blockchain trend report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution. Welcome to the new era of Blockchain Bill Chamberlin, Principal Analyst, New Markets/HorizonWatch, MD&I Margot Juros, Content Manager – Vertical Industries, MD&I bluemine February 15, 2017 Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

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Page 1: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Welcome to the new era of Blockchain

Bill Chamberlin, Principal Analyst, New Markets/HorizonWatch, MD&IMargot Juros, Content Manager – Vertical Industries, MD&I bluemineFebruary 15, 2017

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Page 2: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

About This Trend Report


Purpose: The slides provide an overview on the Blockchain trend

Content: Summary information about the Blockchain marketplace, including trends drivers, spending trends, industry business cases, and adoption challenges. Also included are links to additional resources.

How To Use This Report: This report is best read/studied and used as a learning document. You may want to view the slides in slideshow mode so you can easily follow the links

Available on Slideshare: This presentation (and other Trend Reports for 2017) will be available publically on Slideshare at

Please Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.


Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 (External Version)

Page 3: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

BlockChain – Trend OverviewThe backbone of the future peer to peer transaction network, Blockchain technology will provide an open and distributed cryptographic ledger shared across all nodes that participate in the network. The ledger is where every successfully performed transaction is recorded. All those in the network will share a secured ledger. The ledgers will be programmable, meaning actions can be taken based on a transaction hitting the ledger.


Potential Benefits• Secure transactions• Reduced overhead and

intermediaries• Establishes trust among

parties• Reduced transaction

settlement time• Reduced risk of collusion or

tampering• Reduced transaction errors• Improved auditability


Key Elements• Distributed Database - Provides a historical shared ledger of

data & events for every transaction• Peer-to-peer network – All parties agree & verify

transactions • Append only – previous records can not be altered• Security / Privacy – built into the transaction records• Programmability - capability to program an activity based on


Example Use Cases1. Replace complex, slow and error-prone business processes2. Proving provenance, ownership, usage rights, or status of a

record3. Proof of identity4. Automatic execution of contractual agreements (smart



Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External

Page 4: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.4

Hype around Blockchain continues to build and the disruptive potential is real

1. Creates Trust Among Parties. Blockchain can establish trust among parties where no relationships, or trust, currently exist.

2. Reduces Transaction Time/Costs. By eliminating second and third parties to a transaction, blockchain can reduce time/costs to settle a transaction, conduct a vote, establish a contract, etc.

3. Technology Limitations. Blockchain technology in its current form suffers from significant current limitations when it comes to scalability, security and governance.

4. Slow Path To Mass Adoption. Main stream deployment could be 5-10 years away. Much will depend on standards work, government regulation and how quickly industry leaders adopt. Education is a big challenge. Disruption of powerful legacy industry and governmental ecosystems another.

5. Financial Services. Blockchain will cause major disruption to existing processes such as crowdfunding, digital payments, trading, settlement and clearing.

6. Other Industry Use Cases. Transaction heavy industries or industries where trust is vital will be good applications for blockchain. For example, in healthcare the privacy, integrity and control over access to data is paramount and critically important.

7. Standards / Consortiums. There are a number of initiatives going on to develop standards, development platforms and tools.

Key Summary Insights

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External18Feb2017

HBR: The Truth About Blockchain

IBM Institute for Business Value: Leading the pack in blockchain banking

“The Hyperledger project is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration including leaders in finance, banking, IoT, supply chain, manufacturing and technology.”

Page 5: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

BlockChain – Trends to watch in 2017…. And beyond1. Financial Services. Look for more a flurry of activity by financial

institutions in 2017 and the supporting IT ecosystem. Many IT services vendors have already launched Blockchain teams with a focus on financial services.

2. Education. Look for vendors to increase education initiatives to convince business and IT leaders that blockchain will have far greater implications than just enabling electronic payments.

3. Standards: Much work remains on standards and on interoperability. Ripple Lab, Chain, Digital Asset Holdings, the 50-plus member R3 CEV consortium and the Linux Hyperledger Foundation are all working to develop enterprise grade distributed ledger frameworks.

4. Blockchain & IoT: Applying Blockchain to IoT transactions has the potential to securing transactions coming from the edge of networks, making it a popular topic of discussion for IT professionals working in security, cloud and IoT implementations.

5. Industry Apps & Clouds. In 2017, look for industry cloud vendors to explore embedding blockchain capabilities into industry-specific decentralized applications and industry clouds to support business transactions.

6. Regulation. Regulators and legislators are watching blockchain development closely to understand the need for new regulations and laws.


Forbes: How Blockchain Will Evolve In 2017


Market Trends

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External

“Blockchain is beginning to play a major part in the Internet of Things by enhancing security, enabling inclusion of low-value devices to be increasingly viable and making managing a device easier for decades to come..” IBM: What blockchain means for you, and the Internet of Things

Finextra: Blockchain, Financial Regulatory Reporting and Challenges

Page 6: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

A focus has been on Financial Services use cases, but there are many opportunities in other industries1. Financial services will invest the most in 2017. While

Financial Services has already has adopted blockchain solutions, particularly in the area of clearing and near-real-time securities settlement, cross-border remittances, and equity swap, in 2017 investment is expected to grow even more in new application areas - including more backoffice operations such as regulatory reporting and KYC (Know Your Customer) processes.

2. Expect growth in Healthcare/Life Sciences in 2017. Healthcare/Life Sciences are expected to rollout blockchain solutions faster than any other industries in 2017, largely driven by the strong benefits of time, cost, and security. Key uses cases expected in 2017 are clinical trial records, regulatory compliance and medical/health records.

3. Government & Retail have strong use cases and growing adoption as well. The benefits of blockchain solutions of transparency and immutability make it very appealing for Government use cases including digital voting and reducing fraud (such as in social services) through smart contracts as well as Retail use case of secure transactions. Other industries are growing blockchain adoption as well, including Media and Energy.

6 18Feb2017

Market Trends

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External

“The health care industry has already started to embrace the transformational power of technology. Blockchain is another step forward in simplifying a health system so we can help usher in a new level of care. The promise of Blockchain is about putting the consumer at the center of health care, instead of the other way around.” Bruce Broussard, President and CEO at Humana Blockchain: Transformational Technology for Health Care

CB Insights: Banking Is Only The Start: 27 Big Industries Where Blockchain Could Be Used

Page 7: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Use cases for Blockchain also extend to many horizontal applications1. Smart Contracts: Self-automated computer programs can

automate contract execution and settlement based on certain transactions hitting the ledger

2. Reducing Cyber Security Risk: Less intermediaries, combined with advanced cryptographic capabilities will reduce cybersecurity risk

3. Identity of Things: Device identification and intercommunication is secured by a blockchain that holds the unique identity of each participating node in the network.

4. Voting: Blockchains can serve as the medium for casting, tracking and counting votes so that there is never a question of voter-fraud, lost records, or fowl-play.

5. Gift Cards: With fewer middle-men needed to process the issuing of cards and sales transactions, the process of acquiring and using blockchain-reliant gift cards is more efficient and cost effective

6. Edge of Networks Data Storage: Blockchain cloud storage solutions allow storage to be decentralized, and therefore less prone to attacks that can cause systemic damage and widespread data loss.

7. Supply Chain Tracking: With blockchain, as products change hands across a supply chain from manufacture to sale, the transactions can be documented in a permanent decentralized record — reducing time delays, added costs, and human errors.

7 18Feb2017 Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External

Market Trends

Chamber of Digital Commerce:Smart Contracts: 12 Use Cases for Business & Beyond

“Applying the blockchain concept to the IoT offers fascinating possibilities that include maintaining product information, history, product revisions, warranty details and end-of-life so that the blockchain itself can become the trusted product database.” IBM: Empowering the edge

“Due to its decentralized architecture, blockchain has the potential to create a new paradigm for how supply chain applications are created, implemented and utilized. It has the potential to become a new operating system for supply chain networks.” Industry Week: Blockchain: The Next Evolution of Supply Chains

Page 8: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

There are a number of important issues that will slow the adoption of blockchain1.Technical Issues. Resolving challenges such as transaction

speed, platform interoperability, verification process, and data storage will be crucial in making blockchain widely acceptable.

2.Security, Privacy and Control Issues. Ensuring data security & privacy among parties are main concerns. As the blockchain transactions are recorded in the distributed public ledger, it offers hackers a larger attack surface to gain access to critical and sensitive information

3.Standards. Like any emerging technology, mass adoption will depend on industry-wide standards. Many companies will choose to stay in the background, choosing to wait until standards get defined.

4. Interoperability. There will be many implementations of blockchain systems. Platforms and apps will need to talk to each other. Different systems on different platforms should be able to allow the data flow.

5.Governmental Regulation. A decentralized approach to identity and transaction management reduces the control of governments and corporations. You can bet Government will want to regulate it’s adoption, which could impact the progress of blockchain solutions

6.Cultural Change. Changing from legacy systems may be hard. Blockchain will change business processes, models, and perhaps entire industries

7.Lack of Skills and Tools. Developers with blockchain expertise are rare. Blockchain developer tools are nascent. These factors increase security risks and make the cost of developing with blockchain platforms higher than existing technology stacks.

8 18Feb2017

Adoption Trends

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External

“Financial institutions, real estate brokers, law firms and other organizations with an interest in trust-based transactions will be swarming blockchain in 2017, and you can bet regulators will be right behind them.” Security Intelligence (IBM): Regulators Want In on the Blockchain Party in 2017

Bitcoin Magazine: The Blockchain Developer Shortage: Emerging Trends and Perspectives

Adi Ben-Ari: Outstanding Challenges in Blockchain Technology in 2017

Page 9: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.9

IBM surveyed 200 banks in 16 countries on their experiences and expectations with blockchains

IBM Institute for Business Value: Leading the pack in blockchain bankingThe IBM Institute for Business Value with the support of the Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 200 banks in 16 countries on their experiences and expectations with blockchains.

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External18Feb2017

Adoption Trends

Page 10: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

IBM surveyed 200 government leaders in 16 countries on the topic of blockchains


IBM Institute for Business Value: Building trust in governmentThe IBM Institute for Business Value with the support of the Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 200 government leaders on their experiences and expectations with blockchains.

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External18Feb2017

Adoption Trends

Page 11: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.11

IBM surveyed 200 healthcare executives – both payers and providers in 16 countries

IBM Institute for Business Value: Healthcare rallies for blockchains: Keeping patients at the center

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External18Feb2017

The IBM Institute for Business Value with the support of the Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 200 healthcare executives on their experiences and expectations with blockchains.

Adoption Trends

Page 12: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Selected public IBM Websites, resources and links


On IBM: Blockchain (main website)

What is Blockchain Use Cases How blockchain can apply to your bus

iness About the IBM Blockchain ecosystem How to get started Blockchain Offerings Blockchain on Bluemix Blockchain on developerWorks

DeveloperWorks: Blockchain IBM Blockchain Newsroom & Press Kit IBM Institute for Business Value

Studies on Blockchain IBM Banking:

Ginni Rometty's keynote at the FinTech Ideas Festival 2017

Hyperledger Pro: Hyperledger Project

Important Links

IBM Video Blockchain in 3 Minutes

IBM: What is Blockchain

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External18Feb2017

“The 3 courses in this learning path can help you quickly understand IBM’s direction with blockchain technology and get hands-on experience with a sample use case. Learn how to create your own private blockchain network on IBM Bluemix and add code for smart contracts using the chaincode interface from the Hyperledger Fabric.” IBM: Courses: IBM Blockchain for developers

Page 13: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Selected videos about BlockChain IBM Videos

– IBM Think Academy: Blockchain, How it works– Making Blockchain Ready for Business– Making Blockchain Real for Business– IBM on Blockchain – Building a blockchain for business with the

Hyperledger Project– DC Blockchain Summit – Keynote: Arvind Krishna, IBM – Blockchain in IBM Global Financing – Blockchain Demo with IBM z Systems

Other Videos– Blockchain technology: Transforming the way business

transactions are conducted– IBM on Blockchain– Blockchain: Transforming the Future of Global

Business– The Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Explained – Blockchain technology – Deutsche Bank - Blockchain: Overview. Relevance. Ou



IBM: Making Blockchain Ready for Business (video)


IBM: Blockchain technology: Transforming the way business transactions are conducted

Important Links

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External

Page 14: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Additional links to resources found on the Internet Beckers Hospital Review:  

9 things to know about blockchain in healthcare CIO:  Blockchain is busting out of its britches ComputerWorld:  

5 enterprise-related things you can do with blockchain technology today

Forbes:  Blockchain And Its New Rainmakers Ginni Rometty, IBM (via WSJ):  

How Blockchain Will Change Your Life Huffington Post:  

5 Blockchain Applications That Are Shaping Your Future  MIT Sloan:  How Blockchain Will Change Organizations Security Intelligence:  In 2017, Blockchain Gets Serious TechRepublic:  

Video: The top 5 things to know about the blockchain VentureBeat:  How blockchain can change the future of IoT VentureBeat:  

IBM goes all-in on blockchain: Launches app-making ecosystem Wired:  

Move over Bitcoin, the blockchain is only just getting started


IBM Security Intelligence:  In 2017, Blockchain Gets Serious


Finextra:  Blockchain publications that should be on your reading list - How many have you read?

Becker’s:  9 things to know about blockchain in healthcare

Important Links

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External

Page 15: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Selected public-facing IT analyst websites and resources


451 Research: Blockchain (search)

Forrester: Blockchain (search)

Frost & Sullivan: Blockchain (search)

IDC: Blockchain (search)

Gartner: Blockchain (search)

MarketsandMarkets: Blockchain (search)

TBR: Blockchain (search)

Important Links

“We believe the blockchain ledger space will be a marathon versus a sprint given the myriad of technology, business process, and regulatory opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed. ” Bill Fearnley, research director, IDC Financial Insights: Blockchain Technology: Disruptive Forces in Financial Services, According to IDC

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External18Feb2017

“The healthcare industry is primed for a radical rethink of its digital infrastructure. The current infrastructure does not support the security or interoperability requirements of connected lives. Blockchains can provide technology solutions to these challenges: interoperability, integrity and security, and portable user-owned data.” Frost & Sullivan: Blockchain Applications in the Healthcare Industry

Page 16: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

Public searches of selected media websites

16 18Feb2017

American Banker Blockchain (search) Blockchain (search)

ComputerWorld: Blockchain (search)

Economist: Blockchain (search)

eWeek: Blockchain (search)

Forbes: Blockchain (search)

Fortune: Blockchain (search)

Financial Times: Blockchain (search)

InformationWeek: Blockchain (search)

InfoWorld: Blockchain (search)

SD Times: Blockchain (search)

Wired: Blockchain (search)

Important Links

Economist: A rush to patent the blockchain is a sign of the technology’s promise

Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 | External

“Blockchain entrepreneurs are working towards a future where everything from renting an apartment to betting on an election is guaranteed by a distributed public ledger. Is this the beginning of the end for the middlemen?.” WIRED: Beyond bitcoin. Your life is destined for the blockchain

Page 17: Blockchain Trend Report, 2017

Note: This report is based on internal IBM analysis and is not meant to be a statement of direction by IBM nor is IBM committing to any particular technology or solution.

More Insights on Technology Trends are Available


Other slide decks in this 2017 Trend Report series have been posted to Slideshare

You are also invited to check out the following IBM websites and resources– IBM Academy of Technology– IBM Institute for Business Value– IBM Research and Research News and 5 in 5– IBM’s THINK blog– IBM Think Academy on YouTube

18Feb2017 Blockchain Trend Report, 2017 (External Version)