body systems. nervous system controls every part of the body also known as the master system...

Body Systems

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Body Systems

Nervous System

• Controls every part of the body

• Also known as the master system

• Consists of three parts

Nervous System

• The brain

Nervous System

• The Spine

Nervous System

• The peripherals

Nervous System

• Clinic Test– The ruler drop

*This experiment is often used by doctors to see if a patient’s brain is communicating well with other parts of the body

1. The physician (doctor) will drop a ruler, without warning, between the patients fingers.

2. The patient will attempt to catch the ruler as fast as possible.

3. Divide the number of cm the ruler dropped by 110. This is the patient’s reaction time.

4. Repeat 2 more times and average the results.

Circulatory System

• Is responsible for the transport of oxygen and nutrients

• Also aids in the removal of waste from muscles and organs

• Consists of three parts

Circulatory System

• The Heart

Circulatory System

• Arteries– Brings oxygen and

other nutrients to the cells

– Red because of oxygen

• Veins– Removes carbon

dioxide and waste from the cells

– Blue because of lack of oxygen

Circulatory System

• Heart Strength– Resting and active heart rate testing

1. Have the patient sit still for 1 minute.

2. After the 1 minute, count how many times the patients heart beats in 30 seconds. Multiply this number by 2 to get the patient’s resting heart rate.

3. Have the patient jog in place for 1 minute.

4. After the 1 minute, count how many times the patients heart beats in 30 seconds. Multiply this number by 2 to get the patients active heart rate.

Circulatory System

• Artery and Vein Efficiency– Blood pressure measurement (to be done under supervision)

1. Place the strap around the patients arm at heart level. Make sure the hoses are coming out the bottom of the harness.

2. Tighten the strap and close the air release valve on the pump.

3. Squeeze the pump repeatedly until the pressure meter reads 150.

4. While listening to the stethoscope, slightly turn the air valve to release pressure.

5. Record the pressures at which you first hear beating and when the beating stops. Normal blood pressure is 120/80

*High blood pressure means the heart is having to work too hard. This can lead to a heart attack or other heart problems.

Respiratory System

• Is responsible for the intake of oxygen and the expulsion of carbon dioxide.

• Works very closely with the circulatory system

• Is split into three stages

Respiratory System

• Breathing– The expansion of the lungs pulls air into the body– The deflation of the lungs pushes air back out

Respiratory System

• Exchange of gasses between the lungs and blood cells– Tiny capillaries (holes) in the lungs allow oxygen to pass into the

blood stream, and allows carbon dioxide to pass out of the blood stream

Respiratory System

• Exchange of gasses between blood cells and other cells– Capillaries in other parts of the circulatory system allow oxygen

to be passed to various cells, and for carbon dioxide to be passed to the blood cells

Respiratory System

• Lung Capacity Test

1. Have the patient stretch, then inflate a balloon slightly. Then completely deflate the balloon.

2. Have the patient inhale as much as possible.

3. Hand the patient the balloon, and have the patient blow the balloon up as much as possible using one breath.

4. Measure the diameter of the balloon.

5. For accuracy, repeat this procedure multiple times