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1 -By Mark Woodgate Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist

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-By Mark Woodgate – Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist

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Body Transformation Secrets Revealed!

In the last 25 years I’ve had the unique opportunity to witness some AMAZING transformations.

The type of body transformations that turn people’s heads and raise

questions. The most common one being, “How did that person change so much in so little time?!”

So why is it that some people achieve mediocre results, whereas others achieve spectacular results? (I’m referring here to body fat and centimetres

lost, increased muscle definition etc)

In other words, what mindset and special training and nutrition principles

do these participants apply that make them stand out from the crowd?

Having personally worked with more than 1200 body transformers to date, I'd like to share my observations, and in doing so, reveal the secrets

to achieving an outstanding body transformation.

1) Desire

The participants who achieve the best results are very passionate

about achieving their goals, and it is this passion that drives them to

consistently perform at very high levels.

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Therefore it’s important to ask yourself the question, “what’s my

motivation for wanting to transform?”

Perhaps you’re tired of feeling weighed down and need more energy to keep up with the kids?

Maybe it’s to look your best for a special occasion?

Maybe your health professional has recommended that you lose weight

and increase your fitness for medical reasons?

During the course of your body transformation there are likely to be days

when you feeling like skipping your workout or deviating from your

nutrition plan, and it’s precisely in those moments that you need to remind yourself WHY you decided to transform yourself in the first place.

Come back to the original reasons that drove you to take action, because in doing so you’ll find the inspiration you need to continue your health and

wellness journey.

Change begins on the inside, and it all starts with a strong desire.

Mark’s Tip

A vision board is a great way to stay motivated as it serves as a reminder of the goals you wish to achieve.

Make a collage of inspiring pictures that represent how you want to

look and feel once you’ve achieved your body transformation.

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2) Strong Mindset

Whether it’s building a successful business, nurturing a healthy

relationship, or transforming your body, a positive attitude goes a long

way toward reaching your goals.

Our most successful clients have one thing in common - a strong mindset.

In fact, their mindset is so strong that NOTHING can deter them.

They ignore the negativity, including the naysayers. You know, the ones who are merely expressing their own inadequacies when they say things

like, “you can't do that” or “that's just not possible!”

In fact, comments such as these only strengthen their resolve to stay committed and to achieve what they set out to do in the first place. It’s all

about being resilient in the face of life’s challenges.

As well as having a positive state of mind, what practical day to day

principles do the most successful body transformers apply in and out of

the gym to guarantee an impressive transformation?

3) Workout Prep

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The saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is so true. The most

successful body transformers plan their workouts in advance.

This eliminates all the guesswork as they know exactly how fast they need to run, how many repetitions to perform and how much weight they need

to lift to surpass their previous bests.

4) Nutrition Prep

Planning your meals in advance ensures you'll always have the right supply of nutrients on hand. Therefore you'll be less likely to deviate from

your healthy nutrition plan and be tempted to eat on the run.

The most successful body transformers keep a nutrition diary which

enables them to plan their meals and record their daily food intake. (A

training and nutrition diary is provided with all my body transformation


This allows them to identify any eating habits or patterns that need to be

improved upon.

5) Focus on Quality Training

When it comes to transforming your body, many people are surprised to

learn that the actual time required in the gym is actually quite miniscule.

(Usually only 3 to 4 hours per week, and sometimes less).

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That's because, it's all about quality training.

What’s the definition of quality training?

It's about using proper exercise form, progressive resistance

training and working out with sufficient intensity.

Let's address each of these separately...

Proper Exercise Form

If you use excessive momentum, partial ranges of motion or you cheat

the weight up, the only person you're cheating is yourself!

If you're using a weight that's too light (or too heavy for that matter) it's

virtually impossible to stimulate the maximum number of muscle fibres

and produce an adaptive response.

Rather than just moving the weight from point a to point b it's about

establishing the mind to muscle connection and targeting the specific

muscle group(s) with the exercise you're performing.

Progressive Resistance Training

You have to give your body a reason to change. Therefore if you use the same weights and repetitions at every workout you’re unlikely to

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experience regular changes in body composition – such as less fat and

more muscle.

Successful body transformers ensure that no two workouts are the same. They either strive to add more repetitions, add more weight, reduce rest

times or use a combination of these variables.


The term ‘intensity’ is very subjective. In other words, what one person

may find challenging, another person may find easy. In order for your

body to change you’ll need to continually challenge yourself and work at a level of intensity that guarantees the best possible results.

Remember, it's the intensity of the workout, not the duration of the workout that really matters.

A Word About Nutrition...

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The reality is, you can be doing everything else correctly - training

intensely, progressively increasing your weights, getting plenty of rest,

staying positive etc, however unless your nutrition is on par, your results

are likely to be less than optimal.

When it comes to getting results, nutrition is EVERYTHING.

In fact most fitness experts agree that nutrition accounts for at least 80%

of your success.

Neuroscience tell us that it takes at least 21 days to establish a habit and for a new form of behaviour to become automatic. Therefore the first 3

weeks is the most critical time as this lays the foundation for the weeks to


Healthy eating is not actually that difficult, it just requires a little planning

and preparation. It's about giving your body the right nutrients at the right times so you can consistently perform at high levels. At the same

time it’s about being aware of the consequences that certain foods might

have on your energy levels and your waistline!

Spending a little time on meal preparation is well worth the effort. By

eating healthy, many participants discover that they can save as much as

$20-$40 per week on their grocery bill simply by eliminating unhealthy processed foods and replacing with more wholesome alternatives.

Also keep in mind that a healthy eating plan is not about saying farewell to all your favourite foods. In fact, this kind of approach is destined to fail

as eating strictly day in and day out soon becomes tedious and boring.

This is why I build ‘treat’ or ‘cheat’ meals into my body transformation programmes so that it becomes a sustainable way of eating and can be

maintained for life. (Unlike the majority of commercial diets on the market


In short, successful body transformers pay as much attention to their

nutrition as they do with their workouts and other lifestyle factors.

Body Blueprint 12 week transformation clients - Deanna Beard & Andreas Ludviksson.

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Adequate Rest

Exercise, nutrition, and sleep, make up the 3 pillars of body


Without adequate sleep and recovery your body transformation efforts are

likely to be severely compromised.

Therefore avoid staying up late and aim to get at least 8 hours of restful sleep each night.

Important sleep hygiene habits include limiting exposure to blue light for at least an hour before bed (this can interfere with the sleep hormone,

melatonin), using dark curtains to block out all light, and consistently

going to bed at the same time each night.


So there you have it, the secrets to achieving an AMAZING body transformation in 12 weeks or less!

Apply these principles and you too, can achieve a remarkable transformation – inside and out.

So, now, my only question to you is…

Are YOU ready to transform?

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Body Blueprint’s body transformation programmes are available online as


1: Body Blueprint 12 Week Challenge

(Lose up to 6kgs of body fat while gaining sexy, shapely muscle)

2: Biggest Loser 12 Week Challenge

(Lose up to 12 kgs in 12 weeks)

3: Muscle Morph 12 Week Challenge

(Gain up to 5kgs of rock hard muscle)

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4: 12 Week Body Transformation Blueprint

(This is for the person who has been exercising for at least one year, has

hit a plateau, & wants to take their body to the next level)

5: 5 Week LEAN Programme

(Lose 5kgs in 5 weeks)

-Mark Woodgate

Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist

Body Blueprint Personal Training

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Mark Woodgate – Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist

Mark Woodgate is the fitness director of Body Blueprint, a leading personal training company which he founded in 1995. With a background in natural therapies, Mark takes a holistic approach to health and fitness to help you achieve the best possible results. Originally based out of Les Mills World of Fitness in Hamilton, Mark was the first personal trainer in New Zealand to create a specialised personal training package for the Body for Life Challenge. He quickly became known as a top body transformation specialist and in 2001 he created his own body transformation programme, the Body Blueprint 12 Week Challenge. Since 1999 Mark has transformed more than 10,000 people thanks to his

revolutionary quality versus quantity training principles. 5 of his clients have placed in the top 2000 in the world for their remarkable body transformations. (International Body for Life Challenge) Mark provides a range of services including one on one personal training, boxing, kettlebell training and specialised strength and cardio programmes. He trains a

variety of clients - from those wanting to transform their bodies to elite swimmers and strongmen. Mark is the creator of the Body Blueprint 12 Week Challenge, Biggest Loser 12 Week Challenge, Muscle Morph 12 Week Challenge, 12 Week Body Transformation Blueprint, 5 Week LEAN Programme, 30 Minute Express Workouts and 3 Day Holiday Detox, all downloadable from his website at: Join Mark on Facebook at:

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Body Blueprint Personal Training