bobbie adams letter as a soldier

Bobbie Adams Thursday 7 th July 2011 Barracks 12a, Scutari, Turkey. Dear my lovely wife, I have frightening news for you. I have been shot! It doesn’t hurt, but I am worried I might lose a lot of blood. I am not feeling any pain at the moment that’s only because it’s numb. At first, the pain was absolutely astonishing. There is one nurse here that stands out the most. Her name is Florence Nightingale. Everybody seems to think she is the best nurse in the hospital. Florence is the most kind, caring and helpful nurse I have ever met. Florence Nightingale doesn’t just help me and everyone else she cleans also. She removes all of the dirt and grime to reduce the spread of diseases. Florence walks up and down the walks at night with a lamp just to check on all the soldiers. Florence does this about four times a night, some people call her the lady with the lamp. She always says that she has never wants to be famous. She just wants to help people.

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Tom xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bobbie Adams Turkey. Dear my lovely wife, Barracks 12a, Thursday 7 th July 2011 Lots of love Scutari,


Page 1: Bobbie Adams        letter as a soldier

Bobbie Adams Thursday 7 th July 2011

Barracks 12a,



Dear my lovely wife,

I have frightening news for you. I have been shot! It doesn’t hurt, but I am worried I might lose a lot of blood. I am not feeling any pain at the moment that’s only because it’s numb. At first, the pain was absolutely astonishing.

There is one nurse here that stands out the most. Her name is Florence Nightingale. Everybody seems to think she is the best nurse in the hospital. Florence is the most kind, caring and helpful nurse I have ever met. Florence Nightingale doesn’t just help me and everyone else she cleans also. She removes all of the dirt and grime to reduce the spread of diseases.

Florence walks up and down the walks at night with a lamp just to check on all the soldiers. Florence does this about four times a night, some people call her the lady with the lamp. She always says that she has never wants to be famous. She just wants to help people.

Anyway, enough about me how are you? Are the children are use ok? Will write another letter soon.

Lots of love

Tom xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx