bondary secondary school author: koshelev pavel, ermakova anna 10b grade teacher: petrova e. a

Bondary secondary school Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna Ermakova Anna 10b grade 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A. Teacher: Petrova E. A.

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Page 1: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

Bondary secondary schoolBondary secondary school

Author: Koshelev Pavel,Author: Koshelev Pavel,Ermakova Anna Ermakova Anna 10b grade10b gradeTeacher: Petrova E. A.Teacher: Petrova E. A.

Page 2: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

The Motherland, bent over her daughter's ashes,Sings this tender maternal song About Zoya, the girl, who has become a legend, Who died and was born for eternal life.

The native land inspired her with courage, The great nation educated her with pride, And the girl has become fine as a white birch, Like the Russian heart, she was frank and noble.

Page 3: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

Object of research:Object of research: a woman in a war.

Subject of research:Subject of research: feat of arms of a woman-partisan.

Methods:Methods: studying the documents, analysis of facts.

Page 4: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

The aim of research:The aim of research: development of the feeling of patriotism among the youth on the example of Zoya

Kosmodemyanskaya Tasks:Tasks:1.1. To study the biography of Z. To study the biography of Z. Kosmodemyanskaya;

2. To visit an exhibition devoted her in a local museum;

3. To read a book “Zoya and Shura”;

4. To tell pupils of our school about Zoya’s life and her feat.

Page 5: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A


If we remember and kneel before our heroes we’ll grow

good persons.

Page 6: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

Actuality Actuality

450,000 people went to the front from our Tambov oblast.

190,000 were killed.

8,500 people went to the front from Bondary rayon.

3,000 people were killed.

More than 260 people from Tambov oblast became the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Among them Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

Page 7: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

Introduction Introduction

One of the most enduring tales of heroism from the days of One of the most enduring tales of heroism from the days of the Grear Patriotic War is the story of the Soviet partisan Zoya the Grear Patriotic War is the story of the Soviet partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Kosmodemyanskaya.

Like the millions of workers and soldiers who joined in the Like the millions of workers and soldiers who joined in the fight against Nazi Germany during the USSR’s Great Patriotic fight against Nazi Germany during the USSR’s Great Patriotic War, Zoya’s life began amidst humble surroundings. But her War, Zoya’s life began amidst humble surroundings. But her extraordinary bravery and courage would eventually elevate extraordinary bravery and courage would eventually elevate Zoya to the ranks of the most legendary of Soviet heroes. Zoya to the ranks of the most legendary of Soviet heroes.

Page 8: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

Our country-woman Zoya KosmodemyanskayaOur country-woman Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Zoya was born on September 13, 1923 in the village of Osinoviye Gai (Aspen Woods), situated in the north of the Russia’s Tambov Region. Zoya’s father, Anatoly Petrovich Kosmodemyansky, was a Red Army veteran who maintained the village library and Zoya’s mother, Lyubov Timofeyevna Kosmodemyanskaya, was a school teacher in the village.

Page 9: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

““What Have You Done for the Front?"What Have You Done for the Front?" Zoya was 17 years old when her homeland was invaded by

the German Army on June 22, 1941. She volunteered at the “labour front,” working at a state farm to harvest crops to feed Soviet citizens and soldiers. She became determined to join the fight and to stand shoulder to shoulder with her fellow Soviets as a defender of the Soviet motherland. Zoya’s first Zoya’s first missions as a partisan fighter were secret and she did not share missions as a partisan fighter were secret and she did not share any details of her work in her correspondence with her mother. any details of her work in her correspondence with her mother. Lyubov was deeply worried for Zoya’s safety, but she knew Lyubov was deeply worried for Zoya’s safety, but she knew that her daughter was a sensible and strong young woman. that her daughter was a sensible and strong young woman. Zoya’s partisan group harassed and tormented the occupiers Zoya’s partisan group harassed and tormented the occupiers by cutting phone lines, destroying bridges and with transport by cutting phone lines, destroying bridges and with transport and supply lines. The partisans also performed reconnaissance and supply lines. The partisans also performed reconnaissance missions for the Red Army.missions for the Red Army.

Page 10: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

““Tanya”Tanya” On a night in early December 1941, Zoya set out On a night in early December 1941, Zoya set out

for Petrishchevo as part of a small partisan for Petrishchevo as part of a small partisan detachment. Zoya’s mission was to set fire to a detachment. Zoya’s mission was to set fire to a stable used by the German commanders to house stable used by the German commanders to house around 200 horses but Zoya was captured. around 200 horses but Zoya was captured. Despite severe torture and abuse, Zoya refused Despite severe torture and abuse, Zoya refused to share any information with her captors, to share any information with her captors, identifying herself only by the enigmatic identifying herself only by the enigmatic pseudonym “Tanya.” pseudonym “Tanya.”

She knew that the fate of her fellow partisans She knew that the fate of her fellow partisans depended on her bravery and perseverance and depended on her bravery and perseverance and despite unbelievable pain and misery, she did not despite unbelievable pain and misery, she did not

betray her comrades to her enemies.betray her comrades to her enemies.

Page 11: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

There are two hundred million of us!There are two hundred million of us! The Nazis found they could extract no information from her. After a

long night, Zoya was sentenced to execution. Her heavy coat and additional outer garments had been confiscated by her captors and she was taken outside wearing only her blouse, trousers and stockings. She was marched through deep snow in freezing temperatures to the village square where a a newly constructed gallows awaited.

Before she was executed, she spoke bravely to the townspeople who had been rounded up to witness the execution:

“Comrades! Why are you looking so downcast? Be brave, fight, smash, burn the fascists!...I am not afraid of dying, Comrades! It is a great thing to die for one's people!”

…and to her captors, she leveled a warning:

“There are two hundred million of us! You can’t hang us all!”

Page 12: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

Hero of the Soviet UnionHero of the Soviet Union

Zoya’s body was exhumed from the grave in Petrischevo and she was returned to Moscow for burial. On February 16, 1942, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was posthumously awarded the title of “Hero of the Soviet Union.” She was the first woman to receive this distinction.

Page 13: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

Conclusion Conclusion

The martyrdom of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya galvanized the Soviet people as they forged ahead in their march to victory against the imperialist juggernaut of Nazi Germany. Her bravery and sacrifice inspired innumerable tributes from all fields and media.

The film “Zoya” by Lev Arnshtam tells the story of her arrest and execution. The score for the film was composed by Dmitri Shostakovich. The asteroid 1793 Zoya is named in tribute to her. Monuments to Zoya still stand in St. Petersburg, Tambov, Dorokhov, and Petrischevo.

Page 14: Bondary secondary school Author: Koshelev Pavel, Ermakova Anna 10b grade Teacher: Petrova E. A

Informational sourcesInformational sources Алексеев С. П. «Книга для чтения по истории нашей Родины» М.

Просвещение, 1991 с. 173. Дорожкина В., Овсянников И. «Ты осталась в народе живая», Тамбов, 2003. Дьячков Л. Г. «За Родину», Тамбов, 1995, с. 110. Космодемьянская Л. Т. «Повесть о Зое и Шуре». Архивный отдел администрации Тамбовской области «Поколение, опаленное

войной» Тамбов, 1995, с. 195, 198, 256, 257.