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BLOG (M2) Magento Extension by PIXLOGIX USER GUIDE Copyright 2015 - 2019 © All rights reserved [email protected]

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BLOG (M2) Magento Extension by PIXLOGIX


Copyright 2015 - 2019 ©

All rights reserved

[email protected]

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Table of Contents

1. Installation Process ......................................................................................................... 4

2. Blog Configuration .......................................................................................................... 5

2.1 General Settings ...................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Search Engine Optimization ..................................................................................... 6

2.3 Post List ................................................................................................................... 7

2.4 Post Detail ............................................................................................................... 8

2.5 Latest Post Widget on Homepage ............................................................................. 9

2.6 Featured Post Widget on Homepage ...................................................................... 10

2.7 Sidebar .................................................................................................................. 11

2.8 Date & Time Custom Options ................................................................................. 14

2.9 Comments ............................................................................................................. 15

2.10 Blog RSS ................................................................................................................. 17

2.11 XML Sitemap ......................................................................................................... 18

2.12 Implementation Code ............................................................................................ 19

3. Manage Posts (Admin Post Listing) ............................................................................... 20

3.1 Post Information (Add/Edit Post) ........................................................................... 21

3.2 Content ................................................................................................................. 22

3.3 Search Engine Optimization ................................................................................... 23

3.4 Association ............................................................................................................ 24

3.5 Website ................................................................................................................. 25

3.6 General .................................................................................................................. 26

3.7 Design ................................................................................................................... 27

4. Manage Categories (Admin Category Listing) ................................................................ 28

4.1 Category Information (Add/Edit category).............................................................. 29

4.2 Content ................................................................................................................. 30

4.3 Search Engine Optimization ................................................................................... 31

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4.4 Design ................................................................................................................... 32

5. Manage Tags (Admin Tag Listing) .................................................................................. 33

5.1 Tag Information (Add/Edit tag) .............................................................................. 34

5.2 Search Engine Optimization ................................................................................... 35

6. Manage Author (Admin Author Listing) ......................................................................... 36

6.1 Author Information (Add/Edit author) ................................................................... 37

6.2 Search Engine Optimization ................................................................................... 38

7. Manage Comments (Admin Comment Listing) ............................................................... 39

7.1 Comment Information ........................................................................................... 40

8. Export Information ....................................................................................................... 41

9. Import Information ....................................................................................................... 42

10. Post List View (Frontend) .............................................................................................. 43

11. Post Grid View (Frontend) ............................................................................................. 44

12. Post Detail View (Frontend) .......................................................................................... 45

13. License ......................................................................................................................... 47

14. Help & Support ............................................................................................................. 48

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1. Installation Process

To install the extension, you need to follow below steps

Backup your web directory and store database

Enable all cache from admin (System > Tools > Cache Management) before upload


Extract extension zip package and copy folder (app).

Upload (app) folder to your store root folder by FTP.

After uploading (app) folder navigate to your store root folder in the SSH console of your


o cd path_to_the_store_root_folder (cd public_html)

o Run the following command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Flush the store cache; Logout to complete installation process and login.

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2. Blog Configuration

2.1 General Settings

Enable Blog: To enable or disable blog extension.

Blog Title: To display this text in title, footer menu and list page on frontend.

Blog URL: It is used for blog page URL, footer menu link and Breadcrumb URL on


Post URL Suffix: It is used for post URL on frontend.

Enable Footer Link: To enable or disable blog link on frontend footer links menu.

Enable Breadcrumbs: To enable or disable Breadcrumbs on frontend.

Blog Layout: To set blog post listing layout either grid view or list view on frontend.

No. of Grid Column: If grid view is selected then options will be “Two Column”, “Three

Column” and “Four Column”.

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Blog Page Layout: To change frontend blog page layout.

2.2 Search Engine Optimization

Meta Title: To set blog Meta title.

Meta Keywords: To set blog Meta keywords.

Meta Description: To set blog Meta description. Maximum 255 chars

Meta Robots: This will be included before head closing tag in page HTML.

Enable Canonical URL: To enable or disable Canonical URL.

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2.3 Post List

Image Size: Set post image width and height as per requirement. I.e. 900x506 Use only

width to maintain image ratio. i.e. 900

Description Character Limit: If post short description is empty then it will take from

description field on listing page and you can specify character limit from here.

Default 250 character limit.

Posts Per Page on List Allowed Values: Comma-separated.

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2.4 Post Detail

Post Image Size: Set post image width and height as per requirement. I.e. 900x506

Use only width to maintain image ratio. i.e. 900

Social Share: To enable or disable social share on post detail page.

Author Info: To enable or disable author info on post detail page.

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2.5 Latest Post Widget on Homepage

Latest Post Image Size: Set post image size as per your requirement.

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2.6 Featured Post Widget on Homepage

Featured Post Image Size: Set post image size as per your requirement.

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2.7 Sidebar

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Search: To enable or disable blog post search sidebar block on frontend.

Search Position: To display search block on left, right or both sidebars on frontend.

Categories: To enable or disable categories sidebar block on frontend.

Categories Position: To display categories block on left, right or both sidebars on


Number of Categories: Insert value to display latest number of categories. Leave empty

to display all categories.

Archives: To enable or disable archives sidebar block on frontend.

Archives Position: To display archives block on left, right or both sidebars on frontend.

Number of Archives: Insert value to display latest number of archives. Leave empty to

display all archives.

Recent Posts: To enable or disable recent posts sidebar block on frontend.

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Recent Posts Position: To display recent posts block on left, right or both sidebars on


Number of Recent Posts: Insert value to display number of recent posts. Leave empty to

display recent “5” posts.

Show Recent Post Thumbnail: To show or hide recent post thumbnail.

Recent Post Thumbnail Size: If recent post thumbnail is enabled then set post image

width and height as per requirement. I.e. 75x42 (or leave empty for default size) Use

only width to maintain image ratio. i.e. 60

Recent Comments: To enable or disable recent comments sidebar block on frontend.

Recent Comments Position: To display recent comments block on left, right or both

sidebars on frontend.

Number of Recent Comments: Insert value to display number of recent comments.

Leave empty to display recent "5" comments.

Tag Cloud: To enable or disable tag cloud sidebar block on frontend.

Tag Cloud Position: To display tag cloud block on left, right or both sidebars on


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2.8 Date & Time Custom Options

Date Format: Add date format option to format blog post date. Click here to know more

about Date Format.

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Comments (Default Comments)

● Enable Comments: "Yes - Default Comments" - To enable default post comments.

Enable Comments to Logged in Users?: To allow comments for logged in users or not.

Enable Auto Approve Comments: To allow auto approve comments. By default, all

comments status will be pending.

● Enable Email Notification: To enable or disable comment submission notification to


Admin Email Name: Admin email name (as sender name) to notification email.

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Admin To Email Address: Admin will get email to this email address.

Admin Email Subject: Admin email subject name for comment email notification.

Admin Email Template: Admin can change admin comment email template from here.

Mage CAPTCHA for Comment Form: To enable CAPTCHA on blog comment form, please

follow below steps:

Stores > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > CAPTCHA > select

"Enable CAPTCHA on Storefront" = "Yes" > Select "Forms" = "Flexibleblog Comment

Form" > click on "Save Config" button.

Comments (Disqus Comments)

Enable Comments: " Yes - Disqus Comments" - To enable Disqus comments.

Shortname: Registered website shortname on disqus. If you have not register with

disqus then just click on to register.

Enable Comments: "No" - To disable comments on frontend.

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2.10 Blog RSS

Enable RSS Feed: To enable or disable RSS Feed on frontend.

Enable Blog All Posts: To enable or disable all blog posts on frontend RSS Feed.

Enable Recent Posts RSS Feed: To enable or disable recent posts on frontend RSS


Enable Blog Categories RSS Feed: To enable or disable blog categories on frontend

RSS Feed.

Enable Blog Authors RSS Feed: To enable or disable blog authors on frontend RSS


Enable Blog Tags RSS Feed: To enable or disable blog tags on frontend RSS Feed.

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2.11 XML Sitemap

Enable Blog XML Sitemap: To enable or disable Blog XML Sitemap on frontend.

Frequency: One of the following value: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly,

yearly, never. Learn more.

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2.12 Implementation Code

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3. Manage Posts (Admin Post Listing)

ID: Post Id

Image: Post Image

Title: Post Title

Url Key: Post Url Key to display frontend post identifier key.

Is Featured?: To display enabled or disabled featured post status.

Author: Post assigned author name.

Comment: To display enabled or disabled post comment status.

Status: To display enabled or disabled post status.

Published: Post published time.

Created: Post created time.

Modified: Post modified time.

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Action: Post edit and delete links on action column.

3.1 Post Information (Add/Edit Post)

Post Title: Post Title

URL Key: Post URL key to view post on frontend.

Status: To enabled or disabled this post.

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3.2 Content

Post Image: To upload post image as featured image. This image will display on post list

and detail page.

● Description: To display post description on frontend.

Short Description: To display post short description as an excerpt on frontend post list


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3.3 Search Engine Optimization

● Meta Title: To set post Meta title.

● Meta Keywords: To set post Meta Keywords.

Meta Description: To set post Meta Description. Maximum 255 chars

Meta Robots: Admin can select any option from dropdown.

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3.4 Association

● Post Categories: To assign post categories. Hold CTRL to select multiple.

● Tags: Add multiple Tags separated by comma. Here you can see auto suggest tags.

Comments: To enabled or disabled post specific comments.

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3.5 Website

Store View: To assign store specific post. Hold CTRL to select multiple

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3.6 General

● Is Featured Post: To set post as a featured post or not.

● Publish Date: Admin can select date to publish post. Leave empty to use current date


● Author: To assign post author.

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3.7 Design

● Page Layout: To change post specific frontend page layout.

● Custom Layout Update: To update post specific frontend Custom Layout Update.

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4. Manage Categories (Admin Category Listing)

Id: Category Id

Title: Category Title

Url Key: Category Url Key to display frontend category identifier key

Status: Category Status

Created: Category created time

Modified: Category modified time

Action: Category edit and delete links on action column

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4.1 Category Information (Add/Edit category)

● Category Title: Category title

● Url Key: Category URL key to view category on frontend.

● Status: To enabled or disabled this category.

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4.2 Content

● Description: To display category description on frontend.

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4.3 Search Engine Optimization

● Meta Title: To set category Meta title

● Meta Keywords: To set category Meta Keywords.

● Meta Description: To set category Meta Description. Maximum 255 chars

● Meta Robots: Admin can select any option from dropdown.

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4.4 Design

● Page Layout: To change category specific frontend page layout.

● Custom Layout Update: To update category specific frontend Custom Layout Update.

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5. Manage Tags (Admin Tag Listing)

Id: Tag Id

Title: Tag Title

Url Key: Tag Url Key to display frontend tag identifier key

Status: Tag Status

Created: Tag created time

Modified: Tag modified time

Action: Tag edit and delete links on action column

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5.1 Tag Information (Add/Edit tag)

● Tag Title: Tag title

● Url Key: Tag URL key to view tag on frontend.

● Description: To display tag description on frontend.

● Status: To enabled or disabled this tag.

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5.2 Search Engine Optimization

● Meta Title: To set tag Meta title

● Meta Keywords: To set tag Meta Keywords.

● Meta Description: To set tag Meta Description. Maximum 255 chars

● Meta Robots: Admin can select any option from dropdown.

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6. Manage Author (Admin Author Listing)

Id: Author Id

Author Avatar: Author Avatar/photo

Name: Author Name

Author Url Key: Author Url Key to display frontend author identifier key.

No. of Post: To display number of post of this author.

Created: Author created time

Modified: Author modified time

Action: Author edit and delete links on action column

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6.1 Author Information (Add/Edit author)

● Author Name: Author name

● Url Key: Author Url Key to display frontend author identifier key.

● Avatar: To upload author photo.

● Author Bio: To set author bio description.

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6.2 Search Engine Optimization

● Meta Keywords: To set author Meta title

● Meta Keywords: To set author Meta Keywords.

● Meta Description: To set author Meta Description. Maximum 255 chars

● Meta Robots: Admin can select any option from dropdown.

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7. Manage Comments (Admin Comment Listing)

Id: Comment Id

Post Title: Associated post link to this comment.

Name: Comment sender name.

Email: Comment sender email name.

Website: Comment sender website.

Comment: Customer comment description.

Comment IP: Customer sender user IP.

Status: Comment status.

Created: Comment created time

Modified: Comment modified time

Action: Comment edit and delete links on action column

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7.1 Comment Information

● Name: Comment sender name.

● Email: Comment sender email name.

● Website: Comment sender website.

● Comment: Customer comment description.

● Status: Comment status.

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8. Export Information

Date From: Select “From” date if your want to export between two date range data.

Date To: Select “To” date if your want to export between two date range data.

Categories: Select one or more categories if you want to export specific category wise


Post Tags: Add comma separated tags if you want to export specific tag wise data.

Author: Select author if you want to export specific author wise data.

Status: Select status if you want to export specific status wise data.

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9. Import Information

Select File to Import: You can import blog data by uploading .csv file. See sample.csv file

before import data. Also please follow above screenshot note to upload post images

dynamically. (See above snap)

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10. Post List View (Frontend)

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11. Post Grid View (Frontend)

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12. Post Detail View (Frontend)

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13. License

What is allowed with single regular license?

You can use it on one website for yourself or for your client.

You will need to purchase another regular license for another domain or clients.

You can setup extension on your staging server for testing/development purposes (that

setup shouldn't be available to the public).

You can customize extension; you can modify it with other works as per your need.

Extension updates will be available free for single website.

What is not allowed?

It is not allowed to create multiple websites with single regular license. You will need to

purchase multiple regular licenses for multiple websites.

It is not allowed to copy our extension code to misuse or for other extension creation or

for selling purpose.

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14. Help & Support Please read "User Guide" carefully, it will help you to resolve most of potential problems with

incorrect configuration of the extension in Magento. If you don't find the answer to your

questions, please watch our video from below URL.

Video - Extension Installation & Blog Configuration guideline

Coming soon..! (Under Creation)

Magento Support Policy

Magento configuration, installation, maintenance, customization etc. is beyond the scope of our

support. We can provide you paid support on extension setup, customization & Magento custom

requirement. If you found bug within extension, please contact us at below email.

[email protected]

Developed by

PIXLOGIX INFOTECH PVT. LTD. is a multi-disciplinary, award-winning web design, development and user

experience company with special focus on website usability and responsive design. The PIXLOGIX team

consists of a highly experienced team of specialists with an outstanding record of providing high quality

deliverables both on a timely basis and at very affordable cost.

PIXLOGIX is a Global provider of web programming and IT services with clients based in the USA, UK,

Australia, Finland, Spain, Netherlands and many more. Our communication skills are excellent and are

pleased to participate in providing quotations per Requests for Quotation or proposals. We guarantee

your satisfaction!

Thank you!