bme496/bme455 h1 f – cellular bioengineering – fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 introduction:...

1 BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 Cellular engineering is the use of engineering methodologies to characterize cellular behavior and the rational modification of cells to become part of systems that solve biomedical problems Course coordinator / Lecturer: Professor Milica Radisic e-mail. [email protected], Office: MB317 Office hours: By appointment Lecturer: Professor Peter Zandstra e-mail. [email protected] Office: CCBR 11 th floor Office hours; By appointment Teaching Assistants: Kento Onishi e-mail: [email protected] Lewis Reis e-mail: [email protected] Saja Al Dujaili e-mail: [email protected] David Lee [email protected] Teaching Lab Manager: Bryan Keith e-mail: [email protected] READING MATERIALS Required Papers, course notes, updates and information about the lectures and evaluations can be found on the blackboard web site. You will also need an active ecf account to access software required for the labs. Recommended Molecular Cell Biology, 6th edition, Lodish, Berk, Matsudaira, Kaiser, Krieger, Scott, Zipursky, Darnell. Published by W.H. Freeman, New York

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Page 1: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations



Cellular engineering is the use of engineering methodologies to characterize cellular behavior and the rational modification of cells to become part of systems that solve biomedical problems

Course coordinator / Lecturer: Professor Milica Radisic e-mail. [email protected], Office: MB317 Office hours: By appointment Lecturer: Professor Peter Zandstra e-mail. [email protected] Office: CCBR 11th floor Office hours; By appointment Teaching Assistants: Kento Onishi e-mail: [email protected] Lewis Reis e-mail: [email protected] Saja Al Dujaili e-mail: [email protected] David Lee [email protected] Teaching Lab Manager: Bryan Keith e-mail: [email protected] READING MATERIALS Required Papers, course notes, updates and information about the lectures and evaluations can be found on the blackboard web site. You will also need an active ecf account to access software required for the labs. Recommended Molecular Cell Biology, 6th edition, Lodish, Berk, Matsudaira, Kaiser, Krieger, Scott, Zipursky, Darnell. Published by W.H. Freeman, New York

Page 2: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations


Receptors: Models for Binding, Trafficking, and Signaling, Douglas A. Lauffenburger and Jennifer J. Linderman, Oxford University Press, USA EVALUATION Five mini-quizzes for a total of 10% The mini-quizzes will consist of a few questions on specific papers. Students who miss the quizzes because of illness will have to provide a note from their physician. There will be no make up quizzes. See course schedule. Short presentation (oral) 10%: Oral: 10 min slide presentation (8 min + 2 min for questions). Hand in slides (~5 slides, excluding cover, outline and acknowledgements). Slides should be emailed to Prof. Radisic by Nov 23, 11:59pm. Presentation will take place from Nov 24th to Dec 05th. Lab experiments for a total of 20% (EF lab=10% and two others are 5% each). The EF lab has four parts. The description of the contents of the final report is included in the lab protocol. The final report should include all the work and documents that you have produced for this lab, even if they have previously been handed in. For the other lab reports (CA and TE or CC), you will hand in only lab results i.e. figures and/or tables (with titles and legend) and include a page summarizing the main conclusions that can be derived from your results (can be point form). It is important that your results support your claims. Plagiarism is not tolerated (0% for a particular lab + a note sent to your home department) and students who arrive late (>15 min) more than once will have 2% deducted from their overall lab mark each time it happens. See lab schedule. In class midterm: 25% Two in-class midterms, held on Oct 6 and Oct 20 (both from 11AM-12 PM, BA3012). Students who miss a mid-term because of illness will have to provide a note from their physician. Note that in that case the weight of the midterm will not be transferred to the final exam. Final Exam 35% A final exam – covering all aspects of the course, including the tutorials, student presentations and the laboratory exercises, will be held during the December exam period. MARK REVISIONS: Students have a maximum of two weeks after the midterm, a quiz or a lab report is handed out to ask for re-mark or revisions. All the scores (except for the final exam) will be posted on Blackboard by Dec 7. Students have until Dec 12 to check the accuracy of the score posted (lab, quizzes, midterm). After that date, requests for revisions must be directed to the Registrar’s office.

Page 3: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

BME595S: BIOMEDICAL IMAGING January – April 2012

University of Toronto 1 of 2

INTRODUCTION BME595 Medical Imaging will review the principle of operation, and applications for several major imaging modalities used in today’s biomedical imaging practice in research labs and in clinical settings. The class includes a weekly 2 hour class, weekly 1 hour tutorial and 4 lab sessions during the semester. The main topics to be covered are Computed tomography (CT), Ultrasound (US), Magnetic resonance (MR) and Optical imaging. COURSE SCHEDULE Tuesday, 15:00-17:00, BA B025 class Thursday, 11:00- 12:00, BA 3012 tutorial Thursday, 14:00- 17:00, IBBME teaching lab, Mining Bldg: CT, MR, Optical labs, Sunnybrook: US lab INSTRUCTORS/LECTURES

First   Last Name  Role  E‐mail  office  phone 

Ofer  Levi  Coordinator  [email protected]  RS 408  416‐946‐5373 

James  Mainprize  Instructor  [email protected] Rm S632, Sunnybrook 

416‐480‐6100 x3273 

David  Goertz  Instructor  [email protected] Rm Sxxx, Sunnybrook   416‐480‐6156 

Mike   Joy  Instructor  [email protected]  RS  411  416‐ 978‐6538 

Amir   Manbachi  TA for Tutorials  [email protected]  RS 420 A‐B  416‐277‐7216 

Bahar  Davoudi  TA for the labs  [email protected] Rm 7‐204, PMH (7th floor)  

416‐946‐4501 x5615 

COURSE TEXT Medical Imaging, Signals and Systems, by Jerry L. Prince and Jonathan M. Links, Pearson Prentice Hall Bioengineering, (2006) (CT, MR, US imaging) Biomedical Optical Imaging, by James G. Fujimoto and Daniel L. Farkas, Oxford University Press (2009), and accompanying articles (Optical imaging, recommended reading) COURSE REQUIREMENTS/EVALUATION Mid-term Exam 25% (Exam type C; no make-up mid-term exam) Labs (4) 25% (CT, MR, US, Optical imaging) Final Examination 50% (Exam type C)

Exam Type C: Closed book examination. Students may bring a single aid sheet on a standard form supplied by the examiner (obtained from the Office of the Registrar).

Calculators Type 2: non-programmable calculators

TUTORIALS Tutorial attendance is essential for success in this course. Tutorials are held weekly LABS The class will be divided to two lab sections. CT, MR and optical imaging labs will be held at the IBBME teaching labs at the Mining building. The Ultrasound lab will be held at the Sunnybrook hospital. MR and CT labs involve analysis of raw image data, Optical imaging lab involve operation and evaluation of fluorescence microscopy. Ultrasound lab involve operation and evaluation of an ultrasound imaging systems. Every lab party of 2 students will prepare a report for marking. The lab schedule below was based on the initial course enrollment and may change as term progresses. The student assignment for the Ultrasound lab at Sunnybrook will be somewhat different, due to space limitations in this lab.

Page 4: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

BME595S: BIOMEDICAL IMAGING January – April 2012

University of Toronto 2 of 2


Thu   Jan 5   3pm – 5pm   Introduction session CCBR White room 

Tue   10‐Jan  3pm – 5pm   lecture 1, CT 

Thu   12‐Jan  11am – 12pm   Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab ‐imaging facility tours (TBD, not final) 

Tue   17‐Jan  3pm – 5pm   lecture 2 ‐ CT 

Thu   19‐Jan  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 1 section 1 

Tue   24‐Jan  3pm – 5pm   lecture 3 ‐ CT 

Thu   26‐Jan  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 1 section 2 

Tue   31‐Jan  3pm – 5pm   BME595 lecture 4 ‐ MRI 

Thu   2‐Feb  11am – 12pm  Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 2 section 1  

Tue   7‐Feb  3pm – 5pm   lecture 5 ‐ MRI 

Thu   9‐Feb  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 2 section 2  

Tue   14‐Feb  3pm – 5pm   BME595 lecture 6 ‐MRI 

Thu   16‐Feb  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 2 backup  

Tue   28‐Feb  3pm – 5pm   BME595 lecture 7 ‐Optical 

Thu   1‐Mar  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    3pm – 5pm   BME595 Midterm exam location TBD 

Tue   6‐Mar  3pm – 5pm   BME595 lecture 8 ‐Optical 

Thu   8‐Mar  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 3 section 1 

Tue   13‐Mar  3pm – 5pm   BME595 lecture 9 ‐Optical 

Thu   15‐Mar  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 3 section 2 

Tue   20‐Mar  3pm – 5pm   BME595 lecture 10 ‐Ultrasound 

Thu   22‐Mar  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 4 section 1 

Tue   27‐Mar  3pm – 5pm   BME595 lecture 11 ‐Ultrasound 

Thu   29‐Mar  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 4 section 2 

Tue   3‐Apr  3pm – 5pm   BME595 lecture 12 ‐Ultrasound 

Thu   5‐Apr  11am – 12pm  BME595 Tutorial 

    2pm – 5pm   BME595 lab 4 backup 

Tue   10‐Apr  3pm – 5pm  BME595 review session TA  

Page 5: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

CSC444-11F — Software Engineering I

Professional Software Development

Course Overview

This course will teach you how to setup and run a software organization or project that is capable of consistently delivering high quality software on predictable dates.

Topics include uses of source code control, defect and feature tracking, reproducible automated builds, automated

regression testing, release planning and tracking, agile methods, feature specifications, architectural control, effort tracking, and process control. These are the core practices used in commercial software development.


Prof. Penny is an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Computer Science at UofT cross-appointed to Electrical Engineering. He has spent over 20 years in various individual contributor, management, and contractor

roles within software development organizations including IBM Canada, Algorithmics, Annuity Systems, Electronics Workbench, and Ceryx where he is currently CIO.


The textbook for the course is a 352 page manuscript written by Prof. Penny that will be available for sale before and after the lectures at a cost of $60 cash per copy.


Assignments handed late will incur a late penalty of 15% absolute. Assignments will not be accepted more than 1

week late.

Attendance at Lectures and Tutorials is mandatory. Students who do not attend class invariably do badly on the final exam. You will be awarded up to 10% for structured class paticipation, or lose it for absences.


Prof. David A. Penny

Tutorials/Lectures: Mondays (Starting Sep.12) GB119, 6:10pm -9:00pm

E-mail: [email protected]

Announcements & Forum: Blackboard Course Portal

Office Hours: Mondays after lectures

Class Participation

10% Attendance, speaking up with good comments, contribution to the discussion board.

Assignment 1 10% Self-Aware Programming

Midterm 25% Closed book, no aids

Assignment 2 10% Cloud Software Engineering

Final Examination

45% All lecture and practicum material, closed book, no aids

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Page 6: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

Lecture Notes

After each class I will post the lecture notes on the Blackboard Course Portal. This year's sequence of lectures will

be similar to 2010. The slides from that year are posted at the portal as well.


� Assignment 2

� Assignment 1 (Marking scheme and sheet)

� 2011 Midterm (with answers)

� 2010 Midterm (with answers)

� 2009 Midterm (with answers)

� 2006 Midterm, Answers, and Marking Scheme

� 2006 Midterm, Answers, and Marking Scheme

� 2005 Midterm

� 2009 Exam (with answers)

� 2008 Exam (with answers)

� 2007 Exam (Q1 Answer)

� 2006 Exam

� 2005 Exam

� Example Deterministic Release Plan

� Example Stochastic Release Plan

date Material Evaluation

Sep.12 Course Introduction, Top 10 Practices (ch.1), Planning (ch.2)

Sep.19 Release Cycle Overview (ch.3), Release Planning (ch.4,5,A,C)

A1 out

Sep.26 Release Planning (ch.4,5,A,C)

Oct.3 Stochastic Release Planning (ch 6 excluding 6.9 and 6.10,B,C),

Oct.10 Thanksgiving Day - no class

Oct.17 Releases (ch.7), Versions (ch.8) A1 due

Oct.24 Midterm 6:10pm - Class 7pm-9pm

Oct.31 Defect Tracking (ch.11), A2 out

Nov.7 Feature Tracking (ch.12)

Nov.14 Source Control and Builds (ch.9),

Nov.21 QA (ch.10)

Nov.28 Guest lectures A2 due

Dec.5 Agile Methods

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Page 7: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

ECE311S Dynamic Systems and Control (Last updated January 17, 2012)

Teaching Staff

Lecture Schedule

Text and Course Notes

Modern Control Systems, by R. Dorf and R. Bishop. This text is not mandatory. ECE311S Dynamic Systems and Control, January 2010, by Prof. Bruce A. Francis.

Course Outline

The following table shows the lecture topics and the corresponding sections of the text. This schedule will be updated as the semester progresses, so it's a good idea to check the webpage periodically. In the lectures the major concepts will be developed: you should know how each concept is derived, why it is important, and how it is used in problem solving. The text supplements the lectures by showing numerous examples and real applications. As such, the text is not meant as a primary source of concept learning, and attendance at lectures is essential. Note that topics will be covered which do not appear in either the text or the course notes.

Prof. M.E. Broucke GB434A LEC 01, LEC 02, Course Coordinator broucke at control dot utoronto dot ca

Adam Sniderman GB348 TUT 01, TUT 02 adam.sniderman at utoronto dot ca

Ashton Roza GB348 TUT 03, TUT 04 ashton.roza at utoronto dot ca

Hu Hong GB348 PRA 01, PRA 05, PRA 06 hu.hong at utoronto dot ca

Sina Izadian GB348 PRA 01, PRA 05, PRA 06 sin.izd at gmail dot com

Dame Jankuloski GB348 PRA 02, PRA 03, PRA 04 dame.jankuloski at utoronto dot ca

Krishnaa Mehta GB348 PRA 02, PRA 03, PRA 04 babs.mehta at utoronto dot ca

Lecture Section Day and Time Location

LEC 01 Tue 15-16 GB303

Wed 15-16 GB119

Fri 15-16 GB244

LEC 02 Mon 14-15 GB119

Thu 14-15 GB119

Fri 13-14 GB119

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Page 8: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

Week Lecture Topics Sections of Text

1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8

2 ODE's and state equations

3 State equations and examples

2 4 Nonlinear systems and linearization 3.1 - 3.3, linearization.pdf

5 Laplace transform review

6 Laplace transform review

3 7 Transfer functions, TF <--> SS 2.4 - 2.5, 3.6

8 Block diagrams and interconnections

9 Time response: derivation in state space

4 10 Computing e^At 3.7, 5.1 - 5.3

11 Second-order systems

12 Performance specifications

5 13 Stability of LTI systems: asymptotic stability 6.1, 6.4

14 Stability of LTI systems: BIBO stability

15 Open-loop v.s. closed-loop

6 16 Open-loop v.s. closed-loop 4.1 - 4.7, 6.2

17 Routh criterion

18 Routh criterion, P control design

Reading Week

7 19 Steady-state error and system type 6.5, 7.6, 9.1 - 9.3

20 Principle of the argument

21 Principle of the argument

8 22 Nyquist stability criterion

23 Nyquist stability criterion

24 Nyquist stability criterion

9 25 Nyquist stability criterion 8.1 - 8.5

26 Frequency response and Bode plots

27 Bode plots

10 28 Bode plots 10.4, 10.8

29 Lag design

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Page 9: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

Tutorial Schedule

There are no tutorials in the first week of class.

Problem Sets

There is one problem set per week. You are strongly urged to solve the problems by yourself. Solutions will be posted roughly one week after tutorial.

30 Lead design

11 31 Design Examples

32 Design Examples

33 Pole placement

12 34 Exact tracking problem

35 Exact tracking problem

36 Asymptotic tracking problem

13 37 Robust tracking problem 11.8

38 Internal model principle

39 Design Examples

Section TA Day and Time Location Tutorial Dates

TUT 01 Adam Sniderman Wed 12-14 GB304 Jan 25, Feb 8, Feb 29, Mar 14, Mar 28, Apr 11

TUT 02 Adam Sniderman Tue 16-18 BA3012 Jan 24, Feb 7, Feb 28, Mar 13, Mar 27, Apr 10

TUT 03 Ashton Roza Thu 9-11 GB412 Jan 19, Feb 2, Feb 16, Mar 1, Mar 15, Mar 29, Apr 12

TUT 04 Ashton Roza Tue 9-11 BA2185 Jan 17, Jan 31, Feb 14, Feb 28, Mar 13, Mar 27, Apr 10

Problem Set Topics Problems Solved in

Tutorial Solutions Date Solution Posted

Problem set 1 Modeling, state equations 1, 3 Solution 1 Feb 3

Problem set 2 Linearization, Laplace transforms, solving ODEs 1, 2.8, 2.9, 3.4, 3.8,

5.1 Solution 2 Feb 3

Problem set 3 Transfer functions, state equations 1, 3, 7 Solution 3 Feb 17

Problem set Solving e^At, time response, step response of 2nd 1, 2, 3, 4 Solution 4 Feb 17

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There are two labs and they are performed in groups of two or three students. If you don't already have lab partners among students in your lab session, the TAs will help you to form a group. Both labs require a preparation and a report. The preparation is submitted at the beginning of the lab. If you already have lab partners, your group can submit one preparation. The report is due one week after your scheduled lab and it should be dropped in the boxes on the first floor of Sandford Fleming near SF 1020-1021.

There are no make-up labs. If you miss a lab you cannot show up at a different lab section.

4 order underdamped systems

Problem set 5

Block diagram reduction, step response of 2nd order underdamped systems 1, 3, 4 Solution 5 Mar 2

Problem set 6 Stability, Routh-Hurwitz criterion 1, 4, 5, 6 Solution 6 Mar 2

Reading Week

Problem set 7 Steady-state error 1, 2, 3, 8 Solution 7 Mar 16

Problem set 8 Nyquist stability 1(a), 1(c), 1(d), 2(a),

2(b) Solution 8 Mar 16

Problem set 9 Bode plots, gain and phase margin 1(c), 2, 3 Solution 9 Mar 30

Problem set 10 Pole placement 1, 2, 3 Solution

10 Mar 30

Problem set 11 Robust regulator design 1(a), 2(a), 2(b) Solution

11 Apr 6

Lab Title Matlab and supporting files

Lab 1 Basic Cruise Control Design Experiment Familiarization , report_lab1.doc

Lab 2 Control Design Using Matlab lab2.mdl, report_lab2.doc

Section TA Day and Time Lab 1 Lab 2 Drop Box

PRA 01 Hong, Jankuloski Mon 15-18 Feb 13 Mar 19 Box 28

PRA 02 Hong, Izadian Wed 12-15 Feb 8 Mar 14 Box 30

PRA 03 Jankuloski, Mehta Wed 12-15 Feb 15 Mar 21 Box 30

PRA 04 Hong, Jankuloski Mon 15-18 Feb 6 Mar 12 Box 28

PRA 05 Izadian, Mehta Thu 9-12 Feb 9 Mar 15 Box 32

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PRA 06 Izadian, Mehta Thu 9-12 Feb 16 Mar 22 Box 32

Labs 10% Includes preparation, lab work, and report

Midterm 1 20% February 13, 7-9pm

Midterm 2 20% March 23, 6-8pm

Final Exam 50% TBA

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Page 12: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Communication Systems ECE316 Fall 2011

Instructor: Prof. Elvino S. Sousa Contact Info: BA7102, 978-3651, [email protected], ~sousa/, Cell: 416-554-6815. SMS from PC, [email protected] Office hours: Thursdays 4-7 PM. Check your e-mail for some exceptions to these dates. I will also be available at other times on a walk-in basis. WWW site for the course: This course uses Blackboard. To log into the course site go to and then log in using your utorid and password. You should then see all the courses that you are enrolled in, including this course - ece316. Text: B. P. Lathi and Zhi Deng, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, fourth edition, Oxford, 2009 Syllabus: The following sections will be covered, with possibly small deviations: Chapter 1: read for overview Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.4, 2.7-2.9 Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.8 Chapter 4: 4.1 – 4.7, some of 4.8 Chapter 5: 5.1 - 5.4, 5.6 - 5.7 Chapter 6: 6.1 - 6.4, 6.7 Chapter 7: 7.1, 7.3, 7.6-7.8

Lectures First: Sept 9; Last: Dec 7

Mondays 10-11 AM BA 1220 Tuesdays 1-2 PM GB 248 Fridays 1-2 PM GB 248 Labs There are 7 lab groups and 5 lab sessions per group. The session dates are shown in the following table. The first lab is an introduction and needs no preparation. The other labs need preparation.

Page 13: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

Lab Dates Teaching Assistants

PRA 01 T 9-12 AM SF 2112 Sep 27, Oct 11, Oct 25, Nov 8, Nov 22 To be assigned PRA 02 F 9-12 AM SF 2112 Sept 23, Oct 7, Oct 21, Nov 4, Nov 18 To be assigned PRA 03 W 3-6 PM SF 2112 Sep 28, Oct 12, Oct 26, Nov 9, Nov 23 To be assigned PRA 04 W 3-6 PM SF 2112 Sept 21, Oct 5, Oct 19, Nov 2, Nov 16 To be assigned

Tutorials: Weekly (starting Sep 14) TUT 01 M 5-6 PM RS 310 TA 1 TUT 02 T 3-4 PM SF 2202 TA 2 TUT 03 R 3-4 PM GB 405 TA 2

Grading Final Exam 50% Midterm (Oct 28) 20% Quizzes (2 x 5%, Oct 7, Nov 18) 10% Labs 20% Total 100% • The midterm and final exam will be closed book. No aids are allowed except for a non programmable calculator. • The midterm will be scheduled during a regular class (50 minutes duration): • There will be regular problem sets. These will be taken up in the tutorials Laboratory • Lab preparations, experiment and reporting is to be done in groups of 2. • Students are to attend the experiments during their assigned session with their assigned TAs. Change in session may cause the mark not to be posted in the appropriate time. • Labs will start with a 15 minute presentation, followed by a 2hr, possibly 2.5hr experiment. • The presentation will show what the student is to expect during the experiment. Make sure to be there! • The preparation and the reporting will be done in one template document. This document will have the lab outline with spaces assigned for the answers. Documents will be posted on the course web page one week prior to the respective experiment. Students will fill out the preparation portion prior to the experiment, and report values/answers during the experiment. At the end of the session, this document is handed to the TA. There is no reporting to be done at home, only the preparation.

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• There are 5 lab sessions as follows: 0. Introduction to lab environment and instruments such as scopes, and spectrum analyzers 1. Introduction to the DSP working environment, simulink, matlab, and hardware platform 2. Amplitude Modulation 3. Frequency Modulation 4. Pulse Code Modulation

Page 15: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

ECE  318  detailed  course  overview  Jan  2012  

The  following  overview  highlights  the  sections  in  the  course  text  book  “Introduction  to  Optics,  third  Edition”  by  F.  L.  Pedrotti,  L.  S.  Pedrotti  and  L.M.  Pedrotti  which  will  be  covered  in  the  class.    

Geometrical  Optics.    

2.5  Refraction  through  plane  surfaces  

2.8  Refraction  at  a  Spherical  Surface  

2.9  Thin  Lenses  

2-­‐10  Vergence  and  Refractive  Power.  

Matrix  Methods  in  Paraxial  Optics.  

18.1  The  thick  lens  

18.2  The  Matrix  Method  

18.3  the  Translation  Matrix  

18.4  the  Refraction  Matrix  

18.6  Thick-­‐Lens  and  Thin  Lens  Matrices  

18.7  System  Ray  transfer  Matrix  

18.8  Significant  of  the  system  matrix  elements  

18.9  Cardinal  points    

18-­‐10  Examples  of  using  the  system  matrix  and  cardinal  points  


We  jumped  around  in  this  section  and  used  material  from  Chapters  4,  14,  15,  and  23  in  the  following  


4.9  Introduction  to  Polarization  

Matrix  treatment  of  Polarization  

14.1  Mathematical  representation  of  polarized  light:  Jones  Vectors  

14.2  Mathematical  representation  of  polarizers:  Jones  Matrices  

Production  of  Polarized  Light  

Page 16: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

15.1  Dichroism:  Polarization  by  selective  absorption  

15.2  Production  of  Polarization  by  reflection  from  a  dielectric  surface  

15.3  Polarization  by  scattering.  

Fresnel  Equations    

23.2  External  and  Internal  Reflections  

23.3  Phase  change  on  reflection  

Then  back  to  Ch  15  for    

15.4  Birefringence:  polarization  with  two  refractive  indices  

15.5  Double  refraction:  was  part  of  the  lab  on  polarization.  


Interference.  We  used  material  from  chapters  7,  8  and  9.  

7.1  Two  beam  interference  

9.3  Temporal  Coherence  

9.4  Partial  Coherence  

7.2  Young’s  Double  Slits  

7.4  Interference  in  Dielectric  Films  

7.8  Stokers  relations.  

7.9  Multiple-­‐beam  interference  

8.1  Michelson  Interferometer  

8.2  Application  of  Michelson  Interferometer  

8.3  Twyman-­‐Green  covered  in  Lab  on  Interference  

8.4  Fabry  Perot  Interferometer  

8.5  Fabry-­‐Perot  Transmission  the  Airy  Function.  

8.6  The  scanning  Fabry  Perot  Interferometer  


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Lasers  (mainly  from  lecture  notes)  The  following  sections  will  be  helpful  

6.4  Einstein’s  Theory  of  Light  Matter  interaction.  

8.8  Lasers  and  the  Fabry  Perot  Cavity  


Diffraction  and  Fourier  Optics  

11.1  Diffraction  from  a  single  slit  

21.1  Optical  Data  Imaging  and  Processing  (Fraunhofer  Diffraction  and  the  Fourier  Transform)  

11.2  Beam  Spreading  

11.3  Rectangular  and  Circular  Apertures  

11.4  Resolution  

11.5  Double  Slit  Diffraction    

11.6  Diffraction  from  Many  slits.  

21.1  Optical  Data  Imaging  and  Processing  (Optical  Spectrum  Analysis  and  Optical  Filtering)  

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UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE320H1F – Fields and Waves Course Outline 2011


Name Prof. G. Eleftheriades (coord.) Prof. S. V. Hum Office Room BA5128 BA5122

Email Address [email protected] [email protected]

Lecture Times Mondays 1-2pm GB220 Wednesdays 9-10am RS211 Thursdays 10-11am BA1200

Mondays 10-11am GB244 Tuesdays 1-2pm RS208 Fridays 1-2pm RS211

CALENDAR DESCRIPTION Voltage and current waves on a general transmission line, reflections from the load and source, transients on the line, and Smith’s chart. Maxwell’s equations, electric and magnetic fields wave equations, boundary conditions, plane wave propagation, reflection and transmission at boundaries, constitutive relations, dispersion, polarization; and Poynting vector; guided waves (parallel-plate, dielectric waveguides). TUTORIAL SCHEDULE

TUT01 Thu 1pm-2pm HA401 TUT02 Thu 4pm-5pm BA3116 TUT03 Tue 3pm-4pm BA3116 TUT04 Tue 10am-11am BA3116 TUT05 Thu 2pm-3pm BA2159


PRA01 Thu 3pm-6pm PRA02 Fri 3pm-6pm PRA03 Tue 9am-12pm PRA04 Tue 4pm-7pm PRA05 Tue 9am-12pm PRA06 Fri 9am-12pm PRA07 Mon 3pm-6pm PRA08 Wed 3pm-6pm

All labs held in GB347 TEXTBOOK

Required • F. Ulaby, E. Michielssen, and U. Ravaioli, Fundamentals of Applied

Electromagnetics, 6th Ed., Pearson Education, 2009.

Recommended 1. K. R. Demarest, Engineering Electromagnetics, Prentice-Hall, 1997 2. S. Ramo, J. R. Whinnery, and T. Van Duzer, Fields and Waves in Communication

Electronics, 3rd Ed.

Page 19: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

3. E.M Purcell, Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. II, 2nd Ed., (Berkeley Physics Series) COURSE GRADING

First Exam (outside of class, tentatively week of Oct. 17) 15 % Second Exam (outside class, tentatively week of Nov. 14) 15 % Bi-weekly Quizzes (held in lectures) 10 % Laboratory Work 15 % Final Exam 45 %

COURSE WEBSITE Accessible via Blackboard at PROBLEM SETS & QUIZZES Weekly problem sets are assigned every Monday. Solutions to the problem sets are covered in the tutorials. While problem sets are not collected or graded, students are expected to complete them, and they also form the basis of quizzes held on an approximate bi-weekly basis every other Monday (for L02) and Thursday (for L01). Each quiz is ten (10) minutes long and is held at the end of the lectures. A quiz consists of a short problem that is very closely based on a problem from the problem sets assigned in during the previous two weeks. There will be five quizzes held throughout the semester. The quizzes are closed book. MIDTERMS Two midterms will be held outside of regular lectures. One 8.5x11” double-sided aid sheet is allowed in the midterm. Exact times and locations will be decided upon in class.

1. Midterm 1 – week of October 17 2. Midterm 2 – week of November 14

TUTORIALS Tutorials are held weekly and will cover material from the lectures in the prior and current week. Tutorials are scheduled in one hour blocks devoted to a formal review of material and problem solving. LABS There are three lab experiments held throughout the term. Please consult the attached schedule to see when your lab is. The three experiments are as follows:

1. Design of a double-stub matching network 2. Waves on transmission lines 3. Standing wave patterns and waveguides

Page 20: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

Labs and reports are completed in groups of 2 or 3 (3 maximum). A report is due two weeks after your lab takes place. One report is submitted per lab student. Reports are submitted in a collection box, located on the 4th floor of the Bahen Building, box 35). TEACHING ASSISTANTS LABORATORIES: PRA 01 & 02: Roberto Armenta PRA 03 & 04: Krishna Kumar Kishor PRA 05 & 06: Tony Liang PRA 07 & 08: Colan Ryan TUTORIALS: TUT 01 & 03: Alex Wong TUT 02 & 04: Hassan Mirzaei TUT 05 : Jason Grenier MARKERS: Dongpeng Kang, Fei Ye, Luis Fernandes

Page 21: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

Lecture Schedule (subject to change)

Lec. Lecture content Week of Ulaby section(s) 1 Course introduction, overview, and motivation 5-Sep-11 1-1 to 1-7 2 Role of wavelength, propagating modes, lumped-

element model, Telegrapher's equations 12-Sep-11 2-1, 2-2, 2-3

3 Wave propagation, characteristic impedance, propagation constant, concept of standing waves


4 Lossless line, reflection coefficient, standing waves 2-6 5 Impedance transformation 19-Sep-11 2-7 6 Special cases of lossless line: short circuited line,

open-circuited line 2-8

7 Quarter-wavelength transformer, power flow 2-8, 2-9 8 Smith chart 26-Sep-11 2-10 9 VSWR circles, basic operations 2-10 10 Lumped-element matching, 2-11 11 Single-stub matching, introduction to double-stub

tuning 3-Oct-11 2-11

12 Transients on transmission lines 2-12 13 Bounce diagrams 2-12 Thanksgiving - no lecture 10-Oct-11 3-5, 3-6 14 Review of statics / vector operations I 15 Review of statics / vector operations II 3-6, 3-7 16 Maxwell's equations I 17-Oct-11 4-1, 6-1, 6-2 17 Maxwell's equations II 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6 18 Maxwell's equations III 6-7, 6-9, 6-10 19 Constitutive relations 24-Oct-11 4-6, 4-7 20 Boundary conditions 4-8 21 The wave equation, plane waves I 7-1 22 The wave equation, plane waves II 31-Oct-11 7-2 23 Polarization 7-3 24 Plane waves in lossy media; group velocity 7-4, 7-5 25 Poynting Theorem 7-Nov-11 7-6 26 Reflection and transmission at a dielectric/conducting

boundary (normal incidence) 8-1

27 Fresnel coefficients 8-2, 8-4 28 Reflection and transmission at a dielectric/conducting

boundary (oblique incidence) 14-Nov-11 8-2, 8-4

29 Analogy with transmission lines; Brewster angle; total internal reflection


30 Waveguide concepts, TEM modes 8-6 31 TE, TM modes 21-Nov-11 8-7, 8-8 32 TE, TM modes, parallel plate waveguide 8-8, 8-9 33 Parallel plate waveguide I 8-8, 8-9 34 Parallel plate waveguide II 28-Nov-11 8-10 35 Dielectric waveguide / grounded dielectric slab I 36 Dielectric waveguide / grounded dielectric slab II 37 Hertzian dipole 5-Dec-11 9-1 38 Antenna characteristics 9-2

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University of Toronto – 2012 – P.R. Herman (April 12, 2012)

ECE 330F – Semiconductor Physics TABLE OF CONTENTS

Lect. Week Topic

Approximate order of topics

Class Notes

Text: Eisberg

N-Neamen 1. Jan 5 Introduction, Content, Orientation, and ‘making waves’

updates: UofT BB Portal

SC and the Integrated Circuit (Reading Assignment) N-Prologue


2. Branches of Physics, Traveling Waves, Differential Operators blackboard slides 3a. deBroglie Relations and Planck’s Postulate 3-1(intro),3-6 3b. Wave-Particle Duality: EM Waves vs. Photons 2-1

Photoelectric Effect – photon energy 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Compton Effect – photon momentum 2-4 Dual Nature 2-5

4. Jan 15 deBroglie Relations – Electron Particle vs. Electron Wave 3-1 Debye-Scherrer Diffraction 3-1 Bragg Reflection 3-1

5. Duality Principle: Matter Waves vs. EM Waves 3-2 Matter Waves

6. Phase and Group Velocity 3-4 7. Jan 22 Fourier Concepts: time-frequency vs. space-

wavevector --

8. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 3-3, 3-5 Wavepacket Dispersion --


9. Developing the Wave Theory of Matter; differential operators 5-1, 5-2(part) Schroedinger’s Wave Equation +pg 154 eg.5-11

10. Jan 29 What does Ψ(x,t) tell us? Probability Density, Normalization 5-3(part) Correspondence Principle (Expectation Values)

11. Particle position, momentum, and energy. 5-4 12. Eg. Particle in Box 5-4 13 Feb 5 Time-Independent Schroedinger Wave Equation 5-5

14a. Wave Properties and Boundary Conditions 5-6 14b. Types of Solutions in Force-Free regions 5-7, 6-10


15a. Force Free – Zero Potential Energy 6-1,6-2 15b. Step Potential Eigenfunctions E < Vo 6-3 16. Feb 12 Reflection / Barrier Penetration 6-3 17a. Solution for E > Vo 6-4 17b Reflection / Transmission 6-4 18. Potential Barrier – Tunneling 6-5

Eg. Resonant Tunnel diode, Field Emission Fig. 13.2,-- 19. Feb 26 Infinitely Deep Potential Energy Well 6-8 20a. Parity of Eigenfunctions 6-8 20b. Finite Square Potential Energy Well 6-7 Appx H 21a. Eigenfunctions for Force ≠ 0 blackboard

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University of Toronto – 2012 – P. R. Herman


21b. Mixed(non-pure) States Tunneling Lifetime

5-8 --

TIME-INDEPENDENT SWE: 3-D SOLUTIONS 22. Mar 5 Force-Free 3-D Potential Well: “Cube” -- 23. Density of States 1D, 2D britneyspears 24a. 3-D N3.4.1 24b. Hydrogen Atom Overview: quantum nos., spin, periodic table slides --

QUANTUM STATISTICS (multi-particle systems) 25a. Mar 12 Distinguishable and Indistinguishable Particles 11-2 25b. Fermions and Bosons 11-2 26. Boltzmann Distribution (Distinguishable) 11-1 Appx. C 27a. Fermi-Dirac Distribution – Inhibition 11-2, 11-3

11.4, N3.5.2 27b. Bose-Einstein Distribution – Enhancement 11-3,11-4,

11-6 28. Mar 19 Blackbody Radiation 11-8,1-1,


STRUCTURE OF SOLIDS 29. Free Electron Gas – Conductors, Fermi Energy 11-10, 11-11

13-5 30. Thermionic emission; Contact potential 11-12

Types of Solids (Reading Assignment) 13-1, 13-2

31. Mar 26 Crystal Structure – Lattices 1.1 to 1.4,1.7

ENERGY BANDS 32. Formation of Energy Bands in Solids 13-3,

3.1.1, 3.2.5 33. Energy-Momentum (E-k) Space

– Free Electron Gas (metals) 13-5 in part – Bandgap – periodic potential energy 13-2,13-6 – Reduced Brillouin Zone 13-9,13-10

3.1.3 – thermal electrons and holes 3.2.1

34a. Apr 2 Effective Mass in conduction and valence bands 3.2.3 34b. Electric Current Carriers: electrons and holes 3.2.2, 3.2.4 34c. Direct and Indirect Bandgaps 3.3.1


35. Apr 9 Density of States: Conduction and Valence Band 3.4.2 Intrinsic Semiconductors – thermally excited carriers 3.5.3, 4.1.1

4.1.2 36. Intrinsic Carrier Density and Intrinsic Fermi Levels 4.1.3, 4.1.4

DOPANTS (Extrinsic Semiconductors)

37. Extrinsic Semiconductors 4.2.1, 4.2.3 4.3.1, 4.3.2

38. Degenerate Semiconductors, Freeze Out, and Ionization 4.3.4 39. Extrinsic Carrier Density, Compensation, and Fermi Levels 4.4 to 4.7

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University of Toronto – 2012 – P. R. Herman


Topics interfacing in ECE335 Electronic Devices

ECE330 has partial coverage of topics below


1. Drift Currents - Mobility and Conductivity 5.1 2. Carrier Diffusion 5.2 3. Drift and Diffusion Current 5.2.2 Induced Field, Graded-Impurity Distribution, Einstein Relatn 5.3, 5.5


4. Carrier Generation and Recombination 6.1 5. Continuity Equation (Ambipolar); Minority Carriers 6.2 6. Eg: carrier decay, reaching steady state, diffusion length 6.3 Haynes-Shockley Experiment Lab Notes 6.3.5

The pn Junction

7. Basic structure 7.1 Zero Bias 7.2

Forward and Reverse Bias 7.3

The pn Junction Diode

8. pn Junction Current 8.1 C-V relationship, Boundary Conditions, Minority Carriers 8.1.2-.4

9. Ideal pn junction current 8.1.5 Summary of physics 8.1.6

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Page 26: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations


University of Toronto 1 of 2

INSTRUCTORS / LECTURES Lecture Section Instructors/Lectures Office Email L01 Dr. Tome Kostesk GB253 [email protected] Tue 2pm – 3pm BA1200 Tue 3pm – 4pm BA1200 Thu 1pm – 2pm BA1210 L02 Prof. Nazir P. Kherani GB254B [email protected] (Coordinator) Tue 10am – 11am WB130 Wed 10am – 11am BA1210 Thu 10am – 11am GB244 RECOMMENDED COURSE TEXT Semiconductor Physics and Devices D. A. Neaman, 3rd edition, 2003, McGraw-Hill COURSE REQUIREMENTS/EVALUATION Quizzes (11) 10% (Weekly; best 7 of 11 – no petitions, no exceptions; No aids except

non-programmable calculators; complete formula sheet provided with the quiz)

Term Tests (2) 20% (No aids except non-programmable calculators; complete formula sheet provided with term test; no make-up term test)

Projects (3) 20% (Semiconductor device simulations using Sentaurus; Project 1: 5%; Projects 2 and 3: 7.5% each)

Final Examination 50% (Type A – No aids allowed except non-programmable calculators; complete formula sheet provided with the exam)

OTHER BASIC AND ADVANCED REFERENCES 1. B.G. Streetman, S. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall (2000). 2. R.S. Muller, T.I. Kamins, M. Chan, Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 3rd Edition, John

Wiley (2003). 3. S. Dimitrijev, Understanding Semiconductor Devices, Oxford (2000). 4. Solid State Physics for Engineering and Materials Science, J.P. McKelvey, Krieger, 1993. 5. Fundamentals of Semiconductor Theory and Device Physics, S. Wang, Prentice-Hall, 1989. 6. Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, J.P. McKelvey, Harper, 1966. 7. Solid State Physics, N.W. Ashcroft, N.D. Mermin, Saunders, 1976. 8. Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals, R.F Pierret, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, 2003. 9. Physical Properties of Semiconductors, C.M. Wolfe, N. Holonyak Jr., G.E. Stillman, Prentice-

Hall, 1989. 10. Semiconductor Physics, K. Seeger, Springer-Verlag. 11. Fundamentals of Semiconductors-Physics and Material Properties, P.Y. Yu, M. Cardona,

Springer-Verlag, 2001. TUTORIALS Tutorial attendance is absolutely essential for success in this course. Tutorials are held weekly. The eleven weekly quizzes will be typically held at the start of the second hour. The quiz marks will be posted weekly and marked quizzes will be returned weekly. Each student must attend his/her assigned tutorial section without exception. Tutorial Section Day,Time Room Teaching Assistant Email 01 Wed, 3-5pm WB 219 Basia Halliop [email protected] 02 Thu, 4-6pm WB 342 Hui-Lin Hsu [email protected] 03 Fri, 10am-12 WB119 Dmitri Stepanov [email protected] Projects Primary contact ......................... Zahid Chowdhury [email protected]

Page 27: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations


University of Toronto 2 of 2


Week of: L01 Lectures

L02 Lectures

Tutorial/Quiz Project/TermTests*

Sept. 5 - 9, 2011 1 1 No Tutorials

Sept. 12 - 16 2,3,4 2,3,4 No Tutorials

Sept. 19 - 23 5,6,7 5,6,7 Quiz 1 (Lec 1,2,3,4,5)

Sept. 26 - 30 8,9,10 8,9,10 Quiz 2 (Lec 6,7,8) Project 1 Assigned

Oct. 3 - Oct. 7 11,12,13 11,12,13 Quiz 3 (Lec 9,10,11)

Oct. 10 - Oct. 14 14,15,16 14,15,16 Quiz 4 Lec (12,13,14) Project 1 Due, 6pm Fri Oct 14th

Oct. 17 - Oct. 21 17,18,19 17,18,19 Quiz 5 (Lec 15,16,17) Project 2 Assigned

Oct. 24 - Oct. 28 20,21,22 20,21,22 Quiz 6 (Lec 18,19,20)

Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 23,24,25 23,24,25 Quiz 7 Lec 21,22,23)

Nov. 7 - Nov. 11 26,27,28 26,27,28 Quiz 8 (Lec 24,25,26) Project 2 Due, 6pm Fri Nov 11th; Project 3 Assigned

Nov. 14 - Nov. 18 29,30,31 29,30,31 Quiz 9 (Lec 27,28,29)

Nov. 21 - Nov. 25 32,33,34 32,33,34 Quiz 10 (Lec 30,31,32)

Nov. 28 - Dec. 2 35,36,37 35,36,37 Quiz 11 (Lec 33,34,35)

Dec. 5 – Dec 7 38,39 38,39 No Regular Tutorials

Special Practice Exam Tutorials: To-Be-Scheduled

Project 3 Due, 6pm Wed Dec 7th

*All project reports must be submitted in the drop box marked “ECE335F PROJECTS“ on the first floor of the Sandford Fleming building (near SF1021). *Term tests to be scheduled.

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ECE342: Computer Hardware Course Information Sheet

January 9, 2012 Instructors Professor Stephen D. Brown Course Coordinator Lecture Section L0101 email: [email protected] Dr. Tom Czajkowski Lecture Section L0102 email: [email protected] Description Computer Hardware (ECE342) course discusses the design of logic systems consisting both of hardware and software components. In this course, we continue the work began in ECE241 (Digital Systems) and discuss more advanced logic design techniques, covering multipliers, the use of Algorithmic State Machine charts to implement algorithms in hardware, and bus/interconnect interfaces. At the same time, we follow up on the topics covered in ECE243 (Computer Organization) and demonstrate how to build logic systems that contain both student-designed hardware components and a processor. We conclude this course with digital logic testing techniques such as path sensitizing. To provide a valuable practical experience, the material introduced in this course is used in laboratories. There are six laboratory exercises in this course, ranging from fast multiplier design, through implementation of software algorithms as a hardware circuit, to the implementation of a computer system consisting of a student-designed simple processor and pre-made hardware components. This provides an experience of building a simple computer system from the ground up, covering the key concepts necessary to build such systems commercially. In each lab, students will use Verilog Hardware Description Language to implement their logic designs on a DE2 board. Some exercises will require students to also write assembly or C code when a processor is present in their design. Lectures In this course, there are three lectures per week for each section. The time and day of each lecture is summarized in the table below.

Day Professor Stephen D. Brown (L0101) Dr. Tom Czajkowski (L0102) Monday 4-6pm, GB248 12-2pm, GB244

Wednesday 4pm, GB248 Friday 12pm, GB248

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Laboratories The second component of this course is a set of laboratory assignments that are to be completed within the scheduled time. There are 3 hours of lab time allocated per week for each section, with a total of 9 weeks of laboratories. The laboratory times are listed in the table below.

Time and Day Practical Section P0101

Practical Section P0102

Practical Section P0103

9am-12pm, Monday BA3145,BA3155

9am-12pm, Wednesday BA3135

9am-12pm, Friday BA3145,BA3155 The first laboratory session starts in the week of January 23th, 2012.

Midterm Examination The midterm examination date is currently set for the week of February 27th, 2012. The exact day and time will be provided at a later date. Grading Student will be assigned a grade for performance in this course. The grade is composed of: 1. Laboratories (20%)

Lab 1 (1%) – 1 week Lab 2 (2%) – 1 week Lab 3 (3%) – 1 week Lab 4 (4%) – 1 week Lab 5 (4%) – 2 weeks Lab 6 (6%) – 3 weeks

2. Midterm Exam (30%) 3. Final Exam (50%) Textbook Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, S. D. Brown and Z. G. Vranesic, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.. Although the latest edition of the book is recommended, an earlier version will also be suitable.

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ECE344: Operating Systems Announcements:

• Please go to the lab group signup at the bottom of the page and enter your group information. One submission per group please. You will need to do this by September 13. Failure to do so will result in us assigning groups for you and there will be delays in setting up your SVN directory.

Course Staff Information: Instructor: David Lie Email: [email protected] Office: SF2001C

Grade Allocation and Exam Type: Final: 50% Midterm: 25% Labs: 25% Calculator Type: 4 (None) Exam Type: C Single Cheat Sheet The midterm will take place Week of Oct 31st. Exact Date and Time TBD

Course Resources: Blackboard Course Webpage: There is not required textbook for the course, only course notes in the form of slides. Questions should be addressed to the bulletin board on the course web page, which will be monitored daily. While we will try to check the board as often as possible, this does not necessarily mean you will get an answer for your questions in less than 24 hours.

Lectures: Lectures will be posted on the portal website a week before. You are encouraged to print them and bring them to lecture.


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All labs will be done on the ECF machines. You may do the labs on your own machines at home, but it is your responsibility to make sure that they work on the ECF machines where . As a result, it is important that you follow the submission instructions for each lab carefully. Labs will be done in groups of 2. Each lab will be graded in the lab. A TA will ask you questions about your code and ask you to demonstrate to them that the code works. In addition for some labs, you will be asked to make a small change to your lab at the beginning of the lab period. The change should be trivial to make if you have organized your code well and understand how it works. Thus, think ahead when writing your code! The course consists of 4 labs and one optional lab as follows. The labs are challenging, so be sure to pace yourself and not leave anything to the last minute. By the end of this, you will have implemented a good part of a simple operating system -- something you can brag about on your resume and to your non-computer literate friends! Some labs span several weeks and will have milestones every 1 or 2 weeks: Lab 0: An Introduction to OS161 - Due Week of Sept 19 Lab 1: Synchronization - Due Week of Sept 26 Lab 2: System Calls - Due Oct 3 & Oct 10 Lab 3: Virtual Memory - Due Oct 24, Nov 14 & Nov 28 Lab 4: File system - Bonus! You may also find a good deal of lab documentation to help you out here. Very Optional: If you want to see your OS actually run on real hardware instead of sys161 (the OS161 emulator), it happens that the architecture os161 runs on (mips) is essentially the same as the one used by the Altera nios processor you've used in other courses.

Course Policies: Missed Labs: Missed labs will be made up on a case-by-case basis. Please have appropriate documentation (i.e. doctor's note, etc...) Cheating: Each group should work independently. You may confer with each other, but your work should be your own. You should understand your code well enough to describe it to the TA and make simple changes to it when asked to.

Course Schedule:

Week Lecture Lab Sept 5 Intro Sept 12 Fundamentals and Overview Sept 19 Threads & Processes Lab 0

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Sept 26 Threads & Processes/Synchronization Lab 1 Oct 3 Synchronization Lab 2.0 Oct 10 Memory Management Lab 2.1 Oct 17 Instructor away, no lecture Lab 3.0 Oct 24 Memory Management Lab 3.0 Oct 31 Memory Management/Scheduling Midterm, no lab Nov 7 Scheduling Lab 3.1 Nov 14 File Systems & Disk Management Lab 3.1 Nov 21 File Systems & Disk Management Lab 3.2 Nov 28 Virtualization and Hypervisors Lab 3.2 Dec 5 Cloud Computing, Mobile OS

Lab Group Signup: Loading...

©2011David Lie - all rights reserved. Last modified: 2011-09-19

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UofToronto–ECE 345–Fall, 2011 1 Course Information

Course Information

ECE 345 Algorithms and Data Structures

University of TorontoDept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Fall Semester, 2011

Welcome to ECE-345! Algorithms today play an important role in our daily life. Computer engineering,biology, physics, economics, etc, they all need efficient algorithms and robust data structures.


Professor Andreas Veneris, SF-2001 ([email protected]). Office hours: Thu 1.30pm-3pm (SF-2001)or by appointment.Teaching Assistants: Head TA for this course is Hratch Mangassarian ([email protected]).

Lecture Schedule

Tue (12pm-1pm, MC252), Thu (12pm-1pm, MC252) and Fri (12pm-1pm, MC252).Each student is registered in one of the two tutorial sections. TUT01 runs on Thu (4pm-6pm, GB244).TUT02 runs on Wed (12pm-2pm, WB119). In tutorials, we will answer questions about the lecture material,address homework material and solve sample pre-announced problems from the textbook.

Textbook and Class Contents

The required textbook for this course is T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein (CLRS), “Introduction

to Algorithms,” McGraw Hill 2009 (3rd edition). CLRS is a well-written comprehensive textbook used bymost major universities. No other text is required and no lecture notes will be distributed.

In this class we will cover the following material:

• Background: asymptotics, recurrences, combinatorics, randomization, graphs and trees (Chapters 1. . .5,Appendices A, B and C)

• Sorting: quicksort and analysis, heapsort and analysis, other sorting methods, lower bounds in sortingand selection in linear time (Chapters 6. . .9)

• Binary Search trees, Red-Back trees, Amortized Analysis, Splay trees, Hashing (Chapters 10. . .13, 17)

• Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms (Chapters 15 and 16)

• Basic graph algorithms (breadth-first search, depth-first search) (Chapter 22)

• Minimum Spanning Trees and Single Source Shortest Paths (Chapters 23 and 24)

• Introduction to theory of computation and NP-Completeness (Chapter 34)

Webpage and Bulletin Board

All official announcements will be posted on the course Portal. It is your own responsibility to check it

at regular intervals, i.e. once per day. Questions on the material (i.e. lectures, exams, labs etc) will bewelcomed on the board. No solutions to problems should be posted by students on the board.

Only the instructor and TAs may post solutions. Please do not use the board for any posts other than thoserelating to the course.

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UofToronto–ECE 345–Fall, 2011 2 Course Information

On the Blackboard you will also be able to find the homeworks, sample problem solutions, previous examsand other useful resources.

Shortly after each lecture, the instructor will post the respective textbook sections for the material taught.This is a reading assignment, i.e. the material you need to read before the next lecture.

Course Requirements and Grading Scheme

The final grade for this class has three components:

• homeworks: There will be five homeworks you will do in groups of 2-3 students. You can switch groupsbetween homeworks but you will receive the group grade each time. More details about proper homeworksubmission are on the WWW. Deadlines for homeworks are final! Absolutely no late homework will be

accepted. Homeworks account for 25% of your grade.

• midterm exam: there will be one midterm of two hours and it is open CLRS book. The midtermaccounts for 35% of the grade.

• final exam: open CLRS book, two and half hours and 40% of the grade.

Exam dates and rooms will be announced at a later time. Exam material will be much simpler versions ofthe problems you will see in the homeworks. Exam type material will be practiced regularly at tutorials.

Remarking: You have exactly seven working days to submit your work (homework or midterm) for re-marking from the time we release it to you. Exact time when assignments are returned will be promptlyannounced in the WWW. There are NO exceptions to this rule and no late homework will be remarked. Forremarking the midterm, you will need to clearly indicate on a separate piece of paper the reason you believeyou were marked unfairly. Staple (do not glue, etc!) this paper to your work and submit it to the instructoror the head TA.

If there is a legitimate reason for a late assignment or exam absence (illness, etc), discuss the matter withthe instructor. Keep in mind that official documentation must always be provided (i.e. doctor letter etc).

A list of all term marks, sorted by student number, will be available online, and students are expected to

review this list periodically to verify that marks have been recorded correctly.

Cheating Policy

Cheating is against “fair–play” and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. While the pressures ofmany classes, homeworks, work and/or extracurricular activities can be great, this is never an excuse forcopying solutions from others. The University holds among its highest principles the notion of

academic freedom and integrity. Cheaters will face the University’s disciplinary committee as

well as receive a failing grade in this course. If you think that there is an issue that influences yourperformance in the class then talk to the instructor.

How to Get the Most out of this Course

You are urged to read the text, as it is quite thorough, with many examples and with good motivatingdiscussions and intuitions. The WWW is full of additional scientific and historical material. Do a lot ofpractice problems from the book. Read the bulletin board regularly and post questions! Attend lectures,tutorials and office hours. Keep up with the pace of the class.

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Course Schedule and Reading:

Lecture Date Topic Reading Time and Location- -

Lecture 1 09/09/2011 Course Introduction -

Lecture 2 09/12/2011 Introduction to Computer Networks 1.1-1.2

Lecture 3 09/14/2011 Circuit Switching and Packet Switching 1.3-1.4

Lecture 4 09/16/2011 Layered Architecture 1.5 Lecture 5 09/19/2011 Application Layer - HTTP 2.1 - 2.2Lecture 6 09/21/2011 Application Layer - HTTP 2.2Lecture 7 09/23/2011 Application Layer - FTP 2.3Lecture 8 09/26/2011 Application Layer - SMTP 2.4Lecture 9 09/28/2011 Application Layer - SMTP 2.4Lecture 10 09/30/2011 Application Layer - DNS 2.5Lecture 11 10/03/2011 P2P File Sharing 2.6Lecture 12 10/05/2011 Transport layer, UDP 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Lecture 13 10/07/2011 Principles of Reliable Data Transfer 3.4

Lecture 14 10/10/2011 Thanksgiving day - no lectures --

Lecture 15 10/12/2011 Midterm Test 112:00-1:00 at HA403 &

HA410 (Haultain Building)

Lecture 16 10/14/2011 Go-Back-N and Selective Repeat ARQ 3.4

Lecture 17 10/17/2011 Transport Control Protocol (TCP) 3.5.1-3

Lecture 18 10/19/2011 Transport Control Protocol (TCP) 3.5.4-3.5.6

Lecture 19 10/21/2011 Congestion Control 3.6Lecture 20 10/24/2011 TCP Congestion Control 3.7Lecture 21 10/26/2011 Virtual Circuits and Datagram 4.1, 4.2Lecture 22 10/28/2011 Inside a router 4.3Lecture 23 11/31/2011 Internet Protocol 4.4Lecture 24 11/02/2010 IP Addressing 4.4Lecture 25 11/04/2010 CIDR 4.4Lecture 26 11/07/2010 NAT, ICMP, IPV6 4.4Lecture 27 11/09/2010 Routing- Distance Vector 4.5Lecture 28 11/11/2010 Routing - Link State 4.5

Lecture 29 11/14/2010 Routing in the Internet, RIP, OSPF 4.6

Lecture 30 11/16/2010 Midterm Test 212:00-1:00 at HA403 &

HA410 (Haultain Building)

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Lecture 31 11/18/2010 Broadcast and Multicast 4.7Lecture 32 11/21/2010 Link layer 5.1Lecture 33 11/23/2010 Error Detection and Correction 5.2Lecture 34 11/25/2010 Multiple Access 5.3Lecture 35 11/28/2010 Multiple Access 5.3Lecture 36 11/30/2010 MAC Addressing - ARP 5.4Lecture 37 12/02/2010 Ethernet 5.5Lecture 38 12/05/2010 Link Layer Switches 5.6Lecture 39 12/07/2010 PPP 5.7

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University of TorontoDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE410F – Control SystemsFall 2011

Information Sheet

Instructor / TAs Email Address Office Phone No.

Lacra Pavel [email protected] GB343A 416-946-8662

Karla Kvaternik [email protected] Tutorial TAAudrey Ketresz [email protected] Tutorial TAKrishnaa Mehta [email protected] Lab TAMichael Yao [email protected] Lab TADame Jankuloski [email protected] Lab TA

Lectures: Monday, 10-11, GB119Tuesday, 11-12, GB119Thursday, 9-10, GB119

Labs: There are 3 lab sections, all held in BA3114. The labs are held on alternate weeks.Please do not change lab section unless you have received approval. Laboratory work willbegin the week of Monday, September 19, 2010.

PRA01: Mon 3-6 (alternates, starts Sept 19)PRA02: Wed 4-7 (alternates, starts Sept 28)PRA03: Mon 3-6 (alternates, starts Sept 26)There are 4 labs. We will run each lab for two weeks between the following dates:LAB1: Sep 19 - Sept 30LAB2: Oct 3 - Oct 14LAB3: Oct 31- Nov 11LAB4: Nov 14 - Nov 25There will a gap of two weeks between LAB2 and LAB3. However, because of Thanks-

giving (Oct 10), for PRA03 LAB2 will be held on Oct 24.

Tutorials: There are 2 tutorial sections. The tutorials are held on alternate weeks.Please do not change tutorial section unless you have received approval. Tutorials begin theweek of September 19, 2010.

TUT01: Fri 3-5 (alternates, starts Sept 23)TUT02: Tue 9-11 (alternates, starts Sept 20)

Midterm: There will be one midterm administered during the week of October 24, 2011.

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Textbook: There is no required textbook. Course notes will be provided under CourseDocuments on the course website. The following references present similar material at thelevel of this course.

1. W.L. Brogan, Modern Control Theory, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, 1985.

2. C.T. Chen, Linear System Theory and Design, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 1999.

3. W.J. Rugh, Linear System Theory, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, 1996

4. P.J. Antsaklis and A.N. Michel, A Linear Systems Primer, Birkhauser, 2007

Grading: Labs 20%Midterm 25%Final Exam 55%

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University of TorontoDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE411S – Real-Time Computer ControlSpring 2012

Information Sheet

Lecturer: Raymond H. Kwong, Room GB343, [email protected]

TAs: Michael Yao, GB302, [email protected] Kok, GB302, [email protected]

Lectures: Monday, 9-10, GB119Wednesday, 14-15, GB119Thursday, 10-11, GB119

Labs: Section 1, Tuesday, 9-12Section 2, Friday, 15-18

Start date for labs will be announced in class.

Textbook: No assigned textbook. Course notes will be provided.

References: You may find the following two references useful as supplementary reading:

1. G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell, and M. Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems,3rd ed., Addison Wesley, 1998.

2. K.J. Astrom and B. Wittenmark, Computer-Controlled Systems, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, 1997.

Additional references will also be given wherever appropriate.

Grading: Labs 15%Midterm 30%Final Exam 55%

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ECE 413 - Energy Systems and Distributed Generation Winter 2012

1 Course Objective This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of the principles of operation, modeling and analysis of electric power systems. This course relies on circuit analysis (e.g., ECE 159, 212) and fundamentals of electrical energy systems (e.g., ECE 314, 349, 359).

2 Basic Information Lectures Tuesdays 2:10-3:00 GB248 Wednesdays 1:10-2:00 GB244 Fridays 10:10-11:00 RS211 Tutorials Tuesdays 5:10-6:00 WB119 Fridays 3:10-4:00 WB342 Course Instructor Prof. Zeb Tate (email: [email protected])

3 Office Hours I will hold regular office hours on Tuesdays from 1:10-2:00 in my office, SF1021G. If you’d like to schedule an appointment at a different time, just send me an email & we can work something out.

4 Textbook The following text has been assigned for this course: Power System Analysis and Design, Fifth Edition, by Glover, Sarma, and Overbye (ISBN: 978-1-111-42577-7).

5 Lecture Material The lectures in ECE413 will cover a variety of sections from the textbook. Any lecture material that is not covered in the textbook will be made available via the course website. A detailed schedule of lectures (subject to change) is posted below.

6 Homework Homework will be assigned on Wednesdays and announced via the course website. Typically, the homework assignment is 4-5 problems. You will be asked to answer one of the problems from the homework in class on the following Wednesday. Each of these in-class homework quizzes will be 10 minutes long and you will not be allowed to consult your notes or the textbook. Certain numerical values may be changed (e.g., changing a resistor value from 2 ohms to 3 ohms) for the quiz, but they will otherwise be identical to the assigned problems1. You are strongly encouraged to work the homework ahead of time, as you are unlikely to be able to solve the problems quickly enough in class if you haven’t worked through them beforehand.

7 Tutorials A weekly tutorial is associated with ECE413S, and you are expected to attend. Tutorials will be used to answer questions about the course material, solve additional problems, and expand on the lecture materials.

1 For example, the first homework is going to be assigned on Jan. 11, and one week later (Jan. 18) you will be asked to solve one of the problems from the first homework assignment in class.

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8 Midterm There will be two 50-minute midterm examinations, each worth 10% of the total course mark. These tests will be closed-book/notes and held during normal class hours. You will be given equation sheets to use in solving the midterms, which will be provided to you in advance to aid in your studying. The midterms are (tentatively) scheduled for Friday, February 10 and Wednesday, March 14.

9 Laboratory The laboratory sessions will run in the “Multimedia Lab”, BA3114, and will consist of one mandatory introductory session and four computer-based experiments where you will be using two commercial power system simulation packages: PSCAD and PowerWorld Simulator. Information about the experiments will be posted in advance on the course website.

10 Academic Offenses You are encouraged to work together on the homework assignments outside of class, but you may not work together on the in-class quizzes. Any academic offenses will be handled according to faculty policy (see Chapter 6 of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Calendar).

11 Unavoidable Absences If you are unavoidably absent at any time during the session, declare your absence on ROSI and discuss the absence with me as soon as possible. In all cases, you must submit a Petition Form for Term Work to me, along with any relevant documentation (e.g., a University of Toronto Medical Certificate), within a week of your return to class. The petition form can be found on the Faculty Registrar’s website. If you are not present for the final examination, alternative procedures must be followed (more information is available on the Faculty Registrar’s website).

12 Calculators For all quizzes, the midterm, and the final examination, you are allowed & encouraged to use a non-programmable calculator. You are responsible for bringing your own calculator to in-class quizzes, the midterm, and the final examination.

13 Final Examination Type C (single aid sheet is allowed) Type 2 (non-programmable calculators allowed)

14 Mark Composition Homework Quizzes: 20% Laboratory: 20% Midterms: 20% Final Examination: 40%

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Lecture Schedule Lecture # Day Date Topic

1 Tue Jan. 10 Introduction 2 Wed Jan. 11 Fundamentals (2.1-2.3, 2.5-2.7) 3 Fri Jan. 13 4 Tue Jan. 17 5 Wed Jan. 18 Power Transformers & the Per-Unit System (3.1-3.5, 3.7-3.8) 6 Fri Jan. 20 7 Tue Jan. 24 8 Wed Jan. 25 9 Fri Jan. 27

10 Tue Jan. 31

11 Wed Feb. 1 12 Fri Feb. 3 Transmission Line Parameters (4.1-4.2, 4.4-4.6, 4.8-4.10) 13 Tue Feb. 7 14 Wed Feb. 8

Fri Feb. 10 Midterm 1

15 Tue Feb. 14 16 Wed Feb. 15

17 Fri Feb. 17 18 Tue Feb. 28 19 Wed Feb. 29 Transmission Line Equivalent Circuits (5.1-5.6) 20 Fri Mar. 2

21 Tue Mar. 6 Protection (10.1, 10.3-10.4) 22 Wed Mar. 7

23 Fri Mar. 9 Short-circuit calculations (7.3) 24 Tue Mar. 13

Wed Mar. 14 Midterm 2 25 Fri Mar. 16 Power Flow (2.4, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.10) 26 Tue Mar. 20

27 Wed Mar. 21

28 Fri Mar. 23

29 Tue Mar. 27

30 Wed Mar. 28 Transient Stability (11.1-11.3) 31 Fri Mar. 30

32 Tue Apr. 3 33 Wed Apr. 4

34 Tue Apr. 10 Symmetrical Components (8.1-8.2) 35 Wed Apr. 11 Guest Lecture by Gordon Drake - Overview of the IESO and the Electricity Markets 36 Fri Apr. 13

Last Updated: 4/13/2012

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Lab Schedule PRA 01 (Mon., 9:00-12:00) PRA 03 (Wed., 4:00-7:00) PRA 04 (Wed., 4:00-7:00)

Introductory Lab Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 1 Lab 1 Feb. 27 Feb. 29 Feb. 15 Lab 2 Mar. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 7 Lab 3 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 21 Lab 4 Apr. 9 Apr. 11 Apr. 4

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University of TorontoDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE 417 Digital Communications

Information Sheet

Winter 2012


Ashish KhistiOffice: BA 4128Email: [email protected] hours: Fridays 10-11am

Teaching AssistantSiddharth HariEmail: [email protected]

Welcome to ECE 417This class will introduce you to the fundamental ideas of communication systems. Com-

munication systems is an enormous and rapidly growing industry comparable in size to thecomputer industry. There is a strong demand for hardware and software engineers in thisarea. This course will answer two fundamental questions:

• How efficiently can you compress a source signal?

• How reliably can you communicate over a noisy channel?

Instead of treating a specific communication system and the associated hardware andsoftware, this course will develop mathematical foundations of digital communication system.Througout this course we will emphasize the interplay between practical engineering systemsand theoretical analysis.Prerequisites

• Signals and Systems (ECE 216) or Signal Analysis and Communications (ECE 355).

• Communication Systems (ECE 316)


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Course TextLecture Notes by Frank Kschischang (2012 Edition). To be made available at the Copy


Reference Texts:

• “Principles of Digital Communication” by Robert G. Gallager

• Lecture Notes and Video Lectures by Prof. Gallager Search for6.450

• “A Foundation in Digital Communication” by Amos Lapaidoth, Available online

LecturesThere are three lectures every week. They are scheduled as follows.

• Tuesday, 2:10-3:00, GB119

• Wednesdays, 12:10 1:00, BA1210

• Friday, 11:10 12:00, RS208

LaboratoryThere will be three lab sections for this course every alternate week.

• Section 1: Tuesdays 9:00-12:00, SF-2112 (starting Jan 18th)

• Section 2: Fridays 3:00 - 6:00 pm, SF-2112 (starting Jan 21st)

• Section 3: Thursday 3:00 - 6:00 pm, SF-2112 (starting Jan 27th)

There will be in total five lab sessions. The lab sessions are closely integrated with lecturematerial and will provide additional understanding of the subject.


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Course WebsiteFollow

and log in using your UTORid and password. Please familiarize yourself with the struc-ture of the website during the first week of classes and keep up to date on both the An-nouncements and the Contents page.

Be sure that you have your email address properly entered into the ROSI system. Thisemail address must end in or and will be the email address atwhich you will receive any important course announcements.Syllabus

The six main topic areas, their rough order, time frame, and the corresponding readings(from the text), are indicated in the list below.

I. Lossless Source Coding

Chapter 2, weeks 1–2

II. Lossy Source Coding

Chapter 3, weeks 3–4

III. Signal Space Analysis

Chapter 4, weeks 4–5

IV. Reliable Communication over Noisy Channel

Chapter 5, weeks 6-8

V. Spectrally Efficient Communication

Chapter 6, week 9–10

VI. Information and Coding Theory

Chapter 7, weeks 11 –13


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ECE419 Distributed Systems


Professor Cristiana Amza, ([email protected])

Teaching Assistants:

1. Jin Chen jinchen[at] (Lab 1 and 2)

2. Madalin Mihailescu madalin[at] (Lab 3)


Welcome to the course! The objectives of this course are two-fold: First, targeting senior

undergraduate students in computer engineering or related fields, the course aims to build

a solid theoretical foundation in the area of distributed computer systems. Second, the

course puts strong emphasis on practical experiences, established in the process of

building proof-of-concept but real working systems.

To achieve the first objective, the lectures of the course focus on areas that are important

to serious engineers designing a large-scale distributed system. Examples of these areas

include networking concepts and abstractions, concurrency control, transaction-

processing techniques, naming services, distributed file systems and middleware systems.

Coverage of these areas focuses on key design issues, tradeoffs and their current

solutions, as well as example real-world systems.

To achieve the second objective, a series of three lab assignments are included in the

course. These assignments will provide incentives to learn by actually building real

working systems, rather than only reading about them on paper. A reference

implementation of CORBA (the acronym for Common Object Request Broker

Architecture), one of the important middleware architectures for distributed computing,

Web server technologies, such as Java servlets for web servers and a simple multiplayer

game are the basis for the assignments. The assignments are designed to avoid time-

consuming tasks, while still effective to acquire the desired experiences.


A basic knowledge of operating systems and computer networks is recommended. A

basic grasp of the object-oriented programming paradigm is necessary. Basic Java skills

are highly recommended for the lab assignments, though example programs will be

provided with some of the assignments to reduce the programming burden.

Textbook (required)

"Distributed Systems - Concepts and Design" fourth edition

by George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg.

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Lab Assignments

There are three lab assignments in this course.

Lab 1 (Stock Broker Using Java sockets): 4 weeks

Lab 2 (Stock Broker Using Corba and JDBC): 3 weeks

Lab 3 (Distributed Game): 5 weeks

The focus of the assignments is on acquiring practical experiences in the process of

building real distributed systems. The lab assignments will be completed on Sun

workstations in the GB 243 Workstation Laboratory. The operating system will be

Solaris 8. The lab sessions are not strictly mandatory, if you choose to work on the lab

assignments remotely.

Assignment Deadlines. The deadlines will be specified in each of the assignments and on

the course web page. The deadlines are strictly enforced. It is recommended that work is

started on each assignment as early as possible to avoid uncertainties as the deadline

approaches. There will be no deadline extensions. Work delivered after deadline will be

penalized by the following formula:

Late Penalty = (100 * [Number of hours late] / 24)%

Delivery. Once completed, the lab assignments should be submitted for grading using the

following command; submitece419s labnumber firstname.lastname.tar.gz

Written Assignments

There are two written assignments to be handed out shortly before the midterm and final

examinations. These assignments are designed for you to prepare for the upcoming

examinations. Either hand-written or typesetted solutions are to be delivered in class or to

an assigned teaching assistant by the specified deadline.

Grading Policy

* Three Lab Assignments - 21%

* Two Written Assignments - 4%

* Midterm Examination - 25%

* Participation and Quizzes - 1%

* Final Examination - 49%

For each lab and written assignment, the grading policy will be clearly specified in its


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UNIVERSITY OF TORONTOFACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGThe Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


CALENDAR DESCRIPTION: Analysis and design of systems employing radio waves, coveringboth the underlying electromagnetics and the overall system performance aspects such as signal-to-noise ratios. Transmission/reception phenomena include: electromagnetic wave radiation andpolarization; elementary and linear dipoles; directivity, gain, efficiency; integrated, phased-arrayand aperture antennas; beam-steering; Friis transmission formulas. Propagation phenomena in-clude: diffraction and wave propagation over obstacles; multipath propagation in urban environ-ments; atmospheric and ionospheric effects. Receiver design aspects include: receiver figures ofmerit, noise in cascaded systems, noise figure, and noise temperature. System examples are: fixedwireless access; mobile and personal communication systems; wireless cellular concepts; satellitecommunications; radar; radiometric receivers.

PREREQUISITE: ECE320H1F or ECE357H1SKnowledge of vector and integral calculus is assumed.


LECTURES: Tue 15:00-16:00 (GB220)Wed 15:00-16:00 (GB220)Fri 12:00-13:00 (GB244)

TUTORIALS: TUT 01 – Wed 16:00-17:00 (BA3012)TUT 02 – Mon 17:00-18:00 (BA3116)

LABORATORIES: PRA 01 – Tue 9:00-12:00 (GB347)PRA 02 – Tue 16:00-19:00 (GB347)PRA 03 – Wed 09:00-12:00 (GB347)

INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Sean V. HumOFFICE: BA5122PHONE: (416) 946-3653E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Tuesdays 16:00-17:00

or by e-mail appointment

TEACHING ASSISTANTS:: Tony Liang & TBDOFFICE: BA4175E-MAIL: Refer to Blackboard

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Quiz 1 10% Closed book; 1 aid sheet allowed.Midterm 20% Closed book; 1 aid sheet allowed.Quiz 2 10% Closed book; 1 aid sheet allowed.Laboratories 15%Final exam 45% Closed book, 1 aid sheet allowed (type D)

The exact quiz and midterm dates will be decided upon in consultation with students during thefirst week of lectures.


• Lecture notes published by S. V. Hum (online)

• C. C. Bantin and K. G. Balmain, Radio Systems (available at the SFB540 Copy Centre, andonline) [recommended]

• D. M. Pozar, Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems, Wiley, 2000 [recommended]

• C. A. Lewis, J. T. Johnson, and F. L. Texeira, Radiowave Propagation: Physics and Appli-cations, Wiley, 2010 [recommended]


Tutorials supplement the lecture material and advances the topics that have been presented previ-ously. Practical problems will be addressed and solved in an interactive setting. Supplementarymaterial presented in the tutorials qualifies as testable material.

Tutorials start the week of 09/01/2012.


There are three experiments which will reinforce material learned in lectures. Students will beexpected to prepare laboratory reports which will be marked by the teaching assistant.

Labs start the week of 30/01/2012. All lab sections are held in the same week and alternate everytwo weeks. Lab reports are due two weeks after your scheduled laboratory at 16:00. Lab reportsshould be placed in a collection box located on the 4th floor of the Bahen building (box 35) by thistime.

You must attend the PRA section you are registered in. Attendance will be taken during the labsand exceptions handled in a similar manner to exams (with absences requiring a signed doctor’snote or similar documentation.)

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ECE431---Digital Signal Processing

file:///Z|/html/ece431/ECE431-2011.html[23/09/2011 10:42:13 AM]

ECE 431H1F, Fall 2011-2012

Digital Signal Processing

Course details on UoT Portal(Blackboard)

Instructors:Prof. D. Hatzinakos, BA4144, [email protected]

Main References:

1. Class notes2. Alan V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer Discrete Time Signal Processing, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall Inc,

2010. [Text]3. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Mcmillan Inc.,



(first lecture on Thursday Sept. 8, 2011)Mondays, 12:00-1:00 pm, GB119Wednesdays , 9:00-10:00 am, BA1210Thursdays, 10:00-11:00 am, GB119

A record of topics covered in lectures will be available in the course web site and will be updated regularly

Tutorials:Tutorials are scheduled for 1 hour each week. During tutorials a number of special topics, application examplesand problems will be covered to integrate lecture material with the labs and practical real problems.

Problems for exersize and past exams along with solutions will be posted at the course site under TutorialProblems. Some (but not all) of the assigned problems will be discussed during tutorial time. Students can alsodiscuss them individually during office hours.

Laboratories:Laboratoty assignments (4 labs + 1 preparatory lab ) will take place in SF2112. A lab schedule and description isavailable under labs . Laboratory assignments will be executed in groups of two students. One report per groupwill be due one week after the designated date for each experiment Reports should be placed in box #36, 4thfloor , Bahen Bld. .

Composition of Final Mark:

Final Exam 50%Midterm Test* 20%Quizes(2) 10%Laboratory assignments 20%

* Two quizes have been scheduled for Sept. 29 (In GB412)and Nov. 17 (in GB412)during lecture time. The midtermtest has been scheduled tentatively for October 20, 2010 from 6:00-8:00pm (in HA316). All exams (quizes, midterm,and final) are closed book. Non-programmable calculators are the only aids allowed in exams.

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ECE431---Digital Signal Processing

file:///Z|/html/ece431/ECE431-2011.html[23/09/2011 10:42:13 AM]

Office Hours:Dimitrios Hatzinakos (BA4144): Wednesdays 2:00-3:00 pm or by appointment

Topics Covered in this course Will Include:

Review of discrete signals and systemsSampling of continuous time signalsMultirate systemsThe Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT)Z-transformNonrecursive (FIR) and recursive (IIR) systemsDigital filter designQuantization and Round-off noise effects1-D and 2-D Digital Signal ProcessingApplications to communications, spectral analysis and multimedia

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Calendar course description

Physical acoustics, acoustic measurements, electroacoustic transducers, and physiological acoustics. Speech processing, speech recognition algorithms and signal processing by the auditory system. Engineering aspects of acoustic design. Electrical models of acoustic systems. Noise, noise-induced hearing loss, and noise control. Introduction to vision and other modalities. Musical and psychoacoustics

Lecture timetable

Please note that the timeline provided below is approximate:

Waves and physical acoustics (week 1)Loudspeakers, microphones and electroacoustics (weeks 2-6)Audio signal processing (weeks 7-8)Physiology of the senses (week 9)Environmental noise (weeks 10-11)Virtual reality and room acoustics (weeks 11-12)


The final mark in this course has the following components:

Final exam: 50%

Midterm test: 25%

Project 25%

Recommended (but not required) reading

L.L. Beranek. Acoustics. American Institute of Physics, New York, NY, 1986

W.A. Yost and D.W. Nielsen. Fundamentals of Hearing. Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., New York, NY, 1985

B. Gold and N. Morgan. Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception of Speech and Music. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY, 1999.

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ECE450: Software Engineering II

Course Information

Project Information


Instructor Tony Savor, PT371, [email protected] Assistant Mike Delorme, PT372 [email protected] AssistantLectures Monday 15:00-17:00 GB221

Tuesday 17:00-18:00 GB119Tutorial Tuesday 18:00-19:00 GB119Lab Wednesday 9:00-12:00 GB243 (lab door code 49152)

Friday 15:00-18:00 GB243 (lab door code 49152)Office Hours Tony Savor: Flexible by Appointment, PT371

Mike Delorme: Flexible by Appointment

Handouts[information sheet]

[See Project Page]

Requirements Engineering [Practical Guide to Controlled Experiments on the Web: Listen to Your Customers not to the HiPPO][Brainstorming Lecture][Writing an Effective Design Document]Sample Commercial Requirements Specifications: [GR505 (textual)] [GR506 (textual)] [Radiation Machine (Z)] [Requirements Engineering: A Roadmap] [Telelogic DOORS Video (to play, download & right click in browser and press play)][Software Reliability Modelling][Disk Reliability Case Study][Medical Devices: Therac-25][SPIN Examples]

Page 1 of 1ECE450 - Software Engineering II


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ECE-451 VLSI Systems and Design SPRING 2012

ECE-451: VLSI Systems and Design

This course provides an introduction to the design and implementation of VLSI circuits for complex digitalsystems. The focus is on CMOS technology. Issues to be covered include deep submicron design, clocking,power dissipation, CAD tools and algorithms, simulation, verification, testing, and design methodology. Thecourse includes a laboratory component in which you will design and layout a small 4-bit microprocessor.

Course Outline

Lecture Reading Assignments

01. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Notes Lab0 out (1 wk)

02. CMOS Circuits Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rabaey Ch. 1, insert A, 5.2, 6.2

03. Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rabaey Ch. 1, insert A, 5.2, 6.2

04. Overview of Lab Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A Lab1 out (1 wk)

05. Pass-Transistors and Transmission Gates . . .Rabaey 6.2, 7.1, 7.5, 10.3

06. System Timing, Memory Elements . . . . . . . . .Rabaey 6.2, 7.1, 7.5, 10.3

07. Memory Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rabaey 6.2, 7.1, 7.5, 10.3 Lab2 out (3 wks)

08. Dynamic CMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey 7.2, 7.3, 6.3 Hwk1 out (1 wk)

09. IC Fabrication, Design rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rabaey 2.2, 2.3

10. MOSFET Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey 3.3, 4.3

11. Capacitance in MOSFET Circuits . . . . . . . . . Rabaey 3.3, 4.3

12. Resistance, Switching, Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey 4.3, 5.4

13. Delay Estimation, Gate Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey 4.4, 5.4, 6.2

14. Physical Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rabaey 3.3, 8.4, insert D, notes

15. Adders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rabaey 11.3

16. Adders and Related Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey 11.3 Lab3 out (3 wks)

17. Multipliers, Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rabaey 11.4, 11.6, notes

18. PLAs and FSMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey 12.6, notes

[Reading Week, Feb. 20–24]

19. Semiconductor Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rabaey 12.2, 12.3

• Midterm Exam (covers lectures 1–17) (Feb. 29, 2–4pm, in UC-266 and UC-273)

20. Reliability, Latchup, Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey 5.5, notes Lab4 out (2 wks)

21. Faults and Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey insert H, notes

22. Testing and Design for Testability . . . . . . . . . Rabaey insert H, notes

23. Scan Design and BIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey insert H, Abramovici 10.6

24. LFSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abramovici 10.6

25. Design Methodology and Design Styles . . . . .Rabaey 8.3, 8.4, 8.5

26. Introduction to CAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey insert C, notes Lab5 out (2 wks)

27. Logic Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabaey insert F, notes Hwk2 out (1 wk)

28. Placement, Floorplanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rubin 4.3.2, Preas Ch. 4

29. Global and Detailed Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rubin 4.3.1, Ullman 9.5, Preas Ch. 5

30. Architectural Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De Michelli Ch. 4–6, notes Hwk3 out (1 wk)

31. Layout Representation, Extraction . . . . . . . . .Ullman 9.1–9.2, Rubin 3.6, 5.1–5.6, Preas 8.1–8.7

32. Design Rule Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ullman 9.3, Rubin 3.6, 5.1–5.6, Preas 8.1–8.7 Lab6 out (1 wk)

33. Fault Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Breuer & Friedman, Chap. 4

34. Logic Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Breuer & Friedman, Chap. 4

35. Circuit Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ullman 9.4, notes

36. Switch-Level Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ullman 9.4, notes

• Final Exam, date and time to be announced later (covers all course material).

• Text (recommended, not required): J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, and B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated

Circuits - A Design Perspective, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2003.

• Class notes: Copies of all lecture transparencies are available as a book of class notes that you canpurchase at any time from the ECE copy center in SF-B540. You are highly encouraged to do this.


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ECE-451 VLSI Systems and Design SPRING 2012

General Course Information

- Instructor: Farid N. Najm, SF-1024, (416) 946-5175, [email protected],∼najm- Course Home Page: - use the BlackBoard system -- Lab Location: GB-251 (ECE Unix Lab) is available exclusively during your assigned lab hours. You can

also use GB-243 to run the design tools at any time, but this is an “open lab,” available to others as well.

Laboratory Work

This course has a computer laboratory component, consisting of one lab tutorial (Lab0) and six lab assign-ments (Labs 1–6). You will work in teams of two, and you will carry out VLSI subsystem and chip designusing the Micromagic, Cadence, and Synopsys CAD tools available on the ECE Unix machines. Lab0 willserve as a tutorial to acquaint you with the Micromagic design system. In Lab1, you will design and layouta CMOS adder circuit. In Lab2–5, you will design and layout a CMOS 4-bit microprocessor, the AMD 2901.You will complete the datapath in Lab2 & Lab3 using a custom design approach. The control logic willbe designed in Lab4 using a standard-cell design approach, using the Synopsys Design Analyzer for logicsynthesis. In Lab5, Cadence First Encounter will be used for placing and routing the synthesized controllogic and finally connecting the control logic to the datapath to complete the design. In Lab6, you willperform static timing analysis to verify the performance (speed) of your design.

Marks and Exams

The final course mark is based on your performance on the mid-term exam (20%), the final exam (40%),and the lab work + homework (40%). Note that Lab0 will not be marked, but you are required to do it andto turn in the results. All exams in the course will be open-book/open-notes, and you may use any type ofcalculator. The complete break-down of your course mark will be as follows:

Homework (3) 6%Mid-term exam 20%Final exam 40%Labs (6) 34%Lab1 (4%), Lab2 (9%), Lab3 (6%), Lab4 (6%), Lab5 (6%), Lab6 (3%)


Assignments should be handed in at the beginning of class on the scheduled due date. Penalty for latesubmission of homework and lab work is 5% per day (maximum 25%). Submissions more than 5 days latewill not be accepted. To turn in an assignment at other than the scheduled time, you should hand-deliver itto the instructor, who will date and initial it.

Additional (optional) Reference Reading

[1] Weste and Harris, CMOS VLSI Design, 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011.[2] Weste and Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1993.[3] D. Harris, Skew-Tolerant Circuit Design, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000.[4] G. DeMicheli, Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 1994.[5] G. D. Hachtel and F. Somenzi, Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms, Kluwer, 1996.[6] N. Sherwani, Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, 3rd Edition, Kluwer, 1999.[7] Mead and Conway, Introduction to VLSI Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1980.[8] B. Preas & M. Lorenzetti, Physical, Design Automation of VLSI Systems, Benjamin-Cummings, 1987.[9] S. M. Rubin, Computer Aids for VLSI Design, Addison-Wesley, 1987.

[10] J. D. Ullman, Computational Aspects of VLSI, Computer Science Press, 1983.[11] Breuer and Friedman, Diagnosis & Reliable Design of Digital Systems, Computer Science Press, 1976.[12] M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer, and A. D. Friedman, Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design, IEEE

Press, 1990.[13] F. N. Najm, Circuit Simulation, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.


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ECE454H1F Computer Systems Programming – Fall 2011


This course goes beyond prior programming courses to teach students to better understand computer hardware, operating systems, and compilers from a programmer's perspective. In particular this course leverages this improved understanding to allow students to program for good performance. Students will learn how to measure and understand program execution and behavior, how to get the most out of an optimizing compiler, how memory is allocated and managed, and how to exploit caches and the memory hierarchy. Furthermore, students will learn about current trends in multicore, multithreaded, and data parallel hardware, how to exploit parallelism in their programs, and the fundamentals of parallel architectures and synchronization techniques---these latter topics are relatively new to undergraduate curricula and in increasing demand in industry. Students will get hands-on experience with most topics through programming assignments.

Course Website

Please login to the University’s Portal and then select the following course:


Required and Recommended Reading

1. The following book is recommended reading: Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron. Prentice Hall, 2003, ISBN 0-13-034074-X.

Evaluation Scheme

Percentage Component 1 35% Labs 2 1% Quizzes and class participation 3 25% Midterm Exam 4 39% Final Exam Instructor Greg Steffan, EA321,, [email protected]

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ECE 461H1F – InternetworkingFall 2011

Instructor: Jorg Liebeherr, BA 4126, 946-3403, [email protected] Office hours: Monday 13:00-14:00pm, or by appointment (via email). Prerequisites: ECE361 (must be completed before taking this course) Course Website:

Course Description: Internetworking is a fourth year course for EE, CE, and Eng. Sci.students who are interested in Computer Networks and the Internet. The focusof the course is on the Internet and the TCP/IP protocol suite.

Required textbooks: · "Lab Manual": Mastering Networks, An Internet Lab Manual, by J.

Liebeherr and M. El Zarki, Addison Wesley 2004.· "IBM Textbook": TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview, by A.

Rodriguez, J. Gatrell, K. Karas and R. Peschke, IBM 2006 (on-line).· "Online Chapters": Chapter 0, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 10,

by J. Liebeherr (on-line material)· Additional material as posted on the course website

Lectures: Monday, 12:00-13:00, MC252 Tuesday, 9:00-10:00, GB119 Wednesday, 16:00-17:00, GB220

· Lecture slides are available from course website. Lab: SFB 520 - ECE Design Centre Labs start in the week of Sep 19.

· Lab sessions are held every other week for all students.. You must sign upfor a time slot.

· At the beginning of your first lab, there is an orientation by the TAs.· See here for instructions on the labs.· Prelabs and lab reports will be submitted via Blackboard.

Tutorials: Monday, 9:00 10:00, BA2175/BA2195 (alternates) First tutorial: Sep 19.

· There is one joint tutorial session for all students (that is, we do not notalternate tutorials).

Syllabus (ECE 461)

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· Tutorials are held (almost) weekly. the dates and the problem sets will belisted on the course web page.

· Tutorials discuss problems, similar to those appearing in the quizzes andfinal exam.

· Room for tutorials is either BA2175 or BA2195, dependent on the week.


Final Exam 45% TBDQuiz 1 15% Oct 11, (in class)Quiz 2 15% Nov 16 (in class)Labs 25%

· Quizzes are closed book, closed notes exams· Policies for lab grading, late submissions, and regrading are posted on

the course website.

Syllabus (ECE 461)

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ECE462: Multimedia Systems Spring 2012

Instructor Dimitrios Hatzinakos Office: BA4144 Email:[email protected] Web: Office Hours: Tuesday , 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Course Description This course is a technically-oriented upper-division engineering course. The main emphasis is on the theoretical basis for multimedia processing, rather than multimedia application tools.

Lectures Tuesday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am (BA1210) Thursday, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (BA1230) First class: Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Labs Labs commence the week of January 23, 2012. (BA3114- Multimedia Lab) More details in separate handout.

Midterm Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 9:30 pm to 11:00 am, room TBA

Marking Scheme Final Exam 50% Midterm 30% Labs 20% (4x5%) Total 100%

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Course Policies All tests and examinations for this course are closed-book. The only permissible aids for

the midterm and the examination will be a NON-PROGRAMMABLE calculator and a single standard aid sheet (TYPE C final examination).

Everyone taking the course is expected to attend all lab sessions. The lab period will be devoted to discussing concepts and implementation issues. Students are expected to come to lab prepared, and to answer related questions.

Usage of the course webpage will be limited to people taking the course. This means that in order for students to download relevant labs and course material from the course website, they MUST register.

Remarking Policy: remarking requests may be made up to one week after an item is returned. If the item is taken up in class (e.g., midterm), then you may request remarking up to one week after it is taken up. Only under special circumstances will remarking be considered after this time limit.

Course Outline

Topic Chapter(s) Introduction to Multimedia (Optional) 1 Graphics/Image Data Types 3.1 Colour in Image and Video 4 Distortion Measures 8.2 Quantization 8.4 Transform Coding (Lossy) - DCT, KLT 8.5 Information Theory/Lossless Coding 7.1-7.4, 7.6 Predictive Coding (Lossless) 6.3 JPEG Standard 9.1 Wavelet Transform 8.6 Wavelet Based Coding (EZW) 8.8-8.9 JPEG2000 Standard 9.2 Video Compression/Motion Estimation 10.1-10.4 MPEG-1/2 Standards 11.1-11.3 MPEG-4/H.264 Standards 12.1-12.2, 12.5 Vocoders (Speech Compression) 13.3 MPEG Audio Compression 14.1-14.2 Special Topics (Time Permitting): - Digital Camera Image Processing - MPEG-7 (Content Description)

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References Textbook (Required)

Fundamentals of Multimedia Ze Nian Li, Mark S. Drew Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-061872-1, 2003

Additional References (Optional) Introduction to Data Compression (3rd Edition) K. Sayood Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 978-0-12-620862-7, December 2005 Multimedia Signals and Systems Mrinal Kr. Mandal Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7270-8, December 2002 Color Image Processing and Applications K.N. Plataniotis, A.N. Venetsanopoulos Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-66953-1, August 2000 Digital Video Processing A. Murat Tekalp Prentice-Hall, 1995 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine: Transform Coding (Special Issue) IEEE, September 2001 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine: Immersed in Multimedia (Special Issue) IEEE, January 1999

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Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Toronto


Wireless Communications Elvino S. Sousa Contact Info: BA7102, 978-3651, [email protected], Cell (SMS): 416-554-6815. SMS from PC, [email protected] Office hours: Thursdays 4-7 PM. Check your e-mail for some exceptions to these dates. I will also be available at other times on a walk-in basis. WWW site for the course: This course uses Blackboard. Lectures: M 12-1 RS211 W 2-3 RS208 R 3-4 RS211 First day of lectures: Jan 9 Last day of lectures: Apr 13 Tutorials: TUT 01 M 1-2 WB342 TUT 02 T 5-6 WB130 Labs: PRA 01 T 9-12 SF2112 PRA 02 W4-7 SF2112

There will be 4 labs on the following dates: PRA 01 – Jan 24, Feb 7, Feb 28, March 13 PRA 02 – Feb 1, Feb 15, March 7, March 21

Lab grading: Preparation: 30% of lab grade, lab write-up (handed in at end of lab) 70%.

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Textbook: There is no textbook for the course. Course notes will be posted in the web. References:

1. Ted Rappaport, “Wireless communications: Principles and practice”, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall.

2. S. Haykin, and M. Moher, “Modern wireless communications”, Prentice-Hall.

3. Michel Daoud Yacoub, Foundations of mobile radio engineering”, CRC Press.

Grading Scheme: Exam - 50 Midterm - 20 March 6 Quizzes (2) - 10 Feb 15, March 28 Lab - 20 ---------------------------------- Total - 100 Midterm will be held in the evening Quizzes will be held in class

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Course Outline 1. Introduction

- The radio medium - Radio spectrum - Examples of radio systems - Cellular networks, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G? - Wireless local area networks (WiFi): IEEE802.11a,b,g,n - Broadband wireless networks (WiMax): IEEE802.16 - Ultra-wideband radio systems - Convergence of wireless standards (cellular CDMA, WiFi, WiMax).

2. Electromagnetic Waves

- Plane waves - Frequency, wavelength, speed - Polarization

3. Antennas & Propagation (macro level)

• Antennas • Link budget • Free space propagation • Ground wave propagation

4. Basic Concepts in Signal Propagation

• Rayleigh and Rician fading • Variation of the signal in time: Dopper spread and coherence time • Variation of the signal in frequency: Delay spread and coherence

bandwidth • Variation of the signal in space: arrival angle spread and coherence


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5. Modulation Schemes

• Analog modulation schemes and their bandwidths o DSB, AM, SSB, FM, QAM

• Digital modulation schemes o baseband PAM, pulse shaping o bandpass digital modulation schemes o BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM o MSK,GMSK o OFDM o Error probability o Spectral Efficiency (bits/s/Hz) o Shannon capacity formula o

6. Diversity • Time diversity • Frequency diversity • Antenna diversity, or space diversity

7. Spread Spectrum Modulation

• Frequency hopping • Direct sequence • Frequency hopping patterns

8. Speech Coding

• review of PCM • modern vocoders and bit rates • speech coders used in cellular

9. Channel Multiple Access

• FDMA • TDMA • Hybrid FDMA/TDMA • CDMA • Other hybrid schemes

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10. Cellular System Concept: The AMPS system

• Co-channel Interference • Frequency re-use • Re-use cluster size • Cell Sectorization • Channel allocation • Analog cellular systems (AMPS) • Capacity of analog systems • Hard capacity versus Erlang capacity

11. Digital Cellular Systems

• FDMA/TDMA: GSM system • CDMA (2G and 3G)

o basic concept of CDMA o spreading codes o orthogonal CDMA and Walsh functions o non-synchronous CDMA o basic calculation of CDMA system capacity

• Emerging LTE system based on OFDM

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ECE 466H1S – Computer Networks IIWinter 2012

Instructor: Jorg Liebeherr, BA 4126, (416) 946-3403, [email protected] Office hours: Tuesday 14:00-15:00pm (in BA 4126) or by appointment via email. Prerequisites: ECE361 Course Websites:

Textbook (None required): There is no required textbook for this course. There are typed class notes (in draft form)

available from Blackboard. Content:

· Review of networking concepts· Deterministic network analysis· Fairness and scheduling· Introduction to queueing systems· Statistical multiplexing and stochastic analysis· Medium access in wireless networks· Congestion control· Routing


· Final Exam 50% - TBA· Quiz 1 15% - Feb 28· Quiz 2 15% - Apr 5· Labs 20%

Lectures: Tuesday 13:00-14:00, Thursday 12:00-13:00, Friday 13:00-14:00 (all in GB 248) Labs: Labs alternate. PRA 01, Tue 9:00 12:00, GB251 (starts Jan 17, then every other week) PRA 02, Tue 9:00 12:00, GB251 (starts Jan 25, then every other week)

· There are approximately 4 lab reports, which are graded.· Lab instructions and material can be downloaded from the course website.· Lab reports are submitted via Blackboard. Instructions are posted on the

course website.· Late submissions of lab reports are penalized by 20% of the total grade per day.

Tutorial: Thursday 16:00-17:00 (SF3201). Starts: Jan 12.

· Tutorials discuss problem sets and prepare for quizzes and exams.· Problem sets are given approximately weekly, and can be downloaded from the

ECE 466 – Computer Networks II

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course website.· Problem sets are not graded, but exams/quizzes assume that you can solve

problem sets. Quizzes: Quizzes are given during lecture hours. All quizzes are given closed book, closednotes. Remarking policy: The remarking policy is detailed on the course website.

ECE 466 – Computer Networks II

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ECE469S, 2011-2012, Instructor: L. Pavel MAJOR TOPICS: 1. Light Propagation and Optical Transmission Basics 2. Optical Components 3. System Design for Optical Links 4. Network Optical Layer 5. WDM Network Design 6. Network Management and Survivability

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ECE470S - Robot Modeling and ControlLast modified January 6, 2012.Instructor

M. Maggiore GB437 maggiore (at)

control.utoronto.caTeaching AssistantsAlireza Mohammadi

alireza.mohammadi (at)

Josh Dian josh.dian (at) utoronto.caLectures

Day and Time Room

Mon 16-17 BA1220Tue 15-16 GB244Wed 15-16 GB221TextbookSpong, Hutchinson, Vidyasagar, Robot Modeling and Control, Wiley, 2006

Additional Reference TextJ.J. Craig, Introduction to Robotics, Modeling and Control, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed, 2005

Course OutlineClassification of robotic manipulators and common kinematic arrangementsRigid motions

Rotations, rotational transformations, and their parametrizationsComposition of rotationsHomogeneous transformations

Forward and inverse kinematicsKinematic chains and forward kinematics Denavit-Hartenberg convention Inverse kinematics

Velocity kinematics Angular velocities; addition of angular velocities; linear velocities Geomeric and analytical Jacobian Static relationship between end effector forces and joint torques Inverse velocity and acceleration Kinematic singularites

Path planning using artificial potential fields Independent joint control Dynamics

D'Alembert-Lagrange principle and Euler-Lagrange equations of motion Equations of motion of a robot

Multivariable control PD control with gravity compensation

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Feedback linearization in joint and task spaces Force control

Midterm ExamMarch 1, 5-7PM, in BA B026

Composition of Final MarkLabs 20%Homeworks 5%Midterm 25%Exam 50%

TutorialsTutorials are on Thursdays 4-6PM in SF3202 on the following dates:

Jan 19 Feb 2 Feb 16 Mar 8 Mar 22 Apr 5

HomeworksThere will be six homeworks, to be submitted to the tutorial TA at the beginning of each tutorial. Homeworks will not be graded, but you will get credit for submitting them.Laboratories (BA3114)You will perform four labs in this course. Labs are performed in groups of two students. You'll form lab groups at the first lab session.

All labs require a preparation and a report. Each lab group submits a preparation at the beginning of the lab. One week after the lab, each lab group submits a lab report.

There are no make-up labs. The TA will mark down the attendance.

Section Day and Time Lab 1 Lab

2 Lab 3 Lab 4

PRA 01 Thu 12-15 Feb 9 Mar

1Mar 15

Mar 29

PRA 02 Fri 12-15 Feb 10 Mar

2Mar 16

Mar 30

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File: DDD488/11FSylaECE488.doc August 2011 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS FOR ENGINEERS Course: ECE488 Fall 2011 Instructor: Professor Joseph C. Paradi, his office is in the Wallberg Building and he is available any time when he is in his office: WB257, or by appointment via telephone at 416-978-6924 Ext 1 or e-mail [email protected]. Course Coordinator: Professor Joseph C. Paradi - telephone: 416-978-6924 ext. 1, or e-mail [email protected] Notes: This course is very different from any others offered in Engineering, or for that matter,

anywhere else in the University. There are 5 such courses given each year, one each in CHE, CIV, ECE, MIE and MSE. We provide the entire lecture series' notes used in the classroom on BlackBoard and you should print these out. This will allow you to take detailed notes and get the most up-to-date material. The notes are available on your BlackBoard Class website (all 5 classes use the same notes, that is why it is DDD488).

Text: "Small Business Management", 4/e, 4th Edition, by J. G. Longenecker | L. B. Donlevy | V. A. C. Calvert | ISBN-10: 0176500057 | ISBN-13: 9780176500054 | © 2010 by Nelson

Lecture Hours: Mondays from 6:00 – 9:00 pm in GB248 and the Entrepreneurs' Forum (marked as a Tutorial in the Calendar) is Tuesdays from 12:10 noon – 2:00 pm in BA1190 COURSE DESCRIPTION Rationale Everyone from the media to government is talking about entrepreneurial activities as the engine of the Canadian economy. Strategic uses of innovation in almost all businesses spell the difference between success and failure. Multinational competition in all manner of businesses from manufacturing to service industries had produced a significant demand for engineers who can lead and manage the enterprise in all its undertakings. Our experience shows that the most successful people in these activities will be those who have the "entrepreneurial" spirit, the drive to create wealth and the persistency required to make a difference to their own companies. Large and medium sized corporations now search for the intrapreneur (an entrepreneurial individual who prefers to work inside a larger firm rather than to start or manage their own) who is expected to lead them to success in the foreseeable future. Today's young people will have to consider the alternative of "doing their own thing" instead of working for someone else. They are intent on doing things in their own way, in their own time, and at a pace that suits them. Entrepreneurs are in control of their own lives; they structure their own progress and are accountable for their own success. After all, engineers are the most capable people to be in charge of the changes required for successful business life in the global economy. If you have the "talent" for business, but more importantly, if you could hardly wait to leave university and pursue a career in small business, whether you started this yourself, or you join in the

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family business, this course is for you. In any case, the skills you will learn here will be very useful in any business where you might pursue a career, even if you are not an entrepreneur. Purpose Our approach to teaching is based on real-life business experiences and many years of successful practice of “what we preach”. The course contains very little theoretical work or academic approaches. It is designed to familiarise you with the kinds of opportunities (problems) likely to be encountered in an entrepreneurial career. If you really want this lifestyle and are prepared to work hard, we will provide you with the practical knowledge and technical skills required to pursue this kind of career. In today’s high-tech world, products have life cycles of 6 months or less, things change at Warp speed, and we follow these changes closely (the Internet, World Wide Web, Information Technology, boomers, boomlets, Gen-X, China, India, etc.). The term project is a full Business Plan and it is intended to give you "hands on" experience in developing a document that is absolutely essential if you ever get into business for yourself. Preparing a Business Plan is not a simple exercise, nor an easy "lab report". The preparation of a "professional" BP is a lot of work, something like a half-year Thesis. This work is to be done by you, personally, but, there is much help on the Internet, so please feel free to use any/all such assistance – but make sure you give due credit by citing the sources you use. We cannot overemphasise the value of good communication skills, oral in the classroom and written in the reports. In fact, we require that you learn how to present yourself in a business-like manner. We are convinced that an entrepreneurial lifestyle is not only a reasonable career alternative, but in fact, the most exciting career possible. We speak from experience ("been there, done that")! Becoming a successful businessperson is not inherently limited to a select few. While the spirit may be inborn in some individuals, most people can learn and develop the necessary entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. As you are about to take this course, you should realise that by the time you finish it, you may conclude that entrepreneurship is not for you, but on the other hand, you may find that you just cannot wait to start! We have had dozens of students who did start businesses, some even while they were completing their degrees and a number are very successful today. However, we are not claiming credit for this, they had "what it takes" in the first place, we may have contributed in some way to how quickly they "made it", but eventually they would have made it anyway! As and when appropriate, we will invite outside visitors from the business community to contribute to the class discussions. The course deals with practical concepts, actual past and current events and we present these concepts from the point of view of someone who has "been there and done it all". All the people who will be lecturing are practising entrepreneurs, are involved in entrepreneurial firms or in a profession that provides services to such companies. This means that what you hear is the real stuff. It also means that the course will be more demanding on your time and will require more work than the average course you will have taken in this Faculty. Do not let the 3 contact hours per week, plus the Entrepreneur’s Forum (more about this later) fool you into thinking that this is an easy course. Everything changes rapidly in today's society whether we examine the legal, international, financial or Canadian business environments. Clearly, the end of the 20th Century went down in history as the decade of the "Great Restructuring" of the modern World's trade and business environments; the maturing of the Internet and e-Commerce and the pervasive presence of Social Media (Facebook,

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You Tube, etc.) and many other events. Canadians are not immune to these changes and must adapt to prosper. The formation of a small business is perhaps the only real opportunity in the 21st Century for future successes for many of you – the World has really changed after 9/11 and later following 7/7. And, the "crash" of 2008 – 09 will take years to recover from! Course Organisation In your timetable, there are two meeting times, a 3-hour lecture on Mondays and a 2-hour “tutorial” period on Tuesdays (see above for locations) – the “Entrepreneur’s Forum”. However, the tutorials are not tutorials at all! Each week (actually 8 or 9 weeks) on Tuesdays at 12:10 we will have a successful Entrepreneur visit and give a talk for about 45-50 minutes on his/her business, life, successes, failures or whatever they want to talk about. Then, at about 1:00 pm a brief break comes and soft drinks and sandwiches will be provided before we start the second hour of a networking session until 2:00 pm. You should come because you are required to report on what the guests said – maximum 1 page per guest, submitted just the same way as you submit the Press Reviews (see below). It should be noted that we will also invite former students of our entrepreneurship courses, other classes running at the same time (all 488 classes are there at the same time, plus APS234) and entrepreneurship clubs, etc. Now we know that there may be some timetable problems with this 2-hour event, so you just have to do the best to trade off time slots. However, I would not schedule another class at the same time slot because you will be missing valuable information! The course is on BLACKBOARD, so you should sign in as soon as possible and read all the handouts already there. We suggest that you print the notes before the lecture, read it and then bring it with you to work on during the lecture. We will post on BLACKBOARD all handouts as the course unfolds on the dates shown in this document – so visit often. Except for the Business Plan and the two assignments, all materials will be handed in via e-mail to the course e-mail address with the Subject line showing your name and student number and the title of the document. The documents can be attachments as long as they are in MSWord. The final examination will be open book and will draw upon material presented in the course, including the readings from the textbook and class discussions. Complete lecture notes should be printed out as outlined at the start of this document because laptops are not allowed in the exam. This will also save you most of the note taking, but, since you will not be busy taking notes, you must take an active part in the classroom dialogue. Business Press Review It is expected that each student reads the appropriate business press (Globe and Mail ROB, the Financial Post section of the National Post, Financial Times, other dailies, Canadian Business, etc.) and prepares a written half to a page (max!) report on their choice of article. These will be e-mailed to the TAs by midnight of the day before every lecture, and will be used as part of your class participation marks. The text should be in plain text included in the body of the e-mail - NO attachments, please in this case. Submit these on BlackBoard. Please do not forget to show the reference from which you took the article. The topics in the papers are to be about economic, political or personal issues effecting small businesses. These may be: a drop (or rise) in interest rates; recently released trade figures; import/export news; currency issues; government actions; approvals of financing; bankruptcies; tax matters, entrepreneurs, success stories, etc., etc. We expect you to write a thoughtful paragraph or two on

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the issue, more of an analysis than a précis of the article. At the start of each lecture, we will ask up to 5 students to make a 60-second, oral presentation to the class reviewing his/her article from the viewpoint of wealth creation, entrepreneurship and small business (we will provide the student a printout of his/her e-mail at the time). Many times students find the path of least resistance, in this case: that day's edition of the Toronto Star or the websites of the Toronto or other newspapers, TV stations, etc. We get several reports based on the same few articles, the result of which is that you miss the real business news. So, read the "paper" press that is dedicated to business news every day (National Post's Financial Post, Globe ROB), even if you do read the Star as well. All successful business people read the financial news every day! For the Guest speakers' Reports, due Friday of the week it is delivered, submit it on BlackBoard. Elevator Pitch This will be a fun activity where every student will present their project to a hypothetical someone who could, if sold on it, financially support your idea. So what you will have to do is to make a verbal presentation to the class (representing the potential financier) NO LONGER THAN 60 seconds which will convince him/her that s/he wants to invite you into his/her office for a chat. This is much more difficult than it looks, so work at it to make it compact and meaningful!! About 1/3 rd of the class will present at lectures 9, 10 and 11 order will be randomly chosen. Term Project The term project involves the preparation of a full and complete Business Plan for a company you select as “Your Business”. This requires you to work hard for the information you need. The Business Plan, on the average, will be about 20-30 pages long (cover page, table of contents, Appendices etc. are not included in the count) typed, single-spaced. For more details, see the handout on BLACKBOARD. Nevertheless, a few comments about the term project are appropriate here: 1. Do not put it off or delay starting it because you are busy at the moment, you will run out of

time, for sure! It is a big job, so there is no time to delay! 2. Plan what you have to do, put some deadlines on the action items, and get on with it. 3. Consider what the subject business will be, choose the approach and get to work immediately. 4. Don't forget to include an Executive Summary (this is necessary, but, it should be no longer than

½ to one page) for the project and is done as the very last thing, this is a key component! 5. Conclusions and Recommendations are important sections 6. The Financial section is often a real problem and the BP suffers greatly from this, so take the time

required to do this well. 7. A letter of Transmittal (this means a cover letter) is also a requirement. The term project is a lot of work, at least 60 hours altogether, and includes work and research that you have to do in the business world. Get started early and keep at it. We do not accept any excuses whatsoever, the deadline means exactly that - you deliver on time (or before), and no excuses - so do not ask for "understanding"! Marking Scheme Class Participation (including reviews) 6%

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Assignments: (1) Business Find Assignment 4% (2) Market Research 4% Guest Speaker Reports 6% Elevator Pitch 2% Business Plan 22% Mid-Term BP document 6% Final Examination 50% A word about course management In the business world, deadlines are very important and missing them usually costs the firm dearly. For example, if you are bidding on a contract or tender, missing the deadline by even one minute will result in your bid not being considered at all. Similarly, in this course, missing deadlines will cost you plenty. While we will not reject a late submission, there will be a 40% discount on the marks achieved. However, nothing is accepted once the material is handed back to the students or the answers are posted on BlackBoard. So, do not be late! If you examine the course schedule you will find several delivery points (you should put these into your timetable right now) where you need to submit one of the assignments or the term project: Item Report or Assignment Due Date 1.

The Proposal for your Business Plan term project (a one-page synopsis of the proposed new business) due.

October 3

2. Business Find Assignment (hopefully, this will represent your own preliminary analysis of the Business Idea you will write your Business Plan on) due.

October 3

3. Market Research assignment due today October 174. The Mid-Term BP is due today. We expect significant progress by this

time and about 40-50% of the BP should be almost in final form. Time will be passing every rapidly from now to the end!

November 7

5. The Business Plan is to be handed in to the Instructor, no later than 6:10 p.m., at or before the start of the lecture. A covering letter recommending whether or not to proceed with the project is required!

December 5

Please respect the fact that we will enforce these dates so do not try to make any excuses because we will not be sympathetic! Needless to say, you must do the work on your own. If team approaches are required, we will tell you about it, otherwise, just get on with the work, on your own. In this regard, we will willingly and always help you in any problem you may have, just set up an appointment and we will make time for you. However, if you think that this is a “bird” course or an easy credit, you are sadly mistaken, - it is not - and if you feel this way, then perhaps you should find an alternative to fill in your free elective. In Closing: We consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to teach you. We really enjoy the enthusiasm, intelligence, drive and vitality you display. We hope that you will be successful in anything you attempt to do in life. Good luck!

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2011 LECTURES SCHEDULE ECE488F Week Date Text-Chapter Topics Assignments & Project Milestones

1 Sept 12 1 + 2 handouts Organisational meeting – Entrepreneur’s Test administered The Entrepreneur and the Canadian Business Environment - Introduction, “Entrepreneur” and The Canadian Business

scene Sept 13 N/A No Guest Today 2 Sept 19 5 Business Plan and Finding a Business Idea - Business Plan - Business Idea Search Bus Find Assn. handed out Sept 20 N/A Guest: Ms. Sabine Schleese, CEO Schleese Saddlery Services 3 Sept 26 6 Market Research +notes - Source of data Sept 27 N/A Guest: Ms. Hailey Coleman, CEO Damn Heels 4 Oct 3 7 and 8 Marketing Strategies Promotion and Pricing - Pricing and costing Proposal for Business Plan due - Advertising, electronic channels Business Find Assignment due Market Research Assignment handed out Oct 4 N/A Guest: TBA Oct 10 Thanksgiving Holiday Oct 11 Guest: TBA 5 Oct 17 7 and 8 Sales Market Research due today - Sales people and managing them, - Distribution channels and Global marketing Oct 18 N/A Guest: TBA 6 Oct 24 A13, 14 Accounting, Financing and Analysis - Sources of funding - Accounting and controls - What you need for the Business Plan Oct 25 N/A Guest: TBA 7 Oct 31 9 Managing the Business – People - Management Styles - Recruiting and hiring - Legal issues in employment and HR Nov 1 N/A Financial Tutorial

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Week Date Text-Chapter Topics Assignments & Project Milestones 8 Nov 7 N/A e-Business - What it is about and how you can participate - How to develop a web presence Mid-Term BP is due today - The problems of on-line business Nov 8 N/A Guest: TBA 9 Nov 14 10 Legal issues - Legal forms of organization - Taxation and other matters - Intellectual Property protection Nov 15 N/A Guest: TBA 10 Nov 21 4 and 3 Buying a Business, Franchising, Taking over a Family Business - Buying a business and Franchising - Succession in a Family Business Nov 22 N/A Tutorial and help with the Business Plan. 11 Nov 28 11, 12 Managing the Business – Things to Know - Location and equipping the business - Suppliers and purchasing, credit - Ethical dealing Nov 29 N/A Tutorial and help with the Business Plan. 12 Dec 5 3, 15, 16 Risk Management & the Exit – Succession and Other Options - Exiting the business and succession - Selling out Business Plan due 6:10 pm - (No Extensions)

Thanks for the Opportunity to teach you! Good Luck in the Exams

Have a safe and enjoyable Christmas Vacation!

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Instructions for ECE496 Projects

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Updated August 12, 2011 2

Welcome to ECE496! This guide provides you with information to help you and your students get the most out of the design project course:

o a helpful calendar that guides you through the school year with key dates & deliverables for each month

o helpful tips on developing, managing, and evaluating your design projects o An electronic version: Go to and

select ‘Supervisors’ ->'Supervisor's Almanac'

You are an Important Part of the ECE496 Instruction Your students will require guidance and the occasional push in doing their ECE496 capstone design project. Since every project is different and every student team is different you will have to do different amounts and kinds of work depending on the situation. Deliverables submitted throughout the year are used to keep the students on track, working and learning. The students will need guidance with technical and background information, and help with pacing and scheduling their project work in order to succeed while still tending to their other courses. We advise students to get as much help as they can from their supervisors, especially early on. However, we emphasize to students that it is is ultimately their project and that they, not their supervisor, are accountable for it. All comments and suggestions on the course and the Supervisor's Almanac are welcome!

Editors, Khoman Phang Phil Anderson John Taglione

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Table of Contents You are an Important Part of the ECE496 Instruction ...............................2 Events Calendar ..............................................................................................4 ECE496 At a Glance .......................................................................................7

Course Objectives .......................................................................................7 Roles of supervisor, administrator, students ...........................................7 Course Grading Scheme and Deliverables .............................................8

Supervisor Marking Guidelines ...................................................................10 Stages of a project - the Waterfall Model ..............................................11 Funding Support ........................................................................................12 Intellectual Property (IP) ...........................................................................12

Managing your Design Projects ..................................................................13 Initial Meeting Checklist: ..........................................................................13 Workload Expectations .............................................................................14

Looking ahead - Projects for Next Year .....................................................15 Project Categories .....................................................................................15 Signs of a good/bad project .....................................................................16 Supervisor Rules and Regulations .........................................................17 Finding Students and Project Registration ............................................17

Other Resources ...........................................................................................18 ECE496 Weekly Progress Form .................................................................19

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Updated August 12, 2011 4

Events Calendar



Checklist: Start team on background research Guide team with problem definition and project scope

Find your students and get them started on their project over the summer, so they can hit the ground running in September. One or two meetings over the summer will help keep the students motivated and on track. References:

• Initial meeting checklist (page 13)







Dates to Remember: • Thu. Sept. 8th – Lecture: course summary, key deliverables • Thu. Sept. 15th – Lecture: Preparing your project proposal • Tue. Sept. 20th – Students submit Project Proposal (draft A) • Tue. Sept. 27th – Students submit Project Proposal (draft B) • Thu. Sept. 29th – Meet your Administrator Night. Marked Draft A returned

Checklist: Establish regular meetings Set team expectations, discuss your role as supervisor Sign student-supervisor agreement (on website) Guide students in preparing Project Proposal drafts

Early on, students need as much input as you can provide. Serve as the 'expert client' - test their background knowledge, question their assumptions, suggest resources, and provide feedback. You should meet weekly during this period. References:

• Managing your Design projects (page 13) • Initial meeting checklist (page 13) • Signs of a good/bad project (page16) • Project Proposal Guidelines (on website)


ect R






Dates to Remember: • Sept. 30th to Oct. 14th — Meetings with Engineering Communication Centre

staff to review Draft B • Thu. Oct. 6th — Lecture on preparing for the design review • Tue. Oct. 18th — Students submit Project Proposal (final version) • Oct. 20th to Nov. 4th — Design review meetings (supervisors can attend)

Checklist: Explore design alternatives, finalize Project Proposal Meet with team in preparation for Design Review

Help students finalize their project goal and requirements, work plan and explore initial design alternatives at the system concept level. All this work is documented in the final Project Proposal and defended at a Design Review Meeting between the group and administrator. The supervisor can attend. References:

• Project Proposal Guidelines (on website)


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Dates to Remember: • Thu. Nov. 10th — Lecture on deliverables for next term • Nov. 21st to Dec. 2nd — Progress update meetings with administrator

Checklist: Address issues raised in the Design Review

Evaluate your teams and give them feedback on their progress to date. Use the online report library to access to all your team's previous reports. There are no more deliverables for the rest of the term. Regular meetings now focus on the detailed design work. Supervisors should keep track of progress using Weekly Progress form. References and resources:

• Supervisor Marking guidelines (page 10) • Online ECE496 Report Library (on website) • Weekly Progress form (page 19)



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Checklist: Meet with teams before the end of term to go over goals for the holiday

period Discuss what students should include in their Progress Reports

Teams often take advantage of the holidays to work on their projects. Help your teams set goals for this period and review them again at the next meeting after the holidays.



Dates to Remember: • Tue. Jan. 17th — Students submit Individual Progress Report • Jan. 12th to mid-March — Students Oral Presentations (supervisors invited).

Checklist: Submit individual student evaluations (online) Re-schedule regular meetings for this semester Progress marks submitted Review team's progress since last meeting Guide students in preparing their Progress Reports and Oral Presentations Supervisors begin developing projects for next year

Meet with your groups to get an update on their progress. Encourage them to concentrate on their design projects now, before they are swamped by work in other courses. The frequency of subsequent meetings will probably fall (say to alternate weeks) since the implementation is ongoing, but encourage your students to contact you sooner when problems arise. You may want to insist on weekly progress reports even though you are not meeting with the students. Meet with individuals if you suspect imbalances in the loading or efforts, or if there appear to be problems (technical or personal) where individual help is indicated. References:

• Managing your Design projects (page 13) • Weekly Progress Form (page 19) • Guidelines for Supervisor Progress marks for individual students (on website) • Progress Report Guidelines (on website) • Oral Presentation Guidelines (on website) • Looking Ahead - Projects for next year (page 15) • ECE496 Project Listings for current year (on website)





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Updated August 12, 2011 6



Checklist: Discuss what final results to present in the final report and at the Design Fair Reminder: submit design project descriptions for next year

Now is the crucial time for your teams to plan their final demonstration at the Design Fair and for you to clarify how your teams should document their project work in the final report. In terms of design, the teams should be completing and testing the modules in their design and starting system integration, testing, and verification. References:

• Design Fair Guidelines (on website) • Looking Ahead - Projects for next year (page 15) Sy






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Dates to Remember: • Thu. March 22nd – Students submit Final Report • Mon. Apr 2nd to Thu. Apr. 5th – Annual Design Fair

Checklist: Guide writing of final reports Guide students in preparing their Design Fair poster Final reminder: submit design project descriptions for next year Sign up students for next year's projects Come out to the Design Fair and support your teams Return Design Fair/Final Demonstration evaluation form Sign up students for next year's projects

This year's students are completing the technical work of the project. Emphasis should be placed on system testing and in relating these final results to the initial goals and requirements of the project. Come to the Design Fair and help judge this year's graduating class. Awards and invitations to external design conferences will be determined from your feedback. Supervisors can evaluate the final demonstration at the Design Fair or in a separate meeting with their teams. Sign up students for next year's projects before everyone breaks for the summer. Reward yourself for a job well done. Take a deep breath - it's all about to begin again! References:

• Finding Students and Project Registration (page 17) • Final Report Guidelines (on website) • Design Fair Guidelines (on website)


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Updated August 12, 2011 7

ECE496 at a Glance ECE496 is a full-year, capstone design project course intended to give students an opportunity to apply their technical knowledge and communication skills. Working in teams of two to four students, under the direct supervision of a faculty member, students develop a design project of their choice from an initial concept to a final working prototype. Course deliverables are evaluated by both the team's supervisor and one of seven course administrators. Group work and individual work is equally weighted in determining the final course grade.

Course Objectives o Use of and extension of technical knowledge o Handling of larger projects (system engineering skills) o Practice of technical communication skills prior to entering industry o Work with reduced supervision / work in teams / self-starting o Opportunity to work more closely with faculty o Assessment of skills prior to grad school o Exercise of requirements tractability from initial concept to final product/process

and verification / validation

Roles of supervisor, administrator, students The entire design process for each student team is overseen by both a project supervisor and one of seven section administrators. The project supervisor is a faculty member who works most closely with the students and provides mentoring, technical support and guidance. The section administrator, on the other hand, is mainly responsible for the grading of reports and presentations. The administrator ensures that an appropriate design method and work plan is put in place and followed, and ensures that all teams are graded in a consistent and impartial manner. Figure 1 below shows the complementary roles of the supervisor and administrator. This arrangement provides a means of checks and balances: problems are identified and a mechanism is in place for resolving conflicts. When discussing the various roles to your students, encourage them to compare themselves to a hired team of consultants. Their customer is the 'expert client', their supervisor, who has specified the design problem and is looking for a solution. The Administrator is the team's manager responsible for verifying that milestones are met, and evaluating whether the results delivered by the team satisfy the project requirements as initially laid out by the client and team. As the 'expert client', the supervisor has a good deal of background and understanding of the problem. Supervisors are a valuable source of information, but it is the responsibility of the team to actively engage their supervisor and to meet with him/her regularly. While the supervisor typically has a clear idea of the desired outcome and the scope of the project, ultimately, it is the team that must determine what they can realistically deliver

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Updated August 12, 2011 8

and the goals and scope of the project. It is the team, not the supervisor that will be held accountable.

Figure 1: Student, supervisor, and administrator roles.

Course Grading Scheme and Deliverables Table 1 shows the grading scheme. The three key milestones that mark the START, MIDDLE, and END of the project are the Design Review, Progress Report, and Design Fair. Supervisors evaluate their students at each of these milestones. The course deliverables support these milestones and are representative of the deliverables required out in industry and are described in Table 2. The final grade is equally weighted between the Supervisor and the Administrator.

Changes for 2011-2012 o Minor changes to the final mark composition. A slight increase in the weighting

of the final report. o The creation of a Design Fair Showcase on the 4th day in order to highlight the top

projects of the year to students, industry, and media. Groups are selected by the team of administrators.


Supervisor Administrator


• Defining the problem • Engaging students • Getting the technical

details ‘right’

• Marking consistency • Engineering design &

planning • Effective technical


• Creativity & details of design • Execution of project • Learning project execution,

management & communication skills

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Updated August 12, 2011 9

Table 1: ECE496 Course Grading Scheme Milestone Deliverables Weighting Supervisor Mark



Design Review (START)

Project Proposal 15% 10% 5% Performance to date evaluated by submitting a combined grade to cover the project proposal and design review. Different marks can be assigned to each student.

Design Review meeting

8% 8% -

Progress Report (MIDDLE)

Individual Progress Review

8% - 8% Interim performance evaluated by submitting an individual mark for each student. Supervisor does not mark oral presentation, but may attend.

Individual Progress Report

7% 7% - Interim performance evaluated by submitting an individual mark for each student. Supervisor does not mark oral presentation, but may attend.

Group Oral Presentation

5% 5% -

Design Fair (END)

Final Report 35% 10% 10%

25% 12%

Final performance evaluated by submitting a combined grade to cover the Final Report and the Design Fair. Different marks can be assigned to each student.

Design Fair/Final Demonstration


Total 100% 50% 50% Table 2: Marked Deliverables and Due Dates

Due Date Deliverable Description Tue. Oct. 18 Project Proposal

The main project planning document. Outlines the project, its motivation, the initial system design, and work plan. Students submit two earlier drafts to get comments from their Administrator (draft A) and from the Engineering Communication Centre (draft B), and defend their final version at the design review meeting (see below).

Oct. 20 to Nov. 4

Design Review Students defend their Project Proposal in a group meeting with their Administrator. Supervisors can attend. Details in Project Proposal Guidelines.

Tue. Jan. 17 Individual Progress Report One interim report from each student to document their progress to date. Note: Supervisor marks due on Jan. 16.

Jan. 12th to mid-March

Group Oral Presentation A short oral presentation given by the team to the Administrator and to other students. The supervisor is invited to attend.

Tue. Mar. 22 Final Report A final document of the group's work and final results.

Apr. 2nd to 5th Design Fair and Final Demonstration A poster presentation and final demonstration of their completed project.

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Supervisor Marking Guidelines o Your role as the supervisor is to evaluate the knowledge, skills, and effort of your

team, their effectiveness as a group, and the significance of their technical achievements.

o Supervisors are in the best position to evaluate:

o mastery of technical knowledge o accuracy of technical details o the individual efforts and contributions of students

o The Administrator is the one responsible for providing a detailed evaluation of

each report. Since each administrator oversees about 20 design project teams, the Administrators are in the best position to ensure that all projects are marked consistently and fairly. As such, the Administrator's mark is meant to represent an impartial, consistent, relative measure of a group's work in comparison to other project groups. As such, the Administrator's mark should be used by the supervisor as a benchmark for his/her own evaluation, recognizing that the Administrator's perspective of the project is limited to that provided by the course deliverables.

o The Administrator is not marking the worth of the subject area, but of the

execution of the project. Sometimes student’s will not properly reflect their work in the submitted material, and sometimes will inflate their work in the submitted material. It is very important that the Supervisor be alert to these circumstances and mark according to the actual worth of the work done.

o All reports are initially marked by the Administrator before being sent to the


o In the case of the Progress Report, the Supervisor will submit a separate evaluation for each student that is separate from the progress report. The report will be available to the Supervisor for reference.

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Stages of a project - the Waterfall Model From ECE298, the students have past experience with the waterfall development method, shown in Figure 2. It starts with a general goal and then moves to requirement development. A 'System Design' is next proposed to fit the requirements. The parts of the System Design are individually detailed, synthesized and tested, then the modules are combined and tested as a whole. This flow is shown with the solid gray arrows in the figure. Students also learned in ECE298 that there should be tractability of requirements through the process as shown by the dashed arrows, and that all stated requirements must be tested and verified in the final product. Such tests can be 'pass/fail' in nature or can be a measure the performance of the final design to be compared to a target specification. Descriptions such 'user friendly', 'high gain', etc. are imprecise, subjective, and can not be verified, and are, therefore, not good requirements, unless further clarified. Because of the 'pass/fail' nature of each step, development can be recursive where the previous module must pass before the next step can be started. Please see later sections on how “research” and “competition” projects fit this model.

Figure 2 Model for Project Development

Determine Main Project Goal


System Design

Module Synthesis

Module Test / Verify

Detailed Design

System Integration

System Test (Verify/Validate)

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Updated August 12, 2011 12

Funding Support Students are expected to contribute up to $100 each towards the project. This amount does not include what they might spend for the presentations, such as the poster at the design fair. Other sources of funding and resources include:

o Industrial sponsors o Matching funding from the University and/or Ontario Centres of Excellence

(OCE) through the OCE Connections Initiative o The ECE Department Design Project Fund. Students apply for this funding

around the time of the Design Review. o Equipment available through the Design Centre, SFB520 (website linked from

course website) o Supervisors who contribute out of their own funds, particularly where the student

projects will aid their research. For more information about funding resources, go the course website under ‘Students’ -> ‘Budget and Funding’.

Intellectual Property (IP) In practice, design projects rarely develop to a degree where IP becomes an issue. In general, however, it is best not to do any project where IP is to be protected. If you have IP that must be protected, such as technology you or the students wish to maintain control of or patent, please contact your Administrator before proceeding. Likewise, the students and supervisors should not sign agreements with any participating or contributing company or group without first getting the go-ahead from the University. Intellectual Property contributed by the Company remains the company's. Anything developed during the project may be controlled by the University if university resources contributed to the project. For more information about Intellectual Property, go the course website under ‘Students’ -> ‘Intellectual Property’.

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Managing your Design Projects Effective supervision relies on communicating five key elements: Desired Results Agree upon the mutual expectations of the project and its desired results. Focus on results, not methods. Guidelines Specify the parameters within which the results are to be accomplished. Resources Identify the human, financial, and technical resources available to them for the project. Accountability Make clear your expectations and the standards you will hold them accountable to when you evaluate their work (e.g. time, effort, milestones). Consequences Apart from the obvious course grade, discuss the technical significance the project if it is successful. Stress the importance of learning to work in a team, and the importance of getting strong references from both the supervisor and administrator. At this stage in their career, it's not about marks; it's about making a marked contribution and demonstrating their unique abilities.

Initial Meeting Checklist: Establish regular meetings to keep them on track. We suggest once a week or

alternate weeks at the least. Have students come prepared to meetings. It is helpful to establish a set of

action items at each meeting and to review them for the next meeting. You can have your teams complete a weekly progress form such as the one included on page 19)

Encourage the use of engineering design notebooks to keep notes on contacts, design decisions and background references and information.

Have your students describe their vision of the final demonstration at the Design Fair. Visualizing a goal will helps orient their activities on the project so the student's work is shown in the best light, even if it means cutting back on the scope of the project.

Get your team off to an early start. Here are some tasks that can be started right away (ideally over the summer):

o Literature search o Market/user survey o Background skills: learn key software tools, hardware components, test

equipment, etc. o Brainstorming project ideas and applications

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Updated August 12, 2011 14

Workload Expectations The ECE496 design project is one of five courses in each semester. As such, students are expected to consistently spend about a full day a week on it. Over the school year, this represents over 500 hours for a team of three and around 300 hours for a team of two. Some of this will be time spent with you as a supervisor, some will be spent in background research and learning, some will be spent drawing together the details of the project into the reports. You should also expect them to work less on the project over midterm and exam periods, but correspondingly more at other times. Selecting a project that will exactly meet this time commitment is impossible, but you can get close. As the project gets detailed, make sure the amount of work is realistic.

o Allow at least 1/3 of the time for communication activity o Allow time to try out technologies new to the students before they actually apply

them to the project o Allow delivery time for parts o Allow at least two months for system integration and complete testing before the

final date o Allow time for mistakes and rework

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Updated August 12, 2011 15

Looking ahead - Projects for Next Year In January, we will send out a call for design projects. Your responses will be posted on the ‘Project Listings’ page of the course website. Eventually, we want to expand the project listings also include projects proposed by students, industry, and other researchers or institutions.

Project Categories Projects can be proposed by either the supervisor or by the students. Projects provided by the supervisors can draw from their research interests (both old and new) and from their collaborations with industry or other researchers. Projects can be further divided into the following categories that are described below:

o Development projects o Research projects o Competition projects

Development projects These projects involve the development of a new device or process. These work very well when they involve a new combination of technologies or the use of a new technology. This almost guarantees the design decisions that are important to this course. The target might already exist in some form, but as long as the project is not a duplicate technologically, the result will still be worthwhile.

Research projects Research projects can be done as ECE496 projects but require special handling by the supervisor. Care must be taken to prevent the project from being too open-ended. The outcome of the project must also be measurable or verifiable. For example, the project could be the development of a switched-mode power supply using a new control law. Such things as power efficiency are the measurable attributes of the research. The project is then the setup and control of the experiment(s) to measure this (and other) parameters. Certain controls must be in place to make the research valid: For example, the input power source must be within certain limits and the switching frequency must be maintained within certain bounds. The inputs and frequency are what can be measured - they are the controls of the experiment, and these are what must be described in the project requirements. The actual control law, power efficiency, ripple, and so on are the unknown attributes of the design to be determined by the research. They should be identified at the start of the project. A test procedure would be an excellent way of presenting together the requirements, controls and determinations in the first few deliverables.

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Competition projects Here, multiple teams compete against one another in a contest. Usually, the supervisor specifies the parameters and constraints of the competition and the criteria used for judging. Note that the evaluation of these projects for ECE496 will be based on the merits of the actual design and the design method used, and is independent of the results of the competition. Typically, however, the projects where careful thought goes into the initial requirements perform well against others where this is not the case. Competitive projects can work well and can be very enjoyable for the students, but must be carefully staged to fit the course structure. Each team must set out a list of requirements of their competition entry. For example, they might specify that their entry would not tip over when subjected to a force of xx Newtons, and that the entry would be able to do a 360 degree circle in under a 1 meter diameter. The features of the entry must not be developed on an ad hoc basis and must be made to meet verifiable and quantified targets. As with any project, a certain amount of change in specifications is acceptable given adequate justification. Sometimes, a supervisor wishes to take on multiple groups interested in the same project. This does not necessarily imply a competition, since one can run several instances of the same project with slight variations. For example, a different emphasis on portability, cost and product lifetime could result in three very different designs with the same general goal. Since the measurement of success is different in each case, there is no competition per se, and each variation can be considered a separate development project.

Signs of a good/bad project

Signs of a good project: o a clearly defined starting point and ending point o measures of success definable from the start (functions to be implemented,

verifiable/measurable characteristics) o some independent self-learning required (not just a straight-forward

implementation of existing knowledge) o not swamped by self-learning (with a summer start, students should have a basic

understanding by the end of September, and a working knowledge by middle of the fall term)

o complex enough to involve all the students in the team for the entire design cycle o complex enough to require significant design decisions and trade-offs by the team o simple enough to be manageable in the one-year timeframe o Clear project results. Examples: a new device, software program, process,

engineering model

Signs of a bad project: o too open-ended and/or without a clear purpose (e.g. 'play with a new technology

and see what happens') o too simple (e.g. create a personal website) o too complex (e.g. requiring the entire year to get up to speed on the theory or

technology, or having an excessively long development time)

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o lacks design content. Examples: a paper survey, a simple website, a manufacturing project where it is essentially a technician’s job involving no uncertainty or creativity.

o a conglomeration of several projects (e.g. a project that is no more than a sequence of multiple, trivial, smaller projects)

o tied to very limited resources (e.g. a medical scanner that is only available once a month for 1 hour)

o tied to components that have very long lead time or an uncertain supply

Supervisor Rules and Regulations 1. Each faculty member with a full-time appointment in the department is required

supervise 6 undergraduate students for design projects or an Engineering Science thesis. Design projects offered by the Institute for Optical Sciences under their 299Y program are also counted towards undergraduate student supervision. Partial teaching appointments will be required to supervise a pro-rated number of students.

2. The academic record of a student must not be used as a criterion for accepting or rejecting students. All students are required to complete a design project, and we have a collective responsibility to provide supervision.

3. A faculty member is not required to supervise a design project while on a research leave. Please let Kelly Chan know if you have a special arrangement with the department or are going to be on sabbatical the coming school year. Faculty members who choose to split their leave over two years should arrange to supervise a project in one of the two years.

4. The administrators responsible for the ECE 496 course have the responsibility to assign students to those supervisors who have not accepted their minimum quota of students. The course administrators will attempt to match interests whenever possible and to balance the load. This process will take place starting in late August.

Finding Students and Project Registration Students interested in having you as their supervisor will approach you directly. In March 2008, we hope to organize specific 'open house' times where multiple professors are in their offices, available to talk to prospective students. This will allow professors to meet multiple groups in a short time, and will hopefully reduce the effort of finding teams compared to past years. While commendable, we generally do not recommend supervisors take on more than their required 6 students. If you find that a group of yours is struggling, try to help by providing more guidance. Mentoring takes time so we do not want to burden you with too many design groups. The project registration instructions are available on the course website. From the Main page, select 'Registration')

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Updated August 12, 2011 18

Other Resources ECE496 course website (2011-2012)

the key source of all information relating to the design project. Contains links to:

ECE496 Discussion Forum: Moderated by the Friends of Design, use this discussion forum to post questions and share information with other teams. You must register first ('Register' link in the upper right-hand corner). ECE496 Online Report Library (Supervisors only) Electronic copies of all design project reports are available from the main page under ‘Supervisors’ -> ‘Online Report Library’

The Administrators

Working with the Administrators, particularly if there are problems with a project or its execution, or any aspect of the marking, will make it easier on all of us. The course is still changing to make the student experience better and the Supervisor / Administrator workload less.

The Design Centre

The Design Centre is located in the basement of the Sandford Fleming building in room SFB520 and is equipped with a full range of electronic equipment, computers, and design software tools. No classes are scheduled in this room so students have complete freedom to work on lab and final year design projects.

ECE298 System Design Course Notes (by Phil Anderson)

This is the main reference that we use for students relating to engineering design. It is available online from the ECE496 website on Blackboard. These notes are repeatedly referenced in the document guidelines of this course.

Design for Computer and Electrical Engineers by J. Eric Salt and Robert Rothery

o Another reference on engineering design for electrical engineers. This book is available on a short loan basis (2 hours) in the Engineering Library.

OCE (Ontario Centres of Excellence) Connections program: The OCE Connections program provides matching funding for design projects supported by an industrial sponsor. Additional matching funding is also available through the University. For more information about this and other funding resources, go the course website under ‘Students’ -> ‘Budget and Funding’.

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Updated August 12, 2011 19

ECE496 Weekly Progress Form Date Project Team: Last Meeting

Activity Member Responsible

Due % done


This Meeting

Activity Member Responsible

Due Comments

Additional Comments / Concerns

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Syllabus for Introduction to Lighting Systems

Week Topic # of Lecture Hours

1) Sept 9 Introduction (properties of light, lighting systems, lighting technologies)

Lect 1

2) Sept. 12-16 Energy transfer processes in materials and macroscopic phenomena Definition of radiation intensity Definitions of irradiation and radiosity Definitions of radiation (blackbody)

Lect 2 Lect 3 (on Wed)

3) Sept. 19-23 Blackbody and correction for nonblackbody Definitions of surface absorption, reflection and transmission and environmental radiation

Lect 4 Lect 5 (on Wed)

4) Sept. 26-30 Kirchoff’s Law Environmental radiation

Lect 6 Lect 7 (on Wed)

5) Oct. 3-7 Properties of the eye Definitions for vision

Lect 8 Lect 9

6) Oct. 10-14 Definitions for vision Definitions for vision

Lect 10 Lect 11(on Wed)

7) Oct. 17-21 Properties of semiconductor/semiconductor junctions Properties of semiconductor/semiconductor junctions

Lect 12 Lect 13(on Wed)

8) Oct. 24-28 Properties of semiconductor/semiconductor junctions Properties of semiconductor/semiconductor junctions

Lect 14 Lect 15

9) Oct 31-Nov. 4 Properties of plasmas Properties of conductor plasma junctions

Lect 16 Lect 17

10) Nov. 7-11 Properties of conductor plasma junctions Properties of insulator/plasma junctions

Lect 18 Lect 19 (on Wed)

11) Nov. 14-18 Low pressure lamps Low pressure ballasts

Lect 20 Lect 21 (on Wed)

12) Nov. 21-25 High pressure lamps High pressure ballasts

Lect 22 Lect 23 (on Wed)

13) Nov. 28- Dec. 2 LED device LED device and ballast

Lect 24 Lect 25

14) Dec. 5-7 Review Review

Lect 26 Lect 27

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Prof. Tony Chan Carusone

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Modern Mixed-Signal Processing

H1(s) H2(z) A/D



This courseWire





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• Noise & Dynamic Range• Continuous-time filters• Analog discrete-time signal processing• Switched-capacitor filters• Introduction to data converters

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Prerequisite Knowledge

• Linear systems theory– Transfer functions, Bode plots, etc.– Continuous-time– Discrete-time

• Electronic circuit analysis– Opamp circuit analysis– Single-stage transistor amplifiers (common source,

differential pair, etc.) and their frequency response

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Course InfoEvaluation:• 2 Tests, during tutorials (15% each)• 2 Assignments (10% each)• Exam (50%)

Text:• None - course notes only

Tutorials:• Wed 4-6, BA2175

Contact:• Via course website (on Portal)

• monitored regularly

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ECE516 (formerly known as ECE1766)

Personal Cybernetics and Intelligent Imaging SystemsCourse instructor: S. Mann;Teaching assistants:

R. Janzen: EA302 R. Lo: EA302 David Chartash = chartash (at) ecf (dot) utoronto (dot) ca

Schedule for January 2012:Hour-long lectures starting Mon 2pm, and Thursday 1pm:

ECE516H1S Mon 14:00 BAB024 Mann, Steve ECE516H1S Thu 13:00 WB119 Mann, Steve

Important dates:

Mon2012jan09: first ECE516 lecture; Sun2012jan22: last day to courses for engineering undergraduates; 2012jan16: last day for ECE graduate students to add a course; 2012feb20: last day for ECE graduate students to drop a course.

Each year this course is taught, times can be verified from the official schedule at: APSC 2010 Winter Undergraduate Timetable (this URL seems to have remained constant for a number of years now). Three hour labs starting Thu at 2pm:ECE516H1S Thu 14:00 BA3135 or EA302 Mann, Steve and Janzen, Ryan

BA3135 is ECE DigMic LabA, but we may hold the labs, or at least some of the labs, in EA302 (Engineering Annex 302), depending on what topics the class is most interested in, etc., and what resources are needed to meet these interests.

Text-schedule summary block (cut-and-paste the below into your own reminder);

ECE516H1S LEC Mon 14:00 15:00 BAB024 Mann, Steve ECE516H1S Thu 13:00 14:00 WB119 Mann, Steve ECE516H1S PRA Thu 14:00 17:00 BA3135 (ECE DigMic LabA) or EA302

Course structureEach year I restructure the course in order to match the interest of the students enrolled, as well as to capture opportunity of new developments. Here's some recent news items (the first one's from your fellow student, Kalin):

Eyeglasses that overlay data and imageryEpson Moverio BT-100 3D Glasses

Final exam schedule will likely appear here, toward the end of the term.

In the year 2012 ECE516H1, INTELLIGENT IMAGE PROCESSING, X, April 25, 2012, 2:00 PM, BA-3012

Links to some useful materials

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Patent for "stitching together" pictures to make a panoramaHDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging patent"The first report of digitally combining multiple pictures of the same scene to improve dynamic range appears to be Mann." in "Estimation-theoretic approach to dynamic range enhancement using multiple exposures" by Robertson etal, JEI 12(2), p220, right column, line 26 Local cache of Atmega 2560 summary and data sheetNeurosky EEG brainwave chip and boardMindset Communications ProtocolLacy Jewellery Supply, 69 Queen Street, East, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1R8 CANADA 416-365-1375 1-800-387-4466Photocell experiment and comparametrics lab. Read and understand this Derivatives Of Displacement article, and if this article is temporarily unavailable, you can find a cache of it here. Read and understand these examples on absement. Differently exposed images of the same subject matter. sousveillance in the news...Here's what happens when you try and use a hand-held magnifier at the supermarket; better to put seeing aids in eyeglasses...

Course "roadmap" by lab units and corresponding book chapters:

PDF; PostScript (idraw)

Labs are organized according to these six units (the first unit on KEYER, etc., includes more than one lab, because there is some intro material, background, getting started, etc.).

Organization of the course follows exactly like the six chapters in the course TEXTBOOK.

location of this course textbook in university of toronto bookstore:

Kevin reported as follows:

I just stopped by the UofT Bookstore, and to help the rest of thestudents, I thought you could announce that the book is located in theengineering aisle, and exactly to the left of the bookstore computerterminal behind some Investment Science books.

Course summary:ECE516 is aimed primarily at third and fourth year undergraduates, and first year graduate students. 4th year undergraduates often take this course as their "other technical elective" (fourth year elective). It is often also offered as a Professional Development Course for those in industry who are looking for a new, exciting, and relavant field of study. The classes are comprised of lectures and labs (labs have both a tutorial component and a grading component, etc.) starting in January, along with a final exam in April.

The course provides the student with the fundamental knowledge needed in the rapidly growing field of Personal Cybernetics ("minds and machines", e.g. mind-machine interfaces, etc.) and Personal Intelligent Image Processing. These topics are often referred to colloquially as ``Wearable Computing'', ``Personal Technologies'', ``Mobile Multimedia'', etc..

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The course focuses on what will become the most important aspects of truly personal computation and communication. Very quickly we are witnessing a merging of communications devices (such as portable telephones) with computational devices (personal organizers, personal computers, etc.).

The focus of this course is on the specific and fundamental aspects of visual interfaces that will have greatest relevence and impact, namely the notion of a computationally mediated reality, as well as related topics such as brain-computer interfaces (BCI), as explored in collaboration with InteraXon, a spinoff company started by former students from this course.

A computationally mediated reality is a natural extension of next--generation computing. In particular, we have witnessed a pivotal shift from mainframe computers to the personal/personalizable computers owned and operated by individual end users. We have also witnessed a fundamental change in the nature of computing from large mathematical calculations, to the use of computers primarily as a communications medium. The explosive growth of the Internet, and more recently, the World Wide Web, is a harbinger of what will evolve into a completely computer--mediated world in which all aspects of life, not just cyberspace, will be online and connected by visually based content and visual reality user interfaces.

This transformation in the way we think and communicate will not be the result of so--called ubiquitous computing (microprocessors in everything around us). Instead of the current vision of ``smart floors'', ``smart lightswitches'', ``smart toilets'', in ``smart buildings'' that watch us and respond to our actions, what we will witness is the emergence of ``smart people'' --- intelligence attached to people, not just to buildings.

And this will be done, not by implanting devices into the brain, but, rather, simply by non--invasively ``tapping'' the highest bandwidth ``pipe'' into the brain, namely the eye. This so--called ``eye tap'' forms the basis for devices that are currently built into eyeglasses (prototypes are also being built into contact lenses) to tap into the mind's eye.

Eye Tap technology causes inanimate objects to suddently come to life as nodes on a virtual computer network. For example, while walking past an old building, the building may come to life with hyperlinks on its surface, even though the building is not wired for network connections in any way. These hyperlinks are merely a shared imagined reality that wearers of the Eye Tap technology simultaneously experience. When entering a grocery store, a milk carton may come to life, with a unique message from a spouse, reminding the wearer of the Eye Tap technology to pick up some milk on the way home from work.

Eye Tap technology is not merely about a computer screen inside eyeglasses, but, rather, it's about enabling what is, in effect, a shared telepathic experience connecting multiple individuals together in a collective consciousness.

Eye Tap technology will have many commercial applications, and emerge as one of the most industrially relevant forms of communications technology. The WearTel (TM) phone, for example, uses Eye Tap technology to allow individuals to see each other's point of view. Traditional videoconferencing merely provides a picture of the other person. But most of the time we call people we already know, so it is far more useful for use to exchange points of view. Therefore, the miniature laser light source inside the WearTel eyeglass--based phone scans across the retinas of both parties and swaps the image information, so that each person sees what the other person is looking at. The WearTel phone, in effect, let's someone ``be you'', rather than just ``see you''. By letting others put themselves in your shoes and see the world from your point of view, a very powerful communications medium results.

The course includes iPhone and Android phone technologies, and eyeglass-based "eyePhone" hybrids.

Text:Intelligent Imaging Processing (published by John Wiley and Sons, November 2, 2001) online materials and online examples, using the GNU Octave program, as well as other parts of the GNU Linux operating system (most of us use Ubuntu, Debian, or the like). additional optional referencess: publications, readings, etc., that might be of interest.

Organization of the textbook

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The course will follow very closely to the textbook which is organized into these six chapters:

1. Personal Cybernetics: The first chapter introduces the general ideas of ``Wearable Computing'', personal technologies, etc. See

2. Personal Imaging: (cameras getting smaller and easier to carry), wearing the camera (the instructor's fully functioning XF86 GNUX wristwatch videoconferencing system,; wearing the camera in an "always ready" state

3. Mediated Reality and the EyeTap Principle. Collinearity criterion: The laser EyeTap camera: Tapping the mind's eye: infinite depth of focus Contact lens displays, blurry information displays, and vitrionic displays

4. Comparametric Equations, Photoquantigraphic Imaging, and comparagraphics (see

5. Lightspace: lightvector spaces and anti-homomorphic imaging application of personal imaging to the visual arts

6. VideoOrbits and algebraic projective geometry (see; Computer Mediated Reality in the real world; Reality Window Manager (RWM).

Other supplemental material1. Chording keyer (input device) for wearable/portable computing or personal multimedia environment2. fluid user interfaces3. previously published paper on fluid user interfaces4. University of Ottawa: Cyborg Law course See, also, the University of Ottawa site, and article on legal and

philosophical aspects of Intelligent Image Processing5. photocell experiment6. "Recording 'Lightspace' so shadows and highlights vary with varying viewing illumination", Optics Letters, Vol.

20, Iss. 4, 1995 ("margoloh")7. Example from previous year's work: data from final lab, year 2005: lightvectors and lightspace (See readme.txt


Lecture, lab, and tutorial schedule from previous yearsHere is an example schedule from a previous year the course was taught.

Each year we modify the schedule to keep current with the latest research as well as with the interests of the participants in the course. If you have anything you find particularly interesting, let us know and we'll consider working it into the schedule...

1. Week1 (Tue. Jan. 4 and Wed. Jan. 5th): Humanistic Intelligence for Intelligent Image ProcessingHumanistic User Interfaces, e.g. "LiqUIface" and other novel inputs that have the human being in the feedback loop of a computational process.

2. Week2: Personal Imaging; concomitant cover activity and VideoClips; Wristwatch videophone; Telepointer, metaphor-free computing, and Direct User Interfaces.

3. Week3: Atmel AVR, handout of circuitboards for keyers, etc.; wiring instructions are now on this www site at

4. Week4: EyeTap part1; technology that causes the eye itself to function as if it were both a camera and display; collinearity criterion; Calibration of EyeTap systems; Human factors and user studies.

5. Week5: Eyetap part2; Blurry information displays; Laser Eyetap; Vitrionics (electronics in glass); Vitrionic contact lenses.

6. Week6: Comparametric Equations part1.

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7. Week7: READING WEEK: NO LECTURE THIS WEEK 8. Week8: Comparametric Equations part2. 9. Week9: Comparametric Equations part3.

10. Week10: Lightspace and anti-homomorphic vectorspaces. 11. Week11: VideoOrbits, part1; background 12. PDC intensive course may also be offered around this time; 13. Week12: VideoOrbits, part2; Reality Window Manager (RWM); Mediated Reality; Augmented Reality in industrial

applications; Visual Filters; topics for further research (graduate studies and industrial opportunities). 14. Week13; review for final exam; 15. Final Exam: standard time frame usually sometime between around mid April and the end of April.

Course Evaluation (grading):Closely Supervised Work: 40% (in-lab reports, testing, participation, field trials, etc.). Not Closely Supervised Work: 25% (take-home assignments or the portion of lab reports done at home) Final exam: 35%. Exam is open book, open calculator, but closed network connection.

This course was originally offered as ECE1766; you can see previous version (origins of the course), for info from previous years.

To see the course outline of other previous years, visit, for example,

Resources and info:AVR infoavr_kit.tar (shell script that installs GCC AVR and SP12 for those of you using the parallel port approach...)

Example from ECE385:

Supplemental material:the cyborGLOGGER community at http://glogger.mobithe EyeTap site, at concepts like sousveillance, and collective intelligence... here's an interesting article about decentralization"the electronic device owned now by the most college students is the cell phone. Close behind is the laptop."A new name for cyborglogging and sousveillance: "lifecasting". Microsoft's interest in our work

Here's one of our neckworn sensory cameras, designed and built at University of Toronto, 1998, which later formed

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the basis for Microsoft's sensecam.

CyborGLOG of Lectures from previous year(...on sabbatical 2009, so last year the course was not offered. Therefore, the must up-to-date previous course CyborGLOG was from 2008.)

Tue 2008 Jan 08:My eyeglasses were recently broken (damaged) when I fell into a live three-phase power distribution station that was for some strange reason setup on a public sidewalk by a film production company. As a result, my eyeglasses are not working to well. Here is a poor quality but still somewhat useful (understandable) capture of the lecture as transmitted live (archive) (please forgive the poor eyesight resulting from temporary replacement eyewear).

Another point of view is here.

Thu 2008 Jan 10:walking to the classroom plus the first half of lecture; and also... second half of lecture and walking out of the classroom.

Tu 2008 Jan 15:walking to the classroom plus most of the lecture; and also... end part of lecture (questions answered on chalk board).

Th 2008 Jan 17:first half of lecturesecond half of lecture

Tu 2008 Jan 22: lectureTh 2008 Jan 24: lectureTu 2008 Jan 29: lectureTh 2008 Jan 31: walking to lecture with Ryan's presentation on AVRTu 2008 Feb 05: lectureTh 2008 Feb 07: lectureTu 2008 Feb 12: lectureTh 2008 Feb 14: lecture2008 Feb 18-22: reading week, no lectures or labs Tu 2008 Feb 26: lectureTh 2008 Feb 28: lectureTu 2008 Mar 04: lectureTh 2008 Mar 06: lectureTu 2008 Mar 11: lectureTh 2008 Mar 13: lectureTu 2008 Mar 18: lectureTh 2008 Mar 20: lectureTu 2008 Mar 25: lectureTh 2008 Mar 27: lectureTu 2008 Apr 01: lectureTh 2008 Apr 03: lecture

CyborGLOG of LabsFr 2008 January 18th:

1. first half of lab2. second half of lab

Fr 2008 January 25: labsoldering banana connectors

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Fr 2008 February 01: Snow storm; univeristy officially closed but I still made myself available to people who came and wanted some help:

Meeting with students who showed up to the EA302 lab on the day the university was closed due to snow storm...Meeting with Ryan and the students who wanted to work with fluidsynth...Ryan and I discussing AVR pinout for driving three 7-segment LEDs

Fr 2008 February 08: lab

Fr 2008 February 29: 1. first part of lab2. second part of lab3. last part of lab

Fr 2008 March 07: 1. first part of lab2. second part of lab, then visit to Decon

Fr 2008 March 14: Individual group evaluations (not in the public 'glog) Fr 2008 March 21: Good Friday (now lab) Fr 2008 March 28: lab

Other background readings:photocell experimentComputational photographyCandocia's researchCandocia's paper in some of these papers show up also in scientific commons, e.g. take a look at the second paper listed in scientic commons, or any of the other papers on comparametrics, or range-range estimates. background estimation under rapid gain change

Christina Mann's fun guide: How to fix things, drill holes, install binding posts, and solder wires to terminals

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Material from year 2007:

Lab 2007-0: Demonstration of an analog keyboardExample of analog keyboard; continuous fluidly varying input space:

Lab 2007-1, Chapter 1 of textbook: Humanistic IntelligenceIn lab 1 you will demonstrate your understanding of Humanistic Intelligence, either by making a keyer, or by programming an existing keyer, so that you can learn the overall concept.

Choose one of:

Build a keyer that can be used to control a computer, camera, music player, or other multimedia device. Your keyer can be modeled after the standard Twiddler layout. You can take a look at to get a rough sense of what our typical keyers look like. See also pictures from last year's class, of various keyers that were made, along with the critiques given of each one. Your keyer should have 13 banana plugs on it: one common and 12 others, one of these 12 for each key. If you choose this option, your keyer will be graded for overall engineering (as a crude and simple prototype), ergonomics, functionality, and design. Modify one or more of the programs on an existing keyer to demonstrate your understanding of these keyers. Many of our existing keyers use the standard Twiddler layout, and are programmed using the C programming language to program one or more Atmel ATMEGA 48 or ATMEGA 88 microcontrollers. If you choose this project, please contact Prof. Mann or T.A. Ryan Janzen, to get a copy of the C program, and to discuss a suitable modification that

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demonstrates your understanding of keyers. Assemble a "blueboard" (we supply printed circuit board and pre-programmed chips). Should have experience soldering DIPs, etc.. The blueboard is the standard interface for most wearable computers and personal cybernetics equipment, and features 15 analog inputs for 12 finger keys and 3 thumb keys. If you choose this option, please contact Prof. Mann or T.A. Ryan Janzen, to determine materials needed. Implement a bandpass filter. You can do this using a suitable personal computer that has a sound card, that can record and play sound (at the same time). You can write a computer program yourself, or find an existing program written by someone else that you can use. Your filter should monitor a microphone input, filter it, and send the output to a speaker. The filter should be good enough that it can be set to a particular frequency, for example, 440Hz, and block sounds at all but that frequency. Any sound going into the microphone should be audible at that specific frequency only, i.e. you should notice a musical or tonal characteristic in the output when the input is driven with arbitrary or random sound.

Ideally we would have at least one person doing each part of this project so that we can put a group together for the entire result (keyer).

Lab 1 results:

Greg's bandpass filter was based on CLAMJAMES: perfboard-based keyerMOHAMAD's bandpass filter based on FPGAJono (Jonathan, Iceman)'s keyerDavid's blueboard interface/adapterPENG's keyerBRYAN's keyer, considering foam pipeAnthony's keyer on perfboard, with ribbon cableRachenne made keyer on perfboard, with the 13 plugs.Philip's pipe-based keyer

OKI Melody 2870A spec sheetThe OKI Melody 2870A spec sheet is here.

Lab 2007-2, Chapter 2 of textbook: Eyeglass-based display deviceIn this lab we will build a simple eyeglass-based display device, having a limited number of pixels, in order to understand the concept of eyeglass-based displays and viewfinders.

This display device could function with a wide range of different kinds of wearable computing devices, such as your portable music player.

Link to ECE516 Lab 2, 2007

Lab 2007-3, Chapter 3 of textbook: EyeTap (will also give intro to photocell)Presentation by James Fung:

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Lab 2007-4, Chapter 4 of textbook: Photocell experimentphotocell experiment and a recent publication describing it.

Example of linear regression

Today there were two really cool projects that deserve mention in the ECE516 Hall of Fame: David's comparametic analysis and CEMENTing of telescope images:

Peng's tone generator:

Lab 2007-5, Chapter 5 of textbook: Lightvectors

Lab 2007-6 and 7Final projects: something of your choosing, to show what you've learned so far.

No written or otherwise recorded report is required.

However, if you choose to write or record some form of report or other support material, it need not be of a formal nature, but you must, of course, abide by good standards of academic conduct, e.g. any published or submitted material must:

properly cite reference source material (e.g. where any ideas that you decide to use came from); properly cite collaborations with others. You are free to do individual projects or group projects, and free to discuss and collaborate even if doing individual projects, but must cite other partners, collaborators, etc..

If you choose not to provide a written report, but only to demonstrate (verbal report, etc.), in the lab, you still need to state your source and collaboration material.

It is expected that all sudents will have read and agree to the terms of proper academic conduct. This usually happens and is introduced in first year, but for anyone who happens to have missed it in earlier years, it's here: How Not to Plagiarize. It's written mainly to apply to writing, but the ethical concept is equally applicable to presentations, ideas, and any other

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representation of work, research, or the like.

Year 2006 info:Keyer evauation is posted:

Lab 2

EyeTap lab: Explanation of how eyetap works; demonstration of eyetap; demonstration of OPENvidia.

C.E.M.E.N.T. lab

Comparametrics lab: Recover the damage done by the Elipses of Evil, on the Axes of Good:

Page 11 of 13Personal Cybernetics and Intelligent Imaging Systems, ECE516 (formerly known as ECE1766)


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Exam schedule in previous yearsCheck the official site by following the most current hyperlink; in previous years (example, 2006 below) the exam schedule was given at the following URL: ECE516H1 INTELLIGENT IMAGE PROCESSING X April 17, 2006 9:30 AM BA-3004

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Last day of class:In previous year the last day of classes was April 13. Generally the last day of classes falls sometime close to mid-April, and then there's the final exam.

Course poster

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Prof. George V. Eleftheriades Room BA5128, Tel. 946-3564

E-mail: [email protected] Purpose: Learn the principles of designing modern microwave and RF circuits.

SYLLABUS 1. EM THEORY REVIEW Wave equation, plane-wave solutions, good dielectics, good conductors, skin-depth. 2. IDEAL TRANSMISSION-LINE (TL) THEORY Circuit model for a TL, TL-equations, time-harmonic solutions, lossless line, low-loss line, terminated line, impedance-transformation, Smith chart. 3. IMPEDANCE MATCHING L-matching networks, single-stub tuning, double-stub tuning. 4. PLANAR TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEMS Stripline, microstrip, coplanar waveguide CPW, microstrip discontinuities, introduction to Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC’s). 5. DESIGNING WITH SCATTERING PARAMETERS Equivalent voltages & currents, impedance & admittance matrices, scattering matrix, ABCD matrix, 2-port networks. 6. PRACTICAL 3-PORT & 4-PORT DEVICES Properties of 3-ports & 4-ports, even-odd mode analysis, Wilkinson power divider/com-biner, branch line and ring couplers, coupled-lines, coupled-line coupler, Lange coupler. 7. ACTIVE RF/MICROWAVE CIRCUITS

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Transistor amplifier design, stability, noise, diode mixers, RF receiver chains. 8. MICROWAVE FILTERS Insertion loss method for filter-design, Binomial filters, Chebyshev filters, filter transfor-mations, filter implementation, Richard’s transformation, Kuroda’s identities, stepped- impedance filters.

TEXTBOOK Required:

Microwave Engineering, by David Pozar, 3rd Edition, Wiley. Recommended:

Planar Microwave Engineering, T.H. Lee, Cambridge (both passive and active circuits)

RF Microwave Wireless Systems, K. Chang, Wiley (emphasis on systems). RF Circuit Design, by R. Ludwig and P. Bretchko, Prentice Hall (emphasis on

active circuits). SCHEDULE

--Two Lectures per week (Mon. 12-1 pm BA1230 , Tue 12-1pm BA1240) --One Laboratory every other week (PRA1: Wed. 9-12 am; PRA2: Thu 4-7pm; Session I: BA3114/Session II: GB347) --One tutorial every other week (TUT01: Wed. 1-2pm, BAB026, TUT02: Mon. 2-3pm BAB026) PRA01-LAB1-I Starts on Wed. Sept. 21, 9-12am in BA3114 PRA02-LAB-I Starts on Thu. Sept. 15, 4-7pm in BA3114 TUT01: Starts on Wed. Sept. 28, 1-2pm in BA026 TUT02: Starts on Mon. Oct. 03, 2-3pm in BA026

GRADING Final Exam: 50% Midterm Exam: 25% Laboratory: 25% Weekly assignments will not be marked but please do them on your own!

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ECE527F: Photonic Devices (2011)Course website:


This course provides the fundamentals to understand, analyze, and design micro-scale photonicdevices. We will begin with the wave description of light and study optical propagation in ho-mogeneous and stratified media. Then we will study optical waveguides, which are essential tothe confinement and routing of light. We will learn how to analyze and design optical reflectors,frequency filters, waveguide couplers, and resonators. We will finish with a brief description ofseveral active devices essential to optical transmitters – the modulator and laser.

Lectures and Tutorials

Monday, 10:00-11:00 am, RS208Wednesday, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, BA1200Tutorial: Friday, 1:00-2:00 pm, BA2195 (starts on Sep. 16, 2011)


Prof. Joyce Poon, [email protected] Hours: by appointment, GB444A

Teaching Assistants

Dongpeng Kang, [email protected] Hours: by appointment, GB403

The instructor and TA will try to respond to emails within 48 hours, but cannot guarantee a responsewithin the 24 hours before an assignment is due.


Assignments (5): 25%Tests (2): 30%Final exam: 45% (Type: X, Calculator: Type 2)


Problem sets will be assigned regularly. Although discussions with other students are permitted,you must complete the assignments independently. Copying, when detected, will result in a zerograde for the assignment. Plagiarism is not tolerated.

Late Policy

Late assignments will be penalized at 20% per day.

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Course Outline

Time line is approximate.

1. Introduction (0.5 week)

• Overview of photonic integrated circuits – materials, devices

2. Basic Electromagnetics (1.5 weeks, Ch. 1)

• Maxwell’s equations and boundary conditions• Wave equation• Polarization

3. Wave propagation (2.5 weeks, Ch. 4 & 12)

• Refraction, reflection, transmission,• Fabry-Perot etalons/resonators• Anti-reflection coatings• Multi-layer periodic media, Bloch waves

4. Waveguides (3.5 weeks, Ch. 3 & 12 & 13)

• Modes, waveguides, dispersion• Coupled-mode theory• Directional couplers, grating reflectors

5. Optical modulators (2.5 weeks, Ch. 1 & 9)

• Light in anisotropic medium and birefringence• Electro-optic effect• Interferometers• Electroabsorption

6. Optical amplifiers and lasers (2 weeks, Ch. 5 & 6)

• Optical gain in materials• Absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission• Basic operation of optical amplifiers and lasers

7. Bonus topics (interspersed throughout)

• High-index contrast (e.g. silicon) photonics• Nanoscale optics and surface plasmons• Current research and industry trends


A. Yariv and P. Yeh. Photonics: Optical Electronics in Modern Communications, 6th ed, Oxford.

Supplementary References:Yeh. Optical Waves in Layered Media, Wiley.Saleh and Teich. Fundamentals of Photonics, Wiley, 2007.Coldren and Corzine. Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits, Wiley, 1995.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8First day of lectures

9 10

11 12 Introduction

13 14 EM

15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 Last day to add

26 Wave propagation

27 28 PS1 due

29 30








Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7PS5 due

8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31








r Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3

4 5 6 7 8

9 10Thanks-giving holiday

11 12PS2 due

13 14 15

16 17Waveguides

18 19 20 21Test 1 Last day to drop


23 24 25 26

27 28 29

30 31

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 PS3 due

3 4 5

6 7 8 9 Modulators

10 11 12

13 14 15 16 PS4 due

17 18 19

20 21

22 23 24 25Test 2


27 28 OA and Lasers

29 30

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ECE530S: Analog Filters University of Toronto Winter 2012

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ECE530S – Analog Integrated Circuits, Winter 2012

Course Information & Syllabus

Staff: Tony Chan Carusone, Instructor

Rocky Dong, Teaching Assistant

Amer Samarah, Teaching Assistant

Ioannis Sarkas, Teaching Assistant

Contact via Portal

Text: Analog Integrated Circuit Design, 2nd

edition, by

Carusone, Johns, Martin

Publisher: Wiley and Sons

Web: Official course website via Portal

Textbook website at

Lecture, Tutorial and Lab schedule:

Available online at

Grading: 55% Final Exam

10% Quiz (Feb 13 in tutorial)

20% Mid-Term (Mar 19 in tutorial)

15% Lab

Course description: Generally, this course deals with analog integrated circuit analysis and

design including integrated circuit devices and modeling, single-stage amplifier

design, feedback, opamp design and compensation.

Detailed Syllabus (tentative):

Lecture Date Brief Description Text


1 Jan 9 Course introduction

2 Jan 13 Integrated circuit pn junctions 1.1

3 Jan 16 Integrated circuit MOSFETs 1.2, 1.3

4 Jan 20 Integrated circuit MOSFETs 1.2, 1.3

5 Jan 23 Advanced MOSFET modeling 1.4, 1.5

6 Jan 27 Passive integrated circuit devices 1.6

7 Jan 30 Processing and Layout 2.1 – 2.4

8 Feb 3 Review of current mirrors and single-stage amplifiers 3.1 – 3.2, 3.4

9 Feb 6 Current mirrors and single-stage amplifiers (cont.)

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ECE530S: Analog Filters University of Toronto Winter 2012

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Quiz #1 covers up to here

10 Feb 10 Source degeneration and cascade circuits 3.3, 3.5 – 3.7

11 Feb 13 Differential pairs

Introduction to frequency response



12 Feb 17 Frequency response of elementary circuits 4.2 – 4.3

Reading Week

13 Feb 27 Frequency response of elementary circuits 4.4 – 4.5

14 Mar 2 Introduction to feedback 5.1 – 5.2

15 Mar 5 Dynamic response of 1st & 2

nd-order feedback circuits 5.3

16 Mar 9 Feedback examples 5.4

17 Mar 12 Two-stage opamp analysis 6.1

18 Mar 16 6.2.1

Mid-term covers until here

19 Mar 19 Two-stage opamp compensation 6.2.2,6.2.3

20 Mar 23 Advanced current mirrors 6.3

21 Mar 26 Folded cascade opamp 6.4

22 Mar 30 Current mirror opamp 6.5

23 Apr 2 Linear settling time 6.6

24 Apr 6 Fully differential opamps 6.7

25 Apr 9 Common mode feedback 6.8

26 Apr 13 Review

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Next: ECE532S Expected Background Up: ECE532S Digital Systems Design 2010 Previous: ECE532S Digital Systems Design 2010

Course DescriptionThis course is about practical applications of advanced digital design concepts. Lecture topics will be related to design with embedded processors, FPGAs and ASICs. The practical aspect of the course is focused around significant projects to be implemented on FPGAs.

Lectures will cover topics such as architecture design, design flows, design with HDLs, good design practices, timing, clock domains, high-speed data links, ASIC and FPGA technologies. Some lectures will also be devoted to issues in the lab and design reviews of some projects.

Labs and projects will be implemented on the Xilinx XUP Virtex II Pro Development System. The goal of the project is to provide a real design opportunity using state-of-the-art tools and technology.

To get familiarity with the tools and the hardware you will start with some canned tutorials. This only gets you started and you will be expected to do a lot of digging on your own, as you would do in any real design position.

What you gain from doing the project is practical experience on managing and implementing complex designs, specifically in the approaches for large digital systems encompassing a lot of gates and a lot of software.

More specifically:

At the hardware level, this will call upon your knowledge of computer architecture, logic design, and circuit design.

The software you write will not have the benefit of a common operating system that hides the hardware from you. You will need to use your understanding of operating systems, compilers, algorithms and networking at the levels where they interact directly with the hardware. This is the world of embedded systems.

At the systems level, you will have to call upon the algorithms you have learned in areas such as control systems, digital signal processing, multimedia, networking, and data structures as integral parts of the overall architecture of your system. You will have to make the hardware work with the software and vice versa.

You will need to do a significant amount of research on your own such as, for example, to learn how chips work by reading data sheets, to learn about various standards, such as how VGA video works, or to figure out how to load Linux, if you need an operating system. Fortunately, the web makes this significantly easier.

Much effort will be spent wrestling with modern design automation tools and getting them to be a productive part of your overall design process. Anyone can use tools if they work all the time by pushing the right buttons. No modern CAD tool is free from bugs, i.e., they have lots of unadvertised features and a major challenge is to work with or around those features. CAD tools are in constant evolution (new version every 6 months) so set your expectations accordingly. This is where it helps to understand what the tools are trying to do so that when things inevitably break, you will know where to look to find the problem, and how to get around it. This is the real world and not a sanitized teaching environment. You should expect these problems and learn to deal with them. If this will frustrate you, then this is not the course or career for you.

The reality of being a good designer is knowing how to debug, whether it is your own design, or the tools.

Next: ECE532S Expected Background Up: ECE532S Digital Systems Design 2010 Previous: ECE532S Digital Systems Design 2010Paul Chow 2009-12-29

Page 1 of 1Course Description


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ECE533  Outline  –  Fall  2011  

ECE 533F - Power Electronics Fall 2011

I. BASIC INFORMATION Course Title: ECE 533 H1F - Power Electronics Course Description: The course covers the design and analysis of switched-mode power supplies (SMPS) used in virtually all electronic devices, including miniature mobile applications, computers, medical devices, consumer electronics, motor drives, electric vehicles, and power systems. Topics to be covered include: SMPS topologies, analysis of the steady-state operation, components, modeling and control of switched-mode power supplies, practical control loop implementation. Prerequisites: ECE314/ECE359 or equivalent (exemptions may be granted based on individual requests) Lectures: Tuesdays (15:00 to 16:00 PM), BA1220

Wednesdays (18:00 to 19:00), GB120 Thursdays (12:00 to 1:00 PM), BA1210

Tutorials: TUT 01: Tuesdays (09:00 to 11:00 AM), BA2195 (Alternates starting Sep. 21)

TUT 02: Wednesdays (16:00 to 18:00), BA2155 (Alternates, Starting Sep.22)

II. COURSE STAFF Instructor: Prof. Olivier Trescases Office: SF1020A Email: [email protected] Office hours: Thursdays (1:30 PM to 2:30 PM) or by appointment (at least 24 hours in advance) Teaching Assistant: Yue (Victor) Wen Office: SF1016 Office Hours: (11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on tuesdays) E-mail: [email protected]

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ECE533  Outline  –  Fall  2011  

III. TEXT BOOK AND COURSE MATERIAL • R.W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Second Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002, ISBN 0-7923-7270-0. (The book is available through the University of Toronto book-store)

• Lecture Notes • Online references (datasheets, application notes, etc.)

IV. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS • Homework assignments will be regularly assigned. You are allowed to consult with the course staff, however you must work independently and show your own work to receive full marks.

V. TEST There will be one 90-minute test held during the tutorial. The schedule for the test will be posted on the course web site.

VI. CAD Simulations The software package PLECS will be used to simulate power converters in this course. This is an add-on package to Matlab Simulink. Please refer to the PLECS web-site for more information:

VII. PROJECT The project will involve the design, simulation and analysis of a practical switched-mode power supply.


• Homework 10 % • Test 25 % • Project 15 % • Final Exam 50 %

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ECE534F Integrated Circuit Engineering Fall 2011

University of Toronto DD

Course Outline

Sep. 8: Introduction Sep. 12: Wafer Fabrication, Oxidation Sep. 15: Diffusion, Ion Implantation Sep. 19: Chemical Vapour Dep. (CVD), Metalization, PVD, Photolithography Sep. 22: Etching, CMOS Process Flow Sep. 26: Integrated Resistors and Capacitors Sep. 29: Review Examples Oct. 3: BJT Review 1 Oct. 6: BJT Review 2 Oct. 10: BiCMOS Technology 1 Oct. 13: BiCMOS Technology 2 Oct. 17: BiCMOS Process Flow Oct. 20: Layout Design Rules 1 Oct. 24: Layout Design Rules 2 Oct. 27: Layout Design Rules 3 Oct. 31: MOSFET Enhancements Nov. 3: Midterm Review Nov. 7: Midterm Review Nov. 10: Midterm Nov. 14: MOSFET Enhancements 1 Nov. 17: MOSFET Enhancements 2 Nov. 21: Metal Gates and High-K Dielectrics Nov. 24: On-chip Inductors Nov. 28: Packaging Circuits Dec. 1: Packaging Circuits Dec. 5: Final Review

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ECE535F Advanced Electronic Devices

Major Topics: 

1. Bandgap engineering. Heterojunctions, semiconductor materials & equations (2 hours)

2. SiGe and InP HBTs. (4 hours)

3. Numerical modelling for advanced device simulation (2 hours)

4. HEMTs. (2 hours)

5. Nanoscale MOSFETs: planar, SOI FETs and FinFETs    (2 hours)

6. Mobility Enhancement Techniques in nanoscale MOSFETs    (4 hours)

7. Short­channel effects in nanoscale MOSFETs  (4 hours)

8. Nanscale MOSFET structure design (2 hours)

9. Nanowires, graphene transistors (2 hours)

Total: 24 hours

Prescribed Text: 

No prescribed text. Lecture notes, 2011 ITRS roadmap document, and journal articles are used. Ning and Taur, 2nd. Edition, Cambridge U Press, 2009

Computer Experience: 

Device simulation: Sentaurus

Laboratory Experience: 

No formal labs. Students are required to engage in a series of mini design projects. This includes the design and simulation of strained nanoscale CMOS, FinFETs and SiGe/III­V HBTs 

Teaching Assistants:  Andreea Balteanu


None. Assignments and Projects reports and presentations will make up the final mark

Assignments: literature surveys

Mobility enhancement: InGaAs, InAs, InSb, Ge channel materials. Due date: Sept 26 Mark: 10% 

Multi­gate FETs and FinFETs. Due date: Nov.14  Mark: 10%


SiGe/III­V HBT simulation and design using Sentaurus. Due date. Oct. 31. Mark: 40%

45/32nm CMOS simulation and design using  Sentaurus. Due date: Dec.5. Mark: 40%

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University of TorontoDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE537F – Random ProcessesFall 2011

Information Sheet

Lecturer: Raymond H. Kwong, Room GB343, [email protected]

Lectures: Tuesday, 14-16, GB221Thursday, 15-16, BA1240

Textbook: A. Leon-Garcia, Probability, Statistics, and RandomProcesses for Electrical Engineering, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2008

References: G. Grimmett and D.R. Stirzaker, Probability and RandomProcesses, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2001

A. Papoulis and S.U. Pillai, Probability, Random Variables andStochastic Processes, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002

Course Website:, go to ECE537

Grading: Homework 15%Midterm 30%Final Exam 55%

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ECE540   Optimizing  Compilers   Winter  2012    

   General  Information    Welcome   to   ECE540!   The   goal   of   this   course   is   to   provide   you   with   a   solid   understanding   of   the  theoretical   and   practical   aspects   of   building   modern   optimizing   compilers.   The   lectures   will   cover  topics  such  as:   intermediate  representations,  basic  blocks  and  flow  graphs,  data  flow  analysis,  partial  evaluation  and  redundancy  elimination,  loop  optimizations,  register  allocation,  instruction  scheduling,  memory   hierarchy   optimizations   and   parallelization.   The   programming   assignments   will   provide   an  opportunity   to   implement   significant   optimizations   within   the   framework   of   a   modern   research  compiler.    Instructor    Tarek  S.  Abdelrahman  ECE  Department    Office:  2002C  Sanford  Fleming  Building  Phone:  (416)  978-­‐4690  E-­‐mail:  [email protected]  URL:    


Timetable    The   following   is   the   timetable   for   the   course.  Attending   the   lectures   is   a  must.   Attending   the   lab   is  optional.    

• Lectures:  Tuesdays  10-­‐12pm,  BA1230  • Lab  hours:  Mondays  1-­‐4pm,  GB243  (optional)  


• Basic  understanding  of  computer  architecture  (pipelines,  caches,  etc.).  • Experience  programming  in  C.  • CSC467/488  (Compilers  &  Interpreters)  is  NOT  a  prerequisite.  

 Course  Web  Site    Information   on   ECE540,   including   important   announcements,   a   copy   of   this   handout,   copies   of  assignment  handouts,  and  course  marks  may  be  found  on  the  web  site  for  the  course.  Simply  log  onto  Blackboard  and  you   should   find   the   course   listed  under   your   courses.     The  web   site   also  provides   a  discussion  board  where  you  can  post  questions  regarding  the  programming  assignments.    Textbook  and  Other  Reference    The  following  books  are  recommended  but  not  required:    

• Steven   Muchnick,   Advanced   Compiler   Design   and   Implementation,   Morgan   Kaufmann  Publishers.  


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• Aho,   Sethi   and   Ullman,   Compilers:   Principles,   Techniques   and   Tools,   Addison-­‐Wesley  Publishers.    

 Pointers  to  other  reference  material  will  be  posted  on  the  course’s  web  site.      Programming  Assignments    The  lab  assignments  consist  of  number  of  programming  exercises  using  the  C  programming  language  and  the  SUIF  compiler.  A  handout  describing  each  assignment  will  be  made  available  on  the  web  site  for  the  course.  The  lab  assignments  do  take  a  substantial  amount  of  your  time.  Hence,  it  is  important  to  start  as  early  as  possible  on  your  assignments  and  to  avoid  procrastination.    While  lab  access  and  use  are  possible  any  time  and  the  assignments  may  be  done  with  remote  access,  you  are  strongly  encouraged  to  regularly  attend  your  scheduled  lab  period;  a  Teaching  Assistant  (TA)  will  be  available  to  answer  any  questions  and  offer  help  during  these  periods.      The  following  is  a  list  of  the  assignments:    

1. Basic  blocks  and  dominators  2. Natural  loops  3. Dataflow  and  live  variables  4. Available  expressions  5. Open  optimization  project  

     Topic  Outline    The  following  is  a  list  of  the  main  topics  of  the  course.        

   Marking  and  Evaluation    The  midterm  test  scheduled  for  Tuesday  March  6th,  2012,  in  class.  A  final  exam  will  be  given  during  the  final  exams’  period.  The  composition  of  the  final  mark  is  as  follows:      

Programming  Assignments   40%  Midterm  Test   25%  Final  Exam   35%  


Topic  Intermediate  Representations  Control  Flow  Analysis  Dataflow  Analysis  Redundancy  Elimination  Loop  Optimizations  Register  Allocation  Instruction  Scheduling  Parallelization  and  memory  optimizations  

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ECE 568Computer Security

Winter 2012Course Syllabus

General Information

Welcome to ECE 568!

This course covers principles of computer systems security. It starts by examining how to identfy security vulnerabilites, how they can be exploited, and then discusses techniques that can help defend against such atacks. The course then provides an introducton to basic elements of cryptography, and contnues by covering topics in operatng system security, network security and web security.

Topics include: Introducton to Computer Security, Sofware Vulnerabilites and Atacks, Introducton to Cryptography, Authentcaton, OS Security, Web Security, Network Security, Security Policies and Security Evaluaton.


Courtney Gibson, P.Eng.Department of Electrical and Computer [email protected]: LP371 (Prat)Office hours by appointment.

Course Website

Informaton on ECE568, including important announcements and course marks can be found on the UofT Portal course website (htps:// Please visit the website on a regular basis for up-to-date informaton, including informaton about labs, assignments and lectures. The website also provides a discussion forum, where you can post questons regarding the course. While we will try to check the board as ofen as possible, this does not necessarily mean you will get an answer for your questons in less than 24 hours.


All UofT students are required to have a valid UTORmail email address. You are responsible for ensuring that your UofT email address ( is properly entered in the ROSI system. Forwarding your UofT email to Gmail, Yahoo, etc. is not advisable; if you choose to forward your mail,

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Page 136: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

please be cautous that, in some cases, messages from UofT email addresses are fltered by third partes as junk mail – which means that emails from your course instructor may end up in your spam or junk mail folder.


There is no required textbook for the course. However, the instructor will provide a list of reference books in class. The instructor will also provide lecture slides on the course web site. Also, various other resources will be available on the web site.


The tmetable for the course is shown below. You are expected to atend the two lectures (three hours) each week; atendance in the labs is recommended, but not required. Due to space constraints, please atend only the labs session for your officially-designated secton, as indicated on your tmetable.

Lecture Monday 10:10am – 12:00pm GB119

Lecture Wednesday 3:10pm – 4:00pm GB248


The labs consist of a number of programming exercises that will take a substantal amount of your tme. The TAs will test your lab on the ECF machines. You may do the labs on your own machines, but it is your responsibility to make sure that they work on the ECF machines. The TAs will be using automated scripts to aid them in grading the labs. As a result, it is important that you follow the submission instructons for each lab carefully. You are encouraged to include documentaton for your labs (not exceeding 1 page, please no essays!). If your labs do not work completely, the TAs may use this documentaton to assign part marks. Lab atendance is not required. Labs will be done in groups of two students.


There will be several assignments in the course. Writen assignments should be submited in class on the day they are due. If you can’t make it to class that day, ask a friend to bring it, or bring it in a previous class. Any assignments brought afer the class will be considered late. Assignments are to be writen individually. It is important to be concise in both the lab documentaton and the assignments. Quantty does not equal quality! Poor English syntax and/or illegible handwritng will result in mark deductons. Please use a spellchecker and write complete sentences for your answers.

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Page 137: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

Important Dates

The release date and due dates for the labs and assignments are shown below. A handout for each lab and for each assignment will be available from the course web site, and no hard copies will be provided in class. Labs are due by no later than 11:59 pm on Friday of the week they are due. Assignments should be handed to the instructor in class the week they are due (either Monday or Wednesday).

Week 1 – Jan 9-13

Week 2 – Jan 16-20 Lab hours start. Lab #1 released.

Week 3 – Jan 23-27 Assignment #1 released.

Week 4 – Jan 30 – Feb 3 Lab #1 due.

Week 5 – Feb 6-10 Lab #2 released.

Week 6 – Feb 13-17 Assignment #1 due. Assignment #2 released.

Week 7 – Feb 20-24 Reading Week: No lectures or labs

Week 8 – Feb 27 – Mar 2 Lab #2 due.

Week 9 – Mar 5-9 Lab #3 released.

Week 10 – Mar 12-16 Assignment #2 due. Assignment #3 released.

Week 11 – Mar 19-23 Lab #3 due.

Week 12 – Mar 26-30 Lab #4 released.

Week 13 – Apr 2-6 Assignment #3 due.

Week 14 – Apr 9-13 Lab #4 due.


There are no tutorials in this course. Please make use of the TAs in the labs, the Portal discussion forum, and office hours with the instructor.

Course Policies

There will be no extensions given in this course. Solutons for all assignments will be posted the day afer they are due. Plagiarism (of code or of writen material) will not be tolerated; in partcular, you and your lab partner are jointly responsible for ensuring that your submited lab work is original work.

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Page 138: BME496/BME455 H1 F – CELLULAR BIOENGINEERING – Fall 2010 · 2013. 10. 25. · 1 1 Introduction: what is a control system 1.1 - 1.3, 1.8 2 ODE's and state equations 3 State equations

Missed Labs / Assignments

You will have a minimum of two weeks to do any lab or assignments – so a couple of sick days will not be accepted as grounds for special consideraton. Assignments can be handed in early, and you can submit labs as many tmes as you like. Nevertheless, if for some valid reason you are unable to submit the lab on tme or hand in an assignment, you should have an explanaton and appropriate documentaton (for example a doctor’s note).


Everybody makes mistakes, including TAs and the instructor! However we cannot aford to grade every assignment twice. Thus, you are given the beneft of the doubt, and 2 bonus marks will be added, grats, to each lab and assignment (you cannot get more than perfect on any assignment though). If you feel that there has been a grading mistake greater than 2 marks, you can request a regrade within one week of the assignment or lab results being returned. You should submit a short note explaining which questons are in error and why you think you deserve a regrade. You will lose the two bonus marks given initally, and a TA or the instructor will regrade the entre assignment. (Therefore, you should be sure that there has been a signifcant mistake, or you may very well end up with a lower grade on your assignment.) Free marks will not be applied to the midterm or fnal exam, but otherwise the policy is the same.

Marking and Evaluation

There will also be one mid-term test during the course. A fnal exam will be given during the fnal exam period. The details of the mid-term test and fnal exam tme will be provided in class and on the web site. The compositon of the fnal mark is as follows:

Assignments: 10%Labs: 15%Mid-Term Test: 25%Final Exam: 50%

Calculator Type: 4 (none)Exam Type: C (single reference sheet, both sides)

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