boas anthropology

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  • 7/23/2019 BOAS Anthropology



    Franz Boas

    Science, New Series, Vol. 9, No. 212. (Jan. 20, 1899), pp. 93-96.

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    http://www.jstor.orgTue Nov 20 08:19:17 2007
  • 7/23/2019 BOAS Anthropology


    and certainly never seeing an instrument

    in the lecture room. The advanced course

    is a theoretical discussion of the funda-

    mental conceptions in psycholgp. The

    course is very difficult, but the fact that

    about one hundred advanced students take

    the course this year shows sufficiently how

    earnestly they feel the need, in our time-in

    which a thoughtless playing with psy-

    chology has become the fad of society-of

    discussing the principles of tha t science

    from a higher standpoint, and not only as

    a superficial introduction into experimental


    Those who are interested in the details

    of the experimental work and want to fol-

    low i t beyond the first elements which the

    lectures offered enter the training course in

    the laboratory, performing a prescribed set

    of individual experiments, working in

    groups of two. The question how far this

    training course

    ought to lead offers again

    methodological difficulties. We tried dif-

    ferent schemes. My assistants gave las t

    year two courses, the first training merely

    in well-known experiments, the second

    training in the scholarly attitude of the

    psychological investigator by carrying out

    some small investigations from which no

    gain for science was expected. This year

    we have dropped the second course and

    welcome every one, already after a-half

    year's elementary training course, to the

    regular original research work of the lab-

    oratory, in which, of course, everything i s

    adapted to the effort to work towards the

    progress of science. We have come to this

    shorter circuit because with regard to the

    pedagogical value of original research work

    psychology has again quite an exceptional

    position the self-observation factor, which

    stands in the way of the experimental work

    in the lecture room, becomes the greatest

    advantage for the psychological education

    in the research work. I n physics or

    physiology you take the part of the in-

    vestigator or you are outside in psychology

    you can take a different part---you may be the

    investigator or the self-observing subject.

    And this subject part is, as every experi-

    ment is self-observation, in no way a less

    important and less scientific fmtor of the

    research, and yet i t is still free from the

    administrative responsibilities of the in-

    vestigator who carries on the experiment.

    To work for a time as subject in different

    investigations-every student of my labora-

    tory takes part in a t least three different

    investigations of different fields-is thus

    the very best bridge between the simple

    training course and the work which points

    towards publication and the Ph. D. My ad-

    vice is thus to open the doors of the research

    laboratory rather earlier than the other ex-

    act sciences would wish to do to work un-

    der constant supervision some time as sub-

    ject seems to me even a better preparation

    than any special training course. The

    psychological seminary finally has to ac-

    company this highest sta,ge by advanced

    debates and papers this work, in Professor

    James' hand, alternates in Harvard be-

    tween more general questions and problems

    of abnormal psychology. The only defect

    which must regret in this scheme is tha t

    we have so far no specialists for animal,

    child and social psychology. Child psy-

    chology finds a refuge in the department of

    pedagogy, social psychology in the depart-

    ment of sociology. They find in many uni-

    versities to-day a very large amount of

    good will in both departments, but-and

    that is the last methodological principle

    which wish to lay down-good will alone

    ,is also for psychological studies not always






    ANTHROPOLOGYs one of the subjects that

    have been added to the university curricu-

  • 7/23/2019 BOAS Anthropology


    lum quite recently.

    Fo r this reason will

    devote my remarks to a consideration of the

    field that anthropological instruction is in-

    tended to cover and of it s relations to al-

    lied sciences ra ther than to a discussion of

    methods of instruction.

    According to purely theoretical defini-

    tions, anthropology is the science of man

    and might be understood to cover a vast

    range of subjects. Th e physical as well as

    the mental characters of man may be con-

    sidered in a certain may as the proper field

    of anthropology. But sciences do not grow

    up according to de6nitions. They are the

    result of historical development. The sub-

    ject-matte r of antllropology has been ac-

    cumulated principally by travellers who

    have made us acquainted with the people

    inhabiting distant countries. Another part

    of the subject-matte r of antl~ropology is

    due to th e investigation of prehistoric re-

    mains found in civilized countries. Only

    after certain methocls had developed which

    were based largely on the information thus

    collected was the whi te race made the sub-

    ject of investigation.

    Fo r this reason the aim of an thropology

    has been largely to explain th e phenomena

    observed among tribes of foreign culture.

    These phenomena are naturally divided

    into three groups (1) the physical appear-

    ance of man ; 2 ) the language of man,


    3 )

    th e customs and beliefs of man.

    I n this Inann,er three branches of anthro-

    pology have developecl (1 ) somatology, or

    physicill anthropology


    linguistics, and

    3 ) et'rruology. Up to this time anthropo-

    logical investigation Ems cltanlt allno it ex-

    clusively with subjecti that may be classed

    under these three headings. These suk?jects

    are not taken up by any other branch of

    science, an d in developing them anthro-

    pology fills a vacant place in th e system of


    The treatment of these three sul)jects re-

    quires close cooperation betnreeu anthro-

    [N S VOL IX. KO 212

    pology and a number of sciences.

    The in-

    vestigttion of the pllysical characteristics

    of man has also been t aken up by anato-

    mists, but t he point of view of the an-

    atomist and that of the anthropologist a re

    qui te difyerent. While t he former is pri-

    marily interested in the occurrence of cer-



    of the huma n form and

    in their genetic interpretation, th e anthro-

    pologist is interested in the geographical

    distribution of varieties of form, in t he

    variabi lity of th e human species in differ-

    ent areas and in their interpretation. The

    thorough study of physical anthropology,

    or somatology, requires the combined tra in-

    ing of the anatomist and of the anthropol-


    I n t he stndy of linguistics t he anthropol-

    ogist deal with a subject that has been

    partia lly talien up by the student of special

    linguistic stocks. Th e study of the struc-

    ture of the Aryan languages, of the Semitic

    languages and of the Nongol languages has

    been carried on with great success by phil-

    ologists ; but the ailthropological problem

    is a wider one-it deals with th e general

    question of human language.

    I n t he stncly of ethnology the field of

    investigation of t he nlltl~ropologistadjoins

    that of the field of research of the psychol-

    ogist and of the sociologist. Th e develop-

    ment of a truly empirical psychology makes

    it necessary to draw largely upon material

    furnished by antliropological studies. On

    the other hand, sociologists have found tha t

    tho analysis of the cnlture of civilized 60-

    ciety cannot be carried out successfully

    without a comparative study of primitive

    society, which


    the subject-matter of an-

    thropological research.

    The method of anthropology is an in -

    dnctive nlethotl, and the science must be

    placed side hy side with the other inductive

    sciences. Our cor:clusions are based on

    comparisons bc~t ~rc~enhe forms of develop-

    ment of the liuman body, of human lan-

  • 7/23/2019 BOAS Anthropology


    guage of human activities an d must be a s

    truly inductive as those of an y other sci-

    ence. By including psychology an d an -

    thropology in the present discussion on the

    methods of teaching science we have given

    expression to the conviction tha t the method

    of investigation of mental phenomena must

    be no less an inductive method th an tha t of

    physical phenomena.

    Th e teaching of anthropology m ay be

    made to supplement in many ways the

    teaching of allied subjects and will

    briefly outline its functions in t he uni-

    versity curriculum.

    Physical anthropology h as come to be

    primarily study of the varieties of man.

    The differences between different types of

    man defined either geographically or so-

    cially are slight-so slight indeed that th e

    biologist until quite recent times would

    have disregarded them entirely. Slight

    differences in type have been of importance

    to the student of anthropology a t an earlier

    time tha n to the student of zoology be-

    cause we are more deeply interested in the

    slight differences th at occur in our own

    species tha n among animals. This has led

    to the result th at in anthropology sooner

    th an in zoology the insufficiency of descrip-

    tion was felt. Anthropology was th e first

    of t he biological sciences to subst itute meas-

    urement for description and the exact num-

    ber for th e vague word. Th e method of

    measuring variable phenomena--in the case

    of knthropology of the variations compos-

    ing a type-had to be developed. I t is

    only natural tha t in the course of this de-

    velopment mistakes were committed which

    had to be rectified and tha t the sound

    method of metric description developed

    slowly. I t would seem that a t present we

    have reached the stage where the methods

    of metric description may be clearly recog-

    nized and we may therefore expect confi-

    dently a rapid an d wholesome development

    of physical anthropology. glance a t

    recent biological lite rature shows very

    clearly t ha t descriptive zoology and descrip-

    tive botany are passing

    at present to the

    substi tution of metric description for ver-

    bal description t ha t took place in anthro-

    pology some time ago. The study of

    anthropological methods may prevent biol-

    ogists from repeating the same errors that

    were committed in the early days of an-

    thropology. Anthropological subjects will

    for a long time to come remain the mosb

    available material for metrical studies of

    variat ions in th e higher forms of life be-

    cause th e mater ial can be obtained in

    greater numbers and with greater ease tha n

    in studies of most of the higher animal

    forms. The metric method which is a t

    present principally an anthropological

    method will in a very short time become

    of great importance to th e s tuden t of

    biology who ought for this reason to profit

    by the experiences of the anthropologist.

    The fuller development of physical an-

    thropology will lead to a study of the

    physiology and experimental psychology of

    the races of man. Bu t in these lines of

    work we have hardly made a beginning

    Th e relation of these inquiries to physiology

    and to. psychology will be the same as that

    of physical anthropology to anatomy.

    may be allowed to pass by briefly th e

    relations of the linguistic method of an-

    thropology to other sciences. You will

    recognize at once th at th is subject as well

    as its methods must have a stimulating

    effect upon the teaching of philology be-

    cause its conclusions are based upon the

    broad grounds of hum an language not on

    th e studies of a single family of languages.

    Th e science of linguistics is growing slowly

    on account of it s intrinsic: difficulties. These

    difficulties ar e based as well on the lack of

    satisfactory material as on the amount of

    labor involved in the acquisition of knowl-

    edge in its particu lar line of research.

    Work in thi s field is most urgently needed

  • 7/23/2019 BOAS Anthropology


    96 SCIENCE [N S. VOL


    O 212

    because the languages of primitive man

    ar e disappearing rapidly thu s depriving us

    of valuable n~aterialor comparative study.

    Ethnology the last division of an th ro-

    pology covers a vast field. I t s main ob-

    ject may be briefly described as the dis-

    covery of the laws governing the activities

    of the human mind and also the recon-

    struct ion of the history of hum an culture

    and civilization. Th e methods applied by

    ethnologists are twofold. The investiga-

    tion of t he liistory of the cul ture of definite

    areas is carried on by means of geographical

    and of arc h~o log ica l ethods. The methods

    are geographical in so far a s the types

    inhabi ting a country the ir languages and

    thei r customs ar e compared to those of

    neighboring tribes. They are arc h~o log ica l

    in so far au they deal with the prehistoric

    remains found in the country in question.

    I n thi s case we apply inductive methods for

    the solution of historical questions. The

    investigation of the laws governing the

    growth of hum an culture is carried out by

    means of comparative methods and is

    based on the results of the historical analy-

    sis referred to before. These laws are

    largely of a psychological nature.


    great value for t he study of t he human mind

    lies in the fact t ha t the forms of thought

    which are tlle subject of investigation have

    gro vn up entirely outside of t he conditions

    whice govern our own thoughts. They

    furnish therefore material for a trul y com-

    parative psychology. Th e resnlts of the

    study of comparative linguistics form an

    important portion of this mater ial because

    the forms of though t find their clearest ex-

    pressions in th e forms of language.

    t appears from these brief statemen ts of

    th e scope and methods of anthropological

    research tha t a n acquaintance with the

    whole field is indispensable for th e sociolo-

    gist that a knowledge of resplts and meth-

    ods will be of advantage t o the psycholo-

    gist and tha t the statistical method de-

    veloped in physical anthropology will be

    very helpful to the studeu t of biology. I n

    a general way a knowledge of the outlines

    of anthropology seems to be of educational

    value particularly in so far as it broadens

    th e historical views of tlie student because

    i t extends his view over cultures and civ-

    ilizations that have grown np uninfluenced

    by our own. The advances made by ou r

    own race will appear to h im in a truer light

    when h e is able to compare them with th e

    work done by other races and if he under-

    stands how much our own civilization owes

    to the achievements of people wlioappear to

    be a t present on a low level of culture. The

    metliodological value of the teaching of

    anthropology lies in the fact tha t it shows

    the possibility of applying induct ive rneth-

    ods to the stud y of social phenomena.



    TIJEREare some phases of botanical

    teaching th at do not belong in the present

    discussion. University teaching where sa-

    lected well-trained devoted students pur-

    sue original investigation under the criti-

    cism an d advice of great specialists is

    excluded for there is here no question of

    methods but o111y of men. I t represents

    the ideal relation of teacher to student th e

    true ideal for all botanical teaching. TVe

    have in this country some but far too little

    of it . Again college work proper consist-

    ing in advanced thorough courses upon the

    practicum plan and in the investigation

    spirit hardly belongs here. S~ lc h~v ork as

    been stimulated by university example to a

    high degree of excellence and in botany

    much of i t is being done to-day in our col-

    leges a fact with an important bearing upon

    our present subject for thu s are being

    trained the teachers of tlie near future who

    are to elevate the teaching of the schools.

    Bu t in the teaching of systematic elemen-

    tary courses in botany where these are not