blog buster: setting up your first blog

Blog Buster Setting up your first Blog! by Jeremy R. Washington Brought to you by and Be sure to check out to receive more information via your inbox!

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"Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog" goes over the steps you need to take to setup an efficient blog and also the methods of how to drive traffic to it


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Blog BusterSetting up your

first Blog!by Jeremy R. Washington

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Thank you forSubscribing!

First up, I just want to thank everybody that subscribedto this email newsletter and knew that the value it

would bring would be imense.

In this guide, I’ll explain the basics on how to setup ablog as well as driving traffic to it instantly and

promoting your product.

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Fancy LegalStuff

As always, I have to add legal information and I try mybest to write them in a way that makes you actually

want to read them.

I encourage you to share this eBook and even use it inyour own sales funnel.

However, don’t take credit for my work or changeanything in this eBook!

Other than that, I hope you enjoy the following guide!

Great! Well, let’s get started…

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Page 4: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog

So a blog according to the dictionary is:

blog [blawg, blog] noun1.a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.

So in it’s simplest terms a blog is just a website that tells the world “Hey! I am here and I have something to say!”

Blogs are great for letting your audience know that you have something to share with them. Maybe an interesting observation, your thoughts and Yes! Even a product that they may want to purchase!

But now you’re probably thinking “This is all great, but what exactly is an “Audience” ”.

Glad you asked that,

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Page 5: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog

According to the dictionary an “Audience” is:

au·di·ence [aw-dee-uh ns] noun1.the group of spectators at a public event; listeners or viewers collectively, as in attendance at a theater or concert: The audience was respectful of the speaker's opinion.

Now, we’re getting there. However, it’s still not the actual definition of what it means in a marketing sense.

Yes, it’s a group of spectators. However, they are targeted to your niche!

niche [nich] noun1.a distinct segment of a market.

So, they’re pretty much just categories. For instance, you could write a blog in the „Health“ niche and that would mean that your blog informs your audience about topics that involve health.

It’s as simple as that!

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Page 6: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog


Branding yourself is super, super important! It seperates you from the rest by giving you something that is unique to you!

Just because the internet is in essence just a connection of servers, this doesn’t mean you can’t brand yourself!

Now keep this in mind. It’s important to get the word out, but how do you want people to remember you?

Well, this is where domains come into play!

No website will work without one. Domains represent the information that can be found on a particular website.

Now that we got the basics down, we shall continue to where you can actually find a domain.

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Page 7: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog

Now let’s say your niche was health, you could go with a domain that looks like this:

Now, let’s review this example.

1. It explains your niche!2. It has your name in it! (Obviously change it to

yours!)3. It’s catchy! It’s easy to remember!

However, it’s quite long so I wouldn’t go much longer than this.

Here is a rule of thumb, if you can’t remember your own domain after the first time seeing it, it’s a bad one.

I mean, if you can’t memorize your own domain on the first go, why would you expect your viewers too?

Just make your domain sound creative and you should be gold!

Also, I recommend getting a domain that ends in „.com“. They are more professional than the other domain extensions!

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Page 8: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog

Finding a domain is actually super easy!

Just head on over to and get your dream domain today!

They are one of the biggest providers for domains and surely you can find what you’re looking for there!

Purchasing a domain for 1 year is the cheapest, however feel free to purchase them for longer.

In the end it doesn’t really matter!

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HostingNow that you got a .com domain from GoDaddy, you’re probably thinking:

„Sweet! Now I purchased my domain, but how exactly can I reach my website?“

Glad you asked that question!

Well, for that we’ll need to get website hosting!

Hosting Providers run your website 24/7 on their dedicated, blazing fast servers.

For that, I recommend!

One of the best providers for your hosting pleasures!

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Page 10: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog

GoDaddy +HostGator

This is an important step and often overlooked!

Click on „I already own this domain“ since we got it from GoDaddy previously!

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Page 11: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog

Also, change the „Billing Cycle“ to 1-month so you won’t pay a ridiculous amount upfront!

Once you purchased hosting, you should get an email with your login information and your nameservers!

Nameservers are very important since they tell the domain where the server is located.

Once you see your Nameservers, follow this guide on how to change the Nameservers of your domain!

It is very important that you don’t visit that domain through the process. Else it may take up to 48 hours for your cache to automatically be cleared and show you the website!

After this process is completed it probably shouldn’t take long for your domain to establish a connection with your hosting.

Once you enter your domain in your browser you’ll most likely see a sample page!

This is great, because it verifies that you have done everything correctly!

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Page 12: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog

WordpressWordpress is a Content Manager, but is mainly used as a blogging system by 99% of the marketers out there!

Installing Wordpress on Hostgator is super easy!

Just login to your Control Panel from HostGator with the information that was provided to you in your first email by them and then locate „Install Wordpress“ or a similar text on the Control Panel!

Then just follow the onscreen instructions and it will be installed instantly!

Be sure to check out this guide on how to make your first post!

It goes into each section very in-depth!

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TrafficBelieve it or not, but getting traffic is simpler then you may think!

You have multiple options on how to get it, but let’s assume you wanted to get traffic through SEO (Search Engine Optimization), it’s a free way of getting massive traffic!

Firstly, I’d recommend getting „SEO by Yoast“ installed on your Wordpress site.

Now in theory, Google and other Search Engines will find your website through the content you publish!

So more content = more traffic (In theory)

You should check out, they have some pretty awesome specialists that focus on SEO and what will you have to pay?

Only $5! Crazy? Yes! Doable? Yes!

So, just check it out and get in touch with an SEO Specialist!

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Page 14: Blog Buster: Setting up your first Blog


Well, this is the end of this small eBook that goes over how you can get started blogging and gaining traffic!

To gain more insight and tips and tricks, just check your inbox since I will message you regularly with the best of the best!

A lot of the advanced stuff will be sent to you as well!

Also, feel free to visit my website to see for yourself what benefits you can gain through it!

I hope you learned something interested today and trust me, we are far from being done.

Also, feel free to reply to my emails to get in touch with me!

Until then,

Jeremy R. Washington

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