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A book by Matt Schams


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By Matthew Schams

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Libro dedicado a mi casa

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Table of Contents

..........................................................................................................................My Name! 5

...............................................................................Golfing in the Warm Summer Breeze! 6

.....................................................................................................................Life in Wisco! 7

.........................................................................................................................Golf Poem! 8

..............................................................................................................My neighborhood! 9

......................................................................................................The Unnamed bunny! 10

.......................................................................................................Unexpected surprise! 11

..........................................................................................................Blocking off the fun! 12

.............................................................................................................Easter Egg Hunt! 13

.......................................................................................................................HUNTING! 14

......................................................................................................................Work Cited! 15

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My Name By Matt Schams

! Matt, It means a lot of things, It could mean that I am too certain of myself, and I am not open to the views of others or responsive to their desires or needs. This is true, a lot of times, no matter what, I am right. I will listen to someone and let their words go right through my head, they are wrong, whatever they’re saying. I am right. For example, Any argument I am involved in cannot be won by the opposition. Another meaning for the name Matt is that my feelings and emotional desires are strong and consequently I’m a determined, strong-willed person. I am determined towards things I show interest in, other wise I could care less. Also, I do have a strong will. A color that matches the name of Matthew would probably be dark yet somehow shining green. I like nature a lot, and green is basically the color of nature. I like to explore new things, go on long explorations, and for some reason when I picture that I think of a green path through the middle of a forest leading to a castle. The shining part of my name is the optimism that I posses. I am very optimistic which would explain the little shining part of green, representing hope and chance at something. I feel like the name Matt fits me, I have become accustomed to it through out my years on earth and I just like to have the title of Matt.

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Golfing in the Warm Summer BreezeBy Matthew Schams

A happy time for me is playing golf on a warm summer afternoon, the slight breeze in my face as I tee up the golf ball, preparing for the hole ahead. A happy time is hitting a decent drive and watching the ball soar through the air like a graceful bird in the sky because I am not that good of a golfer. A happy time is when I sink that long put from across the green after a long brain workout of estimating slope and wind direction effects on ball speed and power. The little things about golf are the things that make golf so exciting for me. A lot of people cannot take the agonizing mind torture of watching someone golf, let alone try to play it. However, that is the way I felt before I got into golf, I didn’t understand it, henceforth I didn’t want to try it. But somehow, someone convinced me to play, I don’t remember who, or why I went along with it in the first place. I started taking lessons on how to drive, and simply hit the ball. At first I was skeptical, I didn’t look forward to the lessons, but later I started to get the hang of it. I eventually just went out golfing with some friends and fell in love. I am glad that I found joy in golf, by not only playing it, but by adoring the courses for their beauty and the game for its elaborate twists and puzzles. I truly have found to love the sport of golf.

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Life in Wisconsin! A lot of times I think to myself, “I should move to Florida!”. It seems like a great idea to move to Florida, It would be hot all of the time, no more winter, I would not have to buy snow coats. Life down in Florida would be amazing, but Florida will never be my home. I can move there, but I have fallen in love with the ways of Wisconsin. Florida seems like an amazing option, but It will never be close to the cold feel of frost-bite on your fingers while shoveling my driveway. Florida will never be the hill filled Coulee Region that I am so accustomed with now. Florida will never have days where even with six inches of snow, we still have school that day. ! Even though I rather would have been born in Florida and been able to golf all year long, and be in paradise almost every single day of the year. You know what though? I was not born in Florida, I was born in Wisconsin, and I won’t move. Wisconsin is definitely a tough place to live in, and after a long fifteen years here, I think I like it. I never said life in Wisconsin if fun, a lot of times it is not fun. But it truly has become more than my home. Its become the place I love with all of my heart. It has become the place I like to call, my home.

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Forest HillsPar











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My NeighborhoodBy Matthew Schams

! I do not live in New York. I do not live in a city. I live in the country, where neighbors are few. Someone may say, wow, the country must be so boring, I mean you have like no one to hang out with, no where to go. They are right, I only have two neighbors my age that live close to me. It can be annoying to have no where to go a lot, it most certainly is annoying having to drive everywhere instead of just simply walking to someones house. But despite all of these problems country life is actually not that bad.! A lot of times the best part about living in the country is the isolation, it sure is nice to take a step back and relax. I really like to be able to sit out on my deck and not hear sirens, or people yelling, or dogs barking in the middle of the night. It makes it easier to sit back and just let life live itself. Just chilling is where it is at. ! My neighborhood is not many, but it is nice, it is a place to relax instead of being paranoid. My neighborhood is a place where I can call my home. Because no matter what, I am not moving to the city, no matter how much I would like to, that is not going to happen. That is something that is perfectly fine with me. Living in the country is living for me.

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The Un-named BunnyBy Matt Schams

! When I was very young, back to the days before I can remember. My sister woke up to another exciting easter morning. After finding her basket, my sister giddily got a new stuffed bunny. She loved this bunny with her life, but the only problem is that I loved it too. That was my bunny. So I rightfully claimed it as my own because I believed that it belonged to me and since I had no resistance, I decided to keep it. I kept this bunny and dragged it down the hallway, the kitchen, everywhere. This bunny eventually got in pretty rough shape and torn up. My sister kept on trying to take her beloved bunny back. ! I saw her pity attempts to get her bunny back as serious as an act of war. She would not be allowed to have my bunny it was mine. Eventually she got pretty good at taking my bunny, but my adult allies kept on getting my bunny back. Eventually my sister gave up, so I started dragging it again. Eventually my rabbit started getting in worse shape by the day. I need to save him. But it was already too late, The bunny had started losing body parts. Its ear, hanging on by a thread. Its belly was spilling out white blood by the chunks. I was in shock. I have never seen the white blood of my fluffy friend before. I have been trying to fix that bunny ever since, and I have so far not been successful.

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A unexpected surprise for my BirthdayBy Matthew Schams

! A boys birthday is like a gift from the gods for him, A birthday is like a second christmas. It is probably the most important day of the year, one they never forget. Well, when I was 8, I can remember asking for basically everything Imaginable, ranging from a sweet new yellow remote control toy car, the newest computer game, stuffed animals, to a new race car bed. I so anxiously awaited the night before in deep thought of what I might get. I couldn’t fall asleep at all, the suspense was killing me! So what does 8 year old me do? I got out of my bed at about midnight, and looked for my toys. “No toys can hide from me!” I thought to myself while searching through closest’s and looking in drawers. Eventually after thirty minutes, I started getting tired, and I couldn’t find my presents anywhere. I swear I have looked in every single possible hiding spots in the house. So I decided it would be best to just go back to bed. The next morning I woke up, “It’s my birthday, It’s my birthday!” I proclaimed in my head running down the hall looking for my presents. Normally, I always received my presents first thing in the morning, But instead all I could find was my mom cooking some pancakes. She said “Oh good you’re up!” Nothing was said about my birthday, I was getting worried, eventually my parents took me on “a ride to see where my dad works”. I didn’t like where this was headed. I waited forever in the back seat of that truck, until we turned off at Wisconsin Dells, My heart raced. Then my parents yelled “Happy Birthday!” And we spent the rest of the day happily in the dells. Best Birthday ever.

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Blocking out the Fun.By Matthew Schams

! In kindergarden, I thought of Mrs. Wizner as the best teacher in the whole wide world, She gave us candy if we got something right. She let us skate on her private Ice rink. She let us spell words with shaving cream. She was the best. However, one day, Ian, and I were all playing with the blocks she sets out for us to play with. We were building the usual mid-evil castle with secret chambers. Another normal day of block building when suddenly Mitch thought It would be funny to come and try to tear down our castle. Ian and I did what we could do to protect it. We tried pushing him back, but Mrs. Wizner was catching on. Ian and I decided not to back off. I gave the castle one last defense before Mitch plowed his way around us tearing down our castle like king kong destroying a car. Mrs. Wizner was not impressed with any of us, I started crying because not once have I gotten in trouble before. “This would ruin my parents!” I though.! But Mrs. Wizner felt no mercy that day, and sent us both off to the office. This can not be happening! As I was sitting in the principles office, Ian and I did not say one word yet we knew exactly what we were going to do, blame Mitch. However, our tactic did not work, and we both were getting ourselves into more trouble. I wasn’t sent to the principle since.

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Easter Egg Hunt.By Matthew Schams

! As christmas slowly went past, Easter quickly neared. I loved Easter like my is was my brother. I had always loved the thought that somewhere in this house, a basket was masterly hidden, In a place where only I was meant to find it. Every year not only would the easter bunny take the time to break into our house and hide a basket full of goodies. He would lay eggs around the house while sneaking around. Not only did he lay these eggs at my house, he laid them at everyones house! That is why I always went to my aunt or uncles house each year is just so I could find as many eggs as I could. As we neared my uncles house to try to find his egg, I was already way ahead of all of the competition. I was scouting out where easter eggs could be by observing other houses. But something wasn’t right, some of the houses had easter eggs Behind bushes and in trees like normal. Some had been in open mailboxes, while others were in plain site, where only the blind could miss them I thought to myself. ! Finally we got to our uncles, I waited through all of the boring stuff just so I can find those eggs. All of my cousins and I finally stormed the lawn looking for these candy filled goods. I saw the pattern of eggs directly on the lawn, visible to everyone grabbing everything I could see, after 3 minutes I had about 20 easter eggs. But when I looked at my newly born cousins, I realized that they have had trouble finding them, and needed their parents help. Many of the kids did not look that happy, and that is when I realize that I took the easiest ones to find. I decided it would only be right to put the easter eggs in a place where the new cousins to find, so when they were not looking I put them in broad sight, and almost instantly the moods of the new cousins changed from sad to excited. I felt like I did something good, I felt like I did the right thing.

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Helping feed the familyUnited with your gunNo noise what-so-everTaking down meatIn the middle of the woods as dark as a pumas eyeNothing can run from my gunGoing out early in the morning


Never EverLet Someone suspiciousOnNelson


Making my own foodEating RoadkillRiding rough bullsIts all for the red white and blueCooking up roadkill for youAwww yeah ‘Merica!

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Work cited

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