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This book was created to be used along with Claudia’s online alternative remedies class.

The online alternative remedies class can be sampled or purchased from:




The medical information in this handout and class is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied

on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis

and treatment.

Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical

condition. Healthy Preparedness shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as

a result of the reliance on the information contained in this handout and class.



Different Types of Remedies:

5 Reasons to Store Alternative Remedies

1. Gives us an alternate option to storing antibiotics. (We can’t store life-saving prescription antibiotics –I’ve asked.)

2. Medical help and prescription medicines may not be available – we need other options!

3. Supports and heals the body in times of illness.

4. Increases our chance for survival and optimal health through preventative measures and treatment options.

5. Diarrheal illnesses, small wounds, respiratory diseases, and constipation are the main killers during a disaster – all of these

can be addressed using alternative remedies and a few specific tools.

Types of Remedies:


(Alternative remedies within book include: Activated Charcoal, ASAP Silver Solution, Asea, Baking Soda, Bentonite

Clay, Castor Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide, Nascent Iodine, Lypospheric Glutathione, Lypospheric Vitamin C, Zeolite)

Essential Oils:

(Essential oils within book include: Cloves, Digestive Blend, Lemon, Lavender, Melissa, Oregano, Tea Tree, Thieves)

Essential oil brands I recommend are: DoTERRA, Natures Fusions, Young Living


(Herbal remedies within book include: Cayenne, Elderberry, Goldenseal, Oregon Grape Root, Senna Leaf, Slippery

Elm, Yarrow)


Nutritional Medicines:

(Nutritional supplements recommended within book are: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Multi Vitamin, Liquid



Alternative Remedy Guidelines

1. Treat as early as possible – as soon as symptoms start appearing.

2. Be aggressive – hit every 1-2 hours first day. 3 X day after that.

3. Continue treatment for at least 3-5 days after symptoms have subsided.

Use Multiple Options

1. Herbs

2. Homeopathy

3. Nutrition (vitamin c, zinc, juicing, moringa, etc)

Different Ways to Support Health Issues:

Support Symptoms

Kick Out Pathogens


Boost Immune System

Nutritional Support


Health Threats During a Disaster:

Respiratory Illnesses


Diarrheal Illnesses


Vector-Born Illnesses



Most Common Day-to-Day Health Issues:


Health Issues Solutions


Yarrow Tea Mix of peppermint, yarrow and elder flowers tea Lukewarm catnip tea enema Peppermint essential oil rubbed down spine (dilute for sensitive skin, don’t use on infants)


Nebulizer w/ Lugol’s Red Plague Remedy Onions w/ Honey Lomatium Root Tincture Breathe Essential Oil Blend Herbal cough remedies Homeopathic cough remedies (Umcka or other)

Wounds Foundation: Comfrey Root Powder Plantain Leaf Powder Calendula Leaves Powder Add Anti-Microbials: Goldenseal Root Powder Or Oregon grape root powder Or thyme leaf powder Or other anti-bacterial herb Or olive leaf powder Can also add thickener: Ground flax seeds Marshmallow root powder (Watch my in-depth online wounds class at


• Arsenicum Album • GSE • Silver • (HR) • Garlic on Feet • Homeopathic under Tongue • Digestive Essential Oil • Ipecac homeopathic remedy

Eye Infections

• Nano silver solution • HR

Ear Infections

Nano Silver HypoRedox Garlic Infused Olive Oil


Essential oils – basil, lavender rubbed around outside of ear – massage down the neck from the ear to help drain ear If from swimmer’s ear, use homeopathic swimmer’s ear drops Straight onion juice into ear (never drop anything into ear if eardrum has burst)

Diarrhea / Vomiting

Constipation: • Digestive blend essential oil • Enema flush

Diarrhea Remedies:

• Nano Silver Solution • (HR) • Digestive blend essential oil • GSE • Olive leaf / Oregon Grape root

Sore Throat / Strep

Remedies: • Nano Silver Solution • (HR) • Cayenne • GSE • Thieves essential oil • Homeopathic sore throat syrup • Herbal sore throat syrup/liquid • Thyme tea

Dehydration Remedies: • Enema RETENTION!

• Electrolyte recipe: • 2 cups water • 1-2 tsps. sugar/dextrose • ¼ tsp salt • Pinch of baking soda

Vegetable broths Coconut water Other electrolyte restoring drinks






Complete List of Most-Used Herbs:


Arnica, Montana

Astragalus Root

Barberry Root

Burdock Root

Calendula, officinalis

Cayenne, capsicum annum

Chamomile, german

Cleavers (bought in set)

Comfrey, symphtum officinale

Dandelion, taraxacum officinale

Dyer’s Woad, Isatis Tinctoria – Amazon for seeds

Echinacea, purpurea


Elderberry, black, sambsaigra




Lemon Balm

Licorice Root

Lobelia, officinale

Lomatium, dissectum

Marshmallow, althaea officinale

Milk thistle, silybum marinnum

Mullein, verbascum Thapsus


(Olive Leaf)

Oregano, greek or organium valgare

Oregon Grape Root

(Pau D’arco)

Peppermint, metha piperita

Plantain, plantago major

Poke / Pokeweed

Red clover, trifolium pretense

Red Raspberry





Uva Ursi

Yarrow, achillea millefolium

Yellow Dock, rumex crispus

Wormwood, Artemisia absithiu




(Oregon Grape Root)


Olive leaf


Pau D’arco

Root herbs might be best to purchase and store as well until you get better at growing herbs. Roots tend

to be ready to harvest after 2 years.

Medicinal Produce to Grow:

Garlic, onion, Turmeric, horseradish, ginger – grow onions, buy rhizomes for the other three. Seeds can be

purchased from


Arnica Montana

Parts Used:

Flowers – leaves can also be used.

Use as homeopathic formula.

Can be used in salve or homeopathic cream / gel.

Tincture, topically only on unbroken skin.


Great for bruises, sprains, strains, sore muscles, before and after strenuous workout, before and after birthing.

Other: Never use internally or topically on unbroken skin at full strength. Only use as homeopathic remedy or use tincture

on topically on unbroken skin. Arnica is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth in the amounts commonly found in food or

when applied to unbroken skin short-term. The Canadian government, however, is concerned enough about the safety of

arnica to prohibit its use as a food ingredient.

Amounts that are larger than the amount found in food are LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth. In fact, arnica is

considered poisonous and has caused death. When taken by mouth it can also cause irritation of the mouth and throat,

stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, shortness of breath, a fast heartbeat, an increase in blood pressure, heart

damage, organ failure, increased bleeding, coma, and death.

Arnica is often listed as an ingredient in homeopathic products; however, these products are usually so dilute that they

contain little or no detectable amount of arnica.


Astragalus Root

Parts Used:



Mainly immune booster. Does have some antimicrobial, antitumor benefits.

Other: May be incompatible with immunosuppressive drugs like cyclosporine, etc.


Barberry Root, berberis vulgaris

Parts Used:



Diarrhea. Research studies indicate that the alkaloid berberine may fight bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic

infections. Urinary tract infections. Liver and gallbladder conditions. Antibacterial.

Other: People using normal and appropriate doses of barberry do not generally report side effects. Cases of

nosebleeds and vomiting have been reported with extremely high doses of this herb. In infants, berberine (a

constituent of barberry) may interfere with liver function and might worsen jaundice.


Burdock, arctium lappa

Parts Used:



Blood cleanser, stimulates and heals the liver, supports kidney’s, helps eliminate toxins. Helps with skin

conditions like eczema, acne, psoriasis.

Also can help with inflammation, arthritis, and gout.

Other: Burdock might slow blood clotting. Taking burdock might increase the risk of bleeding in people with

bleeding disorders. Allergy to ragweed and related plants: Burdock may cause an allergic reaction in people who

are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family.


Calendula, officinalis

Parts Used:

Flower petals


Accelerates cell division and wound healing. Speeds internal healing. Antimicrobial.


Rashes, cuts, burns, skin irritations. Also can help with bladder infections / maladies, bacterial infections, fevers,

and flu & colds. Safety: Calendula is very non-toxic.


Cayenne, capsicum annum

Parts Used:



“Heart difribiliator”, stops bleeding, high / low blood pressure, breaks up mucous, increases circulation.

Other: Side effects can include stomach irritation and upset, sweating, flushing, and runny nose. It is

POSSIBLY UNSAFE to take capsicum by mouth in large doses or for longperiods of time.


Cayenne Applications


NOTE: In the following Steps of this Section, "Dropperfuls" or "tsp." are referring to Cayenne Pepper Tincture,

unless otherwise noted. SUBSTITUTE Cayenne Pepper Powder (250,000 Heat Units or above - Habanero, African

Bird, Serrano, Jalapeno), if Cayenne Pepper Tincture is NOT AVAILABLE. 1 HEAPING Tablespoon added to an 8 oz.

Glass of PURE Water is EQUAL to 5 Dropperfuls of Tincture. 1 Dropperful EQUALS 30 Drops.

If you're working with an UNCONSCIOUS Person, you must be CAREFUL, when putting the Dropperfuls into the

Mouth, so that you do NOT CHOKE or DROWN this Person, but then even if he/she GAGS a little, you are SAVING

his/her LIFE!! The above recommendations for a Heart Attack came from Dr. Richard Schulze, M.H., N.D., who

saw MANY MIRACLES with his Methods!


If a Person has SERIOUS EXTERNAL BLEEDING (Cuts, Wounds, & Childbirth Hemorrhage/Tear), you must:

1. LIBERALLY FLUSH the AFFECTED Area with 10 - 20 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture IMMEDIATELY or

PACK the Area with Cayenne Pepper Powder, if the Cayenne Pepper Tincture is NOT AVAILABLE!

2. Give 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture ORALLY also.

3. If Echinacea Plus Tincture is AVAILABLE, FLUSH the AFFECTED Area with 10 - 20 Dropperfuls.

4. Apply Pressure to a Cut/Wound/Tear or use Arterial Pressure.

5. Tape the Cut/Wound/Tear together.

6. Apply Aloe Vera Gel to the AFFECTED Area on the following day.

7. If Pain is involved, then give 5 - 60 Drops 3 - 4 times daily of an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture to

the Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture.

8. If OPEN SORES or WOUNDS are NOT HEALING, apply Slippery Elm Gruel over the AFFECTED Area each day,

until desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has SERIOUS INTERNAL BLEEDING (Ulcers, Hemorraghes), you must:

1. Give 1/8 tsp. of Cayenne Pepper Tincture - 8 times per day.

2. And then WORK your way up to taking 1 tsp. of Cayenne Pepper Tincture - 3 times per day.

If a Woman has a HEAVY MENSTRUAL FLOW, you must:

1. Give/take 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture ORALLY.


2. If Pain is involved, then give 5 - 60 Drops 3 - 4 times daily of an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture to

the Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture.


If a Person has STOPPED BREATHING and is CONSCIOUS, you must:

1. IMMEDIATELY Check Airway and Pulse!

2. Start Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation.

3. Give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Person to REVIVE!

4. Give 2 - 10 Dropperfuls of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture or MORE, HELPING the Person to BREATHE EASIER, OPEN

UP their AIRWAY and RELAX!.

5. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

If a Person has STOPPED BREATHING and is NOT CONSCIOUS, you must:

1. IMMEDIATELY Check Airway and Pulse!

2. Start Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation!

3. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Person to REVIVE!

4. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture or MORE, HELPING the Person to BREATHE EASIER, OPEN

UP their AIRWAY and RELAX!.

5. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

If a Person has SMOKE INHALATION and is NOT or BARELY CONSCIOUS, you must:

1. IMMEDIATELY Start First-Aid Treatment for Smoke Inhalation!

2. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Person to REVIVE!

3. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture or MORE, HELPING the Person to BREATHE EASIER, OPEN

UP their AIRWAY and RELAX!.

4. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.


If a Person has a HEART ATTACK (Angina Pectoris) and is CONSCIOUS, you must:

1. IMMEDIATELY give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth!


2. Sit/lay the Person down and LOOSEN Clothing.

3. REPEAT the Cayenne Pepper Tincture Dosage in 5 minutes and, if you have it, 4. Give an EQUAL amount of Dr.

Schulze's Heart Formula Tincture (1 Part - Cayenne & 3 Parts - Hawthorn Berry).

5. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

6. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has a HEART ATTACK (Angina Pectoris) and is NOT CONSCIOUS, you must:

1. IMMEDIATELY give 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth!

2. Check Pulse and Breathing.


4. REPEAT Dosage in 5 minutes and, if you have it,

5. Give an EQUAL amount of Dr. Schulze's Heart Formula Tincture (1 Part - Cayenne & 3 Parts - Hawthorn Berry).

6. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

7. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has a STROKE and is CONSCIOUS, you must:

1. IMMEDIATELY give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls DIRECTLY into the Mouth!

2. Sit/lay the Person down and LOOSEN Clothing.

3. REPEAT the Cayenne Pepper Tincture Dosage in 5 minutes and, if you have it,

4. Give an EQUAL amount of Dr. Schulze's Heart Formula Tincture (1 Part - Cayenne & 3 Parts - Hawthorn Berry).

5. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

6. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has a STROKE and is NOT CONSCIOUS, you must:

1. IMMEDIATELY give 1 - 3 Dropperfuls DIRECTLY into the Mouth!

2. Check Pulse and Breathing.

3. Start C.P.R.!

4. REPEAT Dosage in 5 minutes and, if you have it,

5. Give an EQUAL amount of Dr. Schulze's Brain Formula Tincture.


6. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

7. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has General Circulation &/or Blood Pressure Problems, they should:

1. Change the Tincture Formula above to 2 parts - Garlic, 1 part - Ginger Root, and 1 part - Cayenne Pepper.

2. Take 1/8 tsp. - 4 times per Day.

3. Work their way up to taking 1 tsp. - twice per day.

If a Person has Heart Problems, they should:

1. Change the Tincture Formula above to 3 parts - Hawthorn Berry and 1 part - Cayenne Pepper.

2. Take 1/8 tsp. - 4 times per Day.

3. Work their way up to taking 1 tsp. - twice per day.


If a Person has DROWNED, you must:

1. IMMEDIATELY Start First-Aid Treatment for Drowning!

2. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Person to REVIVE!

3. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture or MORE, HELPING the Person to BREATHE EASIER, OPEN

UP their AIRWAY and RELAX!.

4. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.


If a Person has a MIGRAINE Headache, you must:

1. Give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture at ONCE!

2. But if Step 1 does NOT WORK after 1/2 hr., then mix an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture and Lobelia

Seed Pod Tincture together.

3. Give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of this Tincture Blend at ONCE!

4. Give 3 - 4 Glasses of PURE Water with a pinch of Sea Salt in a SHORT period of time.

5. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.



CAYENNE, acting as a Counter-Irritant, plus the Oil as an Emollient, work DEEP into Tissue to RELIEVE Pain,

Sweliing and Inflammation. It can also be used for Stiffness in Joints, Tendons, Ligaments and Muscles for Health

Problems, including Arthritis, Bursitis, Lumbago, or ANY Muscle or Bone Pain.


Cayenne Pepper Oil is made by the following Method:

1. Start to make this Oil, if possible, on a NEW Moon.

2. Place 5 tbs. of Cayenne Pepper (HOTTEST - Habanero, African Bird, Serrano, Jalapeno) Powder into 20 oz. of

RAW ORGANIC Jojoba Oil, Almond Oil or Olive Oil into a Glass Jar with a TIGHT lid and SHAKE EVERY Day.

3. PRESS and STRAIN OFF the Oil Mixture through Cheesecloth or Cotton Muslin Cloth on the following FULL


4. BOTTLE it.


If a Person has HEMORRHOIDS or INJURED Tissues, where the Skin is NOT broken, you must:

1. Take a HOT Bath or Shower.

2. Thoroughly RUB 1 or MORE Dropperfuls into the AFFECTED Area of the Skin for 15 minutes.

3. Alternate VERY HOT, then VERY COLD Water over the AFFECTED Area for 1 minute each for 7 - 10 times.

4. If Pain PERSISTS, give 5 - 60 Drops 3 - 4 times daily of an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture to the

Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture.

5. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

NOTE: This Oil can be EXTREMELY HOT on Hemorrhoids, so start with a SMALL amount and work your way up to

MORE! Do NOT apply this Oil on Broken Skin! SUBSTITUTE a HOT Water Bottle and an ICE Pack or Cubes, if VERY



Chamomile, german

Parts Used:



Calming, soothing, induces sleep.


Can also help balance immune system, bladder infections, nervous stomach, menstrual cramps, nausea, morning

sickness, digestive irritation. Very safe herb to take.



Parts Used:

All top part of plant.


Cleanses blood and lymph system.


Can also help goiter & thyroid issues and swollen glands. Diabetics should only use the expressed juice with



Comfrey, sympthum officinale

Parts Used:

Leaf and root


Accelerates division of cells. Helps with broken bones, sprains, wounds, but bites, burns and bruises. Soothing.

Plantain leaves can be applied to burns. Leaves can also be applied to chest for bronchial issues.


WARNING – it is considered possibly harmful to the liver. Do your research!


Dandelion, taraxacum officinale

Parts Used:

Mainly root. Leaves can also be used.


Cleanses blood and organs. Anticancerous. Nutritious. Milk used for warts.

Other: Dandelion can cause allergic reactions when taken by mouth or applied to the skin of sensitive people.

People who are allergic to ragweed and related plants (daisies, chrysanthemums, marigolds) are likely to be

allergic to dandelion.


Dyer’s Woad, isatis tinctoria

Parts Used:

1st year root


One of top 3 most powerful anti-viral herbs. Great as a tincture or homeopathic remedy.

Other: Isatis contains chemicals that are similar to the chemicals in aspirin. There is a concern that isatis might

trigger an asthma attack or an allergic reaction in people who are allergic to aspirin.


Echinacea, purpurea

Parts Used:

ALL parts of plant for strongest medicine.


Boost immune system. Infections! – Bacterial and Viral. Purifies blood. Inflammation.


Can also be used for venomous bites, snake, scorpion.

Essentially non-toxic and produce no side effects. If a person has an autoimmune disease or any other

progressive diseases, they should consult with their doctor before taking this herb. Must be used with caution

for people who have allergies to flowers in the daisy family. Safe while pregnant or nursing.



Parts Used:

Roots from 2-3 year old plants.


Elecampane is used for lung diseases including asthma, bronchitis, and whooping cough. It is also used to

prevent coughing, especially coughing caused by tuberculosis; and as an expectorant to help loosen phlegm, so

it can be coughed up more easily.

Other: Elecampane is POSSIBLY SAFE for most adults when taken by mouth in usual medicinal amounts.

Elecampane is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken in large amounts. Large amounts of elecampane can

cause vomiting, diarrhea, spasms, and paralysis.


Elderberry, Black

Parts Used:

Berries and flowers.


Anti-viral – great for colds and flus.


Flowers great for fevers and upper respiratory infections. Berries are not to be eaten raw. Vomiting and diarrhea

will occur if too many of the raw berries have been consumed. Used dried or cooked berries for herbal




Parts Used:



Digestive issues.


Other: Fennel tea has a variety of health benefits, but it can also cause allergic reactions in certain people.


Goldenseal, hydrastis canadensis

Parts used:

Root and/or leaf


Antibacterial, Antiviral – great for colds and flus. Boosts the immune system. Strong antibiotic. Mouthwash.

Immune enhancer and a body cleanser. Helps increase flow of digestive enzymes.

Other: Pregnant or nursing women should not use goldenseal. Excessive use may cause unwanted symptoms.

Diabetics should use it only under the care of a physician.



Parts Used:

Flowers and resin


Expectorant, asthma, ear infections, colds and flus, sore throat.

Other: Gumweed is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth. But it can cause some side

effects such as stomach upset and diarrhea.


Lemon Balm, melissa officinalis

Parts Used:



“Elixir of life”, calming, anti-depressive, anti-viral, colds, flus, coughs, great tonic, immune system support

Other: Lemon balm can cause negative side effects in sensitive people.


Licorice Root, glycyrrhiza glabra

Parts Used:



Adrenal fatigue, immune system, coughs, respiratory infections

Other: Licorice can raise blood pressure, cause sodium retention, and loss of potassium when taken in large

amounts. 50 grams of licorice is what is recommended on a daily basis and its not to be taken long term. Licorice

root is not advised for pregnant women.


Lobelia, inflata

Parts Used:

Aerial parts during seed stage.


Small doses, tonic and stimulant.

Large doses – sedative.

Stimulant for lungs (especially in emergency situations)


Other: Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, dizziness, tremors, and more serious effects.

Overdose may cause many serious toxic effects including sweating,convulsions, fast heartbeat, very low blood

pressure, collapse, coma, and possibly death.


Lobelia – a relaxing yet stimulating herb that can “think”

by Ingri Cassel

Lobelia is considered to be one of the most important herbs to have in one’s medicine chest in times of crisis.

Although lobelia has been denigrated by allopathic medicine as dangerous, even causing death, countless well-

known herbalists such as Dr. John R. Christopher considered it to be indispensable in their herbal repertoire.

This article was written to dispel the myth of the danger of using lobelia internally while restoring this great herb

to its proper role as a lifesaver when other remedies are likely to fail.

Lobelia inflata is also known as Indian tobacco, puke weed and asthma weed. It grows throughout the eastern

U.S. as far west as Nebraska and Arkansas and has also been found in British Columbia. This herb is named after

Mattias del Lobel, a French botanist in the 1500s. He moved to London where he was a physician who often

employed lobelia in his practice. Lobelia grows 12 inches to two feet high with sparsely leaved stems and is an

annual or sometimes biennial plant. The delicate flowers stem from a central stalk and are pale blue to violet in

color, making lobelia a popular flowering garden plant. The herb is often harvested in July when it flowers and in

October and November for its seeds, which have stronger properties than the leaves and stem. Lobelia’s

medicinal qualities are anti-asthmatic, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, emetic (induces vomiting), nervine,

diaphoretic (induces perspiration), and diuretic.

Lobelia is both a relaxant and a stimulant – in small doses it stimulates, especially when combined with other

herbs, increasing their effectiveness, and in larger doses it relaxes musculature and constricted blood vessels.

The whole herb contains lobeline and isolobelanine. Lobeline is a powerful respiratory stimulant and

isolobelanine is an emetic and respiratory relaxant, stimulating catarrhal secretion and expectoration while

relaxing the muscles of the respiratory system. Lobelia has a general depressant action on the central and

autonomic nervous systems. It’s most common use is in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. The overall

action is a truly holistic combination of stimulation and relaxation.

Samuel Thomson

Lobelia inflata was an extremely popular remedy among 19th century herbalists. Samuel Thomson, the founder

of the Thomsonian System of Natural Medicine, popularized its use in the U.S. when allopathic doctors were

employing radium, mercury, strychnine and other poisons in their practices. In 1805, Thomson had a thriving

practice and was often called to neighboring states to treat difficult cases. His combative nature lead him into

heated arguments with the standard allopathic doctors of his day who denounced his treatment methods. In

1809, Dr. French brought up charges of murder against Thomson, accusing him of the willful murder of a young

man with lobelia, a deadly “poison”, who had died while under his care. Thomson was thrown into prison in

Newburyport, Mass. on Nov. 10, 1809 where he stayed for a month in filth and without any heat. He would have

remained there for a year if it weren’t for a few friends who had benefited from his work and managed to secure


a hearing before Judge Parsons in a special session on Dec. 10, 1809. The court ended up acquitting Thomson

since it was obvious the charges were trumped-up. Thomson proved he had used marsh rosemary root on the

patient and not lobelia as the prosecution had assumed. Thomson continued to embitter so many medical men

against him that in 1811, while he was passing the office door of a doctor in Maine, the physician tried to kill him

with a scythe.

The war between herbalists and allopathic doctors continues to the present day but is less noticeable due to the

monopoly allopathic medicine now has with schools, hospitals, the media and our court system.

Lobelia – a poison?

Although most herbal books and online websites will warn potential users that lobelia can be poisonous, years

of experience by countless herbalists have proven that far from being a poison it is actually an antidote to

poison. Priddy Meeks was a Thomsonian physician in Utah in the 1800s that used lobelia extensively in treating

victims of poisoning from drugs prescribed by orthodox doctors.

The following is excerpted from Priddy Meeks’ journal:

“While living at Parowan [Utah], Simeon Houd got badly poisoned with strychnine so that he had his thumb

amputated, but that did not seem to stop the poison from ascending up his arm and going down into his vitals,

which would prove fatal. He.... said to me, ‘Brother Meeks, if you cannot save me, I am gone, for if the poison

gets into my vitals, it will kill me. It is now up to my shoulder.’ Never knowing Lobelia to fail in a case of poison,

neither indeed in any other case, in full assurance of faith, I went to work and gave him several thorough

courses of Thomsonian medicine [one course = 3 doses of lobelia tincture taken internally 10 min. apart while

drinking herbal tea, usually peppermint] and in three or four days he was so much better that we all believed

that nothing more was needed, as the poison was checked. He felt about well. I thought the job was completed

and went home.”

Meeks then related how an angel told him to keep giving Houd the medicine since he wasn’t completely cured.

Meeks did so while noting that the Thomsonian medicine must be good since even Heaven approved it. He had

several other similar stories in his journal such as the case of Sister Daniel Tyler who had been poisoned by

rubbing red precipitated mercury on her skin for the itch without realizing the danger. Meeks administered

several courses of lobelia tincture, which soon made her well.

Herbalists of the day noted that Thomsonian medicines would seldom, if ever, disappoint you in performing a

cure. Lobelia will remove obstructions wherever found in the body and restore a healthy action wherever

needed. It acts like “intelligence”, always in harmony with the living intention of the body, which is to remove

any kind of obstruction to healing.

Lobelia – the thinking herb

Dr. John R. Christopher called lobelia the “thinking” herb and used lobelia in most of his herbal formulas. His

experience taught him that when lobelia was added to a formula, it took the herbs to the parts of the body

needing the remedy and was able to determine if the poisons needing to be purged would be eliminated

through the bowels or through the skin (if the body was too weak to handle the circulation of the poison

through the bloodstream and into the digestive tract and bowels.)

Dr. Christopher often related the story of two small boys who were both suffering from an enlarged gland on the

side of their neck behind the ear. His formula for swollen and malfunctioning glands is three parts mullein and


one part lobelia to be used as a tea, in capsules and/or as a fomentation. A nurse called Dr. Christopher in

desperation to ask his advice on the first boy with the swollen gland. The nurse followed his advice to use the

mullein/lobelia fomentation on the swollen gland. She then asked, “Which way is the toxic accumulation going

to come out of the body? Will it come out directly through the skin like a bursting boil or will it be routed

through the bloodstream and be taken out through the bowel?” Dr. Christopher replied that he did not know;

that it would be the lobelia that would make the “decision”. The second boy had the same sort of swelling

behind his ear so his mother called the good doctor for advice. He gave her exactly the same advice and she,

too, applied the same fomentation.

In the first case, the poison gathered up and burst, draining out straight through the neck. In the second case,

the poison was absorbed by the body and then eliminated through the bowel.


Dr. Christopher usually used lobelia in the form of a tincture he made by using one ounce of the herb or seed to

one pint of raw apple cider vinegar. Dr. Christopher was once called out on a case where an old man had a

terrible case of lockjaw. Christopher poured a small amount of the tincture into his mouth through his clenched

teeth and within minutes the man opened his jaw and was able to thank the Lord for relief. The man described

how he had stepped on a rusty spike when he was working out on his farm. It had penetrated through his boot

and then blood poisoning occurred. Dr. Christopher saw that lobelia worked on the effect so he continued

working on the cause with a plantain ointment to draw out the poison as well as using other herbs to cleanse

the bowels and bloodstream of the poison.

Severe asthma case

One of Dr. Christopher’s most famous “lobelia” cases involved an elderly man who had suffered from asthma for

26 years. For 20 years he had not been able to work. His two sons had built a special chair for him to sit and

sleep in due to his asthma, fearing that he would die if he were to lie down. A doctor had been coming to their

home in Evanston, Wyoming at least once a week either to give him a drug orally, a shot, or administer oxygen

in order to keep him alive. One early morning, the doctor couldn’t be reached so the two sons contacted Dr.

Christopher out of desperation. They brought their father to him at 2:00 AM and Dr. Christopher asked the old

man to sip on a cup of elderberry leaf tea while they told his story, which involved mortgaging their home in

order to pay for continued care under their present doctor. After 10 minutes, a teaspoon of tincture of lobelia

was administered orally. After 10 min. had passed, he gave the man a second teaspoonful of lobelia tincture. He

waited another 10 min. before he gave him the third dose of lobelia. The four men sat around and chatted while

Christopher made sure there were pans and buckets around. All of a sudden the old man started to cough and

heave. This went on until 5:00 in the morning. The old man had brought up everything he had eaten for days

plus nearly a cup of yellowish green phlegm and pus from his lungs. In 40 years of practice, Dr. Christopher

commented that he had never had to administer more than three teaspoonfuls of lobelia tincture to a patient.

The reason for this is because each time he was called the patient was in a crisis, at the climax of the disease,

which is also the right time for clearing the body of the disease.

When the man went home, he went to bed and slept horizontally for the first time in many years. He ended up

sleeping a total of 30 hours straight. When he woke up, he took a deep breath of air without choking or

coughing and announced that he was healed. He never experienced another asthma attack and went to work as

a gardener, never missing a day’s work.


Lobelia in the 21st century Most herbalists would agree that lobelia is a valuable herb to have on hand while

understanding its specific applications. One family with six children who live in the North Idaho Panhandle noted

how valuable lobelia was when whooping cough affected all the children in the household. The youngest were

the most affected with spasmodic coughing that kept the rest of the family up at night. Homeopathy including

Scheussler biochemic cell salts were not having a major impact. When they made a tea out of the lobelia herb,

administering the tea to even the youngest children, the spasmodic coughing miraculously subsided and they

recovered rapidly.

Dr. Edward Shook recommends 2 ounces of marshmallow root, 2 ounces of garden thyme, and half an ounce of

lobelia to a quart of distilled water that is simmered down to a pint of liquid in a double boiler to make a strong

decoction for whooping cough.

Lobelia inflata is specifically used in natural “quit smoking” patches and herbal formulas since it helps to clear

the lungs of nicotine while reducing the craving for cigarettes.

Last but not least, lobelia is an excellent remedy for both preventing and treating infectious diseases. It has been

used successfully in scarlet fever, measles, mumps and even mononucleosis. Many stories have been written

attesting to lobelia’s ability to both prevent one from catching contagious diseases as well as treat them once

infected. Lobelia’s ability to relax the body while purging it of unwanted toxins makes this a most valuable herb

to have on hand in our increasingly toxic world.


Lomatium, dissectum

Parts Used:



One of best antiviral herbs. Colds, flus, mono, autism, respiratory infections. Also good for cold sores.

Other: When taken by mouth, desert parsley might cause nausea or a rash. The rash isn’t harmful. Take a detox

herb along with taking Lomatium when taking this herb.


Marshmallow, althaea officinale

Parts Used:

Root and leaf


Soothing, thickens other herbal poultices, protects tissue, helps with digestive issues,


Can also be used as rennet. Chop it up, add to milk before cooking. Set it out. Strain it. Let it “cheese up”.


Milk Thistle, silybum marinnum

Parts Used:



Cleanser. Heals the liver. Helps with production of glutathione.


Stem is edible – peel it. Milk thistle extract is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth for most adults. In some people,

taking milk thistle extract can cause diarrhea, nausea, intestinal gas, fullness or pain, loss of appetite, and

possibly headache.


Mullein, verbascum thapsus

Parts Used:



Can be smoked for asthma. Can also be used for sinus infections, whooping cough, croup. Can be used as tea,

capsules or tincture.


Blossoms can be used for ear ache. (Steep in oil for a few hours and add strained oil to ear.)

Root is also known to help align structural issues. Use as poultice on body or as tincture on body.


Nettle, Urtica dioica

Parts Used:



According to herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, nettle is also “one of the highest sources of digestible iron in

plant form” (Gladstar, 1993, p. 29). Nettle is a deeply nourishing herb, helping to revitalize the entire

body and increase overall health. This rich wealth of nutrients is helpful where there is muscle

cramping from low vitamin and mineral intake, as well as assisting in nourishing the body after illness

or prolonged stress (Tilgner, 1999; Weed, 1989).

Nettles can help out as an herbal alternative supporting healthful function of the kidneys, liver,

digestive tract, and overall metabolism while strengthening the constitution.

As a tonic for the urinary tract and adrenals, nettle helps to soothe all sorts of woes such as chronic

urinary tract infections, water retention, and stress (Weed, 1989). Herbalists use it to help flush acid

wastes out of the body, easing “gout, eczema, skin rashes, and gravel in kidneys” (Wood, 1997, p. 483).

Susun Weed also explains that regular use of nettle assists in “nourishing the mucus membranes of the

digestive tract” easing constipation and diarrhea

Other: Some reviews say that mullein leaf products may cause skin irritation, skin rash, or another undesirable

skin issue when found in the appearance of a cream or liquid infusion solution meant for external use.

Additional research to link these negative effects to mullein continues.


Olive Leaf, Olea europaea

Parts used:

Leaves – Read Olive Leaf Extract by Morton Walker


One of the most important and effective antimicrobials. No adverse side effects.

“The powdered extract of olive leaves kills not only viruses but most every other type of disease-producing

microorganism” – Dr. Morton Walker

For treatment of infections of all kinds, psoriasis, inflammations, colds, flus, mumps, viruses, bacteria, yeasts,

parasites, protozoa, worms, molds, malaria.

Oleuropein – main therapeutic ingredient. Bitter glucoside present in pulp of olive fruits.

Infectious Diseases for Which Olive Leaf Extract Acts as an Antimicrobial Agent:

Aids, Amoebiasis, Anthrax, Athlete’s Foot, Bladder Infection, Botulism, California Encephalitis,

Campylobacteriosis, Cat-Scratch Fever, Chancroid, Chicken Pox, Chlamydia, Chlamydia Pneumonia, Cholera,

Clostridium, Colds, Cold Sores, Pink Eye, Crabs, Croup, Cryptosporidiosis, CMV, Diarrheal Diseases, Diphtheria,

Ear Infections, EEE, Epstein-Barr Virus, Ebola, Food Poisoning, Flu, Herpes, Hepatitis, Head Lice, Fifth Disease,

German Measles, Giardia, Leprosy, Jock Itch, Lockjaw, Lyme Disease, Malaria, Meningitis, Measles, Mono,

Mumps, Pink Eye, Ringworm, Polio, Pneumonia, Rabies, Rheumatic Fever, Ringworm, Rotavirus, Roseola,

Salmonella, Scarlet Fever, Shingles, Smallpox, Strep Throat, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Thrush, Toxic Shock

Syndrome, Toxoplasmosis, Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Yeast Infection, Warts, Whooping Cough, Yellow Fever

If you take any blood pressure medication or blood thinners or have diabetes, check with your doctor before

taking olive leaf extract.


Oregano, greek / organium vulgare

Parts Used:



Antibacterial, Candida, colds, flus, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus infections.

Other: Oregano leaf is LIKELY SAFE when taken in the amounts found in food and POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by

mouth or applied to the skin in medicinal amounts. Mild side effects include stomach upset. Oregano might also

cause an allergic reaction in people who have an allergy to plants in the Lamiaceae family.


Oregon Grape (creeping), mahonia repens

Parts Used:



Antibacterial, stomach flu, colds and flus, staph, strep, e-coli, similar to Barberry.

Other: Oregon grape cream is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when applied directly to the skin. It can cause

some side effects such as itching, burning, irritation, and allergic reactions. There is not enough information to

know if Oregon grape is safe when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts.


Pau D’arco, handroanthus impetiginosus

Parts Used:



Candida, anti-inflammatory, pain, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, blood cleansing.

Other: Possible interactions can occur when using anti platelet and anticoagulant drugs (blood thinners).


Peppermint, metha piperita

Parts Used:



Calming, anxiety, tension, nausea and stomach upset or cramps, vomiting, lung congestion, colds, coughs, flus.

Other: Avoid use in patients with absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric secretions (achlorhydria) with

enteric coated caps.


Plantain, plantago major

Parts Used:



Wounds, stings or bites, cleanser – great for blood poisoning, burns, anti-venemous for snake or dog or other

animal or insect bites.

Other: Plantain seems to be safe when taken by mouth by most adults. But it may cause some side

effects including diarrhea and low blood pressure.


Poke / Pokeweed

Parts Used:



Anti-viral, be careful when using it.

Cancer – tincture for skin cancer.

Other: Eating just 10 berries can be toxic to an adult. Green berries seem to be more poisonous than mature,

red berries. Pokeweed can cause nausea, vomiting,cramping, stomach pain, diarrhea, low blood pressure,

difficulty controlling urination (incontinence), thirst, and other serious side effects. Use pokeweed with caution

and wisdom – seek out how to use this herb from an experienced herbalist.


Red Clover, trifolium pratense

Parts Used:



Asthma, blood cleansing, coughs, wheezing, bronchitis, whooping cough, boosts healing power of other herbs,

very nutritious, immune system strengthener.

Other: No serious side effects have been reported in studies that evaluated red clover for various health

conditions for up to a year.


Red Raspberry Leaf

Parts Used:



Tonic especially for women. Relief of nausea, increase in milk production, increase in uterine tone, and ease of

labor pains.

Other: No serious side effects have been reported. Red raspberry leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. They

provide B vitamins, vitamin C and a number of minerals, including potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and

iron. However, their most notable contribution might be their antioxidant properties.


Skullcap, scutellaria baicalensis

Parts Used:

Top 3 anti-viral herbs.


Antiviral. Also great for pain/brain surgery. Helps with nerve pain. Only use for a few weeks at a time.


American skullcap

In the past, American skullcap has been contaminated with germander (Teucrium), a group of plants

known to cause liver problems. It is important that American skullcap be obtained from a reliable


High doses of the tincture may cause giddiness, stupor, mental confusion, twitching, irregular

heartbeat, and seizures.

American skullcap should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Chinese skullcap

If you have diabetes, DO NOT take Chinese skullcap without your doctor's supervision. Chinese skullcap

may lower blood sugar levels, raising the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Avoid Chinese skullcap if you have stomach or spleen problems.

Chinese skullcap should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Skullcap info:

Owner of Strictly Medicinal Seeds: I'm pretty

excited about Baical Skullcap (Scutellaria

baicalensis) for treatment of pandemic diseases

such as avian flu. My experience is that the root of

this plant, which has been used in Chinese

medicine for a very long time as the herb Huang-

qin, is extremely effective for treating contagious

flu-like maladies. There is really no better anti-

infection agent in herbalism, to my

knowledge. The herb is more effective if grown in

poor, sandy soil. Added advantages of Huang-qin

are 1) lack of side-effects, 2) quick to germinate

and easily grown throughout the temperate US 4) pretty 5) and can be harvested in the fall of first or (better)

second year 6) no side effects. Here's a picture of the freshly harvested root--extremely potent as you can

probably tell.

Text from a small article written by Richo that appeared in the AHA Quarterly:

The Chinese herb Baical Skullcap, known in Chinese as Huang-qin (Scutellaria

baicalensis) has a history of medicinal usage dating back over 2,000 years.

The bright yellow roots of this pretty perennial herb are used traditionally

to abate diarrhea and dysentery and to enhance liver function in the

treatment of hepatitis. They are also an active antibacterial treatment for

Staph (Staphylococcus aureus) infection, which is a major cause of secondary

infections in hospitals in the US. In Traditional Chinese Medicine,

practitioners use Huang-qin as frequently as Westerners use Goldenseal. Many

Westerners have yet to appreciate Huang-qin to the extent that it deserves.

An added bonus is that the herb is well suited to cultivation in the western

states, thriving in gardens all the way from Washington down to Southern

California. Relatively easy to start from seed in the spring, the plants

prefer a full sun position and deep, dry, well-drained soils. The flowers

appear for the first time in the fall of the first year, and after that the

plant flowers copiously every summer, producing heady blue or purple blooms

for as long as three months before the blossoms give way to the

characteristically hooded seed capsules. Baical skullcap is a low-lying

bedding plant, excellent for high-use areas such as next to pathways. After

the third year of growth, the roots may be dug and dried for medicinal use.

No fancy processing is necessary. The roots can be sliced into sections

while fresh and dried in the shade, then made into tincture or tea. Good

quality roots are bright yellow, not green or black. Any herb that looks

that good in the garden and treats the formidable adversaries hepatitis and

staph deserves plenty of attention!


Stevia, rebaudiana

Parts Used:



Sweetener. Regulates blood pressure. Prevents osteoporosis. May work for Lyme.

Other: According to the FDA, the acceptable daily intake for stevia glycosides is 4 milligrams (mg) per kilogram of

body weight.


Thyme, thymus vulgaris

Parts Used:



Respiratory coughs, sore throats, ringworm, athletes foot, stomach issues – diarrhea, gastritis, lack of appetite,

gas or colic. Expectorant

Other: Thyme is LIKELY SAFE when consumed in normal food amounts. Thyme is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by

mouth as medicine for short periods of time. In some people, it can cause digestive system upset, headache, or

dizziness. Thyme oil is POSSIBLY SAFE when applied to the skin.



Parts Used:



Antibacterial. Pain relief, fever control, wound healing.


Other: Usnea is POSSIBLY SAFE when used on the skin, though allergic reactions can occur. Taking usnea by

mouth is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. The sodium usniate (usnic acid) that usnea contains might cause liver damage.


Uva Ursi

Parts Used:



Bladder infections. Kidney cleanse.

Other: It can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, and a greenish-brown discoloration of the urine.

However, uva ursi is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in high doses or long-term. It can cause liver

damage, eye problems, breathing problems, convulsions, and death.


Yarrow, achillea millefolum

Parts Used:

Flowers and leaves.


Sweating – fevers, head colds, bronchitis, stomach and intestinal upset, wound healing & tissue repair.


Great blend – equal parts yarrow, elder flower and red clover for fevers. Yarrow should be collected and used

with respect and used sparingly.

Extended or excessive use, whether internally or externally, may cause photosensitivity or allergic reactions.

Handling the plant gives some people a rash.


Yellow Dock, rumex crispus

Parts Used:



Anemia – builds the blood, cleanser – blood, liver and lymph, constipation, radiation exposure.

Other: The young leaves can be consumed in moderation, and should be boiled in several changes of water to

remove as much of the oxalic acid in the leaves as possible. Yellow dock is a kinder, gentler laxative than

rhubarb, but start only the smallest amount and step up the dose to avoid cramping. Safety during pregnancy

has not been established.


Wormwood, artemisia absithium

Parts Used:

Above ground parts.


Digestion problems such as loss of appetite, upset stomach, gall bladder disease, and intestinal spasms.



Avoid use with hypersensitivity to any of the components of wormwood, particularly the essential oil. It may be

contraindicated in patients with an underlying defect with hepatic heme synthesis (thujone is a porphyrogenic



Documented abortifacient and emmenagogue effects. Avoid use.


None well documented.

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Catalysts! Enhances any herbal formula by improving absorption and assimilation of other herbs.




Red Clover

Licorice Root

Mix a bit of one of these herbs into any herbal mixture to enhance the herbs medicinal power / uptake into the

body and cells.

Or you can make a catalyst tea (ex: make a licorice root tea or a peppermint tea) and add your medicinal remedy

into the tea.

For Tinctures Approx. 5-10 drops of catalyst tincture for every ½ oz to 1 oz of an herbal


For Teas Cayenne: pinch of cayenne into tea Other herbs: Approx. ¼ tsp to ½ tsp of

dried herbs for every cup of boiled water.

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Tonic Herbs! An herb that invigorates and stimulates tone and energy to the body.

For women: Red Raspberry leaf, Strawberry leaves, nettle.

For men: ginseng, saw palmetto berries, and sarsaparilla.

For either: hawthorn berry, ginger root, pau d’arco, fo-ti, astragalus, or lemon balm “the elixir of life”.

Tonic herbs can be added to any herbal formula or tea. You can also make an apple cider vinegar

tincture using these herbs to be used daily.

When creating an herbal formula, here’s a good formula to go by:

Primary Herb – herb that addresses persons’s health issue – the most obvious imbalance and complaint

Secondary Herb – herb that supports person’s symptoms

Tonic – herb that will support entire body

Catalyst – herb that will help make all the other herbs more effective

Typical Ratios – muscle testing can be used to help solidify the ratios for a particular ailment:

Primary Herb: 3 parts

Secondary Herb: 1 part

Tonic – 1 part

Catalyst – 1/2 part (or a pinch / few drops if using cayenne)

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Places to Purchase Herbs

Mountain Rose Herbs

Starwest Botanicals

Bulk Herb Store

San Francisco Herb Supply

Butterfly Express

Frontier Herbs

(Organic Herbs from Amazon)

Storing herbs:

Powder form lasts 1-2 years.

Cut and Sifted form lasts 3-5 years.

Double that time frame if stored in oxygen-free environment.

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Other Important Herbal Information


Dyer’s Woad / Isatis – 1st year root – anti-viral

(use as tincture, could also be used as tea)

Elderberry – viral infections

(best as tea / tincture)

Lomatium Root Tincture – flu’s, especially most respiratory infections. Purchase tincture or

root (to make your own tincture) from

(best in tincture form)

Pokeweed Root – anti-viral

(Best as tincture or tea)


Usnea – strong anti-bacterial herb.

(Chew 1 tsp to T. in mouth, swallow saliva, spit out Usnea, can also be turned into a tincture)

Echinacea – whole plant – Anti-bacterial - Boosts immune system

(Best as tincture)

Oregon Grape Root – anti-bacterial

(tea or tincture, pills too. Best as tincture or tea.)

Goldesnseal Root – anti-bacterial

(can be taken as pills, in tea or great as tincture)

Oregano – leaves– Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal

Barberry - Antibacterial

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Comfrey – wounds, ulcers, rashes, soothing and quickens topical healing for wounds, breaks,

fractures, burns, etc. – internally for soothing mucous membranes,

digestive system, and respiratory system.

(best as tea or mixed into herbal topical poultice)

Calendula – shortens wound healing time. Anti-inflammatory. For wounds, burns and bruises.

Internally for calming anything digestive related. Cramps & coughs.

(best in topical poultice or can be taken as tea)

Plantain - Is topically used for minor cuts, bruises, and stings. Draws out toxins.

(best as tea or tincture, used topically in poultices)


Turmeric – inflammation, brain inflammation, MRSA, skin infections

(best mixed with pinch of black pepper and/or coconut oil – take in capsules or mix in juice or water)

Slippery Elm – deep wounds, pack poultice into wound

(best mixed in water, juice or milk – won’t work as tincture)

Marshmallow – mix with other herbs to create home-made tablets, soothing for inflamed or

irritated mucous membranes – in gut, lungs, bladder, and digestive system.

Sore throat & dry coughs. Externally for inflammations and ulcers.

(best in capsules and tea)

Mullein Leaf – respiratory, bronchial dilator, lymphatic congestion.

(best in capsules or tea, can also be taken as tincture)

Chamomile – digestive related issues (stomachache, vomiting, diarrhea, IBS), calming,

soothing, spasms

(best as tea or tincture)

Dandelion Root – great for cleansing kidneys and liver

(best as tincture)

Peppermint (or peppermint essential oil) – upset digestive system, congestion of lungs, fevers.

(best as tea, can also be taken in capsules, or tincture)

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Basic Herbal Preparations


Leaf / flower – 1 tsp dried herb per every cup of boiled water. Boil water. Turn off unit. Place herbs in pot. Cover

with lid. Steep for 20-30 minutes.

Roots / Bark – 1 tsp dried herb per every cup of boiled water. Simmer herb in water for 20 minutes w/ lid on. Allow to cool some and drink.

Adults: Drink 3 cups per day (or more, if needed).

Children: Drink 3, ½ cups of tea per



ALCOHOL– 100 proof vodka.

Leaf/Flower: Place leaf or flower in jar, ¾ way full. Fill with alcohol

covering herb 2 inches over the top. Close lid. Store in dark place. Shake every 1-2 days. Strain after 4 weeks.

Label. Store in dark bottle / dark place. Keeps indefinitely.

Root/Bark: Place root or bark in jar, ½

way full. Fill rest of jar with alcohol. Close lid. Store in dark place. Shake jar every 1-2 days. Strain after 4-6 weeks.

Label. Store in dark bottle / dark place. Keeps indefinitely.

ACV – Follow same instructions as

above. Keeps for 6 months to a year. Stores best in fridge.


Method 1: Place herbs in jar ¾ way full for flowers and leaves or ½ way

full for bark/roots. Cover with boiling water until just covered. Fill rest of jar with food grade glycerin. Allow jar to

sit in sun. Shake every 1-2 days for 4-6 weeks. Strain. Bottle. Label. Keep in

fridge for 6 months to year.

Method 2: Place herbs in jar ¾ way full for flowers and leaves or ½ way

General dosage for most tinctures is:

3-12 months = 5 drops 12-24 months = 8 drops

2-6 years = 15 drops 6-9 years = 24 drops

9-12 years = 30 drops 12+ = 45 drops

Dosage is usually given 3 x day. I like to hit the body every 1-2 hours the

first day (along with giving extra vitamin C and possibly zinc.)

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full for bark/roots. Cover with boiling water until just covered. Fill rest of jar with food grade glycerin. Allow jar to sit in sun. Shake every 1-2 days for 2

weeks. Lightly simmer all of jar contents in pot for 2 hours, with lid

on. Cool. Strain. Bottle. Label. Keep in fridge for 6 months to year.

Method 3: Use 2 ounces of herbs per quart of water. Simmer down on low heat, covered partially, until half the

original volume. Strain herbs. Measure liquid. Pour back into pot.

For each pint of liquid – add 1 cup of honey or glycerin. Pour into bottle.

Label. Store in fridge for up to 6 months.


Basic Salve Recipe:

Preparing Medicinal Oil: Method 1: Place herb(s) in jar, cover

with a high quality oil such as olive oil, enough to cover with an inch or two. Place lid on jar. Place in sunny spot. Shake every 1-2 days for 4-6 weeks.

Strain. Use for making salve.

Method 2: Place herbs in pot. Cover with a high quality oil such as olive oil, enough to cover with an inch or two of oil. SLOWLY bring the oil to a very low simmer. (It’s best to do this using

a double boiler.) Gently simmer for 30-60 minutes. Allow to cool some.

Strain. Allow oil to cool. Bottle. Label. Keeps for years. Use for making salve.

Salve Instructions:

Using pre-made medicinal oil. For every cup of medicinal oil use ¼ cup

beeswax. Heat oil and beeswax together in pot just until the beeswax has melted. Test to see if you like the

consistency by placing 1 T. of the mixture on a plate and place in freezer

for a couple of minutes. Check the firmness of the salve on the plate. For a harder salve, add more beeswax. For

a softer salve, add more oil.

Apply as needed to rashes, cuts, burns, stings, etc.

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Once ideal consistency is reached, remove the blend from the heat and

immediately pour into jars/containers.

Store salve in a cool, dark place. Keeps for several months possibly years.


Mix ground herbs together with water. Thickeners can be used to help hold it together such as: marshmallow

root powder, slippery elm powder, ground flax seeds or comfrey root

powder. Approximately 1 tsp for every 4 cups of herbs.

Use right away.

Apply to wounds, burns, stings, bites, etc by applying generously to affected

area and covering with material or plastic such as saran wrap to keep it

from drying out.

Re-apply as needed – usually around every 3-6 hours.


Mix together powdered herb and

thickening herb such as Marshmallow root powder, slippery elm powder, or comfrey root powder. Approximately

1 part thickener herb to 9 parts herb(s).

Roll into very small balls. Dry

thoroughly either on a paper towel at room temp. or in the oven /

dehydrator at 115 degrees to 170 degrees. Store in jar. Keeps for 1-2


General dosage is:

Take 3 pills every 1-2 hours the first day. Then 3 pills 3 x day until

symptoms are gone.

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To treat a wound:

1. First stop bleeding.

2. Clean wound thoroughly.

3. (Optional) Spray with antimicrobial solution like Nano Silver.

4. Apply bandage / poultice / healing substance like clay.

If infection has developed – use more of the antimicrobial herbs.

If infection isn’t present – use the herbs as specified above.

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Recommended Herbal Books:

Medicinal Herbs – A Beginner’s Guide by Rosemary Gladstar

Herbs to Know 1 & 2 by Kathy Wilson

Edible & Medicinal Plant of the Rockies by Linda Kershaw

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National Geographic Desk Reference to Nature’s Remedies

Healing Plants of the Rocky Mountains by Darcy Williamson

A Peterson Field Guide to Western Medicinal Plants and Herbs

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Lypo C

(aka Liposomal / Lipospheric Vitamin C)


Lypo C is vitamin C that is

encapsulated and protected by

microscopic bubbles called

Liposomes. Liposomes are made of

Phospholipids, the same material that

makes up your cells - allowing the

nutrient to pass through cell

membranes, intact and ready to


Bypasses digestive system – goes

straight to cells.

100% absorption


1 packet once a day for onset of mild illness

3+ packets per day (one every 2-3 hours) with more severe / active illness

2+ packets can be taken per hour, if needed

Toddler – only need ½ packet


Important to follow up with other vitamin C supplement



Alllergic Reactions

Insect bites / stings

SHELF-LIFE: 1 ½ years

RESOURCE: / Amazon

P a g e | 75


Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay can be used in the following ways:

Topically for burns

Topically for large wounds

Topically for bites / stings

Topically for infections

Topically for bruises

Internally for illnesses

Internally for food poisoning

Radiation Exposure

As a toothpaste to potentially reverse and prevent cavities

Internally for removal of toxins (pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals, etc)

In a bath for extra toxin removal and overall healing

In a foot bath for toxin removal and overall healing


Cover burns / wounds with saran wrap so clay doesn’t dry out and cause further harm to the

injured area.

Cover infections with a breathable fabric so it dries out some which helps to draw out the


Clay Instructions:

Liquid Clay (for internal toxins, food poisoning, flu, heavy metals, boost immune system, radiation exposure, etc)

¼ cup clay in one gallon of water. Stir and let sit for 20 minutes. Stir again. Let sit for another 20

minutes. Drink top water – mix in some of clay particles – not necessary to drink much of the actual clay


Clay gel (for burns, bites, stings, wounds, etc)

1 part clay to 2 parts water (may need to add a little more water into it) Place onto wound. Leave on for

hours / overnight. Replace with new clay again. Allow to air out for a few hours if necessary.

Clay bath – for radiation exposure / overall detoxing:

1 cup of clay mixed in pitcher of water. Add to bath. Bathe for 20 minutes.

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Activated Charcoal

Can be used for:

Radiation Exposure

Food Poisoning

Gas / Bloated

Heavy Metal Detox

Skin Irritations

Allergic Reaction

Bites / Stings

Snake Bites

Sore Throats

Acid Reflux

Bladder Infection

Internal Infection

For Radiation Exposure:

Studies show that charcoal possesses the unique ability to neutralize radiation, and that 10 grams of

charcoal can neutralize up to 7 grams of toxic material. Take up to several charcoal capsules per hour

when radiation is in the atmosphere – drinking with plenty water. Or take up to 1-2 T. of activated

charcoal mixed in large glass of water every 1-3 hours. Decrease this amount by half for children.

For snake bites:

(BEST option) Immediately, apply a very large charcoal compress covering almost an entire extremity,

centering over the bite, using large quantities of activated charcoal, wet with water and kept moist with

plastic wrap. A new compress should be placed over the immediate vicinity of the snake bite every 10-

15 minutes.

Activated Charcoal should also be taken by mouth, in the quantity of approx. 2 Tbsp. every 2 hours, for 3

doses, and 1 tsp. every hour for 24 hours. Each dose should be followed by 2 glasses of water. (17)

Or take up to 1-2 T. of activated charcoal mixed in large glass of water every 2-3 hours. Decrease this

amount by half for children. Take for up to 2 weeks.

Visit this link for hundreds of success stories using activated charcoal in a variety of ways:

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Using Activated Charcoal Topically & Internally

During a Disaster


Activated charcoal is known to be the most important remedy / treatment for people

who can’t afford medical care in 3rd world countries.

It has an indefinite shelf life.

It is so potent that is has been said that one gram of it (an amount the size of your

fingernail – can absorb enough toxins to fill the square footage of four tennis courts.

Considered safe and effective by the FDA.


AC has the ability to extract and neutralize many more times its own weight in gases,

heavy metals, toxins, poisons, and other chemicals.

AC has an adsorptive effect because of the large surface area of individual grains,

with their crevices and pores.

AC works by trapping toxins and chemicals in its millions of tiny pores.

The porous surface of the activated charcoal has a negative electric charge that

causes positive charged toxins and gas to bond with it.


External Uses:

An activated charcoal poultice has the ability to reduce inflammation and absorb poisons from

your skin caused by infections, chemicals, or insect bites and stings.

When applying it topically make a poultice by using either just activated charcoal and water or

by adding a thickening agent which makes the poultice much easier to work with.

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Create charcoal poultice by mixing charcoal powder with a bit of water until a poultice is formed or use thickening

agent such as flax seed meal, psyllium seed husk, bentonite clay, corn starch, arrow root powder, or marshmallow root

powder to thicken the charcoal mixture.

Proportions are as follows (or just mix in until desired consistency occurs):

Charcoal Water Thickener Instructions

Arrowroot Powder

2 T.

¼ cup

2 tsp

Wait 5-10 minutes

Bentonite Clay

2 T.

¼ cup

6 tsps

Wait 5-10 minutes


2 T.

¼ cup

2 tsps

Wait 5-10 minutes

Flax Seed Meal

2 T.

¼ cup

2 ½ tsps.

Wait 5-10 minutes

Marshmallow Root

2 T.

¼ cup

¼ tsp (+ pinch)

Use right away.

Apply the poultice directly onto the issue and wrap with saran wrap or a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out.

Change every 10 – 20 minutes for an hour.

Change every 6-8 hours or as needed until the wound has healed.

If person is allergic to bite / sting or for snake bites, mastitis, or tetanus – Along with applying the activated charcoal

to the area of injury, give adult 1 T. of charcoal in water by mouth. For children give 1 tsp in water by mouth. Wear

poultice all day and night.

*** If possible, soak area of injury in water containing activated charcoal for 20 minutes before applying activated

charcoal poultice. (1 T of activated charcoal in 2 cups of water).

Immediately, apply a very large charcoal compress covering almost an entire extremity, centering over the bite, using

large quantities of activated charcoal, wet with water and kept moist with plastic wrap. A new compress should be

placed over the immediate vicinity of the snake bite every 10-15 minutes.

Activated Charcoal should also be taken by mouth, in the quantity of approx. 2 Tbsp. every 2 hours, for 3 doses, and 1

tsp. every hour for 24 hours. Each dose should be followed by 2 glasses of water.

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Activated Charcoal Internal Uses:

Activated charcoal has the ability to bind to intestinal toxins and unfriendly microbial growth which is then

excreted through our stool.

When taking it internally either stir some into water or take in a capsule.

Do not take along with prescription or herbal medications.

For an adult, give adult 1 T. of charcoal in water by mouth every 1-2 hours. For children give ½ T. in water by

mouth every 1-2 hours – or more, if needed. Also consider using Benadryl.

(Note: Charcoal will absorb the Benadryl – use with wisdom. Assess the situation, listen to the spirit and use

wisdom in choosing either the charcoal or the Benadryl as the main treatment for the allergic reaction being


Or take up to 1-2 T. of activated charcoal mixed in large glass of water every 2-3 hours. Decrease this amount

by half for children. Take for up to 2 weeks.

Also consider making a charcoal paste by mixing some charcoal with water and applying it directly over the

bladder area for 20 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Take other remedies separate from charcoal by an hour or more.

Take 1-2 Tablespoons of charcoal, mixed in water. Follow up by drinking 2 cups of water. Take this 2-3 times

per day for up to two weeks. Take a lower maintenance dose after this, if necessary.


Activated charcoal can help draw out the toxins associated with a cavity. Mix a teaspoon of activated charcoal

powder with enough water to make a paste. Place some of the paste on a small piece of gauze, put the gauze

on the sore area and bite down so that the paste surrounds your tooth. Leave it on for up to 5 minutes, then

remove the gauze and excess paste and rinse your mouth with water. You can use this remedy 3 or 4 times a

day, as needed.

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Take up to several charcoal capsules per hour when radiation is in the atmosphere or signs of food poisoning

is present – drinking with plenty water. Or take up to 1-2 T. of activated charcoal mixed in large glass of water

every 1-3 hours. Decrease this amount by half for children.

Stop taking activated charcoal after threat is gone. Take maintenance dose of bentonite clay instead –

activated charcoal has the tendency to pull out nutrients out of the body as well. It’s a great short term remedy

for helping to pull out radiation and for eliminating heavy metals but not a long term solution.

Gargle with a charcoal “slurry”. Mix 1 T. activated charcoal with 1/3 – ½ cup pure water. Repeat as necessary.

Mix 1 T. of activated charcoal in large glass of water and drink a few times a day. Decrease dose by half for

children. . Repeat as needed for up to two weeks – or more, if needed.

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Purifying Water with Activated Charcoal:

A water filter can be created by removing the bottom of a bottle. Turn the bottle upside down (with the cap down

down) and put the following materials in the bottle.



A piece of cloth or bandages


A piece of cloth or bandages



-The cloth or bandages are used to ensure that all the different materials do not mix.

-The pebbles and sand filter the particles and the dirt out of the water.

-The charcoal gets a big portion of the chemicals out of the water, but it won't get it all out. (You can use charcoal

from your campfire).

Charcoal is an extremely versatile and highly effective water treatment medium. It has immense surface area. A

single pound of granular activated carbon has a filtering surface area equivalent to 125 acres! It is the best known

treatment for organic chemicals, VOCs, pesticides, herbicides, and chlorine and its by-products. It is also an

unchallenged taste-and-odor improver. When arranged in solid carbon or extruded carbon block format, it also

provides very high quality particulate filtration, in some cases down into the sub-micron level.(1)

That being said, charcoal will not remove any viruses and bacteria from the water so you have to boil the water

after it is filtered.

Again, once it comes to purifying water, activated charcoal can remove many pollutants, but can't remove pathogens.


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Diatomaceous Earth

There are a handful of reasons why having diatomaceous earth on hand during a prolonged disaster

situation would be a good idea. The top four reasons include:

1. For ridding the digestive system of parasites.

2. For using it to help preserve our stored grains.

3. For eliminating garden bugs, bed bugs, fleas, and lice.

4. For doing a temporary, mild, digestive detox.

Diatomaceous earth (aka "DE") is tiny microscopic fossilized shells made up of algae and phytoplankton.

These microscopic fossilized shells have built up over time and are being mined and turned into a fine

powder called diatomaceous earth.

Using DE Internally:

The sharp edges of the diatomaceous earth particles

creates an abrasive action when taken internally

which helps clean out the digestive tract. This

benefit works well for cleansing the digestive system

– especially once it comes to cleaning out harmful


DE is my number once substance I would

recommend for parasites. During a disaster, if

possible, I would also couple taking DE internally

with taking an anti-parasitic herb such as olive leaf, wormwood, or black walnut. The two, taken

separately, would work beautifully together.

Just like with bentonite clay and activated charcoal, diatomaceous earth is also a negatively charged

substance. Negatively charged substances attract positively charged substances so when taking DE

internally, it will attract positively charged substances to itself such as bacteria, some viruses, yeasts,

parasites and even some heavy metals.

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Not only are these toxic substances attracted to the DE but it also becomes trapped in the cylindrical

shape of the DE particle which will also help with the elimination of these harmful substances from our


One other benefit of DE is that it contains trace minerals and silica which contributes to healthy bones,

teeth and healthy cartilage.

DE can be easily taken internally by stirring one tsp of DE in a glass of water and drinking it down.

Another glass of water can be taken after drinking the first glass to help wash it down. Doing this a few

times a day for 2 weeks up to 3 months is an ideal time frame for addressing toxic or parasitic issues.

Using DE for BUGS:

One wonderful benefit of DE’s super sharp edges is that when it comes in contact with an insects

exoskeleton, it will scratch the surface of their skin / shell and they will dry out and die. This is a huge

benefit to us in the event of a disaster regarding the following bugs:

Garden Bugs

Bed Bugs



(Internal Parasites)

Using DE for Preserving Food Storage Grains:

I like to stir DE into my grains, instead of using an oxygen packet, to keep my grains free of bugs and

mold and to make sure they can be sprouted (oxygen packets might kill the grain and render them un-


Diatomaceous earth will kill bug intruders by scratching their shell which causes them to dry out and

die. This prevents bugs from breeding and replicating in the container of grains. The DE also absorbs

any extra moisture which will help prevent mold from forming in the grains.

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Bentonite Clay, Diatomaceous Earth, & Activated Charcoal

(Information, Strengths, and Uses)

Bentonite Clay Diatomaceous Earth Activated Charcoal

Ancient Volcanic Ash

Ancient Fossilized Diatoms (Algae / Phytoplankton)

Charcoal derived from substances such as hardwood / coconut shells that has been put through an extra oxidative process to expand its surface area.


Negative Charge

Adsorbs & Absorbs Toxins Mineralizes Body

Alkalizes Body Strong Drawing Power –

topically or internally Radiation Exposure

Decreases Pain when used Topically

Safe Daily Detoxifier Wounds, Bites, & Stings

Negative Charge Adsorbs Toxins

Kills Bugs Food Storage Grains

Kills Internal Parasites

Negative Charge Adsorbs Toxins

Can be Taken in Large Amounts for Emergency Toxin Removal

Wounds, Bites, & Stings

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Bentonite Clay Diatomaceous Earth Activated Charcoal

Acid Reflux 1 (1 tsp in water, stir, let

settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

3 (1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

2 (1 or more tsps in water,

stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

Allergic Reaction (Food)

2 (1 tsp in water, stir, let

settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)


1 (2-3 tsp’s in water, stir, &

drink – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

Bed Bugs


1 (Sprinkle DE on mattress, bed frame, on carpet, where carpet meets floor boards, and any other affected areas. Apply every few days until bed bugs are gone. Usually takes 7-14 days. Re-apply as needed / wanted.)


Bites (animal, human, insect, snake, etc)

1 (Use topically in gel form

– 1 part clay to 2 parts water. Apply clay gel nice

and thick over affected area. Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t

dry out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-apply as


Can also take internally to help combat any systemic infection –1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as



1 (Mix charcoal with some water to create a paste. Thickeners can be added

such as corn starch, marshmallow root

powder, bentonite clay, etc. Apply paste nice and thick over affected area.

Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry

out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.

Can also take internally to help combat any systemic infection - 1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or

as needed.)

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Burns 1 (Use topically in gel form – 1 part clay to 2 parts water. Cool off burn with cold water. Apply clay gel nice and thick. Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.)


2 (Mix charcoal with some water to create a paste. Thickeners can be added

such as corn starch, marshmallow root

powder, bentonite clay, etc. Apply paste nice and

thick over burn. Cover with fabric or saran wrap

so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-

apply as needed.)

Candida Clay would be much more

mild at eliminating Candida than DE but could help overtime.

(1 tsp in water, stir, let

settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

1 (1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as needed. Also consider using a supplement to help kill Candida while using DE such as GSE,

Olive Leaf, or other Candia supplements.)


Cellulitis 1 (Use topically in gel form – 1 part clay to 2 parts water. Apply clay gel nice and thick. Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed. Can also soak affected area in tub / container containing clay. 1-2 cups of clay powder mixed in tub or ¼ cup to ½ cup mixed in container. Soak for 30 minutes. Also – stir 1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)


1 (Mix charcoal with some water to create a paste. Thickeners can be added

such as corn starch, marshmallow root

powder, bentonite clay, etc. Apply paste nice and thick over affected area.

Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry

out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.

Also place hand / limb in tub / container of water containing AC. Soak for

20 minutes.

Also – stir 1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or

as needed.)

Cholesterol 2 1 1

P a g e | 87


(1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

(1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as needed. Use for weeks at a time – some even use it for months at a time.)

(1-3 tsp’s in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as needed. Use for weeks at a time – some even use it for months at a time.)

Daily Detox 1 (1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

Clay is definitely the best option for cleansing on a daily basis – but some people do use DE on a daily basis. I believe it’s best when used in moderation – maybe for weeks at a time, at the most due to it being an abrasive cleanser in our digestive system.

Clay is definitely the best option for cleansing on a daily basis – but some people do use AC on a daily basis. I believe it’s best when used in moderation – maybe for weeks at a time, at the most due to it possibly being able to leach nutrients from our body when used for extended periods of time.

Eye Infections 1 (Stir water into clay. Place paste onto tightly woven material such as chiffon

or other material. Squeeze liquid out of

charcoal. Drip strained liquid into eye. Repeat as



1 (Stir water into activated charcoal. Place paste onto tightly woven material such as chiffon or other material, squeeze liquid out of charcoal. Drip strained liquid into eye. Repeat as needed.)

Food Poisoning 2 (1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

3 (1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

1 (1 T. or more in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as needed. Follow up with plenty of water.)

Food Storage


1 (Sprinkle 1/8 cup of DE

onto grains every 1/3 of way when filling

containers with grains. Stir the DE into the grains

after sprinkling it on. Wear a face mask to keep the DE from getting into

the lungs.)


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Garden Bugs


1 (Sprinkle DE onto garden bed soil, affected plants,

and garden bed frames to coat the bugs. May take 7-14 days to fully take



Gas 2 (1 tsp in water, stir, let

settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

3 (1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as


1 (1-3 tsp’s in water, stir, &

drink – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

Emergency Toxin Removal (Poisoning)

2 (1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, mix some of the clay into the top clear

water. Drink top water. Repeat as needed.)

3 (If Clay or Ac aren’t

available – DE can be used although the results aren’t near as strong as

the clay or especially the AC. But at least it

something to help get some of the poison

drawn out of the system.

2-3 tsp in water, stir, & drink. Repeat as needed. Drink plenty of water.)

1 (2-4 tsp’s in water, stir, & drink. Repeat as needed.)

Heavy Metals 1 (1 tsp in water, stir, let

settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.

Also do a foot bath / full body bath using the clay. ¼ to ½ cup of clay mixed

in gallon or more of warm water. Soak feet for 20-30 minutes. 1-2

cups of clay, pre-mixed in water in blender or

pitcher and poured into a tub of warm water. Soak

for 30 minutes.)

3 (1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as


2 (1-2 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as


Lice 1

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(Sprinkle DE into hair, onto scalp. Repeat daily

until all lice are gone. Wear a mask while

applying to prevent DE from getting into the



Mastitis 1 (Use topically in gel form – 1 part clay to 2 parts water. Apply clay gel nice and thick. Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed. Also – stir 1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as


1 (Mix charcoal with some water to create a paste. Thickeners can be added

such as corn starch, marshmallow root

powder, bentonite clay, etc. Apply paste nice and thick over affected area.

Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry

out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.

Also – stir 1 tsp in water,

stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

Minerals (nutrients in to body)

1 (1 tsp in water, stir, let

settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

DE does contain some

trace minerals, including silica that are beneficial to the body and overall

good health. However, it is unclear as to how much

of these trace minerals found in DE can actually

be absorbed into the body. If there isn’t any clay on hand (or foods rich in trace minerals)

then DE might be helpful.


Pain (topical) 1 (Use topically in gel form – 1 part clay to 2 parts water. Apply clay gel nice and thick. Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on


2 (Mix charcoal with some water to create a paste. Thickeners can be added

such as corn starch, marshmallow root

powder, bentonite clay,

P a g e | 90


6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.

Can also – stir 1 tsp in water, stir, let settle,

drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

etc. Apply paste nice and thick over are. Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on

6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.)

Parasites (DE is the best option for removing parasites from

the digestive system, however, clay might be beneficial in removing some parasites as well.

Use by stirring 1 tsp in water, stir, let settle,

drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

3 (1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as

needed. Usually needs to be taken on a consistent basis for weeks at a time

– up to 3 months at a time or more. Drink 30

minutes away from other foods or liquids for best


(DE is the best option for removing parasites from

the digestive system, however, AC might be beneficial in removing some parasites as well.

Use by stirring 1 tsp in

water, stir and drink – 2-3 x day or as needed.)

Radiation Exposure 1 (1 tsp in water, stir, let

settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as needed.

Also do a foot bath / full body bath using the clay. ¼ to ½ cup of clay mixed

in gallon or more of warm water. Soak feet for 20-30 minutes. 1-2

cups of clay, pre-mixed in water in blender or

pitcher and poured into a tub of warm water. Soak

for 30 minutes.)


2 (1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or as


Can also be placed in bath or foot bath: 1 cup

in bath or ¼ cup to ½ cup in foot bath – soak for 20 minutes. Not as effective

as clay – but can have some positive results.)

Stings (bee, wasp, scorpion, etc.)

1 (Use topically in gel form

– 1 part clay to 2 parts water. Apply clay gel nice

and thick. Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on

6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.


1 (Mix charcoal with some water to create a paste. Thickeners can be added

such as corn starch, marshmallow root

powder, bentonite clay, etc. Apply paste nice and thick over affected area.

Cover with fabric or saran

P a g e | 91


Can also take internally to help combat any systemic infection –1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as


wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on 6-8 hours.

Re-apply as needed.

Can also take internally to help combat any systemic infection - 1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or

as needed.)

Water Purification

Could possibly be used in same way as activated charcoal for purifying


----------- AC traps impurities in

water including solvents, pesticides, industrial

waste and other chemicals. However it doesn’t trap viruses,

bacteria and hard water minerals.

(See instructions below.)

Wounds / Topical Infections

1 (Use topically in gel form

– 1 part clay to 2 parts water. Cool off burn with cold water. Apply clay gel nice and thick. Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Leave on

6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.

Can also take internally to help combat any systemic infection –1 tsp in water, stir, let settle, drink top water – 2-3 x day or as



1 (Mix charcoal with some water to create a paste. Thickeners can be added

such as corn starch, marshmallow root

powder, bentonite clay, etc. Apply paste nice and thick over affected area.

Cover with fabric or saran wrap so it doesn’t dry

out. Leave on 6-8 hours. Re-apply as needed.

Can also take internally to help combat any systemic infection - 1 tsp in water, stir, & drink – 2-3 x day or

as needed.)

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Baking Soda

Baking soda can be used for:




To kick out flu / cold

To eliminate acid reflux

To alkalize body



Day 1 -- Take six doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water, at about two-hour intervals

Day 2 -- Take four doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals

Day 3 -- Take two doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water morning and evening, and

thereafter ½ teaspoon in glass of cool water each morning until cold symptoms are gone.

Baking soda is best used for short periods of time in conjunction with other nutritional supports to prevent

nutritional imbalances.

Warning: Do not use internally if you are on a sodium restricted diet unless directed by a doctor.

Also used in sinus rinse bottles or enemas to help adjust water to same pH as body so body doesn’t reject the water.

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Breathable thin translucent bandage that can be used as a substitute for stitches.

Cleaning wounds before applying:

Help the person to remain calm. If the cut is large or bleeding heavily, have them lie down. If

the wound is on an arm or leg, raise the limb above the heart to slow bleeding. (21)

Remove obvious debris from the wound, such as sticks or grass. If the object is embedded in

the body, do NOT remove it. (21) (Using a poultice with either bentonite clay or slippery elm

will help pull debris out of the wound. See “Deep Wounds” in this chapter for instructions on

how to do this.)

If the cut is small, wash it out with soap and water. (21)

After putting on clean latex gloves, apply firm pressure to the wound with a folded cloth or

bandage for about 10 minutes. Do not remove the bandage to look at the wound during this

time, as it may begin bleeding again. If blood soaks through, add another cloth or bandage and

continue holding pressure on the cut for an additional 10 minutes. (21)

There are a hand full of remedies that can help get bleeding under control. They are:

• Asea

• Baking Soda

• Bentonite Clay

• Cayenne

• Hydrogen Peroxide

• Slippery Elm

• Yarrow

When bleeding has stopped, wash off any

remedy you may have used, spray on silver or

spread Neosporin on and tape a clean

bandage over the cut (or use Saniderm).

Instructions for using Saniderm:

Do not use sandierm for very large and open

wounds – use slippery elm or an herbal poultice or


Saniderm should be large enough to spread out

one inch away from all sides of wound.

Apply Saniderm to laceration. Wound will weep

under bandage causing liquid to pool under

bandage. That is good – this fluid helps the wound

heal more quickly.

Take Saniderm off of wound after 4-6 hours. Rinse

off wound. Pat dry. Add Neosporin / silver / other

remedy. Reapply new Saniderm. Repeat as


P a g e | 94


Other Powerful Concoctions

#1. “Anti-Plague”- like / “Fire Cider”

Can be used for onset of cough’s and flu’s.

Take 1 Tbsp 3 x day as preventative.

Take 1 Tbsp every ½ hour to clear infection.

You will need:

½ cup onion, chopped

½ cup garlic, chopped

½ cup ginger root, chopped

½ cup horseradish, chopped

½ cup parsley, chopped

1/8 tsp – 1 tsp cayenne pepper

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (3-4 cups)

Glass quart jar with lid

Muslin cloth

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1. Place the onions, garlic, ginger, horseradish, cayenne, and parsley in quart jar.

2. Cover with apple cider vinegar to top of jar and close lid.

3. Keep the container in a warm place and shake well twice every day for two weeks.

4. Pour clear liquid off into a dark bottle or canning bottle.

5. Place muslin cloth in a bowl.

6. Pour the remaining liquid and herbs into it.

7. Wring out any additional liquid.

8. Pour the strained liquid into the bottle, tighten lid, label and refrigerate.

Alternative method: Place ingredients in blender and blend. Re-blend or shake every couple of days.

Note: Easiest method is to follow the instructions in the below image:

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#2. Turmeric & Honey OR Cinnamon & Honey


5 tbsp of raw organic honey.

1 tbsp. of turmeric powder or cinnamon powder

How to Use:

Upon the first symptoms of colds and flu:

1. Day 1 – Take ½ tsp. every hour during the day.

2. Day 2 – Take ½ tsp. every two hours during the day.

3. Day 3 – Take ½ tsp. three times a day.

The Golden Honey mixture should stay in the mouth until its complete dissolution. Typically, the cold passes

and the body recovers after three days. Many have prevented cold without taking any drugs and pills, thanks to

this mix.

You can also use this Golden Honey mixture in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Take ½ three times a day during the week. You can add coconut milk or tea into the mix.

This mix is an excellent choice if you suffer from hemophilia and hypertension andlowers blood pressure.

Turmeric also reduces the blood sugar level, but before using it remember to consult your doctor first. Keeps in

fridge for up to 7 days.

#3. “Miracle Nectar”

5 T. raw honey

1 T. turmeric powder

2 T. raw apple cider vinegar

1 tsp finely grated lemon / lemon essential oil / vitamin c powder

Pinch of black pepper

1 T. coconut oil

Mix together. Place in jar. At first sign of cold, start using the mixture right away. Take 1 tablespoon per hour for first day then one

tablespoon every 2 hours the second day and one tablespoon every 3 hours on the 3rd day. Then as needed.

Note: Those with gallbladder issues should stay away from turmeric. Keeps in fridge for up to 7 days

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Eye and Ear Infections

Ear infections can be treated using one or more of these methods:

Internally (antibiotic options such as goldenseal, Oregon grape root, nano silver, HypoRedos)

Around outside of ear: lavender oil, basil essential oil, diluted thieves oil, tea tree oil, rubbing

yarrow tincture around outside of ear

Inside ear: nano silver, hydrogen peroxide, straight onion juice, garlic chopped and soaked in olive

oil for a few hours, diluted HypoRedox

Apply remedies to meridian points for earache.

Do not use remedies inside the ear if you suspect that the ear drum may have


Signs and symptoms of a ruptured eardrum may include:

Ear pain that may subside quickly.

Clear, pus-filled or bloody drainage from your ear.

Hearing loss.

Ringing in your ear (tinnitus)

Spinning sensation (vertigo)

Nausea or vomiting that can result from vertigo.

Use remedy inside the ear by filling a dropper with the solution. Run it under warm water for a

minute by plugging one end of the dropper with your finger. Have child lie down with infected ear

facing up. Drop the silver in to the ear canal until the ear canal has filled up. Have child stay this way

for 5 minutes. Place tissue on ear and turn onto the other side, allowing the silver to drain out. Re-

apply 2 more times that day.

Use the silver internally as well: 1 tsp 3-4 times a day or more.

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There’s a small list of remedies that I believe were put on this

Earth at this time for current (and future) situations by a loving

and caring Heavenly Father. HypoRedox is one of these


To purchase the HypoRedox visit and go to the “Store”

tab at the top of the page – then click on the link for “more

info” under the HypoRedox section.


HypoRedox is a hypochlorous acid solution (HOCl).

Hypochlorous acid is a disinfectant that is lethal to every

pathogen harmful to humans including pathogens such as

MRSA, E. Coli, Candida, Meningitis, Encephilitis, Salmonella,

HIV, Epstein Barr, and much more. (See lab test results at the

bottom of this info. sheet)

It disinfects 120 times better than bleach (NaClO) – yet is non-toxic and non-irritating! Bacteria can’t

become resistant to it – in fact, it kills every pathogen (virus, bacteria, fungus, mold, etc) that it has

been scientifically tested against. (See the test results at the bottom of this information sheet.)

Not only is hypochlorous acid an amazing disinfectant but it also has the ability to speed up the

healing process. Why this is the case isn’t exactly known but it more than likely has something to do

with the redox molecules contained in this special solution allowing the cells to communicate with

one another in a more effective way.

As mentioned above, HypoRedox is a hypochlorous acid solution. Although the word “acid” is in its

name – it actually isn’t acidic at all because hypochlorous acid only exists in a solution with a neutral

pH. In order for this type of disinfectant to be most effective it has to have around a 6 pH balance.

The reported benefits of Hypchlorous Acid include:

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• Speeds up healing of wounds. (See Vetericyn link)

• Disinfects wounds, cuts, burns, etc (See Vetericyn link)

• Kills bacteria and viruses on contact including E.Coli, Listeria, Salmonella, HIV, and MRSA. (See test

results at the bottom of this information sheet.)

• Kills fungi and molds on contact. (See test results at the bottom of this information sheet.)

• Non-irritating, non-stinging, non-toxic.

The possible uses of Hypochlorous Acid include:

• Wound healing and disinfection.* (See Vetericyn link)

• Eye infections.* (

• Ear infections.* (See Vetericyn link)

• For sore throats?

• For flu’s / illnesses?

• For food poisoning?

• Disinfecting tools, surfaces, equipment. (See test results at bottom of this info. sheet)

• Disinfecting vegetables / fruits / meats.

• Disinfecting ill / deceased bodies?*

• Disinfecting areas that have been infected by vomit or diarrhea.

• Disinfecting linens / materials (Think of disinfecting linens covered in diarrhea, vomit, or blood indisaster


• Disinfecting airborne pathogens by placing in a humidifier.

• Disinfecting water of pathogens.*

• Disinfecting dishwashers.

*Note: HypoRedox isn’t certified for internal or topical use. It is EPA certified meaning that it’s certified

to be used for tools and equipment. The maker of this product didn’t have interest in getting (or paying)

for extra certifications to deem this safe to use in ways other than using it as a “surgical tool disinfectant”.

Because this solution doesn’t have an actual certification saying that it’s okay to use topically or internally

- I cannot recommend others use it topically or internally. I will, however, explain how I personally have

used it- or would use it-for each of the uses listed above.

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Nano-Ionic Silver

Used for:

Eye Infections

Ear infections

Food poisoning

Killing pathogens in water

Illness prevention

Nebulizer’s – for cough’s / sinus issues

Used in neti pot for sinus infections

Used to disinfect surfaces

And more.

Silver Immune Booster brand has best prices. (

Or make your own using the ISM – 3000 from Healthy Preparedness store. (

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Using Essential Oils

(doTerra, Nature’s Fusions, Ameo, Butterfly Express, Young Living, Purify)

Cloves –

toothaches, numbing gums, parasitic / fungal infections

Oregano –

antibiotic alternative, sore throats, croup, flu’s, diarrheal illnesses

Lavender –

burns, ear infections. Place a 8-10 drops in ¼ cup water – spray on for burns. Rub behind and around ears for ear


“Thieves” –

preventative, illness. Place one drop on tongue or take a few drops in a capsule. Apply a few drops to the bottom of feet.

Dilute with olive, coconut or other oil and apply to tonsil area, armpit and down back.

Frankincense (Butterfly Express) –

cancer, inflammation, wounds, bites / burns –take topically or internally.

Thyme –

illnesses, flu’s. Take internally, in capsule. Place one drop on tongue or take a few drops in a capsule. Apply a few drops to

the bottom of feet. Dilute with olive, coconut or other oil and apply to tonsil area, armpit and down back.

Digestive Blend –

Any sort of digestive upset: acid reflux, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation – take internally, apply to bottom of feet and to

meridian points

Breathe Blend –

Respiratory issues – illnesses / asthma. Use on chest and bottom of feet.

Great blend: Oregano, Thyme, Clove for illnesses – in capsule. Not for children. Take with food. 2 drops each. HOT oils –

use with care.

(Diarrheal, preventative, infections, flu-like illnesses)

How to use:

Apply a few drops to bottom of each foot.

Dilute the oil by mixing 1-2 drops of essential oil with 1 tsp of carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil, canola oil, etc.).

Apply to tonsil area, behind neck, down sides of spine and armpits.

Apply either straight or diluted (for hot oils) to meridian points (aka acupuncture points.

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Respiratory illnesses are one of the leading causes of

death during a disaster. One of the best ways to treat

a respiratory illness is by using a nebulizer.

Only a few remedies can be used in the nebulizer.

REMEMBER our lungs are made of sensitive, delicate

tissues – do not nebulize harsh or questionable remedies.

DO NOT nebulize essential oils.

Remedies that can be safely nebulized include:

- ASAP Silver - Asea

- Lugol’s Iodine *** - GSE (possibly) ***

- Glutathione (specific type) - Baking Soda ***

- HypoRedox ***

- Magnesium Chloride

*** Be careful with these!

The following examples illustrate different ideas:

Two minutes of nebulizer use every 15 minutes for four hours.

Five minutes of nebulizer use every hour. .

Only use for up to 7 days in a row.

Nebulizing remedies can be effective for:

Lung Cancer




Influenza (flu)

Chemical Poisoning



Other Respiratory Infections

Illness Prevention

Nebulizing is also another way to get medicines into the body on a systemic level in cases where an ill person

cannot hold remedies down. Consider applying tinctures or essential oils to meridian points, using Yarrow tea

and using a nebulizer if this is the case. If the person is dehydrated and their electrolyte levels are low (and

there isn’t a way to get the person IV’s) perform a retention enema a few times a day.

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Enema / Rectal Syringe

Think of an enema bag as an IV. People die due to dehydration and loss of electrolyte levels during an

illness. If we can’t get to a doctor – performing a retention enema will help supply the fluids, electrolytes,

and nutrients a person needs to help them get over the illness they have.

Enemas can also be used to relieve constipation (which is another big issue during disaster) and can trigger

labor – if needed.

RETENTION ENEMA: Rehydration / Nutrition

ENEMA FLUSH: Constipation, Reducing Fever, Triggering Labor

Electrolyte recipe:

• 2 cups water

• 1-2 tsps. sugar/dextrose

• ¼ tsp salt

• Pinch of baking soda

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A retention enema can be done as follows:

You will need:

a clean enema bag, or a can or tin with tubing.

a cloth to place under the person.

600 ml (a little more than ½ a liter bottle / 2 cups) of warm (not hot) drinking water.

An electrolyte drink/mixture or a bag of IV solution can be used instead.

What to do:

Make sure the person’s body is higher than their head.

1. Tell the person what you are doing and why.

2. Wash your hands.

3. Ask him/her to lie on her left side if she can. If possible, her body should be a little higher than her head.

4. If you have them, put on clean gloves.

5. Let the water come down to the end of the tube to get the air out. Then pinch the tubing to stop the


6. Wet the end of the tube with water or an oil, and slide it into the anus. If coherent, ask the person to

take slow, deep breaths to help them relax.

Do not put the tube in more than this much.

7. Hold the bag or can just high enough for the water to run in very slowly (about the level of the person’s

hips). It should take about 20 minutes. If the water runs out of their body, the bag may be too high. Lower

the bag so the water runs in more slowly.

8. Gently remove the tube. Tell the person to try and keep the water inside, and that the urge to pass stool

will go away soon. If the person is unconscious, you can hold their buttocks together. Retention enemas

need to be retained for 20-30 minutes to allow the body to absorb the liquids within the colon.

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9. Clean and dry the person. Then remove your gloves and wash

your hands.

10. If needed, transport the person for medical help right away. For

enemas for those who are in shock - If the person is still in shock,

you can give another enema one hour later. If he/she is not in

shock, try to give sips of rehydration drink as you transport


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Homeopathic Remedies


Bladder Infection – Cantharis

Cold /Flu – first sign of symptoms – Aconite

Flu - Boiron Oscillococcinum

Food Poisoning – Arsenicum Album

Coughs – Aconite

Diarrhea with severe nausea & vomiting – Ipecac (the homeopathic remedy not the syrup)

Fever – first signs of – Aconite

Sudden onset of fever with flushing – Belladonna

Injury – Arnica

Shock – Aconite to begin with (a few doses) then Arnica

Sore Throat – Belladonna

Sore throat – with fever, red hot, sore to swallow - Belladonna

Different Strengths: 6X, 30X, 30C, 60C, 200C. 30C is the most common potency used.

Normal dosage amounts are: 3 pellets under tongue 3-5 x per day.

Severe sudden symptoms:

3 pellets every 15 minutes until 4 doses have been taken. This dosing is in additional to

3 pellets, 3 times a day.

So SEVEN main remedies: Cantharis, Aconite, Oscillococcinum, Aresenicum Album, Ipecac,

Belladonna, & Arnica

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(Claudia’s online complete course on making homeopathic remedies can be found at: healthy-preparedness-

When making a homeopathic remedy from particles from the air, there is a short cut method that cuts down the

steps. This way of making a homeopathic remedy isn’t as precise or accurate as using the whole line up of nine 1

oz bottles but when cramped for time, this method still works.

Here’s the short cut method:

What you’ll need:

1. Glass bowl.

2. Distilled water for the glass bowl (around 4 cups is good).

3. 80 proof vodka.

4. Distilled water for making the tincture (at least 2 cups).

5. 1, 1 oz tincture bottle with dropper.

6. 1, 4 oz tincture bottle with dropper.


1. Set out bowl of distilled water outside containing the 4 cups of distilled water and a splash of 80 proof

vodka that will make up about 10-20% of the total solution. (Exact measurements do not need to be

taken. The bit of vodka simply helps preserve what the water is catching.)

Note: Keep this bowl of water in a place where cats won’t drink the water. If bugs, dust, or other particles get in the

water – that’s okay. The end solution will be an extremely diluted solution that won’t contain any particles from the

unwanted or unexpected contaminants.

2. Let the bowl of water sit outside for at least 24 hours. You can let it sit outside for more days than that if wanted

just watch the water to make sure it doesn’t all evaporate out. Add more water and a splash of 80 proof vodka if

it does begin to evaporate out.

3. Bring in the bowl of water after it has sat outside for at least 24 hours and do the steps below.

4. Stir water in bowl.

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5. Fill 1 oz dropper bottle with splash of 80 proof vodka (enough to make up about 10-20% of the solution) and fill

up rest of way with distilled water.

6. Add one drop of water (your 1 x remedy) from the bowl you had set outside.

7. Close tincture bottle with dropper and success 100 times. This is now a 3x remedy.

8. Dump out all of liquid from the bottle. Give a little shake as it’s upside down.

9. Using the same bottle, repeat step 5 by adding a splash of vodka and filling up the bottle the rest of the way

with distilled water.

10. Close the tincture bottle with the dropper and success 100 times. This is now a 6x remedy.

Note: You aren’t placing one drop into the bottle from before because even after emptying the bottle and giving it a little

shake, there is still about 1-2 drops of the solution in the bottle that ends up being your “one drop” that turns into the

next diluted remedy strength after being succussed.

11. Repeat the same steps 7 more times: dump it all out and give a little shake. Fill with splash of vodka and fill up

the rest of the way with distilled water. Then succuss 100 times.

12. Once you have repeated those steps 7 more times, you will now have a 27x remedy. If wanted, save this bottle

for future use. Label it with the date and whether it’s being used for pollutants, chem trails or allergies, etc.

13. You can now create your final remedy from the 27x bottle by using 1 drop for every ounce you have in your final

remedy. (For example, if your final remedy bottle is a 4 oz bottle, use 4 drops from the 27x bottle. If it’s a 2

ounce bottle, use 2 drops from the 27x bottle.)

14. Place the appropriate amount of 27x drops into your final bottle and succuss 100 times. This is your final remedy

that you’ll be using.

Administering a Homeopathic Air Solution

Once finished this 30x remedy can be administered by giving 15 drops, in water, one to three times a day. (You

can muscle test to see if more than 15 drops need to be given to the individual.)

Usually 15-30 drops are given, per dose, for an adult. And 10-15 drops are given to children (ages 10 and under)

per dose.

Take dosage 20 minutes away from food or liquids.

Also consider using a homeopathic lymph and liver formula or drink a detoxing tea 1-2 x day along with this

remedy to support he detoxification pathways even further to help the body detox the unwanted substances

from the body. (Drink the tea 20 minutes away from using the homeopathic remedy.)

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Other Tools

Chux pads: For wound washing or to catch blood or other infectious fluids. Place under wounds, head for vomiting,

buttocks for diarrhea.

Ketchup Bottle: To clean out wounds.

Saran Wrap: To wrap up poultices, gels, pastes, etc. that have been applied to the body.

Gloves: Protection from infectious fluids.

Dropper bottles: eye infections, ear infetions. Making homeopathic remedies. Storing tinctures / remedies.

Spray bottle: Easier way and less wasteful way to apply remedies topically to body.

Sinus Rinse bottle: To rinse out sinuses.

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