book of kells

Book of Kells images Book of Kells images This page contains pointers to images from the Book of Kells and to information about the book. I don't hold any copyright on any of these images; don't ask me if you can use them. If your browser won't display some of the images, try to download them and view them with a GIF or JPEG viewer. In Netscape you can do this by clicking and holding on the link until the popup menu appears; then select Save this Link As... and save in Source format. The images in the following set were obtained from gopher:// (which appears no longer to be available). The "about" file accompanied them there; read it for (a little) more information. about kell1bmp.gif (GIF, 337 KB) kell2bmp.gif (GIF, 360 KB) kell3bmp.gif (GIF, 377 KB) kell4bmp.gif (GIF, 365 KB) kells1.gif (GIF, 194 KB) kells2.gif (GIF, 206 KB) kells3.gif (GIF, 211 KB) An image of the four evangelists, courtesy of Brian Keller. Small (JPEG, 479x608 pixels, 81KB) Large (JPEG, 958x1215 pixels, 291KB) Other Kells Links Book of Kells Web site (the Book of Kells on CD-ROM) Trinity College Dublin page (1 of 2) [07/07/2003 20:25:52]

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Page 1: Book of Kells

Book of Kells images

Book of Kells imagesThis page contains pointers to images from the Book of Kells and to information about the book.

I don't hold any copyright on any of these images; don't ask me if you can use them.

If your browser won't display some of the images, try to download them and view them with a GIF or JPEG viewer. In Netscape you can do this by clicking and holding on the link until the popup menu appears; then select Save this Link As... and save in Source format.

The images in the following set were obtained from gopher:// (which appears no longer to be available). The "about" file accompanied them there; read it for (a little) more information.

● about ● kell1bmp.gif (GIF, 337 KB) ● kell2bmp.gif (GIF, 360 KB) ● kell3bmp.gif (GIF, 377 KB) ● kell4bmp.gif (GIF, 365 KB) ● kells1.gif (GIF, 194 KB) ● kells2.gif (GIF, 206 KB) ● kells3.gif (GIF, 211 KB)

An image of the four evangelists, courtesy of Brian Keller.

● Small (JPEG, 479x608 pixels, 81KB) ● Large (JPEG, 958x1215 pixels, 291KB)

Other Kells Links

● Book of Kells Web site (the Book of Kells on CD-ROM) ● Trinity College Dublin page (1 of 2) [07/07/2003 20:25:52]

Page 2: Book of Kells

Book of Kells images

● Jerry Lincecum's Fort Worth Star-Telegram article ● University of British Columbia Fine Arts Library Book of Kells page ● Iona (the band): home page (their second album is based on the Book of Kells)

Document written by: Paul DuBois, [email protected] Last updated: 2003-01-09 (2 of 2) [07/07/2003 20:25:52]

Page 3: Book of Kells

Owner: Alan Ward (monera) [email protected] Tel. +44 (0)91 222 7709Dept: Microbiology, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UKPosted on: 26Sep93Expires on: 31Dec94**********************************************************************

Welcome to the Microbiology Department gopher. This is an experimentalsystem and is under development. The Book of Kells menu is just for fun.If you want more information you can contact me.

Book of Kells (images) A few scanned images, from the Book of Kells, from off the network- though the sources seem to have dropped off.

Kells1.gif - Kells4.gifbmp images downloaded from ftp at - images from thepromotional literature for the reproduction of the Book of Kells. bmp files converted to gif

Kells5.gif - Kells7.gifgif images from off the network (converted a bit to make them viewableby all my gif viewers). [07/07/2003 20:25:54]

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Page 18: Book of Kells

The Book of Kells

ORDER your very own copy of the Book of Kells CD-ROM, or GIVE A GIFT of this ancient treasure.

Find all the HELP you need to use the CD-ROM as well as information on its many FEATURES.

EXPLORE the finest details of one of the most famous illuminated manuscripts in the world.


Produced with the permission of the Board of Trinity College, Dublin. [07/07/2003 20:27:54]

Page 19: Book of Kells

Book of Kells - Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Library DublinTCD Home Library Home Library Local

Site Map

Trinity College Library College Street Dublin 2

Tel (+353 1) 677 2941 Fax (+353 1) 671 9003

The Book of Kells

The Book of Kells was written around the year 800 AD and is one of the most beautifully illuminated manuscripts in the world. It contains the four gospels, preceded by prefaces, summaries, and canon tables or concordances of gospel passages. It is written on vellum and contains a Latin text of the Gospels in insular majuscule script accompanied by magnificent and intricate whole pages of decoration with smaller painted decorations appearing throughout the text. The manuscript was given to Trinity College in the 17th century and since 1953 has been bound in four volumes. It has been on display in the Old Library since the 19th century. Two volumes can normally be seen, one opened to display a major decorated page, and one to show two pages of script.

A CD-ROM version of all 340 folios from the Book of Kells is available for purchase.

Library exhibitions feature various themes. The current exhibition The Book of Kells: Turning Darkness into Light runs from 22nd February 1999 until the end of the year 2001.

Opening Hours (1 of 2) [07/07/2003 20:28:07]

Page 20: Book of Kells

Book of Kells - Trinity College Dublin

Monday - Saturday 09.30 - 17.00Sunday (Oct. - May) 12.00 - 16.30Sunday (June - Sept.) 09.30 - 16.30

Sunday opening hours apply on Bank Holidays, with the exception of those falling between May - August, when weekday opening hours apply.

Catalogue ¦ About the Library ¦ Services ¦ Staff ¦ Visitors ¦ Library Shop Connecting off campus?

© Trinity College Library January 2002 (2 of 2) [07/07/2003 20:28:07]

Page 21: Book of Kells

IONA homepage @

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*** NEWS ***

July 2001Iona and Cornerstone Festival Committee announced the cancellation of Iona's scheduled appearance at this year's festival on July 4th. Iona's singer, Joanne Hogg, is pregnant, and two Transatlantic flights and all stress involved in the trip, could place an unacceptable strain on her baby with potentially life-threatening consequences. The band took a unanimous decision to cancel their appearance, a decision fully understood and endorsed by the Cornerstone team. In view of the circumstances detailed above, Iona have also contacted Greenbelt Festival to inform them of the situation, canceling appearance at UK Festival.

May 2000The long waited new Iona studio album Open Sky is finally out and ready for ordering.

March 2000Tour dates in the UK have finally been confirmed. For overseas fans, the tour is UK only with no plans at the moment for any other countries. Check out concerts diary to learn more. (1 of 3) [07/07/2003 20:28:24]

Page 22: Book of Kells

IONA homepage @

October 1999On May 28th 1999 at the Royal festival Hall in London IONA joined forces with the All Souls Orchestra for a unique collaboration to celebrate the band's tenth anniversary. Woven Cord marks IONA's return to live performances after their sabbatical year with their current line up of Joanne Hogg, Dave Bainbridge, Troy Donockley, Phil Barker and Frank Van Essen. Read more

July 1999There will be an album of the Royal Festival Hall concert, called Woven Chord, released in September/October this year. The Studio Album Songs of Ascent will be available Spring 2000.

April 1999We just completely redesigned and updated the entire website. There are now hundreds of links to web pages, audio samples, music and books. All titles, including new and long waited Joanne Hogg's solo album, can be purchased online. Prices are now 10-20% lower!We also added a new guestbook that you are invited to fill out.Please let us know your comments and additions.

January 1999The band is preparing for a concert with the All Souls Orchestra in May at the Royal Festival Hall in London, a show that will feature appearances from current and past Iona members. The concert will mark the ten year anniversary of the band and will be recorded for a future live album release.

December 1998The band is in studio recording a new album. Current members are: Dave Bainbridge (keyboards, guitar), Phil Barker (bass), Frank van Essen (drums, percussion, violin), Troy Donockley (pipes, whistle, guitar, keyboards) and Joanne Hogg (vocals). (2 of 3) [07/07/2003 20:28:24]

Page 23: Book of Kells

IONA homepage @

Omnia in Gloria Dei

Copyright © Associazione Musictus,1996-2003. All rights reserved. Privacy PolicyComments, Questions, Suggestions? Let us know what's on your mind! updated on Wed December 04, 2002. You are visitor # 40710Hosted by Srl

NEW! Christian Artists 2003

dal 21 al 25 settembre 2003, un'occasione unica

per incontrarsi e valorizzare il proprio talento! (3 of 3) [07/07/2003 20:28:24]

Page 24: Book of Kells

Home Page for Paul DuBois

Home Page for Paul DuBois

● 2003 NCAA Basketball Tournament Posters ● Books I've written:

❍ MySQL was published by New Riders in December, 1999. The second edition was published in January, 2003. [info]

❍ MySQL Cookbook was published by O'Reilly in October, 2002. [info] ❍ MySQL and Perl for the Web was published by New Riders in August, 2001. [info] ❍ MySQL was published by New Riders in December, 1999. [info] ❍ Information about the oystercatcher book, Using csh & tcsh. ❍ Information about the boa book, Software Portability with imake.

● Images from the Book of Kells. ● Northern League information. ● Adventures with MkLinux ● Psion information. If you have a Psion palmtop computer or are interested in them, I maintain

some information online, including the Psion FAQ, the OPL programming manual, and comparisons with other palmtops (HP200LX, OmniGo, Zaurus).

● HP-UX disk setup using sdsadmin. ● Your Daily Horoscope

Say, whatever happened to Jim Ford, Spice King?

Document written by: Paul DuBois, [email protected] Last modified: March 16, 2003 [07/07/2003 20:28:26]