bob mangat the practice growth specialist

The Practice Growth Specialists $ 27 The Ultimate Secret For Building A 7 Figure Clinic and Beyond... With Bob Mangat As featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Huffington Post

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Post on 13-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Bob Mangat The Practice Growth Specialist

The Practice Growth



The Ultimate Secret For Building A 7 Figure Clinic

and Beyond...

With Bob Mangat

A s f e a t u r e d o n F o r b e s , E n t r e p r e n e u r , a n d H u � n g t o n P o s t

Page 2: Bob Mangat The Practice Growth Specialist

Written by Bob Mangat/Jason Holland

Illustrated by AdToons

The Practice Growth


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This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in

regards to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the

publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional

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further questions.

Page 3: Bob Mangat The Practice Growth Specialist

Meet Dr. Harris. His pain management practice has him overworked, underpaid, and stressed out.

His colleagues with wellness centers and other pain management clinics across the country feel the same way.

I certainly didn’t imagine this in med school…

A light workload,

golf on Friday


sports car in

the driveway.

I’m supposed to be on easy street.

Easy St.

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He wants to stay focused on his patients but…

can you review this new postcard,

and these online ads,

He has to keep an eye on every aspect of his business, down to making sure his receptionist answers the phone and is polite to potential patients.

And for all the work he and his marketing director do on marketing – not to mention all the money being spent…

The practice is bringing in fewer and fewer patients.

And he wonders why…

and this website content, and these

online ads,

and this newspaper ad,


Dr. Harris...

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We Can Help!We Can Help!

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Bob Mangat and his team specialize in bringing your marketing strategies and systems up to date.

The traditional approach to advertising like newspaper ads, TV,

the Yellow Pages…

just don’t work like they

used to.

And even pay per click ads and websites – done the wrong way – won’t do you any good. It’s like you’re throwing money away.

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The first step is an in-depth audit of your

current marketing strategy.

We examine your business top to bottom.

From where you advertise to…

How you follow up on leads – you could be losing a ton of new

business from bad follow-up – to…

How your receptionist answers the

phone to…

How you schedule patient


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My team and I figure out what’s not

working, where you’re losing money and…

Fix it with a plan customized for your business

that creates expert status using cutting edge digital media strat-

egies that include things like...

social media marketing, new patient funnels, strategic blogging & web content, ebooks, explainer videos,

direct mail and more.

We set you apart from your competition.

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We enhance your authority and expert

status in the industry – which will attract even

more patients.

And the process is automated so it doesn’t

create more work for you or your staff.

Aside from attracting

new patients, you’ll retain even

more of your current patients and

get them to spend more with you

increasing the overall value of

each patient.

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We do it using simple, easy to use and understand systems and tools that automate key parts of the marketing and running of your business….

We build relationships with our prospects then steer

leads into becoming...

We help you convert more of them into actual patients by creating a better patient experience from the moment they sign up or try to set an appointment.

We don’t just bring in more leads by building your status as a trusted expert…

and you will retain more of your current patients, they will spend more with you, refer more friends and family – maximizing their lifetime value.


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Positive online reviews are the lifeblood of your business –

you can’t ignore it.

The strategies we implement in your business WILL save

you thousands per month from what you’re currently doing


You’ll keep more money in your pocket.

We also look at online reviews

of your business

and address any negative


We catch negative reviews BEFORE they ever appear on google

or yelp.And get the

positive reviews showing up


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If this sounds like a lot of work, don’t worry…

My team will handle everything. We generate new patient

leads, we automate the systems, we create scripts and

protocols, we come to your office to train your staff on how

to close new patients and maximize their value, and more..

We create a bulletproof playbook that is systematically

designed to GROW your business without spending more.

Everything about your business will be more effective

and more efficient, leaving you to do what you do best.

You’ll finally be able to focus on your patients and provide them the best level of care. And your business will grow at the same time.

If you’re ready to stop being

underpaid and overworked

the time to act is...


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Your time is your most

precious asset and I respect


And that’s why I’m putting my money where my

mouth is. if you feel like the free profit potential consultation, done personally by me, Bob Mangat, was

not worth your time…

… I’ll pay you $1,000.

We offer a FREE profit potential consultation

in which we show you exactly how we can

radically transform your business for

maximum profit … with less stress and

hassle. We do all the heavy lifting.

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This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed in order to provide you with results.

Therefore, it is physically impossible for me to work with

more than a handful of people.

Also, you should realize

there’s a very large demand

for personal one-on-one help from

me, and what I’m offering to you is


So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long. I have not opened up this program for over 18 months so now is the time. I have 3 spots available

and that’s it.

So don’t wait…


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If you’re that client, I will personally work with you one-on-one in your practice to help you double, triple, or maybe even quadruple your revenue for the next 12 months.


Here’s why.

The �rst thing I’m going to do for you is to personally help you create a strategic plan to bring in immediate money.

There’s no charge for this and it only takes about 45-90 minutes for us to do together.

(After doing this type of thing for almost 15 years straight, I’ve gotten pretty good at fast results).

Anyway, I’ll even do most of the heavy lifting for you…telling you exactly what to send, how to position your o�er, and how to bring in back-end money as well.

At the end of this initial planning session one of these three things will happen:

• You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with me to let me know how you’re doing.

• You love the plan and ask to become my client so I can personally help you execute, maximize, and pro�t from it ASAP. • In the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like you wasted your time, I will send you $1,000.00 as payment immediately. No questions asked. Your time is your most valuable asset you have, and I respect that.

“Would You Like Me To Personally Double, Triple, Or Even Quadruple Your

Business …for Free?”

’m looking for a few more of my “dream” clients..I

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If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park …And that’s a promise. Every single one of my clients gets results. Literally. Every. Single. One.

It really is that simple and there’s no catch.

Think about this.

The “worst” that can happen is you get $1,000 for “wasting” 45-60 minutes of your time.

The best that can happen is we work together one on one to increase sales and pro�t several times over.

Read on to �nd out the results you can expect when you work with us.

WARNING: Time is a Factor..

This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed in order to provide you with results.

Therefore, it is physically impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people.

Also, you should realize there’s a very large demand for personal one-on-one help from me, and what I’m o�ering to you is unprecedented.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long. I have not opened up this program for over 18 months so now is the time. I have 3 spots available and that’s it.

If you’re looking to:

• Create “Celebrity” like status that creates authority in the marketplace and positions YOU as an expert in your industry.

• Design "NEW PATIENT" lead generation campaigns that automatically reach and attract new leads day and night, so you can spend more time with your family doing what you love.

• Develop AUTOMATED systems that generate referrals that are already pre-sold on doing business with you. Every Doctor knows that referrals from happy clients are the best form of marketing - hot referrals are proven to spend more and spend faster! But most clinics are sitting back and waiting for referrals, instead of proactively generating them! Not our clients!

•Create automated systems that resell, upsell and cross sell previous patients to keep them coming back for more. “Would you like to Super Size your order today?” The most pro�table

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upsell ever! To be at the top of your very competitive �eld, you MUST maximize the revenue generated from each patient and I’ll show you exactly how to do that.

• Add cash based systems to your business that adds 10, 20 or even 100K Per MONTH to your bottom line.

• And much more.

If so, this is speci�cally for you. The reality is that in today’s competitive business environment, you can’t a�ord to coast along at your current level of business performance – you need to constantly look for the edge that will ensure more business growth in the future.

To stick your head in the sand and ignore the fact that your practice could and should be doing better is like taking money out of your pocket and handing it over to your competitors… letting them walk away with the market share, increased revenue and pro�ts, and opportunities for personal and career growth that you deserve!

You must drive your business for growth as if your future depends on it – because it does!

Consider this:

Over the past 8 years, I’ve generated over 40+ MILLION DOLLARS in sales for my private clients and myself.

As a #1 Best Selling Author for “The Automated Entrepreneur” I’ve been featured on Forbes and Entrepreneur, Hu�ngton Post, Bloomberg, ABC, CBS, NBC,, The Miami Herald and More.

As you can imagine, I’ll get a LOT of interest from this letter. So don’t delay �ll out the application today!

Pro�t Consultation Application - next page

Page 18: Bob Mangat The Practice Growth Specialist

Full name:



What is your practice’s website?

What is your position in the practice?

What do you do really well?

What are your top 3 challenges in growing your business?

What Is 1 Ideal Client Worth To You?

Pro�t Consultation Application

Fill Out the Form Below and Let us Show You

The Fastest Way to Help More People and Make More Money in Your Practice Now...

Tear out this form and mail it to: Bob Mangat, InvigoMEDIA, LLC, 8105 Birch Bay Square St. #205, Blaine, WA 98230

Or email it to: [email protected]

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Notes from call with Bob

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Bob Mangat • InvigoMEDIA, LLC

8105 Birch Bay Square St. #205

Blaine, WA 98230 •






mThe Practice Growth


I Walk Into 6 & Seven-Figure+ Clinics, Find and Plug "Leaks" Worth Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars, and Help Doctors Double, Triple, or Even 10X Their Revenue Within 12 Months.

90% of business consultants are self-proclaimed “experts” or even so called “certi�ed” coaches, but look closer and you’ll �nd they don’t have the real-world experience of successfully creating and building multiple 6 & 7 �gure businesses from scratch. Bob Mangat not only has proven himself capable of doing so, but has an indisputable track record of teaching over 1500 business owners the same strategies, techniques, and tools resulting in accelerated growth.

I pack real-world knowledge and proven results into tactical sales and marketing “playbooks” that provides clinic owners everything they need to create a well-oiled machine designed to dramatically transform their practice in a short period of time.

I eliminate your STRESS of where your next patient is coming from. I personally train your sta� on how to get more NEW patients in the door, sell more services to existing ones, get current patients to refer more, cultivate positive reviews and create systems that automates tasks saving you thousands EVERY month and leaving you to be FREE to do what you love.

“Bob Mangat totally changed my life, changed my marketing, and sky-rocketed our numbers... A two-month waiting list for NEW patients” – Dr. JB Haggerton, Hurst, Texas. (from Zero to 20,000+ periscope followers, speaking and teaching all across the US.) Like 95% of consultants out there that just teach this stu� I ACTUALLY DO it, and run several successful businesses and consult for many others.

If you're looking to get the edge on the competition, looking to stand out and create AUTHORITY in the marketplace, looking to increase pro�ts, reduce expenses, and have more time to do the things you love then complete the application or visit and apply now.

#1 Best Selling Author, CEO & Founder of invigoMEDIA and The 7FigureClinic Growth System, speaker, serial entrepreneur, proud husband and father with over 15 years of hands-on experience architecting ADVANCED business growth systems.