blue brain project


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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 2: Blue Brain Project

•Introduction.•Time line of Blue brains.•Turing test.•What is Blue Brain ?•Do you Know your brain ?•A big challenge.•Why we need Virtual brains?•Pros.•Conclusion.

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• Being a human we all known as a most intelligent creature on planet earth just because of Human Brain.

• The Blue Brain Project is an attempt to reverse engineer the human brain and recreate it at the cellular level inside a computer simulation

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Used to identify the structure of chemical compounds. (Dendritic Algorithm).

Used by geologists to identify sites for drilling or mining. (Blossom algorithm)

The robot musician WABOT-2 can converse with a person, read a normal musical score with is eye and play tunes of average difficulty on an electronic organ.(de-bowing algorithms)

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A medical AI system that can identify of some bacterial causing infection and to recommend antibiotics, with the dose adjusted for patient’s body weight.(RETE algorithm) Deep blue was a chess- playing computer by IBM.  First computer program to defeat a world champion (Garry Kasparov) in a classical game under tournament regulations. (Searching algorithm)

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• A test devised by the English mathematician Alan M. Turing to determine whether or not a computer can be said to think like a human brain.

A human interrogator is isolated and given the task of distinguishing between a human and a computer based on their replies to questions that the interrogator poses.

After a series of tests are performed, the interrogator attempts to determine which subject is human and which is an artificial intelligence.

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• The Blue Brain Project is an attempt to reverse engineer the human brain and recreate it at the cellular level inside a computer simulation. The project was founded in May 2005 by Henry Markram in Lausanna, Switzerland.


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•Grey matter (Neocortex 76%) contains most of the brain's neuronal cell bodies. •The grey matter includes regions of the brain involved in muscle control, and sensory perception such as seeing and hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, and self-control.

•While 20% of all oxygen taken in by the body goes to the brain, 95% of that goes specifically into the grey matter.

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• The research involves studying slices of living brain tissue using microscopes and patch clamp electrodes. Data is collected about all the many different  neurontypes. This data is used to build biologically realistic models of neurons and networks of neurons in the cerebral cortex.

• As of August 2012 the largest simulations are of mesocircuits containing around 100 cortical columns. Such simulations involve approximately 1 million neurons and 1 billion synapses.

•But the speed of transmission of Impuls from one synapse to another is 300x time slower than real time.

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• Help to stop animal experimentation forever .

• To keep the intelligence, knowledge and skills of any person forever.

• Goals of the project are to gain a complete understanding of the brain and to enable better and faster development of brain disease treatments.

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• We become dependents upon computers.

•Another fear is found with respect to human cloning.

•A very costly procedure.

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• Eventually aim of Applying terrific computer power to the simulation of an entire brain.

• It is hoped that a full human brain simulation (86 billion neurons) should be possible by 2023 provided sufficient funding is received.

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