body&object summative review

Object & Body

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Object & Body

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Body – Initial Ideas

The everyday superhero• The reality of these jobs• Reasons behind the job choice• Jobs that most people may not consider doing• Going the extra mile on a daily basis• Charity, emergency services, volunteers• Childlike naivety when looking at these roles in society

• Homelessness• The reasons behind it• Difference in place• Difference in the people, or the help that is available

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Steve Pyke• Explores the topic of homelessness• Shows a not so typical side to what we may see• A couple• A disabled man• Viewers feel like they are intruding a little• Something that is always seen but we never get

close like this

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Reneke Dijkstra

• Not just homelessness• People who experience displacement or in an inbetween stage• Girls who are not children, not women• The composition and lighting doesn ’t allow the viewer any room to avoid the

awkwardness of the girls

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Having spoken to the local shelter charity, I found out a lot of facts on homelessness,however I realised my project was about my two original ideas combined. I wanted toknow about the people who were dealing with these issues, not just these ones but allissues with the community, the helpers. Through these people I can explore both myideas, I can look at the issues which I find unsettling and the people who are making achange to them. I decided I wanted to look at people in a certain way, it would be a

humble observation of the people who make big differences to our societies. I made aconcscious decision to keep their identities hidden and what they do, as it is not aboutthat, it is about them doing what a lot of people may not due to getting caught up intheir daily lives. It almost doesn ’t matter exactly what they do in this project, its morethe fact that they do these things.

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Wolfgang Tillmans – Clothes

I looked at this particular body of work by tillmans due to the lightingchoices and the way the clothesare represented.•

Humble• Understated• Soft lighting• Not showy, just a simple

observation• Plain background• Domestic background/ a place

that is mundane.

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Childhood• The idea of how childhood is seen• People want children to hold on to this childhood• Society says differently• Always wanting to be the more mature age (even if we don ’t know it)

Aspects• Education – Choosing GCSE’s aged 15 • Clothing, makeup, phones, facebook• Younger generations are becoming older quicker• Looking into the extreme sub cultures where these ideas are highlighted –

child beauty pageants.• Even teenagers wanting to be older• Although we like the idea of childhood, certain aspects of society

demolish this idea.

Object Initial Idea

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Susan Anderson – High Glitz• Subculture of Child pagaents – extreme end of my idea• Pagents have started in UK now too• The competition of looks• Children wanting to dress up and have fun – being judged on it• Parents or the children who want to?

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Contextual Research

• The pointat which

youngpeople getto narrowdown theireducation

• Thechoices

arenarroweddownfurther if theychoose to


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• Full time education iscumpulsory until thesame age as englandexcept part timeeducation is also

cumpulsory for 3 yearsafter this too.

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Peter Fischli and David Weiss

• Delicate, ideas of everything hanging in the balance• Could easily be imbalanced• The use of different objects – could represent things• Fragile, intricate, awkward – resembles the place that these young people are at• Pressure – pressure to make the right choice

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Wendy Mcmurdo

• Shows the fragility of childhood• The ability to soak up every bit of information and be

influenced• Is there a sense of conformity within the education

system, although there is choice, there is pressure tomake the choices and the right ones?

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I feel that for the body project I covered an issue which I felt passionately about, and bydoing so I was enthused with the project. I feel that my research helped me by directingthe path my project took as there are many different tangent I could have gone down. Theresearch that helped the most was the contextual research, going out and speaking topeople to find out information, as this directed me specifically to who I wanted tophotograph. I feel that my photographic choices have represented my idea well, I wantedthe images to seem humble and not showcasing, just a understated celebration of thework these people do. I did this through soft lighting most of the time, also simple use of colours/ black and white film. I feel for this project I managed my studies well, as they werefairly balanced, however for this project specifically, more shoots may have helped todevelop this project.

Although I feel the lighting was successful, I could have used it in a more consistent way tomake the portraits appear more like a series. However this is difficult when shooting onlocation. I feel that the most significant challenge of this project was deciding exactly who Iwanted to shoot, as there are many types of people who inspire me, also how I wanted torepresent them within the images was a difficult decision as there needs to be a balance.


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ObjectFor this project, I was looking into more of an issue that frustrates me, rather than acelebration. I feel for this project, the facts spoke for themselves and boosted my idea bysimply proving my initial thoughts about this particular topic. I feel that my research couldhave improved a little, however I do feel that what I already did uplifted my projectbeyond its original state.I wanted there to be a subtle drama within the work which is why I chose the mobile, as

there is something about it, the balance, the idea of hanging, its just a little off. Also theshadows on the wall created a sense of there being something more to the image thanwhat meets the eye. The choice of the background colour was easy for me, as I knew Iwanted it to seem playful with a darker meaning, so the yellow helped to represent thisidea of a nursery/baby room/school. This is a colour that has connotations attached, all todo with childhood and innocence. I feel that my studies were again balanced for thisproject, however if given the time to improve, I would use this time to do test shootsbefore the day of the shoot, so that I could go in knowing exactly how to plan everything,as I felt pressure on the day. I feel that time management for this project was an aspectwhich I could reflect on, as the shoot could have run a lot smoother given more time. Ifeel for this unit the most significant challenge was the shoot itself, simply due to theissues that arose. This could have simply been solved by doing a test shoot before hand

so that the real thing would have run a lot smoother.