there forever and you will be a

good missionary. Don't count down the

days to leave, but make the most of every

day you are there.

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3. Nephi took the ruling when it should have been Laman and


1. Alma 17:24-25 The king was so impressed by

Ammon's faithfulness that he wanted to give him

one of his daughters, but Ammon turned it down

so he could be a servant

2. Alma 20:23 When the king realized Ammon's power

he feared for his life and offered Ammon half the

kingdom. Still, Ammon didn't want to steal his rule,

but he only wanted to serve the king.

2. Repentance and Missionary Work

1. A King, A People, A Missionary

2. A King (King Lamoni)

1. Alma 22:1-4 Aaron was guided by the Spirit to King Lamoni and

teaches him the Plan of Salvation. The king asked where Ammon

was and Alma responds, "The Spirit of the Lord has called him

another way."

1. There is nothing more important in missionary work than

following the Spirit

2. Alma 22:12-14 King Lamoni asks how he can have joy like Aaron

and Ammon

1. Formula for Joy Alma 22:15-16

1. Joy=repentance + prayer

2. True repentance is not superficial. It requires more

than just not sinning, but also a change of heart.

1. In Alma 20:23 He offers Ammon half his


2. In Alma 22:15 and 18, King Lamoni is willing

to give all he owns, his whole kingdom, and

all his sins to know God

3. A People (Anti-Nephi-Lehites)

1. Why called Anti-Nephi-Lehites?

1. Some say it is because "Anti" means "a reflection of", so

they are a reflection of Nephi and Lehi

2. Another theory is that "Anti" is to show that they are not

of Nephi and Lehi's posterity, but they are living after their

manner of righteousness

2. Alma 23:6-7 "as many as believed in their preaching, and were

converted unto the Lord, never did fall away." It is by grace that

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we are saved after all we can do

1. All we can do:

1. Home teaching, visiting teaching, baptism,

endowment, service, love enemies, read scriptures,

repent, pray, have faith, get married, magnify

callings, missionary work, endure to the end, pay

tithing, don’t kill, don't cheat, don't commit

adultery, don't lie, don't covet, honor mother and

father, etc.

2. The list of everything we have to do is endless, and

although we need to try to do all of them, it is

impossible to accomplish everything we need to


2. Alma 24:11 "It has been all that we could do to repent of

all our sins…and to get God to take them away from our

hearts, for it was all we could do to repent sufficiently

before God that he would take away our stain."

1. All we can do is repent! It is then that we are

saved by grace.

2. “Some people have an idea that because they have

entered the waters of baptism and repented of

their sins then that is an end of it. What a mistake!

We need to have this spirit of repentance

continually; we need to pray to God to show us our

conduct every day. Every night before we retire to

rest we should review the thoughts, words, and

acts of the day and then repent of everything we

have done that is wrong or that has grieved the

Holy Spirit. Live this way every day and endeavor to

progress every day” Henry B. Eyring "Because of

Your Steadiness" April 1988

1. We can't do everything, but when the Spirit

prompts you to cleanse a certain area of

your life, repent and cleanse one area at a


2. Sincerely pray daily to know what you need

to improve.

3. How do we know if we are forgiven? Stanley Johnson "The

Simpleness of the Way" BYU Devotional 2012

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President Eyring gave a devotional talk here at Brigham Young University that had a powerful

effect on me. He told of a young man who needed to repent and had come to him when

President Eyring was a bishop. After a lengthy time, Bishop Eyring interviewed him and found

him worthy to hold a temple recommend. But the young man was going to be married in the

temple to a young lady who was sweet and clean, and he needed to know if his sins had been

remitted—if he had forgiveness from the Lord. How could he get that revelation?

Bishop Eyring said it was a good question and that he needed some time, so the young man

gave him a deadline—less than two weeks.

During those two weeks Bishop Eyring went to a social function that then Elder Spencer W.

Kimball also attended. Elder Kimball found Bishop Eyring and said, “Hal, I understand that you are

now a bishop. Do you have anything you would like to ask me?”

President Eyring continued:

I said that I did, but I didn’t think that was the place to talk about it. He thought it was. It was an

outdoor party. My memory is that we went behind a shrub and there had our interview. Without

breaking confidences . . . , I outlined the concerns and the question of this young man. . . . Then I

asked Elder Kimball, “How can he get that revelation? How can he know whether his sins are


I thought Elder Kimball would talk to me about fasting or prayer or listening for the still small

voice. But he surprised me. Instead he said, “Tell me something about the young man.”

I said, “What would you like to know?”

And then he began a series of the most simple questions. Some of the ones I remember were:

“Does he come to his priesthood meetings?”

I said, after a moment of thought, “Yes.”

“Does he come early?”


“Does he sit down front?”

I thought for a moment and then realized, to my amazement, that he did.

“Does he home teach?”


“Does he go early in the month?”

“Yes, he does.”

“Does he go more than once?”


I can’t remember the other questions. But they were all like that—little things, simple acts of

obedience, of submission. And for each question I was surprised that my answer was always yes.

Yes, he wasn’t just at all his meetings: he was early; he was smiling; he was there not only with

his whole heart, but with the broken heart of a little child, as he was every time the Lord asked

anything of him. And after I had said yes to each of his questions, Elder Kimball looked at me,

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paused, and then very quietly said, “There is your revelation.”11

This is repentance: the mighty change of heart. Again, what is all that we can do? It is to repent,

as this young man did, not only with our whole hearts but also with a broken heart and a

contrite spirit (see 3 Nephi 9:20). The scriptures remind us of the Savior’s words:

Repent, and I will receive you. . . .

1. The way you live your life through simple acts of obedience is a sign of yourforgiveness and conversion. Do whatever it takes to receive that, all the littlethings.

1. A Missionary (Ammon)

1. Alma 28:8 Why such "incomprehensible joy" with missionary work?

1. Alma 29:9-10 "This is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the

hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy"

1. The joy that comes with helping someone else repent and

experience your joy is incredible.

2. "One of our modern Apostles, Elder George G. Richards,

promised: 'In the name of the Lord I want to promise you that in

the acceptance of the mission call and the dedication of yourslf to

the work, the Lord will forgive you of past transgressions, and you

can start out life with an absolutely clean sheet.'"

1. While you are on your mission helping others cleanse their

lives, the Lord sanctifies you. Incredible promise for


2. Alma 36:24-25

1. "I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto

repentance; that I might bring them to taste of the exceeding joy

of which I did taste…The Lord doth give me exceedingly great joy

in the fruit of my labors."

1. As we put all our efforts into missionary work and sincerely

strive to bring others the joy we have, our joy will be


3. Alma 26:35

1. "There never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as

we..yea my joy is carried away…He is a merciful Being, even unto

salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name."

1. When helping others repent, we are carried away in our joy

and the mercy of God.

4. D&C 18:10-16

1. "The worth of souls is great in the souls is great in the sight of

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God…and if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying

repentance unto this people, and bring, have it be one soul unto

me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my

Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul…how

great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"

1. Geography of the Book or Mormon

1. Because of the size and traveling times, the Book of Mormon activities most

likely happened in Central America

1. Think Waters of Mormon were in Guatemala, Lake Atitlan?

2. The "narrow strip" mentioned in Alma 22:27 may be Panama

2. Historians (not LDS) have found different civilizations corresponding with all the

Book of Mormon years.

1. Preclassic Jaredite times

2. Classic 600BC-400 AD (as claimed by historians too!)

3. Post Classic 1000 AD

3. "Stella 5"

1. Rocked that perfectly depicts Tree of Life, with filthy water and everything

4. Sea West is where Hagoth left

1. His descendents become polynesians

5. Oaxaca

1. 2000 AD