blueberry to see that all the...

Parkland School Division Blueberry School Mail Bag 700 1532 Parkland Drive Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1Y6 Telephone: (780) 963-3625 E-mail: [email protected] Website: FB: BlueberrySchool/ Dates to Remember: Nov 1—Gr. 9—Take Your Kid To Work Day Nov 1—Gr. 5 Immunizations—Round 1 Nov 2—Div II Awards— 1:55 pm Nov 5—Turn our Clocks Back one hour Nov 6—Caring Kids Hotdog Lunch Nov 7—S/P/T Interviews—3:15—6:15 pm Nov 8—S/P/T Interviews—4:30—7:30 pm Nov 9—Remembrance Day Ceremony—10:30 am Nov 10—13—FALL BREAK—No School Nov 14—PD DAY—No School Nov 21—Gr 3 Teacher’s Pet Inschool fieldtrip Nov 23—Gr 4 Teacher’s Pet Inschool fieldtrip Nov 27—BSC Meeting—6:30 pm October 31, 2017 Blueberry Bulletin Message from Administration What a great turnout we had at our annual Monster Mash! A big thank you to our parents and staff who helped coor- dinate and run such an amazing community event. A big thank you to our School Council Chair, Patricia Whalen, and Grade 7 teacher, Mrs. Owen for their work in coordinating this event. We would also like to thank many of our staff, parents and students who volunteered their time to run events at the Monster Mash. Our first report card will go live on November 3rd at 3:00 .m. If you would like a hard copy of your child’s report card please communicate directly with your child’s homeroom teacher and we would be happy to provide you with one. Interviews will be the week of November 6th. Please sign up online for an interview time if you have not al- ready done so. Here is the link Please keep in mind our report- ing periods are official check in times with the school. You are more than welcome to call at anytime if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress. We will having our Remembrance Day assembly on Thursday November 9th at 10:30 am. Parents and community members are more than welcome to attend. Thanks for your continued support. Let us know if you have any feed- back or questions. Mrs. Sheryl Bridgeman, Principal Mrs. Michelle Visscher, Vice-Principal **ALL VISITORS PLEASE REPORT TO OFFICE** ***Please remember to always sign your child out when they leave the school. Students cannot sign themselves out.***

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Parkland School Division

Blueberry School

Mail Bag 700

1532 Parkland Drive

Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1Y6

Telephone: (780) 963-3625

E-mail: [email protected]



Dates to Remember: Nov 1—Gr. 9—Take Your Kid To Work Day

Nov 1—Gr. 5 Immunizations—Round 1

Nov 2—Div II Awards— 1:55 pm

Nov 5—Turn our Clocks Back one hour

Nov 6—Caring Kids Hotdog Lunch

Nov 7—S/P/T Interviews—3:15—6:15 pm

Nov 8—S/P/T Interviews—4:30—7:30 pm

Nov 9—Remembrance Day Ceremony—10:30 am

Nov 10—13—FALL BREAK—No School

Nov 14—PD DAY—No School

Nov 21—Gr 3 Teacher’s Pet Inschool fieldtrip

Nov 23—Gr 4 Teacher’s Pet Inschool fieldtrip

Nov 27—BSC Meeting—6:30 pm

October 31, 2017

Blueberry Bulletin

Message from Administration

What a great turnout we had at our annual Monster Mash! A big thank you to our parents and staff who helped coor-

dinate and run such an amazing community event. A big thank you to our School Council Chair, Patricia Whalen, and

Grade 7 teacher, Mrs. Owen for their work in coordinating this event. We would also like to thank many of our staff, parents and students who volunteered their time to run events at the Monster Mash. Our first report card will go live on November 3rd at 3:00 .m. If you would like a hard copy of your child’s report card please communicate directly with your child’s homeroom teacher and we would be happy to provide you with one. Interviews will be the week of November 6th. Please sign up online for an interview time if you have not al-

ready done so. Here is the link Please keep in mind our report-ing periods are official check in times with the school. You are more than welcome to call at anytime if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress. We will having our Remembrance Day assembly on Thursday November 9th at 10:30 am. Parents and community members are more than welcome to attend.

Thanks for your continued support. Let us know if you have any feed-back or questions.

Mrs. Sheryl Bridgeman, Principal Mrs. Michelle Visscher, Vice-Principal

**ALL VISITORS PLEASE REPORT TO OFFICE** ***Please remember to always sign your child out when they

leave the school. Students cannot sign themselves out.***

Parkland School Division

Thanks to all our wonderful parents and grandparents who volunteered

for our Monster Mash! The kids had a great time (and I think the adults

did too!) and this community event couldn’t be possible without your

help! Also thank you to everyone who donated candy etc. for our priz-

es. If you have any comments, concerns or suggestions about the Mon-

ster Mash, please e-mail [email protected].

Our first fundraising hotdog day is on Nov. 6. The other dates are: Dec. 4, Jan. 8 (note the correction on this date), and Feb. 5. Just a reminder to everyone that the kids will only be receiving the hotdogs they ordered, not juice etc.

Please send other lunch items with your child if he/she has a big appetite. Deadline to order the Caring Kids hotdog lunches is November 2nd. Thank-you for your support of this Caring Kids project.

Caring Kids Hotdog Lunches

Volleyball News

Our Sr. Girls Volleyball team finished their

season with an outstanding year finishing 4-

1, and first place in the Association Confer-

ence. The girls played with a great amount of

enthusiasm and heart this year..........they

also finished 2nd in Graminia’s invitational

tournament, losing in the finals. The girls

have a bye heading into

the semi-finals

on Monday Nov.6th at our

school. Best of luck!!!

Bring home gold and that

Banner!!!!!! Mr. Ewasiuk

Cross Country Season at an End Phew! What a fun and busy Cross Country season we had! Runners represented Blueberry admirably at our lunch practic-es and at the various running meets. Thank you for being ex-cellent stewards of our school and coming out to run. I hope

that all parents and guardians that took the time to drive run-ners across the county know how appreciated you are! We could not do this without you. We had a great season and look forward to next year!

Also, a special thank you to all the volunteers that helped our

school host an excellent meet at Chickakoo on October 19. We were so fortunate to have this event sponsored by Perks Coffee House. They provided all of the coffee, hot chocolate, water and cookies free of charge, and volunteered their time to help at the meet. If you would like to visit Perks to get one of their delicious coffees, italian sodas, or tasty treats they are at #9-420 King Street (King Street Plaza) Spruce Grove. You can also

follow them on Facebook @perkscoffeehouse.

Parkland School Division




You should have received a paper copy of the Demographics Verification Sheet already. Please look over this sheet to see that all the information we have on file for your child is correct. If it needs updating, then you can log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal and change the information yourself by clicking on the Family Information tab on the left side, after you’ve selected your child on the tab at the top. The PowerSchool Parent Portal is a val-

uable tool for parents, giving them access to student attendance, report cards, and online fee payments. The back side of the Data Verification Sheet has information regarding FOIP/CASL/Responsible Use of Technology /Locker Agreement(Gr 7-9). You can consent to FOIP, CASL, Locker(Gr 7-9) and the Responsible Use of Technology on the Parent Portal. Here’s the link from Parkland School Division’s website, with more information on the Parent Portal. You need to open FOIP, CASL, Locker and the Responsible Use of Technology, scroll down and “click on the checkbox to consent”

before you submit. If we haven’t received consent for the Responsible Use of Technology and Locker

Agreement (Gr 7-9) by November 1st, your child will not be able to use any school devices or have ac-cess to the PSD wifi and Gr 7-9 students will be unable to use a locker. If we haven’t received con-sent for FOIP by November 1st, your child will not be included in class pictures, any pictures/videos taken during school events.

Report cards will be going live on the Parent Portal on November 3rd at 3:00 pm For security reasons, the report cards and fees are not available on the PowerSchool App. You must access through the PowerSchool website @

If you are new to Blueberry School, or have not yet created an account, your child will bring home a paper with their “special” username and password. You will need this when you are creating your new account on Pow-


CASL Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL) came into full force July 1st 2017 after a transition period of three

years. The law generally prohibits the sending of commercial messages without the recipient’s consent

(permission), including messages to email addresses (e.g. Transportation notifications), social networking ac-

counts, and text messages sent to a cell phone. Without your consent, we will be unable to send you these elec-

tronic communications. For further information, and to give your consent, please go to the CASL (Canadian Anti-

Spam Legislation) tab in your Parent Portal @ This would

also include any fundraisers for Blueberry School, such as hot lunch, Spell-a-thon, Terry Fox Run, Jump Rope for

Heart, concessions. We usually include information in our newsletter that would pertain to these types

of events/fees. Transportation also uses e-mails with CASL consent to send information electroni-

cally to parents.

To receive our school newsletter and emails pertaining to school information and events, via e-mail, please ac-

cess our Blueberry School website . If you require assistance with your Parent PowerSchool Account please con-

tact the school office.

Admazing Ticket Paks are available in the office or

from any student grades 7 through 9. The coupon

booklet is loaded with savings for

Edmonton and area businesses. The

books sell for $20 each and would

be a great Christmas present!!

Deadline to order is November 6th.

ADMAZING Ticket Paks

Parkland School Division

School Fees

School Fees are now due. If you haven’t already done so, fees can be paid with a credit card online

through the PowerSchool Parent Portal at: You can also see any fees that are added, such as option

fees, as well as your account balance. They can’t be paid through the app though—only through the

actual website. If you prefer, you can print the fee sheet (on our website, under the Parent Tab) and return it to the school with your cheque

(made out to PSD70) or cash. If you need financial assistance with Play Parkland, please contact the

office, as Jumpstart Funding is available.

Influenza Season is Here!

If your child is sick, we know that you are not always able to stay home with them.

However, please make sure you have alternate arrangements in place so they can stay

home from school until they feel better. Or, if they get sick during the day, that someone

is available to come and pick them up. We do not have the space for students to lie in

the sick room for long periods of time. As well, the rest of the students and staff are at risk to also get sick

when your child comes to school unwell.

Book Fair Coming Soon!

Blueberry's Annual Fall Scholastic Book Fair will

be held during our student/parent/teacher inter-

views on Tuesday, November 7th—8:00am to

6:30pm and Wednesday, November 8th—8:00am

to 7:30pm. All proceeds are put directly back

into our school li-

brary. Please be sure to

stop in at the Book Fair!

Upcoming Christmas Concert Dates:

Wednesday, December 13th

Grades 2, 4, and 6

Matinee @12:45 & Evening Concert @ 6 pm (Student check in at 5:30 pm)

Thursday, December 14th

Grades 1, 3, and 5

Matinee @12:45 & Evening Concert @ 6 pm (Student check in at 5:30 pm)

Monday, December 18th —Kindergarten Christmas Concert & Family Activities

All three classes will be performing on December 18th, starting at 12:45 with a concert in the Learning

Commons, followed by family activities in the small gym. All parents are welcome and encouraged to





Please remember to

keep any receipts you

have from McDonalds Restaurants in Stony

Plain and Spruce Grove. When we hand in

the receipts at the end of each year, we are

eligible to receive up to $500 back for the

school. You can drop your receipts off at

the school office.

Parkland School Division

Administering Medication

If your child requires medication (prescription only) during the school day, it is Division Policy that a signed consent form be completed in advance. This form requires a physician’s signature. Contact the office for a form or further information. All medication brought to school

must be kept at the office, and will only be accepted in the original clearly labeled bottle/box. Only prescription medication will be dis-pensed at the office. Please ask the pharmacist for a second labeled bottle to be kept at school.

All medication that was left at the school in June has been dis-posed of. Note – Medication will not be dispensed from the office for fieldtrips. Parents are responsible for providing extra medication on fieldtrip days if necessary. Students that may need an epi-pen are required to supply an epi-pen for storage in the school office and the required forms must be completed. If necessary an additional epi-pen

can be kept by the student.

School Volunteers—We love to have


If you are planning to volunteer at the school for more

than ten hours throughout the school year (this in-

cludes field trips) we ask that you fill out a Volunteer

Form that includes a Criminal Record Check. These

forms must be completed each year and an updated

Criminal Record Check must be included. This check

can be completed free of charge at the Stony Plain

RCMP Detachment. Forms can be picked up at the

school office. We appreciate your help at the school

and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



Donations always needed for the Tinkerlab!

-toilet paper rolls -paper towel rolls -cereal boxes (broken down) -plastic yogurt contain-ers and lids (washed)

-any kind of lids (milk jug, plastic containers, etc).


Our library is now an “unplugged” area

during recesses, so students are using our

lego wall quite a bit. We are in need of

extra lego though. If you have lego that

you can donate to the library, please bring

it to the school office or library. We ap-

preciate all donations!

Kinsmen Christmas Hamper Donations We will be collecting for the Kinsmen Christmas Hampers again this year. Our start date to send in donations of food

or unwrapped gifts to the school will be November 20, 2017, with the deadline to donate being December 11, 2017.

From Sophia Freund - Leadership Student:

The Grade 8 students of the Leadership class are organizing Blueberry School’s annual Kinsmen Christmas Hamper do-nation drive. We are encouraging the families of Blueberry School to bring in donated items such as non perishable

foods (foods that will not expire quickly). This year we are in need of:

Canned Vegetables, Fruit and Soups Beans in Tomato Sauce

Chili/Stew Canned Tuna, Ham and Salmon Pasta and Pasta Sauce

Macaroni and Cheese Instant Meals (Sidekicks, Rice a Roni)

Instant Noodles Instant Potatoes Cereal Pancake Mix and Syrup

Peanut Butter and Jam Granola Bars Cookies Crackers Coffee Tea Along with food donations we are also looking for clothing donations such as jackets, gloves and hats that have been bought from a store and not worn. We will not accept any donations that have been used.

And last we would like to give donated toys to families for Christmas. The toys must be still packaged brand new toys. We do not accept any used toys. We kindly ask that you do not wrap them as well. Unused gift cards and monetary donations are also accepted. The Grade 8 Leadership students believe that Blueberry School can make Christmas great for families in need!

Parkland School Division

Thank you to everyone who came to support the meeting in October! Mrs. Bridgeman arranged for our grade four teacher, Mr. Schellenberg, to have some of his students present to our parents how Google classroom is an effective tool in the classroom. Also, the students used their Chrome books to help Mrs. Bridgeman present information about the Education plan outlined on our school website.

Please attend our meeting next month, which will be in the evening on November 27th at 6:30pm. By attending the school council meetings, you have the chance to become involved in your child's education and have your voice heard by your Principal, Parkland School Division and your Government!

-Get involved in your child's school - Your opinion matters - Let your voice be heard -

Patricia Whalen, School Council Chairperson

Blueberry School Council News (BSC)

Ongoing Fundraisers: Oliver Labels - great waterproof, washable labels for all your kids clothes, shoes and supplies. School re-

ceives 20% back from your purchase. Get your online Christmas hopping done early and support your school at the same time. Check out all the companies that you can shop with, like Amazon, Indigo, Old Navy, Sport Check….the list goes on. Check out the website at

Check out the website page at: Blueberry School Fundraising Committee Page

Check out our Facebook page at: BSFC Facebook Page to keep up to date on events.

If any parent is interested in becoming more involved and have fun contributing to the BSFC, then please

“Like” our Facebook page (, as all our meetings and current fundraisers will be posted there! All parents are welcome!

CONTACT US AT: [email protected]

Blueberry School Fundraising Committee News(BSFC)


Our hot lunch program is available to order online each month. This includes Tuesday,

Wednesday and Thursday hot lunch program, as well as the Grade 9 Farewell Lunch, and

Healthy Initiative lunches which will be served on some Mondays and Fridays. If you missed

ordering for November, please con-

tact [email protected] as soon as possible. If you

would rather have a paper copy sent home there are some extra copies

available in the office. If you have any questions or concerns please con-

tact Carmen at [email protected].

Visit for instructions on ordering online.

Parkland School Division

PARENT INFORMATION SECTION (more Alberta Health Services Newsletters and Calendars can be accessed anytime


Parkland School Division

Parkland School Division

Parkland School Division

Parkland School Division

This Community Event ties in with our Community Classroom, Wonder Workshop group, tech

based options, Makerspace/Tinkerlab, Tech Club, and programming Mrs. Tofsrud is doing with

classes. Aimbot, Lego, VR systems, programming/coding, ect. will all be there.

Parkland School Division

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


*Take Your Kid To

Work (Gr. 9)

*Gr. 5 Immunizations


*Div II Awards—1:55


3 Day 4







* Caring Kids Hotdog



*S/P/T Interviews—

3:15—6:15 pm


*S/P/T Interviews—

4:30—7:30 pm


* Remembrance Day

Ceremony—10:30 am


Fall Break—No



12 13

Fall Break—No



PD Day—No School

15 16 17 Day 1 18

19 20 21

*Gr 3 Teacher’s Pet

inschool fieldtrip

22 23

*Gr 4 Teacher’s Pet

inschool fieldtrip

24 Day 2 25

26 27

*BSC Mtg—6:30 pm

28 29 30 1 Day 3

November 2017