blossom stage4本冊p4 636 unit 1 7 ⑴は を,⑵は...

4 5 1 段落で述べられている場面を表すイラストとして適切でない 4 4 ものはどれか。記号で答 えなさい。 (7 点) 学生寮と講義が行われる建物の特徴を 40 字以内の日本語で書きなさい。 (9 点) 下線部①の「学生たち」について,説明を完成させなさい。 (4点×2=8点) 彼らは であったが, という点でみな同じだった。 下線部②の意味に最も近いものを選び,記号で答えなさい。 (7 点) he had just discovered he could be discovered he later discovered he failed to discover 本文の内容と一致するものには〇を,一致しないものには をつけなさい。(3点×3=9点) When the Japanese student in the passage arrived at the dormitory, he felt at home, hearing his own language. On his first day of college, he was too shy to speak to any of his new classmates. While taking his first English class at the college, he became friends with two of his classmates. 20 40 G × UNIT 1 留学プログラムを利用してアメリカの大学で勉強し始めた日本人学生はどんな体験をした のでしょうか。 Reading Track 1-3 Track 4 Words & Phrases 次の語句を聞き,CD のあとについて言ってみよう。 enormous voice be filled with respond sign native mix friendly foreign professor silent relax heavy ancient courage by the time UNIT 1 Grammar 28 Reading 40 10 Writing 12 Vocabulary 10 Listening To tal 100 He was both excited and somewhat uneasy the moment he arrived at the college in the United States where he would begin his study abroad program. Rising before him was an enormous *Gothic building, with a sign on the door identifying it as the foreign students’ *dormitory. As he stepped into the building with his heavy bags, he heard voices he couldn’t *comprehend; none of the sounds were native to his ears. He passed a sleepless night in his new room, surrounded by stone walls. The next morning he went to his first English class at the college and was taught by a young American professor. While the dormitory was ancient and dark, the classroom buildings were modern and filled with sunlight. As he took his seat, he noticed that there were none of his *countrymen in the room. He was mixed in with a group of Asian, South American and European students, all his age. Although he was silent at first, he found his courage and managed to say, “Hello, I’m from Japan.” When the others responded in a friendly way, he began to relax and enjoy the class. The students, with their various *nationalities, had different customs and *accents. But they were all similar in that this was their first experience of America. Together their voices *resounded in imperfect but enthusiastic English. By the time the class was over, he had already made one friend from Korea and another from Brazil. The first few days, all his classes would be the same: he would hesitate to speak at first, but then would be encouraged by his *multinational classmates. He and his new friends were as he was to discover that people say in English in exactly the same boat. 法政大 (291 words) G 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 教育・学校・学問 テーマ 時 制 文法項目 *Gothic ゴシック様式の  dormitory 寮,寄宿舎  comprehend 理解する   countryman 同国人,同郷人  nationality 国籍  accent なまり  resound 鳴り響く   multinational 多国籍の  

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Page 1: Blossom Stage4本冊P4 636 UNIT 1 7 ⑴は を,⑵は を参考にして,次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 (5点×2=10点) ⑴母が私の部屋に入って来たとき,私はまさに寝ようとしているところだった。(Iで始めて)

4 5

❶  第1段落で述べられている場面を表すイラストとして適切でない4 4


えなさい。 (7点)

ア           イ           ウ           エ         

(   )

❷  学生寮と講義が行われる建物の特徴を40字以内の日本語で書きなさい。 (9点)

❸  下線部①の「学生たち」について,説明を完成させなさい。 (4点×2=8点)

彼らは ⓐ ( ) であったが, ⓑ ( ) という点でみな同じだった。

❹  下線部②の意味に最も近いものを選び,記号で答えなさい。 (7点)

ア he had just discovered    イ he could be discovered

ウ he later discovered   エ he failed to discover (   )

❺  本文の内容と一致するものには〇を,一致しないものには をつけなさい。 (3点×3=9点)ⓐ When the Japanese student in the passage arrived at the dormitory, he felt at

home, hearing his own language. (   )ⓑ On his first day of college, he was too shy to speak to any of his new classmates.

(   )ⓒ While taking his first English class at the college, he became friends with two of

his classmates. (   )







Reading Track 1-3

Track 4Words & Phrases


□ enormous □ voice □ be filled with ~ □ respond

□ sign □ native □ mix □ friendly

□ foreign □ professor □ silent □ relax

□ heavy □ ancient □ courage □ by the time ~





40 10





Listening Total


He was both excited and somewhat uneasy the moment he arrived at the college

in the United States where he would begin his study abroad program. Rising before

him was an enormous *Gothic building, with a sign on the door identifying it as the

foreign students’ *dormitory. As he stepped into the building with his heavy bags, he

heard voices he couldn’t *comprehend; none of the sounds were native to his ears. He

passed a sleepless night in his new room, surrounded by stone walls.

The next morning he went to his first English class at the college and was taught

by a young American professor. While the dormitory was ancient and dark, the

classroom buildings were modern and filled with sunlight. As he took his seat, he

noticed that there were none of his *countrymen in the room. He was mixed in with

a group of Asian, South American and European students, all his age. Although he

was silent at first, he found his courage and managed to say, “Hello, I’m from Japan.”

When the others responded in a friendly way, he began to relax and enjoy the class.

①The students, with their various *nationalities, had different customs and *accents.

But they were all similar in that this was their first experience of America. Together

their voices *resounded in imperfect but enthusiastic English. By the time the class

was over, he had already made one friend from Korea and another from Brazil.

The first few days, all his classes would be the same: he would hesitate to speak at

first, but then would be encouraged by his *multinational classmates. He and his new

friends were ― as ②he was to discover that people say in English ― in exactly

the same boat. 法政大 (291 words)










時 制文法項目

*Gothic ゴシック様式の  dormitory 寮,寄宿舎  comprehend 理解する  

 countryman 同国人,同郷人  nationality 国籍  accent なまり  resound 鳴り響く  

 multinational 多国籍の  

Page 2: Blossom Stage4本冊P4 636 UNIT 1 7 ⑴は を,⑵は を参考にして,次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 (5点×2=10点) ⑴母が私の部屋に入って来たとき,私はまさに寝ようとしているところだった。(Iで始めて)

6 7UNIT 1

⑴は を,⑵は を参考にして,次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。


 ⑴ 母が私の部屋に入って来たとき,私はまさに寝ようとしているところだった。(Iで始めて)  

 ⑵ 私の弟は,勉強せずにいつもテレビゲームばかりしている。 

日本語を参考にして,(  )に適する語を書きなさい。 (3点×4=12点,⑴は完答)

 ⑴ I ( ) the bag ( ) my father’s by asking what was in it.


 ⑵ I’ve been an ( ) soccer fan since I was a little child.


 ⑶ This morning I got up late, but I ( ) to be in time for school.


 ⑷ The price of the new smartphone is ( ) higher than I expected.



なさい。 (5点×2=10点)

 ⑴ ア I’m sure of that.

イ Oh, I didn’t either.

ウ Why not?

エ Yes, I can. (   )

 ⑵ ア Don’t worry. You can make it.

   イ Do you think so?

   ウ Oh, I remember it now.

エ Tomorrow is better. (   )

WritingTarget 1 Target 2

Vocabulary (語彙)

Track 5(会話に適切に応答する)Listening


●時制の種類: 過去・現在・未来の3つの基本時制と,それぞれに進行形,完了形,完了進行形がある。

●未来を表すいろいろな表現 ・〈be about to+動詞の原形〉:「まさに~しようとしている」 ・〈be動詞+ to+動詞の原形〉:「~する予定だ」(予定),「~することになる」(運命)

 The train is about to leave. (その列車はまさに出発しようとしている)


 Tom is always telling jokes. (トムはいつも冗談ばかり言っている)

Target 1

Target 2

(  )内の動詞を適切な形に変えなさい。ただし,1語とは限りません。 (4点×4=16点)  ⑴ What shall we do if it next Saturday?

( rain )

  ⑵ I am tired of rain. It since last Friday.

( rain )

  ⑶ He his second novel by next March.

( write )

  ⑷ My mother TV when I came home.

( watch )

日本語の意味に合うように,(  )内の語句を並べかえなさい。ただし,不要な語が1つず

つ含まれています。 (4点×3=12点)

  ⑴ その飛行機はまさにパリに向かって離陸しようとしている。    ( take / to / the plane / will / for / about / off / is ) Paris.


  ⑵ あの子はいつもくだらない質問ばかりしている。    ( asking / asks / kid / questions / is / that / silly / always ).   

  ⑶ 父は他界したとき1年間ずっと入院していました。    My father ( a year / died / in hospital / has / had / he / for / when / been ).    My father .


