bob jones – project architecture - 1 march 2002 - n° 1 information & monitoring services...

Bob Jones – Project Architecture - 1 March 2002 - n° 1 Information & Monitoring Services Antony Wilson WP3, RAL [email protected]

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Page 1: Bob Jones – Project Architecture - 1 March 2002 - n° 1 Information & Monitoring Services Antony Wilson WP3, RAL

Bob Jones – Project Architecture - 1 March 2002 - n° 1

Information & MonitoringServices

Antony Wilson


[email protected]

Page 2: Bob Jones – Project Architecture - 1 March 2002 - n° 1 Information & Monitoring Services Antony Wilson WP3, RAL

Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 2


information systems – LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

Ftree Globus MDS

information providers RPMs configuration

starting ftree

configuration of the GRIS/GIIS registration

starting Globus MDS

example searches


Page 3: Bob Jones – Project Architecture - 1 March 2002 - n° 1 Information & Monitoring Services Antony Wilson WP3, RAL

Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 3

LDAP Information Systems

2 configuration files /etc/edg/info-mds.conf /etc/globus.conf

info-mds.conf configuration of the information providers

globus.conf configuration of Globus MDS

includes registration details

Page 4: Bob Jones – Project Architecture - 1 March 2002 - n° 1 Information & Monitoring Services Antony Wilson WP3, RAL

Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 4

Information Providers - RPMs

configuration edg-info-main-*.i386.rpm

computing element information provider CEInformationProviders-*.i386.rpm

netmon information provider edg-info-netmon-*.i386.rpm

storage element information provider edg-info-se-*.i386.rpm

replica catalogue information provider edg-info-rc-*.i386.rpm

Page 5: Bob Jones – Project Architecture - 1 March 2002 - n° 1 Information & Monitoring Services Antony Wilson WP3, RAL

Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 5

Information Providers - Configuration

configuration via /etc/edg/info-mds.conf generic information site information provider computing element information provider netmon information provider storage element information provider replica catalogue information provider

static data via /opt/edg/info/mds/etc/ldif/*.ldif computing element replica catalogue

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 6

info-mds.conf - Generic


# the default value is "Mds-Vo-name=local,o=grid“SITE_DN=Mds-Vo-name=local,o=grid

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 7

info-mds.conf - Site

Note this is usually combined with computing element

# comma separated list with no

# comma separated list with no

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 8

info-mds.conf – Computing Element

# comma separated list with no spacesCE_QUEUE=workq

# comma separated list with no

# comma separated list with no spaces, these values must relate to the corresponding CLOSE_SE_ID


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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 9

info-mds.conf – Netmon

This will be changing in the next release

This is also usually combined with computing element

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 10

info-mds.conf – Storage Element

# comma separated list with no spaces, this is a list of Vos supported by the SE


# comma separated list with no spaces, values used in df to obtain freespaceSE_FILESYSTEMS=/dev/hda2,/dev/hda4

# comma separated list with no

# comma separated list with no spacesSE_PROTOCOLS=gridftp,rfio,file

# comma separated list with no spaces, these values must relate to the corresponding SE_PROTOCOLS


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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 11

info-mds.conf – Replica Catalogue

# comma separated list with no spacesRC_VO=alice,atlas,biomedical,cms.earthob,lhcb

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 12

Static Information – Computing Element

makes use of static information /opt/edg/info/mds/etc/ldif/ce-static.ldif

this will be changing to /opt/edg/etc/info/mds/ce-static.ldif

ldif file can be customized for a queue /opt/edg/info/mds/etc/ldif/ce-static-queuename.ldif

Architecture: intelOpSys: RH 6.2MinPhysMemory: 512MinLocalDiskSpace: 24000NumSMPs: 2MinSPUProcessors: 2MaxSPUProcessors: 2AverageSI00: 450MinSI00: 450MaxSI00: 450RunTimeEnvironment: CMS4.2RunTimeEnvironment: ATLAS1.1AFSAvailable: FALSEOutboundIP:TRUEInboundIP: TRUE

The architecture of the hosts composing the CE

The operating system of the hosts composing the CE

The minimum value of the physical memory among the hosts composing the CE

The minimum local disk footprint

Number of SMP hosts

The minimum number of SPU processors (for SMP hosts)

The Maximum number of SPU processors (for SMP hosts

The Average of the SpecInt2000 benchmark of the nodes associated with the CE

The minimum value of the SpecInt2000 benchmark of the nodes associated with the CE

The maximum value of the SpecInt2000 benchmark of the nodes associated with the CE

A List of software/packages installed on this CE

A List of software/packages installed on this CE

Defines if AFS is installed

Defines if outbound connectivity is allowed

Defines if inbound connectivity is allowed

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 13

Static Information – Replica Catalogue

makes use of static information /opt/edg/info/mds/etc/ldif/rc-static.ldif

this will be changing to /opt/edg/etc/info/mds/rc-static.ldif

ldif file can be customized for a virtual organization /opt/edg/info/mds/etc/ldif/rc-static-vo.ldif

Rcport: 2001RCmanagerDN: cn=manager,rc=AliceReplicaCatalogue,dc=eu-



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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 14

Starting Ftree

/etc/rc.d/init.d/edginfo-mds start stop restart status

use information provided in /etc/edg/info-mds.conf

produces 2 ldif files one for ftree one for Globus MDS both point to the same information providers

starts/stops ftree

Page 15: Bob Jones – Project Architecture - 1 March 2002 - n° 1 Information & Monitoring Services Antony Wilson WP3, RAL

Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 15

Configuration of the GRIS/GIIS Registration

GRIS Grid Resource Information Server

GIIS Grid Index Information Server

there is a GRIS on any machine running an information provider

there is a GIIS at site level

the GRIS’s register with the site GIIS

the site GIIS registers with the country GIIS/VO GIIS

registration is controlled via /etc/globus.conf

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 16

globus.conf - Resource



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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 17

globus.conf - Site



GRID_INFO_GIIS_1=ral#Register with the country

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globus.conf - Country



GRID_INFO_GIIS_1=uk#Register with the top level GIIs for the

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 19

Starting Globus MDS

/etc/rc.d/init.d/globus-mds start stop restart status

use information provided in /etc/globus.conf

starts/stops Globus MDS

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 20

Example Searches

Ftree is on port 2171 Globus MDS is on 2135

search a resource:ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// 'Mds-Vo-

name=local,o=grid‘ objectclass=*

search a site:ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// 'Mds-Vo-

name=ral,o=grid‘ objectclass=*

search a country/VO:ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// 'Mds-Vo-

name=uk,o=grid‘ objectclass=*

or use an LDAP browser such as mapcentre as provided by WP7

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Antony Wilson –SysMan Meeting- 22 April 2002 - n° 21


edit /etc/edg/info-mds.conf /etc/globus.conf

/opt/edg/info/mds/etc/ldif/*.ldif this will be changing to /opt/edg/etc/info/mds/*.ldif

produce ldifs and start ftree /etc/rc.d/init.d/edginfo-mds

start Globus MDS /etc/rc.d/init.d/globus-mds

documentation available at: