blue oxygen workspace overview

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Post on 15-May-2015




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  • 1. Frans Thamura Meruvian Foundation [email_address] BlueOxygen Workspace Platform Flexible Web Platform to create Great Solution rapidly

2. Who is Frans Thamura?

  • CEO of Intercitra Innovation Center (

3. BlueOxygen(

  • Open Source Project on Java, since 2001.

Founder of JUG Indonesia 4. Meruvian Group Founder 5. JENI Advisory Board 6. jTechnopreneur - Founder 7. BlueOxygen Projects

  • BlueOxygen founded in Sydney, January 2001

8. First Release March 2001 (Cimande Project) 9. Based on JavaEE Technology 10. Founded by Frans Thamura 11. Adopted from Corporate Portal book from Hellen 12. Cimande won APICTA 2005 (Merit Award) 13. as the marketplace and support services center 14. as the virtual development lab 15. BlueOxygen Workspace Definition

  • BlueOxygen WorkspacePlatform is the single web platform
  • employees to go to get information

16. find experts 17. work with other colleagues 18. attend e-meetings 19. take actions 20. change an employee benefit 21. even take a course. 22. BlueOxygen WorkspacePlatform is a platform for building any portals 23. BWP Extensible Stack

  • BlueOxygen Workspace Platform a foundation to build any industrial-based stack

. . 24. BWP Screen Shot 25. BWP Screen shot Menu type workspace 26. BlueOxygen Papaje 27. BWP - Benefits

  • Easy and Robust

28. Modular and Distributable 29. Business Application on a JAR 30. Secure 31. Run on ava EE container: Glassfish AS, Websphere, Weblogic, Tomcat 32. BWP - Features

  • User Management

33. Role Management 34. Module Management 35. Site Management 36. Security Management 37. BlueOxygen's Business Solution

  • Management Idea

38. Point of Service 39. Inventory Management 40. Help Desk 41. Balance Scorecard 42. Project and Activity Tracking 43. Content Management System 44. Marketing Research

  • Job Marketplace

45. Workspace Platform 46. Document Management 47. Event Organizer Planning 48. Customer Relation Management 49. Education Management Service 50. Electronic Office (E-Office) 51. ... 52. BWP - Credentials

  • Smiletown Pty Ltd 2001

53. Jamsostek (Prodesain Konsultindo) -2001 54. MLM (Intercitra) 2002 55. DJPLN (54 kanwil won IGOS Award) 56. Technical Archiecture 57. Cimande Architecture

  • Cimande implements MVC approach

58. Soon.. with dual MVC approach Javascript MVC (soon) Java MVC 59. Detailed Architecture 60. Cimandes ERD

  • Cimande ERD

61. Cimande and Cimandes Applications 62. Reusable Component ARchitecture

  • We are developing areusable modulethat can be used across cimande project

63. Cimande Roadmap

  • Current status 1.3

64. Cimande GX

  • MDA model, develop application without development concept

65. Multiple Project Management

  • Multiple Project Management at BlueOxygen (in the progress)

66. BlueOxygen Information

  • Official Website:

67. Community: [email protected] 68. Support: 69. Labs: 70. SDK: 71. Thank You Frans Thamura [email_address] +62 855 7888 699 [email_address]