blocks your inner healing · we’re not arguing them. only questioning them. you can use the...


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by Jullia Lorinn


H E A R T - F E L T V I S I O N ?


Are you ready to heal your inner blocks and align withyour heart-felt vision?

Let’s talk.

Inner blocks are party-poopers.

For example: you know that you have what it takes,but you keep getting insecure when it’s go-time.

Or maybe you feel you can make a difference, to

which your inner-critic floods you with self-doubt.

Maybe you’re in love with your art or business idea,but you don’t dare to take it to where you know

it can be.

What are inner blocks?

Inner blocks consist out of:

dis-empowering mindsetslingering trauma’s

outdated limiting beliefscircumstances that no longer suit us

resistance to change our subconscious mind having its own set of

beliefs/fears and mindsets.

And yes, we’re gonna tackle all of them.

I know what it’s like to be blocked.

Due to multiple traumatic experiences, I accumulateddeep inner blocks that got in the way of the heart-felt

vision I had for my life.

So, out of necessity I became a bit of an expert onhealing them in a deep, lessons learned, moving past

it, kind of way.

It took me years of experimentation to find thetreasures I’m about to share with you.

Healing inner blocks is different for everyone.

Some people just have a few blocks to heal and they’re

off into the sunset.

Others a thousand.

Some people are conscious of them.

Others have to dig them up.

But the fact that you’re reading this, means:

It can be done

Do you feel ready to dive into my strategy for healinginner blocks?

I'm going to share 4 strategies with you.

The Questioning StrategyAffirmations With a Twist

Alignment VisualizationPast-Self Healing

These strategies go from shallow to deep.

Simply because our inner blocks range from shallow to


You may find that some mindsets transform with just 1strategy.

Others need the whole shebang.

So be patient with yourself.

And let’s dive in.

How To Heal Inner Blocks

..the way around this resistance is to approach thesethoughts and beliefs with curiosity.

The Questioning Strategy works for dis-empowering

thoughts and beliefs.

This strategy either makes them evaporate, loosen uptheir grip, or it opens up a deeper layer to investigate.

The Questioning Strategy1.

A big mistake many of us make, is fighting our dis-empowering mindsets and beliefs.

We try to push them away, or we force ourselves to

believe something different.

Let's get into the how

This is what I call inspired sidestepping.

If you want to know more about that read my article:

Inspired Side-Stepping And 2 Ways to Avoid It.

Usually these thoughts come back with a vengeance,because we resist them.

And, I wish it wasn’t true, but what you resist persists.

The way around this is to approach these thoughts and

beliefs with curiosity.

We’re not arguing them.

Only questioning them.

You can use the following questions to do just that.

Take some time to reflect with each question and giveyourself permission to think out of the box a little.

And see what happens :)


Is it true?What evidence is there that it’s true?

What evidence is there that it isn’t true?What alternatives could there be to this belief?

What is the effect of believing this thought?What if I don't have this belief? What would

happen?What do I make this belief mean? (can I challenge

this meaning?) Is this an all or nothing belief? (What could be the

nuance that I’m missing?)Am I assuming that things can’t change? (How could

it change?) Am I trying to predict the future instead of

experimenting with it? (What would that experimentlook like?) works because it makes the affirmation believableto your mind.

This strategy will take you a little deeper.

It will enable you to make every affirmation work.

I’m really excited to share this one with you, because it

can shift things quickly.

But before we get into it we have to talk about

2. Affirmations With A Twist

Let’s say you believe you're inadequate.

You start to tell yourself affirmations like:

‘I’m a powerful creator' or 'I’m capable of greatness’.  

Two things are likely to happen.

It’s either going to produce inner conflict, because thestatement is too much of stretch.

Or it’s simply not convincing enough to the part of

you that feels inadequate.

But... there’s a way around this ;)

why affirmations, usually don't work.

I call it:

The Affirmation Twist.

The Affirmation Twist makes every affirmation work.

It’s that powerful.

It works because it makes the affirmation believable toyour mind.

Let’s say your affirmation is ‘I deserve success’ when

you don’t feel like you deserve success.

The twist is to transform your affirmation, into thefollowing question.

Ask yourself:

Do you think it could be possible that you come to the

realization 'I deserve success' when you’re 90 yearsold?

80? 60? 30? In a couple of years or months?

Check in with your body and mind: what feels

comfortable? What is believable to you?

Once you find that comfortable spot, (being 70 yearsold on the couch with your cat, feeling like you

deserve success;),just sit with that feeling for a moment.

Let yourself be touched by it.

The next time you do this affirmation, you’ll be

comfortable a couple of years, months, weeks, days orhours closer to the present.

Until you arrive there too ♥

..the ultimate goal is to convince our subconsciousmind that it’s okay to align with our heart-felt vision.

Let’s go a little deeper again and talk about your

subconscious mind.

According to the founder of analytical psychology,Carl Gustav Jung,

the subconscious mind is a storehouse of events

that were deemed unimportant, forgotten or repressed

due to their distressing nature.

3. Alignment Visualization

Take for example a child falling of a swing set.

Let's say that the child is alone and unable to deal withhow scared they are.

The experience is left unprocessed.

And as such, it gets stored in the unconscious.

Now as an adult, this person might suddenly get

nervous around swing sets.Maybe not even remembering why.

This reaction to swing sets is not useful or reasonable,

to our conscious self.

But our subconscious mind is convinced that we haveto be scared.

And so, we’re scared.

The subconscious mind has its ownagenda

The subconscious mind only understands symboliclanguage.

Images, memories, visuals.

Plus, the feelings that come with them.

When you use the Affirmation Twist, you’re already

working with the subconscious mind.

Slowly convincing the subconscious that life can lookand feel different.

So, let’s take visualization up a notch.

Because, the ultimate goal is to convince our

subconscious mind that it’s okay to align with ourheart-felt vision.

How to talk 'subconscious', throughAlignment Visualization

When you think of the route to the grocery store,you’re visualizing.

When you’re daydreaming, you’re visualizing.

When you think about your future, you’re visualizing.

Since the goal is to get you aligned with your heart-felt

vision,let’s do some day-dreaming about that!

Ask yourself:

Visualization is easy to learn

What would happen in my life when I accomplish myheart-felt vision?

When I share my message with the world?

What kinds of experiences would I have?

How would my life change?

Envision it in as much detail as you can.

To let your daydream, uh, visualization impact your subconscious mind in the deepest way:

Take a moment to let it touch you.


As if it’s happening right now.

Feel the impact the experience makes on your being.

And enjoy!

Do this regularly, and your subconscious mind learnssomething important.

That your heart-felt vision could be

your new normal ♥

And here comes the trick of the century

..this is where you might have to dive deeper and facethose unprocessed memories, directly.

Sometimes, we question our beliefs, twist our

affirmations and visualize living our heart-felt vision,

but it doesn’t click.

We keep on being triggered, afraid of change andaccepting circumstances that don’t match the vision

we have for our lives.

This is where you might have to dive deeper and facethose unprocessed memories, directly.

For this you can use inner-child or past-self healing,

were you go into the specific memory and helpyounger you, as now-you through the situation.

Until past-you, feels supported and safe again.

4. Past-Self Healing

That you feel safe going to these places in your mindand feel the feelings that come with that.

If not, maybe you could ask a trusted friend, coach or

therapist to sit with you.

These kinds of healing-sessions can be powerful. 

If done right, you'll notice yourself automaticallythinking and behaving different.

Which can be a bit weird, but oh so rewarding ♥

Make sure that you feel ready for this

I hope you feel ready to align every part of you, with your heart-felt vision.

I wish you an amazing journey and I'm sending you a

big hug,

Julia Lorinn

P.S. I would love to go more in depth with you, so ifyou have any questions, just shoot me an email at:

That's it!

[email protected]