blue collar computing – osc approach to industrial outreach idc hpc user forum, beijing ashok...

Download Blue Collar Computing – OSC Approach to Industrial Outreach IDC HPC User Forum, Beijing Ashok Krishnamurthy Interim Co-Executive Director

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Slide 2 Blue Collar Computing OSC Approach to Industrial Outreach IDC HPC User Forum, Beijing Ashok Krishnamurthy Interim Co-Executive Director [email protected] October 30, 2010 Slide 3 OSC Contributions to Ohio Academic and Industrial Research Providing HPC resources and research support to higher education Empowers over $85 million per year in research grants to the PIs that use OSC resources Represents a return on investment on state dollars of 17:1 Making Ohio industry more competitive through the use of modeling and simulation Training the future workforce New academic and certificate programs Our duty is to empower our clients, partner strategically to develop new research and business opportunities, and lead Ohio's knowledge economy Slide 4 3 Providing Stable Computational Infrastructure Glenn IBM 1350 System AMD Opteron processors 9,500+ cores 24 TBytes memory 75+ teraflops Blend of 4, 8 & 16 core nodes Large processor count Large memory SMP jobs Csuri GPU Environment 16 nVidia C1060 cards installed on BALE 18 nVidia Quadro Plex 2200 S4 units installed on Glenn Mass Storage ~1 PBytes disk 80 TBytes tape NFS, PVFS, iSCSI Slide 5 4 OSC Supports Variety of Research Applications Computational Fluid Dynamics FLUENT (serial and parallel) Flow 3D OpenFOAM (serial and parallel) Structural Mechanics LS-DYNA (parallel) ABAQUS (serial and parallel) ANSYS Altair Hyperworks Mesh Generation/Pre-processing Altair Hypermesh Gambit GridPro Biosciences Amber Bioperl BLAST OSC staff members maintain more than 30 software applications and provide access to more than 70 different software packages Slide 6 OSCs Industrial Outreach Program Blue Collar Computing 5 Slide 7 6 Ohios Emerging Areas of Excellence Premise: Council on Competitiveness case studies demonstrate how key U.S. industries applied computational science to gain a competitive edge over global competitors Numerous other national studies reinforce link between computation and competitiveness Future Ohio competitiveness is linked to application of computation to solve design, engineering, and research challenges through modeling, experimentation, and analysis. Slide 8 OSCs Industrial Outreach Program OSC introduced Blue Collar Computing concept at SC2004 invited talk in Pittsburgh Blue Collar Computing (BCC) provides industrial clients with supercomputing resources, training, and expertise to enhance their competitiveness Invited Talk: Towards a High Performance Computing Economy: Blue Collar Computing Public and private sector researchers partner to: Accelerate product development Promote process improvement Solve challenging scientific and industrial / business problems BCC Impacts Time, Quality and Cost of Product & Service Development Slide 9 20 Number of Users Number of Applications 1464 MISSING MIDDLE Entry Level HPC Users World Class/Leadership Computing Nodes 1,00010,000+ Leading HPC Users (Heroes) Industry Competitiveness Transformation Challenge National Labs, University HPC Centers & Commercial HPC Services Experienced Industry HPC Users Filling the Expertise Gap Never Ever Users Adapted from OSC Graphics Council and USC ISI Proprietary Moving Users Forward Slide 10 9 Two classes of industrial clients: Experienced HPC users who need access to larger systems for specific tasks (peaking facility) E.g., Goodyear, P&G, Ohio auto maker Novice - and some experienced HPC users is to develop industry- specific portals in collaboration with industry-focused organizations EWI, PolymerOhio Blue Collar Computing Clients Slide 11 OSC Portal Philosophy Develop portal based HPC access to areas of strategic interest: BCC and biomedical sciences Targeted (applications with limited functionality provided to non-HPC people) Comprehensive (data, software and cycles in one click) Lightweight (no client resources except web browser) BCC Portal Philosophy web appliances Integrated applications that engage user 10 Slide 12 Partnership with Edison Welding Institute EWI-OSC WeldPredictor Secure website Easy access to advanced weld modeling tools Arc welding procedures Single and multi-pass welding simulation Output Temperature Hardness Residual stress Distortion Users Web browser Slide 13 WeldPredictor Development History WeldPredictor has been in development stage over past 4 years: 2007 - Prototype launch 2008 - Bug fixes 2009 - Weld bead enhancement and accuracy improvement 2010 - Deployment Significant effort and funding were invested during the development EWI project team members including S. Babu, S. Khurana, W. Zhang, W. Gan, J. Xu, H. Kim, and Y. Yang OSC project team members including N. Ludban, L. Yang, and D. Hudak Slide 14 WeldPredictor Was Recognized Internationally About 550 engineers worldwide have used EWI WeldPredictor EWI won the 2009 International Institute of Welding Sossenheimer Award for this innovative modeling software A WeldPredictor paper was published in the Journal of Welding in the World, Volume 53, Issue 1/2, January/February 2009 WeldPredictor was presented in a number of international conference: PVP2008, IABC2009, AeroMat2009, and GDIS2010 Slide 15 WeldPredictor Portal Impact WeldPredictor allows industrial companies to access advanced weld modeling technology in their product design and manufacturing process improvement. This technology used to be accessed by few research companies. WeldPredictor is free to EWI members which significantly increases the ability of EWI members to use computer simulation to determine weld parameters WeldPredictor changes industrial engineers thinking to solve a problem. They start thinking to apply modeling in problem solving. EWI WeldPredictor Portal Impact Previously WeldPredi ctor Expertise Needed Ph.D.B.S. Analysis Setup 12 hours1 hour Project duration 6 months1 month 14 Slide 16 Login page 15 Slide 17 Weld Geometry Selection 16 Slide 18 Status Page Slide 19 E-Weld Predictor Example Output Slide 20 Polymer Portal being developed in collaboration with PolymerOhio The Polymer Portal will offer: Computational resources and software for modeling/simulation Expertise in polymer science and engineering Training Databases with relevant material properties Advanced instrumentation Business intelligence and strategy Offering Moldex3D and Ximex for industry and education training Web front end Pylons JSON Tomcat mySQL JUnit Apache Ant Python and Java 19 Software components supporting the OSC Portals Partership with PolymerOhio PolymerOhio-OSC PolymerPortal Slide 21 Polymer Portal Computational Application: Prediction of Nanofiber Composite Processing Problem: Carbon nanofibers are added to compound before mixing and extrusion to improve material properties. The mixing breaks up the nanofibers, and this affects the final material properties Solution: Use multi-physics modeling and simulation to identify optimum processing routes for nanotechnology based fiber composites 20 Slide 22 Nanofiber Design Portal 21 Slide 23 Training (4 Courses) Projects (6 Projects) App Access (5 Apps) Productivity Audits (24 Audits) Outreach to Industry (50 Visits) Case studies provide MEP model to: Illustrate MS&A value to production and profitability Assist companies in application selection Develop training for high value-added MS&A apps Engage companies in employee training for MS&A Provide broad access to low-cost, productivity-enhancing apps MEP Advanced Modeling and Simulation Funded by NIST MEP for PolymerOhio and OSC Goals: Raise awareness of MS&A in Polymer industry and MEP system Make cost-effective computational methods available to SMEs ~$700K for 1 st year Slide 24 23 Light Weight Material in Vehicles Computational Analysis NASTRAN, MSC Genesis, Vanderplaats R&D Genoa, Alpha STAR Glenn, OSC HPC cluster Upgrade in Summer, 2009 Total: 9,500 cores, 75 TF, 24 TB RAM Slide 25 Damage Growth at 12000 lb Fracture at 13000 lb Volume of control arm before optimization: 106.9 in^3 Volume of control arm after optimization: 132 in^3 Metallic and Hybrid Composite Design Failure Mechanism contribution Optimized Shape Optimized Control Arm with minimum weight, & comparable steel stiffness Hybrid Control Arm Damage Initiation at 8000 lb Slide 26 Development Costs Design Landscape StageProbability defect (Physical) Probability defect (HPC analysis) Cost to fix Concept-N/A*$40,000 PoC-N/A*$240,000 Engineering50%5%$445,000 Qualification7.5%0.25%$450,000 Deployment0.375%0.0125%$450,000* * *HPC-based analysis not applicable, existing desktop based analysis sufficient **Cost assumed to be for new unit design and qualification, installation costs ignored Estimated savings using HPC analysis: $233,000 25 Slide 27 Partnership with Center for Automotive Research PHEV Battery Simulation 26 Slide 28 Goal: Achieve a better understanding of the characteristics and behavior of lithium-ion automotive batteries arranged in parallel Configuration required to achieve performance and range for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) Understanding the behavior of individual cells will lead to improved voltage equalization through better battery management systems. Successfully conducted 6 million distributed Monte Carlo calculations thru OSCs Remote MATLAB Services Funding: OSU Center for Automotive Research 27 PHEV Battery Simulations Slide 29 Partnership with Fireline TCON/Youngstown State Material Design Collaborators Fireline TCON Inc. (FTi) Produces ceramic/metallic composite materials originally used for molten metal handling, melt treatment and castings DOE Tests estimated that thermal management could save over.55 trillion BTU per year for the aluminum industry YSU Center for Excellence in Advanced Materials Experimental analysis and modeling of composite materials Collaboration began with $2.1M grant from Ohio Third Frontier Program in 2008 Software Application Discovery Implementation (SADI) - program funded by three NSF EAGER awards, one granted to OSC 28 Slide 30 OSCs Workforce Development Program Ralph Regula School of Computational Science 29 Slide 31 Education: Building a workforce competent in computational science Teacher professional development programs; workshops for middle and high school students Model of disease transmission in human population Middle and high school students and teachers Cause and effect relationships and simple modeling principles PLTW training course for teachers; course given to students Modeling simple physics phenomena: statics, gravity, pendulum Ohio PLTW students and teachers Applying models to engineering and architecture fields Certificate program Undergraduate minor program OSC training program Using commercial computational package or service to test strength of new container design Current workforce College graduates Understand use of modeling for business and research Certificate and graduate programs; OSC training courses Applying protein folding simulations to discover candidates for new drugs Engineers/ scientists in university and business Expert in Applications ProgramsExampleAudienceLevel Slide 32 Certificate Program to Meet Employer Needs Certificate programs Focus on skills needed by employers Stackable certificates starting with basic skills and working up to advanced skills Level 1 Certificates Meet competencies of undergraduate minor Will require mathematics review for displaced workers Possible certificates: Modeling and Simulation Parallel computing Visualization Programming and algorithms for computational scientists Level 2 Certificates More specialized, focused on specific computational expertise 31 Slide 33 RRSCS Industry Certificate Program Underway First of several stackable certificates in place at Sinclair Community College Plans to extend to Columbus State CC Expect an advanced certificate in polymer manufacturing later this year Working with PolymerOhio and Moldex3D Working with the National Association of Manufacturers on a second advanced certificate program in metal stamping 32 Slide 34 Challenges: Lessons Learned in Industry Engagement High Performance Computing can be a force for improving economic competitiveness (the step taken before economic development) Choose the right partners they will help you reach the community and help you understand requirements Commercial software and licensing is a HUGE bottleneck Engage with your state economic development agency early Workforce development is very important Clearly understand your cost to provide industrial support 33 Slide 35 Questions? [email protected] (614) 292-9524 [email protected] (614) 292-4132 [email protected] [email protected]