blood splatter

Christianity a bloody religion

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Post on 05-Aug-2015



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a bloody religion

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have all realized that Christianity (unlike other faiths) is a bloody religion. This is what then makes many people to take offence in it. However, discovering the secret be-hind the bloodshed - which lies at the core of the Christian faith - brings healing to the diseased, salvation to lost souls, freedom to those in bondages of all kinds, and hope to those in despair; for the Bible says, “… the blood of Jesus Christ His Son CLEANSETH US FROM ALL SIN”(I John 1:7).

All what we witness daily is the sin-sick world, grief-stricken families, problem-cen-tered marriages, suspects being convicted of horrendous crimes, old age striking our mor-tal bodies condemning them to the graves, etc. All these are caused by the PLAGUE OF SIN!

we sugar coat fornication and adultery with pretty names such as “pre-marital and extra-marital sexual relationships” We just don’t want to call those words as ugly as they are. But, no matter how we sugar coat it, it is still sin; and it kills, wrecks, and imprisons (John 8:34); for the pen-alty of sin is death! (Romans 6:23).

The pursuit of that sin or wrongful act is so deceptive that you only realize how bad it is after you’ve committed the act (James 1:14) and, once you’ve committed it, you are robbed of the peace of mind. But, MOREOVER IT DESTROYS ONE’S PERSONAL

Proponents and opponentsOF THE CHRISTIAN CREED

“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed on all men, for that ALL HAVE SINNED”(Romans 5:12).

Careful observation of God’s original crea-tion before it became marred with sin how-ever reveals that:• Both animals and man were vegetarians

(Genesis 1:29,30)• Man was created in God’s image and

after His likeness. As such, he was inca-pable of getting old, sick, and dying. All these were the penalties of sin!(Genesis 1:26)

• Women were never created to experi-ence pangs of childbirth. Painful child-bearing is one of the curses of sin! (Genesis 3:16; I Timothy 2:15)

• Women were created to be the joint-heirs in God’s delegated authority to man to rule over His creation, not to be dominated by him (Genesis 1:28). Thus, submission to him did not mean to be dominated!

Sin therefore is the most awful and tragic of all human experiences. To take it lightly is ut-ter foolishness and for this reason the Bible says that those who realize how terrible it is and do something about it - by winning souls that have been captured by it – through preaching the gospel of salvation - are wise (Proverbs 11:30; I Corinthians 15:1-3 ).

Sin is so subtle that it makes good look bad and bad looks good. It is so deceptive and powerful that even those it has captured sugar coat it with pretty names that make it acceptable norm of everyday life.


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Relationship with GOD who created you to enjoy FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM“Behold, the LORD’S hand is not short-ened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your sins have hid his face from you,, that he will not hear”(Isaiah 59:1,2)

God’s Bloody Solution to the Plague of Sin: The seed of sin has been transmit-ted into the human race through their blood stream. It hereditary!!! Therefore, we are not necessarily sinners because we have sinned, but rather because the nature to sin is in us! (Romans 5:12). As its natural for the factory to produce, so it is natural for the inherited sinful nature to produce deeds of sin, e.g. sexual immorality of all forms, drunkenness, murder, theft, idol worship, child and women abuses, etc .