bob's flip

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Post on 01-Jun-2018




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  • 8/9/2019 bob's flip


    Do a Flip!Bob MartinezEddie Tchertchian

    Pierce College

  • 8/9/2019 bob's flip


    Do a fip!

  • 8/9/2019 bob's flip


    Ask yoursel these

    uestions"hat is the best use o #y ace$to$ace ti#e %ith

    #y students& 'o% can #y course be #oree(cient&

    "hy did #y students bo#b #y test ater ) did #ybest lecture& *) thought +%e, co-ered the#aterial./

    Do ) belie-e in this state#ent +The ob0ect oteaching is to get your students to do #ore %orkthan you.,

  • 8/9/2019 bob's flip


    "hat is a fip&A fip lesson in-erts the traditional classroo# by

    deli-ering instruction online outside o class and #o-ing+ho#e%ork, into the classroo#.

    )n other %ords 1ecturing happens outside the classand %ork happens inside the class.

    (From wikipedia) Flip teaching*or fipped classroo#/is a or# o blended learningin %hich students learnne% content online by %atching -ideo lectures2 usually

    at ho#e2 and %hat used to be ho#e%ork *assignedproble#s/ is no% done in class %ith teachers o3ering#ore personalized guidance and interaction %ithstudents2 instead o lecturing. This is also kno%n asbackwards classroom2 reverse instruction2

    fipping the classroomand reverse teaching
  • 8/9/2019 bob's flip


    Beore %e go urther 4 Captioning

    or hearing i#paired students)n 5ouTube2 %hen playing a -ideo you see the cc button

    on the play bar belo% the -ideo 4 hit that and you ha-eauto#atic captioning4 pretty good i you spoke clearly inyour -ideo. 5ou can edit that yoursel. 6r2 get aco#pany to do it. Pierce has 0oined in on a grantobtained by College o the Canyons to hire a co#panythat does cc or -ideos. "e are in the process o getting

    the cc cleaned up on all our -ideos.

    Ask your 7pecial 7er-ices depart#ent director*7tephanie 7chlatter at Pierce/

  • 8/9/2019 bob's flip


    "hy Do a 8lip&5our students learn at di3erent rates

    "hile you9re up there lecturing students are not :;;